So Mat Ology
So Mat Ology
So Mat Ology
Thomas Hanna
e-Book 2016 International Psychotherapy Institute
From The Psychotherapy Guidebook edited by Richie Herink and Paul R. Herink
Thomas Hanna
science of living bodies as they change and adapt during the course of time.
environment to itself.
The word “soma,” designates any living organism, whether plant, animal
“emotions.” In all instances the phenomenon of life exists uniquely in the form
Somatology understands that the full nature of the soma (i.e., the life
process) can be observed only in vivo. Because the soma is a stabilized
process of constant change, its center and periphery are always indefinite;
Psychotherapy Guidebook 5
however, the presence of a functional centrum within a surrounding
membrane is a somatic constant.
universe. Each species of soma has evolved its own specific reflex
The word “somatology” was first employed as early as the late sixteenth
centuries the word was used to designate the anatomical and physiological 6
Somatology, as the science of bodily functions as well as structures, was
born in 1872 when Charles Darwin published The Expression of the Emotions
in Man and Animals. Although Darwin did not then use the term somatology,
human, has at its disposal. Some of these functions are phylogenetic, others
the functional repertory of each species has been the general concern of
Somatology from its Darwinian origins to the present.
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individual process or indirect techniques that intervene in the environment of
the soma. The former techniques are clinical and educational, the latter are
seeks to enhance and facilitate the functional efficiency of the living being by
deal with the individual in vivo — never in the abstract. Each individual
Feldenkrais, the Sensory Integration of Jean Ayres, the neuromotor education
developed by Carl H. Delacato, Robert J. Doman, et al, the Alexander
the changes evoked are systemic and holistic, typically showing effects that
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