Module 7 Uts Topic 10 11
Module 7 Uts Topic 10 11
Module 7 Uts Topic 10 11
Subject: Understanding the Self Teacher: Louella May V. Plaza Date: Oct. 18, 2021
Type of Activity:
2 Notes ⎕ Laboratory ⎕ Individual ⎕ Quiz ⎕ Formative ⎕ Summative
⎕ Exercise/Drill ⎕ Art/Drawing ⎕ Pair/Group ⎕ Others, specify_____________________________
Lesson 10 & 11 : Development of Secondary Sex Characteristics and the Human Reproductive
Development of the Sexual Organs in the Embryo and Fetus
Further Sexual Development Occurs at Puberty
What are the erogenous zones of the body?
Learning Outcomes : At the end of the learning module, the student is expected to:
(1.) Discuss the different development of secondary sex characteristics and the human
reproductive system;
(2.) Compare and contrast the development of structures of the female and male
reproductive systems;
(3.) Examine the different characteristics for each stage development that occurs
during puberty;
(4.) Demonstrate and enumerate the erogenous zones of the body.
Concept/Digest : ( Read and study the concept, you can even add more
information. Just search in the Google Website for each topic)
Soon after the fertilization of an egg, the development of the reproductive system begins. For example,
approximately one month after conception, primordial gonads also begin to develop. Rapid reproductive
development happens inside the mother’s womb; but when the child is born until he/she reaches puberty, there is
little change in the reproductive system.
A baby’s gender is determined at conception, and the different genitalia of male and female fetuses develop
from the same tissues in the embryo.
Question: Where are the testes located for most of the gestational time?
Answer: ______________________________________
Instructions 1: Draw a male/female figure by including the important body parts. Female figure for females, and
male figure for males.
Instructions 3: Present your illustration through a video naming and familiarizing the body parts without any
malice. Do it in English and Bisaya (in one video).
The female sex is considered the “fundamental” sex because if a particular chemical prompting is absent,
all fertilized eggs will develop into females. For a fertilized egg to become male, a cascade of chemical reactions
must be present initiated by a single gene in the male Y chromosome called the SRY (Sex-determining Region of
the Y chromosome). Females do not have any Y chromosome; hence, they do not have the SRY gene (Lumen
Learning Courses, WEB).
Both the male and female embryos have the same group of cells that will potentially develop into male or
female gonads or sex glands. However, the presence of the SRY gene initiates the development of the testes while
suppressing the vital genes for female development.
Puberty is the stage of development at which individuals become sexually mature. The outcome of puberty
is different for boys and girls, but the hormonal process is similar. Moreover, though the timing of these changes
varies for every individual, the sequence of changes for boys and girls is predictable, resulting in adult physical
characteristics and the capacity to reproduce.
Puberty can be separated into five stages. The characteristics for each stage vary for girls and boys.
1 The ovaries enlarge and hormone productions No visible signs of development occur; but
starts, but external development is not yet visible. internally, male hormones become a lot more active.
Sometimes a growth spurt begins at this time.
Approximately between the ages of 8 and 14: Approximately between ages 9 to 15:
The first external sign of puberty is usually breast Height increases, and the shape of the body
2 development. changes.
Approximately between the ages of 9 and 15: Approximately between the ages of 11 and 16:
Breast growth continues, and pubic hair gets The penis starts to grow during this stage. It tends to
3 coarser and darker. grow in length rather than width.
During the stage, whitish discharge from the Pubic hair is getting darker and coarser and
vagina may be present. spreading to where the legs meet the torso.
For some girls, the first menstrual period begins at Also, boys continue to grow in height, and even
this time. their faces begin to appear more mature.
Some girls notice that their aureoles get even At this time, this penis starts to grow in width, too.
darker and separate into a little mound rising
above the rest of the breast. The testicles and scrotum also continue to grow.
Hair may begin to grow on the anus.
Pubic hair may begin to have a more adult
triangular pattern of growth. The texture of the penis becomes more adult-
looking. Underarm and facial hair increases well.
If it did not happen in Stage Three, menarche
(first menstruation) should start now. The first fertile ejaculations typically appear at
approximately 15 years of age, but this age can vary
Ovulation may start now, too. But it will not widely across individual boys.
necessarily occur on a regular basis. (It is possible
to have regular periods even if ovulation does not Skin gets oilier, and the voice continues to deepen.
occur every month.)
Approximately between the ages of 12 and 19: Approximately between the ages of 14 and 18:
5 This is the final stage of development. Full height Boys reach their full adult height.
is reached, and young women are ovulating
regularly. Pubic hair and the genitals look like an adult man’s
Pubic hair is filled in, and the breast are developed
fully for the body. At this point, too, shaving is a necessity.
The term erogenous zones was popularized in the 1960’s and 1970’s to describe areas of the body that are
highly sensitive to stimuli and are often (but not always) sexually exciting. In this context, “highly sensitive”
means these areas of the body have a high number of sensory receptors or nerve endings that react to stimuli.
These are places where a person is generally more sensitive to both pain and pleasure than in other areas of the
body. Professionals usually discuss sensuality in terms of the complex stimuli and associations that give rise to an
appreciative response.
The Skin
The skin serves as the primary erotic stimulus. Two types of erogenous zones exist in the skin
(Winkelmann, 2004):
1. Nonspecific type
a. It is similar to any other portion of the usual haired skin.
b. The nerves supplying it are composed of the usual density of dermal-nerve networks and hair-
follicle networks.
c. The learned and anticipated pleasurable sensations when a stimulus is presented in these regions
produce the amplified sensation.
d. The pleasurable sensation felt from these regions is simply an exaggerated form of tickle.
e. Examples of this type of skin are the sides and back of the neck, the axilla (armpit, underarm) and
the sides of the thorax (chest).
2. Specific type
a. It is found in the mucocutaneous regions of the body or those regions made both of mucous
membrane and of cutaneous skin.
b. These regions favor acute perception.
c. These specific sites of acute sensation are the genital regions, including the prepuce, penis, the
female external genitalia (vulva), the perianal skin, lips, and nipples.
The prepuce is the retractable fold of skin covering the tip of the penis. Nontechnical name: foreskin. It is
also a similar fold of skin covering the tip of the clitoris (Collins English Dictionary).
The penis is a male erectile organ of copulation by which urine and semen are discharged from the body
(Spledorio & Reichel, 2014).
Female external genitalia (vulva) include:
Instructions: Essay. Answer as honestly as you can based on your own experience.
1. For Girls: How was your experience the first time you had your menarche or first menstruation? Were you
afraid? How did you cope with your feeling of awkwardness/negativity, especially since it was
accompanied by bodily changes?
2. For Boys: How was your first experience the first time you had your nocturnal emission? How did you
cope with your feeling of awkwardness/negativity, especially since it was accompanied by bodily changes?
1. The module after completion of answers must be submitted at the google classroom code of your course subject.
2. Filename of the submitted module must be in a (LAST NAME, FIRST NAME) format.
3. Deadline of submission is on October 25, 2021.