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Paper C: Syllabus of IESL General Qualifying Examination for AMIE(SL)

Section I

No Syllabus sub-area No of Questions

1 Basic Structural Design 12
2 Reinforced Concrete Design 10
3 Structural Steel and Pre-Stressed Concrete Design 8
4 Analysis and Modeling of structures 8
5 Soil Mechanics and Engineering Geology 12
6 Fluid Mechanics 10

Section II

No Syllabus sub-area No of Questions

7 Construction & Concrete Technology 12
8 Surveying 4
91. Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources 8
10 Sustainability, Environmental Engineering and Management 6
11 Geotechnical Engineering 10
12 Construction Management 6
13 Highway and Transportation Engineering 4
14 Management, Law & Ethics 10

GQE Paper C: Syllabus for Section I

1. Basic Structural Design (12)

 Introduction to structural design
 Types of structural forms, loads, load paths and support conditions
 Structural Design Philosophies and Properties of structural materials: Concrete, steel, timber and
 Design aspects related to tension members, compression members and bending members
 Members subjected to combined effects such as tension and flexure, compression and flexure.
 Design of connections and simple structures

2. Reinforced Concrete Design (10)

 Behavior in flexure, shear and torsion
 Selection of initial member sizes for basic concrete elements
 Methods for performing structural idealization and modelling for analysis
 Design of beams, slabs, columns (short and slender), bases, staircases, walls, flat slabs,
redistribution of moments for low rise buildings with extension to medium rise buildings
 Standard method of detailing for reinforced concrete members

3. Structural Steel and Pre-Stressed Concrete Design (8)
 Design of axially loaded tension members
 Design of axially loaded compression members
 Design of tension members subjected to moments
 Design of compression members subjected to moments
 Deign of beams
 Design of steel frames
 Design of welded and bolted connections
 Introduction to prestressed concrete
 Basic principles and methods of pre-stressing
 Materials for pre-stressing
 Design of flexural members for serviceability and ultimate limit states
 Pre-stress losses

4. Analysis and Modeling of structures (8)

 Fundamentals of Structural Analysis - Equilibrium, Compatibility and Material Law
 Introduction to Lower Bound and Upper Bound Theorems
 General structural analysis methods
 Three moments equation, Methods to calculate deflections (including Mohr’s Theorem and
MaCaulay’s Method), Virtual work and energy theorems, Moment Distribution method, Slope
Deflection Equations, Plastic analysis of beams and frames, Introduction to structural dynamics
 Force matrix method - Displacement Matrix method and Stiffness matrices for basic structural

5. Soil Mechanics and Engineering Geology (12)

 Earth’s place in the Space, structure of the Earth, geological processes of the Earth’s crust, plate
movements and associated events, Rock cycle
 Common rock forming minerals
 Process of weathering, erosion transportation and deposition, lithification, classification of
sedimentary rocks
 Metamorphism, metamorphic grades and classification of metamorphic rocks
 Igneous activity, formation of igneous rocks and classification of igneous rocks
 Geological time scale, Principles of stratigraphy
 Soils on the Earth’s surface, glacial, alluvial, aeolian and residual soils.
 Structural Geology, horizontal and inclined strata, dip, strike, inliers, outliers, escarpments, folds,
faults, joints
 Hydrogeology: hydrological cycle, infiltration, percolation, groundwater flow, aquifers, aquicludes,
springs, wells, streams and rivers, freshwater-seawater boundary
 Geological and geotechnical maps, their interpretation and mapping. Measurement of planer
structures in the field.
 Geological map of Sri Lanka
 Basic soil properties - Mass, Volume, void ratio, moisture content definitions, specific gravity and
density relationships. Particle size distribution (Sieve Analysis and Hydrometer Analysis),
plasticity of soils (Atterberg Limits)

 Classification of Soils - Classification of Soils for engineering purposes, purpose of Classification,
different systems, Unified Classification System
 Compaction of Soils - Proctor compaction test, AASHTO test, air voids ratio, Compaction in the
field, Compaction control, field testing of density, principles of soil stabilization
 Permeability of Soils - Darcy’s law, hydraulic gradient, coefficient of permeability, laboratory and
field measurement of permeability, steady seepage
 Flow nets for confined and unconfined flow, isotropic and anisotropic conditions, critical hydraulic
gradient and piping

6. Fluid Mechanics(10)
 Fluids and Fluid Properties: Characteristics of fluids, Continuum concept, Significance of fluid
properties in engineering applications
 Hydrostatic Pressure: Pressure and Piezometric head, Centre of pressure, Measurement of
 Buoyancy: Archimedes principle, Centre of buoyancy, Equilibrium and stability of fully submerged
and floating bodies, Concept of metacenter
 Boundary Layers: Definition of boundary layer, Displacement thickness and Momentum
thickness, Distribution of sheer stress and velocity and Computation of drag force in
Laminar/Turbulent boundary layers, Drag coefficient
 Pipe Systems and Networks: Equations for frictional loss, Darcy-Weisbach/Manning’s/Hazen
Williams formulae, Moody diagram, Iterative methods for pipe network analysis (Hardy Cross
 Transient Flow in Pipes: Incompressible water column theory, Elastic theory of water hammer,
Sudden/gradual valve closure and opening, Strain energy water hammer theory, Fundamental
differential equation of water hammer, Surge tanks
 Dimensional and hydraulic model Analysis: Dimensionless numbers, Buckingham’s theorem,
Hydraulic similarity, Hydraulic models
 Hydraulic Machinery: Introduction, Types of Pumps and Turbines, Centrifugal pumps (General
equation for head generated, Velocity triangles, Efficiencies), Turbines (Impulse/Reaction types,
General equation for power generated, Velocity triangles, Efficiencies)
 Uniform Flow in Open Channels: Equations, Normal depth and Economic/optimum section

GQE Paper C: Syllabus for Section II

7. Construction & Concrete Technology (12)

 Sustainable construction techniques - Implementation of sustainable design concept into
construction, how to incorporate sustainable concepts in construction projects
 Planning and Setting out - Techniques of setting out of buildings and major civil engineering work
 Concreting Material handling on sites and access scaffolds
 Material handling equipment on site: Hoists, Forklifts, Tower cranes; other cranes, Dumpers, site
layout of material handling equipment; concreting equipment and methods, Erection of scaffolds
 Temporary works for the concreting; formwork, false work and scaffolding (This should include
conventional and advanced new system formwork)

 Tunneling Rock Blasting and Aggregate Production
 Tunneling equipment and methods, blasting of rock and use of explosives, quarrying and
production of aggregates including new techniques used in Sri Lanka and other countries
 Road and Bridge construction
 Road Construction techniques, earthmoving plant selection; Bridge construction methods,
cofferdams and work over water; Pile driving and Caisson sinking
 Construction Safety, Health and Safety at work
 Safe construction practices and checklists
 Land clearing and Earthworks
 Equipment used for Land clearing and earthworks: Bulldozer, Backhoe, Grab, Scraper, Grader,
Wheel Loader, Dredger, Dump Truck; Land clearing techniques; Large excavations, dredging,
Trench excavation, Pipe laying, Sheet piling and Shoring Systems
 Compaction of Earth with necessary equipment
 Deep excavations including dewatering and method of ground water control
 Quality assurance process - application of quality assurance processes and ISO 9000 for heavy
construction work
 Properties of fresh and hardened concrete and test methods
 Constituents of concrete and methods to ensure their quality (cement, aggregates, water and
 Mix Design
 Ready mixed concrete, Machineries used in concreting
 Recent advances related to concrete

8. Surveying (4)
 Classifications and basic principles of surveying
 Linear measurements, tapes and accessories, errors
 Level: Principles and theory of Levelling, Part and accessories, working principle, Datum, Bench
Marks, Temporary and Permanent Adjustments, Methods of Levelling, Sources of errors in
Levelling, Curvature and refraction
 Total Station: Advantages, Fundamental quantities measured, Parts and accessories, working
principle, on-site calculations, Field procedures, Errors and Good practices in using Total Station
 Traversing and triangulation
 Tacheometry: Horizontal and vertical angle measurements, Tacheometry surveying, Contouring,
Uses of contour plans and maps
 Setting out of Buildings
 Setting out of Curves
 Electromagnetic Distance Measurement (EDM), Global Positioning Systems (GPS), GPS

9. Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources (8)

 Non-Uniform Flow in Open Channels: Specific energy, Critical depth, Super critical and Sub-
critical depths, Alternate depths, Determination of surface profiles by numerical/graphical and
analytical methods, Hydraulic jump, Loss of energy in a hydraulic jump, Length of jump, Practical
applications of hydraulic jump
 Hydraulic Structures: Flumes, Sluices (with free flow and submerged flow), Weirs (sharp crested,
ogee type and broad crested), Spillways (weir type, morning glory and siphon types), Energy
 Sediment Transportation: Modes of sediment movement, Suspended load, Bed load, Stable
 Design of Channels: Design of channels in erodible and non-erodible material, Criteria for design,
Economic section, Maximum and minimum permissible velocities
 Statistical hydrology: Hydrologic data, Extreme value distributions, Frequency analysis,
Probability and return period
 Surface Water Hydrology and Water Resource Management: Hydrologic cycle (Precipitation,
Infiltration, Evaporation and Runoff), Measurement of precipitation and runoff, Water balance
concept, Rational formula, Run-off coefficient, Time of concentration
 Hydrograph Analysis: Separation of base flow, Infiltration, Unit hydrograph theory, Derivation of
unit hydrograph, Synthetic unit hydrograph
 Design and Operation of Reservoirs: Tabular/Graphical methods, Use of the mass curve in
reservoir capacity, spill volume and sustainable yield studies
 Flood and Reservoir Routing: Simple techniques of Routing a Flood Hydrograph through a
reservoir and through a section of Channel, Muskingum Method
 Groundwater: Types of aquifers, Groundwater flow in Cartesian and Radial coordinates for
Steady and Unsteady flow including recharge and abstraction, Pumping Tests, Analysis of
pumping test data using Theis Equation, Jacob's Method, Theis Method, Analysis of Recovery

10. Sustainability, Environmental Engineering and Management (6)

 Introduction to the natural world and the concept of ecosystems, basic principles of Ecology,
biodiversity, population dynamics, population equilibrium, species adaptation, ecosystem
response to disturbance
 Sustainability and development, local/regional/global environmental issues, Environmental quality
 Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental regulations in Sri Lanka
 Introduction to surface and ground water pollution control measures and standards, Solid and
Hazardous Waste Management, Air Pollution and Noise Control
 Water supply, water treatment principles and design concepts
 Wastewater collection, sewer hydraulics and sewer designs
 Wastewater treatment principles and design concepts, wastewater and effluent disposal, effluent
disposal standards, design of on-site wastewater treatment and disposal

11. Geotechnical Engineering (10)

 Concept of consolidation, Terzaghi’s theory for one dimensional consolidation, determination of
consolidation characteristics in the laboratory, stress distributions in the soils, estimation of
amount and rate of settlement due to loading, consolidation due to dewatering, secondary
consolidation, improvement of soft clays using preloading.
 Methods of geotechnical investigation, methods of advancing a borehole in soil, methods of
coring in rock, in situ tests, methods of obtaining undisturbed samples, borehole logging,
idealization of a soil profile with borehole data.
 Relevance of shear strength of soils, Mohr Coulomb failure criterion, drained and undrained
conditions, determination of shear strength in the laboratory by Direct shear test and triaxial tests,
applicability of different types of triaxial tests, pore water pressure development and Skempton’s
Law, stress invariants and stress paths, vane shear test, shear strength of unsaturated soils.
 Different modes of slope instability, drained and undrained behavior, shallow translational slides,
analysis of rotational slides by friction circle method, Taylor’s charts, Bishop and Morgenstern
charts, ordinary slices method, Bishop’s method of slices, concept of probability of failure,
stabilization of slopes.
 Rock mass and rock material, discontinuities, rock mass classification, invest igation in rock,
orientation of discontinuities, stereo-plots, stability of rock slopes, plane failure and wedge failure,
stabilization of rock slopes, tests on rocks. Use of stereographic nets for rock slope stability.

12. Construction Management (6)

 Planning construction activities for building and civil engineering projects, use of bar charts, use
of network diagrams, critical path analysis, scheduling and control, progress and cost monitoring,
use of planning software
 Introduction to Project Management, the design brief, introduction to estimating, preparation of
rates, use of a cost database, preparation of rates for BOQ items and estimates for building and
civil engineering work
 Planning the construction site and organizational set up, material management, stores
management, work supervision to ensure quality control and quality assurance
 Construction planning process for construction and earthwork operations, productivity in
construction operations
 Types of construction contracts, contract documents, introduction to contract administration,
basics of contract law, ICTAD conditions of contract
 Organizing equipment/plant for construction activities
 Introduction to Cost control and Cash flow forecasting
 Health Safety Environment in construction & first aid
 Computer Applications in Construction Management, MS Project, ERP Systems

13. Highway and Transportation Engineering (4)

 Introduction to transportation engineering, fundamentals of transport systems, impacts, desired
features, role of transport professionals
 Accessibility and mobility, different transport modes and transportation systems management
 Traffic flow theory: Speed, flow & density measurements, data handling, analysis and
 Transportation Planning processes, trip generation & attraction, trip distribution, model split, trip
 Road safety and risks, safety management, risk mitigation, driver behaviour and human factors
 Functional classification, principle of highway location, factors influencing highway design
 Sight distance, design of alignment, horizontal and vertical curves, cross sections, super
elevation, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, use of geometric design codes and guidelines
 Highway capacity, design of two-lane roads, service flow rate, volume/capacity ratio, level of
 Types of pavements, structural components of flexible pavements, estimation of design loads,
stresses and strains in pavements, introduction of design guidelines, asphalt pavement design,
concepts of mechanistic design
 Properties, standard specifications & test methods for road construction materials, quality control
and acceptance criteria

14. Management, Law & Ethics (10)

 Management
Management Process, Roles of a Manager, Levels of Management, Business Environment
and stakeholders, Overview of the key Functional areas of Management (Human Resource
Management, Marketing Management, Financial Management, Management Information
Systems, Operations Management, Financial Accounting and Management Accounting),
Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship, Contemporary Issues in Modern Management.
 Law
Legal System of Sri Lanka, Commercial Law, Sole Proprietorship, Partnerships and
Incorporated bodies, Contract Law, Intellectual Property Law, Industrial Relations.
 Ethics
Professional Ethics and its importance, Code of Ethics by the Institute of Engineers Sri
Lanka (including duties, responsibilities, rights and privileges of an engineer), Ethical
Perspectives (Individual ethical decision making – moral philosophies and values,
Organizational ethical decision making – role of ethical culture and leadership), Corporate
Social Responsibility, Respect for other Professions, Workplace Ethical issues and possible
solutions (such as Civil disobedience and whistle blowing, privacy, safety and fairness
concerns, bullying and harassment at workplace, and Intellectual property and legal

GQE Paper C: Assessment Strategy

Assessments Mode 1


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