Beige Simple Home Rules Poster

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ight Offense
not observing proper decorum and
reverence during the flag 5 littering in the school premises. 5

arriving late during the flag ceremony,

using excessive and expensive
assembly, PE activities, and other 3 5
accessories for female students.
morning activities without prior notice.

going out of the classroom during

improper use of the toilet facilities. 3 transition time without the teacher’s 3

loitering around in the parking area or receiving/bringing guests to school

anywhere around the school building 3 without notifying the teacher-in-charge 3
before or after school hours. or the security guard.

entering the management offices, creating loud noise (shouting,

teacher’s room, or administrative rooms 3 screaming, or creating other disturbing 3
without an appointment sounds) in the school building.

wearing unofficial hats, jackets or any

eating inside the classroom during 5 other forms of clothing inside the school 3
class hours. premises.

wearing unnecessary accessories or

doing non-related activities during 5 pieces of jewellery by male students e.g. 5
class hours earrings, necklace, bracelet, anklet.

male students with long hair and fancy

haircuts (ex mohawk, hair tattoo) and 5 long and/or coloured nails 5
not in accordance with school norms.

unnecessary use of school

not complying with the class 5 5
assignments materials and properties

disturbing/messing around with the

not using the complete and proper
5 other students who are praying or doing 5
school uniform.
any religious activities.
dium Offense
not attending the flag ceremony,
not following the class cleaning
assembly, PE activities, and other 10 10
morning activities without valid reason

intentionally leaving personal belongings

not using the prescribed school
(books, uniforms, swim wears, drinking 10 10
bottles and others) anywhere in the uniforms
school premises

absence without notice 10 dyeing of hair using bright colours 10

making markings on the other leaving school before the dismissal

10 10
student’s school uniform time without permission

not using the prescribed PE intentionally altering the

10 prescribed school uniform 10
uniforms during the PE class

direct verbal contact bullying: annoying, intimidating,

vandalizing of the school facilities 20 or harassing classmates during and after class hours
including sarcasm, physical insults, insults,
statements of sexual harassment, terror, intimidation

use of smartphones in the classroom

destroying school plants and
20 during class hours without teacher’s 25
gardens permission

cheating during examinations 25 bringing of outsiders to school 25

without official appointment

eavy Offense
using vulgar words, aggressive physical actions
cyber bullying: acts of hurting other people using
(hitting, pinching, grabbing, kicking, slapping,
locking someone in a room, choking, biting,
50 electronic media (video recording of 50
intimidation, defamation via social media) in the
scratching, spitting on, damaging and destroying
form of text messages, sound, images or videos
other students belonging), blackmailing,
as well as uploads on social media in the form of
threatening and intimidating, insulting
text, sound, images or video.

smoking, possession or posting acts of

involving in physical fights in the
use of cigarettes or e-cigarettes on 50 50
social media platforms
school premises
consumption of alcohol and
destroying school facilities and
involvement in any form of 50 50
other people’s vehicles

making up false stories at the expense

of others causing morale damage, 50
creating and spreading slander.

stealing of classmates’ or other involving in motorcycle gangs and

50 50
people’s belongings gang wars

inappropriate posts on social

media accounts (e. g indecent 70 using vehicles to school without a 50
exposures of body parts) valid driver’s license

any form of disrespect to the school management, leaders

offensive and malicious physical and/or any other school staff (e.g. using bad words, yelling,
touches or comments against the 80 or using inappropriate gestures) defaming the school’s 70
name, management, the principals, and teachers in or
opposite sex outside the school, and on any social media platforms

male and female students

verbal and physical threats 80 engaging in any form of sexual acts 80
in and around the school premises

egotiable O
- N ffen
on se
verbal and physical assaults (e.g. bullying,
hitting or any body contact causing major 100 100
physical injuries, mental trauma, brain sexual abuse and immoral acts in
contusion, brain concussion, brain the school environment
damage or death based on medical
diagnosis or by suicide

bringing pornographic materials to 100 use of narcotics and dangerous 100

school drugs
Violation Points and Sanctions
Every student’s violation will be recorded into the student’s personal
development book by the Homeroom and in collaboration with the Student
Affairs Department, with a copy to Yayasan. Everything is documented based
on the following categories below

Violation Point (VP) 6 – 10

Verbal warning to students by the homeroom teacher.
Violation Point (VP) 11 – 20
Verbal/written warning to students by homeroom teacher as well as Notification to
parents/guardians of the student, prepared by the Homeroom Teacher.

Violation Point (VP) 21 –30

Written warning to student as well as Notification II to
parents/guardians of students prepared by the Homeroom Teacher.
Violation Point (VP) 31-50
The parents/guardian of the student is invited (1st meeting) by the
homeroom teacher to come to school in person and to inform them of
the degree of violation and offense. A written agreement (I) is to be
prepared by the homeroom teacher and guidance counselling is carried
out by the Student Counsellor.
Violation point (VP) 51-80
The parents/guardians are called in for a 2nd meeting by the homeroom
teacher to come to school in person and to inform the degree of
violation and offense. A written agreement (II) is prepared by the
homeroom teacher and copied to the principal. Counselling is carried
out by the Student Counsellor followed by an open discussion. At this
stage, the student is suspended for 3 days with no class attendance.
Violation point (VP) 81-99
The parents/guardian of the student is called, on a final call by the
homeroom teacher to come to school in person and to inform the
degree of violation and offense. A written agreement with stamp duty is
prepared by the principal and copied to Yayasan. At this stage, the
student gets a 7-day suspension and no class attendance.
Violation point (VP) 100
Any offense committed from any of the items under the non-negotiable
offenses will lead to automatic expulsion from school. In the event, the
parents/guardian is called to come to school to explain the situation.
And at this stage, the school has the right to surrender the student to
the parents, back to their custody.

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