We have made a background guide to help you kick start your research. The background guide
has been written with the thought that it will serve as a map for you to navigate through the mass
of information which you may across in your preparation for the conference. It will guide you to
understand the different angles to the forthcoming discussion, a sort of a reflection of what is in
store for you. Thus, as the name “map” may be hinting, it will not provide you with all the
information or analysis on the agenda at hand but a path for you to carry out your research. For
doing that, your research has to be comprehensive and non-exhaustive. More importantly, you
have to understand your research and be able to use it. In other words, your research documents
are not your arguments.
You use your research to form your argument; your research cannot be your only argument. That
is where analysis steps in.
It is extremely important for you to listen to everything other representatives talk about in the
committee, so don’t keep yourself too occupied writing your own speeches, but truly listen to
what other delegates speak in the committee. It will help you give direction to the debate
happening in the committee and also some point to elaborate on or rebuttal.
To start , research on your portfolio and representative , their background , their powers , their
past actions and their allegiance ,this would be quite helpful as it would provide you with a
thorough arc to develop and follow. Logic and portfolio/foreign policy combined with in-depth
research and knowledge are necessary to be a successful crisis delegate. In order to be successful
, the delegates are expected to come up with logically sound plans , solutions , arguments and
rebuttals in favour of their portfolio stance and be able to maneuver the committee dynamics.
Try to highlight the same during the two days of the conference. Having said that, if you have
any questions or doubts pertaining to anything concerning this committee, please feel free to
contact us.
Happy researching!
Abhinav Dutta - Chairperson
Daanish Naarang - Vice Chairperson
1. Information contained in this research brief does not possess any evidentiary
value, nor does it qualify as proof of the occurrence/non-occurrence or
existence/non-existence of any fact. The brief is meant only to provide the
Participants with a modicum of information upon which further research can be built and does
not in any manner whatsoever reflect the views or political leanings of the Chairperson or Vice
Chairperson They shall at all points in time maintain neutrality and do
not have any political affiliations.
2. There would be a Zero Plagiarism policy followed by the Executive Board for all
written communications (Chits, Documents, etc). Kindly note, however, the use of
citations would not qualify as plagiarism and would thus be permissible.
3. The usage of the Internet would be permitted during committee hours and formal
sessions for research and communication purposes. However, any delegate found
using the internet for unwanted/malicious behavior would call for strict action to be taken
against the concerned individual.
A crisis is different from a regular MUN for myriad reasons. The rules of procedure are
largely relaxed, delegates can take immediate action and change the world around them in
real and profound ways, and in this triple cabinet crisis, delegates represent individuals rather
than states or organizations. The topic at hand in a crisis will change vastly from the
beginning to the end of the crisis, what may start as a small natural disaster worthy of a short
debate in a regular MUN committee can spiral into a maelstrom of chaos, with the delegates
actions and the backroom’s meddling causing rebel uprisings, disease outbreaks, wars, and
revolutions; and this could all happen in the first half day session.
For those who have never experienced a crisis before, it can seem like a daunting experience.
Yes, a crisis is vastly different from regular MUN, but for many reasons, this makes it much
easier for new or first-time MUN delegates. Gone are most of the complex rules and
procedures, the standing on ceremony, the passive-aggressive put-downs, and experienced
delegates using their knowledge of the rules to silence their less experienced rivals. In a
crisis, while not all delegates start equally powerful, much like any MUN committee, every
delegate can climb.
A shrewd delegate can take advantage of opportunities and turn them to their advantage, a
diplomatic and persuasive delegate may swing the room in their favour and achieve their
goals without getting their hands dirty, and a devious delegate may backstab their way to
infamy. The success of any delegate in a crisis is limited only by their imagination, and the
speed at which they can respond to the series of crisis developments and updates.
Delegates will each be representing a historical individual for the crisis, rather than a country.
They could be a politician, a civil servant, a journalist, or a military man. They will have
individual remits and powers, depending on their character, which will be detailed in their
character summary. Acting as individuals they can only do what their character can do,
making individual decisions based on their powers and resources or shaping the decisions
made by their cabinets. As individuals, they can also be arrested, assassinated, or otherwise
removed from the crisis if not careful enough. Should this happen the delegate will receive a
new character.
The procedure of the CCC committee will be subject to discretion of the executive board
members , and so will the flow of the committee. This simulation is howsoever fundamentally
different from any standard UNA/USA or any other Rules of Procedure’s (ROP’s).
The committee shall essentially begin with a mandatory opening statement from each and every
representative to understand positions and set up the framework for the committee , this will be
followed by regular crisis updates/crisis from the executive board.
The delegates are to note that the floor for directives shall be open throughout the committee and
shall not be capped by the executive board. The concept of directives will be explained before
the committee session itself.
In the intricate world of crisis committees, directives stand out as unique tools in the arsenal of
crisis committees. These are not mere suggestions or recommendations; they are decisive
actions,mandates that are meant to address immediate needs and urgencies. They are the
embodiment of proactive diplomacy, where delegates don't just discuss but act.
At its core, a directive is akin to a 'direction' or command. While other UN committees might
spend extensive time deliberating on Working Papers or Draft Resolutions, crisis committees
operate on a different tempo. The situations they address are often volatile, requiring swift and
decisive action. This is where directives come into play. They are action-oriented mandates
issued to specific individuals, agencies, or ministries.
Every directive, while immediate in its nature, must be rooted in strategy. It should be a
reflection of a delegate's understanding of the crisis at hand, their character's capabilities, and the
broader objectives they wish to achieve. It's not just about reacting to a situation but doing so
with foresight and precision.
Crafting Directives
Directives, by design, are concise. However, their brevity doesn't diminish their importance or
the meticulousness required in drafting them. Here's a deeper dive into the general format:
Directive Name (Overt/Covert): This provides a snapshot of the directive's nature. Is it a covert
operation or an overt policy decision? The name should encapsulate the essence of the directive.
From: This denotes the authoring delegate or body. It establishes authority and responsibility.
To: The recipient could be an individual, or a group. It's essential to specify who is responsible
for executing the directive.
Objective: A clear, concise statement that outlines the directive's primary aim. It sets the
direction for the actions that follow.
Personnel Involved: A directive might require a collaborative effort. Listing relevant personnels
ensures that all necessary stakeholders are in the loop.
Plan of Action/Body: This is where the directive gets into specifics. What are the steps to be
How will the objective be achieved? Each measure should be framed as an operative clause,
providing clear instructions.
Covert Directives: These are the silent movers. Crafted for discretion, covert directives operate
in the shadows. They are meant for a select audience, ensuring that sensitive operations remain
confidential. While they might not be in the public eye, their impact can be profound, shaping
the course of events from behind the scenes.
Overt Directives: In contrast, overt directives operate in the light of day. They are transparent
decisions, shared with the entire committee once the Executive Board deems them appropriate.
They represent the committee's collective will and are a testament to collaborative diplomacy.
The choice between covert and overt isn't just about secrecy; it's a strategic decision. Delegates
must weigh the benefits of transparency against the advantages of discretion.
To ensure clarity and efficiency in this committee, all notes or requests related to the crisis
shouldbe submitted in written form using notepads. While there isn't a strict format for these
Crisis Notes,a general structure is often followed:
Area 51 is a highly classified U.S. Air Force facility located in the Nevada desert,
about 83 miles (134 km) north of Las Vegas. Its official designation is Homey
Airport (KXTA) or Groom Lake (named after the dry lake bed on which it sits).
The U.S. government only acknowledged its existence publicly in 2013, though it
has long been the subject of speculation, secrecy, and conspiracy theories.
● Theory: Area 51 is believed to be the site where the U.S. government stores alien
spacecraft, extraterrestrial bodies, and advanced technology recovered from UFO
crashes, most famously the 1947 Roswell incident.
● Supporting Evidence: The theory was popularized by whistleblowers like Bob Lazar, a
physicist who claimed in the late 1980s that he worked at a secretive location near Area
51, where he allegedly saw alien spacecraft and worked on reverse-engineering their
● Public Impact: The idea that the U.S. government is hiding alien technology at Area 51
has become central to UFO conspiracy theories, bolstered by years of secrecy and the
base's isolation.
● Theory: Some believe that Area 51 is used for reverse engineering technology
recovered from crashed UFOs. The theory suggests that the U.S. military is trying to
understand and replicate alien technology, such as anti-gravity propulsion systems and
advanced materials.
● Supporting Evidence: People like Bob Lazar have claimed to have worked on
reverse-engineering flying saucer-like craft and studying alien propulsion systems at Area
● Public Impact: This theory has fueled the idea that UFOs and sightings of unknown
aerial phenomena (UAPs) are the result of human experimentation using alien
● Theory: Many conspiracy theorists believe that the Roswell crash of 1947 involved a
crashed UFO, and that the wreckage, along with alien bodies, was secretly transported to
Area 51 for analysis and cover-up.
● Supporting Evidence: The U.S. Army initially announced that they had recovered a
"flying disc" from the site, but later retracted the statement, calling it a weather balloon.
This inconsistency in the story, combined with the secrecy surrounding the crash, has led
to widespread speculation about a government cover-up.
● Public Impact: The Roswell incident remains one of the most significant events in UFO
lore and continues to be linked to Area 51 in conspiracy narratives.
● Theory: Some fringe theories propose that Area 51 houses time travel experiments or
dimensional portals that allow for time manipulation or contact with parallel universes.
This theory is based on speculative interpretations of UFO sightings and alleged
government experiments.
● Supporting Evidence: Proponents point to claims by individuals such as Andrew
Basiago, who has alleged that he was involved in secret government projects at Area 51
involving time travel and teleportation.
● Public Impact: This theory is far more speculative and not widely supported, but it has
found a niche following in conspiracy circles, often linked to broader ideas about
government experimentation and hidden technologies.
● Theory: The "Storm Area 51" movement, which gained widespread attention in 2019,
sparked the idea that Area 51 holds the secrets to UFOs and extraterrestrial life,
prompting millions of people to "storm" the base in search of the truth.
● Supporting Evidence: The movement was largely based on the cultural fascination with
Area 51, fueled by memes and social media campaigns. While it started as a joke, it
turned into a viral phenomenon that underscored the deep interest in what might be
hidden inside Area 51.
● Public Impact: Although the event itself was not a large-scale attempt to breach the base,
it brought renewed attention to Area 51 and its connection to UFO and alien theories.
● Theory: Some conspiracy theorists claim that Area 51 is involved in the development of
a black project aircraft known as Aurora, a rumored hypersonic plane capable of
reaching speeds up to Mach 6. This aircraft is thought to be a secret successor to the
SR-71 Blackbird.
● Supporting Evidence: Theories about Aurora are based on sightings of mysterious
aircraft and strange noises in the vicinity of Area 51. However, no concrete evidence of
its existence has ever been released by the U.S. government.
● Public Impact: While the Aurora aircraft remains a topic of speculation, it contributes to
the mystique of Area 51 as a potential site for groundbreaking military technology.
● Theory: Some theorists propose that the U.S. government has made secret deals with
extraterrestrials at Area 51, involving technology exchanges or communication.
According to this theory, the government may have negotiated with aliens for technology
or information in exchange for access to humans for experimentation.
● Supporting Evidence: This idea is often linked to the alleged secrecy and the belief that
the U.S. military has encountered extraterrestrial beings. Claims from individuals like
Phil Schneider and Bob Lazar are often cited in this theory, with their accounts
suggesting that there have been meetings between government officials and aliens at
secret facilities.
● Public Impact: This theory is one of the more popular among UFO enthusiasts, and it
plays into the broader belief that the government is hiding the truth about extraterrestrial
Further Links To Research