Dynamics of a Particle

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Newton’s first law
Every body continues to be in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line unless an external
unbalanced force acts on it.
 
 It is the product of the mass and velocity of a body i.e. momentum p  mv
 It is a vector quantity
 SI Unit : kg m s 1
Newton’s second law
 dp d 

dv  dm  
F  ( mv )  m  v (Linear momentum p  mv )
dt dt dt dt
 
For constant mass system F  ma
Newton’s third law
Whenever a particle X exerts a force on another particle Y, Y simultaneously exerts a force on X with the
same magnitude in the opposite direction. This pair of forces is known as action-reaction pair.
 
i.e. FX /Y   FY / X (They act on different bodies)
Motion of two bodies moving together in same direction
Case -I
When the force F acts on the body with mass m1 as shown in figure : F  (m1  m2 )a

m2 F
N (Normal reaction between blocks)
m1  m2
Case -II
When force F acts on m2 as shown in figure F  (m1  m2 )a

T (Tension in the string connecting the blocks)
m1  m2
Pulley systems
(m1  m2 ) net driving force
Acceleration  a  g
(m1  m2 ) total mass of system
Tension  T  g
(m1  m2 )
Force by support on pulley  2T
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Case – II
m2 g m1m2
Accleration: a  and T  g
(m1  m2 ) (m1  m2 )
Force by support on pulley  2 T

Weighing machine/Spring balance

Weighing machine gives reading of Normal reaction & Spring balance gives reading of tension.
 If the lift is accelerated upward with constant acceleration a, then the apparent weight
W '  Mg  Ma  M ( g  a )
 If the lift is accelerated downward with acceleration a  g , then the apparent weight
 M ( g  a)
 If the lift is accelerated downwards with acceleration = g, then a  g then W '  0 (condition of
weightlessness). Thus, in a freely falling lift the man will experience weightlessness.
 If the lift is moving with constant velocity then apparent weight = Mg
Impulse of a force:
 t2  
I   F dt   dp
  
 For a constant force, I  F t  p
Thus, the impulse of a force is equal to the total change in momentum produced by the force.
 Area of force & time graph with time axis gives in change in momentum of the body.
Impulsive force:
 A large force acting for a short time to produce a finite change in momentum is called an
 p
impulsive force. Average value of impulsive force can be found using F 
 The force required to stop a jet stream of density  , area A & velocity v is: F  Av 2 .
dm dm
 Thrust force on a rocket by gases ejecting at rate with relative velocity vr is: F  vr
dt dt
 Static friction
Static friction acts when there is no relative sliding between two surfaces.
0  f s  s N
( f s ) max   s N  limiting friction
 Kinetic friction
Kinetic friction acts when there is relative sliding between two surfaces.
fk  k N

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Graph between applied force and force of friction for a mass kept on a ground.

 Angle of Friction ()

The angle that the net contact force makes with Normal Reaction when block is on the verge of
sliding is known as angle of friction.

( f s ) max  s N
tan     s    tan 1 ( s )
 s mg
 The minimum force which could be applied on the block to move it is
1   2s

For this, F should act at an angle   tan 1 ( s )

Double Block System

 mg
 The maximum force which can be applied so that both blocks move together is ( M  m) s

 The maximum force which can be applied so that both blocks move together is ( M  m) s g

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 Inertial frame of reference : A non-accelerating frame of reference is called an inertial frame of
 Non-inertial frame of reference: An accelerating frame of reference is called a non-inertial
frame of reference. Newton’s laws of motion are not directly applicable in such frames, before
application we must add pseudo force.
  
The Pseudo force on a particle of mass m is given by F   ma0 , where a0 is acceleration of
non-inertial frame. The direction of pseudo force must be opposite to the direction of acceleration
of the non-inertial frame.
 Main steps for analyzing forces in uniform Circular Motion:
 Take one axis along the radius of circle (i.e. in direction of acceleration) and other axis
perpendicular to the radius. Resolve all the forces into components.
 Net force along perpendicular axis  0, Net force along radial axis (towards centre)
mv 2
  m2r
 Main steps for analyzing forces in Non-uniform Circular Motion:
 After resolving all the forces along tangential and radial axes:
net tangential force  Ft  m at

net radial force  Fr  m ar  mv 2 / r  m2 r

 Conical Pendulum
T cos   mg

T sin   m2 ( sin )

2 sin 
tan  

 Car in Circular Motion

 On unbanked road : vmax   s Rg

 On banked road : vmin  v  vmax

   tan      tan  
 vmax   s  Rg ; vmin   s  Rg
 1   s tan    1   s tan  
Case-I: String constraint
Method I:
a  a2
For a moving pulley a p  1

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Method II:
Sum of work done by all the tensions is zero.
     
T  x  0  T  v  0  T  a  0

Case-II: Wedge constraint

Displacements, velocities & accelerations of both objects should be same along common normal.

e.g. a2  a1 tan  & v2  v1 tan 

Fs  kx (k is spring constant)

Note :
 Elongated spring applies pulling force and compressed spring applies pushing force.
 Spring force is non-impulsive in nature.

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