Restores Paper 1 Manuscript
Restores Paper 1 Manuscript
Restores Paper 1 Manuscript
with chronic clinically motor complete spinal cord injury: RESTORES trial – A
preliminary study
Kai Rui Wan1,2*, Ng Zhi Yan Valerie3, Seng Kwee Wee3,4, Fatimah Misbaah1,2, Wenli
Lui3, Min Wee Phua3, So Qi Yue Rosa5, Tomasz Karol Maszczyk6, Brian Premchand5,
Seyed Ehsan Saffari7, Rui Xin Justin Ker1,2, Wai Hoe Ng1,2
Department of Neurosurgery, National Neuroscience Institute, Tan Tock Seng
Department of Neurosurgery, National Neuroscience Institute, Singapore General
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Tan Tock Seng Hospital
Singapore Institute of Technology
Institute for Infocomm Research, Agency for Science, Technology and Research
Institute of High Performance Computing, Agency for Science, Technology and
Centre for Quantitative Medicine, Duke-NUS Medical School, National University of
* Corresponding author
Fatimah Misbaah
Wenli Lui
7 Jalan Tan Tock Seng Singapore 308440
So Qi Yue Rosa
Brian Premchand
Ehsan Syed
Wai Hoe Ng
Spinal cord injury (SCI) is damage to any part of the spinal cord resulting in
paralysis, bowel and/or bladder incontinence, loss of sensation and other bodily
functions. Current treatments for chronic SCI are focused on managing symptoms
and preventing further damage to the spinal cord with limited neuro-restorative
participants with SCI have suggested potential malleability of the neuronal networks
delivered via SCS in conjunction with mental imagery practice and robotic neuro-
rehabilitation can synergistically improve volitional motor function below the level of
Secondary aims are to assess the safety of this combination therapy including the
knowledge, this is the first clinical trial that investigates the combined impact of this
complete SCI.
Two participants with chronic motor-complete thoracic SCI were recruited for this
pilot trial. Both participants have successfully regained volitional motor control below
their level of SCI injury and achieved independent overground walking within a
month of post-operative stimulation and rehabilitation. There were no adverse events
noted in our trial and there was an improvement in postoperative truncal stability
Results from this pilot study demonstrates the feasibility of combining EES, mental
imagery practice and robotic rehabilitation in improving volitional motor control below
level of SCI injury and restoring independent overground walking for participants with
chronic motor-complete SCI. Our team believes that this provides very exciting
incidence of 250,000 to 750,000 globally each year, with a bimodal age distribution.
(1–3) SCI interrupts efferent and afferent pathways between the brain, brainstem and
spinal cord, leading to loss of essential neurological function. (4,5) This translates to
secondary conditions result in reduced quality of life, caregiver burden and high
The severity of SCI is graded with the American Spinal Injury Association
(AIS) scale. Patients with Grade A injuries have no motor or sensory function
(including sacral roots) distal to the level of injury. Patients with Grade B have
sensory function, but no motor function below the level of injury. Both Grade A and B
injuries are considered clinically motor-complete SCI. The level of SCI also
determines which systems are affected, which consequently impacts on potential
year remained complete at 5 years postinjury. (8–10) Despite intense research in this
field, there are limited neuro-restorative interventions for complete SCI and current
originally approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2004 for the
management of chronic pain, has been recently heralded for its pivotal role in
exploiting neuronal activity and pathways in chronic SCI. (11–15) Recent pilot trials
including improving volitional motor movement below the level of injury and even
implanting a small array of electrodes onto the dorsal aspect of spinal epidural space
increase baseline levels of spinal excitability and drive voluntary and autonomically
controlled motor responses. (4) SCS systems consist of flexible spatial configuration
stimulation parameters for each patient. Its limitations also include the costs of
implant and at present poorly defined selection criteria of patients who may benefit
and rehearsing vivid realistic images in the mind’s eye. (24,25) Research has shown
movement are similar to those occurring during performance of that movement and
coordinating muscle contractions and maintaining balance. This rehearsal can act as
leading to smoother and more coordinated movements when they are eventually
able to attempt them physically. (23) However, there are possible significant inter-
individual motor imagery abilities which can subsequently influence the performance
precise high dose training regime (32) coupled with a reduced physical reliance on
plasticity.(28) Despite its initial promise, there is still limited success reported in the
usage of the exoskeletons; possibly attributing to patients with SCI being unable to
respond with active body control and sensing of movements to such bionic
innovations. (32) In addition, RE have high initial upfront costs and require
specialized therapist training for its use, thus limiting its widespread availability.
modal approach in restoring volitional motor control below the level of injury and
thoracic SCI. Secondary aims are to assess the safety of this combination therapy
including the off-label SCS usage as well as the potential of improving functional
outcome measures. To our knowledge, this is the first clinical trial that investigates
This study was performed in accordance with local Institutional Review Board
purposes was given by the study participants. The study protocol is registered with
Participants with chronic (greater than one year) clinically motor complete
(AIS classification A or B) SCI were recruited into the trial if they fulfilled all of the
following: they were 21 years old and older; their spinal injury between the levels of
Thoracic 1 (T1) to Lumbar 1 (L1); their segmental reflexes remain functional below
the level of lesion; they were able to perform the perioperative rehabilitation program
as judged by the research team. Written informed consent was obtained from the
participant prior to entry into the study in accordance with local EC/IRB regulations.
Potential participants will be excluded from the trial if they fulfil any of the
the risk of the operation; severe dysautonomia with systolic blood pressure
fluctuation less than 50 or more than 200mmHg on tilt table testing; painful
abuse; pregnancy and lactating participants; progressive spinal cord disease and
any disease, in the opinion of the Investigator, which could jeopardize the safety of
the participant.
Two male participants with chronic thoracic AIS A SCI were recruited into this
study. Participant 1 (P1) is a 47-year-old male ex-jockey with Thoracic 4 (T4) AIS A
fracture with multiple thoracic vertebral fractures spanning from Thoracic 3 (T3) to
Thoracic 7 (T7). He underwent Thoracic 1 to 9 (T1-9) spine fixation and
Participant 2 (P2) is a 26-year-old male with Thoracic 1 (T1) AIS A SCI after a
motorcycle accident in 2018. He suffered a Thoracic 3 (T3) and Thoracic 4 (T4) tri-
patients as AIS A (no motor and sensation present below the level of lesion)
Surgical procedure
surgery and resumed 1 to 3 days after. Perioperative platelet count <100 000 or
general anaesthesia. The electrode array was placed on the dorsal epidural surface
midline and to ensure adequate coverage of the intended muscles (Rectus femoris,
place with surgical adhesives and using standard surgical techniques, the lead would
be tunnelled out subcutaneously to the right iliac fossa where a small subcutaneous
pocket is created. The lead wires would then be connected to the implantable pulse
impedance is tested to ensure electrical continuity of the device system. The incision
wounds are then irrigated and sutured closed in anatomical layers. The stimulator
was only turned on one month after the surgery, at the commencement of the post-
prehabilitation phase commenced one month prior to the planned surgical date and
the participants received twice weekly prehabilitation for a period of 4 weeks, with
the aim of conditioning them physically and mentally for the subsequent daily post-
exercises for the trunk, upper and lower limbs. Supported standing exercises using a
Germany) was used for verticalization tolerance. (Figure 1) In addition, the THERA-
Trainer was coupled with virtual reality games for our participants to actively practise
weight shifting in all directions and improve truncal control. Electric arm and leg
cycling with the MOTOMED viva2 (RECK-Technik GmbH & Co. KG, Germany) was
also used to help maintain the range of motion. Overground gait training with manual
wearable RE, EksoGT (Ekso Bionics, Richmond, California, USA) once weekly for
provides individualised, highly repetitive and intensive gait training. (35) The EksoGT
has motors at the hips and knees, a spring-loaded footplate to aid foot clearance as
well as a backpack support for the trunk. The device’s software enables
customisation of gait parameters (level of assistance from the robot, step height,
step length and swing speed) in order to promote active participation that is
walking with the EksoGT; hence improving their trunk control, balance as well as
facilitating motor learning and control. This is key as the participants would need to
perform dynamic weight shifting for overground walking with assistive aids post
Participants are encouraged to perform mental imagery training at home. Two
main types of imagery techniques are taught: external or visual, in which they
imagine seeing themselves from the viewpoint of an external observer; and internal
Post-operative Rehabilitation
month after the surgery to allow for the surgical wounds to heal. This comprised of
daily sessions with each session lasting an hour. The participants received 3-4 times
of conventional physiotherapy and 1-2 times Ekso RE therapy with overground gait
training based on their tolerance per week. Rehabilitation sessions were coupled
(Medtronic NIM Eclipse) recordings are performed weekly with and without
with intent. Further information regarding our sEMG set up are as follows.
comfortable examination table with their lower limbs exposed. This configuration
minimized friction between the heel and supporting surface. To monitor activity of
volitional movement with intent and using stimulation, silver-silver chloride surface
electrodes (NIM electrodes, Medtronic) were used. The bipolar surface electrodes
were placed centrally over the bilateral muscle bellies of rectus femoris, vastus
Subsequently, the participants are given audio cues from the research team to
actions for the following: Hip flexion and extension, knee flexion and extension, ankle
dorsiflexion and plantarflexion. Each action was repeated for at least three trials,
whilst ensuring that the signals return to baseline before the next attempt at
movement. This was performed unilaterally in turn. The above protocol would then
recording when the stimulator is turned on will also be obtained for at least 30
seconds for reference. Each set of sEMG signals for each motor action with and
without stimulation was recorded for minimum of 20 seconds and labelled in
accordance to the intended movement as well as timing of the audio cues. All
60 Hz and butterworth low pass filter of 30 Hz and high pass filter of 1500 Hz. The
Programming parameters
allow the surgical wounds to heal and coincide with the post-operative rehabilitation
program. With the participants in a supine position, sEMG was used to identify the
intended muscle groups activated by stimulating each epidural anode and cathode.
The initial stimulation paradigm was similar to the intraoperative testing (2Hz, 350
microseconds, 0-10 mA). [Supplementary Figure 1] This program was used for
participants to practice individual motor action (Hip flexion and extension, knee
flexion and extension, ankle dorsiflexion and plantarflexion) with mental rehearsal
prior to the actual movement attempt as well as with stimulation. The electrode
arrays were operated as bipolar electrodes and impedances were generally about
1000 microhms. The stimulus pulses were biphasic and actively charge balanced.
The contacts were systematically chosen to evoke posterior roots muscle responses
(PRMRRs) (36) and target the intended main muscle of each action. The required
amplitude was adjusted till the participants could consistently achieve each intended
Once both participants were deemed to have sufficient volitional control of individual
motor actions by the research team, they were progressed to sit-to-stand and
overground walking exercises with similar self-evoked mental rehearsal priming prior
muscle groups for a rhythmical pattern for stepping gait pattern with an interleaving
stimulation protocol during RE therapy would follow the last parameter setting during
Both participants were also discharged with low-dose constant stimulation (50% of
the maximum stimulation applied during the daily hourly rehabilitation regime) for
exercises and attempt practice of volitional motor tasks at home. The participants
were able to switch off their stimulator if required although this was not done by
either of the participants during the period of this trial. Adaptive stimulation was not
patients with SCI. The following functional scales were used in this trial: AIS motor
scale, Spinal cord independence measure (SCIM), Walking index of spinal cord
injury II (WISCI II), Trunk assessment for spinal cord injury (TASS). These outcome
measures were performed at 3 time points during this trial: i) at the end of the one
month pre-rehabilitation phase; ii) one month after the surgery prior to the start of the
postoperative rehabilitation with stimulation and iii) after one month of post-operative
AIS motor scale is a widely used scale for functional assessment of SCI. It
expresses the degree of disability and neurological level of injury with motor
functions of motor and upper limbs represented by their respective motor scores.
specifically for patients with SCI to assess performance in activities of daily living and
with SCI. It covers three principal areas of function: self-care (subscore (0-20),
respiration and sphincter management (0-40) and mobility (0-40). Each area is
scored according to its proportional weight in these patients' general activity. The
persons with spinal cord injury by evaluating the degree of impairment and
dimension of impairment, from the level of most severe impairment (0) to least
severe impairment (20) based on the use of devices, braces and physical assistance
of one or more persons. It has been demonstrated to have good intra and inter-rater
reliability. (40)
Effective control of posture is of utmost importance for standing and walking,
as well as for providing support for voluntary movements. TASS is a validated 9-item
scale to assess truncal balance in patients with SCI with high intra and inter-rater
stability. (41)
Both participants have severe SCI with less than 1 mm of residual cord at the
level of the lesion and extensive myelomalacia as revealed by MRI and shown in
sessions and 20 post operative rehabilitation sessions at the time of reporting. [Table
intraoperative monitoring. The final placement of the SCS was over spinal levels of
Both participants complied with all the planned 8 preoperative and 20 post-operative
control below the level of injury for both participants after a month of preoperative
However, both participants exhibited voluntary control over their lower extremity
well as flex and extend his knees at the end of Week 1. This progressed quickly to
bilateral hip flexion and abduction in Week 2. These motor actions were achieved in
a supine position. He was then able to take his first step and perform overground
walking with a rollator frame in Week 3 with assistance by the therapists. By the end
Participant 2 was able to flex and extend his hip and knee with good volitional
control at the end of Week 1 in a supine followed by seated position. This progressed
quickly to being able to flex his thigh with good control in a standing position at the
the end of Week 4 of the post operative rehabilitation, Participant 2 was able to
subsequently perform overground walking with a rollator frame with good gait stance
video 2]
sEMG outcomes
and without stimulation) are presented in Figure 5. For each of these recordings, the
participants were instructed to extend their left knee. The sEMG of the following left
sided muscles are presented during this activity: Psoas major, Rectus femoris,
Gastrocnemius and Soleus. Vertical scale (µV) and horizontal scale (s) are the same
across Figures 5A-C and Figures 5E-G. Because electrical noise was variable on
different recording days, voltage values for each day were z-normalised, such that
the standard deviation of the left rectus femoris EMG during the no-stimulation
Relative spectral power for sEMG recordings from P1 and P2 at 4 weeks post
and no movement of the same muscle on the same day. Spectral power was
significantly higher with the stimulation turned on (p<0.0005, one-tailed Wilcoxon
Functional Outcomes
Participant 1, as expected, scored zero for all his motor scores in his AIS
scoring at the end of the pre-habilitation phase as well as prior to the start of the
on the Left L3, 1 on bilateral L4 as well as 1 for bilateral L4. His WISCI II score
TASS scored improved from 2 to 6 at the same time points. This change of 4 points
in meets the minimal clinical important difference of TASS as defined by Sato et al.
Participant 2, similarly, had scored zero for all his motor scores in his AIS
scoring with no change at the end of one month postoperatively. P2 had a one-point
improvement of his TASS score from 7 to 8. There was no change in his SCIM or
WISCI II scores.
RE outcomes
The RE provides the distance walked per session as well as the percentage of
support provided by the robot per limb during each session. For the latter, the lower
the percentage support, the higher the amount of effort required by the Participants
sessions postoperatively. With the combined rehabilitation and EES program, both
of 282 metres (m) per session with 77% assistance on the right lower limb and 75%
assistance on the left lower limb from the RE. After a month of the trial’s post-
with 62.6% assistance on the right lower limb and 65% assistance on the left lower
rehabilitation. His lower limb assistance was 79% on the right and 80% on the left
the right and 76% on the left after a month of postoperative rehabilitation.
Adverse events
our trial. Our first participant suffered mild skin erythema during the first few RE
sessions related to the strap. This issue was resolved after ensuring that our
participants only wore loose soft clothing without intervening straps or buttons that
might abrade their skin. There were otherwise no reports of increased neuropathic
social and economic toll on those injured and the society. The severity of SCI can
range from incomplete injuries with mild motor and sensory deficits to complete
injuries resulting in total paralysis and loss of sensation below level of injury. In
injuries to the peripheral nervous system, the conduction blockage due to cell death,
However, this occurs in a lesser extent in SCI and (4) sufficient neuroplasticity
recovery for functional sensory and/or motor volitional activity in SCI remains elusive.
(4,7,10) The current standard of care for SCI includes early surgical intervention,
has been of great scientific interest for centuries. (47) SCS as mentioned earlier, has
been used successfully for the management of chronic pain, and there has been
growing interest in its potential use for motor recovery in SCI. Although the
unclear (9), animal and human clinical trials have suggested that the effects of
pattern generators consistent with walking, EES should be supported with intensive
axonal sprouting and result in formation of new synapses. (48) RE are assistive
allowing various levels of lower extremity movements based on the level of swing
specific and precise high-dose training regimen with its demonstrated safety and
guide the therapy’s progress. In addition, the significantly reduced therapist burden
(29) also allows for more cost-effective care. (28,30) Both participants had an
increase in average distance walked and reduced reliance on the RE assistance per
defined as not just a reproduction of data arising from the senses, perception or
memory; but that it also actively contributes to the (re)construction of a reality that is
different from that of the perceived reality. This imaginative function has proven its
both brain and spinal injury patients. A review by Carrasco (24) suggested that
mental imagery training when combined with other therapies is able to improve
duration nor intensity were stipulated and standardized by the research team. They
were also primed to evoke the self-induced mental imagery just prior to attempting
the volitional motor activity or overground walking during their rehabilitation sessions.
The research team also did not control the specifics of the imagery as the intent was
for participants to develop their own set of intuitive cognitive techniques that would
participants with chronic clinically motor-complete thoracic SCI. For both participants
in our trial, there was no improvement in their volitional control of muscles below
their level of injury nor improvement in functional scales after the month of pre-
postoperatively utilizing the above combined treatment paradigm with the stimulation
turned on. To our knowledge, this is the most efficient motor recovery for overground
walking in patients with chronic SCI using any of the above therapies reported in the
literature(16,18,49) and our team attributes to the synergistic effects of the therapies.
from this combinatory approach. SCI affects ascending and descending pathways of
the spinal cord which consequently results in an alteration of the postural control
system. Trunk function in individuals with SCI is known to be associated with sitting
balance, walking ability, and activities of daily living. (50) Participant 1 demonstrated
a 4-point change in TASS, which meets the minimal clinical important difference,
trunk flexion for better pressure relief of ischial tuberosity. This is critical for patients
with SCI as pressure ulcers occur from prolonged unrelieved pressure and are a
costly medical complication leading to morbidity, reduced quality of life and possible
mortality. (51) Participant 2 demonstrated a 1-point change in TASS at the end of the
same time point. The improvement in trunk control in both these two participants
likely contributed to their remarkable motor progress and locomotor ability. (41) We
hypothesize that the more modest improvement of the TASS score in Participant 2
may be due to his higher level of thoracic injury of AIS T1 compared to Participant 1
at AIS T4. The two participants in this study will continue to receive daily
rehabilitation paired with stimulation for another 6 months as part of this trial. We
acknowledge that whilst it may be possible that the motor and functional
given their stability of their scores prior to enrolment into this study and lack of
improvement after the pre-rehabilitation phase, our team attributes their subsequent
This study has limitations in that it only involves 2 participants in this pilot trial. Both
participants are also relatively young (less than 50 years of age) and therefore this
may compromise the generalisation of our results, particularly as the full potential of
mental imagery have been shown to decrease with age.(26) The intensity and
duration of the home based practice of mental imagery and attempt at volitional
applied during the daily hourly rehabilitation regime, were also not standardized nor
recorded for both participants. In addition, due to the absence of longer term follow-
mechanical tools and allow biological manipulation with increased understanding and
exploitation of the nervous system’s internal circuitry. Our team believes that this
and rehabilitative efforts for patients who suffer from SCI. We recognize that there is
also a need for larger randomized controlled trials to further evaluate the
closed loop and/or phasic epidural stimulation (17) paradigms to promote functional
recovery in SCI.
EES holds tremendous promise in the care and possible cure of SCI and we
hope our findings encourage the implementation of the synergistic potential using
Ethics approval
This research has been approved ethics approval from the Singhealth centralized
Not relevant
Data and material from this pilot trial will be made publicly.
Competing interests
The listed authors have no financial and non-financial competing interests to declare.
(NIG grant MOH-001083-00) The funder of the study had no role in study design,
data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, or writing of the report. The authors
had full access to all the data in the study and had overall responsibility for the
decision to submit for publication. No funding was received from the drug
manufacturer or distributor.
Author’s contributions
KRW provided all oversight for this study. KRW, NWH, JKRX, SKW, NZYV and WLL
designed the study. KRW, NWH, JKRX performed the critical surgical procedures of
the study. SKW, MWP, KRW, NZYV and WLL provided perioperative rehabilitation.
KRW, FM, SQYR, BP, TKM, ES analyzed the sEMG data. All authors provided
The authors would like to thank our participants for their valuable contribution to this
study. We would also like to gratefully acknowledge Medtronic for their generous
support in this trial. We would also like to thank Dr Deidre DeSilva, Dr David Low
Chyi Yeu, Dr Robin Pillay, Dr Ling Jimin and Dr Derrick Chan for their valuable
the principles and practices followed in conducting and reporting this research study.
It outlines the steps taken to ensure transparency in the research process, the rigor
of the study design and methodology, and the measures in place to facilitate
Research Objectives: The research study clearly states its objectives, research
questions, and hypotheses, thus providing a roadmap for the investigation and
Study design: The study pilot design is described in detail including the rationale for
selecting this specific design and its suitability for addressing the research objectives
Data collection: The methods used for data collection has been clearly documented.
This includes details of the intraoperative set up, surface EMG recording set up and
programming parameters.
Variables and measures: This study defines the variables of interest and provides a
Data availability: The transparency of this research study includes making the data
possible and within ethical and legal constraints. This enables other parties to
examine and verify the study's findings, conduct further analyses, or explore
alternative interpretations.
Methodological details: Sufficient information is provided to enable readers to
understand and potentially replicate the research study. This includes detailed
Limitations and assumptions: The study acknowledges and discusses its limitations,
including any assumptions made or potential sources of bias that may affect the
Ethics and compliance: The research study adheres to applicable ethical guidelines,
institutional review board (IRB) approvals, and relevant regulations governing the
treatment of human subjects and sensitive data. Ethical considerations and informed
Sample Size and Power: The study provides a rationale for the selected sample size,
Validity and Reliability: The research study employs rigorous methods to enhance
internal and external validity. Steps taken to ensure the reliability of measurements,
Data Sharing: Whenever possible and within ethical and legal boundaries, the
privacy and confidentiality. This promotes the opportunity for others to validate the
Peer Review and Collaboration: The research study actively engages in the peer
Constructive feedback from reviewers will help strengthen the study's rigor and
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