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All content following this page was uploaded by Palaniappan Thillainathan on 07 November 2018.
Abstract- The system proposed in this main aim of the this paper is to design and
paper is an advanced solution for implement an efficient monitoring system
monitoring the weather conditions at a through which the required parameters are
monitored remotely using internet and the
particular place and make the information
data gathered from the sensors are stored in
visible anywhere in the world. The the cloud and to project the estimated trend
technology behind this is Internet of on the web browser.The values from the
Things (IoT), which is an advanced and cloud is updated at each and every
efficient solution for connecting the things moment.The crops are cultivated and the
to the internet and to connect the entire soil are tested mainly the moisture is
world of things in a network. The data measured.Thus we can cultivate different
crops at a particular area.Vertical farming is
updated from the implemented system can
nothing but it is a vertically stacked farming
be accessible in the internet from and it is a upcoming methodology for
anywhere in the world.In agriculture zone farming.
it will be very difficult to check and monitor
the weather parameter through wires and
analog devices during some weather
hazards. To overcome this problem here
the wireless sensors are used to check and Due to weather disasters and uneven
monitor the weather parameters. The other environmental changes,life style of humans
idea is Vertical farming system.It is will be changed. It is very difficult to
implemented for cultivating different crops monitor different weather parameters
in small area. through wired system architect and analog
devices in an agriculture zone during certain
Index Terms- IoT,vertical Farming,Esp8266
hazardous envy and critical situations. It is
Existing technology mainly focus on very important to measure the weather
controlling and monitoring of different parameters in agriculture zone for the
activities. These are increasingly emerging farmers which help to plan their farms
to reach the human needs. An efficient according to the weather conditions. To
environmental monitoring system is required
overcome the problem of monitoring the
to monitor and assess the conditions in case
of exceeding the prescribed level of weather parameters using wired devices, the
parameters.Sensors are placed at different wireless sensors network devices may
locations to collect the data to predict the take certain steps and issues even in worst
behavior of a particular area of interest. The case for monitoring the weather parameters.
Fig a
Block Diagram of IoT Based Weather
Monitoring system.
2. DHT11 Sensor
Fig f
[1] Y. Zhou, Q. Zhou, Q. Kong, and W. Cai,
“Wireless temperature
The two graphs fige and fig f illustrates amp; humidity monitor and control system,”
the temperatore and humidity of the area in 2012 2nd International
that are measured for different crops and the Conference on Consumer Electronics,
moisture of the soil isalso measured for Communications and Networks
different crops on implementing the idea of (CECNet), April 2012, pp. 2246–2250.
vertical farmng.