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Check 5.1. is for project task 5 (delivering a famous speech).

Check 5.1 appreciation

Getting started with the pictures
In order to get students involved in the project, draw their attention
on the pictures on pages 97 and 98. They should be able to recognize
Nelson Mandela and the handshake between a black and a white
man. Ask them what particular thing they like in Nelson Mandela and
if they know any other famous person who possesses the same
values. They should be able to mention Mandela’s heroism, his
probity, his charisma and his communicative skills.
Martin Luther King and Barack Obama could also be named for their
famous speeches. Write some of the sentences of ‘I have a dream’
by Martin Luther King on the board and ask anyone to imitate the
Check 5.1 Reading about the speech • Either read the speech aloud
to the students, or ask a very good student to do this, or have
students read the speech silently.
• If teacher chooses to read the speech aloud to the students, he
needs time to practice it first so as to sound very natural. While he
reads, students should have their book closed. He could even set a
task for them:
Task: Listen to this speech and decide whether these statements are
true or false:
a) The speech is about south Africa financial situation
b) The speech is about Black people emancipation in south Africa
c) The speech is about unity and progress
Answers: a) False; b) True; c) true

Students read the text on their own, find answers to the questions in
their books and then give them orally.
1. Examples : The first three sentences are similar : The time … has
come. The moment … has come. The time … is upon us.
‘a complete, just and lasting peace’
‘for national reconciliation, for nation-building, for the birth of a new
‘let there be … three times
‘the body, the mind and the soul’
(Never, never and never again …’
Where the three items are complete sentences, a climax develops so
that the third point has extra force
When there are just three words or phrases, the effect is one of
balance, harmony and a natural sense of completeness.
Where one word is repeated, as ‘never’ is, the effect is one of very
strong emphasis.
Students may like to practice saying these trios.
Healing of wounds
- Literally means making wounds heal
- Metaphorically means restoring relationships, making peace
between sections of a divided society.
Bridge the chasms
- Literally : make a bridge over a deep gorge or ravine
- Metaphorically: bring together, link, and unite the two halves of a
divided society.
- Literally : put up a building
- Metaphorically : do positive, constructive, beneficial things
- Literally : the well-used way that vehicles travel on
- Metaphorically : the way or method or stages for achieving
A rainbow nation
- A rainbow is a beautiful thing of many colours
- A rainbow nation is one that includes people of many colours, and is
Valley of darkness
- Literally : a valley which is dark
- Metaphorically : a difficult period in the nation’s history
- Literally : an animal with a very unpleasant smell
- Metaphorically: a nation that was so unpleasant that everyone
avoided it.
The sun shall never set.
- Literally : the sun will always shine
- Metaphorically: this achievement will live forever and always be
3. Students say what they think reconciliation means in the light of
their knowledge of the history of South Africa
4. A covenant is an agreement or contract. The words mean that the
different sections of society or people in it agree to work together for
a united country.
5. We have at last achieved our political emancipation. We
succeeded to take our last steps to freedom; we enter into a
covenant ….; … so that we could be free; … as the first President of a
united democratic, non-racial and non-sexist South Africa; … for the
birth of a new world; the sun shall never set … etc.
PROJECT TASK 5: Delivering a famous speech • Students prepare to
deliver Nelson Mandela’s speech, Go over with them some of the
points to consider when reciting a poem (on p. 34 of this book).
Students practice delivering the speech The best student delivers the
speech at the evening’s entertainment

Writting : a speech
Introduction :
What is a speech ?
According to you how many part do we have in a speech ?
What are the differents kinds of speech you know ?
Answer :
1- A speech is an address which you presente to an audience
2- Answer may very
3- We have many kind of speech depending on the occasion of
the speech delivrance
 Welcome speech
 Farewell speech
 Speech about a topic /an issue
Activity 1 : presentation
Task1 : study the speech you have on your papers paying attention to
the differents parts. Then give the content of each parts.
Answer :
Heanding/Type of speech : precise what and who /the occasion the
speech is for.
Identification data : Information about who is delivring the speech
(name, position) occasion, the place, date
Salutation : Presentation of the audience from the most important to
the less one
The body :
The speaker’s signature
The speakers’s full name and title
Task2 : read the speech and pay attention to the content of the
Answer :
Presentation of the occasion of the speech
Useful information
Activity 2 : practice
Task : identify the different parts of this speech
Activity 3 production
Task : write a speech to present the advantages of mastering english
for a student in our world of today

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