0 (2003-03)
Technical Specification
3rd Generation Partnership Project; Mandatory speech codec; AMR speech codec; Interface to Iu and Uu (Release 1999)
The present document has been developed within the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP TM) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP. The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP Organisational Partners and shall not be implemented. This Specification is provided for future development work within 3GPP only. The Organisational Partners accept no liability for any use of this Specification. Specifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP TM system should be obtained via the 3GPP Organisational Partners' Publications Offices.
Release 1999
GSM, UMTS, codec
Copyright Notification No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission. The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media.
2003, 3GPP Organizational Partners (ARIB, CWTS, ETSI, T1, TTA,TTC). All rights reserved.
Release 1999
Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................4 1 2 3
3.1 3.2
4 5 6
6.1 Frame structure on the Iu UP transport protocol ..................................................................................................... 8 6.1.1 Initialisation ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 6.1.2 Time Alignment Procedure................................................................................................................................ 8 6.2 Mapping of the bits.................................................................................................................................................. 8 6.3 Frame handlers ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 6.3.1 Handling of frames from TC to Iu interface (downlink).................................................................................. 10 Frame Quality Indicator................................................................................................................................... 10 Frame Type...................................................................................................................................................... 10 Codec Mode Indication.................................................................................................................................... 10 Codec Mode Request....................................................................................................................................... 10 Optional internal 8 bits CRC ........................................................................................................................... 10 Mapping of Speech or Comfort Noise parameter bits ..................................................................................... 10 6.3.2 Handling of frames from Iu interface to TC (uplink) ...................................................................................... 11 Frame Quality Indicator................................................................................................................................... 11 Frame Type...................................................................................................................................................... 11 Codec Mode Indication.................................................................................................................................... 11 Codec Mode Request....................................................................................................................................... 11 Optional internal 8 bits CRC ........................................................................................................................... 11 Speech and Comfort noise parameter bits ....................................................................................................... 11
7 8
Uu Interface User Plane (UE) ................................................................................................................11 Other aspects ..........................................................................................................................................12 Change history ...............................................................................................13
Annex A (informative):
Release 1999
This Technical Specification (TS) has been produced by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within the TSG and may change following formal TSG approval. Should the TSG modify the contents of the present document, it will be re-released by the TSG with an identifying change of release date and an increase in version number as follows: Version x.y.z where: x the first digit: 1 presented to TSG for information; 2 presented to TSG for approval; 3 or greater indicates TSG approved document under change control. y the second digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections, updates, etc. z the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the document.
Release 1999
The present document specifies the mapping of the AMR generic frame format (3GPP TS 26.101) to the Iu Interface (3GPP TS 25.415) and the Uu Interface.
References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or non-specific. For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply. For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same Release as the present document. [1] [2] [3] [4] 3GPP TS 25.415: "Iu Interface CN-UTRAN User plane Protocols". 3GPP TS 26.101: "AMR Speech Codec, Frame structure". 3GPP TS 23.107: "QoS Concept and Architecture". 3GPP TS 06.51: " Enhanced Full Rate (EFR) speech processing functions; General Description"
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present document.
For the purposes of the present document the following terms and definitions apply: AMR Generic Frame Interface: this interface transports the AMR IF1 generic frame as defined in 3GPP TS 26.101.
ATM Adaptation Layer 2 Active Codec Set Adaptive Multi-Rate Access Stratum Asynchronous Transfer Mode Bad Frame Handling Codec Mode Request or Codec Mode Command Codec Mode Indication Core Network Code Division Multiple Access Downlink Rate Command Frequency Duplex Division Frame Quality Classification (Iu Interface) Frame Quality Indication (AMR IF1) Global System for Mobile communications International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication standardisation sector (former CCITT) Media Access Control
For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply: AAL2 ACS AMR AS ATM BFH CMR/CMC CMI CN CDMA DRC FDD FQC FQI GSM ITU-T MAC
Release 1999
Personal Digital Communication Public Land Mobile Network Quality of Service Radio Access Network Radio Access Bearer Radio Frequency RAB sub-flow Combination RFC Indicator RFC Set Receive Source Controlled Rate Source Data Unit Silence Insertion Descriptor Support Mode for Predefined SDU sizes SPeech Decoder SPeech Encoder Transcoder Time Duplex Division Time Division Multiple Access Transmit User Equipment (terminal) Uplink Rate Command
The mapping of the AMR Speech Codec parameters to the Iu interface specifies the frame structure of the speech data exchanged between the RNC and the TC in case of normal operation. This mapping is independent from the radio interface in the sense that it has the same structure for both FDD and TDD modes of the UTRAN. The mapping between the Speech Codec and the MAC layer within the UE is not an open interface and need not to be detailed.
Release 1999
RAB aspects
During the RAB Assignment procedure initiated by the CN to establish the RAB for AMR, the RAB parameters are defined. The AMR RAB is established with one or more RAB co-ordinated sub-flows with predefined sizes and QoS parameters. In this way, each RAB sub-flow Combination corresponds to one AMR frame type. On the Iu interface, these RAB parameters define the corresponding parameters regarding the transport of AMR frames. Some of the QoS parameters in the RAB assignment procedure are determined from the Bearer Capability Information Element used at call set up. These QoS parameters as defined in [3], can be set as follows: Table 5-1: Example of mapping of BC IE into QoS parameters for UMTS AMR
RAB service attribute Traffic Class RAB Asymmetry Indicator
Symmetric RABs are used for uplink and downlink Maximum bit rate 12.2 / 10.2 / 7.95 / 7.4 / 6.7 / 5.9 / 5.15 / 4.75 This value depends on the highest mode kbit/s rate in the RFCS Guaranteed bit rate 12.2 / 10.2 / 7.95 / 7.4 / 6.7 / 5.9 / 5.15 / 4.75 One of the values is chosen, depending kbit/s on the lowest rate controllable SDU format (note 2) Delivery Order Yes (note 1) Maximum SDU size 244 / 204 / 159 / 148 / 134 / 118 / 103 / 95 Maximum size of payload field in Iu UP, bits according to the highest mode rate in the RFCS Traffic Handling Priority Not applicable Parameter not applicable for the conversational traffic class. (note 1) Source statistics descriptor Speech (note 1) SDU Parameters RAB sub-flow 1 RAB sub-flow RAB sub- The number of SDU, their number of RAB (Class A bits) 2 (Class B flow 3 sub-flow and their relative sub-flow size is bits) (Class C subject to operator tuning (note 3) bits) -3 SDU error ratio 7 * 10 (note 3) -6 -3 -3 Residual bit error ratio 10 10 5 * 10 (note 3 applicable for every sub-flow) Delivery of erroneous SDUs yes Class A bits are delivered with error indication; Class B and C bits are delivered without any error indication. SDU format information 1-9 (note 4) Sub-flow SDU size 1-9 (note 5) (note 5) (note 5) NOTE 1: These parameters apply to all UMTS speech codec types. NOTE 2: The guaranteed bit rate depends on the periodicity and the lowest rate controllable SDU size. NOTE 3: These parameters are subject to operator tuning. NOTE 4: SDU format information has to be specified for each AMR core frame type (i.e. with speech bits and comfort noise bits) included in the RFCS as defined in [2]. NOTE 5: The sub-flow SDU size corresponding to an AMR core frame type indicates the number of bits in the class A, class B and class C fields.
The conversational traffic class shall be used for the speech service, which is identified by the ITC parameter of the bearer capability information element in the SETUP message. This shall apply for all UMTS speech codec types. The parameters traffic class, transfer delay, traffic handling priority and source statistics descriptor shall be the same for all speech codec types applicable for UMTS.
Release 1999
The data structure exchanged on the Iu interface are symmetrical, i.e. the structure of the uplink data frames is identical to that of the downlink data frames. .
At the initialisation of the SMpSDU mode of operation, several parameters are set by the CN. The initialisation procedure is described in [1]. RFCS: In the case of AMR, the RFCS corresponds to the Active Codec Set (ACS) plus potentially SCR authorised in the communication. Annex A of [1] gives an illustration of the usage of RFCI for AMR speech RAB. RFCS used in downlink may differ from that in uplink. Delivery of erroneous SDUs: This parameter shall be set to YES. Erroneous speech frames may be used to assist the error concealment procedures. Therefore, according to [1], PDU type 0 (containing a payload CRC) shall be used for transport of AMR data.
The TC should adjust the timing of the speech data transmission in downlink direction according to the time alignment frames sent by the RNC.
The mapping of the bits between the generic AMR frames and the PDU is the same for both uplink and downlink frames. The following table gives the correspondence of the bit fields between the generic AMR frames at the TC interface and the PDU exchanged with the Iu transport layer. Table 6-1: Mapping of generic AMR frames onto Iu PDUs
PDU field PDU Type Frame Number FQC RFCI Payload CRC Header CRC Payload Fields (N Sub-flows) Corresponding field within the generic AMR frame N/A N/A Frame Quality Indicator Frame Type N/A N/A Class A or SID payload Class B Class C Most important speech bits come first Next bits follow Least important speech bits Type 0 Comment
The number of RAB sub-flows, their corresponding sizes, and their attributes such as "Delivery of erroneous SDUs" shall be defined at the RAB establishment and signalled in the RANAP RAB establishment request, as proposed in clause 5. The number of RAB sub-flows are corresponding to the desired bit protection classes. The total number of bits
Release 1999
in all sub-flows for one RFC shall correspond to the total number given in 3GPP TS 26.101, generic AMR frame, format IF1, for the corresponding Codec Mode, respectively Frame Type. Guidance for setting the number of bits in each RAB sub-flow according to their relative subjective importance is given in 3GPP TS 26.101. The following two tables are examples of mapping of RAB sub-flows. Table 6-2 gives three examples of sub-flow mapping. The RFCI definition is given in order of increasing SDU sizes. Example 1 describes Codec Type UMTS_AMR, with all eight codec modes foreseen in the Active Codec Set (ACS) and provision for Source Controlled Rate operation (SCR). In this example, Blind Transport Format Detection is supported and the sub-flow mapping follows the 26.101 class division guidance. Example 2 describes Codec Type GSM_EFR, with one codec mode, including SCR. Example 3 describes Codec Type FR_AMR, including AMR SCR
Table 6-2: Example for AMR with SCR and three sub-flows, according to subjective class division indication of 3GPP TS 26.101
UMTS_AMR RFCI Example 1 GSM_EFR RFCI Example 2 FR_AMR RFCI Example 3 RAB sub-flows RAB subflow 1 (Optional) 42 49 55 58 61 75 65 81 39 43 RAB subflow 2 (Optional) 53 54 63 76 87 84 99 103 0 0 RAB subflow 3 (Optional) 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 60 0 0 Total size of bits/RAB subflows combination (Mandatory) 95 103 118 134 148 159 204 244 39 43
Source rate
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
2 3 4
5 2 1 1
AMR 4.75 kbps AMR 5.15 kbps AMR 5.9 kbps AMR 6.7 kbps AMR 7.4 kbps AMR 7.95 kbps AMR 10.2 kbps AMR 12.2 kbps AMR SID GSM-EFR SID
Table 6-3 gives one example of sub-flow mapping that supports Equal Error Protection. The RFCI definition is given in order of increasing SDU sizes. Example 4 describes Codec Type PDC_EFR and the corresponding Source Controlled Rate operation (SCR). Table 6-3: Example of SDU sizes for PDC_EFR with SCR and Equal Error Protection
PDC_EFR RFCI Example 4 RAB sub-flow Total size of bits/RAB sub-flows RAB subcombination Flow 1 (Mandatory) (Mandatory) 95 95 103 103 118 118 134 134 148 148 159 159 204 204 244 244 39 39 43 43 38 1 37 38 37
Source rate AMR 4.75kbps AMR 5.15kbps AMR 5.9kbps AMR 6.7kbps AMR 7.4kbps AMR 7.95kbps AMR 10.2kbps AMR 12.2kbps AMR SID GSM-EFR SID TDMA-EFR SID PDC-EFR SID
Release 1999
Frame handlers
Iu PDU Frame handling functions are described in 3GPP TS 25.415. This sections describes the mandatory frame handling functions at the AMR Generic frame interface.
The frames from the TC in generic AMR frame format IF1 are mapped onto the Iu PDU as follows.
The Frame Quality Indicator (FQI) from the TC is directly mapped to the Frame Quality Classification (FQC) of the Iu frame according to Table 6-4. Table 6-4: FQI AMR to FQC Iu PDU mapping FQI AMR GOOD BAD FQI value FQC PDU (1 bit) 1 0 GOOD BAD FQC value (2 bit) 00 01
Frame Type
The received Frame Type Index l is mapped onto the RFCI j thanks to the assigned RFCS table: the correspondence between Codec Mode, Frame Type Index l and RFCI j is defined at RAB assignment.
Codec Mode Request (CMR) in downlink direction is forwarded to the rate control procedure when it changes.
Let us define the N payload fields of the N sub-flows for RFCI j as follow : Ui(k) shall be the bits in sub-flow i, for k =1 to Mi Mi d(k) shall be the size of sub-flow i, for i = 1 to N shall be the bits of the speech or comfort noise parameters of the corresponding Frame Type l in decreasing subjective importance, as defined in the generic AMR frame format IF1, see TS 26.101.
Then the following mapping in pseudo code applies: U1(k) U2(k) U3(k) = d(k-1) = d(k -1+ M1) = d(k-1 + M2) with k = 1, M1 M2 M3
with k = 1, with k = 1,
Release 1999
The uplink Iu frames are mapped onto generic AMR frames, format IF1, as follows.
At reception of Iu PDU the Iu frame handler function set the Frame Quality Classification according to the received FQC, Header-CRC check, and Payload-CRC check (see 25.415). AMR Frame Type and Frame Quality Indicator are determined according to the following table: Table 6-5: FQC Iu PDU type 0 to AMR FQI and AMR Frame Type mapping
FQC FQC value (2 bits) Resulting FQI FQI value (1 bit) resulting Frame Type
00 01 10 11
1 0 0 0
Frame Type
The received RFCI j is mapped onto the Frame Type Index l thanks to the RFCS table.
The received Downlink Rate Control command (DRC) is mapped onto the Codec Mode Request (CMR) towards the AMR Codec. In case a new DRC is received it is mapped into the corresponding CMR of the generic AMR frame format. It is remembered by the TC until the next DRC is received. In each new frame thatis sent to the AMR Codec, the stored CMR is resent, in order to control the Codec Mode for the downlink direction.
The speech and Comfort noise parameter bits are mapped from the sub-flows to the payload of the generic AMR frames with the reverse function of subclause
The interface between the UE AMR speech codec (see 3GPP TS 26.101) and the Radio Access Network is an internal UE interface and is not detailed. The mapping is corresponding to the mapping described in clause 6 for the Iu interface. Even though the details of Uu interface are not detailed, there are some functional requirements for the UE that need to be considered, when an AMR codec type (i.e. UMTS AMR or UMTS AMR2) is being used in a conversational speech
Release 1999
call. These requirements are related to the mapping of AMR Generic frame format handling functions. The requirements are 1. The set of available codec modes (bitrates) that the UE may use are configured by UTRAN. The UE shall select, from the configured set of codec modes, a mode that is supported by the current TX power conditions as defined in 3GPP TS25.133. The highest available mode should be used for best speech quality. The lowest configured codec mode is always to be considered supported.
Other aspects
Release 1999
6 7 7 7 10 11 19
3 2 1 2
013 2
Approved at TSG-SA#6 Plenary Introduction of QoS parameters used at RAB assignment Introduction of different RFCS set on Iu User Plane Introduction of Time Alignment AMR interface to Iu Removal of TFO and TrFO from Release 99, and removal of Initial Time Alignment AMR Rate Adaptation of R'99
3.3.0 3.4.0