GQE Syllabus (Revised) - Final.-pages-deleted
GQE Syllabus (Revised) - Final.-pages-deleted
GQE Syllabus (Revised) - Final.-pages-deleted
Section I
Section II
3. Structural Steel and Pre-Stressed Concrete Design (8)
Design of axially loaded tension members
Design of axially loaded compression members
Design of tension members subjected to moments
Design of compression members subjected to moments
Deign of beams
Design of steel frames
Design of welded and bolted connections
Introduction to prestressed concrete
Basic principles and methods of pre-stressing
Materials for pre-stressing
Design of flexural members for serviceability and ultimate limit states
Pre-stress losses
Classification of Soils - Classification of Soils for engineering purposes, purpose of Classification,
different systems, Unified Classification System
Compaction of Soils - Proctor compaction test, AASHTO test, air voids ratio, Compaction in the
field, Compaction control, field testing of density, principles of soil stabilization
Permeability of Soils - Darcy’s law, hydraulic gradient, coefficient of permeability, laboratory and
field measurement of permeability, steady seepage
Flow nets for confined and unconfined flow, isotropic and anisotropic conditions, critical hydraulic
gradient and piping
6. Fluid Mechanics(10)
Fluids and Fluid Properties: Characteristics of fluids, Continuum concept, Significance of fluid
properties in engineering applications
Hydrostatic Pressure: Pressure and Piezometric head, Centre of pressure, Measurement of
Buoyancy: Archimedes principle, Centre of buoyancy, Equilibrium and stability of fully submerged
and floating bodies, Concept of metacenter
Boundary Layers: Definition of boundary layer, Displacement thickness and Momentum
thickness, Distribution of sheer stress and velocity and Computation of drag force in
Laminar/Turbulent boundary layers, Drag coefficient
Pipe Systems and Networks: Equations for frictional loss, Darcy-Weisbach/Manning’s/Hazen
Williams formulae, Moody diagram, Iterative methods for pipe network analysis (Hardy Cross
Transient Flow in Pipes: Incompressible water column theory, Elastic theory of water hammer,
Sudden/gradual valve closure and opening, Strain energy water hammer theory, Fundamental
differential equation of water hammer, Surge tanks
Dimensional and hydraulic model Analysis: Dimensionless numbers, Buckingham’s theorem,
Hydraulic similarity, Hydraulic models
Hydraulic Machinery: Introduction, Types of Pumps and Turbines, Centrifugal pumps (General
equation for head generated, Velocity triangles, Efficiencies), Turbines (Impulse/Reaction types,
General equation for power generated, Velocity triangles, Efficiencies)
Uniform Flow in Open Channels: Equations, Normal depth and Economic/optimum section
Tunneling Rock Blasting and Aggregate Production
Tunneling equipment and methods, blasting of rock and use of explosives, quarrying and
production of aggregates including new techniques used in Sri Lanka and other countries
Road and Bridge construction
Road Construction techniques, earthmoving plant selection; Bridge construction methods,
cofferdams and work over water; Pile driving and Caisson sinking
Construction Safety, Health and Safety at work
Safe construction practices and checklists
Land clearing and Earthworks
Equipment used for Land clearing and earthworks: Bulldozer, Backhoe, Grab, Scraper, Grader,
Wheel Loader, Dredger, Dump Truck; Land clearing techniques; Large excavations, dredging,
Trench excavation, Pipe laying, Sheet piling and Shoring Systems
Compaction of Earth with necessary equipment
Deep excavations including dewatering and method of ground water control
Quality assurance process - application of quality assurance processes and ISO 9000 for heavy
construction work
Properties of fresh and hardened concrete and test methods
Constituents of concrete and methods to ensure their quality (cement, aggregates, water and
Mix Design
Ready mixed concrete, Machineries used in concreting
Recent advances related to concrete
8. Surveying (4)
Classifications and basic principles of surveying
Linear measurements, tapes and accessories, errors
Level: Principles and theory of Levelling, Part and accessories, working principle, Datum, Bench
Marks, Temporary and Permanent Adjustments, Methods of Levelling, Sources of errors in
Levelling, Curvature and refraction
Total Station: Advantages, Fundamental quantities measured, Parts and accessories, working
principle, on-site calculations, Field procedures, Errors and Good practices in using Total Station
Traversing and triangulation
Tacheometry: Horizontal and vertical angle measurements, Tacheometry surveying, Contouring,
Uses of contour plans and maps
Setting out of Buildings
Setting out of Curves
Electromagnetic Distance Measurement (EDM), Global Positioning Systems (GPS), GPS
14. Management, Law & Ethics (10)
Management Process, Roles of a Manager, Levels of Management, Business Environment
and stakeholders, Overview of the key Functional areas of Management (Human Resource
Management, Marketing Management, Financial Management, Management Information
Systems, Operations Management, Financial Accounting and Management Accounting),
Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship, Contemporary Issues in Modern Management.
Legal System of Sri Lanka, Commercial Law, Sole Proprietorship, Partnerships and
Incorporated bodies, Contract Law, Intellectual Property Law, Industrial Relations.
Professional Ethics and its importance, Code of Ethics by the Institute of Engineers Sri
Lanka (including duties, responsibilities, rights and privileges of an engineer), Ethical
Perspectives (Individual ethical decision making – moral philosophies and values,
Organizational ethical decision making – role of ethical culture and leadership), Corporate
Social Responsibility, Respect for other Professions, Workplace Ethical issues and possible
solutions (such as Civil disobedience and whistle blowing, privacy, safety and fairness
concerns, bullying and harassment at workplace, and Intellectual property and legal