What is a crisis it's a situation that you and i have no control of only
God can take us out
Examples of crisis
When the news around you feels overwhelming, turn it off and grab
your Bible. The Bible is the ultimate source of comfort, especially in a
troubled world. The Psalms, where King David cried out to the Lord
over and over, can be especially calming.
Psalms 34, 17
Isaiah 41:10 offers assurance, "So do not fear, for I am with you; do
not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help A
crisis will reveal who you are. you; I will uphold you with my
righteous right hand." In the face of crisis, leaders can find strength
and courage in God's presence.7 Jul 2023
Prayer is important
Read the word encourage yourself in the word set your eyes on him
that is bigger than the crisis
• Suffering
Job endured severe trials, including the loss of his children, wealth,
and health.
• Questions
Job questioned God's reason for allowing him to suffer, and even
accused God of injustice.
• Friends
• Faith
Job's faith was tested, but he never lost it. He continued to pray to
God, and eventually came to see that God's governance of the
universe was wonderful.
• Reward
God blessed Job with a twofold inheritance after Job obeyed God and
interceded on behalf of his friends.
The lesson from this story of Job is that we too can trust God when
life appears to be over. When we know beyond our circumstances,
fears and human expectations, that God has a bigger plan for our lives
that we cannot see or understand, our journey through hard times can
be softened with peace and hope. Instead of seeking to defend
ourselves before God, Job’s experience shows us God has a perfect
plan in place, and “by life or by death,” may Christ be exalted.
• Moses, who told God in Numbers 11:14-15, “this is too much for
• Elijah, who told God in I Kings 19:3-4, “I have had enough, let me
You may think you believe something but only through a crisis will
you discover if you truly believe it
Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering
produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character
produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's
love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has
been given to us.
God uses crises, difficulties and tragedies as “wake-up calls” to jolt
people out of their own self-sufficiency and awaken them