VOS - Guidelines
VOS - Guidelines
VOS - Guidelines
1. Security
a Security may stop and ask any resident for proof at entry and passcode on Nobrokerhood to be provided to them.
b In case a resident does not have a smart phone, entries need to be registered with the security.
c Visitors/ Vendors would be allowed in the premises only upon approval by the resident on the Nobrokerhood app.
Vehicles with VOS stickers would be considered as Residents' vehicle. Also all residents should have sticker on their
vehicle for hassle free entry to their parking slot in basement.
e Visitors' parking ( 2 & 4 wheeler) has to be limited to the designated area in building periphery only.
Residents to ensure all their house help / car cleaners has been issued with a Entry Pass by the Facility Manager and
the same is tagged on the Nobrokerhood app as well.
Any house help / car cleaners will undergo security checks and is mandatory to have the ID Card with them when
inside the premises, not having the ID card may restrict their access.
h All interior fit out Labour movement will undergo for security frisking.
i All the non resident vehicles can be checked as and when required by security
j Delivery at door step would be allowed from 5:00 AM - 8:00 PM.
k Passenger drop off will be only on designated areas of podium by cabs and tourist vehicle.
Shifting in/out to be advised to the Association & Facility Manager in advance to ensure the process is hassle-free
and is escorted by a Security at all point in time
NOC for maintanance charge needs to be obtained from the Treasurer/ Jt. Treasure when shifting out and the same
needs to be given to the Security whilst exiting.
Security Deposit of INR 10,000 has to be paid to the Association in the form of a Cheque and the same shall be
returned immediately after completion of the shifting, if no damages done to common areas/lifts.
o Security to strictly monitor all external vehicles entry & exit i.e. date and time of entering and exiting.
2. Housekeeping
Wet waste to be collected on a daily basis and Dry waste to be collected on Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Sunday**
of every week.
b House keeping may refuse to collect the garbage, if waste segregation not done by the resident
Waste collection would be done between 09:00 AM & 11:00 AM. Housekeeping team would be using the Service Lift
during these hours and may not be available for residents use.
d Common area lift lobby cleaning will be done on a daily basis.
Club House will be cleaned on a daily basis which would include Party Hall, wash rooms, Badminton Court, Gym and
Sports Room.
f Post any function in the Party Hall, deep cleaning to be done by the House Keeping team.
g All common areas lights would be switched on by 5:30 PM & switched off by 6:00 AM
3. Amenities
a Entry & Exit log book has to be filled in by the Resident along with date & time
In the Party Hall, cooking is prohibited. However, heating can be allowed in the open space, which would be assigned
by the association with required precautionary safety measures.
Party Hall to be booked in advance and would be available on first-cum-first basis with a nominal charge of INR 3000
and INR 5000 for half day and full day booking respectively.
d Below 15 years are not allowed to use Pool Table
Infants i.e. children below 5 would be limited to Toddlers' Pool and can be allowed only when accompanied by a
Usage of Swimming Pool by residents above 5 years would solely be at their risk and responsibility for which they
would be signing a consent register.
Swimming Pool can be accessible 7 days a week from 7:00 AM - 1:00 PM & 4:00 PM - 10:00 PM only for swimming
h Swimming Pool access will strictly be prohibited by users under the influence of any intoxicants
i Appropriate swimming attire including head cap is a must
j Foot wears are strictly prohibited around the swimming pool (wooden flooring) area to avoid water contamination
k Foods and drinks (except water bottle) are not allowed in swimming pool and periphery area.
l All swimming pool user should have a shower before and after the use of pool.
Damage caused to any common amenities due to mishandling or carelessness would be borne by the resident
causing it
4. Event Management
All events conducted within the society/ by the society / for the society needs to be in line with the Govt. Guidelines,
including any Covid Protocol.
b The lead of the event need to share the event plan min. 4 weeks in advance with the association
Association (by the majority) reserves the right to deny or cancel any event and the same would be informed to the
Event lead min. 2 weeks in advance
For any event, if any common amenities are to be accessed / utilized, it should not be for more than 2 days in
d continuation and booking of such amenities is must in line with first-cum-first basis apart from the community event
For any event a security deposit of INR 5000 has to be paid to the association in form of a Cheque and upon
completion of such event, if no damages are done, the same shall be returned within 48 Hrs
All fit out work will be allowed between 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM, wherein the labours are expected to leave the
premises by 6:30 PM
f Security / Facility Manager / Association has the rights to inspect the fit out work at any point in time
g It's the responsibility of residents to ensure the safety guidelines during the work
h All fit out materials will be moved only through service lift
i No fit out materials will be allowed to enter the premises between 06:00 PM to 09:00AM
j Fit out works will not be allowed during all Sundays and the Government Holidays
k Child labours are not allowed inside the society
l Debris generated during the fit out works will be collected and carted away from the premise by the flat owner
m In case, the above is not followed, facility team would do the same on behalf of the owner at a cost of INR 1000/day
n All the materials, equipment, tools & tackles should be stored in the respective flats only
o Safety and any of other violation from vendors will be penalised case to case basis at facility manager discretion
Individual residents will also become responsible for any of the eventualities and implementing the regulations,
q Fit out contractor/labours vehicle will be allowed to park on the podium only
r All fit out materials will be unloaded only on the podium and not allowed in the basement.
s All fit out vendors has to be informed about the contact number for medical emergency.
r Plucking of flowers from common area is prohibited
s Abiding by any Govt. guidelines including Covid Protocol while accessing any common area is a must
t Residents are expected not to hang anything which may fall outside their designated carpet area
u Dustbins are allowed to be kept outside only during the Garbage collection time
Speed limit for vehicles in the basement to be limited to 15 KMPH whereas on the outer periphery will be limited to
w All residents shall ensure to strictly follow the separate guidelines provided for swimming pool use.
x Leisure Walk around the swimming pool floor is strictly prohibited all the times.
8. Others
a Facility Manager will be a first point of escalation.
Residents can always approach either their respective Block Representative or any Association member as the
second point of escalation.
Residents will post all the block related common issues through respective block representative who will be a
common repository for better monitoring.
d Association will udpate the important information to residents through Nobrokerhood.
Playing of loud music and woofer speaker in the balcony, utlity, common areas outside the entrace door is not
Vehicles should be parked well inside the yellow earmark of each parking lot. Cross parking, parking on the yellow
line which hinders others vehicle movement are strictly not allowed.
Residents will not have rights to park their vehicle ( 2 & 4 wheeler) in others slot which may be vacant and such
parking are strictly not allowed.
h All residents have the right to information for any meeting held by the association.
Common area Mainteance charges will be collected in advance on quarterly basis before 10th day of first month of
the quarter.
Nominal interest @ 18% will be levied for the CAM payment defaulters. When the delay in maiking the payment is
delayed for more than 30 days, usage of amenities will also be restricted additionally.
Payment can be made either via Electronic Funds Transfer or Cheque, directly to the Association Account. Cash will
not be accepted towards CAM charges.
l All the tenants will submit the rental agreement and other documents if any requried, for record.
** Dry waste collection on Sundays is yet to be implemented. We are working on the same