chapter 4 fingerprint
chapter 4 fingerprint
chapter 4 fingerprint
In the 21st century the use of biometric based systems have seen an exponentialgrowth.
This is all because of tremendous progress in this field making it possible tobring down their
prices, easiness of use and its diversified use in every day life.Biometrics is becoming new state
of art method of security systems. Biometrics areused to prevent unauthorized access to ATM,
cellular phones , laptops , offices, carsand many other security concerned things. Biometric have
brought significant changesin security systems making them more secure then before, efficient
and cheap. Theyhave changed the security system from what you remember (such as password)
orwhat you possess (such as car keys) to something you embody (retinal patterns,fingerprints,
voice recognition).
What is biometrics?
Biometrics is the science of verifying the identity of an individual throughphysiological
measurements or behavioral traits. Since bio
metric identifiers are associated permanently with the user they are more reliable than token or
knowledge based authentication methods.
Advantages of Biometrics
Biometrics offers several advantages over traditional security measures. Some of
them are presented below.
1. Accuracy and Security
Biometrics based security systems are far most secure and accurate thantraditional
password or token based security systems. For example a password basedsecurity system has
always the threat of being stolen and accessed by the unauthorized user. Further more the
traditional security systems are always prone to accuracy ascompared to biometrics which is
more accurate.
2.One individual, Multiple IDs
Traditional security systems face the problem that they don’t give solution to theproblem
of individuals having multiple IDs. For examples a person having multiplepassports to enter a
foreign country. Thanks to biometrics!!! They give us a system inwhich an individual can’t
possess multiple IDs and can’t change his ID through out his life time. Each individual is
identified through a unique Biometric identity throughout the world.
Biometrics categories
Biometrics can be categorized in various categories as follow.
1.Physical biometrics
2.Behavioral biometrics
Physical biometrics
This biometrics involves measurement of physical characteristics of individuals.The most
prominent of these include
Hand geometry
Iris scans
Behavioral biometrics
This category of biometrics is temporal in nature. They are evolved duringthe life
time of an individual. It involves measuring the way in which an individual performscertain
tasks. Behavioral biometrics include
History of Fingerprint
Fingerprints have been scientifically studied for many years in our society.
Thecharacteristics of fingerprints were studied as early as 1600s. Meanwhile, using fingerprints
as a means of identification first occurred in the mid-1800s. Sir WilliamHerschel, in 1859,
discovered that fingerprints do not change over time and that eachpattern is unique to an
individual. With these findings, he was the first to implement asystem using fingerprints and
handprints to identify an individual in 1877. By 1896,police forces in India realized the benefit
of using fingerprints to identify criminals, andthey began collecting the fingerprints of prisoners
along with their other measurements
With a growing database of fingerprint images, it soon became desirable to havean
efficient manner of classifying the various images. Between 1896 and 1897, SirEdward Henry
developed the Henry Classification System, which quickly foundworldwide acceptance within a
few years. This system allows for logical categorizationof a complete set of the ten fingerprint
images for a person. By establishing groupingsbased on fingerprint pattern types, the Henry
System greatly reduces the effort ofsearching a large database. Until the mid-1990s, many
organizations continued to usethe Henry Classification System to store their physical files of
fingerprint images.
As fingerprints began to be utilized in more fields, the number of requests forfingerprint
matching began to increase on a daily basis. At the same time, the size ofthe databases continued
to expand with each passing day. Therefore, it soon becamedifficult for teams of fingerprint
experts to provide accurate results in a timely manner. Inthe early 1960s, the FBI, Home Office
in the United Kingdom, and Paris PoliceDepartment began to devote a large amount of resources
in developing automaticfingerprint identification systems. These systems allowed for an
improvement inoperational productivity among law enforcement agencies. At the same time,
theautomated systems reduced funding requirements to hire and train human fingerprintexperts.
Today, automatic fingerprint recognition technology can be found in a widerange of civilian
What is A Fingerprint ?
A fingerprintis the feature pattern of one finger. It is believed with strongevidences that
each fingerprint is unique. Each person has his ownfingerprints with the permanent uniqueness.
So fingerprints have being usedfor identification and forensic investigation for a long time.
Fingerprintrecognitionis one of the most reliable identification techniques.Fingerprint
technologyis the most widely used for security purposes. TheTechnology is being frequently
used in criminal investigation purpose.
The registration of the employees is done directly through interfacing the FM10 (Finger Print
Module) to the computer in the master mode. The application program is developed using java
API. The Java communication API is used to communicate with the fingerprint device by which
registration process can be done. The employee details along with biometric information
database are stored in the flash memory of the Fingerprint module. The flash memory can store
100 users of data. The fingerprint image is scanned twice for each user and the corresponding
two images along with the user ID and password are stored in the flash memory.
2. User Mode (Verification or Identification)
In this mode, the step after enrollment is to verify that a person is who he or she claims to be
(i.e., the person who enrolled). After the individual provides the fingerprint he or she enrolled
with, which the fingerprint system captures, generating a trial template that is based on the
vendor’s algorithm. The system then compares the trial biometric template with this person’s
reference template, which was stored in the system during enrollment, to determine whether the
individual’s trial and stored templates match (see figure 1).
In order to capture the most minutiae, maximize the surface area of the fingerprint on
thefingerprint input window.
Figure shows the correct positioning of the fingerprint on the input window.
Figure 3.4.1Correct positioning of fingerprint on input window
Fingerprint Recognition
Our fingerprint recognition system is ultimately based on a welldefined representation of
a fingerprint recognition Technique.Taking a Fingerprint at first we enhanced the quality of that
image to make the imageclearer for easy further operations. Since the fingerprint images
acquired fromsensors or other medias are not assured with perfect quality, thoseenhancement
methods, for increasing the contrast between ridges andfurrows and for connecting the false
broken points of ridges due to insufficientamount of ink, are very useful for keep a higher
accuracy to fingerprint recognition. various methods that are adopted in our fingerprint
recognition system to enhance the image quality are Fingerprint Enhancement byHistogram
Equalization and Fingerprint Enhancement by FourierTransform.
The fingerprint recognition problem can be grouped into twosub-domains: one is
fingerprint verification and the other is fingerprintidentification. Fingerprint verification is to
verify the authenticity of oneperson by his fingerprint. The user provides his fingerprint together
with hisidentity information like his ID number. The fingerprint verification systemretrieves the
fingerprint template according to the ID number and matchesthe template with the real-time
acquired fingerprint from the user. Usually itis the underlying design principle of AFAS
(Automatic FingerprintAuthentication System).Fingerprint identification is to specify one
person’sidentity by his fingerprint(s). Without knowledge of the person’s identity, thefingerprint
identification system tries to match his fingerprint(s) with those inthe whole fingerprint database.
It is especially useful for criminal investigationcases. And it is the design principle of AFIS
(Automatic FingerprintIdentification System). However, all fingerprint recognition problems,
eitherverification or identification, are ultimately based on a well-definedrepresentation of a
fingerprint. As long as the representation of fingerprintsremains the uniqueness and keeps
simple, the fingerprint matching, either forthe 1-to-1 verification case or 1-to-m identification
case, is straightforward andeasy.
FIM30N is a low-price stand-alone Fingerprint Identification Device with many
excellentfeatures. It provides benefits such as high identification performance, low
powerconsumption and RS-232 serial interface with the various commands for easy
integrationinto a wide range of applications. It is a durable and compact device with
fingerprintidentification module containing NITGEN® optics-based fingerprint sensor inside.
Target Application
1. Door-lock system
2. Safe Box
3. Simple Access Controller
4. Vehicle Control
5. ATM , POS
6. And more
Basic Feature
Hardware Specification
1 -|C1+ Vcc|- 16
2 -|V+ gnd|- 15
3 -|C1- T1O|- 14
4 -|C2+ R1I|- 13
5 -|C2- R1O|- 12
6 -|V- T1I|- 11
7 -|T2O T2I|- 10
8 -|R2I R2O|- 9
U3 1uf
9 5
8 4 13 12 P 3.0 R XD
7 3 T1O U T 8 R 1IN R 1O U T 9
6 2 R 2IN R 2O U T
1 10 14 T1O U T
TXD P 3.1 11 T2IN T1O U T 7
5V 1
3 C 1+
5 4 C 1-
5 C 2+
C6 C 2-
0.1uf 2
0.1uf 6 V+
MA X3232
Rs232 is 9 pin db connector, only three pins of this are used ie 2,3,5 the transmit pin of rs232 is
connected to RX pin of microcontroller.
Max232 interfaced to microcontroller