NID Belize (Dec 31 2024)
NID Belize (Dec 31 2024)
NID Belize (Dec 31 2024)
Climate change is a critical, cross-sectoral challenge that significantly impacts Belize's long-term
development. The nation is already experiencing the effects of climate change, including rising
temperatures, prolonged droughts, and ocean acidification. Belize's geographical location further
exacerbates these impacts due to its reliance on climate-sensitive sectors, putting the country at heightened
risk for economic crises, such as declines in agricultural productivity, increased costs for natural disaster
recovery, and a rise in health conditions like vector-borne diseases and heat stress.
Belize’s greenhouse gas emissions represent a miniscule fraction of global emissions, highlighting the
country’s minimal contribution to climate change despite its vulnerability to its impacts. According to the
IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), global net anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions reached 59 ±
6.6 GtCO2eq in 2019, marking a 12% increase since 2010 and a 54% rise since 1990. In contrast, Belize’s
emissions account for less than 0.01% of the global total. This stark disparity underscores the
disproportionate climate risks faced by small nations like Belize, which contribute negligibly to global
emissions yet are among the most susceptible to climate change effects.
Despite Belize's less than one percent contribution to global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the country
remains steadfast in its commitment to reducing emissions in alignment with the Paris Agreement's goal
of limiting global temperature rise to below 1.5° to 2°C above pre-industrial levels. Belize is actively
pursuing its potential in renewable energy and energy efficiency with the intent to decrease fossil fuel
consumption while promoting sustainable development. Although Belize's GHG emissions are relatively
low, its international commitments and the opportunities that arise from addressing climate change
necessitate the integration of climate considerations into national development plans.
Contact for Belize National Inventory Team
Mr. Geon Hanson, Energy Unit, Ministry of Public Utilities, Energy, Logistics and E-Governance – Co-Author,
Energy Sector
Ms. Areli Sutherland, Energy Unit, Ministry of Public Utilities, Energy, Logistics and E-Governance – Co-Author,
Energy Sector
Mr. Luis Balan - Forest Department, The Ministry of Sustainable Development and Climate Change - Co-Author,
Ms. Mercedes Carcamo - Forest Department, The Ministry of Sustainable Development and Climate Change -
Co-Author, LULUCF Sector
Ms. Karlene Williams - Forest Department, The Ministry of Sustainable Development and Climate Change - Co-
Author, LULUCF Sector
Mr. Edgar Correa - Forest Department, The Ministry of Sustainable Development and Climate Change - Author,
Ms. Indera Montero - Department of the Environment, The Ministry of Sustainable Development and Climate
Change - Co-Author, IPPU Sector
Mr. Melvin Xis - National Climate Change Office of Belize, The Ministry of Sustainable Development and Climate
Change Author, Waste Sector
Mrs. Edalmi Pinelo, Chief Climate Change Officer
Ms. Ide Sosa, Project Manager of BTR1 & BTR2/5NC Project to the UNFCCC
Mr. Melvin Xis, QA/QC Officer
Suggested reference for Belize’s National Inventory Document (NID): Belize’s Fifth National Inventory Document,
Ministry of Sustainable Development and Climate Change
3.3 General methodological issues of the sector ............................................................................................57
3.4 Fuel combustion activities (CRT 1.A) ......................................................................................................59
3.4.1 Description and trend of GHGs in the category ...............................................................................59
3.4.2 Comparison of the sectoral approach with the reference approach ..................................................61
3.5 International bunkers ................................................................................................................................62
3.6 Energy industries (CRT 1.A.1) .................................................................................................................63
3.7 Manufacturing industries and construction (CRT 1.A.2) .........................................................................66
3.8 Transport (CRT 1.A.3) .............................................................................................................................69
3.9 Other sectors (CRT 1.A.4)........................................................................................................................73
3.10 Fugitive emissions from fuels (CRT 1.B) ................................................................................................76
4 Chapter 4: INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES AND PRODUCT USE (CRT 2) ...............................................79
4.1 Description of the sector ...........................................................................................................................79
4.2 Trend in the sector's GHG emissions .......................................................................................................79
4.3 General methodological issues of the sector ............................................................................................84
4.4 Mineral industry (CRT 2.A) .....................................................................................................................86
4.5 Non-energy products from fuels and solvents (CRT 2.D) ........................................................................90
4.6 Product uses as substitutes for ODS (CRT 2.F) .......................................................................................93
4.7 Other (Food and Beverages Industry) (CRT 2.H) ....................................................................................99
6.5 Country-specific methods .......................................................................................................................138
6.5.1 Methods used for land representation .............................................................................................138
6.5.2 Methods used for natural disturbances ...........................................................................................138
6.6 Forest land (CRT 4.A) ............................................................................................................................140
6.7 Cropland (CRT 4.B) ...............................................................................................................................144
6.8 Grassland (CRT 4.C) ..............................................................................................................................147
6.9 Wetlands (CRT 4.D) ...............................................................................................................................150
6.10 Settlements (CRT 4.E)............................................................................................................................152
6.11 Other land (CRT 4.F) .............................................................................................................................154
6.12 Harvested wood products (CRT 4.G) .....................................................................................................156
7 Chapter 7 WASTE (CRT 5) ........................................................................................................................159
7.1 Description of the sector .........................................................................................................................159
7.2 Trend in the sector's GHG emissions .....................................................................................................161
7.3 General methodological issues of the sector ..........................................................................................165
7.4 Solid waste disposal (CRT 5.A) .............................................................................................................166
7.5 Incineration and open burning of waste (CRT 5.C) ...............................................................................170
7.6 Wastewater treatment and discharge (CRT 5.D) ....................................................................................171
8 Chapter 8: RECALCULATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS ...................................................................177
8.1 Explanatory information and justification for recalculations .................................................................177
8.2 Recalculations done for the LULUCF Sector.........................................................................................177
8.3 Areas of improvement and/or capacity building in response to the review process ...............................179
8.4 Belize’s National Inventory Improvement Plan .....................................................................................180
ANNEXES TO THE NATIONAL INVENTORY DOCUMENT ....................................................................185
Annex I: Key categories .....................................................................................................................................185
Annex II: Uncertainty assessment ......................................................................................................................189
Annex III: Detailed description of the reference approach ................................................................................189
Annex IV: Quality assurance and quality control ..............................................................................................190
Annex V: Common reporting tables (CRT) .......................................................................................................190
References .............................................................................................................................................................191
List of Tables
Table ES 1 Key categories in 2022. .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Table 1-1 Belize Greenhouse Gas Inventory Team 22
Table 1-2 Belize’s GHG inventory sources and sinks not estimated ......................................................................................................................................... 36
Table 1-3 Belize’s GHG inventory sources and sinks included elsewhere ................................................................................................................................ 36
Table 1-4 Global Warming Potentials used (AR5) .................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Table 2-1Summary for the national GHG inventory 2022 by sectors and categories, emissions and removals ......................................................................... 40
Table 2-2 Summary for the national GHG inventory 2022 by sectors and categories, net emissions ........................................................................................ 43
Table 2-3Belize’s total national emissions country's total GHG emissions (without LULUCF), in kt CO2 eq ......................................................................... 46
Table 3-1 Energy Sector: emissions by GHG, category and subcategory (kt) for 2022 ............................................................................................................. 54
Table 3-2 Energy sector: total GHG emissions by category or subcategory (kt CO2 eq) .......................................................................................................... 55
Table 3-3 Energy sector: emissions by GHG (kt CO2 eq) ......................................................................................................................................................... 56
Table 3-4 Stationary combustion activity and source categories being reported in Belize ....................................................................................................... 60
Table 3-5 Mobile combustion activity and source categories being reported in Belize. ............................................................................................................ 60
Table 3-6 Fuel Combustion 1.A. total GHG emissions by subcategory (kt CO2 eq) ................................................................................................................. 61
Table 3-7 Approach comparison: CO2 emissions obtained using the sectoral approach and reference approach (kt CO2) ...................................................... 62
Table 3-8 International bunkers: aviation and marine bunker fuel GHG emissions (kt CO2 eq) ............................................................................................... 63
Table 3-9 International bunkers: activity data by fuel or GHG source (activity data unit) ........................................................................................................ 63
Table 3-10 International bunkers: emission factors applied by GHG source ............................................................................................................................. 63
Table 3-11 Energy Industries 1.A.1: total GHG emissions by GHG source (kt CO2 eq) .......................................................................................................... 64
Table 3-12 1.A.1 Energy Industries: activity data by fuel and subcategory (TJ) ....................................................................................................................... 64
Table 3-13 1.A.1 Energy Industries: emission factors applied by GHG source (fuel type) ....................................................................................................... 66
Table 3-14 Manufacturing Industries and Construction 1.A.2: total GHG emissions by GHG source (kt CO2 eq) ................................................................ 67
Table 3-15 1.A.2 Manufacturing industries and construction: activity data by fuel and subcategory (TJ) ................................................................................ 67
Table 3-16 Manufacturing industries and construction: emission factors applied by GHG source ............................................................................................ 68
Table 3-17 Transport 1.A.3 total GHG emissions by source (kt CO2 eq) ................................................................................................................................. 71
Table 3-18 1.A.3 Transport: activity data by fuel and GHG source (TJ) ................................................................................................................................... 71
Table 3-19 1.A.3 Transport: emission factors applied by GHG source ..................................................................................................................................... 72
Table 3-20 Other Sectors 1.A.4 total GHG emissions by source (kt CO2 eq) ........................................................................................................................... 74
Table 3-211.A.4.a Commercial/Institution, 1.A.4.b Residential and 1.A.1.c Agriculture/Forestry/Fishing Activity Data (TJ) ................................................. 74
Table 3-22 1.A.4 Other Sectors: emission factors applied by GHG source ............................................................................................................................... 75
Table 3-23 Fugitive emissions from fuels activity and source categories being reported in Belize. .......................................................................................... 76
Table 3-24 Fugitive emissions from fuels (natural gas flaring) 1.B total GHG emissions by subcategory (kt CO2 eq) ............................................................ 77
Table 3-25 1.B Fugitive Emissions: activity data by GHG source (TJ) ..................................................................................................................................... 77
Table 3-26 1.B Fugitive Emissions: emission factors applied by GHG source.......................................................................................................................... 77
Table 4-1 IPPU Sector: emissions by GHG, category and subcategory (kt) for 2022 .............................................................................................................. 79
Table 4-2 IPPU sector: total GHG emissions by category or subcategory (kt CO2 eq) ............................................................................................................. 81
Table 4-3 IPPU sector: emissions by GHG (kt CO2 eq) ........................................................................................................................................................... 83
Table 4-4 Summary of relevant activity data, methods, and emission factors for IPPU sector inventory. ................................................................................ 85
Table 4-5 Average yearly Lime Production in Belize, 2018-2022 ............................................................................................................................................ 87
Table 4-6 Mineral Industry total GHG emissions by GHG source (kt CO2 eq) ........................................................................................................................ 89
Table 4-7 2.A. Mineral Industry: activity data for lime and dolomite production (tonnes)........................................................................................................ 89
Table 4-8 2.A. Mineral Industry: emission factors applied by Lime and Dolomite production1.A.1 Energy Industries: emission factors applied by GHG source
(fuel type) .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 89
Table 4-9 Non-energy products from fuels and solvent use: total GHG emissions by category (kt CO2 eq) ............................................................................ 91
Table 4-10 2.D Non-energy products: activity data from lubricant and asphalt consumption (TJ) ............................................................................................ 91
.Table 4-11 2.D Non-energy products: emission factors applied from lubricant and asphalt consumption ............................................................................... 92
Table 4-12 Product uses as ODS total GHG emissions by subcategory (kt CO2 eq)................................................................................................................. 93
Table 4-13 Annual ozone depleting substances (ODS) Phase-Out Schedule and consumption 2020-2040 ............................................................................. 95
Table 4-14 2.F Product Uses as Substitutes for ODS: activity data by refrigerant imported (tonnes)........................................................................................ 96
Table 4-15 2.F Product Uses as Substitutes for ODS: emission factors applied by refrigerant gas ........................................................................................... 98
Table 4-16 total GHG emissions for Other: Food and Beverage Industry (kt CO2 eq) ............................................................................................................. 99
Table 4-17 2H2 Food and beverages industry: activity data from Durum Wheat Imports, Alcohol and Beer Production ....................................................... 100
Table 4-18 2H2 Food and beverages industry: emission factors applied by activity source .................................................................................................... 100
Table 5-1 Agriculture sector: emissions by GHG, category and subcategory (kt) for 2022 ..................................................................................................... 104
Table 5-2 Agriculture sector: total GHG emissions by category (kt CO2 eq) ......................................................................................................................... 106
Table 5-3 Agriculture sector: emissions by GHG (kt CO2 eq) ................................................................................................................................................ 107
Table 5-4 Activity Data sources and Methodologies for the Agriculture sector ...................................................................................................................... 107
Table 5-5Agriculture total GHG emissions by animal subcategory 1994 – 2022 (kt CO2 eq) ................................................................................................ 108
Table 5-6 3A Enteric Fermentation: activity data by annual average population of different livestock .................................................................................. 109
Table 5-7 3A Enteric Fermentation: emission factors applied by GHG source ....................................................................................................................... 109
Table 5-8 3.B Manure Management: total GHG emissions by animal subcategory 1994 – 2022 (kt CO2 eq) ........................................................................ 111
Table 5-9 3B Manure Management: activity data and emission factors for MMS in Livestock .............................................................................................. 112
Table 5-10 3.C Rice cultivation total GHG emissions by subcategory (kt CO2 eq) ................................................................................................................ 113
Table 5-11 3C Rice cultivation: activity data by annual harvested (ha)................................................................................................................................... 114
Table 5-12 3C Rice cultivation: emission factors applied by GHG source .............................................................................................................................. 114
Table 5-13 3.D. Agricultural soils total GHG emissions by subcategory (kt CO2 eq) ............................................................................................................ 116
Table 5-14 Emission factors for direct N2O emissions from synthetic fertilizer and urine and dung on grazed soils ............................................................. 116
Table 5-15 Emission factors for indirect N2O emissions on managed soils ............................................................................................................................ 116
Table 5-16 Emission factors for indirect N2O emissions on managed soils ........................................................................................................................... 117
Table 5-17 3.G Liming: total GHG emissions by subcategory (kt CO2 eq) ............................................................................................................................ 118
Table 5-18 3G Liming: activity data by GHG source (tonnes/yr)............................................................................................................................................ 119
Table 5-19 3G Liming: emission factors applied by GHG source ........................................................................................................................................... 119
Table 5-20 3.H Urea Application: total GHG emissions by subcategory (kt CO2 eq)............................................................................................................. 120
Table 5-21 3H Urea application: activity data name (tonnes/year) .......................................................................................................................................... 121
Table 5-22 3H Urea application: emission factors applied by GHG source ............................................................................................................................ 121
Table 6-1 LULUCF sector: emissions and removals by GHG, category and subcategory (kt) for 2022 ................................................................................. 125
Table 6-2 LULUCF sector: total net GHG by category (kt CO2 eq) ....................................................................................................................................... 126
Table 6-3 Summary of relevant activity data, methods, and emission factors for LULUCF sector inventory. ....................................................................... 130
Table 6-4 4A Forest Land: activity data by land area (ha)....................................................................................................................................................... 143
Table 6-5 4B Cropland: activity data by land area (ha) ........................................................................................................................................................... 146
Table 6-6 4C Grassland: activity data by land area (ha) .......................................................................................................................................................... 149
Table 6-7 4D Wetlands: activity data by land area (ha)........................................................................................................................................................... 151
Table 6-84E Settlements: activity data by land area (ha)......................................................................................................................................................... 153
Table 6-9 4F Other Land: activity data by land area (ha) ........................................................................................................................................................ 155
Table 6-10 4G Harvested Wood Products: activity data by production, imports and exports (m3) ......................................................................................... 157
Table 6-11 4G Harvested Wood Products: emission factors applied by GHG source or sinks ................................................................................................ 158
Table 7-1 Waste sector: emissions by GHG, category and subcategory (kt) for 2022 ............................................................................................................. 161
Table 7-2 Waste sector: total GHG emissions by category (kt CO2 eq) .................................................................................................................................. 164
Table 7-3 Waste sector: emissions by GHGs (kt CO2 eq) ....................................................................................................................................................... 164
Table 7-4 Summary of relevant activity data, methods, and emission factors for IPPU sector inventory. .............................................................................. 166
Table 7-5 Waste sector: total GHG emissions by Solid Waste Disposal subcategories (kt CO2 eq) ....................................................................................... 167
Table 7-6 Summary of Disposal Categories and Relevant to Belize ....................................................................................................................................... 168
Table 7-7 5A Solid Waste Disposal: activity data by GHG source ......................................................................................................................................... 169
Table 7-8 Solid Waste Category Waste Composition Rates .................................................................................................................................................... 169
Table 7-9 5A Solid Waste Disposal: emission factors applied by GHG source ....................................................................................................................... 170
Table 7-10 Sewage treatment Types in Belize ....................................................................................................................................................................... 172
Table 7-11 Waste sector: total GHG emissions by Wastewater Treatment and Discharge subcategories (kt CO2 eq) ............................................................ 173
Table 7-12 5D1 Wastewater treatment and discharge: activity data by GHG source .............................................................................................................. 174
Table 7-13 5.D2 Industrial Wastewater Activity data ............................................................................................................................................................. 175
Table 7-14 Wastewater treatment and disposal emission factors ............................................................................................................................................. 175
Table 7-15 Industrial Wastewater treatment and disposal emission factors............................................................................................................................. 176
Table Annex I - 1 Year 2022 Key Categories Level Assessment with LULUCF .................................................................................................................... 186
Table Annex I - 2 Trend Assessment 2012-2022 with LULUCF ............................................................................................................................................ 187
Table Annex I - 3 Comparison of reference and sectoral approach of fuels consumed in the energy sector for 2021 ............................................................. 189
Table Annex I - 4Comparison of reference and sectoral approach of fuels consumed in the energy sector for 2022 .............................................................. 190
List of Figures
Figure ES 1 Breakdown of Belize’s Emissions by Sector (2022) .............................................................................................................................................. 12
Figure ES 2 Belize's inventory: total GHGs by sector (kt CO2 eq), 1994-2022 ........................................................................................................................ 15
Figure ES 3 Figure showing Belize's inventory: total net GHG by sector (kt CO2 eq), 1994 -2022 ......................................................................................... 15
Figure 1-1 Greenhouse gas Inventory submissions by Belize 18
Figure 1-2 Belize institutional framework for the preparation of the GHG inventory ............................................................................................................... 19
Figure 1-3 Inventory Process in Belize ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 1-4 Belize’s GHG Inventory Cycle ................................................................................................................................................................................ 24
Figure 2-1 Breakdown of Belize’s Emissions by Sector (2022) ................................................................................................................................................ 39
Figure 2-2 Belize's inventory: total net GHG by sector (kt CO2 eq), 1994 -2022 ..................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 2-3 Belize's inventory: total GHGs by sector (kt CO2 eq), 1994-2022) ......................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 2-4 Emissions by gas 2022 (without LULUCF) ............................................................................................................................................................. 48
Figure 3-1 Producing Oilfields of Belize in 2013. From: Geology and Petroleum Department (Geology and Petroleum Department, 2024) .......................... 52
Figure 3-2 Belize Primary Highways, Sea Ports and Airports. From CNTMP (2018): (Office of the Prime Minister, 2018) ................................................... 53
Figure 3-3 Fuel Combustion Activities: total GHG emissions by category or subcategory (kt CO2 eq), 1990-2022 ................................................................ 56
Figure 3-4 Energy sector: emissions by GHG (kt CO2 eq), 1990-2022 .................................................................................................................................... 57
Figure 4-1 GHG Emissions by IPPU Subcategories .................................................................................................................................................................. 83
Figure 4-2 Lime Production in the country of Belize ............................................................................................................................................................... 87
Figure 4-3 Average yearly Lime Production in Belize, 2018-2022 ......................................................................................................................................... 88
Figure 4-4 Emissions for Product Uses as Substitutes for ODS ................................................................................................................................................ 94
Figure 4-5 Annual ozone depleting substances (ODS) Consumption of HCFC (Quota System) for 2016-2024 ...................................................................... 95
Figure 4-6 Annual consumption of ODS alternatives with open license for the year 2020 - 2022 ........................................................................................... 97
Figure 5-1 - Belize Agricultural Production (FAO, EU and CIRAD, 2022) ........................................................................................................................... 102
Figure 5-2 Contributions of Agriculture emissions in 2022 (%).............................................................................................................................................. 103
Figure 5-3 Agriculture sector: total GHG emissions by category or subcategory (kt CO2 eq), 1990-2022 ............................................................................. 106
Figure 6-1 Map showing National Protected Areas System 2015 ........................................................................................................................................... 123
Figure 6-2 Net Balance Removals [AGB, BGB, DOM, SOC] [CO2, CH4, N2O](tCO2 eq) .................................................................................................. 126
Figure 6-3 RESULTS NET BALANCE EMISSION [ AGB, BGB, DOM, SOC] [ CO2, CH4, NO2 ] (tCO2 eq) .................................................................. 127
Figure 6-4 Net Balance Emissions and Removals [AGB, BGB, DOM, SOC] [CO2, CH4, NO2] 2000-2022 (tCO2 eq) ........................................................ 128
Figure 6-5 emission and removal from forestland conversions ............................................................................................................................................... 129
Figure 6-6 1x1 km systematic grid design used within the Belize LUA app for collection of AD. Emission Factor ............................................................... 131
Figure 6-7 Land Use/Land Cover Distribution by Percentage in Belize – 2022 ...................................................................................................................... 133
Figure 6-8 2022 Land Use/Land Cover Map, classified according to the main categories defined by the IPCC ..................................................................... 134
Figure 6-9 Classification of Forestland and Non-Forestland for 2022..................................................................................................................................... 135
Figure 6-10 Classification of Cropland and Non-Cropland for 2022..................................................................................................................................... 136
Figure 6-11 classification of Grassland and Non- Grassland for 2022. ................................................................................................................................... 137
Figure 6-12 Emissions from disturbances affecting forest remaining for 2022. ...................................................................................................................... 139
Figure 6-13 Area of Forestlands Affected by Disturbance 2001- 2022. .................................................................................................................................. 140
Figure 6-14 Areas (ha) converted to Forestland from 2000 to 2022. ....................................................................................................................................... 141
Figure 6-15 Hectares of Forestland converted to other land uses from 2000 to 2022 .............................................................................................................. 142
Figure 6-16 Cropland to Other land uses, and Other Land uses to Cropland (ha) ................................................................................................................... 145
Figure 6-17 Grassland to Other land uses, and Other Land uses to Grassland (ha) ................................................................................................................. 148
Figure 7-1Map of Sanitary Landfill & Transfer Stations in Belize.......................................................................................................................................... 160
Figure 7-2 Solid Waste Disposal Sites Comparison ................................................................................................................................................................ 167
Figure 7-3 Sewage treatment and disposal of effluent ............................................................................................................................................................ 173
Figure 8-1 Comparison of Net Balance Emissions and Removals for Two Distinct Activity Data Collection Methods. ........................................................ 178
AD Activity Data Dm Dry Matter
AFOLU Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use DNA Designated National Authority
AGB Above-Ground Biomass DOE Department of the Environment
AGM Annual General Meeting DOM Dead Organic Matter
API Annual Production Index EECA Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority
AR5 IPCC Fifth Assessment Report EF Emission factor
BEL Belize Electricity Limited EFDB Emission Factor Database
BFD Belize Forest Department EPA Environmental Protection Agency
BGB Below-Ground Biomass ES Executive summary
BNCCC Belize National Climate Change Committee EU European Union
BNE Belize Natural Energy FAO Food and Agriculture Organization (of the United Nations)
BOD Biological Oxygen Demand FCPF Forest Carbon Partnership Facility
BTR Biennial transparency report FD Forest Department
BUR Biennial Update Report FNC Fourth National Communication
BWSL Belize Water Service Limited FOLU Forest and Other Land Use
C Confidential (notation key) FP Focal Point
CaCO3 Calcium Carbonate FREL Forest Reference Emission Levels
CaMg(CO3)2 Calcium Magnesium Carbonate (Dolomite) FRL Forest Reference Levels
CaO Calcium Oxide GEF Global Environment Facility
CBD Convention on Biological Diversity Gg Gigagrammes
Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency
CBIT-GSP GHG Greenhouse gas
and Global Support Programme
Caribbean Community Climate Change
CCCCC GHGI Greenhouse Gas Inventory
CDM Clean Development Mechanism GoB Government of Belize
CFCs Chlorofluorocarbons GPG Good Practice(s) Guidance
CFE Comisión Federal de Electricidad GSMU Geospatial Monitoring Unit
CfRN Coalition for Rainforest Nations GWP Global warming potentials
CH4 Methane GWPs Global Warming Potentials
CHP Combined Heat and Power Ha Hectare
Centre de coopération internationale en
CIRAD recherche agronomique pour le HCFC Hydrochlorofluorocarbons
Conference of the Parties serving as the
CMA HFC Hydrofluorocarbons
meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement
Comprehensive National Transportation
CNTMP HPMP Hydrochlorofluorocarbons Phase-out Management Plan
Master Plan
CO Carbon monoxide HWP Harvested Wood Products
CO2 eq Carbon dioxide equivalent IE Included elsewhere (notation key)
CO2 Carbon dioxide IEF Implied Emission Factor
COP Conference of the Parties IFCs International Finance Cooperations
CR CORINAIR (key notation) IIP Inventory Improvement Plan
CRT Common Reporting Tables INC Initial National Communication
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change National Gas Inventory
CS Country Specific emission factors IPCC NGGIP
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Taskforce on National Gas
D Default value for emission factors IPCC TFI
Dm Dry Matter IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
DNA Designated National Authority IPPU Industrial processes and product use (sector)
DOE Department of the Environment KCA Key Category Analysis
DOM Dead Organic Matter Kha kilo hectares (1000 hectares)
Energy Efficiency and Conservation
EECA KML Keyhole Markup Language
EF Emission factor kt Kilotonne or gigagram
EFDB Emission Factor Database Kts kilotonnes
EPA Environmental Protection Agency L Level
ES Executive summary LIC Land Information Center
EU European Union LPG Liquid Petroleum Gas
Food and Agriculture Organization (of the
FAO LUA Land Use Assessment (app)
United Nations)
FCPF Forest Carbon Partnership Facility LULUCF Land use, land-use change and forestry (sector)
FD Forest Department M Model
FNC Fourth National Communication m3 cubic meter
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, the Environment,
FOLU Forest and Other Land Use MAFFESDI
FP Focal Point MCF Methane Conversion Factor
FREL Forest Reference Emission Levels MDGs Millennium Development Goals
FRL Forest Reference Levels MLP Managed Lands Proxy
GEF Global Environment Facility MMS Manure Management System
Gg Gigagrammes MNRA Ministry of Natural Resources and Agriculture
Modalities, procedures and guidelines for the transparency framework of
GHG Greenhouse gas MPG
the Paris Agreement
GHGI Greenhouse Gas Inventory MRV Monitoring, reporting and verification
GoB Government of Belize MSDCC Ministry of Sustainable Development and Climate Change
Ministry of Sustainable Development, Climate Change & Disaster Risk
GPG Good Practice(s) Guidance MSDCCDR
GSMU Geospatial Monitoring Unit MSW Municipal Solid Waste
GWP Global warming potentials MT Method
GWPs Global Warming Potentials Mt Metric tons
Ha Hectare MW Megawatt
HCFC Hydrochlorofluorocarbons N2O Nitrous oxide
HFC Hydrofluorocarbons NA Not Applicable (notation key)
Hydrochlorofluorocarbons Phase-out
HPMP NA1 Non-Annex One
Management Plan
HWP Harvested Wood Products NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
IE Included elsewhere (notation key) NC National Communication
IEF Implied Emission Factor NCCC National Climate Change Committee
IFCs International Finance Cooperations NCCO National Climate Change Office
IIP Inventory Improvement Plan NDC National Determined Contributions
INC Initial National Communication NE Not Estimated (notation key)
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
IPCC NGGIP NEMO National Emergency Management Organization
Change National Gas Inventory Programme
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
IPCC TFI Change Taskforce on National Gas NF3 Nitrogen Trifluoride
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change NFP National Focal Point
IPPU Industrial processes and product use (sector) NICFI Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative
KCA Key Category Analysis NICH National Institute of Culture and History
Kha kilo hectares (1000 hectares) NID National Inventory Document
KML Keyhole Markup Language NIR National Inventory Report
kt Kilotonne or gigagram NMS National Meteorological Service
Kts kilotonnes NMVOC Non-Methane Volatile Organic Compound(s)
L Level NO Not Occurring (notation key)
LIC Land Information Center NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide
LPG Liquid Petroleum Gas NOx Nitrogen Oxides
LUA Land Use Assessment (app) NTFP Non-Timber Forest Products
Land use, land-use change and forestry
LULUCF ODS Ozone-Depleting Substances
M Model ODU Oxidized During Use (ODU) factor
m3 cubic meter OPAL Online Permitting and Licensing
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries,
MAFFESDI PAs Protected Areas
the Environment, Sustainable
MCF Methane Conversion Factor PFC Perfluorinated Compounds
MDGs Millennium Development Goals PFC Perfluorocarbons
MLP Managed Lands Proxy PMU Project Management Unit
MMS Manure Management System PS Plant Specific
Ministry of Natural Resources and
MNRA PSPs Permanent Sample Plots
Modalities, procedures and guidelines for the
MPG transparency framework of the Paris PUC Public Utilities Commission
MRV Monitoring, reporting and verification QA/QC Quality Assurance and Quality Control
Ministry of Sustainable Development and
MSDCC R+CU REDD+ Coordination Unit
Climate Change
Ministry of Sustainable Development,
(Not provided in your original list - please clarify or provide a meaning
MSDCCDR Climate Change & Disaster Risk RAC
if needed)
MSW Municipal Solid Waste REDD+ Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation
Latin American Network of National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (Red
MT Method RedINGEI Latinoamericana de Inventarios Nacionales de Gases de Efecto
Mt Metric tons SD Sustainable Development Goals
MW Megawatt SF6 Sulfur Hexafluoride
N2O Nitrous oxide SFM Sustainable Forest Management
NA Not Applicable (notation key) SIB Statistical Institute of Belize
NA1 Non-Annex One SNC Second National Communication
National Aeronautics and Space
NASA SO Sustainable Objective
NC National Communication SO2 Sulphur Dioxide
NCCC National Climate Change Committee SOC Soil Organic Carbon
NCCO National Climate Change Office SOx Sulfur Oxides
NDC Nationally Determined Contributions SWDS Solid Waste Disposal Systems
NDC National Determined Contributions
NE Not Estimated (notation key)
Belize's greenhouse gas inventory demonstrates the country's unique position as a net carbon sink, while
highlighting growing emission challenges in specific sectors. The country's net greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions and removals (including Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF)) were -
2191.48kt CO2 eq in 2022, showcasing its vital role in global carbon sequestration. Despite Belize's
relatively small global emissions footprint, the country remains committed to reducing emissions in
alignment with the Paris Agreement's temperature goals.
Waste sector (55% of total emissions): Improved data capture and population growth have led to
better understanding of this sector's impact.
Energy sector (26% of total emissions): Growing transportation and tourism activities are driving
increased emissions.
Agriculture sector: (12% of total emissions): Growing livestock and rice cultivation activities
generate most emissions.
IPPU sector: (7% of total emissions): Small scale industry contributing the least to overall
LULUCF sector: Demonstrates exceptional carbon sink capacity with -5023.47 kt CO2 eq
1.A.3. Transport
1.A.1. Energy 18%
2% (508.4 kt CO2
(53.6 kt CO2 eq) eq)
1.A.4. Other
sectors -
(160.8 kt CO2
1.B. Fugitive
emissions from
5 Waste 0%
(1574.2 kt CO2
(0.002 kt CO2
eq) eq)
2 Industrial
processes and
product use
(199.1 kt CO2
3 Agriculture eq)
(355.9 kt CO2
ES. 2 Background information on GHG inventories and climate change
Belize’s National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report (NIR) is part of its first Biennial Transparency Report
(BTR) to be submitted in December 2024, covering emissions and removals from 1994 to 2022. This
inventory was prepared by the National Climate Change Office (NCCO) under the Ministry of Sustainable
Development and Climate Change with support from technical experts across the reporting sectors
(Energy, IPPU, AFOLU and Waste).
Belize, located in Central America and bordered by Mexico, Guatemala, and the Caribbean Sea,
experiences unique climate impacts, including active hurricane seasons, wildfires, prolonged rainy
periods, and rising sea levels. Despite Belize’s vulnerability, the country maintains its focus on national
environmental protection and global environmental stewardship having been engaged in international
climate action since 1992 after its accession to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC) followed by subsequent ratification of the Kyoto Protocol in 2013 and the Paris
Agreement in 2016.
The NCCO, operating under the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Climate Change, coordinates
national climate initiatives and reporting obligations to ensure strong governmental support and
partnerships for impactful climate action. The NCCO is also the secretariat to the Belize National Climate
Change Council (BNCCC). The BNCCC reviews and approves national documents before submission to
Belize’s Cabinet. A draft Climate Change and Carbon Market Initiative Bill is under revision that will
formalize the institutional arrangements including to facilitate carbon trading.
ES. 3 Overview of National GHG Emissions and Removals (1994 – 2022)
The country maintains its status as a net carbon sink, with total net emissions of -2191.48 kt CO2 eq in
2022. Figure ES 2 illustrates a steady increase in emissions from 2006 to 2019, followed by a decline in
2020 due to the pandemic. A further reduction in emissions is seen between 2021 and 2022, but sectoral
emissions remain consistent with some fluctuations.
The Energy sector emissions are primarily driven by growing transportation and energy production
demands. The Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU) sector, although the smallest, shows steady
growth attributed to the expanding tourism industry and rising demand for refrigeration and air
conditioning systems.
The Agriculture sector has demonstrated consistent growth in emissions led by livestock emissions from
enteric fermentation. The Waste sector has shown substantial increases over the time series driven by
population rise and improved accounting of domestic and industrial wastewater emissions. Finally, the
Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) sector reports a significant net removal of -
5023.47 kt CO2 eq in 2022, highlighting Belize’s forest management and great carbon sink potential.
Throughout the time series, natural events have also significantly influenced emission patterns. In 2011
(see Figure ES 3), large-scale wildfire outbreaks increased country emissions substantially to
10,457,484.37 tCO2eq due to Hurricane Richard in the previous year. Similarly, Hurricane Earl in 2016
generated additional emissions of 114,062.03 tCO2eq through forest damage and increased fuel loads on
the forest floor.
Methane (CH4) has emerged as the dominant greenhouse gas (led by high waste sector emissions),
accounting for 67% of emissions (1898.33 kt CO2 eq) in 2022, while carbon dioxide (CO2) represents
25% (702.89 kt CO2 eq) of total emissions (primarily resulting from the energy sector). Nitrous oxide
(N2O) and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) form the remainder.
This comprehensive analysis demonstrates Belize's commitment and achievements in managing its
greenhouse gas emissions and identifies areas for further improvement to uphold its NDCs.
kt CO2 eq
Total emissions (without LULUCF)
Figure ES 2 Belize's inventory: total GHGs by sector (kt CO2 eq), 1994-2022
kt CO2 eq
Figure ES 3 Figure showing Belize's inventory: total net GHG by sector (kt CO2 eq), 1994 -2022
ES. 4 Key Category Analysis
The key category analysis highlights the most significant sources of GHG emissions and removals,
focusing on both their current levels and trends over time.
This assessment was conducted using both trend assessment for 2022 and level assessment for the period
2012-2022, following Approach 1 as outlined in the IPCC guidelines.
By identifying and analyzing these key categories, Belize can prioritize actions to improve data quality,
enhance mitigation strategies, and effectively manage its GHG inventory.
Belize continues to identify areas to enhance its data quality and reporting accuracy. An Inventory
Improvement Plan was drafted to address both ongoing issues from previous reports and new challenges
that have been identified, with specific timelines and responsibilities assigned to relevant agencies with
priority levels. Key areas for improvements include:
A detailed summary of improvements can be found in Section 8.4 on Belize’s National Inventory
Improvement Plan.
Climate change is a critical, cross-sectoral challenge that significantly impacts Belize's long-term
development. The nation is already experiencing the effects of climate change, including rising
temperatures, prolonged droughts, and ocean acidification. Belize's geographical location further
exacerbates these impacts due to its reliance on climate-sensitive sectors, putting the country at heightened
risk for economic crises, such as declines in agricultural productivity, increased costs for natural disaster
recovery, and a rise in health conditions like vector-borne diseases and heat stress.
Following its ratification of the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement in 2013 and 2016, respectively,
Belize has submitted its first Biennial Transparency Report (BTR1). This report addresses GHG emissions
and removals for the period 1994 - 2022, incorporating recalculations. BTR will update the most recent
GHG inventory, document progress towards nationally determined contributions, and outline other
mitigation actions along with their impacts.
Through the submission of in previous national communications to the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Belize has been enhancing its national capacity. The
development of the BTR1 is expected to further institutionalize the GHG inventory process within the
Government of Belize (GOB), coordinated by the National Climate Change Office in collaboration with
key ministries and departments. This institutionalization aims to ensure the continuity and sustainability
of future reporting processes.
Under the Enhanced Transparency Framework of the Paris Agreement, Article 13 decision 18/CMA.1,
Belize is required to submit biennial transparency reports (BTR) every two years, including a national
inventory report (NIR) of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases
(GHGs). Belize's first and second GHG inventories covered the sectors of Energy, Industrial Processes
and Product Use, Agriculture, Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry, and Waste. These inventories
provided estimates for the base year 1994 and subsequent years 1997 and 2000. The third national GHG
inventory aimed to capture new sources and sinks due to development activities, initially planning to
estimate emissions for the years 2003, 2006, and 2009. This was followed by submissions of Belize’s
First Biennial Update Report (BUR1) in 2020, and its Fourth National Communications in 2022. Most
recently, Belize has submitted its first Biennial Transparency Report (BTR) in 2022, bringing the national
greenhouse gas inventory up to the reporting year 2022.
The figure below shows the series of greenhouse gas submissions by Belize since ratification of the
UNFCCC to date.
4th NC
3rd NC
(2022): GHG
1st NC (2016): GHG
(2002): GHG inventory
for 2012,
inventory for 2003,
2015, 2017,
for 1994. 2006, &
2018, &
Belize has been building national capacity through participation in the preparation of greenhouse gas
inventories and continues to build towards institutionalizing the greenhouse inventory process (data
collection, analysis, and report preparation) within the Government of Belize.
To respond to the set of international reporting requirements inscribed in the UNFCCC and in the Paris
Agreement, Belize is fully committed to establish a coherent, overarching governance structure to
coordinate climate change management initiatives at the national level. The institutional framework
critical for the implementation of climate change commitments and opportunities, including REDD+ is
provided by Figure 1-2.
1.5 National entity or national focal point
The Belize Ministry of Sustainable Development and Climate Change (MSDCC), through the National
Climate Change Office (NCCO), is entrusted with the role of leading the country’s national and
international agenda on climate change.
Belize has been a party to the UNFCCC since 1992. The NCCO, in its capacity as Focal Point to the
UNFCCC, is also the coordinating body for all reporting obligations to the Secretariat, including National
Communications, Biennial Transparency Reports, and National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Reports.
In this context, the chart below details the processes that contribute to the GHG Inventory preparation and
reporting cycle. Belize’s national GHG Inventory team is comprised of an Inventory Coordinator who
synchronizes all sector and crosscutting activities/reports, and ensures functionality of GHG Inventory
Management System; Sector Leads who take the executive roles in coordinating data collection,
estimating, and reporting GHG emissions and sinks for their sectors, and Crosscutting roles such as
Quality Assurance/Quality Control; and Uncertainty Management Leads who facilitate report quality
indicators. As an aid to the coordination, the Belize National Climate Change Committee and its two
subcommittees who provide technical guidance for final decision making. These subcommittees are the
Technical Sub-Committee, which provides technical guidance on adaption and mitigation efforts, and the
Climate Finance Sub-Committee, which provides oversight of the delivery of climate change financing
and areas of economic expansion.
To respond to the set of international reporting requirements inscribed in the UNFCCC and in the Paris
Agreement, Belize is fully committed to establish a coherent, overarching governance structure to
coordinate climate change management initiatives at the national level. The institutional framework
critical for the implementation of climate change commitments and opportunities, including REDD+ is
provided by Figure 1-2 below.
Figure 1-2 Belize institutional framework for the preparation of the GHG inventory
1.6 Inventory preparation process
The Belize Ministry of Sustainable Development and Climate Change (MSDCC) through the National
Climate Change Office (NCCO), is entrusted with the role of leading the country’s national and
international agenda on climate change. Belize has been a party to the UNFCCC since 1992. The NCCO,
in its capacity as Focal Point to the UNFCCC, is also the coordinating body for all reporting obligations
to the Secretariat, including National Communications, Biennial Transparency Reports, and National
Greenhouse Gas Inventory Reports.
In this context, the chart below details the processes that contribute to the GHG Inventory preparation and
reporting cycle. Belize’s national GHG Inventory team is comprised of an Inventory Coordinator who
synchronizes all sector and crosscutting activities/reports and ensures functionality of GHG Inventory
Management System; Sector Leads who take the executive roles in coordinating data collection,
estimating, and reporting GHG emissions and sinks for their sectors, and Crosscutting roles such as
Quality Assurance/Quality Control; and Uncertainty Management Leads who facilitate report quality
indicators. Each of the Inventory Team members’ and other important entities’ (independent experts)
specific roles and responsibilities are described in Table 1-1.
These Institutional Arrangements for inventory development will guarantee its perpetuity and integrity,
promote institutionalization of the inventory process, and enable prioritization of future developments.
Belize’s Inventory Process details the roles and responsibilities of all GHG Inventory Teams and
Stakeholders into an understandable process flow from role establishment to inventory preparation to
dissemination to the wider public. Figure 1-3 below outline the various processes considered during the
preparatory process of a National Inventory Report (NIR). Preparing a comprehensive inventory requires
the identification and documentation of all relevant contributors to the National Inventory. Reviewing the
status of existing methods, data sources, and emissions factors play a vital role in emissions estimation,
and ultimately report writing. These portions of the inventory process require various quality inputs such
as uncertainty analysis, key category analysis and QA/QC checks to ensure that country estimations are
reported according to IPCC Good Practice Guidelines and follow the TACCC Principles (Transparency,
Accuracy, Completeness, Comparability, and Consistency). At the final stages of the process, where the
draft NIR is reviewed to produce the final NIR, publication and dissemination to policy makers as well as
the wider public ensure that transparency efforts are covered, and that informed national decisions and
policy mainstreaming is facilitated. The Inventory Process that Belize adopts is not a fixed model, but
rather a model based on continuous improvement that benefits the country at large with opportunity for
Figure 1-3 Inventory Process in Belize
A Greenhouse Gas Inventory team was formally assembled by the NCCO to provide support to the
process. Members were selected from various departments and institutions depending on what
contributions they could make. Some of the members of the team have benefited from capacity building
training sessions facilitated by the NCCO and local, regional, or international partners. The table below
provides details.
Table 1-1 Belize Greenhouse Gas Inventory Team
2 Mrs. Edalmi Pinelo National Climate Change Office UNFCCC Focal Point/
Chief Climate Change
3 Ms. Kamil Salazar National Climate Change Office BTR Coordinator, Compiler
Ms. Ide Sosa & Generalist
5 Mr. Geon Hanson Energy Unit, Ministry of Public Utilities, Energy, Logistics & Lead, Energy Sector
6 Ms. Areli Sutherland Energy Unit, Ministry of Public Utilities, Energy, Logistics & Alternate Lead, Energy
E-Governance Sector
7 Mr. Clifford Martinez Agriculture Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security, Lead, Agriculture Sector
and Enterprise
8 Mr. Alfonso Bautista Agriculture Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security, Alternate Lead &
and Enterprise Statistician,
Agriculture Sector
9 Ms. Indera Montero Department of the Environment, The Ministry of Sustainable Lead, IPPU Sector
Development and Climate Change
10 Ms. Kristy Vernon Department of the Environment, The Ministry of Sustainable Alternate Lead, IPPU
Development and Climate Change Sector
11 Mr. Kenneth Williams Belize Solid Waste Management Authority, The Ministry of Lead, Waste Sector
Sustainable Development and Climate Change
12 Mr. Luis Balan, Ms. Forest Department, The Ministry of Sustainable Development and Lead, Land Use & Land Use
Mercedes Carcamo, Climate Change Change Sector
Ms. Karlene Williams
13 Mr. Edgar Correa Forest Department, The Ministry of Sustainable Development and REDD+ Lead, Land Use &
Climate Change Land Use Change Sector
Belize’s GHG Inventory Cycle is segregated into six phases based on the 2006 IPCC guidelines and the
Consultative Group of Experts Handbook on Building Sustainable National Greenhouse Gas Inventory
Management Systems. The cycle is consistent with the Biennial Update Report (BUR) preparation,
through which countries submit their updated GHG Inventory Reports as technical annexes to the BUR.
It is a continuous cycle spanning an 18- month period from planning to submission of the report. Each
phase, Planning, Data Collection, Emissions Estimation, Report Compilation, Review & Revision, and
Finalize focuses on delivering the specific outcomes of each stage as illustrated in Figure 1-4 below. The
18-month timeframe selected was chosen based on its suitability for an Institutionalized GHG Inventory
Team whose members have professional objectives apart from inventory preparation activities. This cycle
permits for interim relief of duties for the GHG Inventory Team between submission dates every 24
The first half of the cycle encompasses meeting and planning the way forward with the Inventory Team,
incorporating necessary improvements identified from the previous cycle, drafting and signing legal
agreements, data collection, and sector emissions estimations and collation. In the second half of the cycle,
report compilation and verification activities are introduced, followed by revision of the final inventory
report for submission to the UNFCCC Secretariat and presentation at COP. The final stage of the cycle
also includes identification and documentation of further improvements to include in the Inventory
Improvement Plan (IIP), which is the basis of the planning stage in the new cycle. During the review stage,
all feedback from the preceding inventory are collated and evaluated as input into the planning of the new
Throughout all phases of the cycle, crosscutting activities are implemented as necessary, such as QA/QC
activities as outlined in Belize’s GHG Inventory QA/QC Plan, as well as data archiving. These activities,
however, are more relevant from Data Collection through Report Compilation.
Figure 1-4 Belize’s GHG Inventory Cycle
The GHG Inventory exercise is now executed by an inventory team led by the Ministry of Sustainable
Development and Climate Change and comprised as described below in the table. This structure was
designed and intended to encourage buy-in to the process and eventual assumption of ownership by the
relevant government authorities.
The involvement of the government officers was achieved through their preliminary work to obtain/ and
share source data, via participation in data validation sessions, in review of draft reports produced by the
consultants, as well as through participation in the validation of the reports. Occasionally these
government officers were themselves the sources of data and information. The National Climate Change
Office functions as the liaison between the Inventory Sector Leads.
The NCCO established a structure to assist with the preparation of the national greenhouse gas inventories
as a part of the institutionalization of the process. The Sector Teams were constructed to include personnel
from Departments with direct responsibility for or participation in the relevant sector. For example, the
“Forest and Other Land Use (FOLU)” sector was headed by a Forest Department representative; while the
Energy Team was led by a representative of the Ministry of Energy. These sector teams were charged with
collecting data from the operators in that particular sector.
Forest and Other Land Use (FOLU) sector, the process started with review of previous emission estimation
methods and estimates, identification and formation of the teams, allocation of tasks, technical training,
data collection, data analysis, QC/QA procedures, and finalized with a compilation of the GHG inventory.
The GHG national inventory coordinator, from the National Climate Change Office, was responsible for
the identification and sourcing of all datasets at the national level, in collaboration with the sector lead
institution for the FOLU Sector, the Forest Department, who identified all the national experts and/or
institutions where the data would be sourced. All data are documented and stored as per archiving and
documentation procedures, with the main custodian being the NCCO, in its database for archiving and
The archives database contains; (a) all inputs datasets and datasheets; (b) country-specific excel
calculation tool, including GHG emission and removals estimates from the AFOLU sectors from 1994-
2022, (c) manuals and protocols, (f) literature reviewed, (g) completed QA/QC templates and protocols
(when available), and (h) all reports and documentation.
The national inventory report described greenhouse gas emissions and removals in the Energy; Industrial
Processes and Product Use; Agriculture, Forest and Other Land Use; and Waste Sectors.
Activities contributing to GHG emissions in the Energy sector included electricity generation,
transportation, Other, and International Bunkers. Belize is not a highly industrialized country, so there
were few sources of emissions within the IPPU sector such as lime production, road paving, refrigerants,
and alcohol and bread production. The AFOLU sector contributed to both emissions and removals of GHG
through sources such as enteric fermentation, crop residue burning, tillage, rice cultivation, and changes
in land use, while the maintenance and management of forests helped to remove Carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere. Waste sector emissions were produced from the solid waste production and disposal sub-
sector, and waste water management.
Gas emissions to be estimated and reported on include Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), and
Nitrous Oxide (N2O).
Reporting years for Belize’s National Inventory Report are 1994 – 2022.
1.10 Recalculations
Recalculations were done for past inventories, where possible, beginning with that of 1994 reported in the
Initial National Communication that Belize submitted. In the Energy sector, recalculation of previous
inventory reference years proved to be difficult because the data available was recorded in a manner
unsuitable for disaggregate analysis. For example, it was not possible to segregate the fuel consumption
between road and maritime transport because the fuel data obtained from the source was not recorded with
that level of detail. For various years, activity data was also unable to be retrieved to make estimates of a
complete time series. The most reliable activity data in the energy sector is available from 2012-2022.
For the IPPU Sector, recalculations were done for F-gases, however lime production data as early as 1994
- 2000 was very limited, therefore reliable estimations were only made for 2003- 2022.
For the Waste sector, recalculation was challenging due to different methods of determining waste
generation rates were used by different studies, rendering older data incompatible. This was, however, still
possible for solid waste disposal and domestic wastewater with the introduction of long-term population
data disaggregated by city/municipality, which made provided updated activity data for the entire time
series. Open Burning and Incineration were not included in this inventory due to data retrieval constraints,
however further investigation will be prioritized for the subsequent inventory.
For the Agriculture sector, recalculations for all subcategories were possible with the exception of burning
in croplands (sugarcane), which was previously included. The data recovery process was met with time
constraints; however, this recovery remains a priority for the next inventory cycle.
Lastly, for the LULUCF sector, the 1994-2022 time series includes: (a) no 1994-1999 recalculations were
done due to time constraints, however this remains a priority for the following inventory cycle, and (b)
2000-2022 new annual estimates were done based on reassessment of the LULUCF sector using advanced
spatial and ground truthing analyses.
1.11 Description of methodologies, methods and data sources
Data for all sectors were collected by each GHG sector lead from their relevant stakeholders in their
sectors. Specific information on data sources and methods are described in each sector chapter of this
The Tier 1 approach for calculations was used for most of the sectors including Energy, IPPU, and Waste
and Agriculture due to the detail of the available that was available. The various authorities, institutions,
and companies who were the sources generally do not collect or record data in detail.
Tiers 1, 2 and 3 were utilized for the Forest and Land Use sector due to the data that was available or
developed through the REDD+ project being implemented with the support of the Forest Carbon
Partnership Facility “FCPF”, and the Coalition for Rainforest Nations. The information on Activity Data
used was obtained from land use and land-use change assessments, which were conducted on the basis of
a sampling approach (IPCC approach 3) using Collect Earth, in which the land-use condition was
determined for each year of the time series 2000 - 2017. The information on Emission Factors was
obtained from country specific research, scientific literature, and default values of the 2006 IPCC
Guidelines and 2013 IPCC Wetlands supplement. For the estimation of GHG emissions and removals the
2006 IPCC Guidelines were applied, following the Gain-Loss method and implementing a country-
specific excel calculation tool. The information on wood removals was derived from the Collect Earth
assessment. Disturbances were also identified including Hurricanes, Fires, Logging, Grazing, Shifting
Cultivation, Infrastructure, Pests and Other Human Impact.
Belize’s National Inventory Report includes a distinction between of managed and unmanaged lands,
following the 2006 IPCC guidelines and the managed lands proxy (MLP). Therefore, the GHGI excludes
the effect of recurrent hurricanes and pests, which have historically dominated emissions and removals in
the country. Unmanaged Land is Forest land with no evidence of human activity. Managed Lands cover
the entire territory in Belize that does not fall under the definition of Unmanaged Lands. Following IPCC’s
best practice, the area of unmanaged lands is monitored by Belize. Emissions and removals are estimated
for both types of land, as this is important information for the Government of Belize. The current GHG
Inventory includes only emissions and removals in Managed Lands. Unmanaged lands converted to
managed lands will be tracked in the future and those emissions and removals will be considered.
Table 1-2 Summary report for methods applied to Belize inventory
Code GHG source and sink categories Meth E Meth E Meth E Meth E Meth E Meth E Meth E
od F od F od F od F od F od F od F
T2, C D D
4.A. Forest land T1 T1
T3 S
4.B. Cropland T1 D T1 T1
T2 C D D
4.C. Grassland T1 T1
4.D. Wetlands T1 D
4.E. Settlements T1 D
4.F. Other land T1 D
4.G. Harvested wood products T1 D
4.H. Other (please specify) NO
5. Waste
5.A. Solid waste disposal T1
5.B. Biological treatment of solid waste T1 T1
5.C. Incineration and open burning of waste T1 D T1 T1
5.D. Wastewater treatment and discharge T1 T1
5.E. Other (please specify) T1 D T1 T1
6. Other (please specify)
Memo items
International bunkers
1.D.1 D D
Aviation T1 D T1 T1
1.D.1 D D
Navigation T1 D T1 T1
1.D. D D
Multilateral operations T1 D T1 T1
CO2 emissions from biomass T1 D
CO2 captured T1 D
5.F.1. Long-term storage of C in waste disposal sites T1 D
Indirect N2O T1
Indirect CO2 T1 D
Notes: Use the following notation keys to specify the method applied: D = IPCC default; T1 = IPCC tier 1; T1a, T1b, T1c = IPCC tier 1a, tier 1b
and tier 1c, respectively; T2 = IPCC tier 2; T3 = IPCC tier 3; CR = CORINAIR; CS = country-specific; M = model; RA = reference approach; OTH
= other.
1.12 Description of key categories
The key category analysis (KCA) was conducted using both trend assessment for 2022 and
level assessment for the period 2012-2022, following Approach 1 as outlined in the IPCC
guidelines. The level assessment with 2012 as the base year was chosen because the most
accurate emissions data from all sectors, particularly the energy sector, were complete
starting in 2012. This serves as a fair trend comparison.
The key category analysis identifies the most significant sources of greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions and removals within a country's inventory. This analysis is crucial for prioritizing
efforts to improve data quality and implement effective mitigation strategies. The categories
are assessed based on their contribution to the total emissions and their trends over time,
following the guidelines provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
The key category analysis highlights the most significant sources of GHG emissions and
removals, focusing on both their current levels and trends over time.
For instance, forest land remaining forest land (3.B.1.a) plays a crucial role in carbon
sequestration, while land-use changes such as conversion to cropland (3.B.2.b) and grassland
(3.B.3.b) can lead to substantial CO2 emissions.
Methane emissions from wastewater treatment (4.D) and enteric fermentation (3.A.1) are
critical due to their high global warming potential. Road transportation (1.A.3.b) remains a
major source of CO2 emissions from an upward trending road transport emissions. Lastly,
the increasing use of refrigeration and air conditioning (2.F.1) highlights the growing trend
of HFC and PFC emissions.
By identifying and analyzing these key categories, Belize can prioritize actions to improve
data quality, enhance mitigation strategies, and effectively manage its GHG inventory.
Table 1-3 Summary of 2022 key categories analysis approach 1, Level and Trend Assessment
This section outlines the quality assurance and quality control (QAQC) procedures
implemented in Belize's Greenhouse Gas (GHG) inventory process. While Belize’s QA/QC
plan is detailed and thorough, it is important to note that the plan is under partial
implementation as the capacity of the national inventory team and its stakeholders continue
to progress over time. The challenges in full implementation is owed to the frequent changes
in the inventory team of experts, as well as the limited time and capacity of the inventory
team between each 2-year inventory cycle. Despite these challenges, significant efforts are
made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the GHG inventory through both general and
category-specific QAQC procedures.
The aim of Belize’s QA/QC manual is to convey the actual activities to be undertaken by all
persons involved in the development of the GHG inventory. The completion of all QA/QC
activities contributes to ensuring that the inventory submitted to the UNFCCC is transparent,
accurate, consistent, complete, transparent and timely. Together, these activities aim to
improve the quality of the GHG inventory over time and to ensure the sustainability of the
General QC Procedures
General QC procedures are routinely applied to all categories by sector experts responsible
for each category and to the inventory report as a whole. Additionally, category-specific
procedures based on the prioritization identified during the inventory planning process may
be carried out.
Instead, checks are performed on selected sets of data and processes, with a representative
sample of data and calculations from every category being reviewed. The categories focused
on in the current review are documented in checklists to ensure full QA/QC of all categories
over a multi-year period.
Belize also uses sector-specific data from some major industries, such as the sugar and citrus
industries. The general QC procedures are applied to these data, with more in-depth checks
included under the category-specific QC (Belize’s QA/QC Manual, 2019).
These checks are to be carried out by sector leads during the acquisition of data, the emissions
calculation procedures, and the compilation of the National Communications (NC) and
Biennial Transparency Reports (BTR) in accordance with established timelines. This section
describes the procedures broadly carried out during the inventory preparation phase.
Annexes II through IV of the plan provide corresponding checklists that each inventory
expert in the relevant organization should complete and sign to document the necessary QC
checks and their results. Sector experts are responsible for immediate corrections of input
data/emissions calculations where errors are found. If an issue cannot be resolved during the
current inventory submission, sector experts should include an explanation and
recommendations for future work on these issues. Such issues may be incorporated into the
Inventory Improvement Plan (IIP). A copy of the completed checklist is sent to the National
Climate Change Office (NCCO) and archived by the archiving lead on the Ministry server
and cloud.
Sector Experts Conduct QC of Calculated Emissions Estimates
Sector experts incorporate underlying AD, EFs, and parameters into inventory calculation
spreadsheets/models and/or IPCC software to calculate category-level emissions. The QC
activities for calculated emissions estimates include:
Hand-checking the accuracy of random calculations.
Ensuring that only basic input data are hardwired in spreadsheets, with all other cells
using spreadsheet tools to link and calculate emissions.
Reviewing time series consistency of emissions calculations for outliers and
comparing values within the interval of other Parties.
Ensuring category-level uncertainty estimates are calculated according to IPCC
Randomly sampling conversion factors to ensure proper calculation from input data
to emissions calculations.
Assessing the reasonableness of implied emission factors (IEF) compared with
previous submissions and IPCC Guidelines.
Checking the time series of the IEF for explainable large changes.
Where data are provided directly by third parties or used for confidential emissions estimates,
the sector expert ensures that the third party has completed necessary QC checklists or that
QA/QC procedures meet data quality objectives for the GHG inventory. Aggregation of
emissions in spreadsheets to the category level is checked for accuracy.
Assessing completeness of categories and planned improvements.
Consistency in units used in the GHG inventory report and IPCC software is verified.
Information on constraints, gaps, and capacity-building needs is provided, along with a
complete references section and active web links.
Quality Assurance Procedures
Quality Assurance (QA) procedures involve activities outside the actual inventory
compilation process, including reviews and audits to assess inventory quality, conformity of
procedures, and areas for improvement. QA is conducted periodically by independent experts
or expert teams not directly involved in inventory compilation.
Belize prioritizes QA for key categories, issues in the IIP, major recalculations, and issues
identified by experts. The QA process includes expert reviews and audits.
Expert Review
Expert peer review ensures the reasonableness of inventory results, assumptions, and
methods. Effective peer review involves identifying key independent organizations or
research institutions to select appropriate reviewers. Reviews may identify technical
problems with methods, AD, and EFs, and suggest improvements. Issues are incorporated
into the current inventory process or the IIP for future cycles.
Belize's uncertainty assessment for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removals is
currently qualitative due to the unavailability of detailed uncertainty data from data providers.
Additionally, there are significant discrepancies associated with default emission factors,
which further complicate the uncertainty analysis. This limitation will be addressed with
greater capacity and time in subsequent inventories.
According to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, uncertainty refers to the lack of certainty in data
and estimates, which can arise from various sources such as measurement errors, estimation
methods, and inherent variability in natural systems. The guidelines recommend both
quantitative and qualitative approaches to assess uncertainty, aiming to improve the
transparency, accuracy, and completeness of GHG inventories.
Developing countries, like Belize, that require flexibility with respect to provision 29, are
encouraged to provide a qualitative discussion of uncertainty for key categories. While
quantitative estimates are ideal, the current focus is on identifying and discussing the main
sources of uncertainty qualitatively. Noting that the key categories are in the LULUCF,
Energy and Waste sectors, further investigation to quantify is required.
The national GHG inventory provides a thorough assessment of anthropogenic GHG
emissions and removals in Belize. This inventory covers CO2, CH4, N2O and HFCs main
(flexibility applied with respect to provision 48). However, emissions for certain categories
have not been estimated or have been combined with other categories due to the following
Categories that do not occur in Belize
Lack of data at the category level
Methodological issues specific to national circumstances
As part of the ongoing inventory improvement process, efforts are continuously made to
identify new or improved data sources or methodologies to estimate those categories that are
currently "not estimated." More details on the inventory's completeness can be found in table
Table 1-4 Belize’s GHG inventory sources and sinks not estimated
Table 1-5 Belize’s GHG inventory sources and sinks included elsewhere
GHG source and sink Allocation as per 2006 Allocation used by the Explanation or
categories IPCC Guidelines country comment
Railways (Energy) Methodological
Asphalt for Road
CO2 challenge for non-
energy use of bitumen
1.16 Metrics
The greenhouse gas emissions are reported as units of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e).
This value is obtained by multiplying the amount of the gases by their Global Warming
Potentials (GWPs). The Global Warming Potentials used for these inventory calculations
were those based on the 100-year time horizon and are presented below. GWPs from the
IPCC Second Assessment Report (AR5) were used for all sectors.
Global Global
Trade or common name Chemical formula warming temperature
potential potential
Carbon dioxide CO2 1 1
Methane CH4 28 4
Nitrous oxide N2O 265 234
Global Global
Trade or common name Chemical formula warming temperature
potential potential
HFC-134a CH2FCF3 1,300 201
Source: IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5)
The flexibility applied in this inventory submission includes those related to time series2,
uncertainty assessment3, and gases4. Details of each these in Belize’s submission are outlined
In accordance with the UNFCCC MPGs for the ETF (Annex to decision 18/CMA.1), a
consistent annual time series starting from 1990 should be reported. Upon consulting with
various stakeholders on the availability of historical data, it was determined that data prior to
1994 is not available. Hence, the starting year for the time series that is reported in the NID
2024 is from year 1994 to 2022. Despite the thorough efforts undertaken to enhance the
completeness of GHG inventory reporting in this inventory submission for year 1994 to 2022,
some gaps in the data in this time series were identified. This remains a point of continuous
improvement to ensure complete time series in future reports.
According to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, uncertainty refers to the lack of certainty in data
and estimates, which can arise from various sources such as measurement errors, estimation
methods, and inherent variability in natural systems. The guidelines recommend both
quantitative and qualitative approaches to assess uncertainty, aiming to improve the
transparency, accuracy, and completeness of GHG inventories. Belize's uncertainty
assessment for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removals is currently lacking due to
the unavailability of detailed uncertainty data from data sources. This flexibility is afforded
for developing countries like Belize, where although quantitative estimates are ideal, the
current focus is on identifying and discussing the main sources of uncertainty qualitatively
for key categories in the LULUCF, Energy and Waste sectors in the future inventory.
Additionally, there are significant discrepancies associated with default emission factors,
which further complicate the uncertainty analysis. This limitation will be addressed with
greater capacity and time in subsequent inventories.
Countries may elect either to report the information on specific flexibility provisions applied in a separate chapter or to
integrate this information into sectoral chapters relevant to where specific flexibility provisions have been applied.
2 MPG Flexibility provision on Time series (paras. 57) indicate that report data covering the reference year/period for the
NDC and, in addition, a consistent annual time series from at least 2020 onward (as opposed to reporting a continuous time
series from 1990 onwards).
3 MPG Flexibility provision on Uncertainty assessment (para. 29) entails providing qualitative discussion of uncertainty
for key categories both latest inventory year/ trend, instead of quantitatively estimating and qualitatively discussing
uncertainty for all categories for at least the starting year and the latest reporting year and the trend.
4 MPG Flexibility provision on Gases (para. 48) indicates that report data covering the reference year/period for the NDC
and, in addition, a consistent annual time series from at least 2020 onward (as opposed to reporting a continuous time series
from 1990 onwards).
As per guidelines, all seven gases should be reported, but flexibility is applied in Belize’s
reporting as four gases (CO2, CH4, N2O and HFCs) are reported. These are the main and most
greenhouse gases in the country, and others remain challenging to account for with the
information currently available.
Belize’s national inventory report includes a time series from 1994 – 2022, including
estimates from its initial national communication, second national communication, third
national communication, first biennial update report, and its fourth national communication.
In 2022, the most recent year for which data are available for this report, Belize’s greenhouse
gas (GHG) net emissions and removals (including LULUCF) were -2191.48
kt CO2 eq. Represented graphically in Figure 2-1 below, and in detail in Table 2-1 and Table
2-2 below, the energy sector was a major emitter (26% of national emissions), contributing
722.79 kt CO2 eq in large part from a growing transport sector (18% of national
emissions within the energy sector), and the waste sector added 1574.19 kt CO2 eq (55% of
national emissions) reflecting improved capture of data for population with access to
managed sewage for domestic wastewater, and overall population growth. Emissions from
industrial processes and product use (IPPU) and agriculture were 199.08 kt and 335.93 kt
CO2 eq, respectively.
Notably, the land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) sector reported a net removal
of -5023.47 kt CO2 eq in 2022. This substantial removal highlights the crucial role of
Belize’s high forest cover (63%) land use management practices.
However, emissions excluding LULUCF (as seen in Table 2-2 Summary for the national
GHG inventory 2022 by sectors and categories, net emissions), were 2831.99 kt CO2 eq,
underscoring the significant contributions from other sectors, growing transport, tourism, and
agricultural activities amidst a growing population.
1.A.3. Transport
1.A.1. Energy
2% (508.4 kt CO2
(53.6 kt CO2 eq) eq)
1.A.4. Other
sectors -
(160.8 kt CO2
emissions from
5 Waste fuels
55% 0%
(1574.2 kt CO2 (0.002 kt CO2
eq) eq)
2 Industrial
processes and
product use
(199.1 kt CO2
3 Agriculture
(355.9 kt CO2
Figure 2-1 Breakdown of Belize’s Emissions by Sector (2022)
Table 2-1 Summary for the national GHG inventory 2022 by sectors and categories, emissions and removals
GHG source and sink categories and PFCs
(kt CO2
(kt) (kt) (kt) (kt CO2 eq) (kt CO2 eq) (kt) (kt) (kt) (kt) (kt) (kt) (kt CO2 eq)
Total national emissions and removals -4360.2638 67.79735 0.0770355 197.5624 NO NO NE NE NE NE NE NE -2191.48
Electronic industry
Product uses as substitutes for ODS 197.562388
Rice cultivation 0.27815418 NE 7.788317046
Land use, land-use change and forestry -5,020.4942 1.05 0.04 -5023.47
Forest land -9671.620567 0.92 0.03 -9638.855
Cropland 2120.41866 NE NE 2120.41866
Memo items
International bunkers 72.71696 0.00052225 0.0020344 73.270699
Aviation 72.56135 0.00050755 0.0020302 73.1135644
Navigation 0.15561 0.0000147 0.0000042 0.1571346
Multilateral operations NO NO NO 0
Indirect CO2
Table 2-2 Summary for the national GHG inventory 2022 by sectors and categories, net emissions
CO2 CH4 N2O HFC PFC mix of HFCs SF6 NF3 Total GHG
Code GHG source and sink categories and PFCs
(kt CO2 eq) (kt CO2 eq) (kt CO2 eq) (kt CO2 eq) (kt CO2 eq) (kt CO2 eq) (kt CO2 eq) (kt CO2 eq) (kt CO2 eq)
Total (net emissions) 702.88732 1898.3258 33.212067 197.56239 NE NO NE NE 2831.987621
1 Energy 696.42566 13.925501 12.43954 722.7907031
1.A. Fuel combustion 696.4237656 13.92546765 12.43953076 722.788764
1.A.1. Energy industries 44.22151482 4.144007788 5.26071195 53.62623456
1.A.2. Manufacturing industries and construction NE NE NE
1.B.2. Oil and natural gas and other emissions from energy production 0.001896718 3.33822E-05 8.97554E-06 0.001939076
1.C. CO2 transport and storage NO
2 Industrial processes and product use 1.5142401 NO NO 197.56239 199.0766281
2.A. Mineral industry 0.21225 0.21225
2.B. Chemical industry NO NO NO
2.D. Non-energy products from fuels and solvent use 0.669328 NO NO 0.669328
2.E. Electronic industry NO
2.F. Product uses as substitutes for ODS 197.562388 197.562388
2.G. Other product manufacture and use NO NO NO NO
3.F. Field burning of agricultural residues NE NE
3.G. Liming 0.12452 0.12452
3.H. Urea application 4.822898667 4.822898667
3.I. Other carbon-containing fertilizers NE
3.J. Other (please specify) NO NO NO
4 Land use, land-use change and forestry -5,063.35 1.05 0.04 -5023.47
4.A. Forest land -9638.85 0.92 0.03 -9638.855
4.B. Cropland 2120.42 NE NE 2120.41866
4.C. Grassland 2029.04 0.14 0.01 2029.04196
4.D. Wetlands NO NO NO
Memo items
1.D.1. International bunkers 72.71696 0.014623 0.539116 73.270699
1.D.1.a. Aviation 72.56135 0.0142114 0.538003 73.1135644
1.D.1.b. Navigation 0.15561 0.0004116 0.001113 0.1571346
1.D.2. Multilateral operations NO NO NO
Indirect CO2
Throughout the time series where LULUCF is estimated (2000 – 2022), Belize continues to be a net sink with the exception of 2019
and 2020.
kt CO2 eq
Figure 2-2 Belize's inventory: total net GHG by sector (kt CO2 eq), 1994 -2022
Table 2-3 below outlines Belize’s total national emissions country's total GHG emissions
(without LULUCF), in kt CO2 eq. From 1994 to 2022, Belize's GHG emissions have shown a
trending increase across the various sectors. The Energy sector experienced a significant Increase
in emissions starting around 2012 when the national availability of reliable energy statistics was
noted, peaking at 849.91 kt CO2 eq in 2019. The IPPU sector has gradually increased its emissions
over the years in large part due to the increasing use of refrigerants as the tourism industry expands,
and home and commercial cooling becomes more necessary, reaching a maximum of 199.08 kt
CO2 eq in 2022.
Agriculture emissions have also risen steadily, with the highest recorded value of 335.93 kt CO2
eq in 2022. The Waste sector has seen a substantial increase in emissions, peaking at 1682.14 kt
CO2 eq in 2021. This is attributed to the greater percentage of the population having access to
sewage systems, and greater accounting of industrial wastewater emissions than in previous
inventories. Overall, the total emissions (excluding LULUCF) have shown an upward trend, with
the highest value of 2905.96 kt CO2 eq across these sectors in 2021. These trends highlight the
growing contributions of various sectors to Belize's GHG emissions over the years.
Table 2-3 Belize’s total national emissions country's total GHG emissions (without LULUCF), in kt CO2 eq
Sector 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Energy 422.95 0.00 0.00 4.89 2.89 2.68 567.30 820.98 823.13 829.87 849.91 684.21 714.80 722.79
IPPU 8.71 17.77 23.71 31.69 36.10 50.77 40.74 43.54 54.15 61.13 73.92 69.27 198.57 199.08
Agriculture 123.15 77.64 115.47 130.46 147.10 183.36 202.16 222.76 273.72 277.06 309.40 309.40 310.46 335.93
Waste 414.26 455.67 490.80 1,561.24 592.30 1,198.13 1,321.16 1,361.93 1,554.09 1,589.81 1,625.13 1,530.28 1,682.14 1,574.19
969.07 551.07 629.97 1,728.29 778.39 1,434.93 2,131.36 2,449.21 2,705.10 2,757.86 2,858.37 2,593.17 2,905.96 2,831.99
Figure 2-3 below shows a summary of total GHG emissions of the country inventory by sector (in
kt CO2 eq) for 1994-2022.
kt CO2 eq
Figure 2-3 Belize's inventory: total GHGs by sector (kt CO2 eq), 1994-2022)
Belize’s GHG emissions profile is unique due to the country’s carbon sink status, for this reason,
carbon dioxide (CO2) is not the largest contributor to total emissions. It is, however, methane
(CH4) accounting for 1898.33 kt CO2 eq or 67% of emissions in 2022 (Figure 2-4). Carbon dioxide
(CO₂) emissions were 702.89 kt CO2 eq (25%), nitrous oxide (N₂O) emissions were 33.21 kt CO2
eq (1%), and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) contributed 197.56 kt CO2 eq (7%).
In 2022, carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions in Belize amounted to 702.89 kt CO2 eq, representing
approximately 25% of the total greenhouse gas emissions. The majority of these emissions
originated from the energy industries sector, with road transport being a significant contributor.
The growing number of vehicles and increased fuel consumption have led to higher CO₂ emissions.
Methane (CH₄)
Methane (CH₄) emissions were the highest among all gases, totaling 1,898.33 kt CO2 eq, which
accounts for about 67% of the total emissions. 99% of these emissions resulted from wastewater
treatment and discharge. This includes emissions from both domestic sewage systems and
industrial wastewater from major productive sectors such as sugar, bananas, beer, rum, citrus, and
shrimp industries.
Nitrous oxide (N₂O) emissions were 33.21 kt CO2 eq, making up roughly 1% of the total
emissions. The majority of N₂O emissions stem from agricultural soils, primarily due to direct
emissions from the application of synthetic fertilizers, animal manure, and other organic fertilizers.
These emissions are driven by microbial processes such as nitrification and denitrification in soils,
which are influenced by factors like soil type, climate, and agricultural practices.
Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
N2O 25%
Table 2-4 Belize inventory: emissions and removals by GHG gas (kt CO2 eq) 1994 - 2022
GHG 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
without net
425.98 5.08 5.65 29.32 15.36 14.37 554.62 811.43 798.29 804.84 827.28 661.99 688.58 702.89
CO2 from
CO2: with
net CO2
409.58 -9.60 -10,440.93 -3,758.33 -5,544.55 -6,854.41 -3,036.82 -3,211.14 -6,370.73 -7,088.18 -1,239.28 -1,171.96 -6,480.44 -4,360.26
without CH4
517.29 525.76 588.82 1,668.24 728.24 1,368.37 1,509.68 1,560.42 1,806.70 1,877.82 1,935.87 1,839.34 1,988.85 1,898.33
CH4: with
CH4 from 517.29 525.76 588.82 1,668.24 728.24 1,368.37 1,509.68 1,560.42 1,806.70 1,877.82 1,935.87 1,839.34 1,988.85 1,898.33
without N2O
17.09 2.47 11.80 2.98 4.17 4.58 30.35 37.77 49.44 16.51 27.22 23.60 31.24 33.21
N2O: with
N2O from 17.09 2.47 11.80 2.98 4.17 4.58 30.35 37.77 49.44 16.51 27.22 23.60 31.24 33.21
HFC 8.71 17.77 23.71 27.75 30.62 47.61 36.71 39.59 50.68 58.69 68.00 68.23 197.30 197.56
mix of
HFCs and
(without 969.07 551.07 629.97 1,728.29 778.39 1,434.93 2,131.36 2,449.21 2,705.10 2,757.86 2,858.37 2,593.17 2,905.96 2,831.99
Total net
(with 952.67 536.40 -9,816.61 -2,059.36 -4,781.52 -5,433.85 -1,460.08 -1,573.36 -4,463.92 -5,135.15 791.81 759.22 -4,263.06 -2191.48
3 Chapter 3: ENERGY (CRT 1)
In the energy sector, Belize faces its own set of challenges as well as opportunities. Belize’s energy
supply in 2023, in proportion to the country’s size and population, realized a total of 17,724 TJ,
however, 70% of that supply was imported, both in the form of electricity and refined fossil fuels
(Energy Unit, 2024). These imports were needed to meet rising country demands. In 2023, the
highest recorded peak electricity demand reached 127.2 MW, while the latest overall energy intensity (2022)
stood at 0.17 toe per $1,000 USD. The use of gasoline and diesel in the transportation sector, as well
as electricity use in the residential sector, made up largest shares of Belize’s final energy
consumption (Energy Unit, 2024). This situation makes Belize highly vulnerable to market and
climate shocks, which became evident in 2024, where Belizeans experienced rolling load-shedding
firsthand during hot and humid conditions, leading to record-setting heat conditions. Belize’s energy
supply mix is also significantly carbonized, since that 70% is attributable both to refined fossil
fuels (Energy Unit, 2024) and to our neighbor Mexico’s gas-heavy electricity (about 82% generated
from fossil fuels overall in the first half of 2024) (Comisión Federal de Electricidad, 2024).
Despite the obstacles, there is also room for investment, diversification, and ecological
transformation. In 2023, 38% of Belize’s in-country electricity was generated from renewable
energy sources – an increase by 2% compare to the year 2022, Belize demonstrates an interesting
market circumstance where cost of power from renewable sources are significantly lower than
fossil-fuel based sources. (Energy Unit, 2024). In 2023, a Waste-to-Energy Pre-feasibility study
was completed, exploring the in-country availability of biological wastes and byproducts for use
in electricity generation (Seureca Veolia, 2023). In 2024 the Government of Belize and partners
also launched the road-testing phase of the E-Mobility Pilot Project, which started trials with two
city e-buses and a charging station in Belize, with the aim of collecting data that can be used to
inform further investments in the EV sector (United Nations Development Programme (UNDP),
2024). Belize’s energy sector remains a key area for innovation and enterprise, particularly ripe
for the advancing of decarbonization and the curtailing of its significant emissions’ footprint.
Belize’s electricity sector is managed and driven by several key entities. Playing the role of
regularization through legal structure, the Government of Belize developed the earliest version of
the Electricity Act in the early 1990’s, as well as the Public Utilities Commission Act stipulating
that the Belize Electricity Limited (BEL), as the national electric utility, would be licensed by the
Public Utilities Commission to procure, supply, transmit and distribute electricity. In addition to
their in-company supply, BEL also purchases electricity from Independent Power Producers (IPPs)
as well as from the Mexican Utility Company, the Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE) (Belize
Electricity Limited (BEL), 2024).
As the regulator for all public utility services in Belize, the PUC regularly reviews and vets the
electricity tariffs and major investments of BEL, to the end of protecting the national interests
where the sole utility-scale electric retailer is concerned. Most recently, the PUC has approved
BEL’s Least Cost Expansion Plan (Public Utilities Commission, 2024) *, whereas a new set of
tariffs is currently under negotiation by both parties, intended to be valid from 2024 to 2028 (Public
Utilities Commission (PUC), 2024).
The year 2024 saw Belize facing one of its most critical energy challenges in the form of
widespread load-shedding throughout the dry season, that is, the months of April and May, one of
the hottest on record. This was triggered by electrical supply shortfalls starting with CFE and
rippling over to BEL’s grid as power companies in the region struggled to meet surging demands.
It was further complicated by multiple equipment failures within BEL (Belize Electricity Limited
(BEL), 2024), and the electrical supply was finally stabilized in mid-July, bolstered by rains that
augmented local hydropower generation, and by BEL’s capacity expansion of one of its gas-
powered turbines.
For close to twenty years, the entity at the forefront of Belize’s local hydrocarbon production has
been Belize Natural Energy (BNE). Following the first commercial oil discovery at the Spanish
Lookout field in 2005 and at the Never Delay field two years later, BNE has been the sole producer
and exporter of crude oil in Belize (Figure 3-1). According to the Geology and Petroleum
Department, a government entity which monitors and certifies BNE’s activities, “At its peak the
Spanish Lookout Oilfield was producing an average of 5,000 barrels of oil per day and now is in
decline,” and that “The Never Delay Oilfield was previously producing as much as 500 barrels of
oil per day, but this has decreased dramatically” (Geology and Petroleum Department, 2024). The
Energy Unit reported that in 2023 that both oilfields combined were producing an average of 432
barrels per day (Energy Unit, 2024). A local market around the sale of crude oil has developed in
Belize over the past two decades. A wide variety of commercial and agricultural entities buy crude
oil for their internal fuel uses, including several entities based across the border in Guatemala.
At the other end of the hydrocarbon sector are the refined fossil fuels, which make up a majority
portion for Belize and therefore, our reliance on energy imports, as well as serving as a main source
of national emissions. Motor gasoline makes up the largest fuel import share, followed closely by
diesel. Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and kerosene also contribute considerable portions. Belize
imports is considered an international fuel bunker.
It can be expected that as the in-country supply of crude oil diminishes, its consumers will switch
to another commercially available fuel, such as diesel. As demands and population increase
therefore, it only becomes more crucial to mitigate Belize’s reliance on fossil fuel products.
Figure 3-1 Producing Oilfields of Belize in 2013. From: Geology and Petroleum Department (Geology and Petroleum Department,
The road transport sector, certainly one of the most significant in terms of carbon and nitrogen
emissions, is administered primarily through the Ministry of Transport, the National Transport
Board, and the municipal governments of the principal towns. The Ministry’s role is the
establishment and enforcement of traffic rules, and the registration and licensing of rural vehicles.
The National Transport Board licenses public transport systems and regulates their routes.
Municipal town/city councils conduct registration and licensing for urban residents’ fees for urban
traffic infractions. According to the 2018 Comprehensive National Transportation Master Plan,
Belize has a total of 8,078 miles of roads of various types, including 373 of ‘primary roads or
highways (Office of the Prime Minister, 2018) (Figure 3-2).
Figure 3-2 Belize Primary Highways, Sea Ports and Airports. From CNTMP (2018): (Office of the Prime Minister, 2018)
The energy sector was the second largest emitter (26% of national emissions) after the waste sector,
contributing 722.79 kt CO2 eq in large part from a growing transport sector (18% of total
national emissions in 2022).
Table 3-1 Energy Sector: emissions by GHG, category and subcategory (kt) for 2022
Memo items
1.D.1. International bunkers 72.72 0.00 0.00 73.27
1.D.1.a. Aviation 72.56 0.00 0.00 73.11
1.D.1.b. Navigation 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.16
1.D.2. Multilateral operations
1.D.3. CO2 emissions from biomass 562.63 562.63
1.D.4. CO2 captured
1.D.4.a For domestic storage
1.D.4.b For storage in other countries
Notation: NO – not occurring, IE – included elsewhere, NA – not applicable
Table 3-1 presents in detail the emissions generated through activities within the Energy
sector, the energy industries sub sector, transport sub-sector, and other subsectors which
include the residential emission and a small portion from fugitive emissions from natural gas
flaring. As depicted in Figure 3-3, emissions from the sector have continuously increased
from 2012 to 2019, and noted some decreases from 2020 -2022, likely the rolling effects of
reduced electricity consumption nationally from COVID-19.
As a general observation, data from 1994 -2009 were captured only partially due to data
collection challenges from previous inventories, however energy statistics from 2012 to 2022
can be considered more complete, having greater coverage.
Similarly, these trends coincide with the increased use of biomass for industrial and domestic
energy production as an alternative to petroleum products. Biomass is primarily used in the
generation of energy by utilizing sugarcane bagasse from the sugar industry. There has been
an increase in the use of Biomass for the past years, especially with the addition of Santander
Sugar Energy Ltd. producing electricity for the national grid.
The transport subsector contributes the highest number of emissions in the form of carbon
dioxide. It should also be noted that consumption of fuel use increased within the Transport
sub-sector from 2012 to 2015.
Table 3-2 Energy sector: total GHG emissions by category or subcategory (kt CO2 eq)
Code Subcategory 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
1 Energy 422.95 0.00 0.00 4.89 2.89 2.68 567.30 820.98 823.13 829.87 849.91 684.21 714.80 722.79
1.A. Fuel combustion 422.95 0.00 0.00 4.89 2.89 2.68 567.30 820.98 823.13 829.87 849.91 684.20 714.80 722.79
1.A.1. Energy industries 145.48 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.03 54.33 111.63 133.99 86.42 151.26 56.69 62.73 53.63
1.A.3. Transport 176.13 0.00 0.00 4.76 2.80 2.62 506.33 701.85 681.25 615.70 547.84 474.97 468.19 508.35
1.A.3.a. Domestic aviation 6.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.37 11.99 12.87 12.42 12.89 5.94 9.83 12.62
1.A.3.b. Road transportation 148.46 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.08 0.08 489.01 675.35 659.90 597.39 530.04 436.56 448.00 482.49
1.A.3.c. Railways 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.67 2.72 2.55 7.95 14.51 8.47 5.27 4.24 5.05 9.61 12.21
1.A.3.d. Domestic navigation 21.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.67 27.42 0.74 1.04
1.A.4. Other sectors 55.14 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.08 0.02 6.64 7.50 7.89 127.75 150.81 108.40 131.97 160.81
1.A.4.a. Commercial/institutional 12.97 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1.A.4.b. Residential 16.79 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 6.64 7.50 7.89 127.75 150.81 108.40 131.97 160.81
1.A.4.c. Agriculture/forestry/fishing 25.38 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1.B. Fugitive emissions from fuels 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00093 0.00113 0.00092 0.00118 0.00194
Oil and natural gas and other
1.B.2. emissions from energy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00093 0.00113 0.00092 0.00118 0.00194
1.B.2.b. Natural gas 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00093 0.00113 0.00092 0.00118 0.00194
Total 422.95 NE NE 4.89 2.89 2.68 567.30 823.13 829.87 849.91 684.21 714.80 722.79
kt CO2
Manufacturing industries and construction
Other sectors
Energy industries
Figure 3-3 Fuel Combustion Activities: total GHG emissions by category or subcategory (kt CO2 eq), 1994-2022
Furthermore, in terms of emissions by gas for the sector, Table 3-3 and Figure 3-4 show the
trends by GHG emitted in this sector. Naturally, due to the fossil fuel use in energy industries
subcategory, CO2 gas is the major contributor to energy emissions. Non-CO2 emissions
from these categories represent a much lesser proportion.
GHG 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
CO2 414.07 0.00 0.00 4.89 2.89 2.67 545.18 793.54 794.23 801.02 821.13 660.72 686.72 696.43
CH4 3.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.13 11.87 12.77 14.18 14.24 12.56 16.25 13.93
N2O 5.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 15.57 16.13 14.67 14.54 10.92 11.83 12.44
Total 422.95 0.00 0.00 4.89 2.89 2.68 567.30 820.98 823.13 829.87 849.91 684.21 714.80 722.79
kt CO2 eq
Figure 3-4 Energy sector: emissions by GHG (kt CO2 eq), 1990-2022
Table 3-4 Summary of activity data, methods, and emission factors for energy sector inventory.
Source Category Activity Data Type Data Source CO2 CH4 N2O
1A1 Energy 1A1ai Fuel(s) Annual Energy T1 D T1 D T1 D
Industries Electricity Consumption Balance
1A1a Main Generation data for Worksheets,
Activity electricity Belize
Electricity and generation Electricity
Heat Production Limited.
1A1aii Bagasse (sugar Annual Energy T1 D T1 D T1 D
Combined Heat cane) Balance
and Power consumption Worksheets,
Generation for electricity Belcogen.
(CHP) generation
1A2 1A2d Pulp, Crude Oil sale Annual Energy T1 D T1 D T1 D
Manufacturing Paper, and – annual Balance
Industries and Print consumption Worksheets,
Construction figures BNE
1A2e Food Crude Oil sale Annual Energy T1 D T1 D T1 D
Processing, – annual Balance
Beverages, and consumption Worksheets,
Tobacco figures BNE.
1A2i Mining Crude Oil sale Annual Energy T1 D T1 D T1 D
and Quarrying – annual Balance
consumption Worksheets,
figures BNE
1A2j Wood and Crude Oil sale Annual Energy T1 D T1 D T1 D
wood products – annual Balance
consumption Worksheets,
figures BNE.
1A2k Crude Oil sale Annual Energy T1 D T1 D T1 D
Construction – annual Balance
consumption Worksheets,
figures BNE.
1A2m Non- Crude Oil sale Annual Energy T1 D T1 D T1 D
specified – annual Balance
Industry consumption Worksheets,
figures BNE.
1A3 Transport
1A3a Civil 1A3ai Fuel Petroleum T1 D T1 D T1 D
Aviation International Consumption Products
Aviation for Aviation, Importation
(International by fuel type Data, Aviation
Bunkers) (International Fuel
Flights) Consumption
1A3aii Fuel Petroleum T1 D T1 D T1 D
Domestic Consumption Products
Aviation for Aviation, Importation
by fuel type Data, Aviation
(Domestic Fuel
Flights) Consumption
data (domestic)
1A3b Road 1A3bi Cars Monthly Petroleum T1 D T1 D T1 D
Transportation Petroleum Products
Products Importation
Importation Data
1A3d Water- 1A3di Annual Water Petroleum T1 D T1 D T1 D
Borne International Taxi Fuel Products
Navigation Water-borne Consumption Importation
Navigation Data Data, Water
(International (International Taxis.
Bunkers) routes)
1A3dii Annual Water Petroleum T1 D T1 D T1 D
Domestic Taxi Fuel Products
Water-borne Consumption Importation
Navigation Data Data, Water
(Domestic Taxis.
1A4 Other 1A4a T1 D T1 D T1 D
Sectors Commercial/
1A4b Monthly Annual Energy T1 D T1 D T1 D
Residential Petroleum Balance
Products Worksheets,
Imports, Statistical
Annual Institute of
Firewood Belize Labour
Consumption Force Survey
1B2 Oil and 12B2a Oil
Natural Gas
1B2b Natural Monthly Annual Energy T1 D T1 D T1 D
Gas Flaring Balance
Volume Worksheets,
Notation: MT – Method, EF – Emission Factors; T1 – Tier 1 Method, D – Default.
To quantify GHG emissions for the energy sector and its associated sub-categories and
sources, default emission factors were used and obtained from:
2006 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Guidelines for National
Greenhouse Gas Inventories.
IPCC’s Emission Factor Database (hereinafter, EFDB): The database can be queried
over the internet via the home pages of the IPCC, IPCC-NGGIP or directly at: EFDB
- Main Page
Default emission factors built into the IPCC’s inventory software. IPCC’s inventory
software can be found directly at: Inventory Software - IPCC-TFI
The Tier 1 method was selected and used for the estimation of GHG emissions for each
source category and greenhouse gas within the energy sector summary report. The selection
of the Tier 1 method was based on the use of the generalized decision tree for selecting tiers
for fuel combustion in the energy sector (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2006)
. Overall, the decision tree as presented in Volume 2 of the 2006 IPCC guidelines applies in
general for each of the fuel combustion activities and for each of the GHGs reported.
The Tier 1 method is fuel-based, since emissions from all sources of combustion can be
estimated based on the quantities of fuel combusted (usually from national energy statistics)
and default emission factors.
The IPCC guidelines define fuel combustion as “the intentional oxidation of materials within
an apparatus that is designed to provide heat or mechanical work to a process, or for use away
from the apparatus”. The fuel combustion activities are divided into 4 main sub-sectors, by
source category: 1A1 Energy Industries, 1A2 Manufacturing Industries and Construction,
1A3 Transport, and 1A4 Other Sectors, and 1A5 Non-Specified. Stationary combustion
activities in Belize are linked to fuel combustion activities in electricity generation plants
(both auto producers and combined heat and power plants), manufacturing and construction
operations, and within commercial and residential activities (Table 3-5).
Table 3-5 Stationary combustion activity and source categories being reported in Belize
The second component under fuel combustion activities, refers to mobile combustion
activities which comprises of emissions from the “combustion and evaporation of fuel for all
transport activity (excluding military transport)” (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change, 2006) . Mobile combustion activities in Belize are linked to fuel combustion
activities from all major transport activities which include civil aviation (domestic and
international), road transportation, and water-borne navigation (domestic and international).
Mobile combustion activities are further broken down into 3 sub-categories following the
IPCC activity codes, as denoted by Table 3-6.
Table 3-6 Mobile combustion activity and source categories being reported in Belize.
In 2022, as noted in Table 3-7, the energy sector's total emissions were 722.79 kt CO2 eq,
with fuel combustion accounting for the entirety of these energy emissions. The transport
sector was the largest contributor, making up 70.32% of the total sector emissions, with road
transportation alone contributing 66.76%. Other sectors, primarily residential (use of biomass
and kerosene residentially), accounted for 22.26% of the emissions.
Over time, there has been a significant increase in emissions from the residential sector, while
emissions from energy industries (electricity generation) have decreased, and manufacturing
industries have increased slightly. The overall emissions saw a notable rise from 2012
onwards, with a peak in 2019, followed by a drop in 2020 likely due to the COVID-19
pandemic. Emissions began to rise again in 2021 and 2022. Key drivers of the latest inventory
year's emissions include the dominance of road transportation and the substantial increase in
residential emissions.
Table 3-7 Fuel Combustion 1.A. total GHG emissions by subcategory (kt CO2 eq)
Code Subcategory 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
1 Energy Total 422.95 0.00 0.00 4.89 2.89 2.68 567.30 820.98 823.13 829.87 849.91 684.21 714.80 722.79
1.A. Fuel combustion 422.95 0.00 0.00 4.89 2.89 2.68 567.30 820.98 823.13 829.87 849.91 684.20 714.80 722.79
1.A.1. Energy industries 145.48 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.03 54.33 111.63 133.99 86.42 151.26 56.69 62.73 53.63
1.A.2. Manufacturing industries and construction 46.20 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 44.14 51.91 0.00
1.A.3. Transport 176.13 0.00 0.00 4.76 2.80 2.62 506.33 701.85 681.25 615.70 547.84 474.97 468.19 508.35
1.A.3.a. Domestic aviation 6.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.37 11.99 12.87 12.42 12.89 5.94 9.83 12.62
1.A.3.b. Road transportation 148.46 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.08 0.08 489.01 675.35 659.90 597.39 530.04 436.56 448.00 482.49
1.A.3.c. Railways 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.67 2.72 2.55 7.95 14.51 8.47 5.27 4.24 5.05 9.61 12.21
1.A.3.d. Domestic navigation 21.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.67 27.42 0.74 1.04
1.A.4. Other sectors 55.14 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.08 0.02 6.64 7.50 7.89 127.75 150.81 108.40 131.97 160.81
1.A.4.a. Commercial/institutional 12.97 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1.A.4.b. Residential 16.79 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 6.64 7.50 7.89 127.75 150.81 108.40 131.97 160.81
1.A.4.c. Agriculture/forestry/fishing 25.38 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
This section provides a comparison between the national estimates of CO2 emissions from
fuel combustion and those obtained using the reference approach, as outlined in the IPCC
The results of this comparison are reported to highlight any discrepancies and ensure the
accuracy and reliability of the national greenhouse gas inventory. The sectoral approach
involves detailed data collection and analysis of CO2 emissions from various fuel
combustion activities within specific sectors, such as energy, transport, and industry. This
method provides a granular view of emissions sources and allows for targeted mitigation
In contrast, the reference approach, as described in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, offers a top-
down estimation method. It calculates CO2 emissions based on the total amount of fuel
supplied to the economy, adjusted for stock changes and non-energy uses. This approach
serves as a cross-check to validate the sectoral estimates and identify potential gaps or
For Belize, the reference approach, or top down fuel consumption data was provided through
national energy balances for 2021 and 2022 (see Table 3-8 below). The activity data provided
for the sectoral approach is also sourced from the same energy balances. Accordingly, the
check and balance between these approaches is limited. The differences between the two
approaches are 5.81% and 14.4% respectively for 2021 and 2022. This is primarily due to
the allocation of liquid fuels in international bunkers, as well as solid fuel biomass (from
sugarcane), being accounted in the reference approach, however these emissions are not
methodologically accounted for in national CO2 emissions in the sectoral approach.
Table 3-8 Approach comparison: CO2 emissions obtained using the sectoral approach and reference approach (kt CO2)
Much of the increase in international flights has occurred between 2017 and 2019. This took
a large downturn in 2020 due to reduction in international flights due to restricted travel
during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. Significant increase in air travel was noted in 2022
and is expected to increase in the future. Regarding marine international bunkers, these
emissions are significantly less, due to less common travel routes by sea. In any case, this
data can be improved in the future.
Table 3-9 International bunkers: aviation and marine bunker fuel GHG emissions (kt CO2 eq)
1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Aviation 37.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40.32 40.18 48.63 52.09 54.96 16.98 48.44 73.11
Marine 4.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16
Total 42.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40.32 40.18 48.63 52.09 54.96 16.98 48.44 73.27
Table 3-10 International bunkers: activity data by fuel or GHG source (TJ)
Note: Total Imports minus known domestic consumptions: drawn from the 3 largest local aviation companies (Aviation Gasoline and Jet
Kerosene); Two water taxi companies (Gas/Diesel Oil)
Activity Source Fuel Type Calorific value CO2 (kg/TJ) CH4 (kg/TJ) N2O
(TJ/Gg) (kg/TJ)
1.A.3.a.i Aviation Gasoline 44.3 70000 0.5 2
Aviation Jet Kerosene 44.1 71500 0.5 2
3.6.1 Description and trend of GHGs in the subcategory
From 2012 to 2022, the emissions from the energy industries (electricity generation)
subcategory have shown significant fluctuations. In 2012, emissions were recorded at 54.33
kt CO2 eq. This figure more than doubled by 2015, reaching 111.63 kt CO2 eq. The upward
trend continued in 2017 with emissions peaking at 133.99 kt CO2 eq.
The year 2020 saw a substantial drop in emissions to 56.69 kt CO2 eq, likely influenced by
the global COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting decrease in commercial activity.
In the post-pandemic years of 2021 and 2022, emissions stabilized at lower levels compared
to the peak years, with values of 62.73 kt CO2 eq and 53.63 kt CO2 eq respectively. These
trends suggest that while there were periods of high emissions within this decade, recent
efforts in increasing renewable energy share along with electricity imports from Mexico have
been made to stabilize and potentially reduce the impact of energy industries on the overall
greenhouse gas inventory.
Table 3-12 Energy Industries 1.A.1: total GHG emissions by GHG source (kt CO2 eq)
Code Subcategory 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
1.A.1. Energy industries 0. 0. 0.04101 0.01735 0.03368 54.33 86.42 56.69 62.73 53.63
145.48 111.63 133.99 151.26
1.A. Total (Fuel combustion) 0. 0. 4.89 2.89 2.68
422.95 567.30 820.98 823.13 829.87 849.91 684.20 714.80 722.79
Energy Industries activity data is sourced from the annual national energy balance worksheets
which cover consumption for the following subcategories: electricity generation, combined
heat and power and heat plants. The Belize Electricity Limited (BEL) is the national electric
utility provider licensed by the Public Utilities Commission to procure, supply, transmit and
distribute electricity. In addition to their in-company supply, BEL also purchases electricity
from Independent Power Producers (IPPs) as well as from the Mexican Utility Company, the
Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE). Electricity Generation Plants (independent power
producers and stand-by generators) use a mix of fuel types shown in Table 3-13. In the
combined heat and power subcategory, the primary biomass fuel is bagasse, a sugarcane
byproduct generated by the Belize Co-Generation Energy Limited and Santander Sugar.
Table 3-13 1.A.1 Energy Industries: activity data by fuel and subcategory (TJ)
1.A.1.a.i Crude Oil NE NE NE NE 0.02 0.07 232.04 210.23 27.24 37.99 195.40 192.03 186.03
Generation Gas/Diesel NE NE NE 0.35 0.18 0.08 188.68 234.23 442.56 824.83 105.99 134.45 250.31
LPG NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 13.57 4.33 300.54 NE NE
Crude oil and bagasse continue to be the most consumed fuels with bagasse’s slowly
returning to its previous consumption rate prior to its decline in 2020. Presumably, the 2019
drought, which affected agriproduce, in addition to reduced electrical demand during the pandemic
years, contributed to this decline.
The Tier 1 method was selected and used for the estimation of GHG emissions for each
source category and greenhouse gas within the energy sector summary report. The selection
of the Tier 1 method was based on the use of the generalized decision tree for selecting tiers
for fuel combustion in the energy sector (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2006)
. Overall, the decision tree as presented in Volume 2 of the 2006 IPCC guidelines applies in
general for each of the fuel combustion activities and for each of the GHGs reported.
The Tier 1 method is fuel-based, since emissions from all sources of combustion can be
estimated based on the quantities of fuel combusted (usually from national energy statistics)
and default emission factors. Tier 1 is the simplest approach where Activity data (AD) is
combined with emission factors (EF). Therefore, the basic equation for the Tier 1 method
applied for the estimates:
EGHG: Emissions of a given GHG by type of fuel (Gg GHG)
AD: Activity Data (quantities of fuel combusted)
EFGHG: Emission Factor (default emission factor of a given GHG by type of fuel (kg of
greenhouse gas per TJ on a Net Calorific Basis). For CO2, it includes the carbon oxidation
factor, assumed to be 1.
Table 3-14 1.A.1 Energy Industries: emission factors applied by GHG source (fuel type)
Compliant with QA/QC plan and implementation as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.13.
Refer to the planned improvements by sector in the national inventory improvement plan.
3.7.1 Description and trend of GHGs in the subcategory
National emissions from the manufacturing industries and construction subcategory are very
limited. Manufacturing consumptions have only been recently disaggregated in 2020 to 2022.
However, data coverage and completeness issues remain throughout the timeline making impact
assessments challenging. Consequently, insights, where possible, are only available for the
years 2020 to 2021. This limited data highlights the relatively minor contribution of
manufacturing and construction activities to the national greenhouse gas inventory.
Table 3-15 Manufacturing Industries and Construction 1.A.2: total GHG emissions by GHG source (kt CO2 eq)
Code Subcategory 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
1.A.2. Manufacturing industries and construction 46.20 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 44.14 51.91 NE
1.A. Total (Fuel combustion ) 422.95 0.00 0.00 4.89 2.89 2.68 567.30 820.98 823.13 829.87 849.91 684.20 714.80 722.79
Manufacturing industries and construction activity data is sourced from the annual national
energy balance worksheets which cover consumption extracted from crude oil sales for the
following subcategories: 1. A.2.d. Pulp, Paper and Print, 1.A.2.e Food Processing, Beverages
and Tobacco, 1.A.2.k Construction and Gas/Diesel oil for 1.A.2.m Non-specified industry.
The Belize Natural Energy Ltd (BNE) has been the sole producer and exporter of crude oil
in Belize. A wide variety of commercial and agricultural entities buy crude oil for their
internal fuel uses, including several entities based across the border in Guatemala. Other fuels
such as diesel or LPG are presumed to have uses in this sector, but there is currently no disaggregation
and lumped under the 'Residential' and 'Other Uses - Commercial' sectors.
Table 3-16 1.A.2 Manufacturing industries and construction: activity data by fuel and subcategory (TJ)
1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
1.A.2.m Non- Crude Oil NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 308.27
Source: Ministry of Public Utilities, Energy, Logistics, and E-Governance (Energy Unit) Annual Energy
Table 3-17 Manufacturing industries and construction: emission factors applied by GHG source
Activity Source Fuel Type Calorific Value (TJ/Gg) CO2 (kg/TJ) CH4 (kg/TJ)
1.A.2.d.Pulp, Paper and Print Crude Oil 42.3 73300 3
Compliant with QA/QC plan and implementation as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.13.
Refer to the planned improvements by sector in the national inventory improvement plan.
Refer to the Uncertainty Assessment section in Chapter 1, section 1.14.
3.7.8 Subcategory QA/QC
Compliant with QA/QC plan and implementation as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.13.
Refer to the planned improvements by sector in the national inventory improvement plan.
The transport sector, as defined by the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, includes emissions from all
modes of transportation such as road, rail, aviation, and navigation. These sources contribute
significantly to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, primarily through the combustion of fossil
fuels. In Belize, the transport sector is a major contributor to national GHG emissions, with
road transportation being the dominant source. This subcategory includes emissions from
domestic aviation, road transportation, railways5, and domestic navigation.
In 2022, the transport sector's total emissions were 508.35 kt CO2 eq, accounting for
approximately 70.32% of the Energy sector's total emissions. This represents a significant
increase from the base year (1994), where emissions were 176.13 kt CO2 eq. The key drivers
of this increase include the growth in road transportation and the expansion of domestic
aviation. Road transportation alone contributed 482.49 kt CO2 eq in 2022, making up 66.76%
of the sector's emissions. Domestic aviation and domestic navigation contributed 12.62 kt
CO2 eq, and 1.04 kt CO2 eq, respectively.
As seen in Table 3-18, the emissions from the transport sector have shown significant
fluctuations over the years. From 2012 to 2015, there was a sharp increase in emissions,
peaking at 701.85 kt CO2 eq in 2015. This was followed by a gradual decline, reaching
474.97 kt CO2 eq in 2020, likely due to the global COVID-19 pandemic and reduced
Emissions from railways is not an activity occurring in Belize, however for this submission, emissions from bitumen/asphalt used for roofing in the IPPU is
accounted for in this sector.
transportation activities. In the post-pandemic years of 2021 and 2022, emissions have shown
moderate recovery.
Table 3-18 Transport 1.A.3 total GHG emissions by source (kt CO2 eq)
Code Subcategory 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
1.A.3. Transport 176.13 0.00 0.00 4.76 2.80 2.62 506.33 701.85 681.25 615.70 547.84 474.97 468.19 508.35
1.A.3.a. Domestic aviation 6.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.37 11.99 12.87 12.42 12.89 5.94 9.83 12.62
1.A.3.b. Road transportation 148.46 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.08 0.08 489.01 675.35 659.90 597.39 530.04 436.56 448.00 482.49
1.A.3.c. Railways 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.67 2.72 2.55 7.95 14.51 8.47 5.27 4.24 5.05 9.61 12.21
1.A.3.d. Domestic navigation 21.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.67 27.42 0.74 1.04
1.A. Total (Fuel combustion) 422.95 0.00 0.00 4.89 2.89 2.68 567.30 820.98 823.13 829.87 849.91 684.20 714.80 722.79
Transport activity data is mainly sourced from the Petroleum Products Importation Data, for
the following subcategories: 1.A.3.a Domestic Aviation, 1.A.3.b Road Transportation and
1.A.3.d Water-borne Navigation. Other sources include the Domestic Aviation Fuel
consumption data and Water Taxis data for each respective subcategory. Consumption data
for road transport is primarily from cars but not further disaggregated. Premium and Regular
are the two types of gasoline used in Belize which has been combined under motor gasoline.
Table 3-19 1.A.3 Transport: activity data by fuel and GHG source (TJ)
Source: Ministry of Public Utilities, Energy, Logistics, and E-Governance (Energy Unit)
71 Emission factors applied in the subcategory
Compliant with QA/QC plan and implementation as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.13.
Refer to the planned improvements by sector in the national inventory improvement plan.
Compliant with QA/QC plan and implementation as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.13.
Refer to description of inventory recalculations as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.10.
Refer to the planned improvements by sector in the national inventory improvement plan.
In 2022, the "Other sectors" subcategory contributed 160.81 kt CO2 eq to the sector's total
emissions, accounting for approximately 22.26% of the sector's emissions. This represents a
significant increase from the base year (1994), where emissions were 55.14 kt CO2 eq. The
key drivers of this increase include the growth in residential energy use and changes in
agricultural practices (see Table 3-21 below).
Table 3-21 Other Sectors 1.A.4 total GHG emissions by source (kt CO2 eq)
Code Subcategory 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
1.A.4. Other sectors 55.14 0.00 0.02 0.08 0.02 6.64 7.50 7.89 127.75 150.81 108.40 131.97 160.81
1.A.4.a. Commercial/institutional 12.97 0.01 0.05
1.A.4.b. Residential 16.79 0.01 0.01 NE 6.64 7.50 7.89 127.75 150.81 108.40 131.97 160.81
1.A.4.c. Agriculture/forestry/fishing 25.38 0.01 0.02 0.02
1.A. Total (Fuel combustion) 422.95 4.89 2.89 2.68 567.30 820.98 823.13 829.87 849.91 684.20 714.80 722.79
Other sectors include fuel consumption activity data from 1.A.4.a Commercial/Institution,
1.A.4.b Residential and 1.A.1.c Agriculture/Forestry/Fishing which is sourced from the
Annual Energy Balance Sheets and the Statistical Institute of Belize.
Table 3-221.A.4.a Commercial/Institution, 1.A.4.b Residential and 1.A.1.c Agriculture/Forestry/Fishing Activity Data (TJ)
1.A.4.b Residential Wood/wood waste NE NE NE NE NE NE 701.92 792.31 551.80 574.69 678.64 1054.46 671.56
Other Kerosene NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 602.69 869.17 343.48 627.13 1002.29
LPG NE NE NE 0.08 0.09 NE NE NE 1247.54 1304.01 1219.14 1211.2 1295.3
Gas/Diesel Oil NE NE NE 0.00 0.01 0.00 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE
1.A.1.c Motor Gasoline 66.25 NE NE 0.05 0.03 0.05 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE
Gas/Diesel Oil 278.55 NE NE 0.12 0.15 0.11 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE
LPG NE NE NE 0.01 0.01 0.01 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE
Crude Oil NE NE NE NE 0.06 0.08 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE
Source: Ministry of Public Utilities, Energy, Logistics, and E-Governance (Energy Unit) Annual Energy Balance
74 Emission factors applied in the subcategory
Table 3-23 1.A.4 Other Sectors: emission factors applied by GHG source
Activity Source Fuel Type Calorific value (TJ/Gg) CO2 (kg/TJ) CH4 (kg/TJ) N2O (kg/TJ)
1.A.4.a Gas/Diesel Oil 43 74100 10 0.6
Commercial/Institution LPG 47.3 63100 5 0.1
Compliant with QA/QC plan and implementation as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.13.
Refer to the planned improvements by sector in the national inventory improvement plan.
Compliant with QA/QC plan and implementation as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.13.
3.9.9 Subcategory recalculations
Refer to the planned improvements by sector in the national inventory improvement plan.
In Belize, fugitive emissions from fuels are a result of oil and natural gas systems. Fugitive
emissions refer to GHGs that escape during the extraction, processing, storage, and transport
of fossil fuels. Particularly, these types of emissions are to be considered unintentional
releases and are to be distinct in the notion that they are a result of the handling and
management of energy resources, and not a direct fuel combustion activity.
Table 3-24 Fugitive emissions from fuels activity and source categories being reported in Belize.
Fugitive emissions were first reported within Belize’s 4th GHG Inventory covering reference
years 2018 – 2019. While fugitive emissions are broken down primarily into two main
categories, activities within this category in relation to Belize’s jurisdiction falls under the
source category Oil and Natural Gas (Table 3-24).
In 2022, the "Fugitive emissions from fuels" subcategory contributed 0.00194 kt CO2 eq to
the sector's total emissions. This represents a minimal contribution compared to other
subcategories. The key drivers of these emissions include activities related to natural gas
production and distribution.
Table 3-25 Fugitive emissions from fuels (natural gas flaring) 1.B total GHG emissions by subcategory (kt CO2 eq)
Code Subcategory 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Fugitive emissions
1.B. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00093 0.00113 0.00092 0.00118 0.00194
from fuels
Oil and natural gas and
1.B.2. other emissions from 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00093 0.00113 0.00092 0.00118 0.00194
energy production
1.B.2.b. Natural gas 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00093 0.00113 0.00092 0.00118 0.00194
Table 3-26 1.B Fugitive Emissions: activity data by GHG source (TJ)
Table 3-27 1.B Fugitive Emissions: emission factors applied by GHG source
Compliant with QA/QC plan and implementation as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.13.
3.10.6 Planned improvements for the subcategory
Refer to the planned improvements by sector in the national inventory improvement plan.
Compliant with QA/QC plan and implementation as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.13.
Refer to the planned improvements by sector in the national inventory improvement plan.
The Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU) sector is one of the five main sectors that
is reported under the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory. The IPPU sector covers
greenhouse gas emissions occurring from industrial processes, from the use of greenhouse
gases in products, and non-energy uses of fossil fuel carbon (Eggleston, Buendia, Miwa,
Ngara, & Tanabe, 2006) .
Belize is a country that is not heavily industrialized but there are a handful of activities under
the IPPU sector that contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. The IPPU sector has several
categories that it aims to report on which include the mineral industry, non-energy use for
solvent, products used as substitutes for ozone-depleting substances, other product
manufacture and use, and Nitrous Oxide (N2O) from product uses. Under these sectors, there
are sub-sectors that specify more in detail exactly what type of data is required. Data was not
available for all subsectors; however, this does not mean that the activity is not occurring in
the country but is more than likely not being enforced hence no data being recorded.
The IPPU sector was the least emitting sector (7% of national emissions) after the waste,
energy and agriculture sector, contributing 199.1 kt CO2 eq.
Table 4-1 IPPU Sector: emissions by GHG, category and subcategory (kt) for 2022
CO2 CH4 HFC mix of HFCs Total GHG
O C 6 3 x O C X
and PFCs
Code GHG source categories
(kt CO2 (kt (kt
(kt) (kt) (kt) CO2 (kt CO2 eq) (kt) (kt) (kt) (kt) (kt CO2 eq)
eq) ) )
Industrial processes
2 1.5142401 197.5624 199.0766
and product use
2.A. Mineral industry 0.21225 0.21225
2.B.2. Nitric acid production
2.B.3. Adipic acid production
Caprolactam, glyoxal NO
2.B.4. and glyoxylic acid
2.B.5. Carbide production
Titanium dioxide NO
2.B.7. Soda ash production
Petrochemical and NO
carbon black production
Fluorochemical NO
2.B.10. Other (please specify)
2.C. Metal industry
2.C.1. Iron and steel production
2.C.2. Ferroalloys production
2.C.3. Aluminium production
2.C.4. Magnesium production
2.C.5. Lead production
2.C.6. Zinc production
2.E.3. Photovoltaics
2.F.4. Aerosols
2.F.5. Solvents
2.F.6. Other applications
Other product
2.G. NO
manufacture and use
2.G.1. Electrical equipment
SF6 and PFCs from other
product use
2.G.3. N2O from product uses
2.G.4. Other NO
Table 4-2 and Figure 4-4 below presents in detail the emissions generated through activities
within the IPPU sector for the time series 1994-2022. In 2022, greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions from the IPPU sector totaled 199.08 kt CO₂ eq, a substantial increase from 8.71 kt
CO₂ eq in the base year 1994. The annual rate of increase is approximately 35%, with a
noticeable spike between 2019 and 2021. Product Uses as Substitutes for Ozone Depleting
Substances (ODS) (Code 2.F) was the top contributor of total emissions during the observed
period (see figure Specifically, Refrigeration and air conditioning (2.F.1) comprising over
95% of GHG Emissions between 1994 and 2022. The Mineral Industry (2.A) emissions from
the Mineral Industry were negligible until 2003, where contributions were small but
consistent contributions, mainly from Lime Production. The Non-energy products from fuels
and solvent use (2.D) showed minor contributions with notable emissions starting in 2012,
primarily from Lubricant Use (2.D.1). Other (2.H) - The Food and Beverage Industry (2.H.2)
shows small but steady emissions beginning in 2003.
As previously noted, GHG Emissions were primarily driven by Product Uses as Substitutes
for ODS, a total of 197.30 kt CO2 eq in 2022. Between 1994 and 2022, Refrigeration and
Stationary Air Conditioning (2.F.1.a) made up 65% of GHG Emissions from the subcategory
while Mobile Air Conditioning (2.F.1.b) contributed 35%. Refrigeration and Stationary Air
Conditioning grew significantly between 2009 to 2021, where emissions went from 29.39 kt
CO2 eq to 171.23 kt CO2 eq. On the other hand, Mobile Air Conditioning showed steady
increases, reflecting the growing usage and impact of mobile air conditioning systems.
Table 4-2 IPPU sector: total GHG emissions by category or subcategory (kt CO2 eq)
Code Subcategory 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Industrial processes
2 8.71 17.77 23.71 31.69 36.10 50.77 40.74 43.54 54.15 61.13 73.92 69.27 198.57 199.08
and product use
2.A. Mineral industry NE NE NE 3.75 4.50 2.25 1.59 1.02 0.55637 2.43 2.88 0.21216 0.21225 0.21225
2.A.2. Lime production NE NE NE 3.75 4.50 2.25 1.59 1.02 0.55637 2.43 2.88 0.21216 0.21225 0.21225
Non-energy products
2.D. from fuels and solvent NE NE NE 0.01439 NE NE 1.35 1.40 1.37 NE 1.69 0.44469 0.54522 0.66933
2.D.1. Lubricant use NE NE NE NE NE NE 1.35 1.40 1.37 NE 1.69 0.44469 0.54522 0.66933
Product uses as
2.F. 8.71 17.77 23.71 27.75 30.62 47.61 36.71 39.59 50.68 58.69 68.00 68.23 197.30 197.56
substitutes for ODS
Refrigeration and air
2.F.1. 8.71 17.77 23.71 27.75 30.62 47.61 36.71 39.59 50.68 58.69 68.00 68.23 197.30 197.56
Refrigeration and
Stationary Air 5.37 10.97 14.63 17.13 18.90 29.39 22.66 22.52 30.38 36.98 44.98 44.02 171.98 171.23
Mobile Air Conditioning 3.33 6.80 9.07 10.62 11.72 18.22 14.05 17.07 20.29 21.71 23.02 24.22 25.32 26.34
2.H. Other (please specify) NO NO NO 0.1825 0.97846 0.90495 1.09 1.53 1.55 0.00177 1.36 0.38265 0.51358 0.63266
GHG Emissions by IPPU Subcategories
kt CO2 eq
Non-energy products from fuels and solvent use
Other (please specify)
Mineral industry
Product uses as substitutes for ODS
Figure 4-1 GHG Emissions by IPPU Subcategories
Table 4-3 shows the trends by GHG emitted in this sector. As previously noted, the significant
consumption in the product uses as substitutes for ozone-depleting substances (ODS)
category, particularly in refrigeration and air conditioning, accounts for HFCs being the
dominant emitting gas.
GHG 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
CO2 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.95 5.48 3.15 4.04 3.95 3.48 2.44 5.92 1.04 1.27 1.51
CH4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
N2O 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
HFC 8.71 17.77 23.71 27.75 30.62 47.61 36.71 39.59 50.68 58.69 68.00 68.23 197.30 197.56
Total 8.71 17.77 23.71 31.69 36.10 50.77 40.74 43.54 54.15 61.13 73.92 69.27 198.57 199.08
4.3 General methodological issues of the sector
The Department of Environment (DOE) leads the methodological process for the IPPU
sector. For HFCs in refrigeration and air conditioning, DOE collects data specifically tracking
the volume imported through its Online Permitting and Licensing (OPAL) system. Currently,
no HFC production occurs in Belize. For the mineral industry cement production, the main
local company reported that it does not produce 'clinkers,' which is the main ingredient of
GHG emissions when produced. The company instead imports the material needed,
therefore, no emission can be associated to this activity.
Lime production is not directly monitored by the DOE but falls under the Mining Unit's
jurisdiction, and discussions are ongoing to enhance regulation in this area. The data for white
lime production was collected directly from the kiln sources and for dolomite lime, it was
retrieved from a few companies that utilize it (such as shrimp & citrus companies).
In the food and beverage industry, spirits and liquor producers must obtain environmental
clearance from the DOE, which maintains a list of operators. However, the DOE lacks data
on bread production, as these establishments typically comply with the Trade License regime,
with varying degrees of oversight by local town and city councils. Again it is not a
requirement for these businesses to submit the amount of bread they are producing.
Lastly, the DOE does issue a permit for lubricants, however, the data is not a hundred percent
reliable because there are a few cases where importers uses a different unit measurement than
what is on the application or the amount is recorded as the amount of boxes or barrels. As for
the data provided by customs, the companies are taxed based on the gallons they are
importing. The data for importation of asphalt was provided by the primary importer of this
substance in the country, which is secondarily collected by the SIB.
A summary of the relevant subsectors for each category can be seen in Table 4-4 below.
This sector encompasses industrial activities that chemically and physically transform
materials, leading to emissions of key gases, including carbon dioxide (CO₂), methane (CH₄),
nitrous oxide (N₂O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), and perfluorocarbons (PFCs).
Table 4-4 Summary of relevant activity data, methods, and emission factors for IPPU sector inventory.
4.4 Mineral industry (CRT 2.A)
The Mineral Industry comprises of Lime and Dolomite Production. Since the 2019
Transparency Report, data regarding lime production remains relevant, as updated data
collection has not occurred since that time. In 2019, there were eight lime producers located
primarily along the Hummingbird Highway in St. Margaret Village, Cayo District, Belize
(see Figure 1). However, based on a recent data collection survey that was conducted by the
NCCO in 2024, this number has decreased to five producers with available data collected
from 2018 to 2022. It is important to note that the Mining Unit does not currently regulate
lime production but provides permits for limestone excavation in designated areas.
In Belize, two types of lime are produced: white lime (calcium oxide) and dolomite lime
(calcium magnesium carbonate). The limestone used for lime production contains
approximately 80% or more calcium and is extracted from quarries in the country's
mountainous regions. White lime, commonly known as “cal,” is produced by burning
limestone in an enclosed area using firewood for three to six days.
Notably, lime can reabsorb CO₂ during certain applications. For instance, when used in water
quality treatment and paper production, lime can absorb CO₂, resulting in net-zero process
emissions in some cases. Calcium oxide (CaO) is widely used in Belize’s shrimp, citrus, and
coconut industries to alter soil pH and in wastewater treatment.
Figure 4-2 Lime Production in the country of Belize
Figure 4-3 Average yearly Lime Production in Belize, 2018-2022
The data collected from the recent NCCO survey was only provided as an average per year
by the current active lime producers. In Table 4-5 above the average tons (t) produced for a
year is 282.87. It can then be deduced that on average for the years 2020, 2021 & 2022 the
total amount of lime produced was 848.62t (282.875 x 3 years). In the last report, there was
data available up to the year 2019 (with 8 active producers) and the average ton produced
was 540.75t in 2019. Therefore, a slight decrease in production can be seen and may be due
the fact of only 5 producers being active presently.
For Dolomite, Belize Minerals Ltd, located in the Toledo district, is recognized as the number
one producer. Dolomite is classified as a common forming mineral; therefore, the chemical
structure is composed of calcium, magnesium, and carbonate with a composition of Ca Mg
(CO₂). It is primarily used in the banana farms, citrus orchard, shrimp industry, coconut and
cacao farming to adjust the pH acidic condition of the soil.
Table 4-6 below presents in detail the emissions generated through activities within the
Mineral Industry category. For the most current year 2022, emissions lime production was
0.212 kt CO₂ eq which is a decrease from the highest emitting of 4.50 kt CO₂ eq in 2006,
reflecting a 95% reduction in emissions over the period. The category’s contribution to the
sector’s total emissions remains minimal, with emissions fluctuating throughout the years.
The key driver of this change has been the reduction in lime production activities, likely
influenced by the decrease in lime producers. In the latest inventory year (2022), emissions
were nearly unchanged compared to 2021 (0.21225 kt CO₂ eq), indicating a potential
stabilization of emissions following the earlier decline.
Table 4-6 Mineral Industry total GHG emissions by GHG source (kt CO2 eq)
Code Subcategory 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
2.A. Mineral industry 0. 0. 0. 3.75 4.50 2.25 1.59 1.02 0.55637 2.43 2.88 0.21216 0.21225 0.21225
2.A.2. Lime production 0. 0. 0. 3.75 4.50 2.25 1.59 1.02 0.55637 2.43 2.88 0.21216 0.21225 0.21225
The production of Lime and Dolomite has a great demand in Belize by the agriculture sector
as it is used to alter the pH conditions in acidic soil and is a quality source of calcium and
magnesium. In 2019, there were eight lime producers located primarily along the
Hummingbird Highway in St. Margaret Village, Cayo District, Belize. Based on a recent data
collection survey that was conducted by the NCCO in 2024, this number has decreased to
five active lime producers which was used in data collection from 2018 to 2022. The Belize
Minerals Ltd company is located in the Toledo district and is recognized as the number one
producer of Dolomite. Dolomite is classified as a common forming mineral; therefore, the
chemical structure is composed of calcium, magnesium, and carbonate with a composition
of Ca Mg (CO₂). It is primarily used in the banana farms, citrus orchard, shrimp industry,
coconut and cacao farming to adjust the pH acidic condition of the soil.
Table 4-7 2.A. Mineral Industry: activity data for lime and dolomite production (tonnes)
2.A.2 Lime Lime NE NE NE 5000.00 6000.00 3000.00 233.72 301.72 244.72 333.21 540.75 283.00 283.00 283.00
Dolomite NE NE NE NE NE NE 1841 1035 484.2 2540.5 3209 NE NE NE
Note: 2020-2022 is the average lime production for the years 2018-2022
Source: Department of Environment (St. Margaretville Lime Producers and The Belize Minerals Ltd)
A Tier 1 approach was used following the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse
Gas Inventories, Volume 3: Industrial Processes and Product Use. The Tier 1 method is an
output-based method and applies an emission factor (shown in Table 4-8 below) to the total
quantity of lime and dolomite produced.
Table 4-8 2.A. Mineral Industry: emission factors applied by Lime and Dolomite production1.A.1 Energy Industries:
emission factors applied by GHG source (fuel type)
Activity Mineral Emission Factor
Source [tonnes CO2 per
2.A.2 Lime Lime 0.75
Production Dolomite 0.77
Source: 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Volume 3: Industrial Processes and Product Use
Pg.2.22, Table 2.4
Compliant with QA/QC plan and implementation as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.13.
Refer to the planned improvements by sector in the national inventory improvement plan.
The Non-energy products from fuels and solvents category is comprised of Lubricant use and
Asphalt. Belize imports asphalt from regional countries as it is mainly produced in petroleum
refineries. Asphalt is commonly referred to as bitumen, the production and use of asphalt
results mainly in emissions of CO₂, SO₂ and particulate matter. While the remaining
hydrocarbons are stored in the product, less than one percent of carbon is emitted.
In 2022, emissions from the Non-Energy Products from Fuels and Solvent Use category were
0.669 kt CO₂ eq, a significant increase from 0.545 kt CO₂ eq in 2021. This category
experienced a gradual rise in emissions over time, with the first notable emissions recorded
in 2003 at 0.014 kt CO₂ eq. The rise in emissions is mainly attributed to Lubricant Use, which
accounted for the entire emissions in recent years. In 2022, lubricant use emissions totaled
0.669 kt CO₂ eq, representing the full contribution from this subcategory.
The variation between the base year (1994) and the latest inventory year (2022) demonstrates
the gradual expansion of this subcategory’s emissions, which began to rise more significantly
after 2003, as lubricant importation for automotive became more commonly used. The
absence of emissions in the early years (1994-2000) and the minimal emissions recorded in
2003 reflect limited industrial activities in this area at the time. The increase over time is
linked to the growth the data gaps in the time series especially for Asphalt consumption.
Table 4-9 Non-energy products from fuels and solvent use: total GHG emissions by category (kt CO2 eq)
Code Subcategory 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Non-energy products from NE NE NE NE NE
2.D. 0.01439 1.35 1.40 1.37 0. 1.69 0.44469 0.54522 0.66933
fuels and solvent use
2.D.1. Lubricant use 1.35 1.40 1.37 0. 1.69 0.44469 0.54522 0.66933
2.D.4. Other (please specify) 0.01439
Lubricant data represents all automotive lubricants that was imported into the country
obtained through the Statistical Institute of Belize (SIB) during the period 2018-2022.
The Belize Custom Department provided the data on the numerical figures of asphalt
importation into the country of Belize during the period 2018-2022. Asphalt importation can
be attributed to the infrastructure sector (road paving).
Table 4-10 2.D Non-energy products: activity data from lubricant and asphalt consumption (TJ)
91 Emission factors applied in the category
A Tier 1 approach was used as there are no country-specific statistics available on the fates
and composition of lubricants. The Tier 1 method relies on applying one default ODU factor
to total lubricant consumption activity data. Only CO2 emissions are applicable in this
activity source.
The production and use of asphalt results mainly in emissions of CO₂, SO₂ and particulate
.Table 4-11 2.D Non-energy products: emission factors applied from lubricant and asphalt consumption
Activity Activity Carbon content of lubricant Oxidized During Use (ODU) factor
Source Type (tonne C/TJ)
2.D.1 Lubricant 20 0.2
2.D.3 Other Asphalt 0.001 NA
Source: 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Volume 3: Industrial Processes and
Product Use Chapter 5
Compliant with QA/QC plan and implementation as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.13.
Refer to the planned improvements by sector in the national inventory improvement plan.
4.5.8 Category QA/QC
Compliant with QA/QC plan and implementation as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.13.
Refer to the planned improvements by sector in the national inventory improvement plan.
The Product uses as substitutes for ODS category, as defined by the 2006 IPCC Guidelines,
refers to the use of certain chemicals or products as replacements for substances that deplete
the ozone layer. This category specifically addresses the use of substances such as
hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and other chemicals that were
introduced as substitutes for ODS like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and halons in various
applications, particularly in refrigeration and air conditioning. In Belize, only HFCs are
relevant to emissions. This subcategory includes emissions from Refrigeration and air
conditioning, Refrigeration and Stationery Air Conditioning and Mobile Air Conditioning.
In 2022, the Product uses as substitutes for ozone-depleting substances (ODS) category,
particularly in refrigeration and air conditioning, accounted for 197.56 kt CO₂ eq in
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which was a significant increase from 8.71 kt CO₂ eq in
1994. Refrigeration and Stationary Air Conditioning accounted for 171.23 kt CO₂ eq, while
Mobile Air Conditioning contributed 26.34 kt CO₂ eq in 2022.
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (2.F.1) was the primary emitter within the category,
accounting for 100% of the emissions in 2022, with Stationary Air Conditioning and Mobile
Air Conditioning contributing 86.7% and 13.3%, respectively. Over the past decade,
emissions from refrigeration and air conditioning have consistently risen, with significant
growth between 2009.
Table 4-12 Product uses as ODS total GHG emissions by subcategory (kt CO2 eq)
Code Subcategory 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Product uses as substitutes for
2.F. 8.71
ODS 17.77 23.71 27.75 30.62 47.61 36.71 39.59 50.68 58.69 68.00 68.23 197.30 197.56
Refrigeration and air
2.F.1. 8.71
conditioning 17.77 23.71 27.75 30.62 47.61 36.71 39.59 50.68 58.69 68.00 68.23 197.30 197.56
Refrigeration and Stationary
2.F.1.a. 5.37
Air Conditioning 10.97 14.63 17.13 18.90 29.39 22.66 22.52 30.38 36.98 44.98 44.02 171.98 171.23
2.F.1.b. Mobile Air Conditioning 3.33 6.80 9.07 25.32 26.34
10.62 11.72 18.22 14.05 17.07 20.29 21.71 23.02 24.22
13% 13%
kt CO2 eq
87% 87%
50 35% 34%
38% 38% 40% 37%
38% 38% 43%
38% 38% 38% 62% 62% 57% 60% 63% 66% 65%
0 62%62% 62% 62% 62%
1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Belize, classified as a Party operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Protocol, acceded
to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer on January 17, 2008.
The country also joined the London and Copenhagen Amendments on January 9, 1998, and
the Montreal and Beijing Amendments on January 17, 2008. Since 2010, Belize has
implemented the Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFC) Phase-out Management Plan (HPMP)
alongside an HCFC Quota System. As part of Stage I of the HPMP, Belize is committed to
phasing out 67.5% of HCFCs by 2025 in the refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC)
servicing sector. To date, the country has successfully achieved its 2020 target of a 35%
reduction in HCFC consumption, measured against a baseline of 2.80 ODP tonnes (50.9
metric tonnes), and is on track to meet the 2025 target.
In light of the anticipated increase in the use of Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and related
technologies, Belize has proactively taken steps to address HFC emissions. The country has
received approval to initiate activities to facilitate ratification of the Kigali Amendment to
the Montreal Protocol, which includes revising its licensing system and implementing
capacity-building and demonstration projects for adopting alternatives to
HFCs. Additionally, in 2022, R-141b was banned, meaning it is no longer imported or
assigned a quota. This ban contributes to the steady decrease in the total amount of
refrigerants being imported. Furthermore, there is a scheduled phase-out for R-22, set to
continue until 2040.
Figure 4-5 Annual ozone depleting substances (ODS) Consumption of HCFC (Quota System) for 2016-2024
Table 4-13 Annual ozone depleting substances (ODS) Phase-Out Schedule and consumption 2020-2040
67.5 % Phase out schedule 100% Phase out Schedule consumption
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030-2040
Metric Tonnes
R-22 32.2978 29.003 25.7082 22.41346 19.119 15.8239 13.5291 11.2343 8.93956 6.6448 1.27
R-141b 0.6 0.545 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
In Figure 4-5 Annual ozone depleting substances (ODS) Consumption of HCFC (Quota
System) for 2016-2024 , the diagram demonstrates the annual ODS consumption of HCFC
(Quota System) from 2020-2040. There was a drastic decrease in importation of HCFCs for
the year 2019, due to the importation Quota which is reduced every year as a method to phase
out the ozone depleting substances and should be phased out by 2040.
air conditioning (RAC) servicing sector. To date, the country has successfully achieved its
2020 target of a 35% reduction in HCFC consumption, measured against a baseline of 2.80
ODP tonnes (50.9 metric tonnes), and is on track to meet the 2025 target.
In light of the anticipated increase in the use of Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and related
technologies, Belize has proactively taken steps to address HFC emissions. The country has
received approval to initiate activities to facilitate ratification of the Kigali Amendment to
the Montreal Protocol, which includes revising its licensing system and implementing
capacity-building and demonstration projects for adopting alternatives to HFCs.
Table 4-14 2.F Product Uses as Substitutes for ODS: activity data by refrigerant imported (tonnes)
HFC-422B NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 0.02273 0 0
HFC-134a is the refrigerant with the most activity data, more than likely because of its use
in many common applications relevant to Belize. It is the only refrigerant included in
emission calculation. While Belize has many other HFCs included in the list above, emission
factors are not yet identified as they are also newer in the market.
Figure 4-6 Annual consumption of ODS alternatives with open license for the year 2020 - 2022
A Tier 1 a/b approach was used following the 2006 IPCC Guidelines which includes the
default factors in Table 4-33. Belize uses HFC-134a for its emission calculations and this gas
was first introduced in 1993. Tier 1 a/b uses a back-count method from the current year to
the introduction year. It is assumed that the total new agents to domestic market are all from
imports, with 0 exports and production. It is also assumed that the growth rate of new
equipment is 1%. Any banks included in the emission calculation was done within the IPCC
software using imports data and defaults below.
Table 4-15 2.F Product Uses as Substitutes for ODS: emission factors applied by refrigerant gas
Compliant with QA/QC plan and implementation as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.13.
Refer to the planned improvements by sector in the national inventory improvement plan.
Compliant with QA/QC plan and implementation as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.13.
4.6.10 Planned improvements for the category
Refer to the planned improvements by sector in the national inventory improvement plan.
The Food and Beverages Industry category, as defined by the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for
National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, refers to the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs)
associated with the production, processing, and preservation of food and beverages. In
Belize, this category includes alcohol and beer production, along with some emissions from
In 2022, emissions from the Food and Beverage Industry subcategory, totaled 0.6327 kt CO₂
eq. Emission data starts in 2003 with 0.1825 kt CO₂ eq, has since fluctuated with the highest
emission at 1.55 kt CO₂ eq in 2017.
Table 4-16 total GHG emissions for Other: Food and Beverage Industry (kt CO2 eq)
Code Subcategory 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Other (please NE NE NE
2.H. 0.1825 0.97846 0.90495 1.09 1.53 1.55 0.00177 1.36 0.38265 0.51358 0.63266
Food and NE NE NE
2.H.2. Beverage 0.1825 0.97846 0.90495 1.09 1.53 1.55 0.00177 1.36 0.38265 0.51358 0.63266
4.7.2 Methodological issues of the subcategory
Table 4-17 2H2 Food and beverages industry: activity data from Durum Wheat Imports, Alcohol and Beer Production
2.H.2. Durum NE NE NE 8.57 9.15 8.30 12.58 17.57 17.66 17.76 15.59 NE NE NE
Food and Wheat
beverages Imported
industry (Gg)
Alcohol NE NE NE 500.00 500.00 500.00 NE NE 970.82 1176.48 128.12 761.26 1035.16 1049.16
Beer NE NE NE 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 NE NE 1.53 1.61 180.23 106065.27 142300.36 176264.20
Source: Statistics of Belize, Belize Customs Department
Alcoholic Beverages, CO2 and NMVOCs are produced during the processing of
fermentation. The activity rate is the total annual production. The emission factor used for
spirits (unspecified) is 15, given the limitation of emission factors published in the guidelines
which did not provide none for spirits made from sugar cane a high emission factor is used
with a high degree of uncertainty affecting emissions reported (2006 IPCC Guidelines for
National Greenhouse Gas Inventories).
Table 4-18 2H2 Food and beverages industry: emission factors applied by activity source
Compliant with QA/QC plan and implementation as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.13.
4.7.5 Subcategory recalculations
Refer to the planned improvements by sector in the national inventory improvement plan.
Compliant with QA/QC plan and implementation as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.13.
Refer to the planned improvements by sector in the national inventory improvement plan.
5 Chapter 5 AGRICULTURE (CRT 3)
The agriculture sector also employs approximately 12,000 farmers. It comprises large-scale
commercial production for both domestic and international consumption and traditional
small-scale production for local consumption. Agricultural land (croplands and pastures)
occupies 7.5% of Belize's land area, with approximately 38,800 hectares planted with
sugarcane, 19,400 hectares with citrus, and 19,600 hectares with corn. Additionally, 142,000
hectares of pastures are grazed by approximately 135,400 head of cattle. Seventy-four
percent of farms in Belize are less than 20 hectares in size, with farming heavily concentrated
in the Toledo, Orange Walk, and Corozal districts (Ministry of Agriculture, Belize, 2023).
5.2 Trend in the sector's GHG
In the latest inventory year of 2022, the agriculture sector's total greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions amounted to 335.93 kt CO2 eq (see Table 5-1). This sector contributes 12% to the
national total emissions for 2022. Over time, from 1994 to 2022, the agriculture sector's
emissions have increased significantly rising from 123.15 kt CO2 eq to 335.93 kt CO2 eq,
almost doubling in 28 years (see Table 5-2 and Figure 5-3).
The key drivers of these emissions in 2022 were primarily enteric fermentation, which was
the largest contributor at 287.74 kt CO2 eq, followed by manure management at 16.26 kt
CO2 eq, and agricultural soils at 19.19 kt CO2 eq. Enteric fermentation accounted for 85.65%
of the sector's emissions, manure management for 4.84%, agricultural soils for 5.71%, rice
cultivation for 2.32%, and urea application for 1.44%, with liming contributing a minimal
0.04% (see Figure 5-2below).
3.B. Manure
3.A. Enteric
Throughout the years, there have been significant interannual variations and fluctuations,
particularly in enteric fermentation, with notable increases in 2006, 2009, and 2017. Manure
management also showed fluctuations in 2009 and 2012, while agricultural soils saw
significant increases in 2012 and 2017. These variations are primarily driven by changes in
livestock populations, agricultural practices, and management techniques over the years.
Table 5-1 Agriculture sector: emissions by GHG, category and subcategory (kt) for 2022
3.A.4.a. Buffalo NE
3.A.4.b. Camels NO
3.A.4.c. Deer NO
3.A.4.g. Poultry NO
3.A.4.h. Other
3.B.4.a. Buffalo NE
3.B.4.b. Camels
3.B.4.c. Deer
3.B.4.h. Other NO NO
3.C.1. Irrigated 0
3.C.2. Rain-fed 0
3.C.3. Deep water 0
3.F.1. Wheat 0
3.F.2. Pulses 0
3.G.1. Limestone 0
3.G.2. Dolomite 0
Note: Use the following notation keys where numerical data are not available: NA = not applicable; NE = not estimated;
NO = not occurring; IE = included elsewhere; C = confidential.
Table 5-2 Agriculture sector: total GHG emissions by category (kt CO2 eq)
Code Category 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
3.A. Enteric fermentation 91.52 63.85 88.58 96.48 126.17 156.40 162.97 171.24 216.86 254.64 274.82 274.82 270.88 287.74
3.B. Manure management 10.80 3.62 11.23 4.52 6.05 6.88 17.84 19.85 28.34 13.46 14.76 14.76 20.02 22.65
3.C. Rice cultivation 1.20 3.10 3.01 6.76 5.19 8.54 5.20 5.57 7.39 5.86 8.29 8.29 7.00 7.79
3.D. Agricultural soils 7.71 1.99 6.98 2.22 2.69 3.00 10.75 12.17 20.55 1.72 11.31 11.31 11.97 12.80
3.G. Liming 2.55 3.67 4.39 5.31 4.90 4.25 0.94 1.02 0.12 1.36 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12
3.H. Urea application 9.37 1.40 1.26 15.18 2.10 4.30 4.47 12.92 0.46 0.02 0.10 0.10 0.46 4.82
3 Total Agriculture 123.15 77.64 115.47 130.46 147.10 183.36 202.16 222.76 273.72 277.06 309.40 309.40 310.46 335.93
kt CO2 eq
2006 126.17
2003 96.48
1994 91.52
2000 88.58
1997 63.85
3.A. Enteric fermentation 3.B. Manure management
3.C. Rice cultivation 3.D. Agricultural soils
3.G. Liming 3.H. Urea application
3 Total Agriculture
Figure 5-3 Agriculture sector: total GHG emissions by category or subcategory (kt CO2 eq), 1994-2022
In terms of emissions by gas (table 5-3) in agriculture sector, the emissions are primarily
methane (CH4), accounting for 92.34% of agriculture sector emissions. These are driven by
a steadily growing livestock sector, for both domestic and exportation. These methane
emissions result from enteric fermentation in livestock and manure management practices.
Table 5-3 Agriculture sector: emissions by GHG (kt CO2 eq)
GHG 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
CO2 11.92 5.08 5.65 20.49 6.99 8.54 5.41 13.93 0.58 1.38 0.23 0.23 0.58 4.95
CH4 99.26 70.10 98.02 107.00 135.94 170.24 178.40 188.09 239.84 273.83 296.50 296.50 290.46 310.21
N2O 11.98 2.47 11.79 2.98 4.16 4.57 18.35 20.74 33.30 1.84 12.67 12.67 19.41 20.77
Total 123.15 77.64 115.47 130.46 147.10 183.36 202.16 222.76 273.72 277.06 309.40 309.40 310.46 335.93
The table below presents the methods and emission factors used for the Agriculture sector.
This inventory uses Tier 1 methods with default values for the agriculture emissions. Belize
has not yet produced country specific information for most of the categories.
Table 5-4 Activity Data sources and Methodologies for the Agriculture sector
Source Category Activity Source Data Type Data Source CO2 CH4 N2O
3.A.1. Cattle Annual average National Census T1 D T1 D
heads of livestock
3.A.2. Sheep T1 D T1 D
3AEnteric fermentation 3.A.3. Swine
3.A.4. Other
3.B.1. Cattle Manure Ministry of T1 D T1 D
Management Agriculture
3.B.2. Sheep T1 D T1 D
3BManure System (MMS)
management 3.B.3. Swine and % Livestock T1 D T1 D
handled with MMS
3.B.4. Other T1 D T1 D
3.C.Rice cultivation 3.C.1. Irrigated Annual harvested Ministry of T1 D T1 D
3.C.2. Rain-fed T1 D T1 D
3.C.4. Other T1 D T1 D
T1 D
3.D. Agricultural soils
5.4 Enteric fermentation (CRT 3.A)
In the context of Belize, enteric fermentation emissions are primarily driven by cattle, with dairy
and non-dairy cattle being the main contributors. Other livestock such as sheep, swine, and horses
also contribute to enteric fermentation emissions but to a lesser extent.
In the latest inventory year (2022), enteric fermentation emissions were recorded at 287.74 kt CO2
eq (Table 5-5). This category contributed significantly to the sector's total emissions, accounting
for approximately 85.65% agriculture sector emissions.
Table 5-5Agriculture total GHG emissions by animal subcategory 1994 – 2022 (kt CO2 eq)
Code Category 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
3.A. Enteric fermentation 91.52 63.85 88.58 96.48 126.17 156.40 162.97 171.24 216.86 254.64 274.82 274.82 270.88 287.74
3.A.1. Cattle 83.91 58.85 83.29 92.22 121.59 150.71 156.49 164.20 209.99 248.95 269.06 269.06 264.56 281.02
3.A.1.a. Dairy cattle 3.79 5.12 4.76 7.16 15.58 7.82 7.82 7.40 12.22 3.80 4.59 4.59 4.45 4.45
3.A.1.b. Non-dairy cattle 80.12 53.73 78.54 85.06 106.01 142.89 148.67 156.80 197.77 245.14 264.47 264.47 260.12 276.58
3.A.2. Sheep 0.38 0.35 0.42 0.88 1.09 1.82 2.03 2.13 1.60 1.64 1.86 1.86 2.43 2.45
3.A.3. Swine 0.68 0.65 0.50 0.59 0.41 0.48 0.64 0.73 0.91 0.80 0.63 0.63 0.61 0.96
3.A.4. Other livestock 6.55 3.99 4.37 2.79 3.09 3.40 3.81 4.18 4.35 3.25 3.27 3.27 3.28 3.31
3.A.4.a. Buffalo 3.03 0.23 0.35 0.09 0.12 0.14 0.37 0.59 0.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3.A.4.d. Goats 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.03 0.26 0.20 0.20 0.18 0.18
3.A.4.e. Horses 2.28 2.51 2.76 2.47 2.72 2.99 3.14 3.26 3.33 2.99 3.08 3.08 3.10 3.13
3.A.4.f. Mules and asses 1.23 1.23 1.23 0.14 0.15 0.17 0.19 0.22 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3.A.4.g. Poultry 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5.4.2 Methodological issues of the category
Table 5-6 3A Enteric Fermentation: activity data by annual average population of different livestock
3.A.2 Sheep 2688 2525 3000 6265 7770 1301 1450 15200 11434 11696 11834 13293 17323 17535
Sheep 8 0
3.A.3 Swine 2422 23248 1800 2122 1453 1703 2280 25992 32674 28706 29361 22346 21654 22745
Swine 4 0 4 3 8 0
3.A.4 Buffalo 1970 150 230 60 75 89 239 383 479 NE NE NE NE NE
ock Goats 32 130 140 620 720 750 820 780 244 1823 2179 1421 1294 1254
Horses 4527 4980 5478 4902 5392 5931 6227 6476 6605 5942 6042 6103 6157 6211
Mules and 4400 4400 4400 490 540 595 684 786 903 NE NE NE NE NE
Poultry 5516 47892 6275 8698 1855 1984 9960 11221 16726 12932 12201 12201 13092 14033
766 6 322 57 606 358 934 957 274 381 814 814 275 455
5.4.3 Description of any flexibility applied to the category
Refer to the Flexibilities applied section in Chapter 1, section 1.17.
Compliant with QA/QC plan and implementation as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.13.
CH4 and N2O emissions result from the management of livestock manure in different manure
management systems.
The animal waste management system most common in Belize is the open range and paddock
systems where the nitrogen from animal waste is considered as fertilizer. Most of the livestock
herds are reared on natural range except for dairy cattle, some feedlots and poultry.
Some dairy farmers and beef feedlot farmers would apply manure directly to the fields. In poultry,
manure management is based on the use of litter which is left in ambient temperature and used
after a couple of months. This is also used as soil amendment in the rural areas such as Springfield
and Barton Creek where the Mennonite farmers produce vegetables. However, poultry manure
cannot be applied immediately to plants due to its high Nitrogen content that “burns” the plant.
Poultry manure needs to be aged or composted before use.
In the context of Belize, manure management emissions, the second largest contributor to the
agriculture sector after enteric fermentation, are primarily driven by cattle, with dairy and non-
dairy cattle being the main contributors. Other livestock such as sheep, swine, and horses also
contribute to manure management emissions but to a lesser extent (Table 5-8).
Table 5-8 3.B Manure Management: total GHG emissions by animal subcategory 1994 – 2022 (kt CO2 eq)
Code Category 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
3.B. Manure management 7.36 3.22 7.37 3.89 4.86 5.60 11.73 12.97 18.11 13.33 14.76 14.76 14.05 16.26
3.B.1. Cattle 1.54 1.10 1.53 1.72 2.33 2.77 2.87 3.01 3.87 4.48 4.85 4.85 4.77 5.06
3.B.1.a. Dairy cattle 0.11 0.14 0.13 0.20 0.43 0.22 0.22 0.21 0.34 0.11 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.12
3.B.1.b. Non-dairy cattle 1.43 0.96 1.40 1.52 1.89 2.55 2.65 2.80 3.53 4.38 4.72 4.72 4.64 4.94
3.B.2. Sheep 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.06 0.00 0.07 0.07 0.10 0.10
3.B.3. Swine 1.36 1.30 1.01 1.19 0.81 0.95 1.28 1.46 1.83 1.61 1.25 1.25 0.00 1.27
3.B.4. Other livestock 4.46 0.80 4.81 0.95 1.68 1.80 7.50 8.42 12.35 7.24 8.58 8.58 9.19 9.82
3.B.4.a. Buffalo 0.11 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3.B.4.d. Goats 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
3.B.4.e. Horses 0.28 0.31 0.34 0.30 0.33 0.36 0.38 0.40 0.41 0.00 0.37 0.37 0.38 0.38
3.B.4.f. Mules and asses 0.15 0.15 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3.B.4.g. Poultry 3.92 0.34 4.46 0.62 1.32 1.41 7.08 7.97 11.88 7.24 8.20 8.20 8.80 9.43
3.B.4.h. Other 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
The animal waste management system most common in Belize is the open range and paddock
systems where the nitrogen from animal waste is considered as fertilizer. Most of the livestock
herds are reared on natural range except for dairy cattle, some feedlots and poultry.
Some dairy farmers and beef feedlot farmers would apply manure directly to the fields. In poultry,
manure management is based on the use of litter which is left in ambient temperature and used
after a couple of months.
Table 5-9 3B Manure Management: activity data and emission factors for MMS in Livestock
Compliant with QA/QC plan and implementation as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.13.
5.6 Rice cultivation (CRT 3.C)
Rice production is grown under three systems in Belize, namely: Milpa or upland rice, mechanized
and irrigated. Mechanized rice production uses farming equipment but is rain-fed instead of being
irrigated mechanically. In flood irrigation between 15-30 cm of water is applied to the field and
only one crop harvested per annum.
In the latest inventory year (2022), rice cultivation emissions were recorded at 7.79 kt CO2 eq (see
Table 5-10). This category contributed approximately 2.32% to the sector's total emissions. The
key drivers of rice cultivation emissions in the latest inventory year include irrigated rice, which
makes up the majority of hectares of rice cultivated in Belize (see activity data Table 5-11).
From 1994 to the latest inventory year (2022), rice cultivation emissions increased slowly but
Table 5-10 3.C Rice cultivation total GHG emissions by subcategory (kt CO2 eq)
Code Category 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
3.C. Rice cultivation 1.20425 3.10295 3.01396 6.76373 5.1896 8.53944 5.19792 5.5692 7.38847 5.86294 8.28643 8.28643 7.00384 7.78832
Rice production is grown under three systems in Belize, namely: Milpa, mechanized
(upland) and irrigated. Milpa refers to production using the traditional Mayan agricultural
production system of slash and burn. Mechanized production is rice production using machinery
to prepare the fields. However, it is totally rain-fed and not irrigated. Flood irrigation is only
between 15-30 cm of water and only one crop harvested per annum.
The data for the production of rice described in Table 5-11 was obtained from the Ministry of
Milpa and mechanized rice production is totally rain-fed, however, in Toledo the rainfall is such
that the rice is flooded for most of the growing season. Generally, the crop is produced within 125
days. It must be noted that due to policy decisions, rice is being grown under irrigation and upland
conditions while the milpa farmers are being displaced and disappearing with the decision of the
closure of the Big Falls mill in Toledo. Traditionally, the Ministry of Agriculture, through the
Belize Marketing and Development
Corporation supported the Toledo producers, but this is no longer in place.
Table 5-11 3C Rice cultivation: activity data by annual harvested (ha)
Activity Year
Source 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
3.C.1 NE NE 3624 NE NE 4600 2800 3000 3980 2294.73 2099.08 2628.37 2187.2 2450.15
3.C.2 1448 3731 NE 4533 2912 NE NE NE NE 375.18 202.34 178.06 273.16 239.58
3.C.4 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 48.16 114.14 273.16 182.93 215.35
Source: Ministry of Agriculture
Compliant with QA/QC plan and implementation as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.13.
5.6.7 Planned improvements for the category
Refer to the planned improvements by sector in the national inventory improvement plan.
Emissions from agricultural soils primarily arise from the application of synthetic and organic
fertilizers, crop residues, and the cultivation of nitrogen-fixing crops, which lead to the release of
nitrous oxide (N2O). Direct N2O emissions occur with N additions to agricultural soils.
Nitrification oxidizes ammonium to nitrate, and denitrification reduces nitrate to nitrogen gas,
releasing N2O as one of the intermediates during denitrification.
Indirect N2O emissions result when N added to the soils also undergo volatilization, leaching and
In Belize, agricultural soils contribute a small degree to the country's overall GHG emissions
profile, with both direct and indirect N2O emissions being relevant subcategories. In the latest
inventory year (2022), emissions from agricultural soils were recorded at 12.80 kt CO2 eq. This
category contributed approximately 3.81% to the agriculture sector's total emissions. The key
drivers of emissions from agricultural soils in the latest inventory year include the quantity of
fertilizers applied. In general, more data on synthetic fertilizers, their composition, and exact
quantities applied to soils each year is required.
Table 5-13 3.D. Agricultural soils total GHG emissions by subcategory (kt CO2 eq)
Code Category 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
3.D. Agricultural soils 7.71384 1.99184 6.9842 2.21717 2.69407 2.99508 10.7457 12.166208 20.5536 1.71598 11.306 11.306 11.9696 12.7977
3.D.1. Direct N2O 5.41322 1.62599 5.70139 1.80993 2.19924 2.44496 8.7687 9.9315982 14.4334 1.4008 7.93404 7.93404 8.3997 8.98081
emissions from
agricultural soils
3.D.2. Indirect N2O 2.30062 0.36585 1.28281 0.40723 0.49483 0.55012 1.97695 2.2346096 6.12019 0.31518 3.37197 3.37197 3.56987 3.81685
emissions from
agricultural soils
Direct and indirect N2O emissions from managed soils were estimated using Tier 1 methodology.
Agriculture data report their production volumes annually. The application quantities in kg of
inorganic nitrogen fertilizers, including urea are available (activity data for Urea in section 5.10.2).
the actual N content of each synthetic fertilizer used in country is not clear, so this data was not
included and remains an ongoing area of improvement.
Table 5-14 Emission factors for direct N2O emissions from synthetic fertilizer and urine and dung on grazed soils
Anthropogenic N
input Emission factor for N2O Emission factor for N2O
type emissions from urine and dung N emissions from N inputs
deposited on pasture, range and
paddock by grazing animals [kg N2O-N (kg N input)-1]
[kg N2O-N (kg N input)-1]
Cattle, Poultry and Pigs, 0.02 -
and Sheep
Sheep and Other Animals 0.01 -
Synthetic Fertilizers 0.01 0.01
Source IPCC 2006 GL, Vol 4, Chapt 11, Table 11.1
Table 5-15 Emission factors for indirect N2O emissions on managed soils
Fraction of all N Emission factor for Fraction of applied Emission factor for
additions to managed N2O emission from N organic N fertilizer N2O emission from
soils that is lost leaching and runoff materials (FON) and of atmospheric
through leaching and urine and dung N deposition of N on soils
runoff deposited by grazing and water surfaces
animals (FPRP) that
[kg N (kg of N [kg N2O-N (kg N (kg NH3-N + NOx-N) (kg N2O-N) (kg NH3-N
additions)-1] leaching and runoff)-1] (kg of N applied or + NOx-N volatilized)-1
0.3 0.0075 0.2 0.01
Source IPCC 2006 GL, Vol 4, Chapt 11, Table 11.3
Table 5-16 Emission factors for indirect N2O emissions on managed soils
Fraction of all N Emission factor for Fraction of applied Emission factor for
additions to managed N2O emission from N organic N fertilizer N2O emission from
soils that is lost leaching and runoff materials (FON) and of atmospheric
through leaching and urine and dung N deposition of N on soils
runoff deposited by grazing and water surfaces
animals (FPRP) that
[kg N (kg of N [kg N2O-N (kg N (kg NH3-N + NOx-N) (kg N2O-N) (kg NH3-N
additions)-1] leaching and runoff)-1] (kg of N applied or + NOx-N volatilized)-1
0.3 0.0075 0.2 0.01
Source IPCC 2006 GL, Vol 4, Chapt 11, Table 11.3
Compliant with QA/QC plan and implementation as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.13.
5.7.7 Planned improvements for the category
Refer to the planned improvements by sector in the national inventory improvement plan.
Liming is a subcategory within the agriculture sector that involves the application of lime (calcium
carbonate or calcium magnesium carbonate) to soils to reduce acidity and improve soil health.
According to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, liming results
in the release of carbon dioxide (CO2) as the lime reacts with soil acids. In Belize, liming is
practiced to enhance soil fertility and crop productivity
In the latest inventory year (2022), emissions from liming were recorded at 0.12 kt CO2 eq. This
category contributed approximately 0.04% to the sector's total emissions.
The percentage contribution of liming to the sector's total emissions has varied over time. In 1994,
liming emissions were 2.55 kt CO2 eq., contributing about 2.07% to the total agricultural
emissions (see Table 5-17). By 2022, the emissions had decreased to 0.12 kt CO2 eq., reflecting
a significant reduction in the contribution percentage to 0.04%. This decrease in emissions is
linked to the production of lime in the country for both agricultural and some industrial uses. More
information is required to understand the exact quantities applied to soil versus other small scale
industrial purposes.
Table 5-17 3.G Liming: total GHG emissions by subcategory (kt CO2 eq)
Code Category 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
3.G. Liming 2.55 3.67 4.39 5.31 4.90 4.25 0.94 1.02 0.12 1.36 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12
3 Total 123.15 77.64 115.47 130.46 147.10 183.36 202.16 222.76 273.72 277.06 309.40 309.40 310.46 335.93
Liming is a practice conducted in the citrus and banana industries to reduce the acidity of the soils
in southern Belize. Currently liming is done using either limestone or dolomite. Additionally,
dolomite is also used in aquaculture applications.
Table 5-18 3G Liming: activity data by GHG source (tonnes/yr)
Activity Year
1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
3.G.1. 372.00 3371.00 5224.00 5224.00 5224.00 5224.00 143.00 211.00 154.00 333.21 540.75 282.88 282.88 282.88
3.G.2. 5000.00 4592.00 4383.00 6319.00 5448.00 4086.00 1841.00 1935.50 484.20 2540.50 3209.00 NO NO NO
Compliant with QA/QC plan and implementation as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.13.
5.9 Urea application (CRT 3.H)
Urea application refers to the use of urea as a nitrogen fertilizer, which releases carbon dioxide
(CO2) when it hydrolyzes in the soil. In the context of Belize, urea application emissions are driven
by agricultural practices and the extent of urea usage as a fertilizer.
In the latest inventory year (2022), urea application emissions were recorded at 4.82 kt CO2 eq.
This category contributed to the sector's total emissions, accounting for approximately 1.44% of
the total agriculture sector emissions. Overall, urea application emissions are decreasing, except
for 2022, which may signal farming preferences and changes in fertilizer usage.
Table 5-20 3.H Urea Application: total GHG emissions by subcategory (kt CO2 eq)
Category 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Urea 9.37 1.40 1.26 15.18 2.10 4.30 4.47 12.92 0.46 0.02 0.10 0.10 0.46 4.82
Total 123.15 77.64 115.47 130.46 147.10 183.36 202.16 222.76 273.72 277.06 309.40 309.40 310.46 335.93
5.9.2 Methodological issues of the category
Activity Year
1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
3.H Urea 12774.94 1914.85 1723.37 20694.00 2861.00 5858.00 6095.85 17614.87 16811.64 32.59 924.02 140.60 625.62 6576.68
Compliant with QA/QC plan and implementation as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.13.
Belize also has the highest forest cover in both Central America and the Caribbean, including the
largest intact blocks of forests in Central America, namely the Selva Maya and the Maya Mountain
As part of its reporting commitments, the country reports on greenhouse gas emissions and
removals from all sectors, including the Forestry and Other Land Use (FOLU) sector as part of its
reporting commitments to the UNFCCC. The Forest Department (FD), as the LULUCF sector
lead, is responsible for the associated measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) of national
emissions and removals from activities within this sector. The Department, as part of the broader
Ministry of Sustainable Development and Climate Change, is the country’s regulatory agency that
aims to sustainably manage forest resources for long-term benefits
Protected Areas
Forest conservation has, historically, been a major priority for Belize. This is evidenced by the
country’s extensive protected areas system. The Protected Areas of Belize have evolved over the
last few decades from being considered primarily as a resource bank, typically for forestry, to
become a complex network of large and small “enclaves” having a diversity of purposes and under
a variety of management regimes, some more effective than others, reflecting changing
conservation attitudes, as has the scope and direction of the various agencies responsible for their
The country has 44% (1.22 million hectares) of its land and sea resources protected under a variety
of management structures: 769,093 ha of terrestrial reserves, 159,030 ha of marine reserves, and
a further 128,535 ha protected through 'officially recognized' private conservation initiatives.
Belize has 102 protected areas (PAs) representing 22.6% of its national territory (land and marine).
These include 19 Forest Reserves, 17 National Parks, 3 Nature Reserves, 7 Wildlife Sanctuaries,
5 Natural Monuments, 9 Archaeological Reserves, 8 Private Reserves, 8 Marines Reserves, 13
Spawning Sites, 6 Public Reserves, and 7 Bird sanctuaries (see figure 4). The terrestrial PAs cover
34.9% of the total land surface, while the marine reserves cover 10.6% of the country's marine
Over the past year, Belize's Protected Lands have expanded to include more areas under
conservation management, incorporating corridors, community sustainable logging, and private
estates. The National Protected Areas System officially records lands under statutory instruments,
while other areas are governed through management plans and co-management agreements. Figure
6-1 provides a visualization of these Protected Lands. Protected Areas in Belize include
archaeological reserves and “accepted” private reserves. As part of Belize’s protected areas
system, there are bird sanctuaries that are some of the oldest protected areas. Archaeological
Reserves include several Maya Sites managed by the National Institute of Culture and History
Extractive Reserves form a grouping of Forest Reserves and Marine Reserves. These management
categories were created for the management of extractive resources. This is the largest section of
Protected Areas Categories (50% of total protected area extension):
These forests also provide sustenance for much of the population. Recently, forests have been
under increasing pressure from land conversion and degradation activities. Belize’s biodiversity is
exposed to various direct anthropogenic and natural threats both within and outside of the
Protected Areas (PAs). Over the last five decades, the forest cover in Belize has steadily decreased
due in general, to the expansion of unsustainable economic activities, such as large-scale and slash-
and-burn agriculture, aquaculture, illegal logging, unsustainable logging, encroachment,
forest/bush fires and other uncontrolled conversions of forest to intense anthropogenic land and
extensive damages from climate climate-related hurricanes, and storms and pests. These include
the unregulated development of urban and coastal areas and the rising pollution from cruise ship
tourism leading to the degradation of mangroves and coral reefs and deforestation and
unsustainable extraction of non-timber forest products in hotspot areas.
Deforestation has been more severe along rivers. Increases in illegal transboundary incursions into
Belize forests and Protected Areas for farming, hunting, and harvesting non-timber forest products
present possibilities for increasing deforestation, affecting many of the 3,408 species of vascular
plants occurring in Belize and the animal populations that depend on them for food and shelter.
Loss of forests in deforestation hotspots, particularly in key watersheds, leads to loss of ecosystem
services: protection of water quality in adjacent watersheds, and reduction of nutrient flows that
are damaging to the reefs.
6.2 Trend in the sector's GHG
Table 6-1 shows the GHG sources and sinks in the LULUCF sector for the year 2022. The country
remains to be a net sink in 2022, removing -4980.62 kt CO2 eq.
Table 6-1 LULUCF sector: emissions and removals by GHG, category and subcategory (kt) for 2022
Code GHG source and sink categories Net CO2 CH4 N2O NOx CO NMVOC Total GHG
4 Land use, land-use change and forestry -5,020.4942 1.05 0.04 -5,023.47
4.A.1. Forest land remaining forest land -9418.163333 0.92 0.03 -9,385.3883
4.D. Wetlands NO
Memo items
When looking at trends from 1994 – 2022 in Table 6-2, the time series for LULUCF is incomplete
from 1994 – 1999 as a result of the methodology for acquiring activity data is limited to 2000 –
present (see information in Section 6.5 on Country specific methods). Due to time constraints the
completion of the time series from 1994 was not possible, however remains a priority.
The LULUCF sector has experienced significant fluctuations from 2000 to 2022, however marked
by substantial net removals throughout. Details on drivers are discussed at length in Section 6.6
on Forest Land.
Table 6-2 LULUCF sector: total net GHG by category (kt CO2 eq)
Code Category 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
4.A. Forest land 0.00 0.00 -10,914.02 -7,642.98 -9,293.09 -10,979.81 -10,112.82 -10,621.22 -10,228.70 -11,284.87 -7,953.13 -5,015.43 -10,228.70 -9638.85
4.B. Cropland 0.00 0.00 325.24 2,037.56 1,602.58 2,177.27 3,971.41 3,125.73 1,345.74 1,556.25 3,066.25 1,388.75 1,345.74 2120.42
4.C. Grassland 0.00 0.00 181.38 1,621.66 1,591.27 1,701.70 2,363.84 3,100.66 1,047.13 1,543.84 2,340.62 1,646.53 1,047.13 2029.04
4.D. Wetlands 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4.E. Settlements 0.00 0.00 0.00 207.06 539.59 225.89 184.51 395.81 718.37 346.16 546.09 212.59 718.37 508.76
4.F. Other land 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4.G. -16.40 -14.68 -39.18 -10.95 -0.26 6.18 1.62 -23.54 -51.57 -54.39 -66.39 -66.39 -51.57 -42.85
wood products
Other (please
4.H. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 -16.40 -14.68 -10,446.59 -3,787.65 -5,559.91 -6,868.78 -3,591.44 -4,022.56 -7,169.02 -7,893.01 -2,066.56 -1,833.94 -7,169.02 -5,023.48
tCO2 eq
Figure 6-2 Net Balance Removals [AGB, BGB, DOM, SOC] [CO2, CH4, N2O](tCO2 eq)
The graph above (see Figure 6-2) presents an analysis of greenhouse gas (GHG) removals across
all carbon pools—Above-Ground Biomass (AGB), Below-Ground Biomass (BGB), Dead Organic
Matter (DOM), and Soil Organic Carbon (SOC)—and gases, including CO₂, CH₄, and N₂O, as
recorded in the inventory from 2000 to 2022. The data reveals a sustained decline in GHG
removals, particularly from 2020 to 2022, primarily due to forest cover loss resulting from the
expansion of agricultural activities driven by increasing demand for agricultural commodities.
During this study period, GHG removals were recorded at -10,100,894.24 in (2020), -
10,046,403.15 in (2021), and -9,886,512.49 in (2022), with an average annual removal of -
10,011,269.96. This trend highlights the substantial impact of land-use changes on the ecosystem's
carbon sequestration capacity.
tCO2 eq
Figure 6-3 provides a comprehensive analysis of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across all
carbon pools—Above-Ground Biomass (AGB), Below Ground Biomass (BGB), Dead Organic
Matter (DOM), and Soil Organic Carbon (SOC)— as well as gases, including CO₂, CH₄, and N₂O,
based on inventory data from 2000 to 2022. Notably, on October 24, 2010, Hurricane Richard
made landfall in Belize, significantly impacting forest structure and increasing ground fuel loads.
This event was followed by a major fire outbreak in 2011, contributing to a pronounced spike in
emissions that year, as reflected in the graph.
For the study period, emissions were recorded at 5,671,313.32 tCO₂eq in 2020, 190,751.77 tCO₂eq
in 2021, and 400,391.91 tCO₂eq in 2022, resulting in an average emission of 2,087,485.67 tCO₂eq
from 2020 to 2022. This reduction in emissions is largely attributed to a decline in the frequency
and intensity of both anthropogenic and natural disturbances.
CH4, NO2 ]
tCO2 eq
-15,000,000 Year
Figure 6-4 Net Balance Emissions and Removals [AGB, BGB, DOM, SOC] [CO2, CH4, NO2] 2000-2022 (tCO2 eq)
The above graph (see Figure 6-4) shows Belize’s net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and
removals, covering all carbon pools—Above-Ground Biomass (AGB), Below-Ground Biomass
(BGB), Dead Organic Matter (DOM), and Soil Organic Carbon (SOC)—and key gases, including
CO₂, CH₄, and N₂O, over the inventory period from 2000 to 2020. The data indicates a variable
trend in GHG removals, highlighting fluctuations in carbon sequestration rates throughout this
Two notable deviations in this trend occurred in 2011 and 2016, primarily due to natural
disturbances. In 2011, Belize experienced a marked increase in emissions, totaling 10,457,484.37
tCO₂eq, attributed to a large-scale wildfire outbreak that significantly disrupted forest ecosystems
and increased carbon release. Similarly, in 2016, Hurricane Earl, a Category 1 storm, struck Belize
and generated emissions of 114,062.03 tCO₂eq by damaging forests, depleting biomass, and
increasing fuel loads on the forest floor. Together, these events contributed to a cumulative
emission increase of 10,571,546.41 tCO₂eq, as reflected in the graph, illustrating the substantial
impact of such natural disasters on Belize’s carbon balance.
These fluctuations underscore the dual impact of anthropogenic pressures and natural disturbances
on the country’s net emissions and removals. They further emphasize the critical need for adaptive
land management and proactive disaster preparedness strategies to preserve and enhance Belize’s
carbon sequestration potential amidst changing environmental conditions.
Emissions from Forestland converted to Other
Land uses (tCO2e)
tCO2 eq
Figure 6-5 shows greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across all carbon pools and other key gases as
discussed earlier. It illustrates emission levels resulting from the conversion of forestland to other
land use types. For the reporting years, there was a decrease from the constant increases in
emission from the years prior where the highest peak was seen in 2016, with emissions reported
at 5,890,224 tCO2 eq. In 2020, total GHG emissions from land conversions were 3,114,350 tCO2
eq. The primary contributors were forest to grassland conversion, responsible for 57%, followed
by forest to croplands, which emitted 43%. In 2021, emissions decreased to 2,855,184 tCO2 eq,
with forest to cropland now being the largest source, emitting 43% of the total emission for that
year. However, emissions from forest to grassland conversions decreased, representing 38% of the
total emission. For the year 2021, we also had notable emissions from forest land converted to
settlements, with a percentage of 17%. Emissions in 2022 totaled 4,468,533 tCO2 eq, marking an
increase from 2021. While forest to cropland conversion still led with 48%, forest to grassland
increased to 47% and forest to grassland decreased to 5%.
The national Greenhouse Gas (GHG) inventory comprehensively accounts for all carbon pools,
including above-ground biomass, belowground biomass, dead wood, litter, and soil carbon. It
encompasses emissions of carbon dioxide (CO₂), methane (CH₄), and nitrous oxide (N₂O)
associated with biomass burning. Emissions are reported in carbon dioxide equivalents (CO₂e)
using the 100-year global warming potentials (GWPs) from the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change’s (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report (AR5).
Table 6-3 Summary of relevant activity data, methods, and emission factors for LULUCF sector inventory.
Emission Factors
Belize’s methodological approach to emission factor development within the Forest and Other
Land Use (FOLU) sector is highly rigorous, following the IPCC methodological guidelines
utilizing systematic ground assessments and a tiered approach to ensure precise greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions and removals reporting. The establishment of the FORMNET-B Emission Factor
Database has been instrumental, as it calculates emission factors tailored to Belize's diverse
ecosystems, encompassing various forest types such as broadleaf, pine, and mangroves, as well as
non-forest areas like grasslands.
In the FOLU sector, Belize employs Tier 2, country-specific data, leveraging emission factors
derived from the FORMNET-B database, which provides estimates sensitive to national
conditions. Additionally, Belize's Measuring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) program applies
advanced Tier 3 modelling techniques, incorporating extensive field data collected through a
network of permanent sample plots and ground-based assessments. This advanced approach
enhances the precision of estimations by integrating detailed ecological and geographic data,
making it well-suited for accurate GHG accounting tailored to Belize’s unique environmental
Figure 6-6 1x1 km systematic grid design used within the Belize LUA app for collection of AD. Emission Factor
Activity Data
The information on Activity Data (AD) used was obtained from a land use and land-use change
assessment, which was conducted based on a spatially explicit sample-based methodology (IPCC
approach 3) using the Land Use Assessment (LUA) app.
The data for the estimation of wood removals (IPCC equation 2.12) was derived from the same
sample-based land use assessment, by equating canopy cover loss with above-ground biomass
loss. Various contributing factors to these losses were identified, including hurricanes, fires,
logging, grazing, shifting cultivation, pest infestations, infrastructure development, mining
activities, and other human impacts.
One significant improvement over the previous FREL/FRL is the ability to monitor multiple land
use changes and multiple disturbances occurring on the same plot throughout time. This
advancement enables us to account for emissions or removals associated with each specific
disturbance or land use change. In contrast, the earlier FRL/FREL only considered the initial and
final land use states, along with the primary disturbance event. The new approach implemented in
this FRL is higher tier as it increases the accuracy of the GHG estimations.
6.4 Land-use definitions
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has the following six (6) categories for the
Forestry, and Other Land Use (FOLU) sectors. These are forest, cropland, grassland, wetland,
settlement, and other lands.
10% Settlement
These classes are displayed in the map below (Figure 6-8). Each IPPC category has further
subcategories and specific classes. The following section provides a definition of the IPCC
categories for the FOLU sector of Belize. For 2022, the percentages of each land use types are
seen above (Figure 6-7). Forestland comprises 63% of the national land area, followed by
grasslands at 18% and cropland at 10%. The remaining 9% is collectively made up of wetlands,
settlements, and other lands.
Figure 6-8 2022 Land Use/Land Cover Map, classified according to the main categories defined by the IPCC
As depicted in Figure 6-7, forest cover represents the largest land use/land cover category in 2022,
accounting for 63% of the area. This is followed by cropland at 18% and grassland at 10%.
Forest: A forest is a plot of land with an area of 0.5 hectares or more, with trees of heights of 5
meters or higher, and a canopy cover of 30% or higher. This definition also includes forest
plantation. In addition, it includes an ecosystem that due to biotic conditions (terrain, soil type,
rainfall, et cetera) the trees cannot grow higher than 5 meters. Below (Figure 6-9) is a map
depicting the plots listed as forested areas for Belize for the year 2022.
Figure 6-9 Classification of Forestland and Non-Forestland for 2022.
Figure 19: Shows the classification of Forestland and Non-Forestland for 2022.
Cropland: Agricultural activity is 0.5 hectares of land that has a 20% cover with crops in the
sample plot/point. Land that was once used for swidden agriculture and has been abandoned and
is ‘regenerating toward a secondary forest’ is also considered cropland under specific class fallow
land. Below ( Figure 6-10) is a map depicting the plots listed as croplands across the country for
the year 2022.
Figure 6-10
Classification of Cropland and Non-Cropland for 2022.
Grassland: Grassland is 0.5 hectare of land that has a 20% cover of savannah, grass, shrubs, ferns,
and tickets in the sample plot/point. 28 Cattle pasture is considered grassland. Below (Figure 6-11)
is a map depicting areas classified as grasslands in the country for 2022.
Figure 6-11 classification of Grassland and Non- Grassland for 2022.
Wetlands: Wetland is an area that is 0.5 hectare or more that has 20% permanent or
seasonal floods, dominated by herbaceous/graminoid vegetation. Wetlands can have trees
such as calabash (Cresentia cujete) or no trees. This class also includes inland water bodies.
Settlements: Settlement is an area that is 0.5 hectare or more that has 20% of urban
construction that fall within the categories of, cities, towns, villages, roads, aquaculture
farms, mining, and other settlements
Other lands: Other lands are areas that are 0.5 hectare or more that has 80% of soils that
fall in the categories of bare soil, bare soil rocks and beaches/sand dunes.
6.5 Country-specific methods
Information on approaches used for representing land areas and on land use databases used
for the inventory preparation
Belize employs the Land Use Assessment app to gather activity data, which is then incorporated
into the foundational platform. This data collection process, detailed in earlier sections of this
report, serves as the foundation for compiling the country’s greenhouse gas inventory. After
collection, the data is processed and analyzed to support accurate inventory compilation,
contributing to Belize's emissions tracking and reporting.
The Land Use Application included a MODIS data graph to visualize the presence of fires within
and around the plot throughout the years. The Google Earth KML layer contained hurricane paths,
allowing the observation of plot damages through high-resolution images across different time
frames. Furthermore, changes in the canopy were noted within high-resolution imagery. Logging
disturbances were noted in the area due to the best expert knowledge of logging roads and
barquediers. Pest-related disturbances within Mountain Pine Ridge were also recognized based on
expert insight. Infrastructure and mining disturbances could also be seen within the high resolution
imagery over the time frame. Other human impacts were noted from constant disturbances within
an area of best expert knowledge. These areas included roadsides, buffer zones of protected areas,
electrical boundary lines, and regularly maintained properties in both urban and rural regions.
Losses in forests that remain as forests were assessed due to various disturbances. These include
Fires, Shifting cultivation, Infrastructure/Other
Human Impact, Mining, Pest, Logging, Hurricanes, Grazing.
Disturbances were divided in groups based on whether regeneration after disturbance is expected
or not, and if there were specific modifications to the general growth rate. Each time a disturbance
was identified, the year and disturbance fraction were assigned. In the end, averages were
estimated for each disturbance.
After analyzing the data, it becomes evident that fires are the most significant contributors to CO₂
emissions, as illustrated in Figure 6-12.
Figure 6-12 Emissions from disturbances affecting forest remaining for 2022.
Fires can originate from a range of conditions, with hurricanes playing a notable role. When
hurricanes strike, they often damage large numbers of trees and leave substantial debris on the
ground. This debris acts as fuel, increasing the risk of fires in the aftermath. Additionally,
hurricanes can indirectly lead to other types of land disturbances, including increased logging
activities, as fallen trees are harvested, or land is cleared. Hurricanes may also contribute to land
conversion, where forested areas are turned into pastures or cultivated lands to utilize the cleared
Figure 6-13 Area of Forestlands Affected by Disturbance 2001- 2022.
Figure 6-13 displays the extent of disturbances in hectares and highlights a pattern: following a
hurricane, there is a strong likelihood of heightened fire disturbances and associated emissions in
the following year. This pattern is particularly noticeable in the years 2001 and 2010, where
significant disturbances were recorded in areas that, while not undergoing land conversion, were
still affected by hurricane events.
These disturbances, though not always leading to direct land-use changes, nevertheless contribute
to substantial CO₂ emissions due to the fires and land management activities that follow such
natural disasters. This cycle illustrates the interconnected nature of natural disturbances and their
compounding impact on emissions.
Forestland Remaining Forestland encompasses five main categories: mature broadleaf forest,
secondary broadleaf forest, pine forest, mangrove forest, and plantation. Figure 6-14 provides an
overview of forest land remaining by area. For 2020, forest land remaining was estimated at
1,411,441 hectares. This decreased to 1,407,018 hectares in 2021 and further declined to 1,388,880
hectares in 2022. This trend indicates a gradual decline in forest land cover over the three-year
period, with a total reduction of 22,561 hectares (approximately 1.6%).
The observed decrease reflects ongoing pressures on forest resources, such as agricultural
expansion, which often leads to the conversion of forested areas into croplands or pastures.
Additionally, other factors, such as urbanization, infrastructure development, or unsustainable or
illegal logging practices, also contributes to this decline.
Areas (Ha)
Conversely, significant areas of forestland were converted to other land uses, as illustrated in
Figure 6-15. The most extensive conversion was from forest to cropland, covering 91,281 hectares,
followed by forest land converted to grassland at 72,080 hectares. Lastly, 6,635 hectares of forest
were converted for settlement purposes. These conversions represent notable shifts in land use,
impacting both the landscape and carbon dynamics in these areas.
Figure 6-15 Hectares of Forestland converted to other land uses from 2000 to 2022
6.6.2 Methodological issues of the category Specific activity data of the category
4.A Forest Land Area
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
4.A.1 Remaining Forest land (managed) 1489654 1478997 1471156 1462108 1451352 1439288 1430240 1425616 1416367 1411441 1407018 1399880
4.A.2 Land converted to Forest 1307 1508 2,111 241300 2714 3016 3116 5529 6333 7339 8344 9048
Total Forest Land 1490961 1480505 1473267 1464521 1454066 1442304 1433356 1431145 1422700 1418780 1415362 1408928
6.6.3 Description of any flexibility applied to the category
Refer to the Flexibilities applied section in Chapter 1, section 1.17.
Compliant with QA/QC plan and implementation as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.13.
In Belize’s context, cropland is considered agricultural activity is 0.5 hectares of land that has a
minimum of 20% cover with crops in the sample plot/point. Land that was once used for swidden
agriculture and has been abandoned and is ‘regenerating toward a secondary forest’ is also
considered cropland under specific class fallow land year, and their key drivers; (3) percentage
contribution of each subcategory in the latest.
In Table 6-1, Cropland has generally shown growth, indicating net emissions over time. The
subcategory emission peaked in 2012 and 2019, reflecting significant emissions during these
years. This trend suggests that agricultural practices have contributed to carbon emissions due to
land conversion for crop agricultural purposes.
The data below on total cropland (cropland remaining plus land converted to cropland) shows a
gradual increase in total cropland conversions over the 22year period with the area rising from
135,716 ha in 2000 to 224,282ha in 2022. This represents a cumulative growth of 88,566ha. The
average annual increase in cropland areas was approximately 4,026ha per year. The consistent
growth trend suggests steady expansion of croplands, likely driven by increased agricultural
activities, economic and population growth.
In Figure 6-16 it depicts that the area of land converted to cropland has been increasing steadily,
from 503 hectares in 2000 to 96,609 hectares in 2022. This increase suggests that new areas are
being brought under cultivation to meet the growing demand for agricultural products.
Total Cropland
6.7.2 Methodological issues of the category
4.B Years
Land area 1994 1997 1998 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Remaining NE NE NE 135,212.85 135,212.85 135,011.79 135,011.79 135,011.79 134,911.26 134,710.20 134,609.67 134,509.14 134,509.14 134,308.08
4.B.2 Land
converted NE NE NE 503.00 2,212.00 5,831.00 9,048.00 11,762.00 14,175.00 16,889.00 19,905.00 24,730.00 28,551.00 32,773.00
to cropland
NE NE NE 135,715.85 137,424.85 140,842.79 144,059.79 146,773.79 149,086.26 151,599.20 154,514.67 159,239.14 163,060.14 167,081.08
4.B Years
Land area 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
4.B.1 134,006.49 133,805.43 133,604.37 133,302.78 133,101.72 132,498.54 132,096.42 130,689.00 129,281.58 128,879.46 128,175.75 127,673.10
4.B.2 Land 41,117.00 48,254.00 54,186.00 60,016.00 65,646.00 72,583.00 77,710.00 81,731.00 87,662.00 90,276.00 92,890.00 96,609.00
to cropland
Total 175,123.49 182,059.43 187,790.37 193,318.78 198,747.72 205,081.54 209,806.42 212,420.00 216,943.58 219,155.46 221,065.75 224,282.10
6.7.3 Description of any flexibility applied to the category
Refer to the Flexibilities applied section in Chapter 1, section 1.17.
Compliant with QA/QC plan and implementation as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.13.
Grassland is 0.5 hectare of land that has a 20% cover of savannah, grass, shrubs, ferns, and tickets
in the sample plot/point. Cattle pasture and abandoned pastures are considered grassland. Sub-
mountainous grasslands, found specifically in the mountain pine ridge region of the country is also
considered grassland.
In the figures below, it indicates that between 2000 and 2022, total grassland area which includes
grassland remaining and conversions increased from 326,924hectares to 393,877hecatres,
reflecting a cumulative growth of 66,953hectares over 22years. This equates to an average annual
increase of approximately 3,043ha, representing a total growth of 20.48%. the growth trend is
steady and linear rather than exponential, indicating a gradual and consistent rise in land
transitioning into grasslands.
Furthermore, the area of land converted to grassland has been increasing steadily, from 101
hectares in 2000 to 78,816 hectares in 2022. This represents a substantial cumulative increase of
78,715 hectares. The average annual conversion rate during this time was approximately
3,578ha/year. The data reflects a dramatic shift in land use toward grassland, suggesting significant
efforts or natural processes driving these transitions.
Total Grassland
Figure 6-17 Total Grassland and Other land Use converted to Grasslands (ha)
6.8.2 Methodological issues of the category
4.C Grassland Land area
1994 1997 1998 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
4.C.1. Grassland remaining
NE NE NE 326,823 326,723 326,220 325,818 325,516 325,315 324,712 324,611 324,511 324,008 323,506
grassland (managed)
4.C.2. Land converted to
NE NE NE 101 1,709 4,725 7,339 9,349 11,460 14,074 17,693 20,307 23,323 28,953
Total Grassland NE NE NE 326,924 328,432 330,945 333,157 334,865 336,775 338,786 342,304 344,818 347,331 352,459
6.8.3 Description of any flexibility applied to the category
Refer to the Flexibilities applied section in Chapter 1, section 1.17.
Compliant with QA/QC plan and implementation as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.13.
A Wetland is an area that is 0.5 hectare or more that has 20% permanent or seasonal floods,
dominated by herbaceous/graminoid vegetation. Wetlands can have trees such as calabash
(Cresentia cujete) or no trees. This class also includes inland water bodies.
There is no data available for conversions and associated emissions for the Wetlands category.
6.9.2 Methodological issues of the category
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
4.D.1. Wetlands remaining wetlands (managed) 146,774 146,774 146,673 146,472 146,271 146,271 146,171 146,070 146,070 146,070 146,070 145,970
6.9.3 Description of any flexibility applied to the category
Refer to the Flexibilities applied section in Chapter 1, section 1.17.
Compliant with QA/QC plan and implementation as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.13.
A settlement is an area that is 0.5 hectare or more that has 20% of urban construction that fall
within the categories of, cities, towns, villages, roads, aquaculture farms, mining, and other
There is no data available for conversions and associated emissions for the Wetlands subcategory.
6.10.2 Methodological issues of the category
4.E Settlements Land area
1994 1997 1998 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
4.E.1. Settlements remaining settlements NE NE NE 35,990 35,990 35,990 35,990 35,990 35,990 35,789 35,085 34,884 34,884 34,884
4.E.2. Land converted to settlements NE NE NE 0 202 1,006 1,609 2,212 2,614 3,921 3,920 4,122 4,323 4,927
Total Settlements NE NE NE 35,990 36,192 36,996 37,599 38,202 38,604 39,710 39,005 39,006 39,207 39,811
4.E Settlements Land area
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
4.E.1. Settlements remaining settlements 34,482 34,482 34,482 34,381 34,381 33,979 33,879 33,879 33,879 33,879 33,879 33,879
4.E.2. Land converted to settlements 5,329 5,530 6,334 6,937 7,742 8,344 8,445 9,148 9,952 10,254 11,461 12,466
Total Settlements 39,811 40,012 40,816 41,318 42,123 42,323 42,324 43,027 43,831 44,133 45,340 46,345
6.10.3 Description of any flexibility applied to the category
Refer to the Flexibilities applied section in Chapter 1, section 1.17.
Compliant with QA/QC plan and implementation as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.13.
Other lands are areas that are 0.5 hectare or more that has 80% of soils that fall in the categories
of bare soil, bare soil rocks and beaches/sand dunes.
There is no data available for conversions and associated emissions for the Wetlands subcategory.
6.11.2 Methodological issues of the category
4.F Other land - Land area
1994 1997 1998 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
4.F.1. Other land remaining other land NE NE NE 603 603 603 603 603 603 603 603 603 603 603
4.F Other land - Land area
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
4.F.1. Other land remaining other land 603 603 603 603 603 603 603 603 603 603 603 603
6.11.3 Description of any flexibility applied to the category
Refer to the Flexibilities applied section in Chapter 1, section 1.17.
Compliant with QA/QC plan and implementation as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.13.
Harvested Wood Products (HWP) refer to wood and paper products that store carbon after the
wood is harvested from forests. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC), HWPs play a significant role in carbon accounting because they continue to store carbon
throughout their lifecycle, which can range from a few years to several decades.
The Harvested Wood Products category, seen in Table 6-1, has mostly shown negative values,
indicating net removals from stored carbon in wood and paper products.
156 Specific activity data of the category
The data was obtained for HWP is from FAO Statistics website.
Table 6-10 4G Harvested Wood Products: activity data by production, imports and exports (m3)
1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
4.G.1.a. Sawnwood Production 17700 17700 17700 17700 400 8000 8000 8000 15300 15300 15300 15300 15300 15300
Imports 838 710 15084 365 8578 1547 2973 17014 25664 19624 26192 26192 21319 18313
Exports 45 100 115 396 184 174 161 47 4389 2518 3199 1606 1722 2084
4.G.1.b. Wood panels Production NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000
Exports NE NE 682 395 485 343 343 1 449 647 806 521 639 575
Imports NE NE 61 423 38 215 96 563 823 3295 16113 1177 5159 5992
Wood pulp + Rec paper Production NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 300 300 300 300 300 300
Imports 15 15 46 114 632 915 458 69 6244 4875 4329 8550 6143.94 5188.45
Exports NE NE 3 3 5 398 2363 536 461 2448 703 603 476.83 425
Chips and particles Imports NE 273 273 3 3 30 126 2 126 126 126 126 3.35 1
Exports NE NE NE NE NE 21 21 20 20 20 0 0 45.58 0
Exports 1550 NE NE 953 4279 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099
157 Emission factors applied in the category
Table 6-11 4G Harvested Wood Products: emission factors applied by GHG source or sinks
Source: 2006 IPCC Guidelines, Vol 4 Table 12.2 and IPCC Inventory Software Defaults
Compliant with QA/QC plan and implementation as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.13.
7 Chapter 7 WASTE (CRT 5)
7.1 Description of the sector
Belize Waste sector can be divided into Solid Waste and Liquid Waste categories with
subcategories Solid Waste Disposal (5.A) and Wastewater Treatment and Discharge (5.D). While,
the category Incineration and Open burning (5C) does occur in Belize, more information is
required for proper estimations. Carbon dioxide, Methane, and Nitrous oxide were the GHG gases
for which the emissions were estimated in this sector.
There are significant gaps in both the solid and liquid waste categories. Steps have been taken
from the Government of Belize, to address the need for improved waste management through the
construction of several infrastructure facilities to properly dispose of waste including a National
landfill and transfers stations (Figure 7-1Map of Sanitary Landfill & Transfer Stations in Belize).
The solid waste sector still faces challenges with respect to waste composition data collection from
the active transfer stations. The inactive transfer stations within the northern and southern part of
the country are significantly impacting their surrounding municipalities in terms of waste disposal
and data collection. Moreover, in the liquid waste sector exist data gaps because of the lack of
enforcement of laws by the different entities in charge. Similarly, the Waste Sector recalculation
was not possible because different methods of determining waste generation rates were used by
different studies, rendering older data incompatible.
Figure 7-1Map of Sanitary Landfill & Transfer Stations in Belize
Institutional Arrangements
The Solid Waste Management Authority in Belize works in conjunction with Local Government
bodies and other stakeholders, to ensure the safe and environmentally sound management of solid
waste in Belize. However, it was formally established through the enactment of the Solid Waste
Management Authority Act, 1991, Chapter 224 of the laws of Belize Revised Edition 2000. The
authority aims to manage solid waste generated in the country in an environmentally sound
manner. Also, it applies the concept of Integrated Sustainable Solid Waste Management to improve
on and contribute to the protection of human health/safety and the environment, the conservation
of natural resources, and the promotion of the occupational health/safety of workers in the waste
The Authority is also now the lead in data collection and management for the waste sector.
However, with the financial support of loans from IFCs the SWMA is leading the transition from
waste disposal (and burning) in open dumps to disposal in a managed landfill designed to protect
ground and surface water from contamination, minimize the accumulation of toxic landfill gases
and allow for green use of the landfill after it has reached the end of its useful life.
National Legislation
The Waste sector was the largest emitting sector (55% of national emissions without LULUCF
removals) followed by energy and agriculture sector, contributing 1574.19 kt CO2 eq in 2022.
Table 7-1 Waste sector: emissions by GHG, category and subcategory (kt) for 2022
Code GHG source categories
(kt CO2
(kt) (kt) (kt) (kt) (kt) (kt) (kt)
5 Waste 1574.19 0.00436
5.A. Solid waste disposal 0.10519 0.10519
5.B.1. Composting NA
5.B.2. Anaerobic digestion at biogas facilities NO
5.D. Wastewater treatment and discharge 1574.09 0.00436
5.D.1. Domestic wastewater 747.62 0.00436 747.62
Memo items
Table 7-2 the presents in details the emissions generated through activities within the Waste sector.
The total GHG emissions in the Waste sector increased significantly by 280% or 1,159.94 (kt CO2
eq) from 1994 to 2022. There was a notable spike in 2003, followed by fluctuations with another
peak around 2017-2021. The only two contributors of GHG Emissions in the Waste sector are
Wastewater Treatment and Discharge (5.D) and Solid Waste Disposal (5.A).
Solid Waste Disposal contributes less than 1/10th of a percent of total Waste emissions and has
consistently shown minor but steadily increasing emissions, indicating an increase in solid waste
management activities. Wastewater Treatment and Discharge (5.D) still makes up 99.99% of total
emissions in the Waste sector and grew exponentially after 2006. Wastewater Treatment and
Discharge increased by 166% over the 2 decades (592.27 kt CO2 eq in 2006 to 1,574.09 kt CO2
eq in 2022).
Domestic Wastewater (5. D.1.) emissions are consistent over the years with a steady increase,
indicating continuous domestic wastewater generation and treatment. Between 1994 and 2006,
Domestic Wastewater was the leading contributor (~99%) to overall Waste sector GHG emissions
and averaging 49% thereafter. Industrial Wastewater (5.D.2.) made up less than 1/10th of a percent
of total Wastewater Treatment and Discharge between 1994 and 2006, with a spike in 2003 where
the total contribution was 66%. This may be due to industrial activities or changes in reporting and
treatment processes. After 2006, Industrial wastewater contributed 52%, mostly Methane (CH4),
of Wastewater Treatment and Discharge emissions.
Table 7-2 Waste sector: total GHG emissions by category (kt CO2 eq)
Code Subcategory 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
5 Waste 414.26 455.67 490.80 1561.24 592.30 1198.13 1321.16 1361.93 1554.09 1589.81 1625.13 1530.28 1682.14 1574.19
Solid waste
5.A. NE 0.01191 0.01969 0.02322 0.02735 0.03186 0.03621 0.08143 0.08717 0.09071 0.09495 0.09871 0.1021 0.10519
Managed waste
5.A.1. NE 0.00505 0.00854 0.00976 0.01151 0.01363 0.01584 0.04623 0.05159 0.05463 0.05798 0.0609 0.0635 0.06584
disposal sites
5.A.2. waste disposal NE 0.00686 0.01115 0.01346 0.01584 0.01823 0.02037 0.0352 0.03557 0.03608 0.03697 0.03781 0.0386 0.03936
5.A.3. waste disposal NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO
5.B. treatment of solid NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO
5.B.2. digestion at NO
biogas facilities
Incineration and
5.C. open burning of NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE
Open burning of
5.D. treatment and 414.26 455.65 490.78 1561.22 592.27 1198.10 1321.12 1361.85 1554.01 1589.72 1625.04 1530.18 1682.04 1574.09
5.D.1. 414.26 455.49 490.44 537.36 591.55 618.61 644.94 697.73 729.60 746.48 763.22 778.87 793.38 747.62
5.D.2. 0. 0.15873 0.3373 1023.86 0.72181 579.49 676.18 664.12 824.41 843.23 861.82 751.32 888.66 826.47
Other (please
Other (please
Total 414.26 455.67 490.80 1,561.24 592.30 1,198.13 1,321.16 1,361.93 1,554.09 1,589.81 1,625.13 1,530.28 1,682.14 1,574.19
Methane (CH₄) contributed 100% of the total recorded emissions at 1,574.19 kt CO₂ eq in 2022,
while nitrous oxide (N₂O) contributed minimally at 0.00436 kt CO₂ eq. Methane emissions
increased significantly from 414.26 kt CO₂ eq in 1994 to 1,574.19 kt CO₂ eq in 2022 possibly with
the increase in population as well as increasing access to wastewater treatment facilities for a large
part of the population.
GHG 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
CH4 414.26 455.66 490.79 1561.24 592.29 1198.13 1321.16 1360.46 1554.09 1589.80 1625.13 1530.28 1682.14 1574.19
N2O 0.00216 0.00238 0.00283 0.0031 0.00345 0.00435 0.00454 1.47 0.00514 0.00436 0.00445 0.00454 0.00458 0.00436
Total 414.26 455.67 490.80 1561.24 592.30 1198.13 1321.16 1361.93 1554.09 1589.81 1625.13 1530.28 1682.14 1574.19
7.3 General methodological issues of the sector
The Solid Waste Management Authority (SWMA) and a Board of Directors of the Solid Waste
Management Authority have the responsibility to deal with all matters pertaining to and conducive
to the management of solid waste. This authority oversees seven transfer stations, and one National
sanitary landfill located on a parcel of land of 370 acres that presently serves Belize City and the
communities along the George Price Highway Corridor. This landfill receives daily garbage waste
from transfer stations in San Ignacio, San Pedro, Caye Caulker, Burrell Boom, Belize City,
Belmopan, and Dangriga. The National sanitary landfill is the final disposal location for waste
generated from municipalities in the Western Corridor of Belize. The Western Corridor is served
by waste disposal services including waste management at the National Sanitary Landfill.
The SWMA has conducted several investigations and reports in relation with solid waste
management as it relates to the SWMA’s roles and functions. In the year 2011, the first study was
conducted, which was a Hydroplan for Solid Waste Management Authority, waste characterization
study of the major population centres of the Western Corridor. The study estimated the waste
production rate and waste characterization of several municipalities including San Ignacio/Santa
Elena, Belize City, San Pedro, and Caye Caulker. Moreover, the study determined that the rate of
solid waste coming from the domestic sector was estimated at 1.07 kg or 2.36 pounds per capita
per day (Hydroplan for Solid Waste Management Authority, May 2011). In the year 2016, another
study conducted by Hydea Limited & SWMA was Solid Waste Master Plan for Emerging Tourism
Areas for the northern and southern corridors resulted in another average of 0.72 kg/capita per day
(Hydea Limited & SWMA was Solid Waste Master Plan for Emerging Tourism Areas, July 2016).
This new rate average was used because it was considered more accurate rate of waste generation
at the national level. Therefore, for this inventory report it will use the new rate average. Methane
was the GHG gases for which the emissions were estimated in this sector. Rates were established
based on tons generated by municipalities (Western Corridor) weighted against populations being
served for the specific year.
The calculations of the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions from the Waste sector utilized the Tier
1 approach as limited data/information exists.
Table 7-4 Summary of relevant activity data, methods, and emission factors for IPPU sector inventory.
and Open
Burning of
5D Wastewater 5D1 Domestic Organically Belize Water T1 D NA NA T1 D
treatment and wastewater degradable Services
discharge and material in (BWSL)
solvent use wastewater
According to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, Solid Waste Disposal refers to the process of managing
municipal, industrial, and other waste types through facilities such as landfills or other disposal
systems or Solid Waste Disposal Systems (SWDS). These sites are significant sources of methane
(CH₄) due to the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter in waste.
Data of solid waste was available in cumulative tonnage per month for the western corridor of the
country which includes San Ignacio/Santa Elena, Belize City, San Pedro, Burrell Boom and Caye
Caulker from the establishment of the sanitary landfill. The data available are from municipalities
in the western corridor, municipal waste is generally defined as waste collected by municipalities
or other local authorities. Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) includes household waste, garden (yard)
and park waste and Commercial/institutional waste. This data along with the population served by
type of waste disposal or treatment method were key in entering data into the software.
In the latest inventory year (2022), emissions from the Solid Waste Disposal category steadily
increased from earlier years to 0.10519 kt CO₂ eq. The relevant subcategories in Belize are shown
in Table 7-5. Emissions from managed waste disposal sites (5.A.1) contributed 62.6% of total
emissions in 2022, while unmanaged waste disposal sites (5.A.2) accounted for 37.4%. The main
driver of the increase includes population growth, urbanization, and enhanced waste management
practices. In comparison to the previous inventory year (2021), emissions increased slightly.
Notably, there was a significant rise in emissions after 2012, likely resulting from more structured
data collection and the expansion of managed disposal sites.
Table 7-5 Waste sector: total GHG emissions by Solid Waste Disposal subcategories (kt CO2 eq)
Code Subcategory 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Solid waste
5.A. 0. 0.01191 0.01969 0.02322 0.02735 0.03186 0.03621 0.08143 0.08717 0.09071 0.09495 0.09871 0.1021 0.10519
Managed waste
5.A.1. 0. 0.00505 0.00854 0.00976 0.01151 0.01363 0.01584 0.04623 0.05159 0.05463 0.05798 0.0609 0.0635 0.06584
disposal sites
5.A.2. waste disposal 0. 0.00686 0.01115 0.01346 0.01584 0.01823 0.02037 0.0352 0.03557 0.03608 0.03697 0.03781 0.0386 0.03936
38% 37%
kt CO2 eq
61% 62% 62% 63%
56% 57% 59% 60%
0.02 58% 57%
57% 58%
58% 43% 42% 42% 43% 44%
0. 42%
1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Table 7-6 shows a summary of the relevant SWDS in Belize. Managed Waste Disposal Sites
include Managed anaerobic sites and Managed semi-aerobic sites. Unmanaged Waste Disposal
sites include Unmanaged Shallow waste disposal sites and Unmanaged Deep. Unmanaged deep
was an existing disposal option prior to 2012 in Belize City. Managed Waste Disposal sites are
mostly practiced at the municipalities. Belize has one managed waste disposal site that fits the
criteria of Managed semi-aerobic, the National Landfill which has characteristics fitting the
description of a managed anaerobic site.
The second category of Managed Waste Disposal sites, are Managed anaerobic sites, that are those
sites having characteristics of some level of management practiced mostly at the municipal levels
(including sites serving the Placentia Peninsula area and the Independence/Big Creek/Cow Pen
communities) because these are given some degree of control by local municipal bodies.
The disposal category Unmanaged Waste Disposal sites are divided into Unmanaged shallow sites
and Managed anaerobic sites. Unmanaged shallow sites are used in rural communities having
little or no waste disposal services; some which are considered “illicit” dumpsites, but are often
designated disposal sites by local village authorities.
For 2018-2019, Solid Waste Disposal waste composition and production rate activity data is
sourced from both Municipal Waste Management Authorities (managed anaerobic) and the
Sanitary Landfill (managed semi-aerobic). Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) includes household
waste, garden (yard) and park waste and Commercial/institutional waste which is received from
managed anaerobic sites controlled by local municipal bodies in the districts of Corozal, Orange
Walk, Dangriga, Punta Gorda, and villages (Placencia, Burrell Boom and
Independence). Available data of solid waste from Sanitary Landfill is in cumulative tonnage per
month for the western corridor of the country which includes San Ignacio/Santa Elena (towns in
the Cayo district), Belize City, Burrell Boom (village in Belize district) and Caye Caulker and San
Pedro (Cayes).
For previous and recent years, population data from the Statistical Institute of Belize (SIB) were
used to estimate emissions.
5.A Solid Population 211000 232000 249800 273700 301300 315082 334158 356705 371352 378770 386121 392997 399373 397484
Disposal Waste per 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72
Total 0.22577 0.24824 0.26729 0.29286 0.32239 0.33714 0.35755 0.25683 0.26737 0.27271 0.27801 0.28296 0.28755 0.28619
% to 51 52 46 47 48 50 48 49 52 52 52 52 52 52
Total to 0.11514 0.12908 0.12295 0.13764 0.15475 0.16857 0.17162 0.12585 0.13903 0.14181 0.14456 0.14714 0.14953 0.14882
Source: NCCO, Statistical Institute of Belize and IPCC Inventory Software
The waste sector uses country specific waste per capita values derived from the 2011 Hydroplan
and 2016 Hydea studies. The Hydroplan study determined that the rate of solid waste coming from
the domestic sector was estimated at 1.07 kg or 2.36 pounds per capita per day which was used in
calculations for the years 1994-2012. The 2016 study by Hydea Limited & SWMA was Solid
Waste Master Plan for Emerging Tourism Areas for the northern and southern corridors resulted
in another average of 0.72 kg/capita per day which became the new rate average and used from
2015-2022. Both studies also resulted in waste composition data percentages shown in Table 7-8.
Default values were used for all other emission factors such as the Methane Correction Factor
(MCF) for the SWDS types, BOD and % to SWDS following the 2006 IPCC Guidelines and IPCC
Inventory Software.
Table 7-9 5A Solid Waste Disposal: emission factors applied by GHG source
Compliant with QA/QC plan and implementation as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.13.
Refer to the planned improvements by sector in the national inventory improvement plan.
7.6 Wastewater treatment and discharge (CRT 5.D)
The 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories describes the Wastewater
Treatment and Discharge category (5.6) as a source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions primarily
due to the treatment processes and discharge of domestic, industrial, and commercial wastewater.
The main GHGs emitted in this sector are methane (CH₄) and nitrous oxide (N₂O), though carbon
dioxide (CO₂) can also be released depending on the treatment method.
Sewage treatment and disposal of effluent varies for each of the municipality and are briefly set
out below.
Table 7-10 Sewage treatment Types in Belize
Notably, the above information is only an estimate which they calculate. They do not keep track
of sewage waste and these are the only municipalities in which they can do an estimation base on
the type of drainage system.
Table 7-11 presents details of the subcategory. In the latest inventory year (2022), the total
emissions for the wastewater treatment and discharge category were 1,574.09 kt CO₂ eq, which
represents a significant portion of the waste sector's total emissions. This subcategory has
experienced notable fluctuations since the base year of 1994, where emissions were much lower
at 414.26 kt CO₂ eq. Over time, emissions have generally increased, with a marked peak in 2003
at 1,561.22 kt CO₂ eq, driven by rising wastewater treatment volumes and industrial discharge.
However, emissions showed some variability in subsequent years, with a temporary increase in
2006 (592.27 kt CO₂ eq) and a substantial rise in 2009 (1,198.10 kt CO₂ eq). By 2022, emissions
had slightly decreased compared to the previous year, reflecting a drop from 1,682.04 kt CO₂ eq
in 2021.
In 2022, emissions were primarily driven by domestic wastewater, which accounted for
approximately 47.5% of the total emissions (747.62 kt CO₂ eq), and industrial wastewater, which
contributed 52.5% (826.47 kt CO₂ eq). Both sources are major contributors of methane (CH₄), with
some nitrous oxide (N₂O) and carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions, depending on the treatment
processes used. The change in emissions between the base year and 2022 is largely attributable to
the increase in wastewater volumes and the expansion of industrial activities, which have placed
higher demands on wastewater treatment. Furthermore, the variation between the most recent two
inventory years (2021 and 2022) highlights a slight reduction in emissions, potentially reflecting
changes in treatment efficiency or a temporary decline in industrial wastewater output.
Table 7-11 Waste sector: total GHG emissions by Wastewater Treatment and Discharge subcategories (kt CO2 eq)
Code Subcategory 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
5.D. treatment and 455.65 592.27 1198.10
414.26 490.78 1561.22 1321.12 1361.85 1554.01 1589.72 1625.04 1530.18 1682.04 1574.09
5.D.1. 455.49 537.36 591.55 618.61 644.94 697.73 729.60 746.48 763.22 778.87 793.38 747.62
wastewater 414.26 490.44
5.D.2. 0. 0.15873 0.3373 0.72181 579.49 676.18 664.12 824.41 843.23 861.82 751.32 888.66 826.47
wastewater 1023.86
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) software requires the total population
data at the national level which is entered along with waste generation rates (source Table). These
population data were obtained from the SIB.
The data in Table 7-12 outlines the population of Belize City, San Pedro Town and Belmopan City
who utilize formal sewage system for 1994 - 2024, this fraction of the total population is used to
estimate the population served by sewage plants. The ratio of 3.8 was used, which aligns with the
average proportion of users on the sewage system for Belize city, San Pedro town and Belmopan
Table 7-12 5D1 Wastewater treatment and discharge: activity data by GHG source
Data Unit 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2011 2012
Total Population people 211000 232000 249800 273700 301300 315082 328,375 334,158
Population covered by BWS people 55526 61053 65737 72026 79289 82916 84,682 86,446
annual per capita protein kg/person/year 0.062 0.062 0.071 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072
Data Unit 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Total Population people 341,655 349,169 356,705 364,118 371,352 378,770 386,121 392,997 399,373 397,484 404,198 410,919
Population people 88,733 91,026 93,325 95,586 97,793 100,056 102,299 104,397 106,342 100,209 100,422 101,760
covered by BWS
annual per capita kg/person/year 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072
Activity data for industrial wastewater was based on organically degradable materials in
wastewater for industrial consumption from alcohol refining, beer and malt, sugar refining,
oranges and bananas.
Shrimp NE NE 3854.88 7646.26 5442.18 3628.12 4254.42 4254.42 132699 7499.86 462.59 529.66 771.76
A tier 1 approach was used for domestic and industrial wastewater emissions using 2006 IPCC
Inventory software defaults. This approach uses the assumption that domestic and industrial
wastewater are combined and treated under general conditions. The default emission factors,
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) is applied to the total wastewater volume or the population
served by wastewater treatment systems. The BOD5 measures the organic material in the
wastewater. Since anaerobic treatment is the most relevant to Belize, a methane correction factor
(MCF) was included.
In the industrial sector, there is no formal registration or estimation of liquid waste generated by
the industrial sector but an application form to discharge effluents. This form is overseen by the
Department of Environment. The data gap is present as many industries do not submit the quantity
of production or discharge. The data that was gathered was calculated from product generated per
year and converted to tonnes, entered using the tier one approach in the inventory IPCC software,
along with the projected effluent discharge in terms of M³ per tonne of product is calculated.
Compliant with QA/QC plan and implementation as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.13.
Refer to the planned improvements by sector in the national inventory improvement plan.
Compliant with QA/QC plan and implementation as outlined in Chapter 1, Section 1.13.
7.6.9 Category recalculations
Refer to the planned improvements by sector in the national inventory improvement plan.
Recalculations of previous inventories were done, where possible, using the old data retrieved
from the archives and early inventory reports, however with many data gaps. All available
estimates from all sectors were recalculated using the Global Warming Potentials from the IPCC’s
5th Assessment report, and all emission factors updated to those reported within this broader
Further effort and investigation with sector experts is required to fill in the gaps of the time series
1994 - 2022, notably, those in the energy sector from 1994 – 2012, and the LULUCF sector from
1994 – 1999. This continues to be a priority to enhance the completeness and transparency of
future national inventory reports.
As most of the key categories arise from the LULUCF sector, a comparison of previous inventories
using different approaches is discussed below.
As inventory capacity and data availability improve the methods used to prepare emissions and
removal estimates will likely be update and refine. Such changes or refinement are desirable when
the result in more accurate and complete estimate. Both methodological changes and refinements
over time are essential part of improving inventory quality.
According to the 2006 IPCC guidelines, it is good practice to change or refine methods when:
Available data have change.
Previously used method is not consistent with the 2006 IPCC guidelines for a specific
A category has become key.
Previously used method is insufficient to reflect mitigation activities transparently.
Capacity for inventory preparation has increased
New inventory methods become available.
Errors require correction.
Figure 8-1 Comparison of Net Balance Emissions and Removals for Two Distinct Activity Data Collection Methods.
The graph highlights the emissions and removals captured through two distinct activity data
collection methods over different periods. The initial data collection phase, spanning 2000 to 2020,
relied on the Collect Earth Desktop platform. This method required extensive manual labor and
faced several limitations. The survey table used could only record initial and final land use, land-
use changes, and one main disturbance. Data from systematically distributed 5% reassessment
plots were restricted to one operator per plot, requiring daily downloads and manual concatenation
of CSV files. Additionally, the lack of robust satellite imagery hindered detailed assessments.
For this greenhouse gas inventory, emission factors for above-ground biomass included Tier 3 for
mature broad-leaf forests, Tier 1 for secondary broad-leaf forests, and Tier 2 for pine, mangrove,
and forest plantations. Below-ground biomass emission factors applied Tier 1 uniformly across all
ecosystem types.
The second data collection phase, covering 2000 to 2022, introduced significant methodological
and technological advancements. The Collect Earth Online application, in conjunction with the
Land Use Application (LUA), allowed for the recording of multiple land uses, land-use changes,
and disturbances per plot. To enhance data reliability, three operators could review the same plot,
reducing uncertainty. Furthermore, over 50% of the operators involved in the initial phase
participated in this phase, leveraging their expertise.
The use of high-resolution satellite imagery, complemented by auxiliary shape files, provided
operators with a comprehensive understanding of national land-use dynamics. Automation of data
archiving and concatenation further streamlined processes. For above-ground biomass, Tier 3
emission factors were employed for mature and secondary broad-leaf forests, with Tier 2 applied
to pine, mangrove, and forest plantations. Below-ground biomass emission factors improved to
Tier 2 for most ecosystems, while forest plantations retained Tier 1. Notably, Dead Organic Matter
(DOM) emission factors advanced from Tier 1 to Tier 3 for secondary broad-leaf and pine forests,
and litter stock emission factors for secondary broad-leaf forests also improved to Tier 3.
Enhancements to the foundational platform were pivotal in improving efficiency and accuracy.
The use of macros automated complex tasks, including formula calculations and color coding for
land-use categories and disturbances. This not only reduced human error but also enabled a clearer
visual representation of land-use dynamics at the national level.
The Land Use Assessment application automatically generated land-use and disturbance codes
for each plot, detailing all changes and corresponding years. A transition to equation-based
calculations (covering gains, losses, conversions, DOM, SOC, and non-CO₂ emissions) enabled
annual assessments of emissions and removals for each plot, regardless of the land use. This
approach captured multiple land-use transitions in a single analysis and applied specific equations
for each scenario.
Overall, these enhancements significantly improved the precision, reliability, and scope of
greenhouse gas inventory assessments, aligning them with evolving national and international
Belize recognizes the importance of a continuous improvement of its inventory over time, whether
it is to identify or regularly update, and includes information on areas of improvement as part of
its BTR. Improvements to the inventory generally resulted from recommendations from:
(i) team of technical experts (TTE) for the 1BURs and in the future, the TER team of the
(ii) Continuous improvements through activities such as consultative studies, QA
workshop, peer reviews, QA/QC and verification activities (in accordance with the
QA/QC Plan) etc.
(iii) The areas for improvement outlined in this report reflect both ongoing issues from
previous reports and new challenges that have been identified. A detailed explanation
by sector along with suggested improvement plans and timelines are shown in Table
A major area of improvement is the data gaps across sectors. Due to the data gaps, a quantitative
Uncertainty Assessment could not be conducted in this report.
The time series data, particularly from 1994-2002 will need to be addressed through backfilling
and recalculations using updated methodologies where possible. Smaller sectors like IPPU and
Waste also have insufficient subsector data that lead to the use of assumptions and extrapolations.
Overall, data reporting is not always consistent. Data on one subsector may be available for
previous reports but not available in all reports. In addition, growing populations and industries,
particularly the Tourism sector, are generating more emission data that needs to be accounted for
in all sectors especially Transport. Data collection protocols and surveying can create more
accurate and complete reporting.
In addition to the data gaps, strengthening of technical capacity is needed. Increased financial
support through sustainable funding mechanisms, multilateral banks and public-private
partnerships along with additional training for technical experts would help improve the efficiency
of preparing and executing the GHG inventory cycle. The establishment of standardized protocols
and a centralized database would also support more robust data collection and retrieval. A
centralized system would also provide cross-sectoral benefits, particularly for sectors such as IPPU
and Energy, which sometimes have difficulty accurately allocating emissions between fuel
combustion and industrial processes.
Table 10-2.
Summary of areas of improvement identified and how the country addresses them
Need for proper Develop parameters for MPUELE, Medium (1- Low
fuel categorization these fuels not specified NCCO 2 years)
during reporting by IPCC or create proper
(e.g. soybean oil, matching system that
LFO/HFO) accounts for fuel
characteristics within the
existing fuel categories
Reference and Improvement in energy MPUELE, Medium (1- Medium
Sectoral Approach statistics through NCCO 2 years)
were only availability of updated
conducted for 2021 energy balances
and 2022.
1.A.1. Energy While renewable Establish integrated MPUELE, Medium (1- Medium
industries sources account for emissions tracking for NCCO 2 years)
58.6% of in- renewable energy mix
country generated
supply, there's a
need for better
tracking of
emissions from the
combined use of
petroleum fuels
and renewable
sources, including
from imported
electricity from
1.A.2. Need heavy-duty Develop monitoring MPUELE, Medium (1- Medium
Manufacturin construction protocol for heavy-duty NCCO 2 years)
g industries monitoring construction equipment
and protocol emissions
1.A.3. Growing tourism Conduct comprehensive MPUELE, Immediate High
Transport industry has led to transport sector survey to NCCO (0-12
expansion in quantify fuel consumption months)
transport sector for diesel and gasoline,
emissions marine transportation and
requiring better fishing fleet from small
monitoring skiffs and implement
systems. Need for tracking system for marine
improved tracking transport emissions.
of emissions from
local maritime
ferries and aviation
fleet associated
with tourism
Previously Develop tracking system MPUELE, Immediate High
considered for aviation sector NCCO (0-12
insignificant, the emissions months)
local aviation
transport sector
now shows
petroleum fuel
usage requiring
better tracking
Road transport is a Improve online vehicle MPUELE, Immediate High
key category. No registration system or NCCO (0-12
disaggregated data conduct road transport months)
for vehicle and fuel survey
type, and distance
1.B. Fugitive Data limitations Create database for MPUELE, Medium (1- Medium
emissions prevent the fugitive emissions from oil NCCO 2 years)
from fuels estimation of and gas activities
fugitive emissions
from natural gas
flaring from
Belize's small oil
and gas industry
IPPU General Slow growth of Implement real-time data DOE, NCCO Long (2-3 Medium
industrial activities collection and utilize a years)
makes centralized database with
comprehensive different stakeholders.
data collection
2.A. Mineral Limited data on Implement tracking DOE, NCCO Medium (1- Medium
industry emissions from system for construction 2 years)
road improvement sector emissions and
projects, monitor emissions from
particularly those road improvement
using imported projects.
cement. Also a
need for better
tracking of
emissions from
activities and
material use.
2.D. Non- Difficulty in Create formal reporting DOE, NCCO Medium (1- Medium
energy estimating GHG system for industrial 2 years)
products from emissions from emissions data and
fuels and non-energy sources develop a comprehensive
solvent use and challenges industrial processes
with allocating database.
emissions between
fuel combustion
and industrial
processes (e.g.
2.F. Product Increasing Establish data collection DOE, NCCO Medium (1- Medium
uses as refrigerant use due protocols for refrigerant 2 years)
substitutes for to growth in use in tourism sector.
ODS tourism industry
requiring better
systems. Also need
improved tracking
of emissions from
air conditioning in
and transportation.
Activity data on Investigate the potential of DOE, NCCO Long (2-3 Medium
multiple HFC emissions from all years)
refrigerant gases refrigerants that were not
but only HFC-134a estimated apart from the
is included in HFC-134a.
2.H.2 Food Limited data Create monitoring systems DOE, NCCO Medium (1- Medium
and Beverage availability for for food and beverage 2 years)
Industry food and drink production emissions and
processing verify emissions for
emissions, processes like bread/wheat
including production.
production of
liquor, bread
(wheat), processed
meats, sugar, and
animal feeds.
calculations show
negligible or zero
emissions for some
processes like
bread production,
Waste 5.A. Solid The current report Collaborate with BSWaMA, Medium (1- Medium
waste disposal omits previous data municipal authorities and NCCO 2 years)
from Belize Solid Waste
municipalities and Management Authority
landfills. (BSWaMA) to obtain
Additionally, the regional waste generation
waste per capita and municipality-specific
metric is currently information (also review
measured in types of SWDS in the
kg/cap/day, but for country). In addition,
more accurate verify country-specific
reporting, it should factors such as waste per
be adjusted to capita and waste
kg/cap/year. composition % from
previous studies.
5.C.2. Open Incomplete data on Establish data collection BSWaMA, Long (2-3 Medium
burning of open burning of protocol for open burning NCCO years)
waste waste emissions
5.D.2. Incomplete data on Implement industrial BSWaMA, Immediate High
Industrial industrial waste monitoring NCCO (0-12
wastewater wastewater protocols and surveying to months)
volumes track waste water
discharge and treatment
5.D. Insufficient Develop comprehensive BSWaMA, Immediate High
Wastewater tracking of wastewater tracking NCCO (0-12
treatment and domestic and system integrating waste months)
discharge commercial management information
wastewater systems and advanced
emissions. Data emissions monitoring for
regarding number all waste categories.
of connections to Particularly, coordinate
the waste (water) with Belize Water
treatment systems Services (BWS) to
need to be updated determine the percentages
at municipal and of urban and rural
village levels for population using different
the entire country. treatment systems.
Need for updated Develop industry specific BSWaMA, Immediate High
production and values for production and NCCO (0-12
waste water waste water generation months)
generation rates rates for improved GHG
Agriculture 3.A. Enteric Data gaps in Conduct survey to assess MAFSE, Medium (1- Medium
fermentation livestock for data gaps NCCO 2 years)
horses, mules and
3.D. Insufficient data on Analyze the synthetic MAFSE, Long (2-3 Medium
Agricultural synthetic fertilizers fertilizers in use and their NCCO years)
soils chemical composition to
improve their inclusion in
the national inventory.
3.F. Field Data on cropland Establish time series data MAFSE, Immediate High
burning of (sugarcane) for sugarcane fields that NCCO (0-12
agricultural burning was undergo secondary months)
residues included in burning using land area
previous reports (ha).
but not available in
recent data
LULUCF General Gaps in time series Establish time series data Belize Forest Immediate High
from 1994-2000 for 1994-2000 using Department, (0-12
current advanced NCCO months)
methodology and
coordinate with Forestry
experts to document
General Technical Insufficient Establish sustainable NCCO Medium (1- High
and financial resources funding mechanisms 2 years)
Financial for comprehensive through multilateral
Capacity monitoring development banks and
Gaps develop public-private
Limited technical Implement advanced NCCO Medium (1- High
capacity and training modules and 2 years)
expertise for implement more frequent
comprehensive process reviews and check
GHG inventory ins to ensure continuous
preparation progress and preparedness
for inventory submission.
In addition, implement
timeline requirements for
data submission.
Need for improved Establish integrated data NCCO Medium (1- High
data collection and management systems, 2 years)
management develop centralized data
systems across repository, and implement
sectors cross-sector data sharing
Cross- Need for improved Establish inter-sector NCCO Medium (1- High
sectoral Gaps coordination coordination mechanisms 2 years)
between different and implement cross-
sectors for data sector data sharing
collection and protocols.
Difficulty using Provide more hands-on NCCO Immediate High
UNFCCC ETF tool support for technical (0-12
for generation of difficulties with support months)
CRTs using Json the UNFCCC Technical
file import from the Support Unit
IPCC Inventory
Uncertainty Need for Address gaps in data NCCO Immediate High
Assessment quantitative data collection and retrieval for (0-12
for complete each sector (archival and months)
uncertainty current years) to conduct a
assessment proper evaluation of
Notes: MPUELE - Minister of Public Utilities, Energy, Logistics & E-Governance (Energy Unit), NCCO – National
Climate Change Office, DOE – Department of Energy, BSWaMA – Belize Solid Waste Management Authority
In accordance with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, Approach 1 was used to identify the key categories
using a predetermined cumulative emissions threshold. As inventories had been developed for
more than one year, both Level Assessment (Approach 1) and Trend Assessment (Approach 1)
were conducted based on the national GHG inventory with LULUCF using equations provided.
Table Annex I - 1 Year 2022 Key Categories Level Assessment with LULUCF
3.B.1.a Forest land Remaining Forest land CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) -9418.163333 0.5397 0.5397
3.B.2.b Land Converted to Cropland CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) 2214.615333 0.1269 0.6666
3.B.3.b Land Converted to Grassland CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) 2054.308667 0.1177 0.7843
4.D Wastewater Treatment and Discharge METHANE (CH4) 1574.085428 0.0902 0.8745
3.B.5.b Land Converted to Settlements CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) 508.761 0.0292 0.9037
1.A.3.b Road Transportation - Liquid Fuels CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) 472.65909 0.0271 0.9308
3.A.1 Enteric Fermentation METHANE (CH4) 287.739774 0.0165 0.9473
3.B.1.b Land Converted to Forest land CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) -253.4572333 0.0145 0.9618
2.F.1 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning HFCs, PFCs 197.562388 0.0113 0.9731
1.A.4 Other Sectors - Liquid Fuels CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) 153.7988 0.0088 0.9819
3.B.2.a Cropland Remaining Cropland CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) -94 0.0054 0.9873
1.A.1 Energy Industries - Liquid Fuels CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) 44.22151482 0.0025 0.9898
3.D.1 Harvested Wood Products CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) -42.85350609 0.0025 0.9923
3.B.3.a Grassland Remaining Grassland CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) -32.362 0.0019 0.9942
3.A.2 Manure Management METHANE (CH4) 14.68163396 0.0008 0.9950
1.A.3.a Civil Aviation - Liquid Fuels CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) 12.52255 0.0007 0.9957
1.A.3.c Railways - Liquid Fuels CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) 12.1961708 0.0007 0.9964
3.C.4 Direct N2O Emissions from managed soils NITROUS OXIDE (N2O) 8.980813208 0.0005 0.9969
3.C.7 Rice cultivation METHANE (CH4) 7.788317046 0.0004 0.9974
3.C.6 Indirect N2O Emissions from manure management NITROUS OXIDE (N2O) 6.396327098 0.0004 0.9977
1.A.3.b Road Transportation - Liquid Fuels NITROUS OXIDE (N2O) 6.16366415 0.0004 0.9981
1.A.4 Other Sectors - Biomass - solid METHANE (CH4) 5.64144 0.0003 0.9984
1.A.1 Energy Industries - Biomass - solid NITROUS OXIDE (N2O) 5.166605581 0.0003 0.9987
3.C.3 Urea application CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) 4.822898667 0.0003 0.9990
1.A.1 Energy Industries - Biomass - solid METHANE (CH4) 4.094291215 0.0002 0.9992
3.C.5 Indirect N2O Emissions from managed soils NITROUS OXIDE (N2O) 3.816845613 0.0002 0.9994
1.A.3.b Road Transportation - Liquid Fuels METHANE (CH4) 3.66844548 0.0002 0.9997
3.A.2 Manure Management NITROUS OXIDE (N2O) 1.57417986 0.0001 0.9997
1.A.3.d Water-borne Navigation - Liquid Fuels CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) 1.02564 0.0001 0.9998
1.A.4 Other Sectors - Biomass - solid NITROUS OXIDE (N2O) 0.711896 0.0000 0.9998
2.D Non-Energy Products from Fuels and Solvent Use CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) 0.669328 0.0000 0.9999
2.H Other CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) 0.6326621 0.0000 0.9999
1.A.4 Other Sectors - Liquid Fuels METHANE (CH4) 0.461986 0.0000 0.9999
2.A.2 Lime production CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) 0.21225 0.0000 1.0000
1.A.4 Other Sectors - Liquid Fuels NITROUS OXIDE (N2O) 0.19369115 0.0000 1.0000
3.C.2 Liming CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) 0.12452 0.0000 1.0000
4.A Solid Waste Disposal METHANE (CH4) 0.105190643 0.0000 1.0000
1.A.1 Energy Industries - Liquid Fuels NITROUS OXIDE (N2O) 0.094106369 0.0000 1.0000
1.A.3.a Civil Aviation - Liquid Fuels NITROUS OXIDE (N2O) 0.092909 0.0000 1.0000
1.A.1 Energy Industries - Liquid Fuels METHANE (CH4) 0.049716572 0.0000 1.0000
1.A.3.c Railways - Liquid Fuels NITROUS OXIDE (N2O) 0.008814505 0.0000 1.0000
1.A.3.d Water-borne Navigation - Liquid Fuels NITROUS OXIDE (N2O) 0.007844 0.0000 1.0000
4.D Wastewater Treatment and Discharge NITROUS OXIDE (N2O) 0.004361912 0.0000 1.0000
1.A.3.c Railways - Liquid Fuels METHANE (CH4) 0.004233382 0.0000 1.0000
1.A.3.d Water-borne Navigation - Liquid Fuels METHANE (CH4) 0.0029008 0.0000 1.0000
1.A.3.a Civil Aviation - Liquid Fuels METHANE (CH4) 0.0024542 0.0000 1.0000
1.B.2.b Natural Gas CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) 0.001896718 0.0000 1.0000
1.B.2.b Natural Gas METHANE (CH4) 3.33822E-05 0.0000 1.0000
1.B.2.b Natural Gas NITROUS OXIDE (N2O) 8.97554E-06 0.0000 1.0000
IPCC IPCC Category Greenhouse gas Year 2012 Year 2022 Trend % Cumulative
category Emissions Emissions (Gg assessment Contribution Total
code (Gg CO2- CO2-eq) to Trend
eq) Assessment
3.B.2.b Land Converted to CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) 3971.41 2214.615 0.077 0.345 0.345
3.B.1.a Forest land Remaining CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) -9994.42 -9418.163 0.071 0.316 0.660
Forest land
4.D Wastewater Treatment METHANE (CH4) 1321.12 1574.085 0.019 0.084 0.744
and Discharge
3.B.5.b Land Converted to CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) 184.51 508.761 0.018 0.080 0.824
3.B.3.b Land Converted to CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) 2421.37 2054.309 0.010 0.043 0.868
2.F.1 Refrigeration and Air HFCs, PFCs 36.71 197.562 0.009 0.039 0.906
3.A.1 Enteric Fermentation METHANE (CH4) 162.97 287.740 0.007 0.032 0.939
3.B.1.b Land Converted to CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) -118.41 -253.46 0.007 0.030 0.969
Forest land
3.D.1 Harvested Wood CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) 1.62 -42.85 0.002 0.011 0.979
3.B.3.a Grassland Remaining CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) -57.53 -32.36 0.002 0.007 0.986
1.A.3.b Road Transportation - CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) 481.59 472.66 0.001 0.007 0.993
Liquid Fuels
3.A.2 Manure Management METHANE (CH4) 10.23 14.68 0.000 0.001 0.994
1.A.3.c Railways - Liquid Fuels CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) 7.94 12.20 0.000 0.001 0.995
1.A.3.a Civil Aviation - Liquid CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) 9.29 12.52 0.000 0.001 0.996
1.A.3.b Road Transportation - METHANE (CH4) 0.71 3.67 0.000 0.001 0.997
Liquid Fuels
3.C.7 Rice cultivation METHANE (CH4) 5.20 7.79 0.000 0.001 0.997
3.C.5 Indirect N2O Emissions NITROUS OXIDE (N2O) 1.98 3.82 0.000 0.000 0.998
from managed soils
1.A.1 Energy Industries - CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) 46.35 44.22 0.000 0.000 0.998
Liquid Fuels
2.A.2 Lime production CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) 1.59 0.21 0.000 0.000 0.998
1.A.1 Energy Industries - NITROUS OXIDE (N2O) 4.38 5.17 0.000 0.000 0.999
Biomass - solid
1.A.1 Energy Industries - METHANE (CH4) 3.47 4.09 0.000 0.000 0.999
Biomass - solid
3.C.4 Direct N2O Emissions NITROUS OXIDE (N2O) 8.77 8.98 0.000 0.000 0.999
from managed soils
3.C.6 Indirect N2O Emissions NITROUS OXIDE (N2O) 6.11 6.40 0.000 0.000 0.999
from manure
3.C.2 Liming CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) 0.94 0.12 0.000 0.000 0.999
3.C.3 Urea application CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) 4.47 4.82 0.000 0.000 1.000
2.D Non-Energy Products CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) 1.35 0.67 0.000 0.000 1.000
from Fuels and Solvent
2.H Other CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) 1.09 0.63 0.000 0.000 1.000
1.A.4 Other Sectors - Biomass METHANE (CH4) 5.90 5.64 0.000 0.000 1.000
- solid
3.A.2 Manure Management NITROUS OXIDE (N2O) 1.50 1.57 0.000 0.000 1.000
4.A Solid Waste Disposal METHANE (CH4) 0.04 0.105 0.000 0.000 1.000
1.A.3.b Road Transportation - NITROUS OXIDE (N2O) 6.72 6.164 0.000 0.000 1.000
Liquid Fuels
1.A.3.a Civil Aviation - Liquid NITROUS OXIDE (N2O) 0.07 0.093 0.000 0.000 1.000
1.A.1 Energy Industries - NITROUS OXIDE (N2O) 0.07 0.094 0.000 0.000 1.000
Liquid Fuels
1.A.4 Other Sectors - Biomass NITROUS OXIDE (N2O) 0.74 0.712 0.000 0.000 1.000
- solid
1.A.1 Energy Industries - METHANE (CH4) 0.04 0.050 0.000 0.000 1.000
Liquid Fuels
1.A.3.c Railways - Liquid Fuels NITROUS OXIDE (N2O) 0.01 0.009 0.000 0.000 1.000
1.A.3.c Railways - Liquid Fuels METHANE (CH4) 0.00 0.004 0.000 0.000 1.000
1.A.3.a Civil Aviation - Liquid METHANE (CH4) 0.00 0.002 0.000 0.000 1.000
4.D Wastewater Treatment NITROUS OXIDE (N2O) 0.00 0.004 0.000 0.000 1.000
and Discharge
3.B.2.a Cropland Remaining CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) 0.00 -94.00 0.000 0.000 1.000
1.A.4 Other Sectors - Liquid CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) 0.00 153.80 0.000 0.000 1.000
1.A.3.d Water-borne Navigation CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) 0.00 1.026 0.000 0.000 1.000
- Liquid Fuels
1.A.4 Other Sectors - Liquid METHANE (CH4) 0.00 0.462 0.000 0.000 1.000
1.A.4 Other Sectors - Liquid NITROUS OXIDE (N2O) 0.00 0.194 0.000 0.000 1.000
1.A.3.d Water-borne Navigation NITROUS OXIDE (N2O) 0.00 0.008 0.000 0.000 1.000
- Liquid Fuels
1.A.3.d Water-borne Navigation METHANE (CH4) 0.00 0.003 0.000 0.000 1.000
- Liquid Fuels
1.B.2.b Natural Gas CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) 0.00 0.002 0.000 0.000 1.000
1.B.2.b Natural Gas METHANE (CH4) 0.00 3.33822E-05 0.000 0.000 1.000
1.B.2.b Natural Gas NITROUS OXIDE (N2O) 0.00 8.97554E-06 0.000 0.000 1.000
Annex II: Uncertainty assessment
The following tables show the results in comparing reference approach with sectoral approach of
fuels consumed and emissions in the energy sector for 2021 and 2022. These years had reliable
energy statistics data to be able to make this assessment.
Table Annex I - 3 Comparison of reference and sectoral approach of fuels consumed in the energy sector for 2021
Table Annex I - 4Comparison of reference and sectoral approach of fuels consumed in the energy sector for 2022
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