The Statistical Challenges of Clinical

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J Am Geriatr Soc. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2011 July 1.
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J Am Geriatr Soc. 2010 July ; 58(7): 1386–1392. doi:10.1111/j.1532-5415.2010.02926.x.

Gerontologic Biostatistics: The Statistical Challenges of Clinical

Research with Older Study Participants
Peter H. Van Ness, PhD, MPH*, Peter A. Charpentier, MPH*, Edward H. Ip, PhD§, Xiaoyan
Leng, MD, PhD§, Terrence E. Murphy, PhD*, Janet A. Tooze, PhD, MPH§, and Heather G.
Allore, PhD*
*Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut

of Public Health Sciences, Department of Biostatistical Sciences, School of Medicine,
Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina

The medical and personal circumstances of older persons present challenges for designing and
NIH-PA Author Manuscript

analyzing clinical research studies in which they participate. These challenges presented by elderly
study samples are not unique but they are sufficiently distinctive to warrant deliberate and
systematic attention. Their distinctiveness originates in the multifactorial etiologies of geriatric
health syndromes and the multiple morbidities accruing with aging at the end of life. The objective
of this article is to identify a set of statistical challenges arising in research with older persons that
should be considered conjointly in the practice of clinical research and that should be addressed
systematically in the training of biostatisticians intending to work with gerontologists,
geriatricians, and older study participants. The statistical challenges include design and analytical
strategies for multicomponent interventions, multiple outcomes, state transition models, floor and
ceiling effects, missing data, and mixed methods. The methodological and pedagogical themes of
this article will be integrated by a description of a proposed subdiscipline of “gerontologic
biostatistics” and supported by the introduction of new set of statistical resources for researchers
working in this area. These conceptual and methodological resources have been developed in the
context of several collaborating Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Centers.

clinical research; statistics; aging; study design
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The major objective of this article is to summarize some, though, not all, of the distinctive
challenges of applied statistics that arise in clinical research with older study participants. To

Corresponding Author: Peter H. Van Ness, Yale Program on Aging, 300 George Street, Suite 775, New Haven, CT, 203-737-1958,
FAX: 203-785-4823, Alternate Corresponding Author: Heather G. Allore, Yale Program on Aging, 300
George Street, Suite 775, New Haven, CT, 203-737-1892, FAX: 203-785-4823,
Author Contributions: All co-authors contributed text and made editorial contributions to the manuscript. Dr. Allore drafted the
section on multicomponent interventions; Dr. Leng drafted the section on multiple outcomes; Dr. Ip drafted the section on state
transitions; Dr. Tooze drafted the section on floor and ceiling effects; Dr. Murphy drafted the section on missing data; and Mr.
Charpentier drafted the appendix. Dr. Van Ness drafted the introduction, conclusion, and the section on mixed methods; he also
compiled the contributions of the several co-authors into an integrated text and prepared the manuscript for submission.
Conflict of Interest: The authors have no financial or any other kind of personal conflicts regarding the composition of his
Sponsor's Role: The organizations funding this essay had no role in the preparation, review, or approval of this manuscript.
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give coherence to the diverse topics we discuss, we propose gerontologic biostatistics as a

new subdiscipline characterized by the methodological issues that arise when working with
study samples whose health conditions feature multifactorial etiologies and multiple
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morbidities occurring at the end of life. In making this proposal we emphasize

methodological and practical factors more than theoretical ones. (We also emphasize clinical
applications in this presentation; basic aging research with animal or in vitro samples has a
separate but related set of statistical challenges that we will not review here.) Statistical
theory is valuable precisely for its numerous useful applications, yet as biometry and
biostatistics did previously, gerontologic biostatistics specifies its subject matter as a means
for making applications more informative and productive1. Furthermore, this proposed
subdiscipline seeks to advance interdisciplinary thinking and practice by incorporating
contributions from gerontology and geriatrics, as well as biology, into a statistical discipline.

As researchers become conscious of distinctive aspects of their field they seek resources that
are valuable for addressing them. Resources, including online libraries of measurement
instruments and statistical programs, have recently been assembled by collaboration among
researchers at three Claude D. Pepper Older American Independence Centers. A second
objective of this article is to introduce readers to these online resources. Our overall goals—
in developing these resources and proposing a new subdiscipline—are to clarify the tasks of
current researchers and facilitate the training of future researchers by expediting the
development of analytical methods and teaching materials for biostatisticians collaborating
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with colleagues dedicated to the study of health conditions of older persons.

Design Characteristics: Multicomponent Interventions
The design of multicomponent interventions to be conducted with older persons is
complicated by both clinical and statistical issues2, 3. In full factorial randomized clinical
trials (RCT)4, 5, all participants are eligible for all levels of intervention components (e.g.,
diet composition, drug regime, physical therapy), meaning they can be assigned to any
treatment arm. As there are a total of 2k possible treatment arms for k binary (present or
absent) intervention components, this may result in an unwieldy number of treatment arms.
By contrast, in intervention trials addressing multifactorial geriatric health syndromes or
multiple morbidities, participants rarely have all risk factors. Consequently, participants are
not randomly assigned to all levels of intervention components. Rather, a common practice
for those randomized to the intervention arms is to receive only those intervention
components corresponding to the modifiable risk factors present at the time of enrollment.
This type of intervention component assignment is called “standardly-tailored”6, 7. Other
designs for multicomponent interventions have been reviewed in detail elsewhere3.
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When analyzing data that arise from a full factorial multicomponent intervention, several
methods can implement the estimation of both overall and component level effects.
However, when a standardly-tailored design is applied, one must determine the appropriate
comparison group to estimate each component. For example, when an individual component
effect is estimated in a standardly-tailored design, the appropriate comparison group should
only include those participants in the control arm having the risk factors making them
eligible for that particular intervention component. With judicious construction of these
subgroups, individual intervention components can be estimated, but such analyses should
be pre-planned to ensure adequate power. The comparison group of an individual
intervention component often differs from one consisting of all participants who did not
receive the component. This is because participants in the control group who did not have
the risk factor would not be candidates for the component. When carefully considered
randomization strategies are not applied to balance the risk factors between the control and

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intervention arms, the standardly tailored design is limited to estimation of only the overall
treatment effect. In studies of aging participants with geriatric syndromes, it is often the
overall effect of intervention that is of greatest clinical interest. However, when sampling
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strategies ensure both a balance of risk factors between the treatment arms and appropriate
numbers of participants for each component of intervention, the effects of individual
intervention components can be estimated.

Outcome Characteristics: Multiple Outcomes

Biological aging is a complex process involving a progressive failure of the body's various
homeostatic adaptive responses at numerous levels—cellular, organic and systemic. Thus,
such failures are multifactorial in nature. The probability of acquiring chronic diseases
increases as people age. To understand aging itself, all aspects of it need to be considered
and researchers often investigate multiple morbidities simultaneously, such as physical
performance and cognitive functions. This comprehensive approach to study design leads to
multiple outcomes in data analysis.

When multiple outcomes are obtained, for instance, from a randomized clinical trial, the
most common approach in the medical literature is to analyze each outcome separately,
presenting multiple p-values. It is well known, however, that the excessive use of multiple
significance tests can substantially increase the chance of false positive findings (Type I
error). This practice also ignores the fact that some outcomes are correlated; hence,
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inferences made for a particular variable may be due to the difference between comparison
groups on some other related measures. These multiple outcomes problems are covered
under the umbrella of multiple testing, i.e., the testing of more than one hypothesis at a time.

General procedures in randomized clinical trials for multiple test adjustments include
multivariate global test statistics such as Hotelling's T2, p-value based procedures such as
Bonferroni adjustment or its modified versions, and resampling-based procedures8–10].
Global test statistics provide an overall assessment of effects of treatment, but offer no
estimate of the magnitude of effects and no information about the effects of individual
outcomes. By contrast, p-value based methods evaluate treatment effects on individual
outcomes. For study design purposes, p-value based methods also provide a basis for sample
size and power considerations.

Among p-value based methods, one possible solution is to control a predefined error rate
such as family error rate (FER) in the strong sense, i.e., the probability of rejecting falsely at
least one true individual null hypothesis, irrespective of which and how many of the
individual null hypotheses are in fact true. The Bonferroni method controls FER in the
strong sense and is easy to apply. When outcomes are correlated, however, the Bonferroni
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method is too conservative, or overcorrects. However, it is difficult to evaluate how this

overcorrection affects the power of a trial to detect the true treatment effect. Pocock et al.
considered a special case of k normally distributed outcomes, each with known variance, for
which all possible pairs have the same known correlation ρ within each of two treatment
groups11. They suggested that, if most correlations are no more than 0.5, the Bonferroni
method does not overcorrect seriously. If any two variables are highly correlated (e.g., ρ =
0.9) it would be wise to select one of them or to predefine some combination of them.
Recently, Xiong et al. proposed an intersection-union test (IUT), in which correlation
between two primary endpoints was also considered12. It was successfully applied to a
double-blinded, placebo-controlled 24-week Alzheimer's treatment clinical trial of the safety
and efficacy of a novel treatment.

Resampling-based methods (such as bootstrap and permutation methods) are

computationally intensive but appealing in that information regarding the dependencies and

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distributional characteristics of the test statistics are incorporated into the adjustments and
therefore are considerably more powerful than p-value based methods when tests are highly
correlated and no simple formula is available. The multiple outcomes of aging research
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studies are often correlated and so recent research in p-value based methods incorporating
correlations and resampling-based methods are especially pertinent to gerontologic

Another class of methods worth mentioning is based on the false discovery rate (FDR), first
introduced by Benjamini et al.13, where the FDR is the expected value of the ratio of the
number of falsely significant tests to the total number of significant tests. This error rate is
less conservative than the FER and has been applied frequently in genomic14, microarray15,
neuroimaging16, molecular epidemiology studies17, and many other areas in which large
numbers of correlated simultaneous measurements are taken.

Outcome Characteristics: State Transitions

Transition models for longitudinal data are important tools for understanding the
disablement process in older persons. Disablement is often defined in terms of multiple
geriatric outcomes that include measurements in mobility and other activities of daily living
(ADL). Thus, statistical methods analyzing disablement data first and foremost must be able
to handle multiple outcomes in a longitudinal context. Another methodological challenge in
studying age-related disablement is the nonlinearity of the process and the possible
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oscillations between disability states. Until recently, disability was conceptualized much like
other chronic health problems, as a progressive disorder that was irreversible18. Gill and his
colleagues, however, have shown that older persons actually move in and out of disability,
suggesting that it is best conceptualized as a state, rather than a trait19, 20.

State-based transition models can be used to delineate risk factors associated with older
persons' possible cycling back and forth between disability states. In a recent study, Gill et
al. used a marginal multivariate Cox model to analyze transitions between disability
subtypes21. Rejeski et al.22 have used an alternative approach to transition modeling; they
fitted multivariate hidden Markov models to study the change in physical functions in a
sample of older persons (aged 65 or above) with knee pain over a period of three years.
These authors examined the transition probabilities between the several disability states
based on individuals' obesity statuses (Body Mass Index (BMI) < 30, BMI between 30 and
35, and BMI > 35). The authors concluded that obese older persons tend to stay in the worst
disabled state with higher probabilities and that they are also more likely to enter into less
favorable functional states than non-obese older persons.

Physical functional status may worsen along several different pathways. For example, within
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the domain of basic Activities of Daily Living (ADL) disability, function may be gradually
compromised in tasks that require changing one's body position, e.g., getting into and out of
a chair, car, or bed. On the other hand, disability onset may occur because of a single
traumatic event like a fall. Also, disability pathways are not necessarily linearly ordered; so
new methodological challenges arise for designing parsimonious models for capturing the
effects of risk factors and treatment options for older persons on outcomes involving
complex transitions between states.

Data Characteristics: Floor and Ceiling Effects

Due to the multifactorial etiology of aging and the multiple morbidities that older persons'
experience, aging research emphasizes functional status—physical, mental, and emotional—
as well as the presence or absence of a disease. Questionnaires and functional tests with
continuous or count outcomes are often used to describe a range of function. When

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assessments cannot be completed or are inappropriate, spikes might occur at one end of a
distribution. These are referred to as floor or ceiling effects, or as data with “excess zeroes”,
“clumping at zero,” or semicontinuous data. In psychometrics it is often implicit in the
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definition of these effects that they are artificial, arising from the instrument rather than an
actual floor or ceiling for the construct23. In gerontologic research, such spikes may result
from using an instrument developed for another population; however, they may also reflect a
true floor that occurs in a geriatric population. For example, the SF-36 is a well-validated
health instrument for general adult populations. Its use in older persons with comorbidities
may lead to floor effects, due to inadequate discrimination in the lower range of function.
When measures are chosen judiciously, floor and ceiling effects can often be avoided. For
example, the use of the Stroke Impact Scale rather than the Barthel Index avoids ceiling
effects in assessing the impact of stroke24. Increasing the size of the item pool used to
measure the construct of interest may also lessen the chance that floor and ceiling effects
may occur, although this may increase participant response burden. Contemporary
psychometric methods including item response theory and computerized adaptive test
(CAT) can be used to circumvent this problem. An example of large-scale application of
item banking and CAT to the measurement of health is the National Institutes of Health
(NIH)-sponsored network Patient- Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System
(PROMIS)25. Existing PROMIS item banks that are relevant to aging studies include
physical function (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL), lower and upper
extremities, central neck and back), cognitive function, and depression.
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Floor effects may also arise from the inability of a participant to complete a task; a zero in
this case arises from the participant's status rather than from an inadequacy of the measure.
An example of this might occur upon administering the 400-meter walk to study
participants: some may not be able to complete the walk at all, resulting in a distribution of
walking speed with a large spike at zero. Due to large variability in status domains and
between individuals, the selection of measures for gerontologic research is particularly
difficult and prone to floor and ceiling effects.

There have been several general statistical approaches to modeling data with floor or ceiling
effects. Because floor effects with many zeroes are most common, we will discuss these, but
the methods are applicable to other types of effects. One approach is to treat zeroes as
occurring from a truncated distribution, i.e., a smaller value would have been observed if the
assessment tool was more sensitive, rather than a zero. In this approach Tobit model for left
censored data is commonly used26. Another approach is to model the distribution with many
zeroes in a generalized linear model whose mixture distribution accommodates them, e.g.,
zero-inflated Poisson27 or negative binomial regression models28. For example, Byers et al.
used a negative binomial model to evaluate the effectiveness of a prehabilitation program on
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the onset of disability, in which 40% of subjects had no disability at follow-up28. A third
approach is also appropriate for true zeroes. A two-part model is used, separating the
probability of occurrence from the intensity when the activity is completed29.

Aging researchers often seek to capture the trajectory of aging, modeling outcomes such as
decline in functional status over time. Statistical methods are needed to model these
trajectories, in which a floor effect may be reached gradually or precipitously, or may occur
at one time point, but not the next (e.g., from an acute illness). A two-part mixed effects
model with correlated random effects for repeated measures data with excess zeroes and a
continuous, non-zero response for intensity has been developed30, 31. One advantage of this
model is that it models the correlation that often arises between an activity's probability and
its intensity.

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Data Characteristics: Missing Data

One of the most common analytical issues in longitudinal studies of gerontologic outcomes
is how to handle missing values that occur because study participants die or become so ill
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that they cannot provide requisite information32. Missing values of this sort have
implications for both the design and analysis of gerontologic studies. For example, triggered
sampling designs can mitigate the impact of losses to follow-up by collecting additional data
when study participants experience a decrement in health such as a hospitalization33; also,
the use of multiple imputation to handle missing values should be integrated logically into a
regression model fitting process34.

While techniques such as survival analysis and generalized linear mixed models account for
censoring, they typically assume that the mechanism generating the missingness is either
completely independent of the observed values, i.e., missing completely at random
(MCAR), or dependent only on the observed values, i.e., missing at random (MAR)35. The
assumption of MCAR or MAR is clearly of dubious value when evaluating the associations
between important variables and longitudinal outcomes where death has resulted in
termination of measurement. Gerontologic research therefore calls for a thorough
examination of missing data, and will be greatly strengthened by use of statistical techniques
that rigorously account for the informativeness of measurement cessation caused by death or
informative dropout. Recent work in joint modeling of survival and longitudinal outcomes
shows promise in allowing for a differential evaluation of the associations between specific
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covariates and the intertwined processes of aging and dying36, 37.

Data Interpretation: Mixed Methods

Older persons often suffer from multiple morbidities from which they will never fully
recover and to which their deaths might eventually be attributed. Decisions that they, their
families, and doctors make regarding medical treatments characteristically consider not only
whether such treatments will increase longevity but whether, on balance, they will enhance
quality of life. Judgments regarding quality of life at the end of life have ethical dimensions
that often reflect religious and spiritual concerns. Addressing these ethical and spiritual
issues in clinical research involving older persons is aided by collecting qualitative, as well
as quantitative data. For example, it is often desirable to ask study participants open-ended
questions that they answer in their own words. Recent methodological38 and software
advances39, 40 in qualitative data analysis have made this research approach more rigorous
and have made the integration of quantitative and qualitative information (often called
“mixed methods”) a challenge especially germane for gerontologic biostatisticians.

There are at least three areas in which qualitative and quantitative techniques—or mixed
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methods—can be productively employed in gerontologic research. They are instrument

development, association interpretation, and presupposition evaluation. Qualitative studies
by Fried et al.41 provided new insights into key ideas like treatment burden and treatment
outcome that figured prominently in subsequent quantitative studies of medical decision-
making at the end of life42. This type of mixed method can also be used in health services
research impacting older persons. Bradley et al. used qualitative methods to identify
strategies for reducing “door-to-balloon time” for patients who have had a myocardial
infarction accompanied by ST-segment elevation43, 44. The effectiveness of the identified
strategies was then tested in a quantitative study45.

Qualitative studies can be useful in interpreting statistical associations46. Schoenberg et al.

report an association between taking over-the-counter medications for cardiac symptoms
and longer time to treatment, and conducted a complementary qualitative study of such
cardiac self-care strategies to take a “closer look at who was likely to pursue such strategies

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and their reasons behind so doing”47. Another example of mixed methods research of this
type examined with qualitative methods the meanings of different “self-ratings of health”
and conducted concomitant quantitative analyses in order to provide insight into whether
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self-rated health should be measured the same way in older study samples as in younger
samples48. Finally, more recently, qualitative methods for eliciting expert probability
judgments have been used to specify subjective prior probabilities for Bayesian statistical
analyses, thereby allowing inquiry into the extent to which expert opinion achieves clinical
equipoise or conforms to results from a particular study sample49. Tan et al. used a
questionnaire developed with qualitative methods to elicit prior distributions from experts
regarding “2-year recurrence free survival” for an analysis comparing surgery alone to
surgery with an adjuvant treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma50.

A principal task of biostatisticians is to ensure that statistical inferences are sound and
informative. Good designs foster good inference. Standardly-tailored study designs help
researchers draw informative inferences about multi-component interventions. Chance, bias,
ambiguity, and unaccounted for data dependencies are potential threats to good inference.
Adjustment methods for multiple outcomes minimize the threat of chance; missing data
methods combat bias from losses to follow-up; mixed methods can clarify the meanings of
key ideas in clinical research. In all of these areas biostatisticians working with older study
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participants are making valuable methodological contributions.

Data dependencies can lead to artificially small estimates of variability and uncontrolled
associations between study variables can cause confounding. To identify and correctly
account for such dependencies requires subject matter knowledge—gerontologic and
geriatric expertise—as well as statistical skill. This interdisciplinary combination is actively
promoted by the proposed subdiscipline of gerontologic biostatistics and is practically
empowered by the resources we have begun to assemble. We hope that these conceptual and
practical resources will enhance the training of a new generation of clinical researchers
working with older study participants.

Drs. Van Ness, Murphy, Allore, and Mr. Charpentier were supported in part by grants from the Claude D. Pepper
Older Americans Independence Center at Yale University School of Medicine (P30 AG021342-06) and by an NIA
Supplement grant for the GRASP project (P30 AG021342-0651). Drs. Leng and Ip were supported in part by the
Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center at Wake Forest University School of Medicine (P30
AG21332). Dr. Ip was supported by NIH grant number R01AGO31827A of which he is the Principal Investigator
and Dr. Geert Molenberghs is a Co-Principal Investigator.
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Other Contributions: The authors thank and acknowledge the contributions of Gail McAvay in the development
of the GRIL web resource and of Geraldine Hawthorne in the development of the GRASP web resource and in the
design of Figure 1.


The Geriatrics Research Instrument Library (GRIL) is an online collection
( of information about data collection instruments commonly used in
gerontologic research. A minimal description includes a summary of purpose, a
bibliography, and contact information and links to relevant web sites. Copyright permitting,
complete descriptions including section and question scripts, response value sets, and
interviewer instructions are provided. GRIL content navigation is managed by an
expandable and searchable tree that arranges the instruments into thematic categories. While
content selection is ongoing, GRIL currently includes 66 data collection instruments.

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Gerontologic Research Algorithms and Statistical Programs (GRASP) is a web resource

( for biostatisticians, epidemiologists, and clinical researchers that
includes an online repository of biostatistical programs, data structures, and algorithms
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developed to address design and analytical issues characteristic of gerontologic research.

(Several relevant contributions from co-authors of this article are available there.) It also
includes a forum for communication and collaboration among biostatisticians and
investigators in the field. The two foci of GRASP are content and community. The GRASP
content manager is the “GRASP Explorer,” which, like GRIL, uses a tree structure as the
main navigation tool. The GRASP Explorer tree may be organized by topic, author or
institution, and all textual content is indexed for searching. All GRASP content is
downloadable, and most content may be viewed directly from the GRASP Explorer. Users
who register with GRASP may upload new content which, upon review, may be added to
the repository. The GRASP Explorer is integrated with two community resources: the
GRASP Wiki and a discussion forum. Each GRASP submission is represented in the Wiki,
and locatable by a table of contents, a keyword index, or by a search function. The GRASP
Wiki allows users to add new articles or expand existing ones. The GRASP Discussion
Forum is a traditional bulletin-board style website.

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Figure 1.
Gerontologic Biostatistics and its Relationships with Kindred Disciplines
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Table 1
Defining Features of Gerontologic Biostatistics
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Definition: Gerontologic Biostatistics is the biostatistical subdiscipline that grapples with the applied statistical challenges that emerge
when conducting research on aging or with older study participants.

Subdivisions Key Sample Characteristics Contributions to Aging Research

Basic Animal or In Vitro Samples Promotes more efficient designs, thus often reducing the number
of experimental animals required
Adjusts for correlations among repeated measures on the same
animals or samples
Introduces advanced methodologies to address heterogeneity,
multiple testing, and other issues

Clinical Primarily Human Aging at the End of Life Promotes interdisciplinary collaboration
Multifactorial Etiologies Of Health Clarifies conceptual thinking
Multiple Morbidities Facilitates training of new biostatisticians for aging research
Death as Informative Censoring
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Table 2
Statistical Challenges and Methodologies for Gerontologic Research
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Statistical Challenge Methodology Techniques (with citations of Utility


Multi-component Interventions Clinical Trial Design Full Factorial Design4,5 • Estimating overall
and individual
(2k treatment arms where k is number component effects
of components) when participants
have identical risk
Standardly-tailored Designs6,7 factors

(2 treatment arms, but within each • Estimating overall

intervention arm 2k − 1 possible intervention
combinations of intervention effects
components where k is number of • Accommodating a
components) variety of risk
factors applicable
to intervention
• Comparing
subgroups to
component effects
NIH-PA Author Manuscript

when participants
have identical risk

Multiple Outcomes Multiple Testing Procedures Global Statistics • Providing an

overall assessment
P-value Methods12 of effects of
Resampling Methods
• Establishing a
False Discovery Rate Methods14–17 basis for sample
size and power
• Incorporating
dependencies and
characteristics of
the test statistics
into the
• Yielding less
adjustments when
large number of
NIH-PA Author Manuscript

measurements are

State Transitions Longitudinal Transition Models Extended Cox Models21 • Describing the
dynamics of older
adults moving in
Hidden Markov Models22
and out of
different disability
• Identifying risk
factors associated
with transitioning
between states of

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Statistical Challenge Methodology Techniques (with citations of Utility

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Floor and Ceiling Effects Item Response Theory Methods Item banking and computerized • Developing scales
and Regression Modeling adaptive test (CAT) techniques24,25 that minimize
floor and ceiling
Tobit Models and Negative Binomial effects
Models28 • Modeling
appropriately the
2-part Mixed Effects Model30 distribution when
the Gaussian
distribution does
not apply
• Isolating factors
that affect the
ability to complete
a task from those
that impact the
intensity with
which the task is

Missing Data Missing Data Methods Triggered Sampling Designs42 • Collecting new
data upon
occurrence of a
Multiple Imputation34
NIH-PA Author Manuscript

decline in health
Joint Modeling of Survival and status to gain
information prior
Longitudinal Outcomes36 to loss to follow-
up in longitudinal
• Imputing values
conditional on
observed data
when missing data
are missing at
random, using
imputations to
obtain correct
standard errors
• Adjusting
estimates by
survival model
results when death
and/ or loss to
follow-up are
related to the
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Qualitative and Quantitative Mixed Methods Instrument Development41–42,43–35 • Identifying levels

Data or constitutive
ideas for new
Association Interpretation46–48
variables that are
Presupposition Evaluation50 meaningful to
study participants
• Investigating the
meaning of an
association of key
variables, e.g.,
whether it has the
same meaning for

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Statistical Challenge Methodology Techniques (with citations of Utility

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• Testing whether
expert medical
opinion regarding
some probability
suggests clinical
equipoise or is
confirmed by
study results
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J Am Geriatr Soc. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2011 July 1.

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