WordProblemDetective (dragged)
WordProblemDetective (dragged)
WordProblemDetective (dragged)
Word Problem Detective Task Cards created by Rachel Lynette ©2015 all rights reserved www..rachel-lynette.com
Use the story to 3
Birthday Party answer the questions.
Read carefully!
Ethan made goodie bags for his birthday
party guests. He put the same amount of A. How many pieces of
goodies in each bag. He had 48 pieces of candy did each guest
candy, 8 yoyos, 16 toy cars, and a box of get?
24 pencils with silly erasers. Eight guests B. What was the total
came to Ethan’s party. The party was number of things in
three hours long. Ethan and his guests each guest’s goodie
spent the first half of the party playing bag?
games. Then they had cake and ice C. How many minutes did
cream. After that, Ethan opened his they spend playing
presents. Then they all ran around like games?
little monsters until it was time for the D. At what time did the
guests to go home at 4:30. party start?
Word Problem Detective Task Cards created by Rachel Lynette ©2015 all rights reserved www..rachel-lynette.com
Word Problem Detective Task Cards created by Rachel Lynette ©2015 all rights reserved www..rachel-lynette.com
Use the story to 5
Dinner Time answer the questions.
Everyone in Tyler’s family of four takes Read carefully!
turns cooking. They eat dinner at home
every night except Saturday when they go A. On what day of the
week will Tyler next
out for pizza. In January, Tyler’s first day cook?
to cook was Monday, January 5th. Tyler
made lasagna. He started cooking at 4:40 B. How many times will
Tyler cook in
and dinner was ready at 6:18. After dinner, January?
they had cookies for dessert. Tyler ate
twice as many cookies as his little sister. C. How long did it take
Tyler’s mom ate a two more cookies than Tyler to make dinner?
Tyler. Tyler’s Dad ate nine cookies, which D. How many cookies did
was five more than Tyler’s sister had eaten. Tyler have for
Tyler did homework until bedtime, which dessert?
was at 9:30.
Word Problem Detective Task Cards created by Rachel Lynette ©2015 all rights reserved www..rachel-lynette.com