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Sunday Mail (Brisbane, Qld.

: 1926 - 1954), Sunday 28 April 1940, page 9

Hitler's GrandfatherWasA Jew

Book Review
HITLER'S grandmother Rothschildmansion
was a servant maid in the in Vienna,
illegitimate Rothschild.
mother daughter
his was the of a That is the
explanation Hitler's fanatical
of hatred of the Jews and his
treatment Rothschilds.
brutal of the Austrian
Koehler Hansjuergen professes
At leastHerr says so, and he to have
workedfor severalyears chiefs Gestapo,
as one of the of the and had direct
orders recover contained record Hitler's
to at any costthe fatalfilethat a of life.
what and the facts of
hesaysis truethat
file was for the
responsible when and
the Hitlers came to

cowardly murder of contained docu-

Chan- The second part
referring to mysterious
cellor Dolfuss, ments the
the mys- for suicide of Hitler's niece, Greta
terious disappearance of Raupal. Schuschnigg had succeeded
in finding out more about this
Chancellor Schuschnigg, and
invasion tragic affair than anyone else,
for the thatled to the although
even he could not dis-
incorporation motives and details.
Austria within cover all the
of Like Dolfuss Schuschnigg
the ThirdReich. this file as his
Dolfuss had the let it beknown
Austrian records searched for to Hitler that Papen's the day the
he would pub- Chancellor
informationconcerning Hitler's went to the famous
lish the con- Berchtes-
parentage meeting with Hitler at
and his youth. tents as a
document White Book if gaden.
A copy of every Historians publicists describ-
was prepared
for him, and Dolfuss Hitler persisted and
in interfering
ing the tragedy of Austria main-
wrote a minute across the file catastrophe was
stating would be valu- with the sov- tained that the
that it ereign rights Schuschnigg's acceptance
able to future historians be- of caused by
Hitler's invitation. The
cause it explainedHitler's burning Austria. of Fuehrer
hatred of the Jews. Dolfuss in- him, their version ran, as
tended to use the knowledge
if Hit- hidden in a
a real dictator, he showed him
strongroom mobilisation
ler became troublesome to Austria, in house, brutally
the plan of
but before he could publish any- and while Madame Schuschnigg the German troops, and then pre-
murdered. lived no Nazisqy could get intothe sented him
thing he was Chancellor's

study. She was acci-
dentally killed
The file passed to in a motor accident matum.
continued least it was saidto be acci- According to
who the work started
afterwards a
soon the author the
by He knew very well beautiful Nazi spy, the Countess truth was quite
immense Fugger-Czernin,
that this file had an im- Vera was intro- different. The
portance duced to the by the fate of ancient
for Hitler. Hadn'tit
notoriousvon Papen. Austria was in
already cost the life of a Chan- Schusch- a woman's
She won the heart of
cellor of Austria? And Schusch- nigg, and in hand.
the midst of her
continue elaborateintrigues with von Papen After many
nigg wantedto his in- delays Schusch-
in the most danger-
and Gestapo agents to steal the
file she discovered
that she in nigg decidedto
ous directions.
turn loved the lonely go to the fatal
went calmly and com-
His collection
was in two parts. It was too late for her to draw posedly,
knew he could
The first consisted of documents back, but she was cunningly per- balance Hitler's exaggerated de-
suaded by von Papen that Schuschnigg's
the mands.
trying to elucidate the origin of only way to save Schuschnigg
Johanna Hitler, the Fuehrer's life was to deliver the file. This knew that Hitler
grandmother, she von Kettler, von what a fatal weapon that
and the facts of dossier could be. Should the Aus-

National Library of Australia

Sunday Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1926 - 1954), Sunday 28 April 1940, page 9 (2)

dossier have been written by
could be. Should the Aus-
Koehler, who says that he escaped usual military precision on his
trian Government publish the
documents in a White Book it from Germany,knowing that desk,"writes Koehler. "His sub-
would deal Hitlera mortalblow. sooner or later he would die ordinatesoften tremble when
for the knowledgethat he
Even if it did not succeed in possessed. they spill a drop of ink, or if
bringing He predictsthat
him to fall (it was hardly he is signing his own death some papers slip from their
that such a book could be
smuggled into Germany in large hands."
numbers) any Nazi movement
abroad would be discredited
in the
the book, being certain that the Rather than a man of iron, as
Gestapo, subordinates
merciless light of cold facts.
active in every country in his maintain, Koehler
world, will sooner or Himmler sadistic
the get him says is a unscrupulous weak-
of course, had no later. ling and an syco-
idea what was going on behind his phant. His flattery,
suave his cun-
back. He behaved in a rather intrigue
superior according
BasedOn Facts ning sense of have made
manner, and to him more dangerousthan any
the author, Heydrich, a Gestapo cautious strong "go-getter" could be.
chief, told him The readermay be par-
that Hitler seemed The book is full of
nervous. doned for having his doubts whether
to be Herr Koehler ever belonged to the
It tells of a father who
Hours went by while Hitler Gestapo,
for a man who played such was betrayed innocently
by his
waited for the arrival of the fatal prominent twelve-year-old
daughter, to
afternoon Hitler a part in the crimes that whom
file. In the conference; are related would hardly recoil so he was devoted, and emphasises

broke off the he re- obviously in the telling of them. that the Gestapo has voluntary or
continue the discussion involuntary
fused to Unquestionably,

the book is based on spies in every home in

until von Kettler arrived. Germany; horrors
facts, because it is well documented, perpetrated
it tells of the
and many of the incidents and the by the Gestapo in con-
Schuschnigg centration
Shock For persons mentionedcould be
bv other records.It is
not inexcus- beaten to
camps, where men
death every day; it
At last news came that Kettler's able to think that the author is a veals how men who are wanted by
British Intelligence Service man. the Gestapo are kidnappedfrom
car had reached the frontier,
and . . . who probably knows more about foreign countries; and amazing
The fate of Austriawas sealed. the workings of the Gestapo than are toldof the Nazispy sys-
sabotage system Austria,
About 11 p.m., when the most of its own agents know. tem and
accursed documents arrived at In any case, his characterstudies, and Poland, and
Berchtesgaden, discussions be- more particularly
those of the how the Nazi spy system operates
the every country in
gan again. masters of the Gestapo, ring true. in the world, all
" . . . and if you do not
my Take for example his description
of ready to carry out active sabotage
conditions the mediaeval in of war.
German troops will "Inside Gestapo"
occupy Austria," Hitler ended. the is a book of
And now tragi-comedy followed. "SensitiveSoul" extraordinary revelations, revealing
replied . . . alluded the sordid brutality of Nazidom and
to the publication
of a circumstances," its devilry in probing into the cran-
"Never under any
"White Book"whichwould. . . Heydrich author, "are nies of German life. Most readers
told the any will agree that a party which
"Consist of empty papers." Hitler children related to
women or pri- soul-destroying
interrupted him ruthlessly. He soners to admitted to organised such a
be our Chief. accursed
walked to a cupboard
in the wall,
responsibility horror should be held
It is our full that he throughout
opened it . . . and Schuschnigg should not be brought in contact the whole world and
recognised down the ages yet to be.
paled. He the file with them."
thought safely in
which he his own Then,he addedwith a queer little
study. smile: "Heinrichis a sensitive
A few hourslaterthe Nazistook soul."

possession Austria and Schusch- Naturallythis surprisedKoehler.

of Heinrich Himmler,
Chief of the Ger-
nigg became a
man Police, master of the dreaded
And now for another sidelighton
S.S. in the whole Reich, did not
treachery and
this story of crime. impress him as a particularly
Von Papen's secretarywas sitive or
shadowed by the Gestapo (directed describes
He Himmler as hav-
from Vienna at that moment by forbidding, unpleasant
ing a rather
professed author of
the this sen-
face,and the fact that he wears
book). It was found that
he had had the documents secretly him look like a
by order of von school inspectorsufferingfrom
Papen, so a few days later his bat- indigestion.
severe chronic
tered body was dragged out of the Himmler'smental qualitiescould
Danube. not be called very brilliant. But he
The author adds that only always had known how to hide
this fact behind a front of nauseat-
four living servility presenceof
ing in the his
nigg (he may be dead), Signor Fuehrer.
Mussolini(through whom a copy incredibly unscrupu-
Also he was
Schuschnigg Hitler),
was sent by to
lous: he could be blind, deaf, and
Heydrich (chief of the political
branch of the Gestapo), and him dumb there was an un-
actually seen the docu- task to do. HITLER
: His rage,becauseof
ments, but he has reason to be-
SadisticWeakling the secretfile,is said to have
lieve that von Papen sent a photo- been for the murder
graphed copy to London, and is al-
It is considered ratherironical that Himm- of Dolfuss and the Gestapo'sin-
treatment Schusch-
lowed to live until the Gestapo
ler is by friends,
all his "extremely human of
recovering Hitler, as nigg.
finds some way of it. and also by
Then von Papen is doomed. honest" and "rather No
doubt he pedant
That is a briefsummary of one
is a and a prig
whom the smallest speck of dust, a
of the many sensational stories in slightly tarnished button can send
this book, "Inside the Gestapo" off into a rage.
(published by the Pallas Publish- "I haveseenhim show signs of
ing Company Ltd., London, and
received by through Gordon and the deepest distress on seeingan
Gotch Ltd.). The book is said to or a file out of the
have been written by
usual military precision on his

National Library of Australia

Sunday Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1926 - 1954), Sunday 28 April 1940, page 9 (3)

SCHUSHNIGG : His trump

card failed.

cold, brutalchief of
the which has caused
untoldmiseryto nationsand

National Library of Australia

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