Project Communication Requirements Analysis _
Project Communication Requirements Analysis _
Project Communication Requirements Analysis _
This lesson will tie the process of communication requirement analysis in to overall communications planning.
It will also recommend components to consider including in a communications plan and suggest ways to
perform communication requirements analysis.
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Lesson Summary
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Data shows that a project manager spends roughly 90% of his time communicating. If
this is true, in order to be successful and effective in their job, a project manager will
want to be clear on what the communication requirements are for the project he is
Of course, the project manager isn't the only one with responsibility for effective
communications. A project team is comprised of team members that have come
together from previous experiences where they all used different communication
techniques and had responsibilities for different communications. It makes sense to
invest time early in the project to get a new project team on the same song sheet about
how communications should be handled throughout the life of a new project.
Can you think of a scenario where having a documented communications plan would be
helpful? Imagine a team member who is new to the project wondering Who needs to know
about the new requirement the customer just added?or Who is authorized to make the final
decision between option 1 and option 2 of this design revision? Quickly glancing at the project
communication plan is a more productive way to get these answers than taking time to
make several phone calls or interrupt co-workers in search of the answer.
Communication Logistics:
What communications will be retained? For how long? Where?
Requirements for each communication:
Event: What types of events will trigger a need to communicate?
Frequency: Does the frequency of communications about this type of event need to be
Communicator: Who has responsibility for delivering the communication and confirming
receipt and comprehension?
Communication accountability: Who has responsibility for any follow-up required on each
communication? The original communicator? A process owner?
Resource Requirements:
Are there any costs or additional resources required to sustain this plan?
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Usually the results of this activity are captured in some type of a template or spreadsheet (many
examples can be found online) that becomes the Requirements for each communication
section of the comprehensive communication plan previously mentioned.
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Lesson Summary