Report of tests
Report of tests
Report of tests
Test Report
SwasthFit Super 2
GFR Category G1
BUN/Creatinine Ratio 21
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Test Report
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Test Report
1. Measurements in the same patient can show physiological & analytical variations. Three serial
samples 1 week apart are recommended for Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides, HDL& LDL Cholesterol.
2. Additional testing for Apolipoprotein B, hsCRP, Lp(a ) & LP-PLA2 should be considered
among patients with moderate risk for ASCVD for risk refinement.
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Test Report
1. TSH levels are subject to circadian variation, reaching peak levels between 2 - 4.a.m. and at a
minimum between 6-10 pm . The variation is of the order of 50% . hence time of the day has
influence on the measured serum TSH concentrations.
2. Alteration in concentration of Thyroid hormone binding protein can profoundly affect Total T3 and/or
Total T4 levels especially in pregnancy and in patients on steroid therapy.
3. Unbound fraction ( Free,T4 /Free,T3) of thyroid hormone is biologically active form and correlate
more closely with clinical status of the patient than total T4/T3 concentration
4. Values <0.03 uIU/mL need to be clinically correlated due to presence of a rare TSH variant in
some individuals
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Test Report
HbA1c result is suggestive of Diabetes/ Higher than glycemic goal in a known Diabetic patient.
Please note, Glycemic goal should be individualized based on duration of diabetes, age/life expectancy,
comorbid conditions, known CVD or advanced microvascular complications, hypoglycaemia unawareness,
and individual patient considerations
Result Rechecked,
Please Correlate Clinically.
| Reference Group | Non diabetic | At risk | Diagnosing | Therapeutic goals |
| | adults >=18 years | (Prediabetes) | Diabetes | for glycemic control |
| ----------------|-------------------|---------------|-------------|----------------------|
| HbA1c in % | 4.0-5.6 | 5.7-6.4 | >= 6.5 | <7.0 |
Note: Presence of Hemoglobin variants and/or conditions that affect red cell turnover must be considered,
particularly when the HbA1C result does not correlate with the patient’s blood glucose levels.
| Hemoglobin variants,elevated fetal | Any condition that shortens erythrocyte |
| hemoglobin (HbF) and chemically | survival or decreases mean erythrocyte |
| modified derivatives of hemoglobin | age (e.g.,recovery from acute blood loss,|
| (e.g. carbamylated Hb in patients | hemolytic anemia, HbSS, HbCC, and HbSC) |
| with renal failure) can affect the | will falsely lower HbA1c test results |
| accuracy of HbA1c measurements | regardless of the assay method used.Iron |
| | deficiency anemia is associated with |
| | higher HbA1c |
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In anaemic conditions Mentzer index is used to differentiate Iron Deficiency Anaemia from Beta- Thalassemia
trait. If Mentzer Index value is >13, there is probability of Iron Deficiency Anaemia. A value <13 indicates likelihood
of Beta- Thalassemia trait and Hb HPLC is advised to rule out the Thalassemia trait.
1. As per the recommendation of International council for Standardization in Hematology, the differential
leucocyte counts are additionally being reported as absolute numbers of each cell in per unit volume of
2. Test conducted on EDTA whole blood
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