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Use the story to 1

Baking Pies answer the questions.

Emily and Jacob decided to bake pies for Read carefully!
the school bake sale. They baked six pies
altogether. Two of the pies were cherry A. How many pies did
Emily and Jacob
and the rest were apple. They used four bring to the bake
and a half pounds of cherries for each of sale?
the cherry pies and 9 apples for each of
B. How many pounds
the apple pies. They spent 2 hours getting of cherries did they
the pies ready to go into the oven. The pies buy?
needed to bake for 45 minutes each. Two
pies could fit in the oven at a time. When C. How many apples did
they buy?
they were done, they decided to keep one
of the apple pies to share with their D. How long did it take
families. They brought the rest of the pies to bake all of the
to the bake sale the next day.
Word Problem Detective Task Cards created by Rachel Lynette ©2015 all rights reserved www..rachel-lynette.com

Use the story to 2

Garden Time answer the questions.
Keisha had a lovely little garden! She grew Read carefully!
3 rows of beans, 2 rows of peas, some A. How many different kinds
squash, lettuce, and carrots. But Keisha of vegetables did Keisha
had a problem: rabbits were coming into plant?
her garden and eating her vegetables. She B. How many feet of fencing
decided to build a fence around her garden did Keisha need to buy?
to keep the rabbits out. Her garden was 10
C. If Keisha’s garden had
feet wide and 15 feet long. Keisha went to been a square with sides
the hardware store to buy the materials 15 feet long, how much
for her fence. It cost $65 for everything fencing would she have
she needed. She paid with two fifty-dollar needed?
bills. Keisha and her family had lots of D. How much change did
yummy vegetables to eat at harvest time! Keisha get back at the
hardware store?

Word Problem Detective Task Cards created by Rachel Lynette ©2015 all rights reserved www..rachel-lynette.com
Use the story to 3
Birthday Party answer the questions.
Read carefully!
Ethan made goodie bags for his birthday
party guests. He put the same amount of A. How many pieces of
goodies in each bag. He had 48 pieces of candy did each guest
candy, 8 yoyos, 16 toy cars, and a box of get?
24 pencils with silly erasers. Eight guests B. What was the total
came to Ethan’s party. The party was number of things in
three hours long. Ethan and his guests each guest’s goodie
spent the first half of the party playing bag?
games. Then they had cake and ice C. How many minutes did
cream. After that, Ethan opened his they spend playing
presents. Then they all ran around like games?
little monsters until it was time for the D. At what time did the
guests to go home at 4:30. party start?

Word Problem Detective Task Cards created by Rachel Lynette ©2015 all rights reserved www..rachel-lynette.com

Use the story to 4

Cats and Dogs answer the questions.
Read carefully!
Cory’s family has an adorable dog named
Dobby. Cory takes Dobby for a walk
every day. They also have three lazy cats A. How much cat food do
all of the cats eat in
named Fluffy, Mittens, and Jinks. Dobby one day?
eats a cup and a half of dog food each
day. Each cat eats a fourth of a cup of B. How much cat food
cat food each day. Fluffy is twice as old does Mittens eat in a
as Mittens. Mittens is three years older
than Jinks. Jinks is two years old. Nobody C. How much dog food
knows exactly how old Dobby is, but the does Dobby eat in a
people at the dog shelter thought he was
probably 3 years old when they adopted D. How old is Fluffy?
him 2 years ago.

Word Problem Detective Task Cards created by Rachel Lynette ©2015 all rights reserved www..rachel-lynette.com
Use the story to 5
Dinner Time answer the questions.
Everyone in Tyler’s family of four takes Read carefully!
turns cooking. They eat dinner at home
every night except Saturday when they go A. On what day of the
week will Tyler next
out for pizza. In January, Tyler’s first day cook?
to cook was Monday, January 5th. Tyler
made lasagna. He started cooking at 4:40 B. How many times will
Tyler cook in
and dinner was ready at 6:18. After dinner, January?
they had cookies for dessert. Tyler ate
twice as many cookies as his little sister. C. How long did it take
Tyler’s mom ate a two more cookies than Tyler to make dinner?
Tyler. Tyler’s Dad ate nine cookies, which D. How many cookies did
was five more than Tyler’s sister had eaten. Tyler have for
Tyler did homework until bedtime, which dessert?
was at 9:30.
Word Problem Detective Task Cards created by Rachel Lynette ©2015 all rights reserved www..rachel-lynette.com

Use the story to 6

Pizza Party answer the questions.
The fifth graders at Clark Elementary Read carefully!
earned a pizza party for reading 1,000 A. What is the average
books in three months! There were three number of books each
classes. Mrs. Jinn’s and Mr. Winkle’s classes student read? Round to
each had 27 students. Mrs. Cote’s had 28 the nearest whole
students. Each student had two slices of number.
pizza and 3 cookies. Each pizza was cut into B. How many pizzas were
twelve slices and there were 32 cookies in needed for the party?
each package. The teachers did not eat any C. How many packages of
pizza, but they did each eat two cookies. cookies were needed?
After the party, Mrs. Jinn and Mrs. Cotes
each took half of the remaining slices of D. How many slices of pizza
did Mrs. Jinn take
pizza home and Mr. Winkle took the left home?
over cookies.
Word Problem Detective Task Cards created by Rachel Lynette ©2015 all rights reserved www..rachel-lynette.com
Use the story to 7
Let’s Bowl! answer the questions.
Olivia and Mason went bowling together. Read carefully!
They started bowling at 1:15. They took a 20
minute break to get a snack and they A. How long did Olivia and
Mason spend bowling?
finished bowling at 2:40. They played three
games. In the first game, Olivia beat Mason B. How much did Olivia
by 22 points. Mason still did pretty well score in the second
though, with 109 points. Olivia did much
worse in the second game and only scored C. What was Mason’s
half of what Mason scored. Mason scored average score for the
134 in that game. In the final game Mason three games?
scored five points less than Olivia had D. How many points did
scored in the first game and Olivia had an Mason and Olivia score
even 100. After bowling, they went to the altogether?
arcade until 3:50.
Word Problem Detective Task Cards created by Rachel Lynette ©2015 all rights reserved www..rachel-lynette.com

Use the story to 8

Garage Sale answer the questions.
Larkin’s family had a garage sale. Her Read carefully!
parents said that she could sell some of her
old toys. Larkin decided to sell all of her A. How much money did
Larkin make from
stuffed animals. She sold 7 big stuffed selling her stuffed
animals for $2.50 each and 13 small ones for animals?
$0.75 each. Larkin took some of the money
B. How many softback
she made to a garage sale down the street. books did Larkin buy?
There were a lot of books at that sale.
Hardbacks were $0.50 and softbacks were C. How much did Larkin
just $.025. Larkin spent $5.75 for 17 books. spend at the garage
sale altogether?
She also bought a game for $1.50 and 18
pretty marbles for a nickel each. She gave D. How much money did
the marbles to her little sister, then they Larkin have left?
played the new game until dinnertime.
Word Problem Detective Task Cards created by Rachel Lynette ©2015 all rights reserved www..rachel-lynette.com

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