EEE 106(S) Experiment 1

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Electrical Circuits II Laboratory (EEE 106)

Simulation Experiment No. 01
Part -A: Transient Analysis of AC Circuits

A transient analysis deals with the behavior of an electric circuit as a function of time.
When energized with a sinusoidal ac input, a circuit shows sinusoidal ac output in
steady-state condition. However, before reaching steady-state condition a circuit
passes through a transition period when the circuit is switched with an ac supply.
During this transient period, the currents and voltages are not periodic functions of
time. If a circuit contains an energy storage element(s), a transient can also occur in a
dc circuit after a sudden change due to switching.

SPICE allows simulating transient behaviors by assigning initial conditions to circuit

elements, generating sources, and the opening and closing of switches. Students are
advised to apply the techniques for transient analysis of simple circuit laws and to
verify the SPICE results by hand calculations.

If an RL circuit is energized with an ac voltage then the expression of dynamic
Equilibrium is:
L  Ri  E m sin(t   )
where, i is the current through RL branch, Em sin(t   ) is the applied voltage with
 phase.
The solution for current in RL circuit is:
E E Rt
i  m sin(t     )  m sin(   ) exp(  ) ………………………………..(1)
where, impedance, Z  R 2  ( L) 2 and phase difference between voltage and
current,   tan 1 ( ) .
In (1) first and second terms are steady-state and transient respectively.
Mathematically, the steady-state term is known as the ‘particular integral’ and the
transient term as the ‘complimentary function’.

Similarly, for RC circuit the expression of dynamic Equilibrium is:

Ri   E m sin(t   )
where, q is the charge and i 
The solution for current in RC circuit is:
E Em t
i  m sin(t     )  cos(   ) exp(  ) …………………………….(2)

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where, impedance, Z  R 2  (1/ C ) 2 and phase difference between voltage and
current,   tan 1 (RC) .
In (2) first and second terms are steady-state and transient respectively.

For RLC branch circuit the expression of dynamic Equilibrium is:

d 2i di 1 dq
L 2 R   E m sin(t   )
dt dt C dt
R2 1
If 2
 then expression of current can be written as follow:
i  m sin(t     )  d exp( at ) sinh bt  m sin(   ) exp( at ) cosh bt
Z bL Z

R2 1
If 2
 then expression of current can be written as follow:
i  m sin(t     )  d exp( at ) sin t  m sin(   ) exp( at ) cos t
Z L Z

Qo EmL E R R R2 1
Ed  Em sin    cos(   )  m sin(   ) , a  ,b  2
 ,
C Z 2Z 2L 4L LC
   jb and Qo is charge in capacitor before switching.

Practice problem 1:

Figure 7.1

Construct the circuit in both netlist and schematic.

Using transient analysis, plot i, VL by with Vm = 300 volts, frequency=50 Hz and
lamda  =0, 30, 60 degree.

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Practice Problem 2:

Figure 7.2

Construct the circuit in netlist and using transient analysis, plot i, Vc vs time.

Practice Problem 3:

Figure 7.3

Construct the circuit in schematics and using transient analysis, plot i, VL, VC vs time.

Pre-lab work:
(1) Students will plot i, VC, and VL by using transient analysis and that will be verified
during lab.
(2) They will calculate the maximum and minimum peak values of currents and
voltages at transient condition and time required to reach steady state.
(3) For two different values of L, C, R measure maximum and minimum peak value at
transient condition and time required to reach steady state.

Alternating-Current Circuits – Russell M. Kerchner & George F. Corcoran

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Electrical Circuits II Laboratory (EEE 106)
Simulation Experiment No. 01
Part -B: Analysis of Magnetically Coupled AC Circuits

If a one portion of the magnetic flux established by one circuit interlinks with a
second circuit, two circuits are coupled magnetically and energy may be transferred
from one circuit to the other through magnetic field. Where the windings are widely
separated or are situated in space, the coupling is said to be loose. With closer
proximity and proper orientations of the windings, coefficient of coupling approaches

The coefficient of coupling is defined as,

Mutual Inductances in PSPICE

Users of PSPICE often need to model inductors that are magnetically coupled. This
may occur in steady-state power system simulations, or in power electronic transient
circuit simulations where linear or nonlinear transformer models are used. In some
cases it is necessary to model weakly coupled inductors. This tutorial will address the
issues of modeling magnetic coupling in these circumstances.

Basic Linear Coupled Inductors

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In the above figure two inductors are coupled by a coefficient of coupling, k. Their
nodes are designated by small integers, and polarity marks have been added. The
polarity information is passed to PSPICE by the order of the nodes. If the coefficient
of coupling is k = 0.8, a valid PSPICE coding could be:

*name node1 node2 inductance (comment line)

L1 1 2 40mH
L2 3 4 10mH
*name ind1 ind2 k (comment line)
K12 L1 L2 0.8

Note that the polarity marks in the figure are beside nodes 1 and 3 of the inductors. In
the listing, these are entered as the leftmost nodes. An equivalent polarity relationship
could be indicated by reversing both nodes on both inductors. The coupling of the
coils is entered by including a new part that must begin with the letter, K. The "K"
part name is followed by a list of the coupled inductors, then by the value of the
coefficient of coupling. The coefficient of coupling must occupy the range, 0  k  1.
Numerically the coefficient of coupling in practical installations may range from
approximately 0.01 between certain types of radio circuits to as high as 0.98 or 0.99
between iron-core transformer windings.

Multiple Couplings with Different Values

La 1 2 15mH
Lb 3 4 12mH
Lc 5 6 10mH
Kab La Lb 0.08
Kbc Lb Lc 0.075
Kca Lc La 0.04

In the above figure, each inductor has mutual coupling with more than one other
inductor, but with different coupling coefficient. In this case, PSpice requires a
separate "K" part for each coefficient of coupling as shown in the code.

Note that the polarities of the inductors, and therefore the sense of the mutual
coupling is accounted for by the order of the nodes entered for the self inductance
parts. In this case, different symbols have been used in the figure to assure that it is
understood which pairs are coupled and in what sense. In general, if there are n coils,
there will be ½ n(n-1) "K" parts needed.

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Multiple Couplings with Same Values

La 1 2 25uH
Lb 3 4 50uH
Lc 5 6 100uH
Ld 7 8 200uH
Kall La Lb Lc Ld 0.98

In the above example, we assume that all inductors share identical coefficients of
coupling. This is a reasonable assumption when coil symmetry exists and all coils are
wound on a common core. Under these conditions, PSpice allows a single "K" part to
describe all the coupling.

Again, the polarity information is entered by the order of the nodes for the self
inductances. Since all the coupling coefficients were the same, only one "K" part was
needed instead of six.

Practice Problem:


a) A circuit with two mutually coupled inductors is shown in fig 5.1. Write down
the netlist of the above circuit. If the input voltage is 120 V peak with a
suitable frequency (say 60Hz, 90Hz etc). Calculate the magnitude and phase of
the output current. The coefficient of coupling for the transformer is 0.999.
b) Observe the voltage waveshapes at point 2 and 4.
c) Perform the above problem by changing the position of the DOT on the
Secondary inductor.
d) Now construct the circuit in PSPICE. Choose part “K_Linear” to establish a
coupling between L1 and L2. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the designed circuit.

Alternating-Current Circuits – Russell M. Kerchner & George F. Corcoran

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