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Alcohol Sensing Engine Locking System Wi

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 09 Issue: 06 | Jun 2022 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Alcohol Sensing Engine Locking System With GPS

Aswin K G1, Asiya Basheer2, Famida Hassan3, Ms. Manju Mathew4

1,2,3Electronics and Communication, Ilahia College of Engineering and Technology, Mulavoor, Kerala, India.
4Professor, Electronics and Communication, Ilahia College of Engineering and Technology, Mulavoor, Kerala, India
Abstract - In this project we have used an alcohol 1.3 Sending Location via SMS
detecting sensor in vehicle for safe driving system of vehicle
for drunk and driving cases, which senses and detects When the alcohol presence is detected by the system an
alcohol particles and send messages if alcohol . In this SMS will be sent to the authorized person . The said SMS
process GSM and GPS modules are connected to will be containing the current location of the driver
microcontroller for controlling purpose . GPS module get the
position of vehicle with longitude and latitude and it send 2. SYSTEM DESIGN
message to authorized person. We have also provided the
System consists of force sensor, Alcohol detection part,
security system for vehicle that ensuring the driver is
GPS and GSM . Force is used to check whether the driver is
engaged the helmet
engaged the seat belt or not . Alcohol detection will be
Key Words: Alcohol, Driver, Hazardous, GSM, GPS, done using MQ3 sensor. If the alcohol presence is detected
Alcohol Sensor the message containing current location will be sent to the
family or friends
This system senses the content of alcohol in breath. This
system uses LCD display, MQ3 sensor, force sensor and
GPS and GSM techniques. The output of the sensor is
directly proportional to the content of alcohol consumed.
This type of sensors in cars is a great safety factor which
can be embedded in steering of the cars. When the driver
starts the ignition, sensor detect the presence of the
alcohol in his breath and if the alcohol detected then
automatically it will stop the ignition of the car. Thus we
can reduce accident rate due to drunk and drive. The
system also check whether the driver is engaged the seat
belt or not. By using GSM send a SMS to the authorized
person. And by using GPS we can send the location of the
vehicle at that instant. Hence the system reduces the road A. Arduino ATMEGA328
accidents and fatalities due to drunk driving in future.
ATmega328 Arduino Uno microcontroller board is used in
Microcontroller is the heart of our project. Microcontroller
the designed system. 14 pins are present in the unit, which
gets the coordinates from GPS modem and then it sends
allows outflow and inflow of feeding, a Universal Serial Bus
this information to user in text SMS through GSM.
port, 6 continuous signals with time changing quantity, an
1.1 Alcohol Detection on-board voltage regulator, 16 Mega Hertz electronic
oscillator, a power connector, ICSP header, and a reset
Alcohol consumption of the driver will be detected by button. The Atmega328 microcontroller has 32 Kilo Bytes
using a MQ3 sensor. If driver consumed alcohol, then flash memory, 1 Kilo Bytes EEPROM and 2 Kilo Bytes
alcohol level inside the vehicle will be higher than a SRAM.
threshold value. When alcohol consumption detected, then
the vehicle immediately stops to avoid risk of accident.. B. Alcohol MQ-3 Sensor

Tin Dioxide (SnO2) sensitive layer is used to made

1.2 Seat Belt Detection
sensor. Itis having less sensitivity to Benzene and more
Using the force sensor we will be detecting whether the sensitivity to alcohol. It has a circuit with improved
seat belt is engaged or not. If the seat belt is not engaged stability, good lifetime and quick response. Analog
the vehicle will fail to start . interface type design is used in the sensor. Sensor pins
represents 1-output, 2- ground and 3-power supply. The

© 2022, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2279
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 06 | Jun 2022 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

technical specification of the sensor is depicted. As H . GSM Module

specified in the datasheet, we use 200k ohm Resistor along
with sensor. The GSM net used by cell phones provides a low cost,
long range, wireless communication channel for
C. Power Supply applications that need connectivity rather than high data
rates. Machinery such as industrial refrigerators and
5V adapter is used to provide the power to the freezers, HVAC, vending machines, vehicle service etc.
controller and other part of the system. could benefit from being connected to a GSM system.
Liquid crystal display screen is the electronic screen and
consists of various applications. The generally used 16x2
LCD screen is fundamental module operated in various
circuits and devices. These modules are elected to seven
segments and various multi segment LEDs. The reason
being: LCDs are simply programmable; economical; have
no constraints of computing exceptional and balanced
ordinance characters (unlike in 7 segments), dynamism
and so on. 16 characters per line are displayed in 16x2 LCD
and there are 2 such segments. Each character is betrayed
in 5x7 pixel grid in this LCD. This LCD consists of 2
registers, namely data and command. The command
instructions are stored in the command registers which are
given to the LCD. To do a predefined task the command 2.3 System Operation
instructions are given to LCD for striping its screen,
operating it, guiding display, locating the cursor position The microcontroller reads the voltage values which
etc. The data to be display on the LCD is stored in the data are noticed as digital in nature, the Uno board of Arduino
registers. The data is in the form of ASCII value of the generally consists of 8 channels, the device is of 10 bits,
character which is to be displayed on the LCD. that used to give output as digital digits by processing
Analog voltage on a pin. The device relates the load of
E. DC Motor input voltages ranges from 0-5V with the outcome values
ranges from 0- 1023volts to bring about 5volts of voltage
The DC motor is an electric DC motor operated to in a cycle for every 1024 units. First of all the system will
validate the abstract of engine padlocking. Here in this task, ensure that the driver is engaged the seat belt and if the
the motor will be associated to pin 9 on the seat belt is not engaged the system will not check the
microcontroller, the DC motor stops when the alcohol is other conditions such as alcohol detection and if alcohol
sensed and when there is no alcohol sensed the DC motor is not detected it will go to the next stage .Check whether
continuous running. the driver is consumed alcohol .If the alcohol presence is
detected .The sensor information is given to the Arduino
F. Force sensor
through which the Arduino controls the engine of the
A Force Sensor is defined as a transducer that converts vehicle. And message along with the current location of
an input mechanical load, weight, tension, compression or the vehicle will be send to the family or friend.
pressure into an electrical output signal. Force Sensors are
also commonly known as Force Transducer.

G. GPS Module After the person who consumed alcohol enters into the
vehicle then the alcohol sensor starts it's work and detects
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a spacebased the level of alcohol which is followed by the buzzer ring
satellite navigation system that provides location and time and the LCD displays the content of alcohol after that the
information in all weather conditions, anywhere on or near relay comes into action and will turn off the ignition, by
the Earth where there is an unobstructed line of sight to which the vehicle won't move which is the main aim of our
four or more GPS satellites. The system provides critical project. An intelligent system in which Arduino is the main
capabilities to military, civil and commercial users around base has been created by us as Innovative system. Also we
the world. It is maintained by the United States have used sensors which has range of 2 meters such that
government and is freely accessible to anyone with a GPS they can suit for any vehicle and also can be hidden form
receiver some people. The main advantage of the proposed work is

© 2022, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2280
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 06 | Jun 2022 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

that it is small in size and also has higher reliability and

efficiency. Now-a-days people idea on transport safety is
changing, public safety is given more importance by which
our project can be made successful and useful to public
Future vision of the project is that it can be made inbuilt in
the vehicles manufacturing it will be a new innovation to
the technology in automobiles by adding safety feature,
there by bringing a new development in the automobile

We had proposed a system that detects the alcohol from
the breath of the vehicle driver there by stopping the
vehicle to move and reduce the danger of people's lives.
The system came alive by using effective Arduino
ATmega328 microcontroller and sensors.

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© 2022, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2281

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