Story Prompts
for Theme
source for more than 2,400
story-rich themes
CONNECTING that make
nonprofit events
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Engage your donors on a deeper level
Chris Davenport
Christopher Davenport
THE ULTIMATE GOAL OF A VIRAL CAMPAIGN is to have 10. CommUnity Arts: Display local artistry and
a message that resonates so deeply with people that they craftsmanship.
can’t help but pass it on. 11. Hometown Harmony: Emphasize the unity within
By starting with a theme that holds significance for your community despite diverse backgrounds and
your community, you’re laying the groundwork for a mes- beliefs.
sage that has the potential to spread far and wide. 12. Our Children, Our Future: Focus on projects or indi-
These themes, therefore, are not just mere event viduals that invest in youth and education.
ideas. They are starting points, catalysts for a wider con- 13. Local Legends: Celebrate historical or contemporary
versation that has the power to engage, mobilize, and figures from your community.
unite your community around your nonprofit’s cause. 14. Growing Together: Highlight community develop-
So, when you’re planning your next event or campaign, ment and growth over time.
consider these themes not just as a ‘nice-to-have’, but as 15. Healthy Together: Focus on community health and
a strategic tool for driving community engagement and wellness initiatives.
potentially launching your next viral campaign. 16. Our Community, Our Responsibility: Spotlight local
Learn how to create a complete viral campaign. Go environmental or conservation efforts.
to: 17. Harvest of Hope: Centered around local agriculture
Here are the 50 Themes: and sustainability efforts.
18. Beacons of Our Community: Honor individuals
1. Our Town, Our Stories: Celebrate the unique nar- or organizations serving as a guiding light in the
ratives and characters that make your community community.
special. 19. Heart of the Community: Share stories of compassion
2. Neighborly Love: Honor acts of kindness and solidar- and service that are at the heart of your community.
ity within your community. 20. Echoes of Our Past: Highlight the historical events
3. Community Roots: Highlight your community’s rich that have shaped your community.
history and how it has shaped your present. 21. Mosaic of Cultures: Celebrate the diverse cultures
4. Homegrown Heroes: Celebrate local individuals within your community.
who have made significant contributions to your 22. Small Town, Big Impact: Highlight how even small
community. communities can create significant changes.
5. Our Shared Backyard: Focus on the environment and 23. The Power of Partnership: Celebrate the collabora-
the communal responsibility to protect it. tions and partnerships that drive your community
6. One Community, Many Voices: Highlight the diver- forward.
sity within your community and the strength it brings. 24. Building Dreams Together: Share success stories of
7. Bridge Builders: Celebrate those who create connec- community projects or initiatives.
tions and build bridges within your community. 25. Tomorrow’s Community Today: Vision a future
8. Pride of Our Town: Celebrate local achievements, where your community’s current issues are resolved,
milestones, and successes. and discuss ongoing efforts.
9. Brighter Together: Show the power of unity in over- 26. Cultivating Community: Focus on how every commu-
coming challenges. nity member contributes to its growth.
RECOGNIZE AND CELEBRATE THE GENEROSITY of 9. “Treasured Partners: Honoring Our Pillars of Support”
your donors with these impactful stewardship gala 10.“Grateful Gathering: Sharing Stories, Inspiring
themes. Generosity”
Show your gratitude by hosting a memorable event 11. “Donor Spotlight Dinner: Recognizing the
that expresses appreciation and fosters meaningful con- Difference-Makers”
nections. 12.“Stewards of Change: Embracing the Power of Impact-
Decorate the venue with elements that symbolize the ful Giving”
spirit of giving, such as displays showcasing the impact 13.“Donor Appreciation Symphony: Harmonizing Hearts
of donations, walls of gratitude where donors’ names are and Generosity”
honored, and interactive stations that highlight the orga- 14.“Donor Oasis Retreat: Nurturing Relationships, Sus-
nization’s achievements. taining Impact”
Personalize the experience by incorporating heartfelt 15.“Generosity Showcase: Shining a Spotlight on Our
donor stories and testimonials throughout the program. Remarkable Donors”
Create a warm and inviting atmosphere, encouraging
dialogue and connection among donors and beneficia-
ries. Provide personalized touches, such as handwritten DONOR STEWARDSHIP THEMES,
thank-you notes or tokens of appreciation, to show your DÉCOR AND ACTIVITY EXAMPLES
genuine gratitude. Here are some suggestions for decor and activities that
With these donor stewardship gala ideas, you’ll can enhance the donor stewardship experience within
strengthen relationships, inspire continued support, and these themes. These suggestions can be tailored to fit
foster a community united in making a difference. the specific theme and objectives of the event, creating
a meaningful and engaging experience that deepens the
1. “Gratitude Gala: Celebrating the Power of Giving” connection between donors and the organization.
2. “Philanthropy Appreciation Night: Honoring Our
Champions of Change” 1. Gratitude Gala: Create an elegant ambiance with
3. “Donor Recognition Soirée: Illuminating the Stars of sophisticated table settings, floral arrangements, and
Generosity” soft lighting. Offer personalized thank-you notes and
4. “Giving Garden Party: Cultivating Relationships, small tokens of appreciation at each place setting.
Growing Impact”
5. “Legacy: Honoring a Heritage of Generosity” 2. Philanthropy Appreciation Night: Set up interactive
6. “Circle of Care: Celebrating the Heart of Donor stations where donors can learn about the impact of
Stewardship” their contributions through multimedia displays, suc-
7. “Donor Appreciation Cruise: Sailing Together towards cess stories, and testimonials. Provide opportunities
Greater Impact” for them to leave their own message of appreciation
8. “Generosity Celebration Ball: Dancing in the Spirit or share their giving journey.
of Giving”
5. Legacy: Create a timeline showcasing the history and 13. Donor Appreciation Symphony: Arrange a private
impact of past donors and their legacies. Incorporate concert or orchestral performance, showcasing the
vintage decor elements and mementos that reflect the talents of local musicians while expressing gratitude
organization’s rich heritage. to donors for their instrumental role in supporting
the organization’s mission.
6. Circle of Care: Arrange seating in a circular or semi-
circular layout to symbolize unity and inclusiveness. 14. Donor Oasis Retreat: Create a serene and relaxing
Host a storytelling session where donors can share environment with comfortable seating areas, calming
their experiences and the reasons behind their giving. decor, and soothing music. Offer wellness activities
such as mindfulness sessions, massage stations, or
7. Donor Appreciation Cruise: Host a boat cruise or yoga classes to promote self-care and rejuvenation.
yacht party, providing an elegant and memorable
experience for donors. Offer live entertainment, 15. Generosity Showcase: Curate an exhibition that
gourmet dining, and breathtaking views as a gesture showcases the outcomes and success stories result-
of appreciation. If you don’t have access to a boat ing from donor support. Incorporate multimedia
or yacht, turn a community hall or event space into presentations, interactive displays, and testimonials
a “cruise ship”, complete with nautical pictures and to demonstrate the transformative power of their
decorations. generosity.
THESE THEMES OFFER a wide range of exciting and cre- 23. “Jungle Safari: Explore the Wild”
ative ideas to make your nonprofit gala event a memorable 24. “Great Gatsby Garden Party: Jazz Age Elegance”
and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. 25. “Time Travelers: Past, Present, Future”
26. “Enchanted Masquerade: Whimsical Wonders”
1. “Under the Sea: A Mermaid’s Delight”
27. “Fire and Ice: A Clash of Elements”
2. “Masquerade Ball: Unmask the Magic”
28. “Steampunk Soiree: Victorian Industrial
3. “Alice in Wonderland: A Mad Hatter’s Adventure” Revolution”
4. “Carnival Extravaganza: Step Right Up!” 29. “Art Deco Affair: Celebrating the Roaring 20s”
5. “Enchanted Forest: Where Dreams Come Alive” 30. “Fairy Tale Fantasy: Once Upon a Time”
6. “Roaring 20s Speakeasy: A Night of Glamour and 31. “Parisian Chic: A Night in the City of Love”
32. “Circus Spectacular: Unforgettable Big Top Fun”
7. “Hollywood Red Carpet: Stars in the Spotlight”
33. “Garden of Eden: Nature’s Paradise”
8. “Around the World: Global Celebration of Cultures”
34. “Moonlit Magic: Mysteries of the Night Sky”
9. “Superhero Soirée: Unleash Your Inner Hero”
35. “Glow Gala: Neon Lights and Electric Vibes”
10. “Wild West Roundup: Yeehaw!”
36. “Black Tie Casino: Roll the Dice in Style”
11. “Space Odyssey: Journey to the Stars”
37. “Wonders of the Orient: Eastern Elegance”
12. “World of Wizards: Magic and Mysteries”
38. “Whodunit Mystery: Solve the Crime”
13. “Medieval Faire: Knights and Fair Maidens”
39. “A Night in Morocco: Exotic Moroccan Delights”
14. “Gatsby’s Casino Night: Roll the Dice”
40. “Fairytale Ball: Happily Ever After”
15. “Fiesta Fiesta: A Festive Celebration of Latin Culture”
41. “Candyland Dreams: Sweet Treats and Sugary
16. “Enchanting Masquerade: Masks and Mysterious Delights”
42. “Nautical Adventure: Sail Away to the High Seas”
17. “Rock ‘n’ Roll Revival: Dance Through the Decades”
43. “Carnival of Dreams: Fun and Games for All”
18. “Tropical Paradise: Beach Vibes and Pina Coladas”
44. “Disco Fever: Boogie Nights and Glitter”
19. “Candyland Carnival: Sugar Rush Extravaganza”
45. “Magical Wizard Academy: Spells and Sorcery”
20. “Futuristic Gala: Where Technology Meets
46. “Enchanted Winter Wonderland: Frosty Delights”
47. “Out of Africa: Safari Adventure”
21. “Vintage Hollywood Glamour: Lights, Camera,
48. “Fantasy Forest: Whimsical Creatures and Enchant-
ing Flora”
22. “Mystical Masquerade: Unveiling Secrets of the
49. “Moulin Rouge Extravaganza: Can-Can and Cabaret”
56. “Space Odyssey: Celestial Journey” 89. “Enchanted Crystal Ball: Crystal Clear Elegance”
57. “Enchanted Masquerade Ball: Whispers of 90. “Gourmet Gala: Culinary Masterpieces”
Romance” 91. “Around the World: Global Flavors and Cultures”
58. “Enchanted Garden: Blooming Beauties” 92. “Sunset Serenade: A Symphony of Colors”
59. “Enchanted Forest: Mystical Creatures and 93. “Vegas Extravaganza: Glitz and Glamour”
Whispers” 94. “Secret Garden: Floral Delights and Serenity”
60. “Carnival of Lights: Illuminated Extravaganza” 95. “Royal Masquerade: Majestic Elegance”
61. “Vintage Circus: Step Right Up to the Big Top” 96. “Magical Carnival: Fun and Fantasy for All”
62. “Garden Party: Blooming Beauties and Botanical 97. “Enchanted Twilight: Sparkling Nights Under the
Bliss” Stars”
63. “Alice’s Tea Party: Curiouser and Curiouser” 98. “Dancing Through the Decades: A Musical Journey”
64. “City of Love: Parisian Romance” 99. “Spring Fling: Blooms, Butterflies, and Bliss”
65. “Black and White Gala: Elegance in Monochrome” 100.“Midsummer Night’s Dream: Whimsical
66. “Golden Age: Glitter and Glamour of Old Hollywood” Enchantment”
67. “Gourmet Gala: A Culinary Adventure”
68. “Enchanted Ballroom: Grace and Elegance”
69. “Midnight Masquerade: Secrets of the Night”
70. “Enchanted Twilight: Whimsical Dreams at Dusk”
71. “Cinema Paradiso: Movie Magic and Popcorn Fun”
72. “Whimsical Wonderland: Delightful Adventures
Take your gala planning
Await” to the next level!
73. “Futuristic Fantasy: Technology and Imagination”
Get the FREE Gala Theme Toolkit. It’s packed
74. “Under the Sea: Discovering the Depths of Impact”
with useful worksheets and checklists,
75. “Capturing Playfulness: Photo Booth Fun with Silly
and is your secret weapon for organizing
Costumes and Props
unforgettable, story-themed events.
76. “Rock ‘n’ Roll Rewind: Dancing to the Classics”
77. “Hawaiian Luau: Tropical Paradise Party” Don’t miss out.
78. “Enchanted Vineyard: Wine Tasting and Romance” Download your toolkit today!
79. “Carnival of Colors: Vibrant Festivities”
80. “Enchanted Ball: Magical Moments and Fairy Dust”
81. “Decades Dance Party: Grooving Through Time”
82. “Stepping into Spring: Blooming Floral Celebration”
83. “A Night in Wonderland: Curious Adventures Await”
84. “Black and White Masquerade: Masks and
These Western-themed gala ideas capture the essence These education-themed fundraising events celebrate
of the Wild West with a touch of philanthropy. Decorate the power and impact of learning. Create an environment
the venue with hay bales, cowboy boots, horseshoes, and that embodies the spirit of education with inspiring décor,
Western-inspired props. Utilize warm earth tones, rustic books, and symbols of knowledge. Emphasize the impor-
elements, and Western patterns like plaids or bandanas tance of education in empowering individuals, fostering
in the color scheme. Encourage guests to dress in West- personal growth, and shaping communities. Showcase
ern attire, such as cowboy hats, denim, boots, and fringe. success stories and achievements from students, edu-
Incorporate Western-inspired activities like line dancing, cators, and educational institutions. Offer opportunities
bull riding, or mechanical bull rides for entertainment. for guests to support scholarships, educational programs,
Serve up barbecue or southwestern cuisine, along with or initiatives that promote access to quality education.
signature drinks like whiskey cocktails or margaritas. Foster a sense of appreciation and admiration for the
Enhance the fundraising aspect with Western-themed transformative power of education, inspiring a commit-
auction items like horseback riding excursions, Western ment to lifelong learning and educational advancement.
art, or cowboy memorabilia.
1. “Learning Luminaries: Illuminating Minds, Empow-
1. “Wild West Roundup: Saddle Up for Charity” ering Futures”
2. “Cowboy Couture: Fashionably Western and 2. “Knowledge Quest Gala: Celebrating the Journey of
Philanthropic” Education”
3. “Hoedown for a Cause: Dancing Boots and Giving 3. “Scholars Soirée: Honoring Academic Excellence
Hearts” and Achievement”
4. “Rustic Rendezvous: Celebrating the Spirit of the 4. “Lifelong Learning: Nurturing Curiosity, Inspiring
West” Growth”
5. “Trailblazers and Philanthropists: Honoring West- 5. “Education Empowerment: Unlocking Potential,
ern Legends” Transforming Lives”
6. “Barnyard Ball: An Evening of Western Charm” 6. “Learning Legacy: Celebrating the Impact of
7. “Ranch Retreat: Where Generosity Meets Cowboy Education”
Cool” 7. “Future Foundations: Building Brighter Paths
8. “Western Whiskey Soiree: Cheers to Giving and through Education”
Good Times” 8. “Academic Adventures: Embarking on a Quest for
9. “Country Chic Charity: Boots, Bling, and Knowledge”
Benevolence” 9. “Spark of Discovery: Igniting the Passion for Life-
10. “Yeehaw for a Cause: Riding the Charity Trail” long Learning”
11. “Hacienda Fiesta: A Southwestern Affair for a 10. “Education Illumination: Shedding Light on Success
Purpose” Stories”
12. “Western Stars: Shining a Light on Philanthropy” 11. “Pathways to Progress: Empowering Through
13. “Frontier Fantasy: Unleashing Generosity in the Education”
Wild West” 12. “Minds in Motion: Celebrating Innovative
14. “Sunset on the Prairie: A Western-inspired Approaches to Learning”
Step onto the silver screen and experience the magic of MUSIC
cinema with these movie-inspired fundraising events. Set These music-inspired gala themes offer an immersive
the stage for an unforgettable night by transforming the experience that pays tribute to various genres, eras, and
venue into a scene from the chosen film. Bring the movie musical styles. Create a vibrant and dynamic atmosphere
to life with thematic decor, props, and backdrops that with stage performances, live bands, or DJ sets that cap-
transport guests to iconic settings. Encourage attend- ture the essence of the chosen theme. Decorate the venue
ees to dress as their favorite movie characters, adding to with musical notes, instruments, vinyl records, or iconic
the immersive experience. Incorporate elements such symbols associated with the theme. Encourage guests to
as interactive stations, trivia games, and photo booths dress up in outfits inspired by their favorite music genres
that pay homage to memorable movie moments. It’s a or artists. Incorporate interactive elements such as
fundraising extravaganza that celebrates the captivating karaoke, dance floors, or musical trivia games to engage
world of cinema, igniting nostalgia and excitement while attendees. Consider incorporating fundraising activities
supporting charitable causes. that tie into the music theme, such as auctions for signed
memorabilia or experiences with renowned musicians.
1. “Hollywood Glamour: A Night at the Oscars”
2. “Casablanca: Love and Intrigue in the Moroccan 1. “Rock and Roll Extravaganza: Dancing Through the
Desert” Decades”
3. “The Great Gatsby: Roaring Twenties Extravaganza” 2. “Classical Crescendo: An Evening of Refined
4. “Harry Potter’s Wizarding World: A Magical Elegance”
Evening” 3. “Jazz in the Moonlight: Swinging to Support a
5. “Moulin Rouge: An Ode to Bohemian Paris” Cause”
6. “Jurassic Park: Journey to a Prehistoric Era” 4. “Country Serenade: Honoring the Heart of America”
7. “Alice in Wonderland: A Whimsical Wonderland 5. “Hip Hop Fusion: Beats for a Better Future”
Adventure” 6. “Disco Fever: Grooving for Good”
8. “Pirates of the Caribbean: Swashbuckling Sea 7. “Reggae Retreat: Island Vibes for a Purpose”
Adventure” 8. “Broadway Spectacular: Showcasing the Magic of
9. “The Wizard of Oz: Follow the Yellow Brick Road” Musical Theater”
10. “James Bond 007: License to Thrill” 9. “Pop Party: Celebrating Chart-Topping Hits”
11. “Grease: A Rock ‘n’ Roll Party” 10. “Soulful Soiree: Rhythm and Blues for Change”
12. “Star Wars: A Galactic Gala” 11. “Latin Fiesta: Salsa, Samba, and Sangria”
13. “Coco: Celebrating the Day of the Dead” 12. “Rhythm of Africa: Drumming for a Brighter
14. “The Lion King: Majestic African Safari” Tomorrow”
15. “Back to the Future: A Retro Time-Travel 13. “Electric Symphony: Uniting Music and
Experience” Philanthropy”
16. “Avatar: Journey to the Enchanted Pandora” 14. “Acoustic Serenade: Strumming for Social Impact”
17. “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Sweet Delights” 15. “Opera Gala: A Night of Passionate Performances”
18. “Frozen: A Winter Wonderland” 16. “Indie Jam: Celebrating Alternative Sounds for a
19. “The Sound of Music: Alpine Adventure” Cause”
20. “The Jungle Book: Adventures in the Wild” 17. “Piano Virtuoso: Keys to Success in Changing Lives”
21. “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” 18. “Motown Magic: Honoring Legends of Soul”
TV SHOWS These gala themes provide opportunities to raise aware-
Step into the realm of television and bring your favorite ness, inspire action, and foster a sense of urgency in
TV shows to life with these themed fundraising events. addressing climate change. Choose a theme that aligns
Set the stage with decorations that pay homage to the with your organization’s mission and goals, and use the
chosen show, whether it’s recreating iconic settings or gala as a platform to engage attendees in meaningful
incorporating signature elements. Encourage guests to conversations about the environment and sustainable
embrace the theme by dressing as their beloved charac- practices.
ters or in attire inspired by the show’s era or style. Incor-
1. “Around the World in a Night: A Vintage Travel 1. “Rock ‘n’ Roll Revival: A Night of 50s Hits”
Soiree” 2. “Sock Hop Soirée: Dancing Back to the Fabulous
2. “Passport to Elegance: Celebrating the Golden Age Fifties”
of Travel” 3. “Grease Lightning Gala: A Tribute to 50s High
3. “The Grand Tour: Journeying Through Time and School Romance”
Style” 4. “Retro Diner Delight: Nostalgic Eats and Beats”
4. “Wanderlust Ball: Reliving the Glamour of Vintage 5. “Vintage Hollywood Glam: Stars of the Silver
Travel” Screen”
5. “Vintage Jetsetter: A Night of Nostalgic Adventure” 6. “Tiki Tiki Time Machine: Journey to the Exotic 50s”
Take a trip down memory lane with these ‘80s-themed Magic & Fantasy
fundraising events. Transport guests back to the iconic
era of big hair, neon colors, and leg warmers with vibrant
decorations and retro-inspired ambiance. Encourage ASTROLOGY
attendees to dress in their best ‘80s attire, embracing the Unlock the mysteries of the cosmos with these capti-
fashion trends of the decade. Incorporate ‘80s-inspired vating astrology gala themes. Create an atmosphere that
activities, such as a dance-off to classic hits, arcade games, evokes the magic of the stars by incorporating celestial
or trivia contests. Set the stage with live performances decorations, such as twinkling lights, cosmic backdrops,
of popular ‘80s music or tribute acts to legendary artists. and celestial motifs. Invite guests to dress according to
It’s a fundraising extravaganza that celebrates the spirit their zodiac signs or in attire that reflects the theme, like
of the ‘80s while supporting charitable causes, creating celestial-inspired gowns or cosmic accessories. Provide
a nostalgic and unforgettable experience for all. astrology-themed activities, such as personalized birth
chart readings, tarot card readings, or astrology-inspired
1. “Totally ‘80s Bash for a Cause: Take It Back to the art installations. Incorporate astrological elements into
‘80s” the event program, such as presentations by astrologers,
2. “Back to the ‘80s Dance Party: Dance the Night panel discussions on astrology’s influence, or interactive
Away.” workshops on harnessing the power of the planets. Serve
3. “Radical Retro Charity Celebration: Embrace the celestial-inspired cuisine, such as “Stellar Sips” cocktails
Spirit of the ‘80s.” or “Zodiac Delights” desserts. Enhance the ambiance
4. “Neon Nights Fundraiser: Illuminate the Night with with celestial music or live performances that align with
Neon Colors.” the astrological theme. This astrology gala will ignite
5. “Flashback to the ‘80s Gala: Step into the Time curiosity and self-reflection while celebrating the cosmic
Machine” connections that shape our lives, all in support of a mean-
6. “Legwarmers and Luminaries: Get Your ‘80s Fash- ingful cause.
ion On”
7. “Totally Awesome Charity Ball: Celebrate the Best 1. “Zodiac Gala: Embracing the Mysteries of the Stars”
of the ‘80s.” 2. “Celestial Soirée: Dancing Under the Starry Sky”
8. “1980s Icon Tribute Soirée: Pay Tribute to Iconic 3. “Cosmic Connections: Exploring the Influence of
Figures of the ‘80s” Astrology in Our Lives”
9. “Vibrant Visions of the ‘80s: Colorful and Vibrant 4. “Planetary Promenade: Journeying through the
Spirit of the ‘80s.” Planets and their Energies”
10. “Rewind and Give: An ‘80s-Inspired Event: Rewind 5. “Astrology Unveiled: Decoding the Language of the
the Clock & Have Fun” Stars”
11. “Rock the Night Away: Rock out to ‘80s Hits” 6. “Stellar Serendipity: Celebrating the Alignment of
12. “Decade of Generosity: ‘80s Edition: Travel Back to Fate and Destiny”
the ‘80s” 7. “Astrological Elements: Embracing the Energies of
13. “I Love the ‘80s Fundraising Extravaganza: Express Fire, Earth, Air, and Water”
Your Love for the ‘80s and Support Meaningful 8. “Lunar Luminary: Honoring the Phases and Power
Causes.” of the Moon”
14. “Journey to the Eighties: Take a Journey Back 9. “Rising Signs Revelry: Discovering the Significance
in Time to the ‘80s and Make an Impact on the of Ascendants”
Present.” 10. “Astro-Artistry: Expressing Astrological
CRYSTALS These enchanted forest themes transport guests into a
These crystal-inspired gala themes celebrate the allure whimsical world filled with mystery and enchantment.
and enchantment of crystals. Decorate the venue with Decorate with lush greenery, twinkling lights, and
cascading crystal curtains, shimmering chandeliers, and ethereal elements that evoke the magic of the forest.
centerpieces featuring crystals of various shapes and Encourage guests to embrace the theme by wearing
sizes. Use lighting effects to create a magical ambiance, fairy tale-inspired attire or costumes, and provide inter-
casting reflections and shadows that mimic the sparkle of active experiences such as interactive storytelling, for-
crystals. Encourage guests to dress in attire that reflects est-inspired crafts, and mystical entertainment. Create
the theme, such as silver, white, or outfits adorned with an atmosphere where guests can escape into a realm of
crystal embellishments. Incorporate crystal-inspired ele- fantasy and make-believe, celebrating the beauty and
ments in the event program, such as crystal healing sta- magic of the enchanted forest.
tions, fortune-telling with crystal balls, or crystal-themed
entertainment. 1. “Enchanted Forest Fête: A Magical Journey into the
1. “Crystal Dreams: An Evening of Elegance” 2. “Fairy Tale Ball: Where Dreams and Reality Entwine”
2. “Sparkling Splendor: A Crystal Gala Affair” 3. “Mystical Grove Gala: Embracing the Wonder of
3. “Diamond Delight: Shining Bright for a Cause” Nature”
4. “Crystal Ball Masquerade: Unveiling the Magic” 4. “Whimsical Woodland Soirée: Dancing with the
5. “Glamour in Quartz: Celebrating Crystal Beauty” Fairies”
6. “Crystal Reflections: A Night of Inner Radiance” 5. “Secret Garden Revelry: Unveiling Nature’s Hidden
7. “Enchanted Crystal Garden: Where Dreams Come Treasures”
True” 6. “Enchanted Twilight: Captivated by the Charms of
8. “Crystal Clear Charity Soirée” the Forest”
9. “Iridescent Illusions: A Gala of Mesmerizing Crystals” 7. “Forest Fantasy: Where Reality Meets Imagination”
10. “Crystal Kaleidoscope: A Dazzling Affair” 8. “Enchanted Evergreens: Celebrating the Wisdom of
11. “Crystal Cascades: A Night of Glittering Grace” the Trees”
12. “Crystal Gala Extravaganza: A Vision in 9. “Woodland Wonders: Discovering the Magic
Transparency” Within Nature”
13. “Glistening Gems: Honoring Philanthropic Brilliance” 10. “Fairy Forest Feast: A Feast Fit for Magical Beings”
14. “Crystal Symphony: Harmonizing Hearts and 11. “Ethereal Elegance: Draped in the Beauty of the
Crystals” Enchanted Forest”
15. “Radiant Resonance: Celebrating Crystal Energy” 12. “Enchanted Pathways: Journeying through Nature’s
16. “Crystal Caviar & Champagne: Indulgence for a Cause” Enigma”
Get ready to kick off your fundraising event with a foot- These golf-inspired galas bring together the elegance of
ball-themed extravaganza! Create an atmosphere that the sport and the spirit of giving. Decorate the venue with
captures the excitement and camaraderie of game day, golf-themed elements like mini golf holes, golf club cen-
with decorations featuring team colors, football-shaped terpieces, and green fairway accents. Incorporate golf-re-
centerpieces, and life-size player cutouts. Incorporate lated activities and games, such as mini golf challenges or
interactive elements like a mini football toss or a foot- a putting competition. Offer golf-inspired cocktails and
ball-themed photo booth to engage guests in the fun. Con- gourmet dishes with a touch of sophistication. Consider
sider inviting football legends or local players as special hosting the event at a golf course or a venue with an
guests to share inspiring stories and insights. Emphasize outdoor space to create an authentic golfing atmosphere.
Get ready to hit the ice and score big with these hock- SOCCER
ey-themed fundraising events. Create an atmosphere that Get ready to kick off your soccer-themed fundraising
reflects the spirit of the game, with icy blue and white event and score a goal for your cause! Transform the
decor, hockey stick centerpieces, and table hockey games venue into a soccer paradise with decorations featuring
for guests to enjoy. Incorporate interactive elements, soccer balls, team colors, and banners of famous clubs.
such as a mini hockey rink or a shooting accuracy chal- Create an immersive experience by setting up mini
lenge, to engage attendees in friendly competition. Con- soccer fields or interactive soccer challenges for guests
sider inviting hockey legends or local players as special to enjoy. Invite soccer legends or local players to share
guests to share their experiences and inspire the audi- inspiring stories and showcase their skills. Organize a
ence. Emphasize the values of teamwork, sportsmanship, friendly tournament or penalty shootout competition to
and perseverance that hockey embodies, and highlight engage guests and create a lively atmosphere. Emphasize
the impact the sport can have on youth development and the values of teamwork, dedication, and sportsmanship
community building. Lace up your skates and bring the that soccer embodies. And don’t forget to serve soccer-in-
thrill of the ice to your fundraising event! spired snacks and drinks, from stadium favorites like hot
1. “Goal Getter Gala: Celebrating the Passion and Spirit 1. “Champions for Change: A Night of Athletic Philan-
of Soccer” thropy”
2. “Kickoff Celebration: Unleashing the Excitement of 2. “Sports Legends Gala: Celebrating Heroes on and
the Beautiful Game” off the Field”
3. “World Cup Fever: Embracing the Global Unity of 3. “Olympic Dreams Charity Ball”
Soccer” 4. “Game Changer Extravaganza”
4. “Goal Scorer Soirée: Honoring the Skills and Talent 5. “Home Run for Hope: A Baseball-Themed Soirée”
on the Field” 6. “Gridiron Glamour: A Night of Football Finesse”
5. “Penalty Kick Party: Unleashing the Thrill of 7. “Court Side Celebration: Honoring Basketball
Shootouts” Excellence”
6. “Soccer Stars Showcase: Recognizing the Achieve- 8. “Goal for Good: A Soccer-Inspired Fundraising
ments of Legends” Gala”
7. “The Soccer Pitch: Transforming the Venue into a 9. “Tee It Up for Charity: Golfing for a Cause”
Field of Dreams” 10. “Racing Hearts Charity Event”
8. “Championship Glory: Celebrating Victories and 11. “Tennis Ball and Racquet Gala”
Teamwork” 12. “Hockey Night in [City]: A Frozen Fundraiser”
9. “Soccer Skills Academy: Inspiring the Next Genera- 13. “Riding for a Cause: Equestrian-Inspired Soirée”
tion of Players” 14. “Boxing for Hope: A Night of Fighting for a Better
10. “Soccer Fanatic Fête: Uniting Passionate Supporters Future”
from Around the World” 15. “Surf and Sand Charity Beach Bash”
11. “Half-time Heroes: Recognizing the Unsung Contri- 16. “Climb to New Heights: Mountain Adventure Gala”
butions to the Game” 17. “Runners’ Delight: A Marathon-Inspired
12. “Striker’s Paradise: A Night of Skill, Speed, and Fundraiser”
Goal-Scoring Brilliance” 18. “Team Spirit Celebration: Uniting for a Cause”
13. “Golden Boot Gala: Honoring the Top Scorers and 19. “Gymnastics Spectacular: Flipping for Philanthropy”
Offensive Prowess” 20. “Tackle Hunger Gala: A Football-Themed
14. “Tiki-Taka Tango: Celebrating the Artistry of Pos- Fundraiser”
session Football” 21. “Basketball Hoopla: Slam Dunking for a Purpose”
15. “Soccer Aid: Supporting Charitable Initiatives 22. “Swimming with Purpose: Dive into Philanthropy”
Through the Power of Soccer” 23. “Skating for Success: Ice-Skating Charity Event”
24. “Cycling for Change: Pedaling to Make a Difference”
25. “Climbing the Peaks: Adventure Sports Fundraiser”
These sports-inspired gala themes celebrate the spirit
of athleticism and the power of teamwork. Whether you TENNIS
focus on a specific sport or create a multisport theme, These tennis-inspired galas offer an opportunity to cel-
these themes offer a chance to engage sports enthusiasts ebrate the excitement, elegance, and competitive spirit
while raising funds for a cause. Decorate the venue with of the sport. Incorporate tennis-themed decorations,
sports memorabilia, jerseys, and equipment to create an interactive tennis games, and memorabilia displays. Host
immersive sporting atmosphere. Incorporate interac- exhibitions, charity tournaments, and engaging activities
tive elements like mini-games, silent auctions featuring that bring together tennis enthusiasts and supporters.
sports items, and athlete appearances to make the event Create an atmosphere of camaraderie, sportsmanship,
1. Grand Slam Gala: Celebrating the Majesty of Tennis 1. “Parisian Soirée: A Night in the City of Love”
2. Serve and Volley Soirée: A Night of Elegant Rallies 2. “Venetian Masquerade: An Evening on the Canals”
3. Championship Celebration: Honoring Tennis 3. “Mystical Marrakesh: A Moroccan Affair”
Legends 4. “Tropical Paradise: Celebrating the Islands”
4. Love-15 Fundraiser: Scoring for a Cause 5. “Enchanted Garden: Inspired by the Secret Gardens
5. Court Couture: Where Style Meets Sport of Kyoto”
6. Ace of Hearts: A Gala of Passionate Tennis Fans 6. “Samba Nights: Dancing to the Rhythms of Rio”
7. Tennis Stars Shine: Recognizing Excellence on the 7. “Greek Odyssey: Journey to the Land of Gods”
Court 8. “Arabian Nights: A Magical Evening in the Middle
8. Doubles Delight: Celebrating the Power of East”
Teamwork 9. “New York State of Mind: Celebrating the Big Apple”
9. Match Point Magic: Serving Hope for a Better 10. “Havana Nights: Salsa and Cigars in Cuba”
Tomorrow 11. “African Safari: Roaming the Serengeti”
10. Game, Set, Philanthropy: Rallying for Community 12. “Icelandic Aurora: A Night Under the Northern
Impact Lights”
11. Tennis Through Time: A Journey of Tennis History 13. “Tropical Fiesta: Embracing the Spirit of the
and Evolution Caribbean”
12. Tennis Tales and Triumphs: Inspiring Stories of 14. “Dubai Dreams: Glamour and Luxury in the Desert”
Perseverance 15. “London Calling: A British Extravaganza”
13. Tennis, Tournaments, and Toasts: A Night of 16. “Aloha Hawaii: Celebrating the Aloha Spirit”
Cheers and Competition 17. “Indian Palace: Royalty and Opulence of the
14. Racquets for Change: Serving for Social Good Maharajas”
15. Ace the Fundraising Challenge: Smashing Goals 18. “Asian Fusion: Honoring the Rich Cultural Heritage”
with Tennis-inspired Fun 19. “Riviera Retreat: Inspired by the Mediterranean
20. “Carnival in Rio: Samba, Color, and Celebration”
22. “Mayan Mysteries: Unveiling Ancient Secrets”
23. “Canadian Wilderness: Celebrating Nature’s
AROUND THE WORLD 24. “Eastern Promises: Discovering the Charms of the
Embark on a global adventure with these captivating Far East”
“Around the World” fundraising events. Immerse guests 25. “Venetian Grandeur: Elegance along the Canals”
in the rich tapestry of cultures by transforming the venue
into a fusion of international wonders. Incorporate
diverse decorations like iconic landmarks, traditional BUDDHISM
textiles, and vibrant flags to represent different coun- These Buddhism-inspired galas offer an opportunity to
tries. Create a culinary experience with international cui- celebrate and honor the teachings, practices, and prin-
sine stations featuring delicacies from around the globe. ciples of Buddhism. Incorporate elements of Zen aes-
Engage attendees with cultural activities such as dance thetics, meditation spaces, and mindfulness activities
performances, live music showcasing different traditions, in the event design. Host guided meditation sessions,
or interactive workshops that offer insights into various
This book’s final chapters provide invaluable tools for you. Learn how
to get your board members and sponsors actively involved with the “Board
Member Gala Toolkit” and “Sponsorship Storytelling Toolkit.” Also, explore
the magic of story-rich galas with “The Magic of Storytelling” chapter.
Are you ready to host events that not only raise funds and create aware-
ness but also spark joy, fascination, and a strong connection among your
attendees? Welcome to “Gala Theme Goldmine” – your key to hosting
standout, engaging, and successful nonprofit events.
Go choose a theme right now!
ISBN 978-1-7350374-2-4
9 781735 037424