Analysis of Soybean Value Chain in Northwestern Ethiopia
Analysis of Soybean Value Chain in Northwestern Ethiopia
Analysis of Soybean Value Chain in Northwestern Ethiopia
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2 authors, including:
Welay Tesfay
Ethiopia Institute of Agricultural Research(EIAR)
All content following this page was uploaded by Welay Tesfay on 04 March 2024.
Belete Woundefiraw
Ethiopia Institute of Agriculture Research (EIAR), Pawe Agricultural Research Center
Corresponding Author: and
Soybean is one of the industrial crops that have been given high emphasis on GTP II to enhance its production and
productivity through improved soybean varieties development and/or adaptation with different management and
agronomic practices. Although Soybean has plenty importance to enhance soil fertility, source of nutrient to human
and animals, main source of income to smallholder farmers and traders at household level as well as main source
of income and foreign currency to Ethiopian economy as whole, smallholder farmers complain about its lowest
output price relative to its production cost, other pulses and oil crops prices. This is due to one kilogram of soybean
price could not cover the cost of one kilogram of faba bean, chicken pea, grass pea and other beans that purchased
for “wet” purpose by selling soybean outputs. This research investigated the major opportunity and challenges of
soybean production and marketing along value chain actors using focus group discussion, key informant interview
and desk review. Storable ability, required less organic fertilizer, used as input for oil and feed industries and
ongoing to enter ECX among major opportunity whereas low output price, poor linkage along value chain actors,
lack of certified seed multiplier, limited usage of newly released improved soybean varieties were among major
challenges of soybean sector. Therefore to stimulate the soybean sector GO and NGO should be focused on the
strong linkage between soybean producers and oil and feed industries, soybean marketing agents and soybean seed
multipliers with price ceiling.
Keywords: Soybean, Production, Marketing Focus group and Key informant Interview
DOI: 10.7176/JMCR/90-01
Publication date:July 31st 2023
In Ethiopia Agriculture is the backbone of Ethiopian economy which generated foreign currency, source of food
for its rural and urban population, supplied raw material for domestic agro-industries like brewery, feed, food and
oil factories. Due to these facts, Government of Ethiopia has been given high emphasis on production of industrial
and food security crops which has high market demand, nutrient value and productivity potentials (1).
Soybean is one of the industrial crops that have been given high emphasis on GTP II to enhance its production
and productivity through improved soybean varieties development and/or adaptation with different management
and agronomic practices since 1950 in the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR) (2). Pawe
Agricultural Research Center(PARC) as part of the Federal Agricultural Research, it has been made huge efforts
on developing, promoting and disseminating of improved soybean varieties in North western of Ethiopia for more
than three decades and released nine new improved soybean varieties naming Wegayen, Gishama, Gizo, Pawe1,
Pawe2 and Pawe3 varieties which played vital role on the enhancement of soybean production, productivity,
generating income at household level as well foreign currency at country level. Awi and Metekel Zones are among
the potential areas which produced soybean potentially, introduced and disseminated improved soybean varieties
in Amhara and Benshangul Gumuz regional state respectively, North western Ethiopia. Since 1986 soybean
becomes the main source of income and nutrient to smallholder farmers, consumers, assemblers, retailer and whole
seller in North western Ethiopia. During 2018/19 cropping season, more than 30,000 smallholder soybean
producers were cultivated 55,317 ha of land and produced 1, 472,452 quintal soybean outputs in North western
Ethiopia. Smallholder soybean producers were earned 17.67 million Ethiopian birr (ETB) of gross revenue by
selling their soybean outputs at produce price in the same cropping season (3).
Market played crucial role on creating new agricultural product, employment opportunity across the value
chain and generating income at household level. It also encourages small holder farmers to produce soybean
product and contribute their role on generating of income and foreign currency for the country since it is exportable
crop. Supporting the existing soybean market and developing new soybean market approach is crucial to benefit
smallholder farmers as well as the whole chain actors. Hence, investigating the current soybean production and
marketing approach and developing alternative marketing approach is crucial to benefit the smallholder farmers
as well as the country as whole. (2) Was conducted research in different part of the country point out the
importance of market access of smallholder farmer?
Although Soybean has plenty importance to enhance soil fertility, source of nutrient to human and animals,
Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research
ISSN 2422-8451 An International Peer-reviewed Journal
Vol.90, 2023
main source of income to smallholder farmers and traders at household level as well as main source of income and
foreign currency to Ethiopian economy as whole, smallholder farmers complain about its lowest output price
relative to its production cost, other pulses and oil crops prices (4). This is due to one kilogram of soybean price
could not cover the cost of one kilogram of faba bean, chicken pea, grass pea and other beans that purchased for
“wet” purpose by selling soybean outputs. Therefore, investigating of production and marketing of soybean,
developing of soybean value chain and alternative market option is necessary with the aim of developing value
chain map, identifying major actors and their roles, identifying major opportunity and constraints of soybean value
chain as well as to recommend possible value chain options to benefit smallholder farmers, chain actors as well as
the country as whole (3).
Research Methodology
Description of the study area
The study conducted in Dangur district, Metekel zone Benshangul Gumuz region, North Western Ethiopia. The
district is found at 570 Km to North Western direction far away from Addis Ababa with geographical location at
36029’46.40’’ longitude and latitude of 11017’03.90’’. It covers an area of 838,700 hectare with estimate
population of 70,387(51.13% male) inhabitants (DDAO, 2018). The farming system of the district is characterized
as mixed crop-livestock farming system dominated by cereal and pulses crops. Among the pulses, Groundnut takes
a lion share in terms of production and area coverage (CSA, 2018). Dangur district is bounded in East by Pawe
district, in South by Bullen, in West by Guba districts and in North by Quara and Jawi districts. It is characterized
as warm humid low land area with high rain fall. The district has 29 kebeles and out of these kebeles 26 are
groundnut producers. The climate of the area is hot humid and characterized by unimodal rainfall pattern with high
and heavy rainfall that exceeds from May to October. The area receives mean annual rainfall of 1250 mm and its
altitude ranges from 800 to 2731 m.a.s.l with mean annual temperature of 160c to 380c which ranges 120c to 40 0c
Dangur district agricultural office (5).
Jawi is found at 602 Km to North West direction far away from Addis Ababa with geographical location at
36029’17.58’’ longitude and latitude of 11033’22.68’’. Fendika is the capital city of Jawi district. It covers an area
of 515,400 hectare with estimate population of 122,259(53.08% male) inhabitants (6). The farming system of the
district is characterized as mixed crop-livestock farming system dominated by cereal and pulses crops. Among the
pulses, soybean takes a lion share in terms of production and area coverage (CSA, 2018). Jawi district is bounded
in East by Dangla district, in South by Dangur and pawe district, in West by Quara districts and in North by Alefa
Taqusa district. It is characterized as warm humid low land area with high rain fall. The district has 25 kebeles and
the climate of the area is hot humid and characterized by unimodal rainfall pattern with high and heavy rainfall
that exceeds from May to October. The area receives mean annual rainfall of 1250 mm and its altitude ranges from
700 to 1500 m.a.s.l with mean annual temperature of 160c to 320c which ranges 120c to 40 0c Jawi district
agricultural offices (6)
Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research
ISSN 2422-8451 An International Peer-reviewed Journal
Vol.90, 2023
Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research
ISSN 2422-8451 An International Peer-reviewed Journal
Vol.90, 2023
Characteristics of Respondents’
Now a day soy bean production is very common in different part of Ethiopia particularly Benshangul Gumuz.
Among Benshangul Gumuz zones’ Metekel zone is one of the potential and favorable to produce soybean. Metekel
zone is a low land and warm humid weather condition that favorable to produce soy bean crops. It was produce in
the zone for the last two decade extensively. Government organization takes the responsibility to innovate new
variety that has high productivity ability and disease tolerance like TGX and Belesa 95. Agriculture office at
different level collaborated with Research center to disseminated new variety popularize, scale up and scale out of
the new variety as well as to fill the gap of seed demand in Metekel zone.
Even if soy bean was produced extensively in the zone for the last two decade, the soy bean sector has a lot
of problems related to production, consumption, and transporting, marketing problems. To identify these problems
focus group discussion (FGD) and key informant interview (KII) was designed and conducted in Dangur district.
Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research
ISSN 2422-8451 An International Peer-reviewed Journal
Vol.90, 2023
Group member cultivated minimum 0.5 ha up to 2 ha with mean of 1.17 ha. Group members’ Production of soy
bean ranges from 9.6 quintal to 45.6 quintal with a mean production of 21.07 qt. the focus group discussion
participants(FGDP) said that “ Natural hazard was affected their Soy bean production during the cropping season”.
66.67 %( 6 out of 9) FGDP told that our soy bean production was decreased due to snow rain.
Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research
ISSN 2422-8451 An International Peer-reviewed Journal
Vol.90, 2023
The Role of Marketing Agency, University/colleges, Seed enterprise, Processor and Exporters
Marketing Agency, Nongovernmental organization, Universities, seed enterprises exporter and processors
expected to support massive role on the soy bean production and productivity. Unfortunately NGOs, university,
formal seed enterprises, processors and exporter were completely absent near the study area. As result that all
service that has been expected to deliver was not delivered during 2017/18 cropping season.
Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research
ISSN 2422-8451 An International Peer-reviewed Journal
Vol.90, 2023
in Quintal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Soy bean production 9 10 13 15 15 15 80 95
Soy bean Sale 8.4 9 10 14.2 14 13.8 76 91
Soy bean Area 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 4
Fig1 Soy bean production and marketing in Dangur district
in Quintal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Soy bean production 45.6 18 18 14.4 9.6 21.6 14.4 24 24
Soy bean Sale 42.6 17 16 12.9 8.1 20.6 12.9 22 22
Soy bean Area 1.5 0.5 2 0.75 1 1.5 1 1 1.25
Fig2 Soy bean Production and marketing in Jawi district
Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research
ISSN 2422-8451 An International Peer-reviewed Journal
Vol.90, 2023
Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research
ISSN 2422-8451 An International Peer-reviewed Journal
Vol.90, 2023
Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research
ISSN 2422-8451 An International Peer-reviewed Journal
Vol.90, 2023
Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research
ISSN 2422-8451 An International Peer-reviewed Journal
Vol.90, 2023
Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research
ISSN 2422-8451 An International Peer-reviewed Journal
Vol.90, 2023
The district office has not been identified potential soy bean marketing centers during cropping season. But
now it identified eighteen soy bean marketing centers and sends to Amhara trade and transport beauro to be
established for 2008/19 cropping season. These are Finkika, kezkazit, kentelie and bakksa of soy bean marketing
centers. There were not new trading regulations regardless to soy bean product. Rather they were given license of
soy bean under bean crops trading system.
Traders paid ten birr fee for service per quintal. Jawi district has not been demarked formal soy bean market
centers. But now the districts identify eighteen potential soy bean trade centers for 2018/19 cropping season. The
market centers are sending to Amhara trade and transport regional beauro for formal establishment. These are
divided in two main trading routs. Kezkazit and Kebtelie kebeles are Qura rout and other sixteen kebeles are
Fendika town routs.Fendika is the capital city of the district. Addis Ababa, Adama and Bisheftus, Gondar city are
more potential soy bean consumption areas.
Soy bean trade transaction points in Jawi district
Finkika Fendika town Addis Ababa exporters/ Oil and Food factory
Others 15 Kebeles Fendika town Addis Ababa exporters/ Oil and Food factory
Kezkazit Quara town Gondar city Addis Ababa city exporters/ Oil and
Food factory
kebtelie Quara town Gondar city Addis Ababa city exporters/
Oil and Food factory
Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research
ISSN 2422-8451 An International Peer-reviewed Journal
Vol.90, 2023
The study was conducted at Jawi district Amhara region state and Dangur Benshangul Gumuz Regional state in
North western Ethiopia, with the purpose of investigating the major opportunities and challenges of soybean
production and marketing along different actor of soybean sector to boost the production and productivity of
soybean as well as to benefit soybean producers by focusing on production and marketing of soybean sectors and
linking in to agro-industries. According to the focus group discussion and key informant interview conducted on
soybean producers and soybean researchers, keble and district experts even though the soybean sector has many
opportunities such as require few plowing frequency, gives high yield per hectare in the study area than other
beans, low organic fertilizer, storable ability, used as input for oil, food and feed industries, the sector faced with
low and fluctuated output price, poor linkage among soybean actors, lack certified private or governmental soybean
seed multiplier, limited usage of newly released soybean varieties particularly Pawe1, Pawe2 and Pawe3 which has
high yielding and oil contents, lack of contractual farming systems.
Although different market sectors were involved at district soybean marketing, the sector faced different
challenges at district level such as lack of standardize ware soybean ware house, soybean market centers were nor
well delineated and functioning, does no well cleaning checking at ECX centers and it take time to unload and
expose to additional costs for traders. Despite trader’s faces different challenges to transact their soybean
commodity, they are more profitable than soybean producers in collectivity that earned 104 ETHB per quintal with
simple transaction costs.
This needs to be faire soybean sector in order to continue the production and marketing of the sector. Hence
governmental organization should focus on productivity and production of soybean in the study area in order to
supply enough amount of soybean output to domestic agro industries as well as to fill the demand of edible oil in
the country. Therefore to stimulate the soybean sector GO and NGO should be focused on the strong linkage
between soybean producers and oil and feed industries, soybean marketing agents and soybean seed multipliers
with price ceiling.
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