Activation FAQ
Telephone Support
Online Support
Support Options
International Numbers
Rockwell Automation recognizes the value your company provides in applying our
technologies to implement customer solutions, and thank you for your support.
Rockwell Automation
• Use the instructions provided in this User Guide to obtain efficient service and
maximize the benefits of your Toolkit license. Providing your authorization number for
support and serial number(s) for product updates will expedite service delivery.
• Make sure you sign up on our Knowledgebase at to receive proactive notification of product
updates and tech notes.
2 Activation FAQ
3 Telephone Support
4 Online Support
6 Support Options
7 International Numbers
1 Enterprise Toolkit Contents
Enterprise Software Toolkit Bundle Contents - Named & Concurrent
*Denotes product serial number indicated on toolkit activation certificate is the parent serial number to download all activations
Legacy Toolkit: For customers who require access to RSVeiw32, Historian Classic, SoftLogix, Studio 5000 Legacy for v20.04 and below select the Legacy Toolkit “buy with” option when you
shop for the Enterprise Toolkit. The Legacy Toolkit provides you with the appropriate activation certificate required to use the software highlighted above.
Note: All Toolkit software is subject to limitations as described in the license agreement.
2 Activation FAQ
What is Media? Will I be able to activate all products included
Media is an electronic image of all software in the media?
that is available for additional purchase at time No. Which products you can activate depends
of Toolkit purchase. Media is provided for your on the contents of your license. Some products
internal development use only, and external have third-party licensing restrictions prohibiting
customer distribution is prohibited. Distribution inclusion in internal development licenses.
to customers may result in program termination. However, these products may be included on
• You will have activations to the products that are media for update and demo purposes.
included in the license type purchased by your
What do I need to activate my software
company (see your Contents document).
Please Note: The media provided is property
of Rockwell Automation and may not be To activate your software electronically you
will need:
resold, transferred, or used in a production or
manufacturing capacity. • A computer with an Internet connection and web
browser (or email, telephone, or fax capability).
Who can use media? • FactoryTalk Activation Manager software
Media is restricted to use of the toolkit (the FactoryTalk Activation Manager software
owner. External customer distribution is application is included on your media if you
prohibited. Distribution to customers may purchase).
result in program termination. • The software serial number and product key
(printed on the Activation Certificate document,
Is media included in the Toolkit? enclosed in a red envelope included with the
software media).
No. Media is optional and can be purchased
when the Toolkit subscription is renewed at the Who do I call if I need activation support?
end of each contract period.
Please access Technical Support at
Can I use media to update my customers? or by
phone using the numbers provided on pages 9-10.
Media is for internal development use only and
is not intended for end customer use. Distribution How do I Lock or UnLock a Serial Number?
to customers may result in program termination.
Request via Tech Support. Go to
Where can I find product release notes and Rockwell
system requirements? Automation Tech Support ... 24 x 7 around the
globe! ( Select Chat & Submit a
Question. Select the FactoryTalk Activation ? icon.
What if a product revises between media Select “I have a different question and would like to
releases? submit it”, then Next. In “Please enter a short title for your ticket”. Enter: Lock to Mail or UnLock to
Email. In “What information do you want to pass to
the Rockwell Automation Support Engineer?” Enter
the applicable Serial Number(s). A ticket will be
created and you will be notified when complete.
2 Activation FAQ continued…
Where can I find tutorials on FT Activation? Where can I find product manuals and
You can access FAQs, tutorials, and view release notes?
archived Q&As online at our Activations site The Rockwell Automation Technical Reference Library is included on media, and
contains product manuals, technical notes, and
What if I need help installing a product? Knowledgebase files for on-demand installation
Start with the Rockwell Automation assistance.
Knowledgebase for 24/7 technical information
and assistance: What is the minimum version of the
FactoryTalk Activation Tool I need to use with
• View technical/application notes my Toolkit?
• Obtain software patches
We encourage participants to use the latest
• Ask questions, and much more! version of FactoryTalk Activation Manager. The
• Subscribe for product/service emails latest version of FactoryTalk Activation Manager
can be downloaded from our website at
What is Lock to Email?
Toolkit owner can control activation
distribution to users by setting Lock to Email On. How is the Toolkit license activated?
Lock to Email requires the user to activate to an The Toolkit license uses FactoryTalk
internet computer. The owner or administrator Activation. FactoryTalk Activation is part of
assigns users the explicit number of activations the Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk Services
they will receive. The user will receive an email Platform. It allows FactoryTalk enabled products
to activate. The user must use the “Activate to be activated via files generated by Rockwell
Software” button to activate. Direct use of Automation over the Internet. It eliminates
FactoryTalk Activation Manager is inhibited. the dependency on physical media to initiate
For dongle activations or deployment to a activation. As a result, software activations can
disconnected system, Lock to Email must be OFF be delivered, distributed, stored, backed-up
and the use Serial Number and Product Key with and moved electronically. Activation files are
FactoryTalk Activation Manager is required. hosted to your local server, machine, or a USB
dongle. For help with activation, click Help in the
Will my Toolkit have one serial number with upper right corner of the FactoryTalk Activation
FactoryTalk Activation? Manager, or visit our Activations Support site at
Yes. You will have one serial number per at
Toolkit catalog number ordered. A Toolkit license
serial number includes individual activation
keys for the software products contained in the
bundle. Your Toolkit license may include multiple
installs under the same serial number depending
on the number of installs purchased.
3 Telephone Support
How to Contact
Immediately address issues with phone support. Please allow 5-7 days for receipt. The registered
These specialists are ready when you need them. participant site will be able to use the Toolkit
Please access Technical Support at serial number to obtain telephone support in the or by interim.
phone using the numbers provided on pages 9-10. • If you want to ask questions and/or need support
Once your contract is active, you will receive a regarding issues that have a direct impact
designated authorization number that can be on your operation or business, you should
found within their Welcome Kit (wallet cards) and/ categorize the urgency as HIGH. In high urgency
or within their account profile on Knowledgebase. situations, your system or process should remain
Please use your designated Authorization operational but at less than full capability. In
Number (and phone number if you purchased these situations, you require immediate or same
System Support) when calling for support. day resolution if possible.
These numbers can only be used for support • If your system or process is down and you
issues regarding products included in the Toolkit require an immediate response, you should
Program support offering. communicate this status to the telephone
Standard phone support hours are 8 am to 5 pm support specialist directly and classify it as VERY
Monday through Friday in the time zone of the HIGH. In these situations, we leverage additional
primary participant location unless a 24x7x365 technical support and engineering resources
support level was purchased. to resolve your issue quickly. We expect you to
implement technical support recommendations
You will receive an e-mail containing your toolkit
and to be available for immediate follow-up.
support entitlement information and credentials
If this does not occur, we may downgrade the
via PDF attachment following the toolkit order
urgency of your situation.
shipment. The PDF is formatted to print directly
onto Avery Stock Number 5371, so you can *Phone Support is not available on
print cards to carry with you and/or distribute Rockwell Automation observed holidays unless
electronically to your engineers who use the you have elected for 24x7x365 support. A list of
Toolkit software. these holidays for all regions can be found via the
Knowledgebase in article #819086.
3 Telephone Support
Maximize the Value of Your Call Make Calls
When you call for support, we will ask you for Use the designated telephone support number
the following information which you will want listed on your support entitlement e-mail and
to have available: wallet cards, or refer to this guide for a list of
• TechConnect Support agreement authorization International Numbers. You can use this number
number only to request support on product included in
• You can find this on your eWallet Cards the Toolkit TechConnect support offering. In
general, standard telephone support hours are
• If you cannot locate this number, we will ask you
from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday
for your name and company site location.
in the time zone of the participating location
• Product name(s), description and series/ listed on your support entitlement e-mail, unless
revision/version number you purchased a 24x7x365 support option.
• System configuration and components, e.g., Standard telephone support hours may vary
operating system, etc. according to your region. Refer to your support
• Sequence of events prompting your call entitlement email for specific in ormation.
• Complete error message if applicable Note: 24x7 Support is not currently available
In addition, you should communicate to the on certain products, such as FactoryTalk
telephone support specialist who answers your ProductionCentre, certain Safety products and
call the urgency of your situation so that we can KEPServer Enterprise. Toolkit Support does
respond appropriately. Use the following as a not include Legacy Support. Participants may
guide: purchase a Legacy Support contract through
• If you want to ask questions and/or need support your local Rockwell Automation sales or
regarding issues that have minimal or no Authorized Distributor.
immediate impact on your operation or business,
you should categorize the urgency as MEDIUM. In
normal situations, you agree that it is acceptable
if your issue is not resolved on an initial call.
Direct Dial Numbers 1
Select Option 3
Technical Support
For customers with Active TechConnectSM
and Integrated Service Agreement
Select Option 5
Support agreements More options
ThinManager® 201
Current Architecture-Class Drive Products - PowerFlex® AADvance® Control System, Trusted® Control System,
70, 700, 700S, 700L, 753, 755, 755TL/TR/TM and 755 OptiSIS® Solution
On-Machine drives, power conditioning products, drive
communications, DriveExecutive™, DriveExplorer™, 500 LOW VOLTAGE INDUSTRIAL CONTROL COMPONENTS
Connected Components Workbench™ Software, Contactors and Starters, Pushbuttons, Terminal Blocks,
MegaDySC® 1608M, MiniDySC® 1608N, SCR Bus Supply 700 Relays and Timers, Circuit Breakers, Disconnect 800
and ProDySC® 1608P Switches, 1497 Transformers, 4983 Surge Protection
Compact AC Drive Products Condition Sensing Switches (Bul. 836-840 Mechanical
PowerFlex® 4M/4, 40/40P, 400 drives Pressure, Temperature and Float, 808 Speed, 803 Rotating 801
PowerFlex® 523/525/527 drives Cam Switches)
ArmorStart® Controllers (290, 291, 294, 280, 281, 284) 501
ArmorConnect® Media (280-PWRM) Signaling Alarms, Beacons, Horns and Lights
Power Conditioning Products 802
(Bul. 854, 855)
Connected Components Workbench™ Software
150-154 SMC™ Smart Motor Controllers and
AC Legacy drives - PowerFlex® 700H, 700AFE, 160, 1305, 804
156 Solid-State Contactors
1336 (Classic), 1336E (IM/PACT®), 1336F (Plus II), 1336R 504
(Regen), 1336S (Plus), 1336T (FORCE™ Technology), 1336Z Electronic Motor Protection (E1 and E3 Plus, E300,
825 Overload Relays, 193-DNENCAT, 2100-ENET EtherNet 805
DC Legacy drives - 1395, 1397 510 Comm Modules, 1608 Voltage Sag Monitors)
PowerFlex® DC drives 511 1606 and 1607 Power Supplies, 1609 Uninterruptible Power
Supply, 1492 Printer/Plotter and IFM Modules
Reliance Electric™ - LiquiFlo and Standard Drives 512
900TC Temperature Controllers, 931 Conditioners,
Medium Voltage - PowerFlex® 7000, PowerFlex® 6000 807
937 Intrinsic Safety Modules
and 1557™ Drives, 1500 Contactors and Soft Starters,
857 and 865 Feeder/Motor Protection Relay, 513 Motor Protection Relays (Bul. 809-819, 1409) and
OneGear™ Controllers, 1591 Load Break Switches, 808
Motor Winding Heaters (Bul. 1410)
PowerBrick™ Technology
Limit, Photoelectric and Proximity Switches,
Connection Systems and Media
FactoryTalk® AssetCentre, RSMACC™ 600 Safety Mats (Bul. 440, 442), Relays and Switches,
Laser Scanners, Encoders (Bul. 842-847)
RSBizWare™ (Historian™ Classic, PlantMetrics™,
Scheduler™) Advanced Sensing (54RF, 55RF, 56RF RFID Tags,
MultiSight™ Sensors)
FactoryTalk® Historian SE 602
Hazardous Location Applications 812
FactoryTalk® Transaction Manager, RSSql™ 603
FactoryTalk® Batch, RSBatch™, eProcedure®,
MaterialTrack™ CENTERLINE® Motor Control Centers Sales Support 900
Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) 605 CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers Hardware
Post-Sales Technical Support
PMX - MES, CTM 606
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers
FactoryTalk® VantagePoint® 607 902
FactoryTalk® Edge Gateway 610 or PowerControl Builder™)
(1) Real-time remote assistance with the Live View Support™ Tool available
4 Online Support
The Knowledgebase Search Knowledgebase
The Rockwell Automation Support Center For information about how to search the is Knowledgebase, watch the video tutorial posted
your online resource for technical information, to the Support Center under the Support Center
support and assistance. Increase your Training menu or use the job aid posted in
productivity by finding solutions to technical Knowledgebase Answer 452148.
questions more quickly – saving both time and
Explore Forums
Our forum community offers peer to peer support
Maintained by the same engineers who provide on a wide range of topics. You can search for
your TechConnect Support, the Support Center an answer, offer a solution or start your own
houses the Knowledgebase forum discussion. For information on how to use, the forums, watch the video tutorial posted to
an online database that we update with the the support center under the Support Center
hardware and software solutions from actual Training menu or use the job aid posted in the
support service tickets. Knowledgebase Answer 452161.
The Knowledgebase, included with all
TechConnect support agreements, provides Submit Questions
you with access to over 70,000 technical notes, The Submit Questions feature lets you email you
documents and solutions. In addition, you can email a question on a specific product to a tech
submit questions and chat live with our Technical support engineer. For information about how
Support engineers in your local language. to search the Knowledgebase, watch the video
tutorital posted to the Support Center under the
Create an Account Support Center Training menu or use the job aid
To begin using your TechConnect Support posted in Knowledgebase Answer 44451.
contract, you need to create an account. For Your question is assigned a service ticket
information about how to create an account number. Our targeted email response time for
watch the video tutorial posted to the Support TechConnect customers is 24 business hours.
Center under the Support Center Training menu
or use the job aid posted in Knowledgebase
Answer 452148. IMPORTANT NOTE: The ‘Submit a Question’ feature
is only available when you have entered your
TechConnect Support authorization number into
IMPORTANT NOTE: Use your email address as your your account profile as described in the ‘Create an
user name and anything you want as a password. Account’ section.
Enter your support authorization number into
If you need immediate assistance, do not submit
your account profile to gain full access to all
an online support request. Instead, call the
Knowledgebase documents and features.
telephone number listed on your e-Wallet Cards
You can locate your support authorization number
(you must have purchased a toolkit with one of
on your e-Wallet Cards.
our available phone support options to qualify for
phone support).
4 Online Support continued…
Chat Live Organize Your Information
Mobile friendly and available 8am-5pm local time, Find My TechConnect acts as your personal
chat live with our engineers for expedited issue information library. For information about how
resolution. Visit the Knowledgebase to chat live to use this feature, watch the video tutorial
with Tech Support engineers at available at https://rockwellautomation.custhelp. com/app/answers/answer_view/a_id/35770/loc/
chat/chat_launch en_US#__highlight
For information about how to chat, watch the
video tutorial posted to the Support Center under
the Support Center Training Menu or use the job
aid posted in Knowledgebase Answer 452163.
5 Software, Firmware, and Other Updates
Obtaining Updates FactoryTalk® Activation Support
The Toolkit Support contract enables you to If you experience a hard disk failure or an
download software updates via the Web for the activation related problem, you should contact
products included in your Toolkit license. Please Rockwell Automation Technical Support at
go to
To download software or firmware updates, hot support.html or by phone using the call in
fixes or patches, navigate to numbers listed on page 15. See this Guide for a list of international numbers by country and
and select “Compatibility and Downloads” section region, or use our Worldwide Locator online at
from the left hand navigation.
Get Activation Support without picking up the
For More Information phone! Online activation support, including
Visit Live Chat, Reference and FAQ documents,
en-us/support.html or refer to the following and Activation Forum is available on the
websites for additional information about Rockwell Automation Knowledgebase. Go to
Rockwell Automation products and programs:
Software Registration Transfer:
6 Support Options
Receive unlimited access to Rockwell Automation System Support 365x24x7
technical support engineers for real-time phone For companies needing support after 5pm or over
and electronic support. With deep knowledge of the weekend for special projects or start-ups
our hardware and software products, and remote across the region, this option extends your hours
desktop technology, our engineers can help you of coverage to include weekends and holidays.
install, configure and maintain equipment and
Note: 24x7x365 support is not currently available
software, obtain software updates, diagnose
on certain products, such as FactoryTalk
and fix operating problems and perform basic
ProductionCentre and KEPServer Enterprise.
programming tasks.
Toolkit Support does not include Legacy
System Support M-F, 8-5 Support or Process Safety Support coverage.
Participants may purchase a Legacy Support or
With System Support, your calls are routed to a
Process Safety Support contract at a suggested
specialized group of technical support engineers
discount through your local Rockwell Automation
who are trained to support your overall Rockwell
Distributor or Rockwell Automation sales office.
Automation control system. You receive a
dedicated, single point of contact who will own *Phone Support is not available on
the ticket from start to finish and follow up to Rockwell Automation observed holidays unless
ensure your issue has been resolved. In addition, you have elected for 24x7x365 support. A list of
you gain access to a monthly series of Webinars these holidays for all regions can be found via the
to stay up-to-date on new products and offerings. Knowledgebase in article #819086.
System Support is available for both 8-5 and 24x7
support levels.
Standard phone support hours are 8:00 am to
5:00 pm Monday-Friday (in time zone of the
primary participating location) for TechConnect
7 International Numbers
This User Guide is designed for global use. For local language information or support you may call the
Customer Support number for your country. If your country is not included in the following list, please
call the number listed for your region.
Connect with us.
AADvance, Allen-Bradley, Anorad, ArmorBlock, ArmorConnect, ArmorStart, AutoMax, CENTERLINE, CenterONE, CIRCE, CNC, CompactLogix, Connected Components Workbench software, ControlLogix,
Datapac, DriveExecutive, DriveExplorer, Dynamix, Emonitor, Enpac, Enshare, Enwatch, expanding human possibility, FactoryTalk, FactoryTalk Activation, FactoryTalk AssetCentre, FactoryTalk Batch
View, FactoryTalk Batch, FactoryTalk eProcedure, FactoryTalk Gateway, FactoryTalk Historian Site Edition, FactoryTalk Historian, FactoryTalk Linx, FactoryTalk Network Manager,
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager, FactoryTalk VantagePoint EMI, FactoryTalk View ME, FactoryTalk View SE, FlexLogix, Flex I/O, FORCE, GML, GuardLogix, IM/PACT, IntelliCENTER, iTrak,
Kinetix, LifecycleIQ, MachineAlert, MagneMotion, MaterialTrack, MegaDySC, Micro800, MicroLogix, MiniDySC, MultiSight, OneGear, OptiSIS, PanelBuilder, PanelView, PanelView 5500,
PanelView 800, PanelView Classic, PanelView Component, PanelView Plus, PhaseManager, Pico, PlantMetrics, PlantPAx, PlantPAx, PLC-2, PLC-3, PLC-5, Point I/O, PowerBrick,
PowerControl Builder, PowerFlex 1557, PowerFlex, PowerMonitor, ProcessLogix, ProductionCentre, ProDySC, RAPID Line Integration, Reliance Electric, RSBatch, RSBizWare,
RSBizWare Historian, RSBizWare, RSBizWare Scheduler, RSFieldbus, RSLinx, RSLinx Classic, RSLinx Enterprise, RSLogix 500, RSLogix 5000, RSLogix Emulate 5000,
RSLogix, RSMACC, RSNetWorx, RSPower, RSSql, RSTestStand, RSView, RSView ME, RSView SE, RSView32 Active Display System, RSView32 WebServer, RSView32, Scheduler,
SequenceManager, SLC, SLC 500, SMC, SoftLogix, Stratix, Studio 5000 Architect, Studio 5000 Logix Designer, Studio 5000, Studio 5000 View Designer,
TechConnect, ThinManager, Trusted, Ultra, VantagePoint and XM are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.