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Appendix 1


Subject : English
Level : Senior High School
Class/Semester : X/2
Language Skill : Writing
Genre : Descriptive Text (Monologue Text)
Time Allocation : 2 x 40 minutes
Standard Competence : Expressing meaning written essay functional and
short simple essay in descriptive and procedure
form related to daily life context.
Basic Competence : Expressing meaning and rhetorical step of essay in
accurate, fluent and accepted way by using written
variety of language in daily life context of the text
in the descriptive or procedure.

1. Indicators
1. Identifying generic structure of descriptive paragraph.
2. Elaborating the main idea of paragraph.
3. Writing descriptive paragraph based on topic given.

2. Objectives
1. Students are able to identify generic structure of the paragraph.
2. Students are able to elaborate the main idea of the paragraph.
3. Students are able to write a descriptive paragraph based on topic given.

3. Character Building
Trustworthines, Respect, Diligence
4. Learning Material

Our Lovely Classroom

Our classroom is enjoyable for studying. Our classroom has 4m 2 in width, and
it is painted pink. The light is suitable for studying particularly reading and writing;
furthermore, the chair makes us comfortable. Our classroom also has a small
bookshelf in which all of my books are put. The bookshelf is placed on the right side
of the door, so it is reachable when we are sitting on our chair. In spite of these, it also
has good ventilation that makes air in our classroom always fresh. In summary, we
love our classroom because it makes us comfortable, and it motivates us to study.

5. LearningMethod
- Pre-writingactivity
- While-writingactivity
- Post-writingactivity

6. Media
Picture, Text,

7. ClassroomActivities


 Teacher greets the students.

 Teacher checks students’ attendance.
 Teacher gives a descriptive sentence sample of her room.
 Teacher asks the students to describe their class.
 Teacher asks the students about their understanding of the description.

 Teacherexplains about generic structure, language feature, and social

function of the description (descriptive text)
 Teacher explains how to describe something.
 Teacher distributes the task.
 Teacher gives time for the students to do the task.
 After the students have finished the task, teacher asks the students to
collect the task.

 Teacher reflects on the lesson what they have learned.

 Teacher concludes the material today.
 Teacher closes the meeting.

8. Exercise


In this test, you are assigned to compose a descriptive paragraph. You should read
several points of instruction below before writing your text.
1. Write the title of your text.
2. The theme is about your house.
3. You may want to use these words: have, has, clean, tidy, big, door,

4. You may also want to use these transition words in your composition: in
addition, thus, moreover, although, then, also, furthermore.
5. You may only write one paragraph consist of 5-6 sentences.
6. You should pay serious attention to your grammar, vocabularies, and
organization of your text.

Key Answer

My Lovely House

My family and I live in a small house. Though it is small, it has a wide yard
because my mother likes to raise many plants. In my house, there are 3 rooms
which is one of them is mine. Besides, there are living room and kitchen. Near my
mother’s plants, there is a fish pond. That is why my house looks so fresh and

Appendix 2


Subject : English
Level : Senior High School
Class/Semester : X/2
Language Skill : Writing
Genre : Descriptive Text (Monologue Text)
Time Allocation : 2 x 40 minutes
Standard Competence : Expressing meaning written essay functional and
short simple essay in descriptive and procedure
form related to daily life context.
Basic Competence : Expressing meaning and rhetorical step of essay in
accurate, fluent and accepted way by using written
variety of language in daily life context of the text
in the descriptive or procedure.

1. Indicators
1. Identifying generic structure of descriptive paragraph.
2. Elaborating the main idea of paragraph.
3. Writing descriptive paragraph based on topic given.

2. Objectives
1. Students are able to identify generic structure of the paragraph.
2. Students are able to elaborate the main idea of the paragraph.
3. Students are able to write a descriptive paragraph based on topic given.

3. Character Building
Trustworthines, Respect, Diligence
4. Learning Material
Things around the classroom (examples: table, chair, board, cupboard, etc)
5. LearningMethod
- Pre-writingactivity
- While-writingactivity
- Post-writingactivity

6. Media
Text, Picture of a house

7. ClassroomActivities


 Teacher greets the students.

 Teacher checks students’ attendance.
 Teacher starts the class with giving a sample of descriptive sentence.
 Teacher asks the students to describe their outfit on that day.
 Teacher asks the students about their understanding of the description.

 Teacherasks the students to explain the things in their classroom briefly.

 Teacher exlpains their school briefly in order to show the students how to
make a description.
 Teacher asks each of students make a descriptive text based on a picture
that the teacher gives.
 Teacher asks the students to collect the students’ work.


 Teacher reflects on the lesson what they have learned.

 Teacher concludes the material today.
 Teacher asks the students to do the instruction of the task that will be done
in the next meeting.
 Teacher asks the students to bring some materials to make an artwork for
the next meeting (example: scissor, ruler).
 Teacher closes the meeting.

8. Exercise

Instruction :
Write a paragraph based on the picture about 5-6 sentences. Here are some
words you may use: yard, chimney, roof, window, floor, big.Here are also
some transtition words you may use: in addition, thus, moreover, although,
then, also, furthermore.You should pay serious attention to your grammar,
vocabularies, and organization of your text.


Key answer

Big House
There is a big house near my house. It is big because it has 2 floors. It also has big
yard which is there are some trees and some kinds of plants in that yard. On the
rooftop, it can be seen a chimney. Because of the big yard in the house, some
neighbours like to take a walk through this house and children who like to play in
front of that house too. It is a beautiful house.

Appendix 3


Subject : English
Level : Senior High School
Class/Semester : X/2
Language Skill : Writing
Genre : Descriptive Text (Monologue Text)
Time Allocation : 2 x 40 minutes
Standard Competence : Expressing meaning written essay functional and
short simple essay in descriptive and procedure
form related to daily life context.
Basic Competence : Expressing meaning and rhetorical step of essay in
accurate, fluent and accepted way by using written
variety of language in daily life context of the text
in the descriptive or procedure.

1. Indicators
1. Identifying generic structure of descriptive paragraph.
2. Elaborating the main idea of paragraph.
3. Writing descriptive paragraph based on topic given.

2. Objectives
1. Students are able to identify generic structure of the paragraph.
2. Students are able to elaborate the main idea of the paragraph.
3. Students are able to write a descriptive paragraph based on topic given.

3. Character Building
Trustworthines, Respect, Diligence
4. Learning Material
The students’ artwork (a miniature of boat and house).
5. LearningMethod
- Pre-writingactivity
- While-writingactivity
- Post-writingactivity

6. Media
Text, Artwork (in form of a miniature of house and boat)

7. ClassroomActivities


 Teacher greets the students.

 Teacher checks students’ attendance.
 Teacher starts the class with giving a sample of descriptive sentence.
 Teacher asks the students to describe their outfit on that day.
 Teacher asks the students about their understanding of the description.

 Teacherasks each of students to prepare the materials to make an artwork.

 Teacher asks them to prepare a piece of paper to make the artwork.
 Teacher checks the students’ preparation.
 Teacher asks the students to make a miniature from the paper.
 Teacher dicides each of students’ theme of their artwork (such as:boat or
 Teacher asks the students to write a paragraph based on their artwork by
using their own words.
 Teacher asks every students to collect their works.


 Teacher reflects on the lesson what they have learned.

 Teacher concludes the material today.
 Teacher closes the meeting.

8. Exercise
In this test, you are assigned to compose a descriptive paragraph. You should read
several points of instruction below before writing your text.
1. Write the title of your text.
2. The theme is about your artwork (boat/house).
3. It should consist of at least two paragraphs.
4. Each paragraph should consist of at least 5-6 sentences.
5. You should pay serious attention to your grammar, vocabularies, mechanic,
organization, and content of your text.

Key Answer

My Lovely House

My family and I live in a small house. Though it is small, it has a wide yard
because my mother likes to raise many plants. In my house, there are 3 rooms
which is one of them is mine. Besides, there are living room and kitchen. Near my
mother’s plants, there is a fish pond.

My mother and my brother like to spend their time in the yard because there is
grass that is so good to see. Beside the kitchen room, there is a garage too. In the
garage, my father built a storeroom to save his stuffs. My family like to put some
decoration in every room. That is why my house looks so fresh and beautiful.

9. Scoring

Table 3.2. Scoring rubric criteria for writing test (Adapted from Jacobs et al.,1981)

Aspect Level Criteria

knowledgeable, substantive, through
development of story, relevant to
assigned topic.
26 – 22 GOOD TO AVERAGE: some knowledge of
the subject, adequate range, limited
development of story, lacks of detail, mostly
relevant the topic.
21 – 17 FAIR TO POOR: limited knowledge, little
substances, in adequate development of story.
16 – 13 VERY POOR: does not show knowledge of
subject, non-substantive, not pertinent.
20 – 18 EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: fluent
expression, ideas clearly stated/ supported,
succinct, wellorganized, logical sequencing,
cohesive, following the instructions.
17 – 14 GOOD TO AVERAGE: somewhat choppy,
loosely organized but main ideas stand out,
limited support,logical but incomplete
sequencing, mostly following the instructions.
13 – 10 FAIR TO POOR: non-fluent, ideas confused or
disconnected lacks of logical sequencing and
development, far from the instructions.
9–7 VERY POOR: does not communicate, no
organization, or not enough to evaluate, not
following the instructions.
sophisticated range, effective word/ idiom
choice and usage, word formmastery,
appropriate register.
17-14 GOOD TO AVERAGE: adequate range,
occasional errors of word/ idiom form, choice,
usage but meaningnot obscured.
13-10 FAIR TO POOR: limited range, frequent errors
of word/ idiom form, choice, usage, meaning
confused orobscured
9-7 VERY POOR: essentially translation, little
knowledge of English vocabulary, idioms,
word form, OR notenough to evaluate.

Language Use 25-22 EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: effective

complex construction, few errors agreement,
tense, number,word order/ function, articles,
pronouns, preposition.
21-18 GOOD TO AVERAGE: effective but simple
construction, minor problems in complex
construction, severalerrors of agreement, tense,
number, word order/ function, articles,
pronouns, prepositions but meaning
seldom obscured.
17-11 FAIR TO POOR: major problems in
simple/complex construction, frequent errors of
negation, agreement,tense, number, word
order/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions
and/or fragments, run-ons, deletions,meaning
confused or obscured.
10-5 VERY POOR: virtually no mastery of sentence
construction rules, dominated by errors, does
notcommunicate, OR not enough to evaluate
demonstrates mastery of conventions, few
errors of spelling, punctuation,capitalization,
4 GOOD TO AVERAGE: occasional errors of
spelling, punctuation, paragraphing but
meaning not obscured
3 FAIR TO POOR: frequent errors of spelling,
punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing, poor
handwriting,meaning confused or obscured.
2 VERY POOR: mastery of conventions,
dominated by errors of spelling, punctuation,
capitalization,paragraphing, handwriting
illegible, OR not enough to evaluate.

Table 3.3. Scoring sheet for writing test

Organization Vocabulary Grammar
Excellent To Very Good
Good To Average
Fair To Poor
Very Poor

Appendix 4
Subject : English
Level/Class : Senior High School/X
Topic : Descriptive Text
Time Allocation : 30 minutes

In this test, you are assigned to compose a descriptive paragraph. You
should read several points of instruction below before writing your text.
1. Write the title of your text.
2. The theme is about family.
3. Mention your family’s name, characters, and behaviors.
4. You may want to use these words: thin, beautiful, kind, nice, love, cook,
student, favorite, funny.
5. It should consist of at least two paragraphs.
6. Each paragraph should consist of at least 5-6 sentences.
7. You should pay serious attention to your grammar, vocabularies,
mechanic, organization, and content of your text.


Appendix 5
Subject : English
Level/Class : Senior High School/X
Topic : Descriptive Text
Time Allocation : 80 minutes

In this test, you are assigned to write a composition of description
paragraph. You should read several points of instruction below before
writing your text.
1. Write the title of your text.
2. The paragraph is about your group’s artwork.
3. The first paragraph consists of 5-6 sentences. And the second paragraph
consists of 7-8 sentences.
4. All materials that is existed in your artwork must be included in your
paragraph and it must be explained clearly by using your own words.
5. You should pay serious attention to your grammar, vocabularies,
mechanic, organization, and content of your text.
6. You can use these words in your composition: window, backyard, have,
clean, tree, big, nice, wide.


Appendix 6

Schedule of the Research

No. Meeting Time Teacher’s Activities Result

1. 1st meeting Saturday, April Giving Pre-test to Students’ score and
23th2016 the experimental students’ initial
class. ability in writing
2. 2nd meeting Monday, April Giving the first Students’ first
25th2016 treatment by using writing after
lesson plan 1 treatment
3. 3rd meeting Saturday, April Giving the second Students’ second
30th2016 treatment by using writing after
lesson plan 2 treatment
4. 4th meeting Monday, May 2nd Giving the third Students’ third
2016 treatment by using writing after
lesson plan 3 treatment
5. 5th meeting Monday, May Giving Post-test to Students’ final
16th2016 the experimental score after the
class. treatments

Appendix 7

Result of Students’ Pre-Test

Students Score Students' Final

No. Students' Code
Rater 1 Rater 2 Score
1 AM 73 76 74.50
2 AJ 75 75 75.00
3 AWA 77 75 76.00
4 AR 72 73 72.50
5 AP 75 75 75.00
6 BZ 75 75 75.00
7 CL 79 78 78.50
8 DDD 72 73 72.50
9 DSN 60 60 60.00
10 DDT 65 66 65.50
11 DRS 75 75 75.00
12 DY 69 68 68.50
13 IAM 72 73 72.50
14 IWSY 71 72 71.50
15 JN 66 66 66.00
16 KGR 83 82 82.50
17 MPR 72 70 71.00
18 MTS 75 75 75.00
19 NBP 76 75 75.50
20 NS 66 68 67.00
21 NSB 71 71 71.00
22 PAR 84 83 83.50
23 PR 66 68 67.00
24 PAL 81 81 81.00
25 RA 69 69 69.00
26 RW 69 68 68.50
27 SJ 84 82 83.00
28 TNA 86 86 86.00
29 TUL 76 78 77.00
30 WAP 64 65 64.50
Mean 73.27 73.37 73.32

Appendix 8

Result of Students’ Post-Test

Students Score Students' Final

No. Students' Code
Rater 1 Rater 2 Score
1 AM 75 76 75.50
2 AJ 76 78 77.00
3 AWA 78 78 78.00
4 AR 75 76 75.50
5 AP 76 77 76.50
6 BZ 80 78 79.00
7 CL 80 82 81.00
8 DDD 78 76 77.00
9 DSN 72 71 71.50
10 DDT 73 72 72.50
11 DRS 80 82 81.00
12 DY 73 73 73.00
13 IAM 77 76 76.50
14 IWSY 74 74 74.00
15 JN 71 72 71.50
16 KGR 85 84 84.50
17 MPR 73 72 72.50
18 MTS 77 77 77.00
19 NBP 82 81 81.50
20 NS 74 75 74.50
21 NSB 78 79 78.50
22 PAR 86 85 85.50
23 PR 72 74 73.00
24 PAL 85 84 84.50
25 RA 75 73 74.00
26 RW 75 74 74.50
27 SJ 85 84 83.50
28 TNA 88 87 87.50
29 TUL 78 80 79.00
30 WAP 70 72 71.00
Mean 77.36 77.40 77.38

Appendix 9

Table of Rating Sheet of Pre-Test

Content Organization Vocabulary Grammar Mechanic

No. Ss' code Average Score
R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2
1 AM 26 25 13 15 14 15 17 18 3 3 149 : 2 = 74.50
2 AJ 24 25 14 13 13 13 20 20 4 4 150 : 2 = 75.00
3 AWA 26 26 15 14 14 15 19 17 3 3 152 : 2 = 76.00
4 AR 20 21 17 16 13 14 17 17 4 4 143 : 2 = 71.50
5 AP 22 23 14 14 14 14 21 20 4 4 150 : 2 = 75.00
6 BZ 23 23 14 14 14 15 21 20 3 3 150 : 2 = 75.00
7 CL 20 21 13 13 13 13 19 18 4 3 137 : 2 = 68.50
8 DDD 26 25 16 17 15 15 11 12 4 4 145 : 2 = 72.50
9 DSN 18 18 13 14 14 13 12 12 3 3 120 : 2 = 60.00
10 DDT 20 21 11 12 17 16 14 14 3 3 131 : 2 = 65.50
11 DRS 22 23 14 14 14 14 21 20 4 4 150 : 2 = 75.00
12 DY 21 22 14 14 14 13 17 16 3 3 137 : 2 = 68.50
13 IAM 22 23 14 15 16 15 17 17 3 3 145 : 2 = 72.50
14 IWSY 22 22 15 16 13 14 17 16 4 4 143 : 2 = 71.50
15 JN 19 19 13 14 15 14 16 16 3 3 132 : 2 = 66.00
16 KGR 25 25 17 18 18 17 19 18 4 4 165 : 2 = 82.50
17 MPR 26 25 16 15 15 16 11 11 4 3 142 : 2 = 71.00
18 MTS 24 24 14 14 13 14 21 20 3 3 150 : 2 = 75.00
19 NBP 26 25 16 16 14 15 21 20 4 4 161 : 2 = 80.50
20 NS 19 20 13 14 15 15 16 16 3 3 134 : 2 = 67.00
21 NSB 26 26 16 15 14 15 11 11 4 4 142 : 2 = 71.00
22 PAR 26 25 17 18 17 17 20 19 4 4 167 : 2 = 83.50
23 PR 19 20 13 14 15 14 16 16 3 3 133 : 2 = 66.50
24 PAL 25 26 16 15 15 16 21 20 4 4 162 : 2 = 81.00
25 RA 18 18 17 16 13 14 17 17 4 4 138 : 2 = 69.00
26 RW 23 23 16 15 14 14 12 12 4 4 137 : 2 = 68.50
27 SJ 26 25 17 17 17 17 21 20 3 3 166 : 2 = 83.00
28 TNA 26 26 17 18 17 17 21 21 5 4 172 : 2 = 86.00
29 TUL 24 25 14 15 16 15 18 19 4 4 154 : 2 = 77.00
30 WAP 22 23 9 10 13 12 17 17 3 3 129 : 2 = 64.50
Total 686 693 438 445 439 441 521 510 108 105 4386
Mean 22.86 23.10 14.60 14.83 14.63 14.70 17.36 17.00 3.60 3.50 73.08

Appendix 10

Table of Rating Sheet of Post-Test

Content Organization Vocabulary Grammar Mechanic

No. Ss' code Average Score
R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2
1 AM 27 25 13 15 15 15 17 18 3 3 151 : 2 = 75.50
2 AJ 25 26 14 13 14 14 20 20 4 4 154 : 2 = 77.00
3 AWA 27 26 15 14 16 15 19 17 4 4 157 : 2 = 78.50
4 AR 23 22 17 16 16 15 17 17 4 4 151 : 2 = 75.50
5 AP 24 23 14 14 15 14 21 20 4 4 153 : 2 = 76.50
6 BZ 26 25 14 14 16 15 21 21 3 3 158 : 2 = 79.00
7 CL 26 25 13 13 18 19 21 20 4 3 162 : 2 = 81.00
8 DDD 27 27 17 17 18 17 11 12 4 4 154 : 2 = 77.00
9 DSN 24 25 13 14 19 18 12 12 3 3 143 : 2 = 71.50
10 DDT 25 24 11 12 19 18 15 15 3 3 145 : 2 = 72.50
11 DRS 25 24 14 14 19 17 21 20 4 4 162 : 2 = 81.00
12 DY 24 23 14 14 16 16 17 16 3 3 146 : 2 = 73.00
13 IAM 24 23 14 15 18 17 17 17 4 4 153 : 2 = 76.50
14 IWSY 23 23 15 16 15 14 17 17 4 4 148 : 2 = 74.00
15 JN 22 21 13 14 17 16 17 16 4 3 143 : 2 = 71.50
16 KGR 26 25 17 18 20 19 19 18 4 4 169 : 2 = 84.50
17 MPR 26 26 16 15 17 16 11 11 4 3 145 : 2 = 72.50
18 MTS 25 24 14 14 15 15 21 20 3 3 154 : 2 = 77.00
19 NBP 26 25 16 16 16 15 21 20 4 4 163 : 2 = 81.50
20 NS 23 22 13 14 20 19 16 16 3 3 149 : 2 = 74.50
21 NSB 27 28 16 15 20 21 11 11 4 4 157 : 2 = 78.50
22 PAR 26 25 17 18 19 19 20 19 4 4 171 : 2 = 85.50
23 PR 22 21 13 14 20 20 16 16 3 3 146 : 2 = 73.00
24 PAL 25 26 16 15 19 19 21 20 4 4 169 : 2 = 84.50
25 RA 20 20 17 16 17 16 17 17 4 4 148 : 2 = 74.00
26 RW 25 24 16 15 18 18 12 12 4 4 149 : 2 = 74.50
27 SJ 26 25 17 17 19 18 21 20 3 3 169 : 2 = 84.50
28 TNA 26 26 17 18 19 18 21 21 5 4 175 : 2 = 87.50
29 TUL 24 25 14 15 18 17 18 19 4 4 158 : 2 = 79.00
30 WAP 25 24 9 10 18 16 17 17 3 3 142 : 2 = 71.00
Total 744 728 439 445 526 506 525 515 111 107 4646
Mean 24.80 24.26 14.63 14.83 17.53 16.86 17.50 17.16 3.70 3.56 77.41

Appendix 11

Reliability of the Pre-test

No. Students' Code R1 R2 1 2 d d2
r r
1 AM 73 76 15 8 7.00 49
2 AJ 75 75 12 12 0.00 0
3 AWA 77 75 7 12 -5.00 25
4 AR 72 73 17.5 17 0.50 0.25
5 AP 75 75 12 12 0.00 0
6 BZ 75 75 12 12 0.00 0
7 CL 79 78 6 6.5 -0.50 0.25
8 DDD 72 73 17.5 17 0.50 0.25
9 DSN 60 60 30 30 0.00 0
10 DDT 65 66 28 27.5 0.50 0.25
11 DRS 75 75 12 12 0.00 0
12 DY 69 68 23 24.5 -1.50 2.25
13 IAM 72 73 17.5 17 0.50 0.25
14 IWSY 71 72 20.5 19 1.50 2.25
15 JN 66 66 26 27.5 -1.50 2.25
16 KGR 83 82 4 3.5 0.50 0.25
17 MPR 72 70 17.5 21 -3.50 12.25
18 MTS 75 75 12 12 0.00 0
19 NBP 76 75 8.5 12 -3.50 12.25
20 NS 66 68 26 24.5 1.50 2.25
21 NSB 71 71 20.5 20 0.50 0.25
22 PAR 84 83 2.5 2 0.50 0.25
23 PR 66 68 26 24.5 1.50 2.25
24 PAL 81 81 5 5 0.00 0
25 RA 69 69 23 22 1.00 1
26 RW 69 68 23 24.5 -1.50 2.25
27 SJ 84 82 2.5 3.5 -1.00 1
28 TNA 86 86 1 1 0.00 0
29 TUL 76 78 8.5 6.5 2.00 4
30 WAP 64 65 29 29 0.00 0
Total 120

Appendix 12

Reliability of the Post-test

No. Students' Code R1 R2 1 2 d d2
r r
1 AM 75 76 19.5 17.5 2.00 4
2 AJ 76 78 16.5 12 4.50 20.25
3 AWA 78 78 11.5 12 -0.50 0.25
4 AR 75 76 19.5 17.5 2.00 4
5 AP 76 77 16.5 14.5 2.00 4
6 BZ 80 78 8 12 -4.00 16
7 CL 80 82 8 6.5 1.50 2.25
8 DDD 78 76 11.5 17.5 -6.00 36
9 DSN 72 71 27.5 30 -2.50 6.25
10 DDT 73 72 25 27.5 -2.50 6.25
11 DRS 80 82 8 6.5 1.50 2.25
12 DY 73 73 25 24.5 0.50 0.25
13 IAM 77 76 14.5 17.5 -3.00 9
14 IWSY 74 74 22.5 22 0.50 0.25
15 JN 71 72 29 27.5 1.50 2.25
16 KGR 85 84 4 4 0.00 0
17 MPR 73 72 25 27.5 -2.50 6.25
18 MTS 77 77 14.5 14.5 0.00 0
19 NBP 82 81 6 8 -2.00 4
20 NS 74 75 22.5 20 2.50 6.25
21 NSB 78 79 11.5 10 1.50 2.25
22 PAR 86 85 2 2 0.00 0
23 PR 72 74 27.5 22 5.50 30.25
24 PAL 85 84 4 4 0.00 0
25 RA 75 73 19.5 24.5 -5.00 25
26 RW 75 74 19.5 22 -2.50 6.25
27 SJ 85 84 4 4 0.00 0
28 TNA 88 87 1 1 0.00 0
29 TUL 78 80 11.5 9 2.50 6.25
30 WAP 70 72 30 27.5 2.50 6.25
Total 206

Appendix 13

Scoring sheet for writing pre-test

Organization Vocabulary Grammar
Excellent To Very Good 3 2 1
Good To Average 20 21 18
Fair To Poor 6 7 9
Very Poor 1 - 2

Appendix 14

Scoring sheet for writing post-test

Organization Vocabulary Grammar
Excellent To Very Good 6 4 2
Good To Average 21 23 23
Fair To Poor 3 3 5
Very Poor - - -

Appendix 15

Table of Frequencies Pre-Test



N Valid 30

Missing 0

Mean 73.3167

Std. Error of Mean 1.12456

Median 73.5000

Mode 75.00

Std. Deviation 6.15949

Variance 37.939

Range 26.00

Minimum 60.00

Maximum 86.00

Sum 2199.50

Appendix 16

Table of Frequencies Post-test



N Valid 30

Missing 0

Mean 77.3500

Std. Error of Mean .83154

Median 76.7500

Mode 77.00

Std. Deviation 4.55455

Variance 20.744

Range 16.50

Minimum 71.00

Maximum 87.50

Sum 2320.50

Appendix 17

The Improvement of the Students’ Writing Ability

Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Pair 1 Posttest 77.3500 30 4.55455 .83154

Pretest 73.3167 30 6.15949 1.12456

Paired Samples Correlations

N Correlation Sig.

Pair 1 Posttest & Pretest 30 .932 .000

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences

95% Confidence
Interval of the
Std. Std. Error Sig. (2-
Mean Deviation Mean Lower Upper t df tailed)

Pair 1 Posttest - 4.0333

2.52891 .46171 3.08902 4.97765 8.736 29 .000
Pretest 3

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