2024-Adueme et al. [HND Computer Science]
2024-Adueme et al. [HND Computer Science]
2024-Adueme et al. [HND Computer Science]
JULY, 2024
This project is submitted as part of fulfillment for the award of an HND in Computer Science
Title: The work is a result of our investigation. All sections of the text and results which have
been obtained from other works/ sources are fully referenced. We understand that cheating and
plagiarism constitute a breach of Accra Technical University and will be dealt with accordingly.
I hereby confirm that the above students are HND Students in the Department of Computer
Science under my academic and research supervision by the project work requirements in Accra
Technical University.
Felix Okai ……………… ………………
First of all, this project is dedicated to God Almighty for his care and protection throughout our
stay at Accra Technical University. We also dedicate this work to our guardians and loved ones
for making us come this far by the mercies of God. May God give them long life and prosperity,
not forgetting also those who contributed to our success in life especially our Lecturers and many
others who could not be mentioned.
I will take this opportunity to show my gratitude to everyone who made this project a success.
However, it would not have been possible without the kind support and help of my classroom
colleagues. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them. I am highly indebted to my
Supervisor, HOD, Lecturer One, Lecturer Two, etc. for their guidance and constant supervision
providing necessary information regarding the project, and also their support in completion. I
would like to express my gratitude towards my mom for her kind cooperation and
encouragement which helped in the completion of this project.
The term "Computerized of Fare Collection" describes how public transportation uses digital
technology and systems to handle and process fare transactions. This entails the use of
electronic tools that improve the accuracy and efficiency of fare transactions, automate the fare
collection process, and decrease manual labor, such as smartcards, mobile payment applications,
automated fare collection (AFC) machines, and online payment portals. Our research
investigates the current fare collection system adopted by Accra State Transport Company
(STC). We identified they use physical cash as the primary mode of fare collection and a queue
to book STC transports.
Furthermore, we designed and created a mobile software that can help users book their
transportation tickets and seats with ease. Our suggested approach aids public transport users
using (STC) transports book seats and tickets with ease at the comfort of their location and get
updates on vehicle location as well as timings.
DECLARATION BY STUDENTS...............................................................................................1
DECLARATION BY SUPERVISOR..........................................................................................1
TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................................................5
CHAPTER ONE............................................................................................................................8
1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY....................................................................................10
1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM...................................................................................11
1.2.1 Research Questions...........................................................................................................12
1.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY.........................................................................................13
1.4 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY.......................................................................................13
1.5 SCOPE OF THE STUDY....................................................................................................13
1.6 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY.....................................................................................14
1.7 ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDY..................................................................................14
CHAPTER TWO.........................................................................................................................15
LITERATURE REVIEW...........................................................................................................15
2.0 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................15
2.1 Definition and Forms of Transportation..............................................................................15
2.1.0 Definition of Transportation.............................................................................................15
2.1.1 Forms of Transportation....................................................................................................15
2.2 Definition of Computerization in Fare Collection...............................................................17
2.3 Theoretical Background of Computerization in Fare Collection.........................................17
2.4 Benefits of Computerization in Fare Collection..................................................................17
2.5 Challenges of Transit Fare Collection Systems...................................................................18
2.6 Research Studies on the Effectiveness of Computerization in Fare Collection...................19
2.7 Related Work in the Use of Computerization for Fare Collection......................................20
CHAPTER THREE.....................................................................................................................22
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...............................................................................................22
3.0 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................22
3.1 DATA COLLECTION INSTRUMENTS...........................................................................22
3.2 POPULATION AND STUDY AREA.................................................................................22
3.3 SAMPLE SIZE....................................................................................................................23
3.4 RESULTS AND ANALYSIS..............................................................................................24
3.4.1 Demography and Profile of the Respondent....................................................................24
3.4.2 Accessing the Current Method of Fare Collection by Accra State Transport Company
3.4.2 Accessing the Newly Proposed System for Fare Collection by Accra State Transport
Company (STC)........................................................................................................................28
3.5 RESEARCH DISCUSSION................................................................................................31
CHAPTER FOUR.......................................................................................................................32
PROPSED SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION............................................................................32
4.0 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................32
4.1 SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT / IMPLEMENTATION TOOLS...........................................32
4.1.1 Java Programming Language...........................................................................................32
4.1.2 Firebase............................................................................................................................32
4.1.3 Material Design Components...........................................................................................33
4.1.4 Recycler View..................................................................................................................33
4.1.5 Version Control (Git and GitHub)...................................................................................33
4.1.6 Android Studio.................................................................................................................33
4.1.7 Device for Physical Testing.............................................................................................34
4.2 DATABASE IMPLEMTATION.........................................................................................34
4.2.1 Authentication (Firebase Authentication)........................................................................34
4.2.2 Real-Time Database.........................................................................................................35
4.2.3 Storage (Firebase Cloud Storage)....................................................................................36
4.3 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS..............................................................................................37
4.3.1 User Requirements...........................................................................................................38
4.3.2 Functional Requirements..................................................................................................39
4.3.3 Non – Functional Requirements.......................................................................................39
4.3.4 Requirement for System Implementation and Operations...............................................39
4.4 SYSTEM OVERVIEW........................................................................................................39
4.4.1 User Requirement and Analysis.......................................................................................39
4.5.1 Splash Screen...................................................................................................................39
4.5.2 Create Account Page........................................................................................................40
4.5.3 Create Profile....................................................................................................................41
4.5.4 Login................................................................................................................................42
4.5.5 Book Ticket......................................................................................................................43
4.5.6 View all tickets.................................................................................................................44
4.5.7 Cancel Ticket....................................................................................................................45
4.5.8 View and Edit Profile.......................................................................................................46
4.5.9 Wallet and Payment.........................................................................................................47
CHAPTER FIVE.........................................................................................................................49
SUMMARY, CONCULSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.............................................49
5.0 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................49
5.1 SUMMARY.........................................................................................................................49
5.2 CONCLUSIONS..................................................................................................................49
5.2 RECOMMENDATIONS.....................................................................................................49
SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE FOR STUDENTS....................................................................53
6.0 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................53
Figure 3.1: Preferred Payment Method.........................................................................................27
Figure 3.2: Device Most Used.......................................................................................................28
Figure 4.1: Firebase Project Overview..........................................................................................33
Figure 4.2: Firebase Authentication..............................................................................................35
Figure 4.4: Firebase Cloud Storage...............................................................................................37
Figure 4.5: Use Case Diagram.......................................................................................................38
Figure 4.6: Splash Screen..............................................................................................................40
Figure 4.7: Create Account Page...................................................................................................41
Figure 4.8: Create Profile..............................................................................................................42
Figure 4.9: Login...........................................................................................................................43
Figure 4.10: Book Ticket...............................................................................................................44
Figure 4.11: View all Tickets........................................................................................................45
Figure 4.12: Cancel Ticket............................................................................................................46
Table 3.1: Profile of Respondents.................................................................................................24
Table 3.2: Survey Response to Access the Current Method of Fare Collection by Accra State
Transport Company (STC)............................................................................................................26
Table 3.3: Survey Response of the Newly Proposed System........................................................29
Transportation refers to the movement of people, animals, goods, and services from one place to
another (Jalolaya et al., 2022). It involves the use of various modes of transport, such as: land
transport (e.g., cars, buses, trucks, trains, bicycles), air transport (e.g., airplanes, helicopters),
water transport (e.g., ships, boats, ferries), pipeline transport (e.g., for oil and gas). The Transit
Fare Collection System is an online application that operates on a centralized network (Bieler et
al., 2022). This project reviews the "Transit Fare Collection System" software and how it should
be utilized in bus transportation systems, seat-reservation facilities, reservation cancellations,
and various route inquiries to get reservations quickly.
A transportation company like STC Transport, whose main goals are to make money and
provide comfort and hospitality to passengers while they are away from home, will benefit from
the design of this online system. They will particularly value a system that can automate their
manual bus ticket reservation processes to meet the growing demand of their customers during
peak and off-peak seasons. Customers who are unable to purchase a bus ticket online at this
time must travel to the counter to do so (Shaikh et al., 2020). Nonetheless, the Transit Fare
Collection Booking System makes it simple for customers to purchase bus tickets, pay for them
online, and get information (Kuncara et al., 2021). In addition, employees can use the Transit
Fare Collection System to sell bus tickets to customers after verifying that the tickets are
available and printing them for them.
Recent research by Smith and Clarke (2020) discussed the potential of blockchain technology in
fare collection systems. Blockchain could enhance security and transparency, providing a
tamper-proof record of transactions. The authors noted that while still in experimental stages,
blockchain-based systems could address some of the trust issues associated with current digital
payment methods. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are also poised to play
significant roles in future EFC systems. Research by Kozlov (2022) demonstrated how AI could
optimize fare pricing and predict maintenance needs, enhancing the overall efficiency and
sustainability of transit systems. Their study suggested that AI-driven systems could
dynamically adjust fares based on demand, promoting more balanced usage of transit resources.
The current study aims to address these gaps and controversies by exploring the effectiveness of
computerization in enhancing the fare collection system for the State Transport Company (STC)
in Accra. Specifically, the study will investigate the impact of a computerized fare collection
system on efficiency, revenue generation, passenger convenience, and fraud reduction within the
STC. The main contribution of this study is to provide empirical evidence on the effectiveness
of computerized fare collection systems in improving the operational efficiency and financial
sustainability of public transportation services. By investigating the effectiveness of a
computerized fare collection system, the study will provide insights into the specific
technologies and implementation strategies that are most effective in enhancing operational
efficiency, increasing revenue, and improving passenger experience. The study’s contribution to
the reader lies in the practical implications of the findings, which can be used to inform the
implementation of computerized fare collection systems in the State Transport Company and
other similar public transportation entities.
The study is conducted in Accra Ghana State Transport Company (STC) located in Tudu and
Accra Kwame Nkrumah Circle.
First of all, the STC has experienced revenue losses arising out of malpractices in revenue
collection. There have been cases of conductors and other officials using fake tickets to defraud
the company. According to the Managing Director of the company, about 50% of revenue losses
and mismanagement are attributable to the use of manual ticketing. The process is also prone to
errors and inefficiencies in checking the tickets presented by passengers before they get on
board. At the moment, there is no centralized operational system for connecting the company's
terminal stations in Accra and other outlying regions. Every station has its database system,
which is not linked to one another. Passenger data cannot be shared, and this restricts the
company's capacity to monitor and plan the allocation of its fleet and service routes. Moreover,
unnecessary waiting time to verify the tickets often occurs when a bus is about to set off. This
delays trips, reduces the overall operational efficiency of the fleet, and harms service quality.
The main objective of the study is to develop a computerized transit fare collection system for
the STC in Accra.
This will enable the company to better manage trips and expand its services for the growing
number of passengers. The successful implementation of such a system would inch the company
a step forward in an era of digitalized public transit. The system will provide seamless
connectivity between the major station in Accra and the up-country terminal stations, and this
would provide better itinerary choices for passengers traveling to and from the capital city. It is
expected that reliance on the use of cash will be significantly reduced, if not phased out and this
will improve revenue collection and cut out malpractices. Besides, by introducing real-time data
collection, the company management will be able to monitor the overall operational status and
respond to contingencies more effectively.
Provide customer service channels for FAQs, concerns, difficulties and differences, and
comments to users, such as chatbots, email support, and helplines intended for the
computerized system.
Only authorized personnel within the company shall have access to run the computerized
fare collection system.
The literature review for the topic Computerization of a Transit Fare Collection System for the
State Transport Company (STC) in Accra shall serve as the gateway to understanding the
existing body of knowledge surrounding the topic. This section lays the groundwork by
providing context, rationale, objectives such as i) definition and forms of transportation ii)
definition of Computerization in Fare Collection, iii) theoretical background of computerization
in fare collection, iv) benefits sin computerization in fare collection, v) Research Studies on the
Effectiveness of Computerization in Fare Collection vi) Related Work in the Use of
Computerization for Fare Collection
Rail Transportation: Rail transportation uses trains to move passengers and freight over fixed
tracks. It is an efficient and cost-effective mode for long-distance and bulk transportation.
Examples are Passenger trains (commuter, intercity, high-speed rail), freight trains. It has high
capacity, energy efficiency, and reliability. Ideal for large volumes of goods and long-distance
travel. Infrastructure costs and maintenance are significant (Jiang et al., 2022).
Air Transportation: Air transportation involves the use of aircraft to move people and cargo
through the sky. It is the fastest mode of transportation for long distances and international
travel. Examples include, Commercial airplanes, cargo planes, helicopters, private jets. Its
features include Speed, connectivity across continents, and high safety standards. High
operational costs, environmental impact, and reliance on airports and air traffic control systems
(Wensveen 2023).
Water Transportation: Water transportation utilizes vessels to transport goods and passengers
across water bodies such as seas, rivers, and canals (Amanda et al., 2020). It is crucial for
international trade and bulk cargo movement. Examples include Ships, boats, ferries, barges. It
has High capacity, cost-effective for heavy and bulk cargo, and lower environmental impact
compared to road and air transport. Limitations include slower speeds and dependency on
navigable waterways and ports (Amanda et al., 2020).
Public Transportation: Public transportation systems provide shared transport services for the
general public, often funded and operated by governments or private entities. Examples include
Buses, subways, trams, light rail, ferries. Its Characteristics Reduces traffic congestion,
environmental benefits, and accessibility for those without private vehicles. Challenges include
scheduling, coverage, and funding (Merkert et al., 2020).
challenges, making them suitable for different purposes and contexts. A comprehensive and
integrated transportation network leveraging the strengths of various modes can enhance overall
efficiency, accessibility, and sustainability (Butler et al., 2020; Cruz & Sarmento, 2020).
Cost of Implementation and Maintenance: The initial cost of setting up a computerized
fare collection system can be substantial, including expenses for purchasing and installing
equipment, software development, and staff training. Ongoing maintenance and upgrades
further add to the cost. These financial barriers can be particularly challenging for public
transportation systems operating on tight budgets (Pelletier, Trépanier, & Morency,
Security and Fraud Prevention: Protecting the system from cyber-attacks and fraud is
crucial. Electronic fare systems are vulnerable to hacking, cloning of smart cards, and
other fraudulent activities. Ensuring robust security measures to protect sensitive data and
transaction integrity is essential but challenging. This includes implementing encryption,
secure authentication protocols, and continuous monitoring to detect and respond to
threats (Smith & Clarke, 2020).
User Adoption and Education: Transitioning from traditional to computerized fare
collection systems requires users to adapt to new technologies. Ensuring that all
passengers, including those less familiar with digital tools, can easily use the new system
is crucial. This may involve extensive public education campaigns, clear instructions, and
customer support to assist users during the transition phase (Pelletier, Trépanier, &
Morency, 2011).
Reliability and Uptime: Maintaining a high level of system reliability and uptime is
critical for passenger trust and system efficiency. Any downtime or technical failure can
cause significant disruptions, leading to passenger dissatisfaction and potential revenue
loss. Implementing redundant systems and effective troubleshooting protocols is
necessary to minimize downtime (Goodall et al., 2017).
operational efficiency.
Pelletier, Trépanier, and Morency (2011) explored the impact of smartcard-based fare
collection in Montreal and concluded that the system provided valuable data for
optimizing service routes and schedules, enhancing overall system performance.
Smith and Clarke (2020) examined the potential of blockchain technology in fare
collection and emphasized its benefits in enhancing transaction security and transparency.
and access control. According to Lam & Ho (2008), the system's development involved the use
of C++ for the card reader software and Oracle databases to manage the vast transactional data
efficiently. Tools and Programming Languages: C++, Oracle
Practical Implications
The insights gained from the study of computerized fare collection systems can guide the State
Transport Company in Accra in implementing an efficient and effective fare collection system.
The findings can help in:
Policy Development: Formulating policies that support the adoption of advanced fare
collection technologies.
System Design: Selecting and integrating the most effective technologies to enhance fare
collection and operational efficiency.
Operational Strategies: Developing strategies to optimize the performance and
sustainability of the fare collection system.
Security Measures: Implementing robust security protocols to protect against fraud and
ensure the integrity of fare transactions.
By addressing these areas, the study aims to contribute to the development of a more efficient,
reliable, and sustainable public transportation system in Accra, ultimately benefiting both the
transport authorities and passengers.
This section introduces the research methodology and data collection strategy employed in our
research. The chapter comprises of i) data collection instruments ii) population and study area iii)
sample size and iv) results and analysis.
By engaging a broad spectrum of participants from different age groups, occupations, and
commuting habits, our study aims to provide a well-rounded analysis that will inform the
development and implementation of an efficient and user-friendly computerized transit fare
collection system for STC.
n= =238.80
Our calculated sample size was 238.80 (n = 238.80), as determined by the calculation above. We
needed to have responses that were at least close to 238.80 in order for the analysis to be useful.
The tabulated figures below demonstrate the 230 replies we obtained for successful data analysis
with respect to sample size. The following table displays the results of our data analysis in
percentages and descriptive statistics.
User Demographics
Questions Responses
Category N %
15 - 20 Years 20 8.7
21 - 30 Years 106 46.1
Self-employed 67 29.1
What is your employment
status? Unemployed 27 11.7
Student 90 39.1
3.4.2 Accessing the Current Method of Fare Collection by Accra State Transport Company
Responses in Table 3.2 focuses more on the current method by which people pay to board STC
transports. We identified that, 111(48.3%) of our respondents uses STC transport on daily basis,
56(24.3%) uses it weekly, 42(17.8%) uses it monthly, 22(9.6%) uses it rarely. Determining the
current mode of payment, 164(71.3%) pay by physical cash, 24(10.4%) pay using Mobile Money
services 25(10.9%) pay using bank cards, and 17 pay using other methods. 154(67%)
complained they face long queue issues when paying to board STC vehicles, 10(4.3%) faces
payment failures issues, 24(10.4%) faces balance return issues after payment, 27(11.7%) face
security issues during payment and 15(6.5%) has no issues at all in payment. Checking the
effectiveness of the current system of fare collection by Accra STC transports, 115(50%)
strongly disagree on the current method, 32(13.9%) disagree, 14(6.1%) neither agree nor
disagree, 38 (16.5%) agree and 31(13.5%) strongly agree the current system is effective. Rating
the current system from 1 to 5 by our respondents, 121(52.6%) rate it as 1[Not effective]
54(23.5%) rate it as a 2, 24(14.8%) rate it as 3, 16(7%) rate it as 4 and 5(2.2%) rate it as 5[very
Table 3.2: Survey Response to Access the Current Method of Fare Collection by Accra State Transport
Company (STC)
What mode of payment do you currently use for STC Bank card 25 10.9
services? Other 17 7.4
Total 230 100
Long queues 154 67
Payment failures 10 4.3
Figure 3.1: Preferred Payment Method
Figure 4.1: Response to Access Waiting Time at Bus Terminals
3.4.2 Accessing the Newly Proposed System for Fare Collection by Accra State Transport
Company (STC)
Responses in Table 3.3 focuses more on the accessing our proposed computerized mobile
application system to collect fare and book ticket by users of STC transports. We discovered
that, 93(40.4%) strongly agree that mobile ticketing app will reduce their waiting time at the
STC bus terminals, 96(41.7%) agree, 21(9.1) neither agree nor disagree, 17(7.4%) disagree and
only 3(1.3%) strongly disagreed. Determining those willing to switch from the current method to
our mobile app, 95(41.3%) strongly agree to switching, 86(37.4%) agree, 24(9.4%) neither agree
or disagree, 17(7.4%) disagree and a total of 8(3.5%) strongly disagree. Analysis users who will
recommend the use of mobile ticketing app to others, 83(36.1%) strongly agree to
recommending it, 101(43.9%) agree, 33(14.3%) neither agree or disagree, 9(3.9%) disagree and
4(1.7%) strongly disagree. To check the ability of users to manipulate a mobile ticket app to
book a drive, 80(34.8%) strongly agreed on their ability to use the app, 113(49.1%) agree,
21(9.1%) neither agree or disagree, 13(5.7%) disagree and 3(1.3%) strongly disagree. For
reliable internet connectivity, 75(32.6%) strongly agree to have a reliable internet access,
115(50%) agree, 22(9.6%) neither agree or disagree 13(5.7%) disagree and 5 (2.2%) strongly
disagree. For respondents who would prefer mobile app over the traditional methods of
purchasing tickets, 79(34.4%) strongly agree, 121(52.6%) agree, 20(8.7%) neither agree or
disagree, 8(3.5%) disagree and 2(0.9%) strongly disagree.
Strongly Disagree 5 2.2
Disagree 13 5.7
I have a reliable internet access to use a mobile Neither Agree or Disagree 22 9.6
ticketing app. Agree 115 50
Strongly Agree 75 32.6
Total 230 100
Strongly Disagree 2 0.9
I would prefer a mobile app over traditional methods
Disagree 8 3.5
of purchasing tickets?
Neither Agree or Disagree 20 8.7
Agree 121 52.6
Strongly Agree 79 34.3
Total 230 100
Strongly Disagree 5 2.2
I would be interested in receiving promotional offers
Disagree 7 3
and updates through the mobile ticketing app?
Neither Agree or Disagree 28 12.2
Agree 116 50.4
Strongly Agree 74 32.2
Total 230 100
Strongly Disagree 9 3.9
I would like to provide feedback or report issues
Disagree 13 5.7
through the mobile ticketing app?
Neither Agree or Disagree 26 11.3
Agree 106 46.1
Strongly Agree 76 33
Total 230 100
issues and other more. The rated the current system as very less effective and not the best to be
used for booking STC buses.
In Table 3.2, we asked respondents closed questions to identify their views of implementing a
computerized mobile ticketing system. Majority or our respondents agree on a mobile ticketing
app as an effective method of booking tickets in Accra STC stations. They agree to use the
computerized method over the current traditional method. Most of our respondents agree to have
a reliable internet access to enable navigate through a ticket booking system and also recommend
the use of the system to others as well.
We can infer from the tabulated analysis and results above that the respondents are open to
adjusting to and accepting of our recommended mobile-based ticketing software for Accra State
Transport (STC) transportation. We then discuss our proposed method in more detail in the
upcoming chapter.
This chapter describes the setup of our proposed computerized transit fare collection system for
the State Transport Company (STC) in Accra. The chapter details the system development and
implementation tools, system requirements, database implementations, and system interfaces for
the primary stakeholders (passengers and staff of STC). Additionally, this chapter outlines how
users can easily use the system, from launching the application, creating an account, logging in,
and understanding how to use this application for purchasing and managing transit fares, to
logging out.
This section documents all the essential tools used in developing and implementing our proposed
system from start to a complete finish.
4.1.2 Firebase
Google offers a feature-rich app development platform called Firebase. It provides a range of
tools and services to aid developers in creating apps of the highest caliber, enhancing those apps,
and expanding their user base. Firebase was used in this waste management system for Firebase
Analytics, Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), Firebase Firestore, and Firebase Authentication.
Figure 4.3: Firebase Project Overview
Figure 4.4: Firebase Authentication
Figure 4.2: Firebase Realtime Database
Figure 4.5: Firebase Cloud Storage
We developed a strong and feature-rich Android app to enhance STC's transit fare collection
system in Accra by utilizing the different functionalities offered by Firebase. We were able to
manage user authentication, data storage, real-time updates and more thanks to Firebase's
integrated services, which expedited the development process and improved user experience.
The functional specifications, often known as the system requirements, specify the functions that
the system has to have. The features, services, and operational limitations of the computerized
transit fare collection system are fully described in these specifications. The requirements and
expectations from the suggested system are reflected in the specifications for the State Transport
Company (STC) in Accra. For this project, the services the system has to offer have been divided
into functional and non-functional requirements.
o The system should collect and analyze user feedback to improve service quality.
App Usability and Intuitiveness:
o Users should find the app's navigation and user interface intuitive and easy to use.
o The app should guide users through the process of purchasing tickets and accessing
transit information.
Data Security:
o The system should implement robust security measures to protect user data from
unauthorized access and breaches.
o Regular security audits should be conducted to ensure data integrity and privacy.
System Scalability:
o The system should be designed to handle a growing number of users and transactions.
o It should be able to scale efficiently to accommodate increased demand.
These functional requirements ensure that the computerized transit fare collection system meets
the needs of STC and its users, providing a seamless and efficient service for managing transit
fares and schedules.
These specifications are designed to facilitate the effective installation and operation of the
transit fare collection system, ensuring that the application runs efficiently on a wide range of
Android devices. The requirements also ensure that users have a satisfactory experience with the
application, from installation to everyday use.
By adhering to these system requirements, STC can ensure that its computerized transit fare
collection system operates reliably and efficiently, meeting the needs of both the company and
its passengers.
efficient fare collection experience for STC passengers, enhancing the overall efficiency of the
transit system in Accra.
4.5.1 Splash Screen
The splash screen of our Ticket Generator app, which appears as soon as a user launches the
application, is shown in Figure 4.6. This first screen greets customers and provides an overview
of the ticketing system. It displays the app's logo along with an eye-catching layout that aligns
with its intended usage. A brief slogan that emphasizes our dedication to streamlining the ticket
generating procedure for the State Transport Company (STC) in Accra can be found on the
splash screen. The app sets users up with expectation and preparation to effectively handle their
transit fare demands as it moves from this initial screen to the main interface.
to guide users through the registration process. The Create Account Page sets the foundation for
users to access all the functionalities of the app, ensuring a smooth and efficient onboarding
Figure 4.9: Create Profile
4.5.4 Login
Figure 4.9 presents the Login Page, where users access their accounts by entering their registered
email and password. This page is designed to offer a secure and straightforward way for users to
authenticate their identities and access their ticketing information. The clean interface and
responsive design ensure a hassle-free login experience, allowing users to quickly proceed to the
app’s main features.
Figure 4.10: Login
Figure 4.11: Book Ticket
Figure 4.12: View all Tickets
Figure 4.13: Cancel Ticket
Figure 4.14: View and Edit Profile
Figure 4.15: Wallet and Payment
This chapter concludes and presents the relevant and reliable recommendation of our overall
study. It includes the summary as well as some necessary recommendations and conclusion of
our study.
Chapter One – This chapter involves the background of our study of the current fare collection
system, objectives of the study, as well as our problem statements.
Chapter Two– This chapter points out our literature review of existing projects on computerized
transit fare collection system and its related works.
Chapter Three – Chapter three focuses much more on our methodology used. It also includes
responses received after distributing our survey questionnaires and it includes our analysis and
research discussions.
Chapter Four – Involves the phase of system implementation, which also includes system
programming, user interfaces, testing, and documentation.
Chapter Five – This chapter contains the recommendations, conclusion, and summary.
As discussed in the previous chapters, we designed and implemented a computerized transit fare
collection system (Ticket Booking App) for Accra State Transport Company (STC) to improve
bus booking system and payment mode. We used a quantitative method (questionnaire via online
Google Forms) to obtain data from public transport users. A total of 230 responses were obtained
for analysis. Furthermore, we also adopted a Build Computer Science methodology to build a
computerized mobile application to improve ticket booking for users of Accra STC transports.
Based on the research study, the following recommendations were made for stake holders of our
We recommend the use of more advance API which will include map integrations for
swift usage of the application
We recommend the use of advance payment mode using the most popular payment
gateways in Ghana.
We also recommend the inclusion of payment coupons for users to improve the usage
of the STC transport system as a mode of motivation and appreciation.
We recommend that the system to be maintained and upgraded to improve and its
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We are HND final year students from the Department of Computer Science, Accra Technical
University (ATU), undertaking research on the topic “Computerization of a Transit Fare
Collection System for State Transport Company (STC) in Accra.” Focusing on the current
challenges in fare collection and payment methods, our research project aims to investigate and
analyze the existing fare collection system used by STC. Then, we will propose a computerized
software solution which involves a mobile-based ticketing app for STC passengers. Our
proposed computerized solution seeks to address these issues by enabling passengers to purchase
tickets more conveniently and efficiently. Furthermore, our study aims to enhance the overall
experience of fare collection and payment for passengers of the State Transport Company in
Kindly spare us a few minutes of your time by filling in the questionnaire to help us achieve our
research objectives and answer our research questions accurately. Due to ethical reasons, the
questions do not involve any responses regarding your personal information, and your responses
will be kept completely confidential and used for academic purposes only. Please provide your
feedback to the questions below appropriately. Thank you.
Our proposed mobile ticketing app for STC passengers will integrate modern technology to
improve the traditional fare collection methods. This provides an alternative to the traditional
way of purchasing tickets and aims to reduce waiting times, improve payment security, and
enhance user convenience. Our ticketing platform will be deployed on mobile devices for
passengers to access easily.
9. How would you rate the current method of mode of payment for STC transportations?
[1] Not Effective
[5] Very Effective
10. What is your preferred method of payment for the mobile app ticketing system?
Mobile money
Bank card
Other (specify)
11. What type of mobile device do you use?
12. A mobile ticketing app will reduce your waiting time at bus terminals?
Not sure
13. I Would you be willing to switch from your current payment method to the mobile app?
14. I would recommend the mobile ticketing app to others?
Very likely
Very unlikely
15. I am confident in my ability to use a mobile ticketing app?
Very confident
Very unconfident
16. I have a reliable internet access to use a mobile ticketing app?
17. I Would prefer a mobile app over traditional methods of purchasing tickets?
18. I would be interested in receiving promotional offers and updates through the mobile
ticketing app?
Very interested
Very uninterested
19. I would like to provide feedback or report issues through the mobile ticketing app?