Statements FAE 2024-25
Statements FAE 2024-25
Statements FAE 2024-25
Statement 2: First Advance Estimates of Annual GDP for FY 2024-25 and its Expenditure Components
(at Current Prices)
(₹ Crore)
Percentage Change
2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Over Previous
Sl. No. Item Year
(FRE) (PE) (FAE)
2023-24 2024-25
Domestic Product
1 GVA at Basic Prices 24,659,041 26,762,147 29,263,609 8.5 9.3
2 Net Taxes on Products 2,290,605 2,773,520 3,147,797 21.1 13.5
3 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) @ 26,949,646 29,535,667 32,411,406 9.6 9.7
4 Net Domestic Product (NDP) 23,809,748 26,127,976 28,685,197 9.7 9.8
Expenditure Components #
Private Final Consumption
5 16,422,535 17,822,526 20,029,580 8.5 12.4
Expenditure (PFCE)
Government Final Consumption
6 2,883,649 3,068,970 3,330,598 6.4 8.5
Expenditure (GFCE)
Gross Fixed Capital Formation
7 8,286,979 9,107,021 9,763,363 9.9 7.2
8 Changes in Stocks (CIS) 277,120 295,198 319,249 6.5 8.1
9 Valuables 335,730 439,024 513,009 30.8 16.9
10 Exports 6,252,449 6,453,015 6,966,331 3.2 8.0
11 Imports 7,213,027 7,110,310 7,815,050 -1.4 9.9
12 Discrepancies -295,789 -539,778 -695,674 -1.8 -2.1
13 GDP 26,949,646 29,535,667 32,411,406 9.6 9.7
Share in GDP(%)
Private Final Consumption
14 60.9 60.3 61.8
Expenditure (PFCE)
Government Final Consumption
15 10.7 10.4 10.3
Expenditure (GFCE)
Gross Fixed Capital Formation
16 30.7 30.8 30.1
17 Changes in Stocks (CIS) 1.0 1.0 1.0
18 Valuables 1.2 1.5 1.6 `
19 Exports 23.2 21.8 21.5
20 Imports 26.8 24.1 24.1
21 Discrepancies -1.1 -1.8 -2.1
22 GDP 100.0 100.0 100.0
National Product
23 Gross National Income (GNI) 26,579,339 29,104,354 31,909,037 9.5 9.6
24 Net National Income (NNI) 23,439,442 25,696,663 28,182,828 9.6 9.7
Gross National Disposable
25 27,398,551 29,985,708 32,865,546 9.4 9.6
Income (GNDI)
Net National Disposable Income
26 24,258,653 26,578,017 29,139,338 9.6 9.6
Per Capita Income, National Product and Final Consumption
27 Per Capita GDP (₹) 194,879 211,725 230,195 8.6 8.7
28 Per Capita GNI (₹) 192,201 208,633 226,627 8.5 8.6
29 Per Capita NNI (₹) 169,496 184,205 200,162 8.7 8.7
30 Per Capita GNDI (₹) 198,125 214,951 233,420 8.5 8.6
31 Per Capita PFCE (₹) 118,755 127,760 142,256 7.6 11.3
FRE: First Revised Estimates; PE: Provisional Estimates; FAE: First Advance Estimates
GDP (Production/Income Approach) = GVA at Basic Price + Net Taxes on Products
Following Expenditure Approach, GDP = PFCE + GFCE + GFCF + CIS + Valuable + Export - Import. Discrepancy refers to gap between
GDP (Production/Income Approach) and GDP (Expenditure Approach). In case of Discrepancy percentage share in GDP is given instead
of percentage changes over previous year.
Statement 3: First Advance Estimates of GVA at Basic Prices by Economic Activity (at 2011- 12 Prices)
Crore) Percentage Change
2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Over Previous Year
(FRE) (PE) (FAE)
2023-24 2024-25
1. Primary Sector 2,587,507 2,642,605 2,739,036 2.1 3.6
1.1 Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry & Fishing 2,272,250 2,304,982 2,391,764 1.4 3.8
1.2. Mining & Quarrying 315,256 337,623 347,271 7.1 2.9
2. Secondary Sector 4,158,893 4,561,936 4,857,103 9.7 6.5
2.1. Manufacturing 2,504,663 2,751,680 2,898,162 9.9 5.3
2.2. Electricity, Gas, Water Supply & Other
347,973 374,174 399,781 7.5 6.8
Utility Services
2.3. Construction 1,306,256 1,436,081 1,559,160 9.9 8.6
3. Tertiary Sector 8,058,501 8,669,210 9,295,056 7.6 7.2
3.1 Trade, Hotels, Transport, Communication
2,777,723 2,955,767 3,128,534 6.4 5.8
& Services related to Broadcasting
3.2 Financial, Real Estate & Professional
3,405,474 3,691,645 3,960,232 8.4 7.3
3.3 Public Administration, Defence & Other
1,875,304 2,021,798 2,206,290 7.8 9.1
GVA at Basic Prices 14,804,901 15,873,751 16,891,195 7.2 6.4
Statement 4: First Advance Estimates of GVA at Basic Prices by Economic(₹Activity (at Current Prices)
Percentage Change
2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Over Previous Year
(FRE) (PE) (FAE)
2023-24 2024-25
1. Primary Sector 4,978,870 5,251,104 5,739,114 5.5 9.3
1.1 Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry & Fishing 4,484,268 4,725,223 5,199,547 5.4 10.0
1.2. Mining & Quarrying 494,602 525,881 539,567 6.3 2.6
2. Secondary Sector 6,319,363 6,867,083 7,341,375 8.7 6.9
2.1. Manufacturing 3,536,461 3,819,749 4,070,762 8.0 6.6
2.2. Electricity, Gas, Water Supply & Other
604,209 663,458 682,356 9.8 2.8
Utility Services
2.3. Construction 2,178,693 2,383,877 2,588,257 9.4 8.6
3. Tertiary Sector 13,360,808 14,643,960 16,183,120 9.6 10.5
3.1 Trade, Hotels, Transport, Communication
4,410,148 4,684,542 5,057,475 6.2 8.0
& Services related to Broadcasting
3.2 Financial, Real Estate & Professional
5,520,163 6,064,251 6,686,882 9.9 10.3
3.3 Public Administration, Defence & Other
3,430,497 3,895,167 4,438,763 13.5 14.0
GVA at Basic Prices 24,659,041 26,762,147 29,263,609 8.5 9.3
FRE: First Revised Estimates; PE: Provisional Estimates; FAE: First Advance Estimates
*Public Administration, Defence & Other Services category includes the Other Services sector i.e. Education, Health, Recreation, and
other personal services