Beam to Beam_Shear Tab_AISC ASD
Beam to Beam_Shear Tab_AISC ASD
Beam to Beam_Shear Tab_AISC ASD
Designation Area Mass Depth Width of Th.of Web Th.of flange Moment Of Inertia Radii of Gyration Moduli of Section K/CYY Root radius
a w h Flange(b) tw tf Ixx Iyy rxx ryy Zxx Zyy R
(cm2) (kg/m) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (cm4) (cm4) (cm) (cm) (cm3) (cm3) (cm4) (cm2) (cm)
UB203X25 31.97 25.10 203.20 133.20 5.70 7.80 2340.00 307.60 8.56 3.10 230.30 46.20 0.76
UB254X37 47.17 37.00 256.00 146.40 6.30 10.90 5537.00 570.60 10.83 3.48 432.60 78.00 0.76
UB305X46 58.75 46.10 306.60 165.70 6.70 11.80 9899.00 895.70 12.98 3.90 645.70 108.00 0.89
UB356X51 64.91 51.00 355.00 171.50 7.40 11.50 14140.00 968.30 14.76 3.86 796.40 112.90 1.02
NPB 400x180x57.4 73.10 57.40 397.00 180.00 7.00 12.00 20293.00 1170.60 16.66 4.00 1022.30 130.10 2.10
NPB 450x190x67.2 85.50 67.20 447.00 190.00 7.60 13.10 29759.00 1502.40 18.65 4.19 1331.50 158.10 2.10
NPB 500x200x79.4 101.30 79.40 497.00 200.00 8.40 14.50 42933.00 1939.20 20.61 4.38 1727.70 193.90 2.10
NPB 500x200x90.7 115.50 90.70 500.00 200.00 10.20 16.00 48199.00 2141.70 20.43 4.31 1927.90 241.20 2.10
NPB 600x220x107.6 137.00 107.60 597.00 220.00 9.80 17.50 82919.00 3116.30 24.60 4.77 2777.80 283.30 2.40
NPB 600x220x122.4 156.00 122.40 600.00 220.00 12.00 19.00 92083.00 3387.30 24.30 4.66 3069.40 307.90 2.40
WPB 600x300x128.8 164.10 128.80 571.00 300.00 12.00 15.50 91872.00 6993.40 23.66 6.53 3217.90 466.20 2.70
WPB 600x300x177.8 226.50 177.80 590.00 300.00 13.00 25.00 141208.00 11271.00 24.97 7.05 4786.70 751.40 2.70
WPB 700x300x149.9 190.90 149.90 670.00 300.00 13.00 17.00 142721.00 7673.10 27.34 6.34 4260.30 511.50 2.70
WPB 700x300x204.5 260.50 204.50 690.00 300.00 14.50 27.00 215301.00 12179.00 28.75 6.65 6240.60 811.90 2.70
WPB 800x300x172 218.50 172.00 770.00 300.00 14.00 18.00 208900.00 8134.00 30.92 6.10 5426.00 542.20 3.00
WPB 800x300x224 285.80 224.00 790.00 300.00 15.00 28.00 303400.00 12640.00 32.58 6.65 7682.00 842.60 3.00
WPB 900x300x198 252.20 198.00 870.00 300.00 15.00 20.00 301100.00 9041.00 34.55 5.99 6923.00 602.80 3.00
WPB 900x300x252 320.50 252.00 890.00 300.00 16.00 30.00 422100.00 13550.00 36.29 6.50 9485.00 903.20 3.00
WPB 900x300x291 371.30 291.00 900.00 300.00 18.50 35.00 494100.00 15820.00 36.48 6.53 10980.00 1054.00 3.00
WPB 900x300x333 423.60 333.00 910.00 302.00 27.00 40.00 570400.00 18450.00 36.70 6.60 12540.00 1222.00 3.00
UC152X23 29.25 23.00 152.40 152.20 5.80 6.80 1250.00 399.90 6.54 3.70 164.00 52.55 0.76
UC152X30 38.26 30.00 157.60 152.90 6.50 9.40 1748.00 560.50 6.76 3.83 221.80 73.31 0.76
UC203X46 58.73 46.10 203.20 203.60 7.20 11.00 4568.00 1548.00 8.82 5.13 449.60 152.10 1.02
UC203X60 76.27 60.00 209.60 205.80 9.40 14.20 6125.00 2065.00 8.96 5.20 584.40 200.60 1.02
UC254X73 93.10 73.10 254.10 254.60 8.60 14.20 11420.00 3908.00 11.07 6.48 897.90 307.00 1.27
UC305X97 123.40 96.90 307.90 305.30 9.90 15.40 22250.00 7308.00 13.42 7.69 1445.00 478.70 1.52
UC305X118 150.20 117.90 314.50 307.40 12.00 18.70 27670.00 9059.00 13.57 7.77 1760.00 589.40 1.52
UC305X137 174.40 136.90 320.50 309.20 13.80 21.70 32810.00 10700.00 13.72 7.83 2048.00 692.20 1.52
Design of shear connection between beam to beam: HE160A - Intermediate Transverse Beams +14.00m
with single plate and triple column of bearing type bolts
Design of Bolts :
Depth of Fin Plate, Dfp = 104 mm - Minimum of [ D - 2 (tf + rc) ]- Supported Beam or [ D - 2 tf ] -
Supporting Beam
Provided Depth of Fin Plate, Dfp = 105 mm
Min. Bolt location from Supporting Beam web centre, e1 = 132 mm - Bf/2 + 10 + 1.5Bolt Hole dia + allowance for Reinforcement Plate
Provide, e1 = 135 mm
e2 = minimum (e1 + 3 db) = 183 mm - second bolt line to have minimum bolt to bolt distance
Provide, e2 = 183 mm
Provide, e3 = 231 mm
Grade of Bolt : A325 - Bearing Type Connection
Bolt Shear Stress, Fnv = 330 N/mm2
Bolt Tensile Stress, Fnt = 620 N/mm2
Diameter of bolts = 16 mm Bolt Hole Dia = 18 mm
Net area of bolt, Ab = 201 mm2
Number of bolts = 2 - bolts are placed centrally kb = 0.46
Zbolt = 249 mm - Valid upto 8 bolts in one line Bearing Thickness = 6.0 mm
Bolt to bolt vertical distance = 55 mm = 3.44 x bolt dia Ω= 2 Refer J3.6 & J3.10 of AISC360
Bolt edge distance (vertical) = 25.0 mm Edge distance is available
Bolt edge distance (horizontal) = 25 mm
Bolt pitch distance = 48 mm
Depth of Fin Plate, Dfp = 105 mm For tensile yeilding Ω = 1.67 Refer J4.1 of AISC360
Effective Depth of Fin Plate without bolt hole, Dfpe = 69 mm For tensile rupture Ω = 2 Refer J4.1 of AISC360
For shear yeilding Ω = 1.5 Refer J4.2 of AISC360
Sectional Area, Afp = 1104 mm2 For shear rupture Ω = 2 Refer J4.2 of AISC360
Elastic Section Modulus, Zfp = 28260 mm3 Ωb = 1.67 Refer F1(1) of AISC360
Tension Strength (Min. of FyAg/Ω or FuAnv/Ω) = 198.7 kN Refer equation J4-1 & J4-2 of AISC360 0.33Tfp / Tdfp = 0.01 Safe
Moment Strength = Z.fy/Ωb = 4.0 kN-m Refer equation F7-1 of AISC360 Mfp / Mdfp = 0.98 Safe
Combined flexure and axial tension, Pr / Pc + 8 / 9 (Mr / Mc) = 0.99 Safe Refer J4.1 of AISC360
Tdb = Minimum of [0.6 Fu Anv / Ω + Ubs Fu Ant / Ω] or [0.6 Fy Agv / Ω + Ubs Fu Ant / Ω] Refer equation J4-5 of AISC360
= 383.0 kN or 388.6 kN
= 383.0 kN
Tfp / Tdb = 0.010 Safe
Tdbw = Minimum of [0.6 Fu Anv / Ω + Ubs Fu Ant / Ω] or [0.6 Fy Agv / Ω + Ubs Fu Ant / Ω] Refer equation J4-5 of AISC360
= 138.5 kN or 142.3 kN
= 138.5 kN
Tfp / Tdbw = 0.029 Safe
Size of fillet weld = 6 mm - check also Minimum requirement as per Table J2.4 of AISC 360
Length of fillet weld for shear = 292 mm
Grade of Bolt = A325 Bolt location from supporting beam web centre = 135 mm, 183 mm & 231 mm
Diameter of bolts = 16 mm
Number of bolts = 2 x 3
Thickness of Fin Plate = 16 mm
Length of Fin Plate from Supporting Beam web Centre = 260 mm
Thickness of Web Reinforcement Plate = Not Required
Weld - Fin Plate to Supporting Beam Web = 6 mm
Design of shear connection between beam to beam: HE300A - Intermediate Transverse Beams +6.00m
with single plate and double column of bearing type bolts
Design of Bolts :
Depth of Fin Plate, Dfp = 208 mm - Minimum of [ D - 2 (tf + rc) ]- Supported Beam or [ D - 2 tf ] -
Supporting Beam
Bolt to bolt distance = 60 mm = 3.00 x bolt dia Ω= 2 Refer J3.6 & J3.10 of AISC360
Bolt edge distance (vertical) = 42.5 mm Edge distance is available
Bolt edge distance (horizontal) = 30 mm
Bolt pitch distance = 60 mm
Depth of Fin Plate, Dfp = 205 mm For tensile yeilding Ω = 1.67 Refer J4.1 of AISC360
Effective Depth of Fin Plate without bolt hole, Dfpe = 205 mm For tensile rupture Ω = 2 Refer J4.1 of AISC360
For shear yeilding Ω = 1.5 Refer J4.2 of AISC360
effective Sectional Area (on bolt line), Anv = 2050 mm2 For shear rupture Ω = 2 Refer J4.2 of AISC360
Plastic Section Modulus, Z = 78663 mm3 Ωb = 1.67 Refer F1(1) of AISC360
Tension Strength (Min. of FyAg/Ω or FuAnv/Ω) = 288.5 kN Refer equation J4-1 & J4-2 of AISC360 Tfp / Tdfp = 0.11 Safe
Moment Strength = Z.fy/Ωb = 11.1 kN-m Refer equation F7-1 of AISC360 Mfp / Mdfp = 0.93 Safe
Combined flexure and axial tension, Pr / Pc + 8 / 9 (Mr / Mc) = 0.98 Safe Refer J4.1 of AISC360
Tdb = Minimum of [0.6 Fu Anv / Ω + Ubs Fu Ant / Ω] or [0.6 Fy Agv / Ω + Ubs Fu Ant / Ω] Refer equation J4-5 of AISC360
= 270.7 kN or 270.8 kN
= 270.7 kN
Tfp / Tdb = 0.122 Safe
Tdbw = Minimum of [0.6 Fu Anv / Ω + Ubs Fu Ant / Ω] or [0.6 Fy Agv / Ω + Ubs Fu Ant / Ω] Refer equation J4-5 of AISC360
= 220.9 kN or 224.1 kN
= 220.9 kN
Tfp / Tdbw = 0.149 Safe
Size of fillet weld = 6 mm - check also Minimum requirement as per Table J2.4 of AISC 360
Length of fillet weld = 446 mm
Grade of Bolt = A325 Bolt location from column web centre = 190 mm
Diameter of bolts = 20 mm
Number of bolts = 3 x 2
Thickness of Fin Plate = 10 mm
Length of Fin Plate from Column Centre = 285 mm
Thickness of Web Reinforcement Plate = Not Required
Weld - Fin Plate to Supporting Beam Web, w1 = 6 mm
Design of shear connection between beam to beam: HE300A - Intermediate Transverse Beams +9.00m
with single plate and single column of bearing type bolts
Design of Bolts :
Depth of Fin Plate, Dfp = 208 mm - Minimum of [ D - 2 (tf + rc) ]- Supported Beam or [ D - 2 tf ] -
Supporting Beam
Bolt to bolt distance = 68 mm = 2.81 x bolt dia Ω= 2 Refer J3.6 & J3.10 of AISC360
Bolt edge distance (vertical) = 35 mm Edge distance is available
Bolt edge distance (horizontal) = 35 mm
Nominal Shear Strength of Bolt, FntAb/Ω = 74.64 kN Refer equation J3-1 of AISC360
Nominal Bearing Strength of Bolt, (min of (1.2LctFu or 2.4dtFu)/Ω) = 64.26 kN Refer equation J3-6a of AISC360
Design Bolt Strength, Vds = 64.26 kN
Depth of Fin Plate, Dfp = 205 mm For tensile yeilding Ω = 1.67 Refer J4.1 of AISC360
Effective Depth of Fin Plate without bolt hole, Dfpe = 124 mm For tensile rupture Ω = 2 Refer J4.1 of AISC360
For shear yeilding Ω = 1.5 Refer J4.2 of AISC360
effective Sectional Area (on bolt line), Anv = 1240 mm2 For shear rupture Ω = 2 Refer J4.2 of AISC360
Plastic Section Modulus, Z = 68613 mm3 Ωb = 1.67 Refer F1(1) of AISC360
Tension Strength (Min. of FyAg/Ω or FuAnv/Ω) = 223.2 kN Refer equation J4-1 & J4-2 of AISC360 Tfp / Tdfp = 0.16 Safe
Moment Strength = Z.fy/Ωb = 9.7 kN-m Refer equation F7-1 of AISC360 Mfp / Mdfp = 0.71 Safe
Combined flexure and axial tension, Pr / Pc + 8 / 9 (Mr / Mc) = 0.79 Safe Refer J4.1 of AISC360
Tdb = Minimum of [0.6 Fu Anv / Ω + Ubs Fu Ant / Ω] or [0.6 Fy Agv / Ω + Ubs Fu Ant / Ω] Refer equation J4-5 of AISC360
= 213.8 kN or 209.3 kN
= 209.3 kN
Tfp / Tdb = 0.172 Safe
Tdbw = Minimum of [0.6 Fu Anv / Ω + Ubs Fu Ant / Ω] or [0.6 Fy Agv / Ω + Ubs Fu Ant / Ω] Refer equation J4-5 of AISC360
= 163.4 kN or 165.9 kN
= 163.4 kN
Tfp / Tdbw = 0.220 Safe
Weld Design
Size of fillet weld = 6 mm - check also Minimum requirement as per Table J2.4 of AISC 360
Length of fillet weld = 208 mm - conservatively ignoring the weld with Flange
Grade of Bolt = A325 Bolt location from column web centre = 195 mm
Diameter of bolts = 24 mm
Number of bolts = 3
Thickness of Fin Plate = 10 mm
Length of Fin Plate from Column Centre = 240 mm
Thickness of Web Reinforcement Plate = Not Required
Weld - Fin Plate to Supporting Beam Web, w1 = 6 mm