Aryabhatta Biography
Aryabhatta Biography
Aryabhatta Biography
Indian Mathematicians, in fact, one of the firsts. Born in the Gupta era that
is during
Many of his works were lost, but some are still available for modern
scholars and
pride to our country. It has also inspired many budding scientists to follow
his path
Who is Aryabhatta?
Rather, all are curious to know what did Aryabhatta invented? And
Aryabhatta Inventions and Aryabhatta Discoveries is still a topic of
interest, as there
Basic Information
Birth- 476 CE
Death- 550 CE
Aryabhatta Biography
Aryabhata Information
The birthplace and year of Aryabhata are still estimated based on his
works and
23 years old when we were 3600 years into Kaliyug, which dates back to
499 CE and
thus estimating his birth year to be 476 CE. Not to be misunderstood, the
Aryabhatiya was published 3600 years into Kaliyug, it was much later
when his
Pataliputra his native place which is present-day Patna, Bihar. His actual
were two scientists named Aryabhata who lived during the same period.
life rather created much more confusion. The confusion was cleared much
later in
the year 1926 by B Datta when he said the works AI-Biruni confused to be
of two
Pataliputra which was the capital of Kusumapura in the Gupta Empire was
a major
works around the world reached the place easily that helped Aryabhata to
the head of his school Kulpa in Kusumapura. Later to pursue his interest in
speculations of him being the head of his university also remained intact.
The legacy of Aryabhata is truly unmatched, and no one can replicate his
Aryabhatta Discoveries.
The major works of his that have not been lost are Aryabhatiya and Arya-
In both his works he explored Mathematics and astronomy and correlation.
And he
also explained how mathematical equations could help find out the
workings of the
as Aryabhata’s 108 because in the text there are 108 verses. It is written
in the form of
These verses are his works that are a way to remember the complex
calculations in
million years.
The 3rd Pada is the Kalakriya Pada consisting of 25 verses, where using
varying units
of time the count of days, weeks and months. And the 4th Chapter is
Golapada that
consists of 50 verses. In this chapter, Aryabhata delves into the causes of
days and
nights, rising of zodiac signs, eclipse, celestial equator, node and the
shape of the
explored and unsurprisingly this has also survived to modern times. The
details of
Vedic Times. The title of ‘Father Of Algebra’ was given to Aryabhata, due
to his
coefficients and very rightly was aware of the use of zero in such a place.
He used
Brahmi numerals.
its axis around the sun and the movement of stars appeared to be
because of the
relative motion caused due to the rotation of the earth. This was in
contrast to the
then very popular belief that it was the sky that rotates. With calculated
evidence, it
was explained that heliocentrism is the rotation of planets around the sun,
His astronomical discoveries are majorly divided into four sections. These
include an
Aryabhatta suggested that the earth rotates on its axis daily. And the
rotations in a yuga.
in which the moon and sun were carried by epicycles which means a circle
on another circle. According to this model, the motion of the planets was
by two epicycles. The smaller one was slow and the larger one was fast.
In terms of the distance from the earth, the order of the planets was- the
Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and the asterisms (group of
stars). The
In the case of Venus and Mercury, they moved with the same mean speed
as the
Sun around the Earth. However, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars, stars or points
through a zodiac.
that the planets and the Moonshine due to the reflected sunlight. He
explained the
A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth’s shadow is blocked by the Moon.
Later, he
discussed the extent and size of the Earth’s shadow and then computed
the size of
Sidereal Periods
axis. His model also gave corrections for the calculations of mean speeds
of the
planets concerning the Sun. His calculations were based on the
heliocentric model
in which the planets and the Earth revolve around the Sun at the centre of
explaining the solar and lunar eclipses. He also estimated the length of
the year to
74. The place and time of death are still unknown. It was believed he
spent most of
Aryabhata's Legacy
Aryabhata's definitions for cosine, sine, inverse sine, verse sine gave birth
4 decimal places.
The modern names of Trigonometric functions, sine and cosine are derived
from the
Along with this, his calendrical calculations have been used in India to
form the
The modified versions of this calendar are still in use in Afghanistan and
To honour Aryabhata for his works, the Bihar Government has established
interested students. As well as the first Indian satellite was also named
after him.
The contributions of a scientist since Aryabhata has never been the same.
He truly
made the world notice India, in terms of holding scientific knowledge and
value that
it to be true. And after all these years, his work does not flinch from
accuracy. There are very few scientists who achieved in their lifetime an
contributions. His work was widely popular and appreciated in the Islamic
Century. The first Indian Satellite to be sent to space was named after him
as a
tribute. He was the first in the classical age of India that excelled as a