Chapter 1 12th Solid State

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Chapter- 1

Solid State
Multiple choice questions (1 mark)

1. The following types of solids contain molecules as constituent particles? (page 4)

a. molecular solids b. Ionic solids
c. metallic solids d. covalent network solids

2. The following crystal systems contain 4 Bravais lattices? (page7)

a. cubic b. tetragonal c. orthorhombic d. monoclinic

3. An octahedral void is surrounded by (page10)

a. 4 spheres b. 3 spheres c. 8 spheres d. 6 spheres

4. Which of the following is an amorphous solid? (page2)

a. Copper sulphate b. magnesium c.tar c. diamond

5. A paired cation-anion vacancy is called…… (page 17)

a. Schottky defect b. Frenkel defect c. impurity defect d. vacancy defect
6. The unit cell of a simple cubic system has atoms at the eight corners. Hence, number of atoms in an unit cell is

a. 8 b. 3 c. 1 d. 2
7. In crystal lattice formed by primitive unit cell, the space occupied by particles is (page12)
a.47.6% a. 52.4% b. 32% c. 68%

8. The coordination number of spheres in hcp lattice in three dimension is (page11)

a. 2 b. 6 c. 4 d. 12

9. A compound is made up of two elements X and Y and crystallizes in bcc structure. Atoms of X are present at the
corners of the cube. Atoms of Y are present at the centre of the cube. The formula of the compound is
a. X2Y b. XY c. XY2 d. X2Y3

10. Sodium crystallizes in bcc structure. If the edge length of unit cell is 4.3X10-8 cm, the radius of Na atom is
a. 1.86×10-8cm b. 1.52×10-8cm
c. 2.15×10-8cm d. 4.3×10-8cm (page12

Very short answer questions (1 Mark)


1. Write the effect on density of a substance in the Frenkel defect?

2. Name the bravais lattice in the triclinic system.
3. What are diamagnetic substances?
4. Give one property common to both hcp and ccp crystal lattices.
5. Write the relationship between radius of atom and edge length of fcc unit cell.
6. Draw diagram of bcc unit cell.
7. The number of tetrahedral voids are formed if the number of atoms in a crystal is N/2.
(page 11)
8. Give the percentage of empty space in bcc lattice.
9. If the total volume of a simple cubic unit cell is 6.817×10-23 cm3, what is the volume
occupied by particles in unitcell?
(Ans:3.57×10-23 cm3)
10. The number of octahedral voids are formed in 0.5 mol of a
compound forming hcp structure? (Ans:3.011x1023) (page11)

Short answer questions (Type- I) (2 Marks)

1. Distinguish between crystalline solids and amorphous solids.

2. Classify the following solids as molecular, ionic,
covalent and metallic solids.Pb, MgF2, SO2 and
3. Find the number of atoms in the fcc unit cell.
4. Explain with diagram, the vacancy defect.
5. Calculate the number of unit cells in 0.3 g of a species having density of 8.5
g/cm3 and unit cell edge length3.25×10-8 cm. (Ans:1.03×1021)
6. A compound crystallizes in bcc structure. What is unit cell edge length if
diameter of its atom is 120 pm?(Ans:138.6 pm)

Short answer questions (Type- II) (3 Marks)

1. A substance crystallizes in fcc structure. The unit cell edge length is 367.8pm.
Calculate the molar mass of thesubstance if its density is 21.5 g/cm3.


(Ans:161 g/mol)
2. The unit cell of Na is bcc and its density is 0.97 g/cm3. What is the radius of a
sodium atom if the molar mass ofNa is 23 g/mol? (Ans:1.86×10-8 cm)
3. How are non-stoichiometric point defects classified? Explain with diagram the metal
deficiency defect.
4. Explain with one example each, the diamagnetic, paramagnetic and ferromagnetic

Long answer questions (4 marks)

1. What are nonstoichiometric point defects? Explain with a diagram the formation of F-
2. Give the classification of stoichiometric point defects. What is a substitutional
impurity defect? Explain solidsolutions of metals and vacancy through aliovalent

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