file on speech writing
file on speech writing
file on speech writing
Writting : a speech
Introduction :
What is a speech ?
According to you how many part do we have in a speech ?
What are the differents kinds of speech you know ?
Answer :
1- A speech is an address which you presente to an audience
2- Answer may very
3- We have many kind of speech depending on the occasion of
the speech delivrance
Welcome speech
Farewell speech
Speech about a topic /an issue
Activity 1 : presentation
Task1 : study the speech you have on your papers paying attention to
the differents parts. Then give the content of each parts.
Answer :
Heanding/Type of speech : precise what and who /the occasion the
speech is for.
Identification data : Information about who is delivring the speech
(name, position) occasion, the place, date
Salutation : Presentation of the audience from the most important to
the less one
The body :
The speaker’s signature
The speakers’s full name and title
Task2 : read the speech and pay attention to the content of the
Answer :
Presentation of the occasion of the speech
Useful information
Activity 2 : practice
Task : identify the different parts of this speech
Activity 3 production
Task : write a speech to present the advantages of mastering english
for a student in our world of today