F. Iorhuna et al / Adv. J. Chem. A 2023, 6(4), 380-390
energy of the lowest unoccupied molecular Fukui function and Fukui functions f(r), at the
orbital (ELUMO), energy gap (ΔE), total energy (E), lower possible energy with moderate
electron affinity (A), ionization potential (I), temperature.
global hardness (ƞ), global softness (S), Second
F. Iorhuna et al / Adv. J. Chem. A 2023, 6(4), 380-390
inhibitor to the surface of the metal. An indicator A simulation box measuring 17 x 12 x 28 with a
of the type of electron transfer between the periodic boundary condition was used to conduct
inhibitor molecule and the metal surface. a computational simulation to mimic the reality
of the reaction between the molecule and the
Δ𝑁 = (8) surface. To separate Al along the (110) plane, a
fractional depth of 3.0 was utilized. The lower
Back donation is determined with the help of
layers' form was constrained prior to iron
Equation (9)
surface optimization. Then, the Al surface was
ΔEbd = (µ+- µ-)2 = (9) expanded into a 10 × 10 supercell [1,4,19] to
reduce edge effects. Setting the temperature to
χ = Absolute electronegativity (eV) χ= = quench the molecule on the surface at 350 K [1-2,
21]. With a time step of 1 fs and a simulation
(EHOM0 ELUMO) (10)
runtime of 5 ps, the temperature was established
ω-: electron donating power (eV) using the NVE (microcanonical) ensemble. The
system was set up to quench every 250 steps on
both surfaces to get statistical data for the
energies on the surface of Al. Forcite-specific
ω+: electron accepting power (eV)
models and surface designs were used to create
(12) various interactions. The binding energy
between the inhibitors and the metal surfaces is
The donating and acceptance of the molecule calculated using Equation 16 [22,31-34].
and the metal were described using the second-
Binding Energy= Etotal – (Einhibitor+EFe surface) (16)
order Fukui function (f2), also known as the dual
descriptor f(k) [2,5,31]. The distinction between Eadsorption= -Ebinding (17)
the electrophilic and nucleophilic Fukui
functions, as seen in Equation (15), is the second Result and Discussion
Fukui function (f2) [14] where site + favors a
Molecular Dynamic Simulation
nucleophilic attack when f2(r) is greater than
zero, as opposed to an electrophilic assault when The close contacts between the inhibitor and
f2(r) is less than zero. This demonstrates that the aluminum surface were evaluated using the
f2(r) is a selectivity index for nucleophilic or Forcite model in the BOVIA Material Studio
electrophilic assaults [14,19,20]. (Accelrys, Inc.), where each step was quenched at
350 K [1]. Using the parameters of interaction
+: (for nucleophilic attack) such as binding energy, surface energy, total
(13) kinetic energy and adsorption energies, the
nature of the interaction between the molecule
-: (for electrophilic attack) and the surface was calculated with the aid of
(14) Equation (16) and the result was presented as
shown in Table 1. The result depicts that the
(r) +- - 2 (Fukui function) (15) compound exhibits low binding and negative
adsorption energy.
Molecular Dynamics Simulation Ayuba and Umar reported that a more negative
value of adsorption energy of the inhibitor-metal
surface interaction, the better the adsorption of
F. Iorhuna et al / Adv. J. Chem. A 2023, 6(4), 380-390
the inhibitor onto the metal surface, the better and Bello et al., in their various research, stated
the adsorption of the inhibitor onto the metal that chemical adsorption would occur on the
surface and, subsequently, the higher the metal surface if the binding energy is >100
inhibition. Ebinding is equivalent to -Eadsorption kcalmol-1 [19,20,31]. Thus, it is confirmed from
as presented in Equation (17). This indicates that the Molecular Dynamic simulation result in Table
the molecule VDB had mild adsorption on the 1 that the binding energy is just 58.923 kcalmol-1,
aluminum surface; hence the binding energy less than 100kcalmol-1. This implies that the
exhibited by the interaction is -58 kJmol-1[2, 22, aluminum and vidarabine (Al-VDB) interaction
25]. This is also per Belghiti et al., Nyijime et al., was physical.
Frontier Molecular Orbitals that such bonds did not require much energy for
the breakdown [1,2]. Figure 3 depicts that the
When the bond lengths of the compound were molecule interacted with the aluminum surface
compared before and after simulation, the and that electrons had undoubtedly been
molecules with double bonds were shorter, transferred between the surface and the
demonstrating that high energy is required for molecule [4]. The bond locations N10-C11, C1-
such a bond to break down, while the molecules N2, N2=C3, C14-C12, O12-C13, C13-C16, C16-
with single bonds were longer, demonstrating O17, and C11-C15 all exhibit a noticeable change
F. Iorhuna et al / Adv. J. Chem. A 2023, 6(4), 380-390
in bond length, showing that the molecule has in Figure 1. This demonstrates that molecules
surface contact with the metal [25,32,33]. Both tend to adsorb to metal surfaces in a flat
versions of all the examined molecules are orientation, maximizing the surface coverage
entirely planar, as evidenced by the torsional [10]. Salient bond lengths in the molecules were
angles in Table 2 of optimized structures and the compared between the simulated and optimized
simulated structure values [27]. This is also versions to explain the molecule's impact on the
shown in the horizontal orientation of the surface during interaction [27].
molecule encounter with the surface as depicted
Figure 2. Calculated link length (Å) of the molecule VDB before and after simulation
Table 2. Rotational constants of H2, DH, and D2
Torsion Atoms Before simulation (φ°) After stimulation (φ°)
C1-N2=C3-N4 -0.562 1.245
N4-C5-C6-N8 179.932 178.785
N8-C6-C5-N7 -0.512 1.328
N8-C9-N10-C11 166.177 163.463
C9-N10-C11-O12 28.974 35.472
O12-C13-C16-O17 63.178 66.208
O17-C16-C13-C14 77.826 169.304
O19-C15-C14-O18 16.744 48.616
F. Iorhuna et al / Adv. J. Chem. A 2023, 6(4), 380-390
F. Iorhuna et al / Adv. J. Chem. A 2023, 6(4), 380-390
parameters results, the molecule VDB has a half- However, if ΔN is greater, the effectiveness of the
electron transfer value of less than 3.6. According inhibition decreases as the inhibitor's ability to
to the literature, if ΔN is less than 3.6, the donate electrons rises [1,10,21]. The formal
effectiveness of the inhibition increases as the scenario for the structure under study is one
molecules' ability to donate electrons rises. with a VDB molecule on an aluminum surface.
a c
b d
Figure 5. (a) Optimized molecule (b) HOMO orbitals (c) Electron Density (d) LUMO orbital
F. Iorhuna et al / Adv. J. Chem. A 2023, 6(4), 380-390
A lower value of ELUMO produces a higher et al. and Nyijime et al. [18,20]. The power of the
electron-acceptance capacity of molecules from electron donator and acceptor estimated from
the surface of aluminum. The ability of the the molecule obtained from the computation was
inhibitor to assign electrons to the open d-orbital high, indicating that the molecule has a greater
on the metal surface improves the efficiency of capacity to donate an electron to the aluminum
the inhibition process [1,2]. The fact that EHOMO surface, as previously demonstrated by the
values are negative suggests that physical Second Fukui function in a system's ability to
adsorption is preferred when molecules and accept charge is strengthened by a higher
metals are adsorbed to their surfaces [1,9,15,18]. electron accepting power (ω+) value. In contrast,
Additionally, molecules with higher EHOMO values a lower electron-donating power (ω-) value
have a higher propensity to transfer electrons to improves its ability to donate charge [7].
the surface of aluminum. The ELUMO and EHOMO
levels must differ for the molecule's stability Conclusion
indicator to function correctly. A compound with
As determined by the values of
a low energy gap (ΔEg) has higher inhibition
interaction/binding energy, bond length, and
efficiency, which lowers the excitation energy
quantum chemical parameters such as the
required to remove an electron from the last
energy of the highest occupied molecular orbital
occupied orbital [1,10]. In its most basic form,
(EHOMO), the energy of the lowest unoccupied
chemical hardness refers to resistance to
molecular orbital (ELUMO), energy gap (E), total
polarization or distortion of the electron cloud of
energy (E), electron affinity (A), ionization
atoms, ions, and molecules in the presence of
potential (I), and others, from the result it can be
minute chemical reaction disturbances. In
concluded that: (a) The inhibition process was
contrast to the large energy gap of a hard
driven by the transfer of electrons between the
molecule, soft molecules have a smaller energy
metal crystal surface and the molecule, as shown
gap. The molecule's energy gap can be used to
by the number of electron transfer (ΔN) values
determine its softness [16,17,28].
for the surface; (b) According to a molecular
The back donation Eb-d energy was also used to
dynamic simulation, the adsorption happened by
discuss the contact effect between the inhibitor
a process called physisorption, which accounts
VDB and the aluminum surface. If the global
for the low value of binding energy between the
hardness is positive and the energy of back
surface and the molecule; (c) Molecular Dynamic
donation (Eb-d) value is negative, the back
(MD) and Density Functional Theory (DFT)
donation process is favored so that the molecule
simulations may be particularly effective
transmits the charge to the aluminum metal
techniques for rationalizing various potential
when they come in contact with the surface of
corrosion inhibitors; (d) Vidarabine is a suitable
the Al. In contrast, the electrophilicity index
corrosion inhibitor for aluminum metal.
indicates a molecule's ability to accept electrons
(ω). The ability of a molecule to provide or
receive electrons is referred to as nucleophilicity
(ε), which is the opposite of electrophilicity The authors wish to acknowledge the
(1/ω). According to research, compounds with contribution of Dr. A. M. Ayuba of Pure and
high nucleophilicity values successfully prevent Industrial Chemistry Bayero University, Kano,
corrosion compared to molecules with high Nigeria. for the success of this research.
electrophilicity indices. This finding was in line
with a study on a related compound by Iorhuna Disclosure statement
F. Iorhuna et al / Adv. J. Chem. A 2023, 6(4), 380-390
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