1. What are semantic HTML elements, and why are they important?
2. What is the purpose of the `<doctype>` declaration?
3. Explain the difference between inline, block, and inline-block elements.
4. What is the difference between `<div>` and `<span>` elements?
5. What are meta tags, and why are they important for SEO?
6. What is the difference between absolute and relative URLs?
7. What is lazy loading, and how is it implemented in HTML for images?
8. What are the new input types introduced in HTML5?
9. How do the `async` and `defer` attributes work on a `<script>` tag?
10. What is the purpose of the `alt` attribute in the `<img>` tag?
CSS Questions
1. What is the difference between relative, absolute, fixed, and sticky positioning in CSS?
2. How does the CSS box model work?
3. What is the difference between `em`, `rem`, and `px` units in CSS?
4. What is the difference between `visibility: hidden` and `display: none`?
5. What is the z-index in CSS, and how does it work?
6. What are pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements? Provide examples.
7. Explain the difference between CSS Grid and Flexbox.
8. How are CSS Grid and Flexbox used together?
9. What are media queries in CSS, and how are they used for responsive design?
10. What is the difference between inline styles, internal styles, and external stylesheets?
11. What are keyframes in CSS, and how are they used for animations?
JavaScript Questions
1. What is the difference between `var`, `let`, and `const` in JavaScript?
2. What is the difference between `==` and `===`?
3. What are closures in JavaScript, and how do they work?
4. What is the purpose of `this` in JavaScript? How does it behave in different contexts?
5. What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous programming in JavaScript?
6. What is the purpose of promises, and how do they differ from callbacks?
7. How do `async` and `await` simplify working with promises?
8. What is the event loop in JavaScript, and how does it work?
9. How does JavaScript handle hoisting?
10. What is the difference between `map()`, `filter()`, and `reduce()` in JavaScript?
11. What are JavaScript modules, and how are they used?
12. What is the difference between `setTimeout` and `setInterval`?
13. What are event delegation and bubbling in JavaScript?
14. What is the purpose of `Object.freeze` and `Object.seal` in JavaScript?
15. How do you debounce and throttle functions in JavaScript?
16. How are JavaScript's promises, callbacks, and `async/await` related?
React Questions