Dr Ravi Kumar MCA Major Report Marks

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Dr. M Ravi Kumar

Professor, Dept. of Computer Science,
Kuvempu University, Jnana sahyadri, Shankaraghatta- 577451
Shivamogga, Karnataka, India

The Registrar Evaluation
Tumkur University
Tumakuru - 572103

Respected Sir,

Sub: Regarding Fourth Semester MCA Major Project/Dissertation Report Marks


With the above mentioned topic, I am appointed as an external examiner and evaluated the
Major projects/dissertations for the Fourth Semester MCA students registered number
P11AZ21S0076 through P11AZ21S0569, for 125 marks. I am attaching the marks list of the students
in the table below. Kindly check and oblige.

SL Register Number Student Name Major Project Report

NO Marks
(125 Marks)
Batch- 4MCA1
1. P11AZ21S0076 CHANDRAHASA B 110
2. P11AZ21S0077 CHANDANA K 119
3. P11AZ21S0124 MANOJ U 110
4. P11AZ21S0126 KAISARTAJ 125
5. P11AZ21S0127 NIVEDITHA H N 118
6. P11AZ21S0128 TEJAS S H 110
7. P11AZ21S0129 S HARICHARAN 110
8. P11AZ21S0130 RASHMI D S 114
9. P11AZ21S0131 PRABHAVATHI C S 101
10. P11AZ21S0132 SHASHANK V 108
11. P11AZ21S0134 CHAITHRA B 123
12. P11AZ21S0135 NANDINI N 124
13. P11AZ21S0136 SHUBHA U G 101
14. P11AZ21S0137 SUNITHA K R 100
Batch- 4MCA2
1. P11AZ21S0138 VINUTHA P H 100

2. P11AZ21S0139 TEJAS V N 110

3. P11AZ21S0140 RAJU H T 110

4. P11AZ21S0141 KESHAVA P M 106

5. P11AZ21S0142 RUCHITHA H L 121

6. P11AZ21S0143 YOGEESH G C 109

7. P11AZ21S0146 GURURAJ 105

8. P11AZ21S0170 SOWMYA S B 110

9. P11AZ21S0171 VIJAYALAXMI 115

10. P11AZ21S0172 ANUSHA G 113

11. P11AZ21S0178 LOKESHWARI T S 115

12. P11AZ21S0254 CHANDANA V C 103

13. P11AZ21S0569 MANIKYA J M 125

Thanking you,

Dr. M Ravi Kumar

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