1.2 classified Model answer

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Classified checkpoint 6 1.

2 The respiratory system

Question {1}
look at the diagram. Windpipe


What’s the name of the organ X?

………………………………………lung ………………………………(1)

Question {2}
1- the organs that help us breathe are called the …………lungs………(1)

Question {3}
Classified checkpoint 6 1.2 The respiratory system

Humans have organs inside their bodies.

Cats have similar organs inside their bodies.


(a)Which letter shows the organ the cat uses to breathe?

Circle the correct answer.
A B C D E F (1)

Question {4}
The diagram shows some organs of the body.





(C) Explain why the body needs organ B to stay alive.

Classified checkpoint 6 1.2 The respiratory system

………………breathes out carbon dioxide


Question {5}
The picture shows the position of the heart in the body.



a) The heart is made is made of muscle.

What are the ribs made of?
………………………………bones …………………………(1)
b) The ribs protect the heart
Write down the name of one other organ protected by the ribs.
Question {6}
The diagram shows the human respiratory system.

Group of alveoli

a) Name parts A and B A………trachea……….

B…… lung…………(2)
Classified checkpoint 6 1.2 The respiratory system

b) Gas exchange takes place in the alveoli

Complete the following sentences to describe the exchange of
…oxygen…….. Passes through the walls of the alveoli from the
air into the ………blood…… while …carbon dioxide….. Passes in
the opposite direction. (3)

Question {7}
The diagram shows some of the organs in the respiratory system .

Rib cage

a) Name parts X and Y PART X ……trachea ……….

PART Y…………lung……...(1)
b) Gaseous exchange takes place inside organ Y.
Which gases are exchanged ?
……………oxygen……… and ……carbon dioxide………. (1)
c) The ribcage moves when you breathe in and out.
Complete the table to show how the rib cage moves.
Put one tick in each row.

Activity Moves up and out Moves down and in

Classified checkpoint 6 1.2 The respiratory system

Breathing in

Breathing out

d) Write one other function of the rib cage.

……………protect the lungs……………………………(1)
Question {8}
The picture shows a diver wearing breathing apparatus.

a) The cylinder on his back is filled with gas.

The gas contains an element that the diver needs to survive under
water. Name the element.

b) Gaseous exchange takes place in his lungs.

Explain what is meant by the term gaseous exchange.

…………………………oxygen exchanged with carbon dioxide


Question {9}
Classified checkpoint 6 1.2 The respiratory system

The diagram shows part of the human respiratory system.

Air entering
the nose
a)1-The structures labelled X and Y change the

Volume of the lungs during breathing.

X is ……ribs/ribcage…………

y is ……diaphragm……… (2)


2- Describe how structure X and Y move to increase the volume of the

……………………………diaphragm contracts and moves down ribs

move up up/ out …………………………………………………… (2)
b)Mike and Rajiv plan an investigation to find out how running speed
affects breathing rate.
1- Name the equipment they must use to measure their breathing rate.
…………………stop watch / timer………………………………(1)
2- State one variable they need to change.
…………………running/ speed…………………………………(1)
3- State one variable they need to keep the same.
………………duration / person doing the running …………………………(1)
4- Suggest one way they record and present their results.
……………in a table / graph………………………….………………………(1)

Question {10}
Classified checkpoint 6 1.2 The respiratory system

Inhaled air is the air we breathe in.

Exhaled air is the air we breathe out.
The table shows how inhaled and exhaled air are different.

Gas Inhaled air Exhaled air

Carbon dioxide 0.04% 4%
Oxygen 21% 16%
Water vapor 0.5% 5%
a- Complete these sentences about exhaled air.
The percentage of carbon dioxide in exhaled air is higher……
than in inhaled air.
The percentage of water vapor in exhaled air is ……… higher
……….. Than in inhaled air. (1)
b- Explain why the percentage of oxygen in exhaled air is less than
in inhaled air.
………oxygen (in the lungs) has moved into the blood
………………………………………………………………… (1)

Worksheet 1.2
Classified checkpoint 6 1.2 The respiratory system

The respiratory system

1 Draw and label the parts of the respiratory system on the outline below.

2 a Complete the following table to compare breathing in and breathing

What happens to . .
Breathing in Breathing out
contracts, moves relaxes, moves
the diaphragm? downwards upwards
move upwards and move inwards and
the ribs? outwards downwards

the size of the

gets bigger gets smaller
the movement of air is pushed out of
the lungs fill with air
air? the lungs

b Explain why we need to breathe.

We need to breathe in order to bring air that contains oxygen into the
body and to remove air that contains carbon dioxide.

match the drawings of the parts of the respiratory system with the right
Classified checkpoint 6 1.2 The respiratory system

Windpipe Mouth Lungs Diaphragm

3 a The windpipe branches into smaller air tubes that enter the
Find out the name of name of these air tubes and label them on the
diagram in question 1.
Bronchi should also be labelled leading into lungs on the drawing in question
b The lungs are made of spongy air sacs. Find out the name of these
air sacs
and draw and label them on the diagram in question 1.
Alveoli – look like little bunches of grapes inside the lungs:

4 There is less oxygen in the air in very high places, such as in the
Andes and Himalaya mountains.
How do people who live in those places get enough oxygen?
The blood carries oxygen in the body in the red blood cells. People who live
in very high
places have more red blood cells in their blood so that they can carry enough
Classified checkpoint 6 1.2 The respiratory system

Language worksheet 1.2

Vocabulary building
Write the correct word for each of the following descriptions:
1 The air tube that carries air from the nose and mouth to the lungs and
back again.

2 A muscle in the chest that helps us to breathe in and out.

4 Diaphragm
Classified checkpoint 6 1.2 The respiratory system

Checkpoint 8 past papers

Question {1}


Question {2}
Classified checkpoint 6 1.2 The respiratory system

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