Get Marketing. 8th Edition Dhruv Grewal free all chapters
Get Marketing. 8th Edition Dhruv Grewal free all chapters
Get Marketing. 8th Edition Dhruv Grewal free all chapters
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grewal levy •
mar . ket . ing
Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes
for creating, capturing, communicating, delivering, and
exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients,
partners, and society at large.
All credits appearing on page or at the end of the book are considered to be an extension of the copyright page.
The Internet addresses listed in the text were accurate at the time of publication. The inclusion of a website
does not indicate an endorsement by the authors or McGraw Hill LLC, and McGraw Hill LLC does not
guarantee the accuracy of the information presented at these sites.
To our families for their never-ending support.
To my wife, Diana, my daughter, Lauren, my son-in-law, Chet, and my son, Alex.
—Dhruv Grewal
—Michael Levy
about the authors
Dhruv Grewal in Pricing (American Marketing Association Retailing & Pricing
SIG); the 2010 Lifetime Achievement Award in Retailing (American
Dhruv Grewal (PhD, Virginia Tech) is Marketing Association Retailing SIG); the 2005 Lifetime Achieve-
the Toyota Chair in Commerce and ment in Behavioral Pricing Award (Fordham University, November
Electronic Business and a Professor 2005); and the Academy of Marketing Science Cutco/Vector
of Marketing at Babson College. His Distinguished Educator Award in May 2010. He is a Distin-
research and teaching interests guished Fellow of the Academy of Marketing Science. He has
focus on direct marketing and e- served as VP Research and Conferences, American Marketing
commerce, marketing research, the Association Academic Council (1999–2001) and as VP Develop-
©Morse Photography broad areas of value-based market- ment for the Academy of Marketing Science (2000–2002). He
ing strategies, services and retailing, was coeditor of Journal of Retailing (2001–2007). He has won
and pricing. He is listed in The World’s Most Influential Scientific a number of awards for his research: 2019 Louis W. Stern
Minds, Thomson Reuters, 2014 (only 8 from the marketing field Award (American Marketing Association Interorganizational Sig);
and 95 from economics and business are listed). He is a GSBE 2019 William R. Davidson Journal of Retailing Best Paper Award
Extramural Fellow, Maasterict University and has been an (for paper published in 2017); 2018 JSR Best Paper Award (for
Honorary Distinguished Visiting Professor of Retailing and paper published in 2017); 2018 William R. Davidson Journal of
Marketing, Tecnologico de Monterrey, a Global Chair in Market- Retailing Best Paper Award (for paper published in 2016); 2017
ing at the University of Bath, an Honorary Distinguished Visiting Journal of Interactive Marketing Best Paper Award (for paper
Professor of Retailing and Marketing, Center for Retailing, published in 2016); 2016 Journal of Marketing Sheth Award;
Stockholm School of Economics, and a Visiting Scholar at 2016 William R. Davidson Journal of Retailing Best Paper
Dartmouth. He has also served as a faculty member at the Award (for paper published in 2014); 2015 Louis W. Stern Award
University of Miami, where he also was a department chair. (American Marketing Association Interorganizational SIG);
Professor Grewal was ranked first in the marketing field in Babson College Faculty Scholarship Award (2015); William R.
terms of publications in the top six marketing journals during the Davidson Journal of Retailing Best Paper Award 2012 (for paper
1991–1998 period and again for the 2000–2007 period and published in 2010); 2011 Best Paper Award (La Londe Confer-
ranked third in terms of publications in the Journal of Marketing ence for Marketing Communications and Consumer Behavior);
and the Journal of Marketing Research during the 2010–2019 2011 Louis W. Stern Award (American Marketing Association
period. He was also ranked first in terms of publications and third Interorganizational SIG); William R. D avidson Journal of Retail-
in citations for pricing research for the time period 1980–2010 in ing Honorable Mention Award 2011 (for paper published in
20 marketing and business publications. He has published over 2009); Babson College Faculty Scholarship Award (2010);
170 journal articles in Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer William R. Davidson Journal of Retailing Best Paper Award 2010
Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Retailing, (for paper published in 2008); William R. Davidson Journal of
Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Applied Psychology, Retailing Honorable Mention Award 2010 (for paper published
and Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science as well as in 2008); 2017 Best Paper Award, Connecting for Good Track,
many other journals. He has over 60,000 citations based on Winter AMA Conference; Stanley C. Hollander Best Retailing
Google Scholar. He currently serves on numerous editorial re- Paper, Academy of Marketing Science Conference 2002, 2008,
view boards, such as Journal of Marketing (area editor), Journal and 2016; M. Wayne DeLozier Best Conference Paper, Academy
of the Academy of Marketing Science (area editor), Journal of of Marketing Science 2002 and 2008; Best Paper, CB Track,
Marketing Research (associate editor), Journal of Interactive Winter AMA 2009; Best Paper, Technology & e-Business Track,
Marketing, Journal of Business Research, and Journal of Public AMA Summer 2007; Best Paper Award, Pricing Track, Best
Policy & Marketing, and the advisory board for Journal of Retail- Services Paper Award (2002), from the American Marketing
ing. He has also served on the boards of Journal of Consumer Association Services SIG presented at the Service Frontier Con-
Psychology, Academy of Marketing Science Review, and Journal ference, October 2003; Winter American Marketing Associa-
of World Business. He also received Best Reviewer Awards tion Conference 2001; Best Paper Award, Technology Track,
(Journal of Retailing 2008, Journal of Marketing 2014), Outstand- Summer American Marketing Association Educators’ Conference
ing Area Editor (Journal of Marketing 2017, Journal of the Acad- 2000; and University of Miami School of Business Research
emy of Marketing Science 2016), and a Distinguished Service Excellence Award for 1991, 1995, 1996, and 1998. He has also
Award (Journal of Retailing 2009). been a finalist for the 2018 Journal of Marketing R
esearch Paul
Professor Grewal was awarded the 2017 Robert B. Clarke Green Award; 2018 Journal of Marketing, the Marketing Science
Outstanding Educator Award (Marketing Edge, formerly DMEF); Institute/H. Paul Root Award; 2014 Journal of Marketing Harold
2013 university-wide Distinguished Graduate Alumnus from his H. Maynard Award; 2012 Paul D. Converse Award; and 2005
alma mater Virginia Tech; the 2012 Lifetime Achievement Award Best Services Paper Award from the Services SIG.
viii about the authors
analyzes China’s proposed Social Credit System to track citizens’ behaviors, habits, connec-
tions, and comments.
Chapter 5: Analyzing the Marketing Environment opens with an account of how iRobot an-
ticipates consumer preferences in order to develop products that will satisfy customers’ de-
mands. A new Adding Value box highlights CVS’s efforts to showcase realistic beauty in its
stores and advertisements. A new Ethical & Societal Dilemma box describes the emerging
market for sustainable swimwear as consumers become more conscious of water pollution.
There is also a new Marketing Analytics box about how Coca-Cola uses its high-tech vending
machines to allow consumers to mix their own custom beverages.
Chapter 6: Consumer Behavior has a new opener about Sunbasket, a meal delivery kit, and
how it designs its products to appeal to different aspects of consumer behavior. A new Mar-
keting Analytics box explains how Amazon uses customer data and consumer behavior
concepts to promote individualized ads. There are two new Ethical & Societal Dilemma
boxes: One box discusses how fashion lines have created clothing and accessories that ap-
peal to people’s political persuasions. The other box considers the ethics of free games that
offer in-game purchases.
Chapter 7: Business-to-Business Marketing starts with a discussion of Mastercard Track, its
new B2B payment system. A new Ethical & Societal Dilemma box discusses the many
outsourcing firms that provide workers to companies around the world. A new Social &
Mobile Marketing box examines the advertising needs of direct-to-consumer companies.
There is also a new Adding Value box that describes how Wistia has developed a video
hosting platform that fits the needs of businesses who wish to promote their content in a
business-friendly environment. Finally, a new case details how Alibaba is expanding its
successful B2B platform.
Chapter 8: Global Marketing has a new opener highlighting how Airbnb views global mar-
keting from a local lens to make travelers feel at home wherever they are. There are four
new Adding Value boxes: One describes the targeted products that McDonald’s offers in
different markets around the world. The second considers the increase of luxury sales in
airports across the globe. The third is about how companies use International Women’s
Day as inspiration for their marketing campaigns. Finally, the fourth Adding Value box
details Domino’s digital and physical expansion. The chapter also includes two new Ethical
& Societal Dilemma boxes, one about pollution associated with the increased use of dispos-
able sanitary products in India and one about the backlash Dolce & Gabbana faced after
releasing potentially offensive ads in China. The chapter concludes with a case study on
how KFC has grown its brand internationally to become “the world’s most popular chicken
restaurant chain.”
Chapter 9: Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning opens with how restaurants have posi-
tioned their new plant-based meat offerings to appeal to a wide range of customers. A new
Ethical & Societal Dilemma box considers the fate of African American–owned businesses
that target African American customers once they are sold to large conglomerates. There is
a new Social & Mobile Marketing box about the lifestyle magazine published by Outdoor
Voices in order to reach customers to whom its branding appeals. A new Marketing Anal
ytics box describes how data collected by an app-linked thermometer could be used by
brands to geographically target ads for products like cold medicine and disinfectant wipes.
A new Adding Value box examines how Patagonia, in order to protect its brand’s image and
strengthen its appeal to its target market, refuses to personalize merchandise sold to certain
companies. Another new Adding Value box highlights how JCPenney is reorganizing stores
to promote exclusive fashion brands for older consumers and eliminate or scale back pur-
chases of Millennial-centric brands. Finally, a new case dissects the marketing segments
P&G considers when marketing its extensive product lines.
Chapter 10: Marketing Research and Analytics has undergone major revisions and has a new
title reflecting the additions. The chapter includes an extensive new section on big data that
includes a discussion of the 5 Vs of big data (volume, variety, velocity, veracity, and value).
The second new section on marketing analytics includes a discussion of the different tools
that can be used in the execution of marketing research. The chapter opens with a discussion
of how Netflix uses data collected from customers to provide personalized recommenda-
tions and develop its own content. There is a new Marketing Analytics box that discusses
Amazon’s Prime Day promotion that essentially allows customers to trade access to their
personal information for a discount. There is a new Adding Value about how
leveraged marketing research data to determine that its customers are interested in unique
accommodations across the United States. Finally, the chapter ends with an updated case
describing how the YMCA has used data gleaned from extensive market research to expand
its offerings and attract more members.
Chapter 11: Product, Branding, and Packaging Decisions begins with a new opener on
Dunkin Donuts’ branding transition to Dunkin’. There are two new Adding Value boxes:
The first highlights Weight Watchers’ rebrand, and the second considers the expensive—yet
whimsical—luxury watches produced by the JS Watch Company. There is also a new Social
& Mobile Marketing box about how jingles can confer authenticity on a brand. A new case
on Chobani’s recent rebranding campaign concludes the chapter.
Chapter 12: Developing New Products begins with the story of the development of Panera’s
new grain bowls and other healthy (or healthy-seeming) options. There are three new Add-
ing Value boxes: One describes how Bose introduced its sunglass speakers at the Coachella
Music Festival. The second examines how streaming services are entering into the podcast
market. The third considers how companies are developing ways to enhance the capabilities
of wearables, from determining the customer’s heart rhythm to analyzing their sweat. A new
Social & Mobile Marketing box discusses the head-to-head battle between Fortnite and Call
of Duty. Finally, a new case details how Dyson develops its innovative vacuums and vacuum-
adjacent products.
Chapter 13: Services: The Intangible Product includes an opening vignette that describes
how Apple uses its Apple Pay service to enhance the experience of using Apple products. A
new Ethical & Societal Dilemma box ponders the ethics of a service that provides customers
with an assessment of potential babysitters based on a proprietary analysis of their social
media posts. A new Adding Value box outlines how the mattress brand Casper created a new
service it calls The Dreamery to expose potential consumers to its products. There is a new
Marketing Analytics box highlighting how Aldi addresses customers’ needs by maintaining
low prices while expanding convenience with its home delivery and curbside pickup services.
A new Social & Mobile Marketing box explores how doctors seek novel ways to shrink the
delivery gap, by turning to telemedicine. A new case at the end of the chapter describes how
GrubHub has worked to expand and refine its food delivery service.
Chapter 14: Pricing Concepts for Capturing Value starts with a new opener that describes the
pricing strategies of The New York Times in the age of declining print newspaper sales. A new
Adding Value box discusses Nissan’s fleet sales strategy. Another new Adding Value box
examines the pricing strategy of Air France. A new case highlights the success of T-Mobile’s
“Un-Carrier” marketing campaign.
Chapter 15: Strategic Pricing Methods and Tactics begins with a breakdown of how Disney’s
pricing methods help optimize both profits and park attendance. There are two new Ethical &
Societal Dilemma boxes: one about Target’s dynamic in-app pricing based on location and
one about how prescription drug ads are beginning to include price in them. The case study
at the end of the chapter about the pricing strategies of various pizza chain restaurants has
undergone extensive revisions.
Chapter 16: Supply Chain and Channel Management opens with a new vignette highlight-
ing Nestlé’s supply chain. There are three new Adding Value boxes: The first discusses
how Fanatics adopted a rapid production model to get sports apparel to customers
quickly, while the second examines supply chain disruptions in the global economy and
macroenvironment from the COVID-19 pandemic. The third explores where robots are
succeeding and failing in warehouses. A new Ethical & Societal Dilemma box describes
the methods Amazon uses to monitor its delivery employees. A new case study dis-
cusses the burgeoning market of grocery delivery services.
Chapter 17: Retailing and Omnichannel Marketing begins with a discussion of the group
purchasing organization recently formed by Walgreens and Kroger. A new Adding Value
box describes how grocery stores are enhancing their stores by including features such
as event spaces and added services. A new Ethical & Societal Dilemma box considers the
ethics of tracking customers’ movements through their phones. Another new Ethical &
Societal Dilemma box discusses the rise in automated stores including Amazon Go, Bingo
Box, and Hema. A new Social & Mobile Marketing box explores the rising prominence of
mobile and contactless grocery channels.
Chapter 18: Integrated Marketing Communications opens with a description of how BMW
designed an integrated marketing campaign based around the concept of a road trip. A new
Social & Mobile Marketing box highlights how Snapchat is allowing firms to purchase tar-
geted advertisements. There are three new Adding Value boxes: One discusses how Aflac
uses a country music campaign to increase awareness of its services. The second highlights
how podcasts are becoming more interactive through in-home voice assistants. The third
describes DoorDash’s marketing campaign.
Chapter 19: Advertising, Public Relations, and Sales Promotions begins with a new opener
on Smucker’s new advertising strategy. A new Adding Value box features Arby’s record-
breaking advertisement. There are three new Ethical & Societal Dilemma boxes: one that
discusses the controversy surrounding South Dakota’s Meth Awareness ad campaign; the
second one examines how some old advertising campaigns would shock today’s viewers, like
the one that attempts to get mothers to give chewing gum to their toddlers; and the third one
considers whether the claims Chevy makes in its commercials are false or just puffery. The
chapter concludes with a new case highlighting the remarkably lucrative partnership be-
tween Lexus and Marvel’s Black Panther.
Chapter 20: Personal Selling and Sales Management includes several new features and up-
dates. The section on the personal selling process has been revised and enhanced to include
the technology available to support the personal selling process at each step. The chapter
opens with a new vignette about how State Farm uses technology to support its personal
selling strategies. A new Adding Value box highlights the lessons that can be learned from
the television show Shark Tank. Another new Adding Value box highlights LinkedIn’s cam-
paign to become a tool that sellers can use to market themselves and their businesses. A new
Social & Mobile Marketing box discusses how WhatsApp is altering sales practices in India.
There is also a new Ethical & Societal Dilemma box that considers the ethics of multilevel
marketing sales.
a letter from the authors
We are pleased to welcome you to the eighth edition of Marketing! Since the
first edition, we have been committed to emphasizing a basic yet essential
theme: Marketing adds value. This theme comes through not only in our
instructional features but also in our covers. With each edition’s cover,
we have featured a product that, because of marketing, has become more
valuable in the eyes of consumers than it might have otherwise become.
Last edition we featured energy bars; in previous editions we featured
chocolate, coffee, water, and jeans. For this eighth edition, we feature
fashionable yet environmentally friendly water bottles. These are all familiar
products that started out as commodities but became high-value branded
products because of marketing.
This is an exciting time to study marketing! Marketing continues to
change and evolve, featuring new innovative products and services as well
as employing new methods and channels by which we understand and reach
customers. Marketing, 8e reflects this evolution with substantive revisions,
new sections, and new models throughout. Here are just a few of our
favorite updates: In Chapter 3, Digital Marketing: Online, Social and Mobile,
we have added a new section titled “Influencer Marketing” that tackles
the factors used in picking an influencer partner. Chapter 10, now titled
“Marketing Research and Analytics,” contains a new section on big data that
is organized around 5 Vs (volume, variety, velocity, veracity, and value). The
other new section examines the tools that are used in marketing analytics.
Chapter 20, “Personal Selling and Sales Management,” has a significantly
revised section, “The Personal Selling Process,” that includes the technology
that supports the selling process at each step. In addition, 90 percent of the
chapter openers are new, 70 percent of the informational boxes are new,
50 percent of the end-of-chapter cases are new, and the rest of the cases
have been updated.
Adding Value—illustrate how companies add value not only in providing products
and services but also in making contributions to society.
Ethical & Societal Dilemmas—emphasize the role of marketing in society.
Marketing Analytics—feature companies that rely on sophisticated data
analytics to define and refine their approaches to their customers and their markets.
Marketing Digitally—illustrate how marketers successfully use digital media in
their marketing campaigns and efforts.
Social & Mobile Marketing—discuss how social media are used in marketing
Progress Checks throughout each chapter give students the opportunity to stop and
consider whether their understanding of key concepts is progressing as it should.
Why We Believe in the Value
of Marketing
Beyond teaching a principles of marketing course and developing a product to be taught, we
also want to impress upon our students why marketing in and of itself is valuable. Marketing
creates enduring and mutually valuable relationships between companies and their consumers.
Marketing identifies what customers value at the local level in order to make it possible for
firms to expand at the global level. Without marketing, it would be difficult for any of us to learn
about new products and services. In fact, an understanding of marketing can help students find
jobs after they finish school. If we can inspire this understanding of the value of marketing in
our students, then we will have succeeded in demonstrating how marketing adds value . . . to
their education, their careers, and their lives.
Dhruv Grewal,
Babson College
Michael Levy,
Babson College
Instructors: Student Success Starts with You
Tools to enhance your unique voice
Want to build your own course? No problem. Prefer to use our turnkey,
prebuilt course? Easy. Want to make changes throughout the semester?
Less Time
Sure. And you’ll save time with Connect’s auto-grading too.
Top: Jenner Images/Getty Images, Left: Hero Images/Getty Images, Right: Hero Images/Getty Images
Asset Alignment with
Bloom’s Taxonomy
Principles of Marketing
The chart below shows a few of the key assignable marketing assets with Connect aligned with Bloom’s
Taxonomy. Take your students higher by assigning a variety of applications, moving them from simple
memorization to concept application.
Video Cases/Case
Analytics Toolkits
Assignment Plus
Based Activities
SmartBook® 2.0
Marketing Plan
Prep Exercises
Click & Drags
Video Cases
Thinking Skills
Higher Order
✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Thinking Skills
Lower Order
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
SmartBook 2.0
Smartbook 2.0 personalizes learning to individual student needs; continually adapting to pinpoint knowledge
gaps and focus learning on concepts requiring additional study.
Application-Based Activities
Highly interactive, application-based activities immerse students in real-world business environments. Placed
in the role of a Marketing Manager or business professional, students are challenged to make data-informed
decisions and apply multiple concepts while seeing the impact of their decisions immediately.
acknowledgments xxi
Rob Palmatier (University of Washington); Abhijit Biswas and Sujay Dutta (Wayne State
University); and M. Joseph Sirgy (Virginia Tech).
We would like to thank the following instructors for providing feedback to shape the
eighth edition. A special thank-you to:
We would like to thank all the professors who were instrumental in guiding our revision of
not only the text but also Connect and other ancillary materials:
We express our thanks to all faculty who have contributed to the development of digital
learning content:
Glossary 648
Name Index 663
Company Index 670
Subject Index 674
table of contents
Marketing Is about Satisfying Customer Needs and Wants 5
Adding Value 1.1: The Baby Dove Product Line Extension and
Its Context 6
Marketing Entails an Exchange 6
Marketing Creates Value through Product, Price, Place, and APN Photography/Shutterstock
Promotion Decisions 7
Marketing Can Be Performed by Individuals and Organizations 9
Marketing Affects Various Stakeholders 10
Adding Value 1.2: The Kids Are Marketing All Right: Recycling and
Selling on E-Commerce Platforms 11
Ethical & Societal Dilemma 1.1: Making a Family Business More
Valuable by Addressing Gender Inequality in the Coffee Market 13
Production-Oriented Era 13
Sales-Oriented Era 14
Market-Oriented Era 14
Value-Based Marketing Era 14
Adding Value 1.3: A Lipstick Option for Those Who Dream of a
Hermès Bag 15
Adding Value 17
Marketing Analytics 17
Adding Value 1.4: Is There Cash Value in No Cash? Amazon
Thinks So 18
Social and Mobile Marketing 18
Marketing Analytics 1.1: Scan Your Face, Drive Away in Less Than
a Minute: Using Biometrics at Hertz Rental Locations 19
Social & Mobile Marketing 1.1: Marketing Your TikTok Account
by . . . Sleeping? 20
Ethical and Societal Dilemma 20
Ethical & Societal Dilemma 1.2: After Axing Straws, Starbucks
Still Faces Criticism for Single-Use Plastic 21
Reviewing Learning Objectives 22
Key Terms 22
Marketing Digitally 23
Marketing Applications 23
Quiz Yourself 23
Chapter Case Study: A Flood of Water Consumption Choices 24
Quiz Yourself Answer Key 27
xxx table of contents
Core Goals 89
Contextual Elements 90
Content 90
Community 91
Communication 93
Commerce 93
Connection 94
The Information Effect 95
Marketing Analytics 3.1: Are Algorithms Discriminatory? Questions
about How Facebook Targets Advertising 96
The Connected Effect 96
Adding Value 3.1: The Portal from Facebook with an Assist from Amazon 97
The Network Effect 98
The Dynamic Effect 98
Social & Mobile Marketing 3.1: Just Don’t Eat the Detergent! Who Is
Responsible for Consumers’ Risky Behaviors? 99
The Timeliness Effect 99
App Pricing Models 102
Listen 103
Analyze 104
Do 105
Assessing the Efficacy of Influencers 108
Types of Influencers 110
Ethical Considerations for Influencer Marketing 111
Reviewing Learning Objectives 113
Key Terms 114
Marketing Digitally 114
Marketing Applications 114
Quiz Yourself 115
Chapter Case Study: Images, Sales, Brands: How Red Bull Uses Various Digital
and Social Media Techniques to Achieve All Its Objectives 115
Quiz Yourself Answer Key 119
Adding Value 4.1: Philanthropy with a Dash of Style: The Elbi–David Yurman
Partnership 124
AS AN ELEMENT OF CONSCIOUS MARKETING 125 Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images
Virtual, but the Money Is Real: In-Game Purchases, Kids, Television Academy/AP Images
Franchising 262
Strategic Alliance 262
Joint Venture 262
Direct Investment 263
Target Market: Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning 264
Adding Value 8.1: Like Pumpkin and Chocolate Sauce for Your Fries?
McDonald’s Might Be Able to Help with That 266
Adding Value 8.2: Domino’s Growth Plan: Expand Everywhere and Every Way 267
Adding Value 8.3: Forget the Mall, Shoppers Are Buying Gucci at Airports 268
Adding Value 8.4: International Women’s Day as Inspiration for Marketing
Messages 269
Reviewing Learning Objectives 270
Key Terms 271
Marketing Digitally 271
Marketing Applications 271
Quiz Yourself 272
Chapter Case Study: Colonel Sanders Would Be Proud, KFC Is a Global Brand 272
Quiz Yourself Answer Key 276
Adding Value 12.1: Finding the Hearables Market by Visiting Coachella 387
Changing Customer Needs 387
Ethical & Societal Dilemma 12.1: “Smart” Toys Raise New Privacy Concerns 388
Market Saturation 389
Managing Risk through Diversity 389 DenPhotos/Shutterstock
“The feature that gives the book its greatest value, is its profound
understanding of the British people, whose industrial and political
problems it describes and illumines with such keen comment.” T. M.
GLINSKI, ANTONI JÓZEF. Polish fairy tales;
tr. by Maude Ashurst Biggs. il *$5 Lane
“It can be said, however, that the first half of the book leads the
way to its climax with a relentless logic—providing always that the
author’s premises are correct—that is truly delightful and admirably
lucid.” Van Buren Thorne
“Dr Goldberg has written in great detail, with diction lucid and at
times sparkling.”
“‘The fight for freedom’ is a good play quite apart from any
pretensions to be different in character from the social plays of the
pre-war theater. It is, in fact, in direct line with the best work of
Shaw, Galsworthy and Barker.” B. L.
Reviewed by H. W. Boynton
Reviewed by R. E. Roberts
Boston Transcript p7 Ag 7 ’20 400w
“In this book the author once more gives proof of his remarkable
receptivity, his power of seizing and reproducing the surface
impressions of the circle in which he moves. That there is nothing
either well-thought-out or valuable in these essays is hardly so much
his fault as his misfortune. The lighter sketches are incomparably the
better, and should prove to him his true vocation.”
“As he has a gift for seeing beneath the genius to the man, and can
attend a tea-party for the pleasure of saying afterwards how trivial he
found it, his book is not devoid of spice, though its prose is
undistinguished and sometimes slack.”
“In it are adequately set forth the solid, conservative policies of the
long-time president of the American federation of labor. But the
thoughts are the thoughts of history rather than of the present; the
reader who would know what labor is thinking now must supplement
the Gompers philosophy with many creations of a new régime of
ideas.” E. D. Strong
“We had occasion a few weeks ago to notice a book of the Civic
federation, one chapter being written by James W. Sullivan of the A.
F. of L. Our judgment was that the national officials of the
organization had become trade union chauvinists. This latest volume
confirms our impression. Nevertheless, we are glad to have this book.
The selections by Robbins are excellent and no matter whether the
reader agrees or does not agree with Mr Gompers, this compilation is
valuable for his partisans and all others interested in the history of
the American federation of labor.” James Oneal
Reviewed by J. E. Le Rossignol
“With its companion volume, ‘Labor and the common welfare,’ this
book gives a complete review of American social problems as Mr
Gompers has known them during the past thirty-five years.” (R of
Rs) “The book is made up of excerpts from reports, speeches,
testimony, writings and editorials classified under such major
headings as Employers and employers’ organizations, Wages, Hours
of work, The ‘open’ shop, Women in industry, Unemployment,
Insurance and compensation, Limitation of output, Strikes,
Arbitration and collective bargaining, Profit sharing and Industrial
democracy. Within each group are arranged chronologically the
various minor topics which naturally come under the major
headings.” (Survey)
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