Control Lab Manual-2021

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Jordan University of Science and Technology

Faculty of Engineering

Chemical Engineering Department

Process Control LAB MANUAL

(ChE 552)

The theory and practice of automated process control is essential for the effective and efficient
operation of today's chemical processes. The Process Control Laboratory provides exposure to
feedback control of various process operations such as level tanks and pressure tank, as well as to the
dynamics of process components such as temperature sensors and motorized and pneumatic valves.
The control system most often used in continuous processes is PID (proportional-integral-derivative)
control. PID control can be accomplished by mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic, or electronic control
systems as well as by PLCs (Programmable Logic controller) and PACs (Programmable Automation
In this manual, we discuss the basic principles of Manual control, On/Off Control, PID control using
LabVIEW, which stands for Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Engineering Workbench. It is a
graphical programming language first released in 1986 by National Instruments (Austin, TX).
LabVIEW integrates the creation of user interfaces (termed front panels) into the development cycle.
LabVIEW programs-subroutines are termed virtual instruments (VIs). Each VI has three
components: a block diagram, a front panel, and a connector pane.


Eng. Rowaida Zoumot, Lecturer, Chemical Engineering Department, Jordan University of Science
and Technology


Eng. Heba Jalamneh, Chemical Engineering Department, Jordan University of Science and

Technology Integration

Temperature Experiment
Process control technology is the tool that enables manufacturers to keep their operations running
within specified limits and to set more precise limits to maximize profitability, ensure quality and
The Components of a Control Loop
A controller seeks to maintain the measured process variable (PV) at set point (SP) in spite of
unmeasured disturbances (D). The major components of a control system (Figure 1) include a
sensor, a controller and a final control element. To design and implement a controller, we
must: identify a process variable we seek to regulate, be able to measure it (or something directly
related to it) with a sensor, and be able to transmit that measurement as an electrical signal back to
our controller, and have a final control element (FCE) that can receive the controller output (Pr)
signal, react in some fashion to impact the process (e.g., a valve moves), and as a result cause the
process variable to respond in a consistent and predictable fashion.

Figure (1): Block diagram for closed control loop


Chemical Process include refining, combining, handling, and otherwise manipulating fluids to
profitably produce end products can be a precise, demanding, and potentially hazardous process.
Small changes in a process can have a large impact on the end result. Variations in proportions,
temperature, flow, turbulence, and many other factors must be carefully and consistently controlled
to produce the desired end product with a minimum of raw materials and energy.
TemperatureExperiment Hardware& Software


The Compact Field Point (cFP) setup consists of the following components:

1- Compact Field Point (cFP) 3- cFP Back Plane

2- I/O Module

Figure (2): Compact Field Point

a. Compact FieldPoint Setup, consists of:

 cFP-2020
- Embedded controller runs Lab VIEW Real-Time for control, data logging, and signal
- Stand-alone embedded real-time controller or Ethernet interface for PC-based distributed
- 64 MB of nonvolatile Compact Flash storage, 32 MB DRAM memory
- 1 RS485 and 3 RS232 serial ports for connection to peripherals
- Up to 512 MB of removable Compact Flash storage
- Embedded Web and file servers with remote-panel user interface

 cFP-TC-120:
- 16 Bit Thermocouple Input Module (TC, mV)
- 8 Channel

 cFP-AIO-610:
- 12 bit Analog I/O Module
- 4 Channel, 12 bit, AI, V and mA
- 4 Channel, 12 bit AO, V

Temperature Experiment Setup, consists of:

1. Thermocouples
 Type: K-Type
 Qty. 4: TC1, TC2, TC3, TC4

2. Flow Control Valve

 Control Signal: 0 - 10 VDC
 Feedback Signal: 0 - 10 VDC

3. Pump

4. Heater


1. To run the experiment, turn on your PC and run the “Temperature Experiment”
located on the desktop.

2. The experiment’s screen is shown in the figure below:

1. Experiment Control Buttons 6. PID, and On/Off Parameters

2. Process Flow Chart 7. Chart
3. Temperature Readings (V and ºC) 8. cFP Connection Status
4. Temperature Calibration Button 9. Write Comment, Save, Print Buttons
5. Set New Output Range Button

Figure (3): Experiment’s Screen

Details of the items in the Experiment Main Screen (Fig. 3) are as follows:

2.1 Experiment Control Buttons:

Here you can change the control

method used to perform the
experiment; You can choose:
 Manual Control
 On/Off Control
 Auto Control (P, PI, PID)
Start Button; This button starts
the control of the experiment.
Stop Button; This button stops
the control of the experiment.
This indicator, indicates the
status of the Experiment whether
it’s Idle or run mode.

Quit Button; This button quit the

experiment and closes the
software screen.

Figure (4): Experiment Control Buttons

2.2 Process Flow Chart:

Schematic of the process flow chart of the experiment.

2.3 Temperature Readings (V and ºC):

If you click on any of the thermocouple pictures, another window will pop-up
showing the thermocouple reading in ºC and its related voltage reading.
Figure (5): Temperature Readings Window

2.4 PID, and On/Off Parameters:

Control system parameters. Here you can change the parameters of the
control whether On/Off or Auto. And you can change the Set point and
monitor the Process Variable and Output.

2.5 Chart:

The behavior of the system is plotted on this chart. You can monitor the
Set point plot, Process Variable plot, and output plots.

2.6 cFP Connection Status:

This indicates the connection status of the Compact FieldPoint. The cFP
should always be connected to be able to perform the experiment. If at
any point the cFP was disconnected, please consult your lab administrator

2.7 Write Comment, Save, Print Buttons:

 Write Comment Button:

To write a comment on any part of the chart, you have
to press this button. The following window will pop-
up afterwards:

Figure (6): Write Comment Window

Type in the comment and then press the Enter

button (+). You can also edit a previous comment
by selecting it from the list or change its color by
clicking on the color button.

Once you decided which comment you want to

place on the chart, select it and then press the
“Select Button”. Place the comment on the
required location on the chart by clicking on it.

 Save Button:

To save the experiment results, click on the Save

Button; a save dialog box will appear.
 Print Button:

To print the experiment results, click on the Print

Button; another window will appear to prompt
you for a scale to print; i.e. if you want to select a
specific period of the experiment to print.

Figure (7): Select Scale Window

Running the Experiment:

1. Connect the Thermocouples (TC1, TC2, TC3, TC4) and Flow Control Valve
Temp. cables to their locations on the console. Each cable has a label that
indicates its name and shall be plugged to its relevant location.

2. Turn on your PC and run the “Temperature” located on the


3. When you run an experiment, always make sure that the message “Compact
FieldPoint is connected” always appears on the bottom of the screen. If not,
please consult the Lab Administrator for support.

Figure (8): Schematic Diagram of Temperature controller unit

The system consists of cold water from external supply through a flexible tube passing through flow
manual control valve to enter the plate heat exchanger at TC3 and leaving at TC4, where it is
contacted with hot water. The hot water is coming from the hot water reservoir and heated by an
electric heating element and is withdrawn from the reservoir by circulating pump through a flow
meter and manual valve then automatic valve (motorized valve) to the heat exchanger at TC1 and
after the heat exchange process the hot water is then returned to the reservoir at TC2. Four
thermocouples are installed in different locations to measure the fluid temperature; TC1, TC2, TC3
and TC4.
What happens here in the process is that the thermocouple measures TC4, this signal goes to the
signal conditioner channel. Two thermocouple signal conditioning modules. The function of these
modules is to convert the thermocouple output to 0-1 V and 4-20 mA signals for control and
monitoring purposes. After this signal is converted to mA it enters the controller. The controller
output also in mA goes to the motor positioner which controls the valve opening, therefore
controlling the flow rate of the hot fluid. These connections are shown in Figure (9).
Figure (9): P&ID
Experiment (1-1): Sensor Calibration

1. Calibrate the thermocouple /conditioning circuit
2. Investigate the linearity and hystersis of the sensor/conditioner

Experimental Details:
The aim of this experiment is to calibrate the thermocouples to give the following
Minimum Temperature = 0 oC = 0.000 Volt = 0.0 % PV
Maximum Temperature = 100 oC = 1.000 Volt = 100 % PV
(i.e The range of Sensor is 100 oC)
Temperature Calibration Button:

This button opens a new window where you can perform temperature calibration:

Figure (10): Temperature Calibration Window

You can change the calibration by entering a new calibration value and then pressing
the “Ok” button, or you can cancel the operation by pressing the “Cancel” button.
Set New Output Range Button:
Use this button to change the output range of the controller; i.e. if you want the control
valve to operate in a selected scale or a full scale.
1- Prepare a source of boiling water and crushed ice, and glass thermometer
or digital thermometer as reference.
2- Connect the thermocouple available to the socket on the conditioning
module using especial connecting lead supplied with the equipment.
3- Place the thermocouple and digital thermometer in the cold water and
start heating and record data:
4- Gradually leave the hot water to cool by adding ice or cold water to it and
record the corresponding reading as part 4 starting from zero time one
reading/one minute.

PV% Digital Thermometer PV% Digital Thermometer

(T) oC (heating) (T) oC (cooling)


1- Plot the temperature versus the thermocouple/conditioner time to
determine the linearity and hysteresis.
2- How does the thermocouple/conditioner output change with change in
3- Calculate the transmitter gain (KT)?
4- Explain how the thermocouple/conditioner may be calibrated to suit an
operating temperature range 40-90 oC
Experiment (1-2): Motorized Valve Characteristics


Demonstrate the manual operation of the motorized valve and determine its
characteristics (flow/ position):

The Flow Characteristic of the Control Valve

Trim design of the valve affects how the control valve capacity changes as the valve
moves through its complete travel. Because of the variation in trim design, many
valves are not linear in nature. Valve trims are instead designed, or characterized, in
order to meet the large variety of control application needs. Many control loops have
inherent non linearity's, which may be possible to compensate selecting the control
valve trim

Figure (11): Inherent Control Valve Flow Characteristic

1- V3 always should be closed. Close V1.
2- Set the controller to manual.
3- Adjust V2 to give 280 cm³/min with motorized valve open (this mean the
controller output should be 100% and then adjust the flow rate to
4- Set the power output from the controller to 0.0% and observe on F2 that
the flow of water stop.(not necessarily zero).
5- Adjust the output in steps of 10% from 0.0% to 100%, note and record
the corresponding flow rate on F2 at each setting (see table below).
6- When you record last setting at 100% then reduce the (Pr) from 100% to
zero% in step of 10% then record the corresponding flow rate on F2 at
each setting:

Pr% Flow rate (up) Pr% Flow rate

(valve position) cm³/min (valve position) (down) cm³/min
0% 100%
10% 90%
20% 80%
30% 70%
40% 60%
50% 50%
60% 40%
70% 30%
80% 20%
90% 10%
100% 0%


1- Plot a graph of controller output versus flow rate and determine the
characteristics of control value and any hysteresis?. (refer to Level
Experiment 2)
2- Calculate the control valve gain (Kv)?
Experiment (1-3): Manual remove of initial offset and Process Reaction Curve


1- Manually control the process fluid outlet temperature (TC4) by proportional

adjustment of flow in the heating fluid circuit (V2 or motorized valve):
1. Determine controller action:
2- Determine the Process Reaction Curve (Open Loop Response) of the process:
(method for optimizing P-only, PI and PID settings)


Figure (12): Process Reaction Curve

Control Function Gain & Action Times

Proportional only (P) 1 𝑇 𝑇𝑑 KC: Controller Gain
K𝑐 = ∗ (1 + )
𝐾𝑝 𝑇𝑑 3𝑇
Ti: Integral Time Constant
Proportional + Integral 1 𝑇 𝑇𝑑 "min."
K𝑐 = ∗ (. 9 + )
(P.I) 𝐾𝑝 𝑇𝑑 12𝑇
TD: Derivative Time
3𝑇𝑑 Constant "min."
30 + 𝑇
Ti = Td ( )
20𝑇𝑑 Td: Dead Time "min."
9+ 𝑇
T: Process Time constant
Proportional + Integral + 1 𝑇 4 𝑇𝑑 "min."
𝐾𝑐 = ∗ ( + )
Derivative (P.I.D) 𝐾𝑝 𝑇𝑑 3 4𝑇
32 + 𝑇
Ti = Td ( )
13 + 𝑇

TD = Td ( )
11 + 𝑇

Procedure (Part 1):

1- Set the controller to manual control.

2- Set the set point = 30oC
3- Adjust V1 to give 150 cm³/min, V2 to give 280 cm³/min (with motorized
valve must be open) note: Pr = 100%, flow =maximum.
4- When the reading of the process variable TC4 becomes more than the value
of set point at least 5%.start adjust the controller output (Pr %) until the
P.V, TC4 reading equal to the set point value: offset = zero.
5- Note the corresponding flow rate on F2?

Procedure (Part 2):

1- Set the controller to manual control.

2- Set the set point = 30oC
3- Adjust V1 to give 150 cm³/min
4- Remove initial offset
5- Increase the power output from the controller by 20-30%
6- Record the response of the temperature TC4?


1- Calculate The Controller Bias?

2- Followed Reaction Curve Method: Estimate the controller settings for:
P-only, PI and PID controllers?
Experiment (1-4):
Proportional only Controller and Ziegler-Nicholas controller settings
optimization method


1. To control the temperature of the process fluid leaving the heat exchanger TC4
using the proportional output from the process controller to operate the
motorized valve.
2. To study the effect of changing (Kc) value versus offset value.
3. Use one of the widely used field methods for optimizing the P-only, PI and PID
settings on the controller to suit the characteristics of the process: Ultimate
Period/ Ziegler-Nicholas (closed loop).

The Ziegler-Nichols closed-loop tuning method allows you to use the ultimate gain value, Ku,
and the ultimate period of oscillation, Pu, to calculate Kc. It is a simple method of tuning PID
controllers and can be refined to give better approximations of the controller.
Determining the ultimate gain value, Ku, is accomplished by finding the value of the
proportional-only gain that causes the control loop to oscillate indefinitely at steady state..
Another important value associated with this proportional-only control tuning method is the
ultimate period (Pu). The ultimate period is the time required to complete one full oscillation
while the system is at steady state. These two parameters, Ku and Pu, are used to find the loop-
tuning constants of the controller (P, PI, or PID).

Calculations of Kc, Ti, Td

Figure (13): Ziegler-Nicholas Responses
Procedure and Results:

1- Controller setting S.P = …..(30).

2- Set Kc=10, Ti=0, & Td=0
3- Adjust V1= 150 cm³/min on F1, Pr=100% and V2 =280 cm³/min on F2
4- Remove initial offset.
5- Set the controller to automatic control.
6- Wait at least one minute.
7- Make disturbance:
a- Step change in Set point or,
b- Increasing the flow of process fluid (open V1 to give ….200 cm³/min)
8- Record the offset value from the chart.
9- Continue increasing the Kc values and record the offset
10- Increase Kc in suitable range and re-apply a step change until reach the ultimate
region for the process variable: (PV oscillates around SP with constant
At Kc = Kcu,
11- Calculate three-term controller type settings using Ziegler-Nicholas equations
for P-only, PI and PID controllers?
Experiment (1-5): Optimum settings for the PI controller


Control the temperature of the process fluid leaving the exchanger TC4 using
proportional integral: PI controller to operate the motorized valve, and study the
response of the controller to a change in set point or a disturbance to the process.

Procedure and Results:

1- Set the controller to manual control.
2- Controller sitting: S.P= 30, Kc=….., Ti =…, (Start with the optimum values
calculated from open loop response)
3- Adjust V1 to give 150 cm³/min, Pr = 100% and V2 to give 280 cm³/min.
4- Wait and re- adjust V1, V2 until the flow rate stabilizes in both flow meters.
5- Remove initial offset.
6- Set the controller to Auto
7- Make a disturbance on the process: i.e
Increase the set point to 40% or change process flow rate on V1
8- Observe the response of the process.
9- (Increasing/decreasing) Ti and or Kc value based on response behavior and
10- Repeat steps 1-9 for Closed Loop optimum settings
Experiment (1-6): Optimum settings for the Three-Term controller: (PID)


To control the temperature of the process fluid leaving the exchanger TC4 using three-
term controller: PID controller to operate the motorized valve, and study the response
of the controller to a change in set point or a disturbance to the process.

Procedure and Results:

1- Set the controller to manual control.
2- Controller sitting: S.P= 30, Kc=….., Ti =…, Td =…. (Start with the optimum
values calculated from open loop response)
3- Adjust V1 to give 150 cm³/min, Pr = 100% and V2 to give 280 cm³/min.
4- Wait and re- adjust V1, V2 until the flow rate stabilizes in both flow meters.
5- Remove initial offset.
6- Set the controller to Auto
7- Make a disturbance on the process: i.e
Increase the set point to 40%. Or change process flow rate on V1
8- Observe the response of the process.
9- (Increasing/decreasing) Td and or Kc value based on response behavior and
10- Repeat steps 1-9 for Closed Loop optimum settings
Jordan University of Science and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering


Title of the Experiment:…Temperature Experiment …………..

Name Number

Lab Report Grading – Sheet


Introduction/ Objectives / 15
Experiment setup and Description

Process Flow Diagram (PFD) / 10

Process and Instrumentation Diagram / 10

Main Calculations / Tables/ Figures 25

Results / Tables/ Figures and Discussion 40

Date of Submission: …………………………………………


Technology Integration

Pressure Experiment
Process control technology is the tool that enables manufacturers to keep their operations running
within specified limits and to set more precise limits to maximize profitability, ensure quality and
The Components of a Control Loop
A controller seeks to maintain the measured process variable (PV) at set point (SP) in spite of
unmeasured disturbances (D). The major components of a control system (Figure 1) include a
sensor, a controller and a final control element. To design and implement a controller, we
must: identify a process variable we seek to regulate, be able to measure it (or something directly
related to it) with a sensor, and be able to transmit that measurement as an electrical signal back to
our controller, and have a final control element (FCE) that can receive the controller output (Pr)
signal, react in some fashion to impact the process (e.g., a valve moves), and as a result cause the
process variable to respond in a consistent and predictable fashion.

Figure (2-1): Block diagram for closed control loop


Chemical Process include refining, combining, handling, and otherwise manipulating fluids to
profitably produce end products can be a precise, demanding, and potentially hazardous process.
Small changes in a process can have a large impact on the end result. Variations in proportions,
temperature, flow, turbulence, and many other factors must be carefully and consistently controlled
to produce the desired end product with a minimum of raw materials and energy.
Pressure Experiment Hardware & Software

The Compact FieldPoint (cFP) setup consists of the following components:

a. Compact FieldPoint (cFP) c. cFP Back Plane

b. I/O Module

Figure (2-2): Compact FieldPoint

Experiment Components:
i. Compact FieldPoint Setup, consists of:

 cFP-2020
- Embedded controller runs LabVIEW Real-Time for control, data logging, and signal
- Stand-alone embedded real-time controller or Ethernet interface for PC-based distributed
- 64 MB of nonvolatile CompactFlash storage, 32 MB DRAM memory
- 1 RS485 and 3 RS232 serial ports for connection to peripherals
- Up to 512 MB of removable CompactFlash storage
- Embedded Web and file servers with remote-panel user interface

 cFP-AIO-600:
- 12 bit Analog I/O Module
- 4 Channel, 12 bit AI, V and mA
- 4 Channel, 12 bit AO, mA

ii. PC-3 Setup, consists of:

1. Pressure Sensor
i. Output Signal: 0 - 10 VDC
ii. Power Supply: 24 VAC

2. Flow Control Valve

i. Control Signal: 4 – 20 mA

3. Gas storage tank

Figure (2-3): Schematic Diagram of Temperature controller unit

1. To run the experiment, turn on your PC and run the “Pressure”
located on the desktop.

2. The experiment’s screen is shown in the figure below:

1. Experiment Control Buttons 5. PID, and On/Off Parameters

2. Process Flow Chart 6. Chart
3. Pressure Readings (psi and mA) 7. cFP Connection Status
4. Set New Output Range Button 8. Write Comment, Save, Print

Figure (2-4): Experiment’s Screen

Details of the items in the Experiment Main Screen Figure (2-4) above are as follows:

2.8 Experiment Control Buttons:

Here you can change the control

method used to perform the
experiment; You can choose:
 Manual Control
 On/Off Control
 Auto Control (P, PI, PID)
Start Button; This button starts
the control of the experiment.

Stop Button; This button stops

the control of the experiment.

This indicator, indicates the

status of the Experiment whether
it’s Idle or run mode.

Quit Button; This button quit the

experiment and closes the
software screen.

2.9 Process Flow Chart:

Schematic of the process flow chart of the experiment.

2.10 Pressure Readings (psi and mA):

If you click on the Pressure Sensor picture, another window will pop-up showing the
pressure reading in (psi) and its related Current (mA) reading.
2.11 Set New Output Range Button:
Use this button to change the output range of the controller; i.e. if you want the
control valve to operate in a selected scale or a full scale.

2.12 PID, and On/Off Parameters:

Control system parameters. Here you can change the parameters of the control
whether On/Off or Auto. And you can change the Setpoint and monitor the Process
Variable and Output.

2.13 Chart:
The behavior of the system is plotted on this chart. You can monitor the Setpoint plot,
Process Variable plot, and output plots.

2.14 cFP Connection Status:

This indicates the connection status of the Compact FieldPoint. The cFP should
always be connected to be able to perform the experiment. If at any point the cFP was
disconnected, please consult your lab administrator immediately.

2.15 Write Comment, Save, Print Buttons:

Comment, Save, Print Buttons

 Write Comment Button:

To write a comment on any part of the chart, you have to press
this button. The following window will pop-up afterwards:
Type in the comment and then press the Enter button (+). You
can also edit a previous comment by selecting it from the list
or change its color by clicking on the color button.

Once you decided which comment you want to place on the

chart, select it and then press the “Select Button”. Place the
comment on the required location on the chart by clicking on

 Save Button:
To save the experiment results, click on the Save Button; a
save dialog box will appear.

 Print Button:
To print the experiment results, click on the Print Button;
another window will appear to prompt you for a scale to print;
i.e. if you want to select a specific period of the experiment to

1. Connect the Pressure Sensor, Pressure Sensor 24VAC Power Supply, and Flow
Control Valve Pressure cables to their locations on the console. Each cable has a
label that indicates its name and shall be plugged to its relevant location.

2. Turn on your PC and run the “Pressure” located on the desktop.

3. When you run an experiment, always make sure that the message “Compact
FieldPoint is connected” always appears on the bottom of the screen. If not,
please consult the Lab Administrator for support.


1. Determine the control valve type and action:

2. Show the difficulties which may be experienced when the air pressure is controlled manually
at a chosen value:
3. Determine controller action:
4. Determine the controller Bias


(2-4): Experiment’s Screen


The pressure in the system may be controlled manually via the manual Control buttons selection:


1. Record the pressure changes and the control valve position changes with changing the power
output from the controller
2. Determine control valve type and action?
3. Determine controller action?
4. Record bias value
5. Note the difficulties which may be experienced in controlling the pressure at a chosen value.
EXPERIMENT 2-2: Process Reaction Curve (Open Loop Response)

Determine the Process Reaction Curve (Open Loop Response) of the process: (method for
optimizing P-only, PI and PID settings)


The reaction curve ( due to Cohen and Coon ) in which the system , in manual control, is given an
input change and the effect on the process variable is recorded. From the change in the process
variable with time, the values BU,T and TD are found and inserted into the Cohen and Coon
equations to find the controller settings in the equations to give the controller settings:


1- Set the controller to manual control.

2- Set the set point = 40 or …….
3- Remove initial offset
4- Decreases the power output from the controller by 20-30%
5- Record the response of the Pressure (PV)?
6- Followed Reaction Curve Method: Estimate the controller settings for: P-only, PI and
PID controllers?
Experiment (2-3): Proportional only Controller and Ziegler- Nicholas controller
settings optimization method


1. To examine the effect of the controller gain Kc on the controller action .

2. Use one of the widely used field methods for optimizing the P-only, PI and PID settings on
the controller to suit the characteristics of the process: Ultimate Period/ Ziegler-Nicholas
(closed loop).

Proportional control means that the corrective action for a deviation from the set point is proportional
to that deviation over a certain deviation range. The range of the proportional control is expressed as
a percentage of the controller range, the 0% setting being simple on / off control action. This may be
expressed mathematically as Pr = - Kc (e),
Where Pr: is the controller action .
Kc: controller (gain )
e: is the error ( deviation from set point )


CLOSED LOOP : ( due to Ziegler and Nichols ) the natural frequency of oscillation of the center
system is found and the appropriate values put into the equations on the PID setting data sheet .


1- Set the controller manual then press start button.

2- Set Kc=10, Ti=0, & Td=0
3-Remove initial offset by:
4- Change the controller to automatic controller with P-only setting (ie Kc= 10).
5- Apply a set point step change to the process
6- If the process variable (PV) remains steady: calculate offset:
7- Increase Kc in suitable range and re-apply a step change until reach the ultimate region for
the process variable. (PV oscillates around SP with constant amplitude).
8- Pressure and controller action can be recorded on the chart
9- At Kc = Kcu, calculate three-term controller type settings using Ziegler-Nicholas equations


To show how integral Action can correct an "offset" due to the stable control point being removed
from the centre of the proportional band.


If the demands on a control system are such that stable control is near one end of the proportional
band then the set point will not correspond to the value of the controlled process variable . this will
occur in the present equipment when the demand for air is either very high or very low .Integral
action senses this offset and reduces it to zero by moving the proportional band at a rate depending

C = pr = controller action
K =constant (controller GAIN)
E = Deviation
t I = Integral action time


1- Set the controller to automatic controller.

2- Set the value of Kc & Ti that calculated in Experiment 2: Reaction curve
3- Pressure and controller action records should be compared: Observe the response behavior
(stability, speed and error value), if the system is stable (has no oscillation and minimum
error value), make a disturbance on SP (increasing/decreasing) and observe the resulted
4- (Increasing/decreasing) Ti and or Kc values based on response behavior and stability.
5- Repeat steps 1-4 for the results of experiment 3: closed loop


To show the effect of derivative Action on the controller system behavior:


Derivatives action reduces the rate of deviation from the set point and damps oscillation about the set


1- Set the controller to automatic controller.

2- Set the value of Kc, Ti and Td that calculated in Experiment 2: Reaction curve
3- Pressure and controller action records should be compared: Observe the response behavior
(stability, speed and error value), if the system is stable (has no oscillation and minimum
error value), make a disturbance on SP (increasing/decreasing) and observe the resulted
4- (Increasing/decreasing) Td and or Kc values based on response behavior and stability.
5- Repeat steps 1-4 for the results of experiment 3: closed loop

Further experiment:

Do any experiment with any values if you need to prove or try other process disturbances: (PD,
closed and open one of the output valves…) and observe the controller response behavior
Experiment (2-5): On/Off Controller


1- Define one of the controller type: (On/Off), and define the main variables controlled it.
2- Determine the effect of Hysteresis (deadband) on-off controller output.


On-Off control is conceptually the same thing as proportional control with a high controller
gain. It is characterized by very small, but infinite, errors causing the controller output to switch
between maximum and minimum output according to the sign of the error and to determine the
value of error a variable called hysteresis must be determined.


1- Choose ON/OFF controller.

2- Set the SP = 40%.
3- Set the value of (hysteresis) Upper and Lower ………% of SP.
4- Wait the response to plot 2 or 3 cycles.
5- Repeat for different values of hysteresis such as 10%,….,or change SP value
6- Discuss the response of the controller
Jordan University of Science and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering


Title of the Experiment: …..Pressure Experiment …………..

Name Number

Lab Report Grading – Sheet


Introduction/ Objectives / 15
Experiment setup and Description

Process Flow Diagram (PFD) / 10

Process and Instrumentation Diagram / 10

Main Calculations / Tables/ Figures 25

Results / Tables/ Figures and Discussion 40

Date of Submission: …………………………………………


Technology Integration

Level Experiment
Process control technology is the tool that enables manufacturers to keep their operations running
within specified limits and to set more precise limits to maximize profitability, ensure quality and
The Components of a Control Loop
A controller seeks to maintain the measured process variable (PV) at set point (SP) in spite of
unmeasured disturbances (D). The major components of a control system (Figure 1) include a
sensor, a controller and a final control element. To design and implement a controller, we
must: identify a process variable we seek to regulate, be able to measure it (or something directly
related to it) with a sensor, and be able to transmit that measurement as an electrical signal back to
our controller, and have a final control element (FCE) that can receive the controller output (Pr)
signal, react in some fashion to impact the process (e.g., a valve moves), and as a result cause the
process variable to respond in a consistent and predictable fashion.

Figure (1): Block diagram for closed control loop


Chemical Process include refining, combining, handling, and otherwise manipulating fluids to
profitably produce end products can be a precise, demanding, and potentially hazardous process.
Small changes in a process can have a large impact on the end result. Variations in proportions, level,
temperature, flow, turbulence, and many other factors must be carefully and consistently controlled
to produce the desired end product with a minimum of raw materials and energy.
Process Description:

The process consists of two tanks the process tank and the sump tank. Water is
pumped from the sump tank to the process tank and the flow is measured using a flow
meter (F-1). As water is pumped to the process tank, level is measured using the flow
sensor. The sensor used in the experiment is a floater sensor.

The sensing mechanism consists of a custom, weighted float and counterweight which
are attached by a cord. The cord runs over a notched pulley to give a positive drive. As
the water level raises or lowers, the float goes up or down, thus turning the pulley. The
pulley shaft is coupled to a potentiometer. The potentiometer converts volt-age to
digital form for connection to a data logger.

Water flows out of the process tank through a manual valve (V-4) which is opened and
closed manually or through one of two solenoid valves (SOL2 & SOL3). A solenoid is
an electromechanical device which allows for an electrical device to control the flow
of a gas or liquid.
The valve changes state, either opening or closing to allow a liquid to either flow
through or be blocked by the solenoid valve.

Response to signals received from controllers that compare a "set point" to a "process
variable" whose value is provided by sensors that monitor changes in level inside the
process tank. The opening or closing of control valves is done by means of electrical
signal. Positioners are used to control the opening or closing of the actuator based on
Electric Signals to manipulate the input flow rate to the process tank

Figure (3-1): Schematic Diagram of level controller unit


1. To run the experiment, turn on your PC and run the “shortcut Level” located on the desktop. Then run "level"

2. The experiment’s screen is shown in the figure below:

1. Experiment Control Buttons 7. Level Calibration Button

2. Process Flow Chart 8. PID, and On/Off Parameters
3. Set New Output Range Button 9. Chart
4. Open/Close Solenoid Valve 10.10.cFP Connection Status
5. Turn On/Off Pump 11.11.Write Comment, Save, Print Buttons
6. Level Readings (%)

Figure (3-2): Graphical Interface for Level Experiment using LAB VIEW
Details of the items in the Experiment Main Screen Figure (3-2) above are as follows:

2.16 Experiment Control Buttons:

Here you can change the control

method used to perform the
experiment; You can choose:
 Manual Control
 On/Off Control
 Auto Control (P, PI, PID)
Start Button; This button starts
the control of the experiment.

Stop Button; This button stops

the control of the experiment.

This indicator, indicates the

status of the Experiment whether
it’s Idle or run mode.

Quit Button; This button quit the

experiment and closes the
software screen.

2.17 Process Flow Chart:

Schematic of the process flow chart of the experiment.

2.18 Pressure Readings (psi and mA):

If you click on the Pressure Sensor picture, another window will pop-up showing the
pressure reading in (psi) and its related Current (mA) reading.
2.19 Set New Output Range Button:
Use this button to change the output range of the controller; i.e. if you want the
control valve to operate in a selected scale or a full scale.

2.20 PID, and On/Off Parameters:

Control system parameters. Here you can change the parameters of the control
whether On/Off or Auto. And you can change the Setpoint and monitor the Process
Variable and Output.

2.21 Chart:
The behavior of the system is plotted on this chart. You can monitor the Setpoint plot,
Process Variable plot, and output plots.

2.22 cFP Connection Status:

This indicates the connection status of the Compact FieldPoint. The cFP should
always be connected to be able to perform the experiment. If at any point the cFP was
disconnected, please consult your lab administrator immediately.

2.23 Write Comment, Save, Print Buttons:

Comment, Save, Print Buttons

 Write Comment Button:

To write a comment on any part of the chart, you have to press
this button. The following window will pop-up afterwards:
Type in the comment and then press the Enter button (+). You
can also edit a previous comment by selecting it from the list
or change its color by clicking on the color button.

Once you decided which comment you want to place on the

chart, select it and then press the “Select Button”. Place the
comment on the required location on the chart by clicking on

 Save Button:
To save the experiment results, click on the Save Button; a
save dialog box will appear.

 Print Button:
To print the experiment results, click on the Print Button;
another window will appear to prompt you for a scale to print;
i.e. if you want to select a specific period of the experiment to
Experiment (3-1): Sensor Calibration


1- To calibrate the level sensor

2- To investigate the linearity and hysteresis of the sensor.


Calibration: the aim of this experiment is to calibrate the level sensor to give the following
Minimum Level: 30mm=0%.
Maximum Level: 130mm=100%.

Linearity and hysteresis: having calibrated the sensor it is interesting to determine the linearity of
the output over the conditioner operating range from minimum to maximum level.


a- Calibration:

1- Press calibration icon on graphical interface for level experiment to open calibration window

2- Operate Pump by click on its icon to give green color.

3- Wait until the level in the process tank reach to (30 mm) then stop pump.
4- Click on set as 0% button.
5- Operate the pump again and wait until the level reach to (130 mm) then stop the pump.
6- Click on set as 100% button
7- Click Ok button, wait till the calibration take place
b- Linearity & Hysteresis:

1- Adjust the level of water in the process tank in steps of 10 mm from the maximum
level (130 mm) to the minimum level (30 mm).
2- Record the level reading in tank as(mm)and level reading as (%) from icon (2.6).
3- Repeat the procedure by increasing the level from minimum value to maximum
one, to do that:
a- Press on start button, choose manual control.
b- Press on pump icon to get green color.
c- From the control valve opening (2.3) set Power output to 50%.
d- Open drain valve(V-4)in a suitable opening(in order to get uniform increment in
water level".
3- Record the level reading in tank as (mm) and level reading as (%) from icon (2.6)
as follows:

Table (3-1): Linearity and Hysteresis of sensor

Increasing Decreasing
PV(mm) PV (%) PV(mm) PV (%)
30 130
40 120
50 110
60 100
70 90
80 80
90 70
100 60
110 50
120 40
130 30


1- Plot the level mm versus the output to determine the linearity and hysteresis,
and find the relation between both.
2- Calculate the transmitter gain (KT)?
Experiment (3-2): Control Valves characteristics


1- Demonstrate manual operation of the motorized control valve and determine its

2- Determine solenoid valves (SOL2 & SOL3) actions and coefficients (Cv).


The control valve is essentially a analog device. The output of the control valve is
controlled by an analog positioned. A 4-20 mA signal is usually used in the
positioning the control valve.
The main advantage sof the control valve include:

a. Faster response
b. Continuous, accurate positioning and control

The relationship between control valve capacity and valve stem travel is known as the
Flow Characteristic of the Control Valve

Trim design of the valve affects how the control valve capacity changes as the valve
moves through its complete travel. Because of the variation in trim design, many
valves are not linear in nature. Valve trims are instead designed, or characterized, in
order to meet the large variety of control application needs. Many control loops have
inherent non linearity's, which may be possible to compensate selecting the control
valve trim.

The most common characteristics are shown in Figure (3-3). The percent of flow
through the valve is plotted against valve stem position. The curves shown are typical
of those available from valve manufacturers. These curves are based on constant
pressure drop across the valve and are called inherent flow characteristics.
Figure (3-3) Control Valve Flow Characteristics

 Linear - flow capacity increases linearly with valve travel.

 Equal percentage - flow capacity increases exponentially with valve trim
travel. Equal increments of valve travel produce equal percentage changes in
the existing Cv.
 A modified parabolic characteristic is approximately midway between linear
and equal-percentage characteristics. It provides fine throttling at low flow
capacity and approximately linear characteristics at higher flow capacity.
 Quick opening provides large changes in flow for very small changes in lift. It
usually has too high a valve gain for use in modulating control. So it is limited
to on-off service, such as sequential operation in either batch or semi-
continuous processes.
 Hyperbolic
 Square Root
Solenoid Valves: are an electromechanical device which allows for an electrical
device to control the flow of a gas or liquid. The electrical device causes a current to
flow through a coil located on the solenoid. This current flow in turn result causes the
displacement of a metal actuator. The actuator is mechanically linked to a mechanical
valve inside the solenoid valve. The valve then changes state, either opening or closing
to allow a liquid or gas to either flow through or be blocked by the solenoid valve. A
spring is used to return the actuator and valve back to their resting state when the
current flow is removed. Solenoid valves come in various configurations and sizes.
Solenoid valves can be normally open, normally closed, or a two way valve. A
normally open solenoid valve allows a liquid or gas to flow through unless a current is
applied to the solenoid valve. A normally closed valve works in the opposite manner.

Control valve sizing:

Determine the correct valve to install from the many valves commercially
available. The procedure is based on information provided by valve manufacturers,
who specify the capacity of their valves using the valve coefficient,
Cv. Mathematically the valve coefficient can be expressed as:

Cv = Flow coefficient or flow capacity rating of valve.
F = Rate of flow (US gallons per minute).
SG = Specific gravity of fluid (Water = 1).
ΔP = Pressure drop across valve (psi).


a- Motorized valve characteristic:

1- Press on start button, and choose manual control.
2- Set Pr to 100% and make sure that flow rate (F-1)=3000cm^3/min.
3- Set Pr to 0%.
4- Change Pr in steps of 10 from 0%-100% increasing and decreasing and record
the corresponding flow rate: Table (2):
Table (3-2): Valve characteristics

Increasing Decreasing
Pr % Flow rate Pr % Flow rate
0 100
10 90
20 80
30 70
40 60
50 50
60 40
70 30
80 20
90 10
100 0

b- Solenoid valves:

1- Press on start button, and choose manual control, set Pr to 100%.

2- Note the action of the 3 solenoid valves (1, 2 and 3"based on its color").
3- Press on each solenoid valve individually, and observe what change.
4- keep solenoid 1 open, closed solenoid 2, make sure that (V-4) is close, and
solenoid3 open.
5- Adjust Pr value (flow rate value) until the level in the process tank = 50%.
6- Record the corresponding flow rate on (F-1) and level in the tank ( mm)
7- Repeat the above procedure (step 4-6) but for SOL2 open and close SOL3


1- Determine valve and controller action, (explain).

2- Plot the resulted data and determine the valve characteristic: (write
characteristic equation and determine its parameters).
3- Calculate the Cv for SOL2 and SOL3.

Experiment (3-3): Ziegler-Nicholas method


Use one of the widely used field methods for optimizing the P-only, PI and PID
settings on the controller to suit the characteristics of the process: Ultimate Period/
Ziegler-Nicholas (closed loop).


The Ziegler-Nichols closed-loop tuning method allows you to use the ultimate gain
value, Ku, and the ultimate period of oscillation, Pu, to calculate Kc. It is a simple
method of tuning PID controllers and can be refined to give better approximations of
the controller.
Determining the ultimate gain value, Ku, is accomplished by finding the value of the
proportional-only gain that causes the control loop to oscillate indefinitely at steady
state.. Another important value associated with this proportional-only control tuning
method is the ultimate period (Pu). The ultimate period is the time required to
complete one full oscillation while the system is at steady state. These two
parameters, Ku and Pu, are used to find the loop-tuning constants of the controller (P,
PI, or PID).

Figure (3-4) Ziegler-Nicholas Responses

Table (3-3): Closed-Loop Calculations of Kc, Ti, Td


1- Set the controller manual then press start button.

2- Set Kc=10, Ti=0, & Td=0
3-Remove initial offset by:

a- open solenoid 2 and close (V-4) and solenoid 3.

b- Change Pr manually until PV=SP….. (Set Sp = 50).

4. Change the controller to automatic controller with P-only setting (ie Kc= 10).
5. Apply a step change to the process by opening or closing SOL2 or SOL3 as
6. If the process variable (PV) remains steady: calculate offset:
7. Increase Kc in suitable range and re-apply a step change until reach the
ultimate region for the process variable. (PV oscillates around SP with constant


1- At Kc = Kcu, calculate three-term controller type settings using Ziegler-Nicholas

equations as in Table (3-3):
Experiment (3-4): Optimum settings for the Three-Term controller
types: (P, PI, & PID)


1- Demonstrate the characteristics of: P-only, PI and PID process controller and the
response to a change in set point (SP) or to disturbance to the Process

2- Determine experimentally the optimum value(s) of Kc for P-only, Kc & Ʈi for PI

controller and Kc, Ʈi & Ʈd for PID controller type.


A proportional–integral–derivative controller (PID controller) is a generic control

loop feedback mechanism (controller) widely used in industrial control systems – a
PID is the most commonly used feedback controller. A PID controller calculates an
"error" value as the difference between a measured process variable and a desired set
point. The controller attempts to minimize the error by adjusting the process control
The PID controller calculation (algorithm) involves three separate constant
parameters, and is accordingly sometimes called three-term control: the proportional,
the integral and derivative values, denoted P, I, and D. these values can be interpreted
in terms of time: P depends on the present error, I on the accumulation of past errors,
and D is a prediction of future errors, based on current rate of change. The weighted
sum of these three actions is used to adjust the process via a control element such as
the position of a control valve, or the power supplied to a heating element.
By tuning the three parameters in the PID controller algorithm, the controller can
provide control action designed for specific process requirements. The response of the
controller can be described in terms of the responsiveness of the controller to an error,
the degree to which the controller overshoots the set point and the degree of system
Some applications may require using only one or two actions to provide the
appropriate system control. This is achieved by setting the other parameters to zero. A
PID controller will be called a PI, PD, P or I controller in the absence of the respective
control actions. PI controllers are fairly common, since derivative action is sensitive to
measurement noise, whereas the absence of an integral term may prevent the system
from reaching its target value due to the control action.
The parallel form of the PID control algorithm is given by:

Pr = Bi ± Kc (e +1/Ʈi ( e dt) + Ʈd (de/dt))

Figure (3-5) Response of Three-controller term

Procedure and Results:

A- P-only controller:

1- Set the controller to automatic controller.

2- Set the value of Kc that calculated in the previous part.
3- Press on start button, pump button and open solenoid 2, set the Sp=50%.
4- Observe the response behavior (stability, speed and error value), if the system is
stable (has no oscillation and minimum error value), make a disturbance on SP
(increasing/decreasing) and observe the resulted response.
6- (Increasing/decreasing) Kc value based on response behavior and stability
7- Make another disturbance on outlet flow rate and observe the resulted response.
8- Observe the response of the process and discuss what happen and why

B- PI controller:
1- Set the controller to automatic controller.
2- Set the value of Kc & Ti that calculated in Experiment 3
3- Repeat the same procedure as P-only controller step (3-8) for different Ti and or
Kc values
4- Observe the response of the process and discuss what happen and why.

C- PID controller:
1- Set the controller to automatic controller.
2- Set the value of Kc, Ti and Td that calculated in Experiment 3
3- Repeat the same procedure as P-only controller step (3-8) for different Td and or
Kc values
4- Observe the response of the process and discuss what happen and why.

D- Further experiment:

Do any experiment with any values if you need to prove or try anything (PD, open
both solenoid valves for any controller type, do multi disturbances on system).
Experiment (3-5): On/Off Controller


1- Define one of the controller type: (On/Off), and define the main variables
controlled it.
2- Determine the effect of Hysteresis (deadband) on-off controller output.


On-Off control is conceptually the same thing as proportional control with a high
controller gain. It is characterized by very small, but infinite, errors causing the
controller output to switch between maximum and minimum output according to
the sign of the error. and to determine the value of error a variable called hysteresis
must be determined.

Figure (3-6) response of On-Off controller

Procedure and Results:

1- Choose ON/OFF controller.

2- Set the SP=50%.
3- Set the value of (hysteresis) Upper and Lower ………% of SP.
4- Wait the response to plot 2 or 3 cycles.
5- Repeat for different values of hysteresis such as 10%, …%, or change SP value
6- Discuss the response of the controller
Jordan University of Science and Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering


Title of the Experiment: …….Level Control Experiment …………..

Name Number

Lab Report Grading – Sheet


Introduction/ Objectives / 15
Experiment setup and Description

Process Flow Diagram (PFD) / 10

Process and Instrumentation Diagram / 10

Main Calculations / Tables/ Figures 25

Results / Tables/ Figures and Discussion 40

Date of Submission: …………………………………………

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