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Story Prompts
for Theme
source for more than 2,400
story-rich themes
CONNECTING that make
nonprofit events

– BY –

C hr is D av–en p or t
– BY

Engage your donors on a deeper level

Get more monthly donors

Attract new donors

Get your board to help fundraise

Make your events an experience for donors

Build stronger relationships with your supporters

Raise more money

Become a powerful storyteller

Make better asks of your major donors

Create powerful donor communications

Become part of a storytelling community

Revolutionize your organization’s communication strategies

Find out how at

Copyright 2023 Nonprofit Storytelling Conference

Design and production by Andrea Hopkins Design –

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Broadway Musicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2. 50 Viral Themes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Hollywood Glamour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3. Donor Stewardship Themes, Humor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Décor and Activity Examples . . . . . . . . . 8 Movies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4. 100 Theme Ideas for Unforgettable
Nonprofit Galas and Events . . . . . . . . . . 10 Retro Video Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Super Heroes and Comic Books . . . . . . . 28
5. Gala & Events by Topic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Theme Parks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 TV Shows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Environment / Nature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Birds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Climate Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Cats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Desert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Dogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Environment and Animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Horses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Zoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Flowers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Gardening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Arts and Humanities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Mountains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Art Museums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 National Parks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Artworks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Ocean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Colorful Things . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Photography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Storytelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Wilderness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Common Themes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Festivals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Adventure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Carnival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Dinosaurs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Casino Nights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Hawaiian Culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Circus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Pirates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Fancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Tropical Vacations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Formal Black Tie Affairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Western/Cowboy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Joyful Jamboree: Happy and Fun . . . . . 38
Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Mardi Gras/Carnival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Neon Glow Party . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
K-12 Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Higher Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Baked Goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Candy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
STEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Chocolate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Coffee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Entertainment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Cookies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

3 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

Cooking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Food . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Summer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Winter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Wine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Social Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Health Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Cancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Elections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Health Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Feeding the Hungry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Health and Wellness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Hope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Hospitals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Human Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Classic Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Legal Aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Fads and Trends: the Last 100 Years . . . 48 Public and Social Benefit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Senior Citizens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
History Museums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Veterans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Nostalgia/Retro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Rock ‘n’ Roll Party . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Baseball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Steampunk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Boating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Vintage Travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Football . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
1950’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Golfing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
1960’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Hockey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
1970’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Soccer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
1980’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Magic & Fantasy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Tennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Astrology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 World Replgions & Spirituality . . . . . . . 73
Crystals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Around the World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Enchanted Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Buddhism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Fairies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Christianity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Fantasy and Fairy Tales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Hinduism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 International Aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Islam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Mystical Creatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Judaism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Outer Space & Sci-Fi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Native American Spirituality . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Airplane/Flight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 New Age Spirituality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Night Sky/Stars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Religious and Spiritual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Outer Space/Sci Fi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 6. Picking the Perfect Stories for
Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Your Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Seasonal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
7. Unleashing Your Board’s
BBQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Fundraising Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Beach and Seaside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Christmas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 8. 7 Tips for Engaging Sponsors
Fall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 for Your Themed Gala or Event . . . . . . . . 81
Halloween . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
9. Dynamic Toolkits and
Holidays (excluding Christmas Helpful Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
and Halloween) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

4 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

1 Introduction

Welcome to the “Gala Theme Goldmine.”

This book is your secret tool for planning successful events that your community
will remember and talk about. Your event’s success can often come down to how much
your attendees enjoy themselves . . . and that’s where this book comes in.
Inside this book, you’ll find a collection of more than 2,400 exciting themes for your
events. There are ideas for every topic – Animals to Health Care, History to World
Religions, and many more. There’s something here for every kind of event and audience.
Why bother with a theme?
Well, a good theme is like a story. It ties everything at your event together and helps
get your message across. It also makes your event more fun and memorable, which
is key for engaging your audience and getting people to talk about you the next day.
The first part of this book will help you choose the best theme for your event. Then,
the following chapters will take you through all the themes.
The final trio of chapters in this book is a treasure trove of practical knowledge.
They’ll guide you on how to involve your board members and sponsors more deeply
in your gala. Plus, they provide savvy storytelling strategies to make your event truly
unforgettable. And these chapters come with complimentary, downloadable resources
that are not to be missed.
This book is all about making your job easier, more effective, and more fun. So jump
in, explore the ‘Gala Theme Goldmine,’ and get ready to host your best event yet.

Let’s get started!

Chris Davenport
Christopher Davenport

5 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

2 50 Viral Themes

THE ULTIMATE GOAL OF A VIRAL CAMPAIGN is to have 10. CommUnity Arts: Display local artistry and
a message that resonates so deeply with people that they craftsmanship.
can’t help but pass it on. 11. Hometown Harmony: Emphasize the unity within
By starting with a theme that holds significance for your community despite diverse backgrounds and
your community, you’re laying the groundwork for a mes- beliefs.
sage that has the potential to spread far and wide. 12. Our Children, Our Future: Focus on projects or indi-
These themes, therefore, are not just mere event viduals that invest in youth and education.
ideas. They are starting points, catalysts for a wider con- 13. Local Legends: Celebrate historical or contemporary
versation that has the power to engage, mobilize, and figures from your community.
unite your community around your nonprofit’s cause. 14. Growing Together: Highlight community develop-
So, when you’re planning your next event or campaign, ment and growth over time.
consider these themes not just as a ‘nice-to-have’, but as 15. Healthy Together: Focus on community health and
a strategic tool for driving community engagement and wellness initiatives.
potentially launching your next viral campaign. 16. Our Community, Our Responsibility: Spotlight local
Learn how to create a complete viral campaign. Go environmental or conservation efforts.
to: 17. Harvest of Hope: Centered around local agriculture
Here are the 50 Themes: and sustainability efforts.
18. Beacons of Our Community: Honor individuals
1. Our Town, Our Stories: Celebrate the unique nar- or organizations serving as a guiding light in the
ratives and characters that make your community community.
special. 19. Heart of the Community: Share stories of compassion
2. Neighborly Love: Honor acts of kindness and solidar- and service that are at the heart of your community.
ity within your community. 20. Echoes of Our Past: Highlight the historical events
3. Community Roots: Highlight your community’s rich that have shaped your community.
history and how it has shaped your present. 21. Mosaic of Cultures: Celebrate the diverse cultures
4. Homegrown Heroes: Celebrate local individuals within your community.
who have made significant contributions to your 22. Small Town, Big Impact: Highlight how even small
community. communities can create significant changes.
5. Our Shared Backyard: Focus on the environment and 23. The Power of Partnership: Celebrate the collabora-
the communal responsibility to protect it. tions and partnerships that drive your community
6. One Community, Many Voices: Highlight the diver- forward.
sity within your community and the strength it brings. 24. Building Dreams Together: Share success stories of
7. Bridge Builders: Celebrate those who create connec- community projects or initiatives.
tions and build bridges within your community. 25. Tomorrow’s Community Today: Vision a future
8. Pride of Our Town: Celebrate local achievements, where your community’s current issues are resolved,
milestones, and successes. and discuss ongoing efforts.
9. Brighter Together: Show the power of unity in over- 26. Cultivating Community: Focus on how every commu-
coming challenges. nity member contributes to its growth.

6 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

27. United We Stand: Celebrate the power of unity in 39. Pioneer Spirit: Highlight local innovations or initia-
facing common challenges. tives that push boundaries.
28. Stewards of Our Streets: Highlight local cleanup or 40. Hometown Heroes: Honor local veterans or military
beautification efforts. personnel and their contributions.
29. The Fabric of Our Community: Illustrate the inter- 41. Local Flavor: Showcase local food traditions, restau-
connectedness of your community. rants, or sustainable food practices.
30. Seeds of Change: Showcase local sustainability and 42. Community Melodies: Celebrate local musicians or
eco-friendly initiatives. music traditions.
31. Lifelines: Honor local essential workers and service 43. The Green Scene: Focus on local parks, nature
providers. reserves, or green spaces.
32. Home Sweet Home: Highlight what makes your com- 44. Shared Spaces: Highlight important community
munity a great place to live. venues or public spaces.
33. Voices of the Future: Spotlight local youth and their 45. Weaving Dreams: Showcase community members
visions for the future. achieving their dreams or aspirations.
34. Local Spotlight: Showcase a specific local cause or 46. Pathways of Progress: Highlight the journey and prog-
issue in need of attention. ress of community-led initiatives.
35. Kindness in Action: Celebrate acts of generosity and 47. Community Chronicles: Use a historical narrative
charity within the community. style to showcase community achievements.
36. A Place for Everyone: Highlight efforts towards inclu- 48. Everyday Heroes: Celebrate ordinary individuals
sion and diversity. doing extraordinary things in the community.
37. Our Sports, Our Spirit: Celebrate local sports teams or 49. Building Bridges: Highlight efforts to bridge
athletes and the community spirit they foster. divides within the community or with neighboring
38. Innovation Station: Showcase local inventions, start- communities.
ups, or innovative projects. 50. Dancing with Diversity: Showcase the diverse dance
traditions within your community.

Take your gala planning to the next level!

Get the FREE Gala Theme Toolkit. It’s packed with useful
worksheets and checklists, and is your secret weapon for
organizing unforgettable, story-themed events.
Don’t miss out – download your toolkit today!

7 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

3 Donor Stewardship Themes, Décor
and Activity Examples

RECOGNIZE AND CELEBRATE THE GENEROSITY of 9. “Treasured Partners: Honoring Our Pillars of Support”
your donors with these impactful stewardship gala 10.“Grateful Gathering: Sharing Stories, Inspiring
themes. Generosity”
Show your gratitude by hosting a memorable event 11. “Donor Spotlight Dinner: Recognizing the
that expresses appreciation and fosters meaningful con- Difference-Makers”
nections. 12.“Stewards of Change: Embracing the Power of Impact-
Decorate the venue with elements that symbolize the ful Giving”
spirit of giving, such as displays showcasing the impact 13.“Donor Appreciation Symphony: Harmonizing Hearts
of donations, walls of gratitude where donors’ names are and Generosity”
honored, and interactive stations that highlight the orga- 14.“Donor Oasis Retreat: Nurturing Relationships, Sus-
nization’s achievements. taining Impact”
Personalize the experience by incorporating heartfelt 15.“Generosity Showcase: Shining a Spotlight on Our
donor stories and testimonials throughout the program. Remarkable Donors”
Create a warm and inviting atmosphere, encouraging
dialogue and connection among donors and beneficia-
ries. Provide personalized touches, such as handwritten DONOR STEWARDSHIP THEMES,
thank-you notes or tokens of appreciation, to show your DÉCOR AND ACTIVITY EXAMPLES
genuine gratitude. Here are some suggestions for decor and activities that
With these donor stewardship gala ideas, you’ll can enhance the donor stewardship experience within
strengthen relationships, inspire continued support, and these themes. These suggestions can be tailored to fit
foster a community united in making a difference. the specific theme and objectives of the event, creating
a meaningful and engaging experience that deepens the
1. “Gratitude Gala: Celebrating the Power of Giving” connection between donors and the organization.
2. “Philanthropy Appreciation Night: Honoring Our
Champions of Change” 1. Gratitude Gala: Create an elegant ambiance with
3. “Donor Recognition Soirée: Illuminating the Stars of sophisticated table settings, floral arrangements, and
Generosity” soft lighting. Offer personalized thank-you notes and
4. “Giving Garden Party: Cultivating Relationships, small tokens of appreciation at each place setting.
Growing Impact”
5. “Legacy: Honoring a Heritage of Generosity” 2. Philanthropy Appreciation Night: Set up interactive
6. “Circle of Care: Celebrating the Heart of Donor stations where donors can learn about the impact of
Stewardship” their contributions through multimedia displays, suc-
7. “Donor Appreciation Cruise: Sailing Together towards cess stories, and testimonials. Provide opportunities
Greater Impact” for them to leave their own message of appreciation
8. “Generosity Celebration Ball: Dancing in the Spirit or share their giving journey.
of Giving”

8 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

3. Donor Recognition Soirée: Design a visually striking 11. Donor Spotlight Dinner: Design an intimate and
backdrop featuring the names or photos of honored elegant dining experience with custom table center-
donors. Display impact statistics and success stories pieces featuring photographs and success stories of
on large screens to showcase the collective difference the beneficiaries your donors helped. Provide oppor-
made by their support. tunities for recipients of donor support to share their
success stories in person.
4. Giving Garden Party: Set up a lush and vibrant out-
door space with flower arrangements, greenery, and 12. Stewards of Change: Incorporate interactive dis-
garden-themed decor. Offer guided tours of a com- plays and technology-driven elements such as virtual
munity garden or host a plant sale to support local reality experiences or interactive touch screens that
gardening initiatives. showcase the impact of donors’ contributions.

5. Legacy: Create a timeline showcasing the history and 13. Donor Appreciation Symphony: Arrange a private
impact of past donors and their legacies. Incorporate concert or orchestral performance, showcasing the
vintage decor elements and mementos that reflect the talents of local musicians while expressing gratitude
organization’s rich heritage. to donors for their instrumental role in supporting
the organization’s mission.
6. Circle of Care: Arrange seating in a circular or semi-
circular layout to symbolize unity and inclusiveness. 14. Donor Oasis Retreat: Create a serene and relaxing
Host a storytelling session where donors can share environment with comfortable seating areas, calming
their experiences and the reasons behind their giving. decor, and soothing music. Offer wellness activities
such as mindfulness sessions, massage stations, or
7. Donor Appreciation Cruise: Host a boat cruise or yoga classes to promote self-care and rejuvenation.
yacht party, providing an elegant and memorable
experience for donors. Offer live entertainment, 15. Generosity Showcase: Curate an exhibition that
gourmet dining, and breathtaking views as a gesture showcases the outcomes and success stories result-
of appreciation. If you don’t have access to a boat ing from donor support. Incorporate multimedia
or yacht, turn a community hall or event space into presentations, interactive displays, and testimonials
a “cruise ship”, complete with nautical pictures and to demonstrate the transformative power of their
decorations. generosity.

8. Generosity Celebration Ball: Transform the venue

into a grand ballroom with sparkling lights, chande-
liers, and a dance floor. Include live music or a DJ to
create a festive atmosphere that encourages guests Take your gala planning to
to celebrate their collective impact. the next level!
9. Treasured Partners: Create a gallery-style exhibit Get the FREE Gala Theme Toolkit. It’s packed
featuring photographs, quotes, and personal stories with useful worksheets and checklists, and is
of donors. Encourage attendees to mingle and engage your secret weapon for organizing unforgettable,
in meaningful conversations to foster connections story-themed events. Don’t miss out.
and partnerships. Download your toolkit today!

10. Grateful Gathering: Set up interactive gratitude

stations where attendees can write thank-you notes, theme-toolkit
record video messages, or participate in collaborative
art projects expressing their appreciation.

9 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

4 Quick List:
100 Theme Ideas for Unforgettable
Nonprofit Galas and Events

THESE THEMES OFFER a wide range of exciting and cre- 23. “Jungle Safari: Explore the Wild”
ative ideas to make your nonprofit gala event a memorable 24. “Great Gatsby Garden Party: Jazz Age Elegance”
and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. 25. “Time Travelers: Past, Present, Future”
26. “Enchanted Masquerade: Whimsical Wonders”
1. “Under the Sea: A Mermaid’s Delight”
27. “Fire and Ice: A Clash of Elements”
2. “Masquerade Ball: Unmask the Magic”
28. “Steampunk Soiree: Victorian Industrial
3. “Alice in Wonderland: A Mad Hatter’s Adventure” Revolution”
4. “Carnival Extravaganza: Step Right Up!” 29. “Art Deco Affair: Celebrating the Roaring 20s”
5. “Enchanted Forest: Where Dreams Come Alive” 30. “Fairy Tale Fantasy: Once Upon a Time”
6. “Roaring 20s Speakeasy: A Night of Glamour and 31. “Parisian Chic: A Night in the City of Love”
32. “Circus Spectacular: Unforgettable Big Top Fun”
7. “Hollywood Red Carpet: Stars in the Spotlight”
33. “Garden of Eden: Nature’s Paradise”
8. “Around the World: Global Celebration of Cultures”
34. “Moonlit Magic: Mysteries of the Night Sky”
9. “Superhero Soirée: Unleash Your Inner Hero”
35. “Glow Gala: Neon Lights and Electric Vibes”
10. “Wild West Roundup: Yeehaw!”
36. “Black Tie Casino: Roll the Dice in Style”
11. “Space Odyssey: Journey to the Stars”
37. “Wonders of the Orient: Eastern Elegance”
12. “World of Wizards: Magic and Mysteries”
38. “Whodunit Mystery: Solve the Crime”
13. “Medieval Faire: Knights and Fair Maidens”
39. “A Night in Morocco: Exotic Moroccan Delights”
14. “Gatsby’s Casino Night: Roll the Dice”
40. “Fairytale Ball: Happily Ever After”
15. “Fiesta Fiesta: A Festive Celebration of Latin Culture”
41. “Candyland Dreams: Sweet Treats and Sugary
16. “Enchanting Masquerade: Masks and Mysterious Delights”
42. “Nautical Adventure: Sail Away to the High Seas”
17. “Rock ‘n’ Roll Revival: Dance Through the Decades”
43. “Carnival of Dreams: Fun and Games for All”
18. “Tropical Paradise: Beach Vibes and Pina Coladas”
44. “Disco Fever: Boogie Nights and Glitter”
19. “Candyland Carnival: Sugar Rush Extravaganza”
45. “Magical Wizard Academy: Spells and Sorcery”
20. “Futuristic Gala: Where Technology Meets
46. “Enchanted Winter Wonderland: Frosty Delights”
47. “Out of Africa: Safari Adventure”
21. “Vintage Hollywood Glamour: Lights, Camera,
48. “Fantasy Forest: Whimsical Creatures and Enchant-
ing Flora”
22. “Mystical Masquerade: Unveiling Secrets of the
49. “Moulin Rouge Extravaganza: Can-Can and Cabaret”

10 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

50. “A Night at the Museum: History Comes to Life” 85. “Fiesta Fiesta: Spicy Fiesta Fun”
51. “Neon Nights: Electric Energy and Vibrant Colors” 86. “Wild West Hoedown: Yeehaw, Cowboys and
52. “Superhero Showdown: Powers Unite!” Cowgirls!”
53. “Cultural Kaleidoscope: Celebrating Diversity” 87. “Candlelight Soiree: Elegant and Intimate”
54. “Tropical Paradise: Island Vibes and Tiki Delights” 88. “Winter Wonderland: Snowy Delights and Frosty
55. “Enigma: Unlock the Secrets” Fun”

56. “Space Odyssey: Celestial Journey” 89. “Enchanted Crystal Ball: Crystal Clear Elegance”

57. “Enchanted Masquerade Ball: Whispers of 90. “Gourmet Gala: Culinary Masterpieces”
Romance” 91. “Around the World: Global Flavors and Cultures”
58. “Enchanted Garden: Blooming Beauties” 92. “Sunset Serenade: A Symphony of Colors”
59. “Enchanted Forest: Mystical Creatures and 93. “Vegas Extravaganza: Glitz and Glamour”
Whispers” 94. “Secret Garden: Floral Delights and Serenity”
60. “Carnival of Lights: Illuminated Extravaganza” 95. “Royal Masquerade: Majestic Elegance”
61. “Vintage Circus: Step Right Up to the Big Top” 96. “Magical Carnival: Fun and Fantasy for All”
62. “Garden Party: Blooming Beauties and Botanical 97. “Enchanted Twilight: Sparkling Nights Under the
Bliss” Stars”
63. “Alice’s Tea Party: Curiouser and Curiouser” 98. “Dancing Through the Decades: A Musical Journey”
64. “City of Love: Parisian Romance” 99. “Spring Fling: Blooms, Butterflies, and Bliss”
65. “Black and White Gala: Elegance in Monochrome” 100.“Midsummer Night’s Dream: Whimsical
66. “Golden Age: Glitter and Glamour of Old Hollywood” Enchantment”
67. “Gourmet Gala: A Culinary Adventure”
68. “Enchanted Ballroom: Grace and Elegance”
69. “Midnight Masquerade: Secrets of the Night”
70. “Enchanted Twilight: Whimsical Dreams at Dusk”
71. “Cinema Paradiso: Movie Magic and Popcorn Fun”
72. “Whimsical Wonderland: Delightful Adventures
Take your gala planning
Await” to the next level!
73. “Futuristic Fantasy: Technology and Imagination”
Get the FREE Gala Theme Toolkit. It’s packed
74. “Under the Sea: Discovering the Depths of Impact”
with useful worksheets and checklists,
75. “Capturing Playfulness: Photo Booth Fun with Silly
and is your secret weapon for organizing
Costumes and Props
unforgettable, story-themed events.
76. “Rock ‘n’ Roll Rewind: Dancing to the Classics”
77. “Hawaiian Luau: Tropical Paradise Party” Don’t miss out.
78. “Enchanted Vineyard: Wine Tasting and Romance” Download your toolkit today!
79. “Carnival of Colors: Vibrant Festivities”
80. “Enchanted Ball: Magical Moments and Fairy Dust”
81. “Decades Dance Party: Grooving Through Time”
82. “Stepping into Spring: Blooming Floral Celebration”
83. “A Night in Wonderland: Curious Adventures Await”
84. “Black and White Masquerade: Masks and

11 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

5 Gala & Events by Topic

Animals 15. “Feline Fiesta: Purr-fectly Passionate about Cats”

16. “The Lion’s Roar: Protecting Wildlife in the
ANIMALS 17. “Wings of Freedom: Supporting Avian
Embark on a captivating journey into the animal kingdom Conservation”
with these wildlife-inspired fundraisers. Set the stage for 18. “Penguins on Parade: Chilling for a Cause”
an immersive experience by adorning the venue with 19. “Hoot and Howl: Nighttime Revelry for Nocturnal
lush greenery, animal prints, and larger-than-life animal Animals”
replicas. Create an enchanting ambiance with ambient 20. “Elephant Elegance: Honoring the Majestic Giants”
lighting that mimics the hues of a safari sunset or the
vibrant colors of an underwater world. Encourage guests
to embrace the theme by donning animal-inspired attire BIRDS
or accessories. Incorporate animal-centric activities, These gala themes pay tribute to the beauty and sig-
such as wildlife conservation presentations, interactive nificance of birds in our world. Create a captivating
encounters with trained animals, or even a petting zoo atmosphere with bird-themed decor, vibrant colors,
for family-friendly events. It’s a fundraising event that and elegant touches. Incorporate educational displays,
celebrates the beauty and diversity of the animal king- bird-inspired art exhibits, and interactive experiences
dom, while raising awareness and support for animal that highlight the importance of bird conservation and
welfare causes. protection of their natural habitats. Consider partnering
with bird-focused organizations and wildlife sanctuaries
1. “Safari Soirée: An Evening of Wildlife Wonder” to support their efforts and raise awareness about the
2. “Under the Sea: A Marine Marvels Ball” diversity and importance of our feathered friends.
3. “Jungle Fever: Roaring with Animal Majesty”
4. “Enchanted Forest: Where Creatures Come Alive” 1. “Feathered Fiesta: Celebrating the Diversity of Birds”
5. “Butterfly Bliss: Wings of Hope and Transformation” 2. “Wings of Wonder: A Gala Honoring Avian Beauty”
6. “Paws and Claws: A Celebration of Furry Friends” 3. “Flight to Freedom: Advocating for Bird
7. “Flight of the Phoenix: A Night for Majestic Birds” Conservation”
8. “Ocean Odyssey: Diving into Marine Conservation” 4. “Songbird Soirée: A Melodic Evening of Feathered
9. “Into the Wild: Embracing Nature’s Extraordinary Delight”
Creatures” 5. “Majestic Raptors: Paying Tribute to Birds of Prey”
10. “Black Tie and Tails: A Night for Animal Advocacy” 6. “Tropical Plumage: Vibrant Colors and Exotic Birds”
11. “Scales and Tails: Celebrating Reptilian Wonders” 7. “The Nesting Ground: Nurturing Hope for Bird
12. “Barnyard Bash: Honoring Farm Animals and Habitat Restoration”
Agriculture” 8. “Aerial Symphony: Harmonizing with Nature’s
13. “Feathers and Fur: A Whimsical Wonderland of Winged Chorus”
Creatures” 9. “Avian Elegance: Embracing the Grace and Charm
14. “Whale Tales: Preserving the Giants of the Ocean” of Birds”

12 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

10. “Flock Together: Uniting for Bird Conservation and 9. “Cats Among the Stars: Shining a Spotlight on
Preservation” Feline Fame”
11. “Feathered Fantasy: A Gala Inspired by the 10. “Whisker Wonderland: A Magical Evening of Cat
Enchanting World of Birds” Dreams”
12. “Chirps and Cheers: Celebrating the Joyful Spirit of 11. “Catty Couture: Showcasing Cat-inspired Fashion
Birds” and Style”
13. “Flight of Discovery: Exploring the Wonders of Bird 12. “Pawsitively Purrfect: Honoring the Love and Joy
Migration” Cats Bring”
14. “Avifauna Affair: A Night of Glamour and Bird-in- 13. “The Cat’s Meow: A Night of Elegance and Feline
spired Glamour” Admiration”
15. “Plumage and Preservation: Advocating for Bird 14. “Cat Tales Gala: Sharing Stories of Resilience and
Species and their Habitats” Second Chances”
15. “Claws for a Cause: Supporting Feline Rescue and
These cat-themed fundraising events celebrate the
charm, grace, and mystery of our feline friends while DOGS
raising awareness and support for their welfare. Create These dog-themed fundraising events celebrate the love,
a whimsical atmosphere with cat-themed decorations, companionship, and impact that dogs bring to our lives.
soft lighting, and playful accents. Incorporate interactive Set a welcoming atmosphere with paw-print decorations,
experiences like cat trivia, cat-themed art displays, or a dog-themed centerpieces, and playful touches. Incor-
“cuddle corner” with adoptable cats to engage attendees porate activities like dog shows, agility demonstrations,
and showcase the joys of cat companionship. Highlight or pet photo booths to engage guests and showcase the
the work of cat rescues and shelters, and provide oppor- talents and joy that dogs bring. Highlight the importance
tunities for guests to contribute and support feline advo- of dog adoption, rescue, and rehabilitation by sharing
cacy. Emphasize the love and joy that cats bring to our heartwarming stories and featuring adoptable dogs at
lives while shedding light on the importance of respon- the event. Encourage attendees to contribute to the
sible cat ownership and the value of spaying/neutering. cause through donations, sponsorships, or participat-
Let the event serve as a platform to celebrate cats, share ing in fundraising activities. Let the event be a platform
heartwarming stories, and inspire compassion and sup- to promote responsible dog ownership, support animal
port for their well-being. shelters, and raise awareness about the well-being of our
furry friends. Celebrate the incredible bond between
1. “Whiskers and Wonders: Celebrating the Magic of humans and dogs, inspiring compassion and advocacy
Cats” for their welfare.
2. “Purrfectly Elegant: A Night of Feline Finesse”
3. “Cats of Distinction: Honoring Extraordinary Feline 1. “Paws for a Cause: Unleashing Hope and Compassion”
Companions” 2. “Tales of Tails: Celebrating the Love and Loyalty of
4. “Catnip Carnival: A Playful Evening of Feline Dogs”
Delight” 3. “Bark in Style: A Glamorous Night for Canine
5. “Mews and Music: A Melodic Journey Through the Advocacy”
World of Cats” 4. “Wagging Hearts: Honoring the Healing Power of
6. “Cats in Wonderland: An Enchanting Gala of Curi- Dogs”
osity and Charm” 5. “Pawsitively Heroic: Recognizing Dogs as Everyday
7. “Paws & Pearls: Embracing the Grace and Mystery Superheroes”
of Cats” 6. “Puppy Love Gala: Fostering Forever Homes and
8. “Feline Fiesta: Celebrating the Vibrant Spirit of Cats” Happy Tails”

13 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

7. “Walk of Fame: Celebrating the Canine Stars 6. “Harnessing Hope: Empowering Lives Through
Among Us” Equine Therapy”
8. “Rescue & Rejoice: Supporting Dog Adoption and 7. “The Mane Event: A Glamorous Gala in Honor of
Rehabilitation” Horses”
9. “The Art of Dog: Unleashing Creativity and Canine 8. “Horses of History: Commemorating Legendary
Connection” Equine Heroes”
10. “Fur-Ever Friends: Building Bridges of Love and 9. “Trailblazers: Celebrating Horses as Symbols of
Companionship” Strength and Adventure”
11. “Pawprints of Hope: Making a Difference One Dog 10. “Stallion Soirée: Embracing the Power and Beauty
at a Time” of Male Horses”
12. “Top Dog Affair: A Night of Elegance and Canine 11. “Mare Magic: Honoring the Grace and Resilience of
Celebration” Female Horses”
13. “Doggedly Devoted: Honoring Extraordinary 12. “Horses of the Silver Screen: A Night of Hollywood
Canine Companions” Glamour and Equine Tales”
14. “Woofstock: A Groovy Evening of Music and Dogs” 13. “Horsing Around for a Cause: Supporting
15. “Ruff & Ready: Empowering Canine Assistance and Equine-Assisted Programs”
Service” 14. “Giddy Up for Giving: Raising Funds to Improve
Equine Welfare”
15. “Horse Haven: A Whimsical Gala in a World
HORSES Inspired by Horses”
These horse-themed fundraising events pay tribute to
the strength, beauty, and connection that horses bring
to our lives. Create a rustic and elegant atmosphere ZOO
with equestrian-inspired decorations, earthy tones, and These zoo-inspired galas create an immersive experience
natural elements. Incorporate equine-themed activities that celebrates the magnificent creatures of the animal
like pony rides, carriage rides, or equine art displays to kingdom. Incorporate animal-themed decorations, inter-
engage attendees and foster a sense of wonder and appre- active exhibits, and educational displays showcasing the
ciation for horses. Highlight the impact of equine therapy importance of wildlife conservation. Host animal encoun-
programs and equine welfare organizations, providing ters, live performances, and guest speakers who share
guests with opportunities to contribute and support their experiences in animal advocacy and preservation.
these causes. As my friend Annalise often says, an event Create an atmosphere of wonder, respect, and apprecia-
like this doesn’t just engage attendees—it gallops right tion for the beauty and importance of our animal friends.
into their hearts. These events remind attendees of the
unique bond between humans and horses, and the posi- 1. “Safari Soirée: An Evening of Wildlife Conservation”
tive impact horses have on our well-being. 2. “Roaring Celebration: Honoring Nature’s Wonders”
3. “ZooFest: Where Conservation and Community
1. “Horsepower and Hooves: Celebrating the Strength Meet”
and Grace of Horses” 4. “Wild Hearts Gala: Preserving the Beauty of
2. “Equine Elegance: A Night of Majestic Horses and Wildlife”
Fine Dining” 5. “Jungle Jubilee: Unleashing the Power of Wildlife
3. “Galloping Under the Stars: An Evening of Protection”
Horse-inspired Magic” 6. “Scales and Tails: A Night of Exotic Discoveries”
4. “Run Wild, Run Free: Honoring the Spirit of 7. “Zoo Spectacular: Celebrating the Diversity of
Untamed Horses” Nature”
5. “Hooves and Harmony: Uniting Music, Art, and 8. “Feathers and Fur: Embracing the Wonder of
Horses” Animal Kingdom”

14 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

9. “Zoo Odyssey: Embarking on an Adventure for 1. “Artistic Expressions: Celebrating the Beauty of Cre-
Conservation” ativity”
10. “Wonders of the Ocean: Exploring Marine Life and 1. “Cultural Kaleidoscope: Embracing Diversity
Conservation” through Art”
11. “Habitat Heroes: Protecting Wildlife, One Step at a 2. “Harmony and Melody: Inspiring Through the
Time” Power of Music”
12. “Zoo Ball: Where Conservation Meets Glamour” 3. “Literary Legends: Honoring the Written Word”
13. “Wild Encounters: Igniting Passion for Animal 4. “Brushstrokes of Brilliance: A Gala of Visual Arts”
Conservation” 5. “Captivating Performances: Showcasing the Magic
14. “Journey into the Wild: Exploring the Wonders of of Theater”
Nature” 6. “Poetry in Motion: Celebrating the Power of Spoken
15. “Zoological Soiree: Nurturing a Future for Wildlife” Word”
16. “Jungle Jamboree: Celebrating the Wonders of the 7. “The Art of Imagination: Igniting Creative Sparks”
Animal Kingdom” 8. “Museums of Inspiration: A Night of Cultural
17. “Roars and More: A Roaring Night of Animal Enrichment”
Encounters” 9. “Creativity Unleashed: Nurturing Artistic Potential”
18. “Zoological Soirée: Honoring Conservation Efforts 10. “Dance Delight: Celebrating the Grace and Move-
and Wildlife Preservation” ment of Dance”
19. “Creature Carnival: Where Animals Take Center 11. “Literary Landscapes: Exploring the World of Books
Stage” and Stories”
20. “Zookeepers’ Delight: Appreciating the Guardians 12. “Cultural Fusion: Bridging Communities through
of Wildlife” the Arts”
21. “Paws and Claws Gala: Embracing the Magic of 13. “Theatrical Spectacle: Where Drama Takes Center
Animal Pawprints” Stage”
22. “Zany Zoo Experience: Discovering the Quirky and 14. “Illuminating Artistry: Shining a Light on Creative
Playful Side of Animals” Excellence”
23. “Safari Spectacular: Embarking on a Journey 15. “Visionary Voices: Amplifying the Power of Artistic
through the Animal Kingdom” Expression”
24. “Zoo Tales: Sharing Stories of Animal Rescues and 16. “Art for All: Promoting Inclusivity in the Arts”
Rehabilitation” 17. “The Elegance of Elocution: Celebrating the Art of
25. “Conservation Celebration: Protecting Wildlife and Public Speaking”
Their Habitats” 18. “Rhythm and Rhyme: A Night of Poetic Inspiration”
19. “Framing Perspectives: Honoring the Power of
Visual Storytelling”
Art 20. “Cultural Legacy: Preserving Heritage Through Art”
21. “The Magic of Movement: Exploring the World of
ARTS AND HUMANITIES 22. “Literary Journeys: Embarking on Adventures
These gala themes celebrate the richness and diversity Through Books”
of arts and humanities. They showcase various artistic 23. “Theatrical Wonders: Bringing Imagination to Life”
disciplines, such as visual arts, music, literature, theater, 24. “Creativity without Borders: Uniting Cultures
and dance. Incorporate interactive art installations, live Through the Arts”
performances, creative workshops, and exhibitions to
immerse attendees in the artistic experience. Encourage
guests to dress in attire that reflects the theme and create
an atmosphere that sparks imagination, appreciation for
culture, and the transformative power of the arts.

15 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

ART MUSEUMS 1. “Canvas and Cocktails: Celebrating the Artistic Spirit”
These themes can serve as a starting point for your art 2. “Masterpiece Gala: An Evening of Art and Elegance”
museum gala, providing a captivating backdrop that 3. “Brushstrokes of Brilliance: A Night in the World of
reflects the essence of your institution and engages Art”
attendees in an unforgettable art-filled experience. 4. “Palette of Possibilities: Exploring the Beauty of
1. “Impressionist Dreams: A Night in Monet’s Garden” Artworks”
2. “Renaissance Reverie: Unveiling the Masters” 5. “Artistic Expressions: Unveiling the Magic of
3. “Modern Marvels: Artistic Expressions of the 20th Creativity”
Century” 6. “Artistry in Motion: Celebrating the Vibrancy of Art”
4. “Enchanted Canvas: Where Fairy Tales Come to 7. “Gallery Glamour: Stepping into the World of Art”
Life” 8. “Art Illuminated: A Fusion of Light, Color, and
5. “Brushstrokes of Nature: Celebrating Landscapes Creativity”
and Wildlife” 9. “Surreal Soirée: Embracing the Fantastical World
6. “The Art of Time: Exploring Past, Present, and of Art”
Future” 10. “Abstract Allure: Embodying the Essence of Con-
7. “Pop Art Party: A Colorful Celebration of Pop temporary Art”
Culture” 11. “Artistic Renaissance: Honoring Timeless
8. “Surreal Sensations: A Journey into the Realm of Masterpieces”
Dreams” 12. “Sculpted Elegance: A Gala Inspired by Three-Di-
9. “Art Nouveau Elegance: A Night of Intricate mensional Art”
Designs” 13. “Artful Fusion: Where Art, Music, and Fashion
10. “Abstract Horizons: Breaking Boundaries in Art” Collide”
11. “Portraits of Grace: Honoring Extraordinary 14. “Artistic Odyssey: Journeying through Art
Women in Art” Movements”
12. “Cubist Visions: Unraveling the Geometric Form” 15. “Gallery Gala: Celebrating Diversity in Artistic
13. “Asian Brushstrokes: Discovering Eastern Artistry” Expression”
14. “Photography Unleashed: Capturing Moments, 16. “Art Deco Extravaganza: Celebrating the Glamour
Telling Stories” of the Jazz Age”
15. “Sculpture Symposium: Celebrating the Power of 17. “Pop Art Party: Channeling the Vibrant Spirit of
Three-Dimensional Art” Andy Warhol”
18. “Impressionist Soirée: Stepping into a World of Soft
ARTWORKS 19. “Modern Metropolis: Exploring the Urban Art
Step into a world of creativity and imagination with these Scene”
art-inspired fundraising events. Transform the venue 20. “Abstract Fusion: Blending Colors and Textures in
into an artistic haven, with gallery-like displays, interac- Art”
tive installations, and creative decor that reflect different 21. “Romantic Renaissance: Unveiling the Beauty of
art movements and styles. Incorporate live art demon- Classical Art”
strations, art auctions, or workshops to engage guests and 22. “Street Art Showcase: Honoring Urban Creativity
showcase the beauty of artistic expression. Encourage and Expression”
attendees to dress in attire inspired by famous artists or 23. “Contemporary Collage: Where Art and Imagina-
specific art movements. It’s a celebration of art’s power tion Collide”
to inspire, provoke, and make a positive impact, bringing 24. “Surrealist Dreams: Embracing the Fantastic and
together artists, art enthusiasts, and philanthropists in an Unexpected”
unforgettable evening of artistic enchantment. 25. “Minimalist Muse: Embodying Simplicity and Sub-
tlety in Art”

16 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

COLORFUL THINGS photo booth area where guests can take fun and memora-
These colorful-themed galas will immerse guests in a ble pictures. Enhance the theme by serving a menu that
world of vibrant beauty and artistic expression. Trans- reflects different styles of photography, such as “vintage
form the venue into a kaleidoscope of colors with vibrant black and white” or “vibrant color” dishes. Arrange for
decor, including colorful drapes, balloons, and floral interactive activities like photography exhibitions, live
arrangements. Use lighting effects to create a mesmeriz- photo shoots, or photography-themed workshops.
ing atmosphere, with shifting hues and patterns. Encour- 1. “Through the Lens: A Night of Captivating Imagery”
age guests to dress in their most colorful attire, or assign 2. “Shutter Speed Soirée: Celebrating the Art of
each attendee a specific color to wear for a coordinated Photography”
visual impact. Offer interactive art stations or exhibits 3. “Picture Perfect Gala: Framing Moments of
where guests can create their own colorful masterpieces. Excellence”
Incorporate colorful cuisine and cocktails to delight the 4. “Flash and Focus: A Night of Glamour and
taste buds. Add entertainment elements such as live Photography”
performances featuring vibrant costumes or a colorful 5. “Lens and Lights: Illuminating the World of
dance floor to get everyone moving. It’s an opportunity Photography”
to celebrate the beauty and joy that colors bring to our 6. “Aperture Affair: Exploring the Beauty of Light and
lives in a dazzling gala experience. Shadow”
1. “Stellar Spectacle: An Extraterrestrial Celebration” 7. “Pixel Perfection: Honoring the Artistry of
2. “Rainbow Rhapsody: A Kaleidoscope of Colors” Photography”
3. “Color Blast Gala: Vibrant Hues Unleashed” 8. “Focal Point Fête: Celebrating the Essence of Visual
4. “Paint the Night: An Artistic Celebration of Color” Storytelling”
5. “Spectrum Soirée: Journey through the Colorful 9. “Camera Couture: Glamour in the Snapshot”
Universe” 10. “Art in Focus: A Gala Celebrating the Power of
6. “Technicolor Dreamland: Where Imagination Photography”
Meets Color” 11. “Picture This: A Night of Creativity and Vision”
7. “Chroma Chic: Embracing the Beauty of Every Hue” 12. “Candid Captures: Unveiling the Beauty of Life’s
8. “Color Carnival: A Festive Explosion of Vibrancy” Moments”
9. “Prism Paradise: Reflecting the Splendor of Colors” 13. “Exposure Elegance: Showcasing the Magic of
10. “Mosaic Mirage: Creating Art from Colorful Pieces” Photography”
11. “Color Symphony: Harmonizing Shades of Splendor” 14. “Lens of Legends: Honoring Iconic Photographers”
12. “Rainbow Gala Ball: Where Colors Dance and Shine” 15. “Capture the Night: Embracing the Art of Visual
13. “Color Craze Gala: Painting the Night with Storytelling”
14. “Colorful Whimsy: Unleashing the Magic of Colors”
15. “Chromatic Elegance: A Stylish Affair in Vivid Tones” STORYTELLING
These storytelling-themed fundraising events celebrate
the power and enchantment of stories. Create an atmo-
PHOTOGRAPHY sphere that evokes the magic of storytelling with liter-
For a photography-inspired gala, create an atmosphere ary-inspired décor, whimsical elements, and immersive
that celebrates the art and craft of photography. Deco- settings. Emphasize the importance of storytelling in
rate the venue with large prints of stunning photographs, preserving cultural heritage, fostering creativity, and
camera-related props, and vintage cameras. Use lighting connecting communities. Showcase the talents of sto-
to create an ambiance reminiscent of a photo studio or rytellers, authors, and performers who bring stories to
gallery. Incorporate photography-inspired elements into life. Provide opportunities for guests to support literacy
the table centerpieces, such as miniature cameras, film programs, libraries, or initiatives that promote story-
reels, or Polaroid-style place cards. Consider setting up a telling as a means of self-expression and empowerment.

17 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

Foster a sense of wonder and inspiration, inviting guests tainment, such as acrobats, live animal encounters, or
to immerse themselves in the captivating world of story- stargazing sessions. Encourage guests to dress in adven-
telling and the transformative power of narratives. turous attire or assign them specific roles related to the
1. “Tales of Wonder: Celebrating the Magic of Story- theme for added excitement. It’s an opportunity to
telling” embark on a grand adventure without leaving the gala
2. “Storybook Soirée: A Night of Imagination and venue.
Inspiration” 1. “Expedition Gala: Journey to Uncharted Horizons”
3. “Myth and Legends Gala: Weaving Stories of the 2. “Wanderlust Wonderland: A Night of Adventurous
Past and Present” Spirit”
4. “Narrative Nostalgia: Honoring the Power of Oral 3. “Quest for Thrills: An Adventure-Packed Gala”
Traditions” 4. “Wild Safari Soirée: Exploring the Wonders of the
5. “Wordsmiths Unite: Celebrating the Craft of Animal Kingdom”
Storytelling” 5. “Ocean Odyssey: Diving into an Underwater
6. “Story Sparks: Igniting Creativity and Connection” Adventure”
7. “Fables and Fantasies: Where Stories Come to Life” 6. “Adrenaline Rush Gala: Embrace the Thrill Seeker
8. “Once Upon a Time: Embracing the Enchantment of Within”
Storytelling” 7. “Enchanted Forest Expedition: Discovering Mysti-
9. “Storyteller’s Haven: Sharing Tales that Touch cal Realms”
Hearts” 8. “Airborne Adventure: Soaring to New Heights”
10. “Pages Unbound: Exploring the Worlds within 9. “Pirate’s Cove: A Swashbuckling Night of Treasure
Books” Hunting”
11. “Storytelling Symposium: Inspiring through the 10. “Lost World Gala: Unveiling Ancient Mysteries”
Power of Words” 11. “Space Exploration: Journey to the Cosmos”
12. “Mythical Journeys: Celebrating Epics and Heroic 12. “Jungle Safari Gala: Roaming the Wilderness”
Tales” 13. “Underground Expedition: Delving into Hidden
13. “The Art of Story: A Gala for the Keepers of Wonders”
Legends” 14. “Desert Oasis: Uncovering Secrets of the Sands”
14. “Tales Transformed: Celebrating Storytelling in the 15. “Mountain Majesty: Conquering Majestic Peaks”
Digital Age” 16. “Circus of Curiosities: A Whirlwind Circus
15. “Whispers of Wisdom: Stories that Shape and Inspire” Adventure”
17. “Time Travel Gala: A Journey through Past and
Common Themes 18. “Urban Excursion: Exploring the Heart of the City”
19. “Magical Maze: Navigating a Wonderland of
ADVENTURE 20. “River Rafting Rendezvous: Conquering Rapids and
These adventure-themed galas will transport guests to Waves”
thrilling realms and inspire a sense of exploration. Set the 21. “Arctic Expedition: A Chilling Adventure to the Icy
stage with immersive decorations that evoke the chosen North”
adventure theme, such as lush greenery for jungle safaris 22. “Tropical Paradise Trek: Embracing Island
or celestial elements for space exploration. Incorporate Adventures”
interactive experiences like virtual reality simulations, 23. “Ancient Ruins Revelry: Discovering Lost
obstacle courses, or treasure hunts to engage attendees Civilizations”
in adventurous activities. Feature cuisine from differ- 24. “Great Outdoors Gala: Celebrating Nature’s Bounty”
ent parts of the world to showcase diverse flavors and 25. “Cosmic Quest: Venture into the Unknown of the
cultures. Enhance the atmosphere with themed enter- Universe”

18 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

DINOSAURS lush palm leaves, vibrant flowers, and island-inspired
These dinosaur-themed fundraising events take guests decor. Set the mood with Hawaiian music, traditional
on an exciting journey to the prehistoric world. Create hula performances, and the warm glow of tiki torches.
a prehistoric setting with dinosaur props, fossil replicas, Encourage guests to embrace the spirit of aloha by
and jungle-themed decorations. Incorporate interactive wearing Hawaiian attire, such as colorful aloha shirts
exhibits and activities like a dinosaur fossil excavation, or elegant muumuus. Incorporate elements of Hawai-
virtual reality experiences, or educational presentations ian culture, such as lei-making stations, ukulele perfor-
to engage guests of all ages. Highlight the importance mances, or interactive workshops on hula dancing. It’s a
of paleontology, scientific research, and conservation fundraising journey to the heart of the Hawaiian islands,
efforts to protect our natural history. Offer opportuni- celebrating the rich traditions and beauty while support-
ties for guests to support dinosaur-related educational ing charitable causes.
programs, museum exhibits, or initiatives aimed at pre-
serving dinosaur fossils and habitats. Let the event ignite 1. “Aloha Nights Charity Gala: Embrace the Spirit of
curiosity and imagination, inspiring awe and apprecia- Giving with an Island Twist.”
tion for the magnificent creatures that once roamed the 2. “Hula Hālau Luau: Where Polynesian Traditions
Earth. Dance to Life.”
1. “Roar and Explore: Journey to the Prehistoric World” 3. “Tropical Paradise Soirée: An Evening of Exotic
2. “Dino Delight: A Night of Jurassic Wonders” Elegance.”
3. “Dinosaur Discovery Gala: Unveiling the Mysteries 4. “Island Breeze Ball: Sway to the Rhythm of the
of the Past” Pacific.”
4. “T-Rex Tails and Trivia: A Prehistoric Party” 5. “Maui Magic Masquerade: Unmask the Enchant-
5. “Jurassic Jamboree: An Epic Celebration of ment of the Hawaiian Isles.”
Dinosaurs” 6. “Palm Fronds & Pineapples Gala: A Tropical Affair
6. “Time Travelers’ Ball: Step into the Jurassic Era” to Remember.”
7. “Dino Dig Extravaganza: Unearthing Fossils and 7. “Tiki Tropics Extravaganza: A Journey to the
Fun” Exotic South Seas.”
8. “Ancient Echoes: Celebrating the Legacy of 8. “Lei of Love Benefit Bash: Spreading Joy and Sup-
Dinosaurs” port in Floral Fashion.”
9. “Raptor Rendezvous: A Night of Feathers and 9. “Hawaiian Sunset Serenade: Basking in the Warm
Ferocity” Glow of Aloha.”
10. “Mesozoic Magic: Transporting You to the Age of 10. “Luau Under the Stars: A Night of Feasting, Dancing,
Dinosaurs” and Island Delights.”
11. “Dino Dreams: Igniting Curiosity and Imagination” 11. “Polynesian Pearl Gala: Unveiling the Treasures of
12. “Fossils and Fables: Stories of the Prehistoric Past” the Pacific Isles.”
13. “Dino Dance Party: Grooving with Extinct Giants” 12. “Volcano Voyage Fundraiser: Igniting Passion for a
14. “Jurassic Safari Soirée: A Wild Expedition to Dino- Worthy Cause.”
saur Land” 13. “Lanai Lantern Festival: Illuminating the Night
15. “Dino World Wonder: Marvel at the Magnificence with Polynesian Splendor.”
of Dinosaurs” 14. “Kona Coast Cocktail Party: Sip, Socialize, and Cele-
brate Hawaiian Style.”
15. “Tropical Dreams Dinner Dance: Where Paradise
HAWAIIAN CULTURE Meets the Dance Floor.”
Immerse yourself in the vibrant and enchanting world of 16. “Surf’s Up Soirée: Catch the Wave of Fun and
Hawaiian culture with these themed fundraising events. Philanthropy.”
Create a tropical paradise by adorning the venue with 17. “Hibiscus Haven Fundraiser: Blooming Hope for a

19 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

Brighter Future.” 10. “Pirate’s Fortune: A Night of Generosity and
18. “Beach Bonfire Bash: Toasting to Good Times and Goodwill”
Even Better Causes.”
19. “Mai Tai Mixer: Mixing Drinks and Mingling with
20. “Tropical Treasure Hunt: Discovering Fun and These gala themes will transport attendees to tropical
Adventure in Paradise.” destinations, offering an escape into the beauty and allure
21. “Pineapple Paradise Party: Sweet and Juicy of paradise. Decorate the venue with palm trees, seashells,
Delights Await.” lanterns, and tropical foliage. Use vibrant colors, such as
22. “Seashell Serenade: Songs of the Sea and Sea-in- turquoise, coral, and sunshine yellow, in your decorations
spired Splendor.” and table settings. Offer a menu inspired by tropical cui-
23. “Hawaiian Hideaway Soirée: Escaping to a Night of sines, featuring dishes like ceviche, coconut shrimp, pine-
Tropical Bliss.” apple-glazed chicken, and tropical fruit desserts. Create
24. “Sunset Sip and Stroll: Watching the Colors of the a lively ambiance with live music, dance performances,
Sky and Giving Shine.” and interactive entertainment that captures the energy
25. “Aloha Spirit Celebration: Embracing the Essence of and spirit of the tropics. Encourage guests to dress in
Hawaiian Hospitality.” resort-style attire, including floral prints, linen suits, and
sandals. With these tropical-themed galas, you’ll create
an unforgettable experience that transports guests to a
PIRATES world of sun, sand, and relaxation, all while supporting
Step into a world of adventure and giving with our pirate- a worthy cause.
themed gala events. From uncovering hidden treasures 1. “Island Paradise Gala: Embrace the Tropics”
for worthy causes to pillaging poverty and injustice, these 2. “Tropical Escape: A Night in Paradise”
galas offer an opportunity to make a positive impact. 3. “Hawaiian Luau: A Taste of Aloha”
Chart a course for compassion, share in the abundance 4. “Beach Breeze Bash: Dancing in the Sand”
of generosity, and anchor hope in communities. Join us 5. “Caribbean Carnival: Savor the Tropical Vibes”
as we unleash opportunities, unite for a better world, and 6. “Tiki Tropics: A Polynesian Celebration”
set sail on a voyage of giving. Together, we can create 7. “Sunset Soiree: Where the Ocean Meets the Sky”
lasting change and restore dreams in the lives of those 8. “Palm Paradise: Unwind in Tropical Bliss”
in need. 9. “Tropical Safari: Journey through Exotic Wonders”
10. “Salsa by the Sea: Spicy Rhythms and Oceanic
1. “Pirate’s Bounty: Uncovering Riches for a Worthy Delights”
Cause” 11. “Jungle Adventure: Exploring the Tropical
2. “Buccaneer Ball: Pillaging Poverty, Plundering Wilderness”
Injustice” 12. “Aqua Dreams: Diving into Underwater Delights”
3. “Pirate’s Quest: Charting a Course for Compassion” 13. “Tropical Glamour: Sparkling Sands and Shimmer-
4. “Pieces of Eight: Sharing Abundance, Creating ing Waters”
Impact” 14. “Flamingo Fiesta: Vibrant Colors and Playful Flair”
5. “Captain’s Charity Cruise: Anchoring Hope in 15. “Paradise Found: Discovering the Hidden Gems of
Communities” the Tropics”
6. “Treasure Trove Gala: Unleashing Opportunities, 16. “Aloha Nights: A Hawaiian Paradise Gala”
Changing Lives” 17. “Tropical Twilight: A Journey to the Sunset”
7. “Pirate’s Parley: Joining Forces for a Better World” 18. “Breezy Beach Bash: Celebrating Coastal Charm”
8. “Adventures on the High Seas: A Voyage of Giving” 19. “Tropical Treasures: Unveiling Hidden Paradises”
9. “Pieces of Hope: Rebuilding Lives, Restoring 20. “Tropical Masquerade: Mysteries of the Tropics”
Dreams” 21. “Island Extravaganza: Discovering Untamed

20 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

Beauty” Philanthropic Journey”
22. “Sail Away Soirée: Nautical Adventures in Paradise” 15. “Rodeo Royalty: Crowning Champions of Giving”
23. “Tropical Serenade: Melodies of the Equator”
24. “Tropical Safari Soiree: Exploring Wild Frontiers”
25. “Seaside Escape: Captivating Moments by the Shore” Education

These Western-themed gala ideas capture the essence These education-themed fundraising events celebrate
of the Wild West with a touch of philanthropy. Decorate the power and impact of learning. Create an environment
the venue with hay bales, cowboy boots, horseshoes, and that embodies the spirit of education with inspiring décor,
Western-inspired props. Utilize warm earth tones, rustic books, and symbols of knowledge. Emphasize the impor-
elements, and Western patterns like plaids or bandanas tance of education in empowering individuals, fostering
in the color scheme. Encourage guests to dress in West- personal growth, and shaping communities. Showcase
ern attire, such as cowboy hats, denim, boots, and fringe. success stories and achievements from students, edu-
Incorporate Western-inspired activities like line dancing, cators, and educational institutions. Offer opportunities
bull riding, or mechanical bull rides for entertainment. for guests to support scholarships, educational programs,
Serve up barbecue or southwestern cuisine, along with or initiatives that promote access to quality education.
signature drinks like whiskey cocktails or margaritas. Foster a sense of appreciation and admiration for the
Enhance the fundraising aspect with Western-themed transformative power of education, inspiring a commit-
auction items like horseback riding excursions, Western ment to lifelong learning and educational advancement.
art, or cowboy memorabilia.
1. “Learning Luminaries: Illuminating Minds, Empow-
1. “Wild West Roundup: Saddle Up for Charity” ering Futures”
2. “Cowboy Couture: Fashionably Western and 2. “Knowledge Quest Gala: Celebrating the Journey of
Philanthropic” Education”
3. “Hoedown for a Cause: Dancing Boots and Giving 3. “Scholars Soirée: Honoring Academic Excellence
Hearts” and Achievement”
4. “Rustic Rendezvous: Celebrating the Spirit of the 4. “Lifelong Learning: Nurturing Curiosity, Inspiring
West” Growth”
5. “Trailblazers and Philanthropists: Honoring West- 5. “Education Empowerment: Unlocking Potential,
ern Legends” Transforming Lives”
6. “Barnyard Ball: An Evening of Western Charm” 6. “Learning Legacy: Celebrating the Impact of
7. “Ranch Retreat: Where Generosity Meets Cowboy Education”
Cool” 7. “Future Foundations: Building Brighter Paths
8. “Western Whiskey Soiree: Cheers to Giving and through Education”
Good Times” 8. “Academic Adventures: Embarking on a Quest for
9. “Country Chic Charity: Boots, Bling, and Knowledge”
Benevolence” 9. “Spark of Discovery: Igniting the Passion for Life-
10. “Yeehaw for a Cause: Riding the Charity Trail” long Learning”
11. “Hacienda Fiesta: A Southwestern Affair for a 10. “Education Illumination: Shedding Light on Success
Purpose” Stories”
12. “Western Stars: Shining a Light on Philanthropy” 11. “Pathways to Progress: Empowering Through
13. “Frontier Fantasy: Unleashing Generosity in the Education”
Wild West” 12. “Minds in Motion: Celebrating Innovative
14. “Sunset on the Prairie: A Western-inspired Approaches to Learning”

21 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

13. “Educators’ Appreciation Gala: Honoring the Cham- 14. “Innovation Playground: Inspiring Creativity and
pions of Education” Critical Thinking”
14. “Scholarly Soiree: A Night of Academic Excellence 15. “Empowering Dreams: Opening Doors through
and Inspiration” Education”
15. “Education Renaissance: Embracing Innovation, 16. “Digital Learning Revolution: Embracing Technol-
Shaping Futures” ogy for Education”
17. “Community of Learners: Celebrating Collaborative
K-2 EDUCATION 18. “Pathways to Success: Navigating K-2 Education
These gala themes celebrate the transformative power with Purpose”
of K-2 education and the dedication of educators, stu- 19. “Inspiring Imagination: Igniting the Power of
dents, and parents in shaping the future. They empha- Young Minds”
size academic excellence, inclusivity, innovation, and the 20. “Changing Lives, One Lesson at a Time: Recogniz-
holistic development of students. Incorporate education- ing Teaching Excellence”
al-themed decorations, student showcases, interactive 21. “Learning Beyond Borders: Embracing Global Edu-
learning experiences, and recognition of outstanding cation Perspectives”
educators and students to highlight the impact of K-2 22. “STEM Superstars: Fostering a Passion for Science,
education on individual lives and society. Encourage Technology, Engineering, and Math”
guests to support educational initiatives and foster a love 23. “Arts and Academics: Celebrating the Fusion of
for lifelong learning in students of all ages. Creativity and Learning”
24. “Education for All: Advocating Inclusive and Acces-
1. “Future Innovators: Nurturing Young Minds for sible K-2 Education”
Tomorrow” 25. “Parent-Teacher Partnership: Supporting Students
2. “Knowledge Voyage: Exploring the Depths of K-2 through Collaboration”
3. “Trailblazers in Learning: Empowering Students to
4. “Shaping Young Hearts and Minds: Celebrating K-2 These gala themes celebrate the transformative power of
Education” higher education and its impact on individuals and soci-
5. “Learn, Grow, Succeed: Inspiring Academic ety. They emphasize academic excellence, innovation,
Excellence” inclusivity, and lifelong learning. Incorporate elements
6. “Seeds of Knowledge: Cultivating a Love for Life- such as academic-inspired decor, keynote speeches by
long Learning” renowned educators, student showcases, and scholarship
7. “Building Blocks of Success: Fostering Strong Foun- recognition to highlight the importance of education in
dations in Education” shaping minds and fostering intellectual growth. Encour-
8. “Sparking Curiosity: Igniting Passion for Learning” age guests to support educational initiatives and contrib-
9. “Schoolhouse Stars: Celebrating Student ute to creating a brighter future through accessible and
Achievements” quality higher education.
10. “Unleashing Potential: Empowering Students for
Bright Futures” 1. “Scholars’ Soirée: Celebrating Academic Excellence”
11. “Educator Heroes: Honoring the Champions of K-2 2. “Pathways to Success: Empowering Dreams
Education” through Education”
12. “Inclusive Learning: Embracing Diversity in the 3. “Knowledge Unleashed: Nurturing Lifelong
Classroom” Learning”
13. “Academic Adventures: Exploring New Horizons in 4. “Igniting Curiosity: Exploring the Wonders of
Education” Higher Education”

22 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

5. “Beyond the Classroom: Building Skills for a Chang- SCHOOL
ing World” These school-inspired gala themes pay homage to the
6. “Innovate and Inspire: Honoring the Spirit of world of education and the pursuit of knowledge. Whether
Higher Education” you focus on specific subjects like science, math, or the
7. “Trailblazers of Tomorrow: Empowering Future arts, or embrace the overall school spirit, these themes
Leaders” offer a chance to celebrate academic achievements and
8. “Global Perspectives: Embracing Diversity in support educational initiatives. Decorate the venue with
Higher Education” elements like books, chalkboards, and school-inspired
9. “Empowering Minds, Transforming Lives: A Gala motifs to create an immersive and nostalgic atmosphere.
for Education” Encourage guests to dress up in school-related attire and
10. “Pioneering Discoveries: Unveiling the Frontiers of incorporate interactive elements like trivia or mini-les-
Knowledge” sons to make the event engaging and fun.
11. “Champions of Change: Advancing Education for
All” 1. “Scholar’s Ball: Celebrating Education Excellence:
12. “Lifelong Learning Legacy: Honoring a Commit- Honoring the Brightest Minds of Tomorrow.”
ment to Education” 2. “ABC Gala: Advancing Bright Futures: Igniting Pas-
13. “The Power of Ideas: Celebrating Intellectual sion for Education, One Letter at a Time.”
Dialogue” 3. “Chalkboard Chic Charity Soirée: Where Style
14. “Creating Opportunities: Fostering Accessible Meets Substance in Support of Education.”
Higher Education” 4. “Cap and Gown Extravaganza: Celebrating Gradu-
15. “Future Shapers: Inspiring Innovators and ates and Their Academic Achievements.”
Visionaries” 5. “Academic All-Stars Celebration: Shining a Spot-
16. “Empowering Women in Education: Breaking Barri- light on Academic Brilliance.”
ers, Creating Equality” 6. “Bookworm Bash: A Literary Affair: Unleashing the
17. “Bridging the Gap: Connecting Academia and Magic of Words and Imagination.”
Industry” 7. “Pencil and Paper Fundraising Fiesta: Writing the
18. “Research Renaissance: Advancing Knowledge for a Future, One Donation at a Time.”
Better Future” 8. “Mathletes Unite: A Night of Numbers: Celebrating
19. “Educating for Social Impact: Making a Difference the Beauty of Math and Problem-Solving.”
through Education” 9. “Artistic Masterpiece Gala: Embracing the Creativ-
20. “Digital Frontier: Harnessing Technology for Edu- ity and Expression of the Arts.”
cation Transformation” 10. “Science Lab Spectacular: Exploring the Wonders of
21. “Leadership and Learning: Shaping the Leaders of Science and Discovery.”
Tomorrow” 11. “Music Notes and Melodies Charity Ball: Harmo-
22. “Campus Community: Celebrating the Spirit of nizing for a Harmonious Future.”
Unity and Collaboration” 12. “Drama Club Delight: An Evening of Theater: Cele-
23. “Inclusive Excellence: Promoting Diversity in brating the Magic of Drama and Performance.”
Higher Education” 13. “History Makers Soirée: Honoring the Past, Inspir-
24. “Lifelong Connections: Nurturing Alumni ing the Future through the Power of History.”
Networks” 14. “Athletics Champions Gala: Celebrating Sportsman-
25. “Knowledge Empowerment: Unlocking Potential ship, Teamwork, and Victories.”
through Education” 15. “Homecoming Heroes Fundraiser: Reconnecting
and Celebrating the Spirit of Alumni.”

23 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

These STEM-themed fundraising events celebrate the For these technology-inspired galas, incorporate cut-
wonders and potential of science, technology, engineer- ting-edge design elements and futuristic decor to create
ing, and math. Create an atmosphere that showcases the a visually stunning atmosphere. Integrate interactive
excitement and possibilities of STEM through interac- displays, digital art installations, and immersive tech-
tive displays, futuristic décor, and technological marvels. nology experiences throughout the event space. Orga-
Emphasize the importance of STEM education, innova- nize technology-focused workshops, presentations, and
tion, and problem-solving in addressing global challenges demonstrations to showcase the latest advancements
and shaping our future. Highlight the achievements and and inspire guests. Consider inviting industry experts
contributions of STEM pioneers, researchers, and inven- and thought leaders to speak on emerging trends and
tors. Provide opportunities for guests to support schol- the impact of technology on various sectors. Incorporate
arships, mentorship programs, or initiatives that pro- technology-driven entertainment such as holographic
mote STEM education and engagement. Foster a sense performances, augmented reality experiences, or interac-
of wonder, curiosity, and enthusiasm for the world of tive games. Highlight the positive aspects of technology,
STEM, inspiring the next generation of scientists, engi- such as its role in solving global challenges, improving
neers, and innovators. accessibility, and fostering innovation. These galas pro-
vide a platform to celebrate technological achievements,
1. “Tech Innovators: Celebrating the Wonders of STEM” promote STEM education, and support organizations
2. “STEM Sparks: Igniting Curiosity and Creativity” driving technological advancements for the betterment
3. “Futuristic Foundations: Building a World of of society.
4. “STEM Symphony: Harmonizing Science, Technol- 1. “Digital Odyssey: Celebrating the Evolution of Tech-
ogy, Engineering, and Math” nology”
5. “Discovery and Design: Exploring the Frontiers of 2. “Tech Titans: Honoring Visionaries of the Digital Age”
STEM” 3. “Innovation Unleashed: Exploring the Future of
6. “STEM Stars: Honoring the Trailblazers of Science Technology”
and Innovation” 4. “Cyber Fusion: Where Art Meets Technology”
7. “Tech Talk Gala: Unveiling the Secrets of Cut- 5. “Code and Creativity: Unveiling the Digital Frontier”
ting-Edge Technology” 6. “Virtual Visions: Journey into the World of Virtual
8. “Engineers of Tomorrow: Inspiring the Next Gener- Reality”
ation of Problem-Solvers” 7. “Robotic Rendezvous: Showcasing the Power of
9. “STEM Solutions: Addressing Global Challenges Automation”
through Science and Innovation” 8. “Tech for Good: Empowering Communities through
10. “Innovate and Imagine: A Journey into the World of Innovation”
STEM” 9. “Data Symphony: Harnessing the Power of
11. “Tech Trailblazers: Paving the Way for a Digital Information”
Future” 10. “Gaming Galore: Immersing in the World of Inter-
12. “STEM Superheroes: Celebrating the Power of Sci- active Entertainment”
entific Exploration” 11. “Future Horizons: Unveiling Tomorrow’s Technol-
13. “Curiosity Unleashed: Embracing the Joy of STEM ogy Today”
Discovery” 12. “AI Illumination: Embracing the Era of Artificial
14. “Tech Titans: A Night of Brilliance and Intelligence”
Breakthroughs” 13. “Tech Chic: Where Fashion Meets Technology”
15. “STEM Renaissance: Bridging the Gap Between 14. “Connectivity Unleashed: Celebrating the Internet Age”
Science and Society” 15. “Digital Dreams: Inspiring the Next Generation of

24 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

Entertainment 17. “Dracula’s Den: Gothic Glamour and Vampire Vibes”
18. “The Secret Garden: Blooming Charity Beneath the
BOOKS 19. “Moby-Dick: A Nautical Night of Adventure and
Immerse yourself in a literary wonderland as you step Giving”
into the enchanting world of books. Transform the 20. “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo: Noir Night for a
venue into a captivating library, adorned with towering Worthy Cause”
bookshelves, vintage leather-bound volumes, and flick-
ering candlelight. Create an atmosphere of intrigue by
incorporating literary elements like quote-covered walls, BROADWAY MUSICALS
typewriter centerpieces, and themed table settings fea- These Broadway-themed fundraising events pay homage
turing famous book titles. Delight guests with interactive to the captivating world of musical theater while sup-
activities such as a storytelling corner, where renowned porting important causes. Set the stage with Broad-
authors share their tales, or a book swap station where way-inspired decor, such as red curtains, stage lights,
attendees can exchange their favorite reads. Encourage and iconic musical props. Feature live performances or
attendees to dress as iconic characters, bringing beloved showcase highlights from beloved musicals to immerse
stories to life. It’s a fundraising event that celebrates the guests in the magic of Broadway. Incorporate interac-
magic of literature, fostering a love for books while sup- tive elements like karaoke, dance workshops, or costume
porting a worthy cause. photo booths to engage attendees in the theatrical expe-
rience. Encourage guests to dress in attire inspired by
1. “Harry Potter’s Wizarding World: A Magical Evening their favorite Broadway shows to add an extra touch of
at Hogwarts” glamour. Highlight the impact of the event’s proceeds on
2. “Alice in Wonderland: Curiouser and Curiouser” the chosen cause, underscoring how the magic of Broad-
3. “The Great Gatsby: Roaring Twenties Extravaganza” way can make a positive difference in the world. Let the
4. “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Sweet Delights event be a celebration of the artistry, passion, and joy that
and Wonka Wonders” Broadway brings, while uniting guests in their love for
5. “The Chronicles of Narnia: Journey to a Fantastical musical theater and philanthropy.
6. “Pride and Prejudice: Regency Romance and Elegance” 1. “Curtain Call: A Night of Broadway Glamour”
7. “The Jungle Book: Wild Adventure in the 2. “Musical Extravaganza: Celebrating the Magic of
Wilderness” Broadway”
8. “The Wizard of Oz: Follow the Yellow Brick Road” 3. “Spotlight Serenade: Honoring the Greatest
9. “The Lord of the Rings: A Mythical Quest for Show-Stoppers”
Charity” 4. “Broadway Lights: A Spectacular Showcase of
10. “To Kill a Mockingbird: Empathy, Justice, and Talent”
Equality” 5. “The Golden Stage: Bringing Broadway to Life”
11. “The Hunger Games: Tribute to Hope and 6. “Song and Dance Soirée: An Evening of Theatrical
Resilience” Delights”
12. “The Little Prince: Whimsical Tales from the Stars” 7. “Broadway Revue: Journey through the Classics”
13. “The Catcher in the Rye: Rebel with a Cause” 8. “The Great Showman Gala: Step into the World of
14. “Winnie-the-Pooh: A Hundred Acre Charity Musical Wonder”
Gathering” 9. “Broadway Blitz: An Epic Night of Legendary
15. “The Fault in Our Stars: Stars of Love and Performances”
Inspiration” 10. “Stage to Stardom: Celebrating the Best of
16. “Sherlock Holmes: Solving Mysteries for a Good Broadway”
Cause” 11. “Showtime Spectacular: Where Dreams Take

25 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

Center Stage” 15. “Hollywood Dreams: Creating Memories that Last
12. “Musical Masterpieces: An Ode to Broadway’s a Lifetime”
13. “The Phantom’s Masquerade: Unmasking the
Beauty of Broadway” HUMOR
14. “Les Misérables Soirée: A Night of Passionate These humor-themed galas are all about bringing joy and
Performances” laughter while supporting important causes. Incorporate
15. “Broadway Symphony: Harmonizing the Melodies stand-up comedy performances, improv acts, or comedy
of the Stage” sketches to entertain guests throughout the evening.
Set a vibrant and lively atmosphere with colorful decor,
whimsical props, and interactive installations. Consider
HOLLYWOOD GLAMOUR hosting a comedy competition or inviting well-known
These Hollywood glamour-inspired themes evoke the comedians as special guests. Incorporate humorous
elegance, charm, and allure of the entertainment indus- elements into the event program, such as funny awards,
try. Incorporate elements such as red carpet entrances, comedic skits, or a “roast” segment. Encourage guests
sophisticated decor, Hollywood-themed activities, and a to embrace the theme by dressing in funny costumes
touch of movie magic to create an atmosphere of luxury or wearing accessories that evoke laughter. Emphasize
and sophistication. Guests can dress up as their favorite the impact of humor in promoting well-being, reliev-
movie stars or characters, enjoy live entertainment, and ing stress, and fostering community connections. These
be transported to the glamour of Hollywood’s golden age. galas create a light-hearted and enjoyable environment
while raising funds for charitable endeavors.
1. “Golden Age Affair: Reliving the Glamour of Old Hol-
lywood” 1. “Laugh Out Loud: A Night of Comedy and Philan-
2. “Red Carpet Elegance: A Night Among the Stars” thropy”
3. “Hollywood Royalty: Celebrating Iconic Film 2. “Funny Fiesta: Where Laughter Takes Center Stage”
Legends” 3. “Comic Capers: Making a Difference One Joke at a
4. “Glamour and Glitz: Embracing the Magic of Time”
Tinseltown” 4. “Humor for a Cause: Spreading Smiles and
5. “Silver Screen Soirée: Where Movie Magic Comes Goodwill”
to Life” 5. “Comedy Carnival: A Hilarious Night of Fun and
6. “Star-Studded Gala: Shining a Spotlight on Style” Giving”
7. “Hollywood Nights: An Evening of Glitter and Glam” 6. “Laughs for a Purpose: Supporting Charities with
8. “Vintage Hollywood: Stepping into the Golden Era Comedy”
of Cinema” 7. “Wit and Whimsy: An Evening of Humorous
9. “Oscar-worthy Celebration: Honoring the Best in Philanthropy”
Glamour” 8. “Jokes for Justice: Making the World a Better Place
10. “Lights, Camera, Couture: A Fashionable Affair with Laughter”
Inspired by Hollywood” 9. “Funny Fundraiser Frenzy: Tickling Funny Bones
11. “Hollywood Legends Ball: Paying Tribute to Film for a Cause”
Icons” 10. “Humorous Hearts: Uniting through Laughter and
12. “Hollywood Glam Gala: Channeling the Allure of Generosity”
Old Hollywood” 11. “Comic Relief Gala: Comedy with a Conscience”
13. “Paparazzi Party: Feeling like a Celebrity for the 12. “Humor Heroes: Celebrating the Power of Laughter
Night” for Good”
14. “Movie Magic Masquerade: Unmasking the 13. “Laugh-a-Thon: Raising Spirits and Funds for
Enchantment of Hollywood” Charities”

26 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

14. “Hilarity for Humanity: Making a Positive Impact 22. “The Little Mermaid: Under the Sea”
with Humor” 23. “Mad Max: Post-Apocalyptic Party”
15. “Comedy for a Better World: Jokes with Purpose” 24. “The Breakfast Club: Back to School Bash”
25. “La La Land: Dancing to the Rhythm of Hollywood”

Step onto the silver screen and experience the magic of MUSIC
cinema with these movie-inspired fundraising events. Set These music-inspired gala themes offer an immersive
the stage for an unforgettable night by transforming the experience that pays tribute to various genres, eras, and
venue into a scene from the chosen film. Bring the movie musical styles. Create a vibrant and dynamic atmosphere
to life with thematic decor, props, and backdrops that with stage performances, live bands, or DJ sets that cap-
transport guests to iconic settings. Encourage attend- ture the essence of the chosen theme. Decorate the venue
ees to dress as their favorite movie characters, adding to with musical notes, instruments, vinyl records, or iconic
the immersive experience. Incorporate elements such symbols associated with the theme. Encourage guests to
as interactive stations, trivia games, and photo booths dress up in outfits inspired by their favorite music genres
that pay homage to memorable movie moments. It’s a or artists. Incorporate interactive elements such as
fundraising extravaganza that celebrates the captivating karaoke, dance floors, or musical trivia games to engage
world of cinema, igniting nostalgia and excitement while attendees. Consider incorporating fundraising activities
supporting charitable causes. that tie into the music theme, such as auctions for signed
memorabilia or experiences with renowned musicians.
1. “Hollywood Glamour: A Night at the Oscars”
2. “Casablanca: Love and Intrigue in the Moroccan 1. “Rock and Roll Extravaganza: Dancing Through the
Desert” Decades”
3. “The Great Gatsby: Roaring Twenties Extravaganza” 2. “Classical Crescendo: An Evening of Refined
4. “Harry Potter’s Wizarding World: A Magical Elegance”
Evening” 3. “Jazz in the Moonlight: Swinging to Support a
5. “Moulin Rouge: An Ode to Bohemian Paris” Cause”
6. “Jurassic Park: Journey to a Prehistoric Era” 4. “Country Serenade: Honoring the Heart of America”
7. “Alice in Wonderland: A Whimsical Wonderland 5. “Hip Hop Fusion: Beats for a Better Future”
Adventure” 6. “Disco Fever: Grooving for Good”
8. “Pirates of the Caribbean: Swashbuckling Sea 7. “Reggae Retreat: Island Vibes for a Purpose”
Adventure” 8. “Broadway Spectacular: Showcasing the Magic of
9. “The Wizard of Oz: Follow the Yellow Brick Road” Musical Theater”
10. “James Bond 007: License to Thrill” 9. “Pop Party: Celebrating Chart-Topping Hits”
11. “Grease: A Rock ‘n’ Roll Party” 10. “Soulful Soiree: Rhythm and Blues for Change”
12. “Star Wars: A Galactic Gala” 11. “Latin Fiesta: Salsa, Samba, and Sangria”
13. “Coco: Celebrating the Day of the Dead” 12. “Rhythm of Africa: Drumming for a Brighter
14. “The Lion King: Majestic African Safari” Tomorrow”
15. “Back to the Future: A Retro Time-Travel 13. “Electric Symphony: Uniting Music and
Experience” Philanthropy”
16. “Avatar: Journey to the Enchanted Pandora” 14. “Acoustic Serenade: Strumming for Social Impact”
17. “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Sweet Delights” 15. “Opera Gala: A Night of Passionate Performances”
18. “Frozen: A Winter Wonderland” 16. “Indie Jam: Celebrating Alternative Sounds for a
19. “The Sound of Music: Alpine Adventure” Cause”
20. “The Jungle Book: Adventures in the Wild” 17. “Piano Virtuoso: Keys to Success in Changing Lives”
21. “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” 18. “Motown Magic: Honoring Legends of Soul”

27 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

19. “EDM Odyssey: Dancing for a Sustainable Future” Retro Gaming”
20. “World Beats: Global Harmony in Melody and 15. “Retro Game Fest: A Gathering of Pixelated Heroes
Purpose” and Heroines”
21. “Brass and Strings: Orchestral Inspiration for a
Better World”
22. “Folklore Tales: Celebrating Cultural Melodies” SUPERHEROES AND COMIC BOOKS
23. “Rockabilly Bash: Retro Rock ‘n’ Roll with a These superhero and comic book-inspired themes bring
Purpose” the colorful and exciting world of superheroes to life.
24. “Gospel Celebration: Voices of Hope and Unity” Incorporate elements such as heroic decorations, inter-
25. “Karaoke for a Cause: Singing Our Way to Change” active experiences, cosplay contests, and storytelling
that captures the essence of these beloved characters.
Encourage guests to embrace their inner hero, celebrate
RETRO VIDEO GAMES their favorite superhero stories, and support causes
These retro video game-inspired themes take guests on aligned with the values of courage, justice, and making
a nostalgic journey back to the golden age of gaming. Set a positive impact.
up arcade-style game stations, decorate with pixel art,
and incorporate elements from iconic games of the past. 1. “Heroes United: Unleashing the Power Within”
Encourage guests to dress up as their favorite video game 2. “Comic Conquest: A Celebration of Superhuman
characters, host gaming tournaments, and provide ret- Feats”
ro-inspired snacks and drinks. Create an atmosphere of 3. “Superhero Soirée: Where Legends Assemble”
joy and excitement as guests reminisce about their favor- 4. “Marvelous Adventures: Exploring the Multiverse
ite gaming moments and celebrate the timeless appeal of of Heroes”
retro video games. 5. “DC vs. Marvel: The Ultimate Showdown Begins”
6. “Caped Crusaders Gala: Honoring Heroic Deeds”
1. “Pixel Party: Stepping into the World of Retro Gaming” 7. “Guardians of Justice: Uniting for a Better World”
2. “Game On Gala: Celebrating the Classics” 8. “Dynamic Duos: Celebrating Iconic Superhero
3. “Retro Arcade Rendezvous: Nostalgia and Fun Partnerships”
Await” 9. “Villains’ Ball: Embracing the Dark Side with Style”
4. “8-Bit Bash: Embracing the Magic of Old School 10. “Heroic Heights: Rising Above Ordinary Limits”
Gaming” 11. “Sidekick Society: Celebrating Unsung Heroes”
5. “Power-Up Palooza: Leveling Up the Party 12. “Superhero Academy: Training the Next Generation
Atmosphere” of Heroes”
6. “Pixelated Paradise: Where Gaming Memories 13. “Action-packed Affair: Where Superpowers Collide”
Come to Life” 14. “Comic Book Couture: Where Fashion Meets
7. “Retro Revolution: A Blast from the Gaming Past” Heroism”
8. “Quest for Fun: Embarking on a Retro Gaming 15. “Secret Identity Ball: Unmasking the Heroes Among Us”
9. “Joystick Jamboree: Gaming, Giggles, and Good
10. “Retro Gamer’s Retreat: A Tribute to Gaming Step into a world of imagination and fun with these
Legends” theme park-inspired fundraising events. Transform the
11. “Arcade Legends Gala: Celebrating Gaming Icons” venue into a magical realm, drawing inspiration from
12. “Retro Rewind: Reliving the Glory Days of Gaming” beloved theme parks and their iconic attractions. Incor-
13. “Pixel Party Paradise: A Colorful Journey through porate whimsical decorations, larger-than-life props, and
Gaming History” vibrant colors to recreate the joyous atmosphere of these
14. “Controller Craze: Getting Lost in the World of destinations. Encourage guests to dress as their favor-

28 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

ite characters or in attire that reflects the theme park porate show-specific activities or interactive experiences
experience. Offer interactive elements such as carnival that immerse attendees in the world of the TV series. It’s
games, live performances, or themed photo booths to a fundraising event that celebrates the power of televi-
engage attendees. It’s a fundraising extravaganza that sion, bringing fans together while supporting charitable
brings the excitement and wonder of theme parks to life causes.
while supporting charitable causes.
1. “Game of Thrones: Night’s Watch Ball”
1. “Enchanted Garden Gala: Where Nature and Magic 2. “Friends: Central Perk Café Party”
Converge.” 3. “Stranger Things: Upside Down Adventure”
2. “Magical Kingdom Masquerade: Step into a World 4. “Downton Abbey: High Society Soiree”
of Fantasy and Wonder.” 5. “The Great British Bake Off: Sweet Delights Gala”
3. “Adventures in Wonderland: Curiouser and Curi- 6. “The Office: Paper Company Mixer”
ouser, Unveiling the Extraordinary.” 7. Mad Men: Retro Cocktail Affair”
4. “Circus of Dreams Charity Ball: Unleashing the 8. “Grey’s Anatomy: Doctors and Nurses Gala”
Magic Under the Big Top.” 9. “Sherlock Holmes: Mystery Masquerade”
5. “Pirates and Philanthropy: Setting Sail for a Cause.” 10. “The Crown: Royal Extravaganza”
6. “Jurassic Journey Fundraiser: Travel Back in Time 11. “Parks and Recreation: Pawnee Paw-some Party”
for an Unforgettable Evening.” 12. “The Walking Dead: Zombie Apocalypse
7. “Whimsical Water Park Soirée: Splashing Fun in Fundraiser”
Support of a Worthy Cause.” 13. “Stranger Things: ‘80s Sci-Fi Spectacular”
8. “Superheroes for a Cause: Unleashing the Power of 14. “Friends: Ross and Rachel Reunion Celebration”
Giving.” 15. “The Big Bang Theory: Nerd Night Out”
9. “Fairy Tale Fantasy Fête: Where Dreams Come 16. “Downton Abbey: Afternoon Tea Soiree”
True.” 17. “Black Mirror: Futuristic Technology Gala”
10. “Wild Safari Charity Safari: Embark on an Extraor- 18. “Blockbuster Bash: Lights, Camera, Action!”
dinary Wildlife Adventure.” 19. “Doctor Who: Time and Space Gala”
11. “Space Odyssey Benefit Bash: Journey to the Stars 20. “Gossip Girl: Upper East Side Glamour”
for a Stellar Cause.” 21. “The Simpsons: Springfield Shenanigans”
12. “Mystical Midway Gala: Where Magic and Mystery 22. “The Office: Dundie Awards Night”
Meet.” 23. “Sex and the City: Cosmopolitan Soirée”
13. “Under the Big Top Fundraising Circus: A Spectacle 24. “House of Cards: Political Power Dinner”
of Giving and Entertainment.” 25. “Friends: Thanksgiving Friendsgiving”
14. “Adventureland Adventure: Embrace the Thrill of
Exploration and Philanthropy.”
15. “Sci-Fi Spectacular Soirée: Unveiling the Future Environmental / Nature
through Imagination and Charity.”

TV SHOWS These gala themes provide opportunities to raise aware-
Step into the realm of television and bring your favorite ness, inspire action, and foster a sense of urgency in
TV shows to life with these themed fundraising events. addressing climate change. Choose a theme that aligns
Set the stage with decorations that pay homage to the with your organization’s mission and goals, and use the
chosen show, whether it’s recreating iconic settings or gala as a platform to engage attendees in meaningful
incorporating signature elements. Encourage guests to conversations about the environment and sustainable
embrace the theme by dressing as their beloved charac- practices.
ters or in attire inspired by the show’s era or style. Incor-

29 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

1. “Planet in Peril: A Call to Action for a Sustainable 1. “Mirage Gala: Illusions of Generosity”
Future” 2. “Desert Oasis: Journey of Philanthropy”
2. “Eco-Warriors Unite: Champions of Change for a 3. “Sands of Hope: Empowering Communities in the
Greener World” Desert”
3. “Green Gala: Embracing Sustainability, Shaping a 4. “Arabian Nights: A Magical Evening of Giving”
Better Tomorrow” 5. “Serenity in the Sand: Unleashing the Power of the
4. “Climate Champions: Honoring Leaders in the Desert”
Battle Against Climate Change” 6. “Sunset Soiree: Embracing the Warmth of Desert
5. “Earth’s Symphony: Harmonizing Nature and Cli- Philanthropy”
mate Advocacy” 7. “Dune Dreams: Shaping a Brighter Future”
6. “Guardians of the Earth: Preserving Our Planet, 8. “Golden Sands Gala: Transforming Lives, One Grain
Inspiring Global Action” at a Time”
7. “Sustainable Soiree: Redefining Elegance with Sus- 9. “Desert Bloom: Cultivating Change in Arid Lands”
tainable Living” 10. “Sahara Splendor: Celebrating the Spirit of Giving”
8. “Climate Couture: Where Fashion Meets Sustain- 11. “Cactus and Cocktails: Prickly Pear Philanthropy”
able Revolution” 12. “Desert Treasures: Unveiling the Jewels of
9. “Green Gala Under the Stars: An Evening of Natural Generosity”
Splendor and Environmental Awareness” 13. “Nomadic Nights: Roaming for a Cause”
10. “Carbon-Free Celebration: Leading the Way 14. “Desert Rhythms: Harmonizing Communities
Towards a Zero-Impact Future” through Giving”
11. “Climate Connections: Unveiling the Web of Life, 15. “Sandstorm Soiree: Embracing the Power of the
Inspiring Climate Consciousness” Desert”
12. “Seeds of Change: Cultivating a Sustainable Future
Through Regenerative Practices”
13. “Future Forward: Innovating Solutions for a Cli- ENVIRONMENT AND ANIMALS
mate-Resilient World” These gala themes celebrate the importance of environ-
14. “Climate Comedy Night: Laughter for a Cause, mental conservation and animal welfare. They emphasize
Inspiring Climate Action” the beauty of nature, the urgency of protecting biodiver-
15. “A Breath of Fresh Air: Pioneering Clean Air Initia- sity, and the need for sustainable practices. Incorporate
tives, Breathing Life into the Future” eco-friendly decor, educational displays, interactive
experiences, and fundraising initiatives to raise aware-
ness and support for environmental and animal-related
DESERT causes. Encourage guests to become stewards of the
These desert-inspired galas create an enchanting atmo- Earth, promoting a harmonious relationship between
sphere reminiscent of the vast and awe-inspiring land- humans, animals, and the environment.
scapes. Decorate the venue with warm earth tones, suc-
culents, cacti, and desert flowers. Incorporate elements 1. “Nature’s Symphony: Preserving the Harmony of
of Middle Eastern or desert-inspired architecture and Wildlife and Wilderness”
design. Serve a fusion of international cuisine with fla- 2. “Guardians of the Earth: Protecting and Restoring
vors inspired by desert regions. Consider incorporating Our Natural Heritage”
traditional music and dance performances from desert 3. “Wild Wonder: Celebrating the Beauty and Diver-
cultures. Encourage guests to dress in desert chic attire, sity of Wildlife”
featuring flowing fabrics, desert-inspired prints, and gold 4. “Eco-Revolution: Inspiring Action for a Sustainable
accents. Use the gala as an opportunity to raise funds Future”
for initiatives related to desert conservation, sustainable 5. “Paw Prints of Change: Advocating for Animal Wel-
development, or support for communities in arid regions. fare and Conservation”

30 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

6. “Earth’s Voice: Amplifying the Call for Environmen- decor, hay bales, and farm equipment as props. Incorpo-
tal Stewardship” rate farm-to-table cuisine, locally sourced ingredients,
7. “Conservation Nation: Empowering Communities and activities that showcase sustainable farming prac-
to Protect Our Planet” tices. Raise funds to support farmers, promote agricul-
8. “Wings of Freedom: Honoring Birds and the Vitality tural education, and advocate for policies that protect
of Flight” and empower farming communities.
9. “Oceanic Treasures: Preserving Marine Life and
Ecosystems” 1. “Harvest Home Gala: Celebrating the Bounty of the
10. “Seeds of Sustainability: Cultivating a Greener Farm”
Future” 2. “Fields of Promise: Growing Together for a Sustain-
11. “Harmony in Habitat: Embracing Coexistence with able Future”
Wildlife” 3. “Farm to Table Feast: Nourishing Communities
12. “Protecting Paradise: Defending Endangered Spe- from Seed to Plate”
cies and Their Habitats” 4. “Barnyard Bash: A Hoedown of Fun and Farm-
13. “Roars of Change: Preserving the Majestic World of Filled Delights”
Big Cats” 5. “Cultivating Change: Empowering Farmers and
14. “Awe of the Arctic: Honoring the Wonders of Polar Rural Communities”
Regions” 6. “Country Charm Soirée: Embracing the Rustic
15. “Forests of Hope: Sustaining Life through Forest Beauty of Farm Life”
Conservation” 7. “From Soil to Success: Honoring the Resilience of
16. “Guardians of the Sea: Protecting Marine Biodiver- Agricultural Endeavors”
sity and Coral Reefs” 8. “Farmyard Frolic: A Festive Gathering of Farm-
17. “Sustainable Steps: Walking Towards a Greener Themed Fun”
Tomorrow” 9. “Sow and Reap: Supporting Sustainable Agriculture
18. “Harmony at Home: Promoting Sustainable Living Practices”
Practices” 10. “Farmstead Fête: A Celebration of Farming Heritage
19. “Resilient Oceans, Vibrant Future: Advocating for and Innovation”
Marine Conservation” 11. “Harvest Moon Gala: Embracing the Richness of
20. “Voices for the Voiceless: Advocating for Animal Rural Traditions”
Rights and Welfare” 12. “Farmyard Fairytale: Where Farm Life Meets
21. “From Deserts to Rainforests: Celebrating the Whimsy and Wonder”
Diversity of Ecosystems” 13. “Seeds of Change: Cultivating a Brighter Future for
22. “Sustaining Serenity: Preserving Tranquility in Farmers”
Natural Spaces” 14. “The Farmer’s Market: Showcasing the Fruits of
23. “Earth’s Treasures: Honoring Rare and Endangered Local Agriculture”
Species” 15. “Rural Roots: Celebrating the Vitality and Contribu-
24. “Harmony in Motion: Balancing Conservation and tions of Farming Communities”
25. “Greening Communities: Inspiring Sustainable
Practices Locally” FLOWERS
These flower-inspired galas create a whimsical and
enchanting atmosphere, celebrating the beauty and sym-
FARMS bolism of flowers. Decorate the venue with an abundance
These gala themes honor the hard work, resilience, and of fresh flowers, floral centerpieces, and lush greenery.
contributions of farmers and the agricultural industry. Incorporate flower-related activities, such as a flower
Create a charming farm-inspired ambiance with rustic arranging station or a live flower auction. Offer floral-in-

31 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

spired cocktails and cuisine featuring edible flowers and tion. These galas celebrate the beauty and transformative
garden-fresh ingredients. Consider hosting the event in a power of nature while raising awareness and support for
botanical garden or a venue with a picturesque outdoor gardening-related causes.
space. Emphasize the impact of the gala on community
projects and initiatives. Encourage attendees to dress in 1. “Blossoming Dreams: Cultivating Hope and Growth”
their floral best, showcasing their creativity and adding 2. “Enchanted Gardens: Where Magic Meets Nature”
to the overall ambiance. These galas provide an opportu- 3. “Seeds of Change: Nurturing Our Community”
nity to immerse oneself in the natural splendor of flowers 4. “Garden of Gratitude: Celebrating Nature’s Gifts”
while supporting important causes and making a positive 5. “Blooming Together: Cultivating Unity and
difference. Harmony”
6. “Garden of Dreams: Planting Seeds for a Bright
1. “Blooming Benevolence: A Floral Affair” Future”
2. “Petals of Purpose: Cultivating Change” 7. “Floral Fantasy: A Whimsical Garden Soiree”
3. “Garden Gala: Blossoming for a Better World” 8. “Garden of Generosity: Growing a Stronger
4. “Flower Power Soirée: Nurturing Communities” Community”
5. “Floral Fantasy Ball: An Evening of Natural Beauty” 9. “Harvest of Hope: Celebrating Abundance and
6. “A Garden of Giving: Uniting Through Flowers” Resilience”
7. “Enchanted Blooms: Celebrating Nature’s Elegance” 10. “Secret Garden: Unveiling Nature’s Hidden
8. “Botanical Bliss: Sowing Seeds of Generosity” Treasures”
9. “Floral Fiesta: Vibrant Colors, Lasting Impact” 11. “Botanical Bliss: A Night in Nature’s Embrace”
10. “A Bouquet of Hope: Inspiring Growth and 12. “Garden Gala: Where Beauty and Philanthropy
Transformation” Flourish”
11. “Flower Fields of Philanthropy: A Harvest of 13. “Garden Party Soirée: Where Elegance Meets
Compassion” Greenery”
12. “Garden of Gratitude: Cultivating Community 14. “Rooted in Purpose: Growing Sustainable
Support” Communities”
13. “Blooms for a Cause: Petals of Positivity” 15. “Garden Oasis: A Tranquil Escape from the
14. “Flower Haven Gala: Where Giving Blossoms” Everyday”
15. “The Secret Garden: Unveiling the Power of Giving” 16. “Flourishing Futures: Sowing Seeds of Opportunity”
17. “Garden of Compassion: Cultivating Acts of Kindness”
18. “Nature’s Palette: A Colorful Journey Through
For these gardening-themed galas, create an ambiance 19. “Growing Together: Nurturing Bonds and
reminiscent of a lush garden. Incorporate floral dec- Connections”
orations, vibrant colors, and natural elements such as 20. “Garden Enchantment: Where Fairy Tales Come to
potted plants, hanging baskets, and cascading vines. Life”
Offer interactive experiences like garden-inspired art 21. “Harmony in Bloom: Celebrating the Beauty of
installations, plant-your-own herbs or flowers stations, Diversity”
or floral arrangement workshops. Consider incorporat- 22. “Garden of Wellness: Cultivating Health and
ing a garden-to-table dining experience, where guests Well-being”
can savor fresh and locally sourced ingredients. High- 23. “Sustainable Gardens: Embracing Eco-Friendly
light the importance of sustainability and environmental Living”
stewardship by showcasing eco-friendly practices and 24. “Floral Delights: A Feast for the Senses”
initiatives. Collaborate with local garden clubs or horti- 25. “In Full Bloom: Honoring Growth and
cultural societies to host educational sessions on garden- Transformation”
ing techniques, plant care, and environmental conserva-

32 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

MOUNTAINS incorporating natural elements like trees and plants,
These mountain-inspired galas create a sense of awe and and using color schemes inspired by the park’s scen-
wonder, capturing the beauty and grandeur of mountain ery. Offer a menu that highlights local and sustainable
landscapes. Decorate the venue with elements inspired ingredients, reflecting the regional cuisine near each
by nature, such as lush greenery, wood accents, and park. Consider incorporating interactive exhibits, virtual
mountain-inspired art installations. Incorporate rustic reality experiences, and guest speakers who can share
and cozy elements that evoke the feeling of being in a stories and insights about the wonders of each National
mountain lodge. Serve a menu inspired by local mountain Park. Encourage guests to dress in attire inspired by the
cuisine and flavors. Consider incorporating live perfor- park’s surroundings, whether it’s hiking gear, outdoor
mances or entertainment inspired by mountain cultures, adventure clothing, or elegant nature-inspired outfits.
such as traditional music or dance. Encourage guests to Through these galas, attendees can immerse themselves
dress in elegant attire with touches of mountain-inspired in the beauty of our National Parks while supporting the
elements, such as textures reminiscent of wool or earthy preservation and conservation efforts that protect these
colors. Use the gala as an opportunity to raise funds for natural treasures.
initiatives related to environmental conservation, out-
door education, or support for mountain communities. 1. “Wilderness Wonderland: Celebrating America’s
National Parks”
1. “Summit of Generosity: Reaching New Heights” 2. “Yosemite Serenade: A Night of Majestic
2. “Alpine Elegance: A Night Amongst the Peaks” Landscapes”
3. “Majestic Peaks: Elevating Philanthropy” 3. “Yellowstone Adventure: Exploring Nature’s
4. “Mountain Mystique: Unleashing the Power of Wonderland”
Giving” 4. “Grand Canyon Spectacular: A Journey into the
5. “Peaks of Hope: Scaling New Philanthropic Heights” Depths”
6. “Cascade Celebration: Inspiring Change in the 5. “Glacier Gala: Frozen Beauty and Alpine Wonders”
Mountains” 6. “Zion Oasis: An Evening of Red Rocks and Hidden
7. “Rocky Mountain Gala: Strengthening Trails”
Communities” 7. “Everglades Escape: Journey Through the Florida
8. “Snow-Capped Splendor: Illuminating the Path of Wilderness”
Giving” 8. “Rocky Mountain Majesty: Peaks, Lakes, and Alpine
9. “High Altitude Hearts: Uniting for a Greater Cause” Delights”
10. “Peaks and Valleys: A Journey of Generosity” 9. “Denali Dreams: Conquering the Land of the Mid-
11. “Mountaintop Masquerade: Unveiling the Spirit of night Sun”
Giving” 10. “Great Smoky Mountain Retreat: Nature’s
12. “Alpine Adventure: Navigating the Path of Sanctuary”
Philanthropy” 11. “Olympic Dreams: Celebrating Coastal Splendor and
13. “Eternal Summit: Inspiring Change for Generations” Rainforests”
14. “Mountain Melodies: Harmonizing Communities 12. “Sequoia Soiree: Among the Giants of the Forest”
through Giving” 13. “Acadia Adventure: Exploring the Jewel of the East
15. “Summit Soirée: Celebrating the Power of the Coast”
Mountains” 14. “Hawai’i Volcanoes Voyage: Embracing the Power
of the Islands”
15. “Badlands Bliss: Unveiling the Beauty of Desert
For these National Park-themed galas, decorate the
venue with elements that reflect the unique character-
istics of each park, such as recreating iconic landmarks,

33 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

OCEAN to embrace the theme by dressing in attire inspired by
These ocean-inspired galas transport attendees to the plant motifs or colors. Incorporate plant-inspired activ-
wonders of the sea, creating a captivating and immer- ities, such as DIY terrarium workshops, plant auctions,
sive experience. Decorate the venue with shades of or botanical art exhibitions. It’s a fundraising event that
blue, shimmering accents, and seashell embellishments. celebrates the magnificence of plants while promoting
Incorporate nautical elements such as ropes, anchors, environmental awareness and supporting charitable
and sailboat motifs. Serve seafood-inspired cuisine and causes.
signature cocktails with ocean-themed names. Consider
hosting the event near the waterfront or at a venue with 1. “Enchanted Garden Gala: Where Nature and Magic
a panoramic ocean view. Showcase the importance of Converge.”
ocean conservation and raise funds for marine-related 2. “Tropical Paradise Soiree: Embrace the Exotic
initiatives. Encourage guests to dress in beach formal Charms of the Tropics.”
attire or incorporate oceanic elements into their outfits. 3. “Secret Garden Masquerade: Unveiling the Myster-
These galas provide an opportunity to support causes ies of a Hidden Wonderland.”
related to marine life, environmental sustainability, and 4. “Botanical Ballroom Affair: Dancing Amongst the
ocean conservation while celebrating the beauty and Blooms.”
power of the ocean. 5. “Blooming Blossoms Banquet: A Floral Feast for the
1. “Under the Sea Soiree: Deep Dive into Philanthropy” 6. “Woodland Whimsy Wonderland: Enter a Fairytale
2. “Oceanic Wonders: Waves of Hope and Compassion” Forest of Delights.”
3. “Seaside Serenade: A Coastal Celebration of Giving” 7. “Vineyard Vine Celebration: Toasting to the Fruits
4. Treasures of the Deep: Unveiling the Power of the of the Earth.”
Ocean” 8. “Succulent Serenade Soiree: A Celebration of
5. “Beachside Benefaction: Tides of Change” Nature’s Resilience.”
6. “Marine Magic Gala: Making Waves for a Better 9. “Bamboo Grove Gathering: Discover the Serenity of
World” the Orient.”
7. “Sail into Giving: Anchored in Community Support” 10. “Mystical Moss Magic: Unveiling the Beauty of
8. “Aquatic Adventure: Diving into Charity” Nature’s Carpet.”
9. “Sea Breeze Soiree: Coastal Elegance for a Cause” 11. “Fern Forest Fête: Stepping into the Lush Greenery
10. “Ocean Odyssey: Charting a Course for of Enchantment.”
Philanthropy” 12. “Orchid Elegance Extravaganza: Adorned in
11. “Beyond the Blue: Exploring Ocean Conservation” Nature’s Most Exquisite Blooms.”
12. “Tropical Tides: A Night of Oceanic Generosity” 13. “Sunflower Sunrise Fiesta: Basking in the Warmth
13. “Coastal Connections: Building Bridges through of Nature’s Radiance.”
Giving” 14. “Lotus Lake Gala: A Serene Evening of Tranquility
14. “Wave of Compassion: Surfing for a Better Future” and Beauty.”
15. “Deep Sea Delight: Illuminating Ocean Advocacy” 15. “Cactus Couture Charity Event: Celebrating the
Resilience of Desert Blooms.”
16. “Rose Petal Romance Ball: A Whirlwind of Love
PLANTS and Fragrant Blooms.”
Step into a lush and vibrant world of plants with these 17. “Evergreen Enchantment Evening: Immerse in the
themed fundraising events. Transform the venue into a Timeless Splendor of Evergreens.”
botanical paradise, incorporating elements such as floral 18. “Wildflower Wonders Gala: Celebrating the Vibrant
arches, hanging plants, and cascading greenery. Create an Tapestry of Native Blooms.”
enchanting ambiance with soft lighting and natural tex- 19. “Meadow Dreams Masquerade: Lose Yourself in the
tures that evoke the beauty of nature. Encourage guests Whimsy of Meadow Magic.”

34 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

20. “Rainforest Rendezvous: Journey into the Heart of 10. “Verdant Visions: Exploring the Splendor of Trees”
Biodiversity and Green Majesty.” 11. “Trunk Tales: Sharing Stories of Connection and
21. “Herb Garden Harvest Dinner: Savor the Flavors of Growth”
Nature’s Bounty.” 12. “Woodland Wonders: Celebrating the Wonders of
22. “Tulip Tango Tea Party: Dancing amidst a Sea of Forests”
Colorful Tulips.” 13. “Boughs of Blessings: Fostering Gratitude and
23. “Blossom Bouquet Banquet: A Grand Feast Amidst a Abundance”
Sea of Petals.” 14. “Treehouse Treasures: Igniting Imagination and
24. “Palm Paradise: Basking in the Tropical Bliss of Adventure”
Palm Trees and Serene Sands.” 15. “Foliage Fiesta: Vibrant Colors, Endless Possibilities”
25. “Carnation Carnival Celebration: Revel in the
Joyous Festivity of Carnations.”
These wilderness-inspired gala themes offer a range
TREES of captivating experiences for your nonprofit event.
These tree-themed fundraising events celebrate the Whether you’re seeking an enchanting forest ambiance,
beauty, importance, and wonder of trees in our lives. a thrilling safari adventure, or a majestic mountain set-
Create a natural and serene atmosphere with earthy ting, these themes provide a captivating backdrop for
tones, leafy decorations, and sustainable materials. an unforgettable evening. From immersive woodland
Incorporate elements of nature, such as potted plants, environments to coastal escapes and wildlife encoun-
tree-inspired centerpieces, or even a mini indoor garden, ters, each theme promises to transport your guests to the
to immerse guests in a forest-like ambiance. Showcase heart of nature while supporting your cause. Embark on
the significance of trees in environmental conservation a remarkable journey through the wilderness with these
and community well-being, highlighting reforestation gala themes that celebrate the beauty and wonder of our
efforts, sustainable practices, and educational initiatives. natural world.
Provide opportunities for guests to contribute to tree
planting projects or support organizations dedicated to 1. “Wilderness Wanderlust: Embrace the Untamed
preserving forests and green spaces. Let the event inspire Beauty”
a deep appreciation for the natural world, fostering a 2. “Nature’s Splendor: Celebrating the Majesty of the
sense of responsibility and care for our environment and Great Outdoors”
the trees that sustain us. 3. “Roaming Free: Where Adventure Meets
1. “Enchanted Grove: Embracing the Magic of Nature” 4. “Wild at Heart: Unleashing Passion for the Natural
2. “Tree of Life Gala: Celebrating Growth and World”
Renewal” 5. “Enchanted Forest Gala: A Night of Magic and
3. “Forest Whispers: Unveiling the Secrets of the Conservation”
Woodlands” 6. “Trailblazers Unite: Paving the Way for a Sustain-
4. “Canopy of Hope: Nurturing Communities and able Future”
Conservation” 7. “Into the Wild: Exploring Nature’s Wonders
5. “Branches of Unity: Strengthening Bonds through Together”
Nature” 8. “Wildlife Warriors: Protecting and Preserving
6. “Timber and Ties: Honoring the Roots of Resilience” Earth’s Biodiversity”
7. “Arboreal Elegance: A Night of Natural Beauty” 9. “Mountain Majesty: A Peak Experience for
8. “Roots to Reach: Inspiring Dreams and Aspirations” Conservation”
9. “Leaves of Change: Empowering Environmental 10. “Nature’s Symphony: Harmony in the Wilderness”
Stewardship” 11. “Rivers of Hope: Flowing Towards a Greener

35 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

Tomorrow” Supporting Causes”
12. “Wild Horizons: Inspiring a Love for the Untamed 9. “Rollercoaster of Impact: Riding High on
Wilderness” Philanthropy”
13. “Starlight Safari: A Twilight Journey Through the 10. “Carnival of Compassion: Games, Rides, and Acts of
Wilderness” Kindness”
14. “Earth’s Tapestry: Weaving a Future with Wilder- 11. . “Carnival by the Sea: Nautical Delights, Coastal
ness Preservation” Charity”
15. “Oasis of Serenity: Celebrating the Healing Power of 12. “Jugglers and Jesters: A Playful Night for a Purpose”
the Wild” 13. “Fireworks Frenzy: Lighting up the Night, Igniting
14. “Trapeze for Transformation: Soaring to New
Festivals Heights, Changing Lives”
15. “Ferris Wheel of Fortune: Spinning Generosity, Cre-
ating Opportunities”
These carnival-themed fundraising events capture the
thrill and joy of a whimsical fairground while inspiring CASINO NIGHTS
support for important causes. Transform the venue into These casino night themes capture the excitement and
a vibrant carnival atmosphere, complete with colorful glamour of a casino experience. Set up gaming tables,
decorations, playful games, and lively entertainment. slot machines, and a lively atmosphere reminiscent of
Incorporate classic carnival elements like cotton candy Las Vegas. Encourage guests to dress up in elegant attire,
stands, popcorn machines, and photo booths to enhance play casino games, and enjoy the thrill of gambling with-
the nostalgic experience. Create a sense of adventure out real money. Incorporate elements such as showgirls,
by offering thrilling rides or interactive attractions that live entertainment, and a raffle or auction to enhance
engage attendees. Emphasize the philanthropic aspect the casino ambiance and make it a memorable evening.
by integrating opportunities to donate or participate in
fundraising games and activities. Let the festive ambi- 1. “High Stakes Soirée: A Night of Casino Glamour”
ance ignite the spirit of generosity and create lasting 2. “Casino Royale: Where Luck and Luxury Meet”
memories for attendees. As the lights of the carnival 3. “Ace of Spades Affair: Playing the Game of Chance”
shine, may the impact of the event bring hope and trans- 4. “All-In Celebration: Betting on Fun and Excitement”
formation to those in need. 5. “Jackpot Jubilee: Chasing Fortune and Fortune”
6. “Glittering Casino Gala: Embracing the Vegas Vibe”
1. “Carnival Spectacular: A Night of Whimsy and 7. “Winning Wonderland: A Night of Lucky Surprises”
Wonder” 8. “Casino Magic: Where Cards and Chips Rule”
2. “Big Top Extravaganza: Unleashing Joy, Creating 9. “Roll the Dice Bash: Taking Risks for a Good Cause”
Impact” 10. “Card Shark Casino: A Night of Strategy and Skill”
3. “Circus of Dreams: Where Imagination Takes 11. “Casino Lights, City Nights: Embracing the Thrill of
Center Stage” the Casino Floor”
4. “Midway Magic: Thrills, Laughter, and Generosity” 12. “Spin and Win Soirée: A Night of Casino Games and
5. “Carousel Gala: Spinning Hope, Transforming Prizes”
Lives” 13. “Gamblers’ Paradise: Celebrating the Thrills of
6. “Funhouse Fiesta: A Whirlwind of Giving and Good Casino Entertainment”
Times” 14. “Casino Elegance: Where Sophistication Meets
7. “Carnival Under the Stars: Illuminating Smiles, Luck”
Empowering Change” 15. “Betting on Success: Raising the Stakes for a Worthy
8. “Cotton Candy Dreams: Sweetening Lives, Cause”

36 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

These circus-themed fundraising events transport guests These fancy gala themes evoke an air of sophistication
into a world of wonder, where generosity takes center and luxury. Create an elegant ambiance with stunning
stage. Transform the venue into a captivating circus set- decor, such as elaborate floral arrangements, crystal
ting with vibrant colors, whimsical decorations, and larg- chandeliers, and lush drapery. Use a color palette of
er-than-life props. Engage attendees with mesmerizing rich and regal hues like gold, silver, deep red, or royal
performances from acrobats, jugglers, and contortionists, blue. Encourage guests to dress in their most glamorous
showcasing the talents of circus arts. Create interactive attire, like formal gowns and tuxedos. Consider adding
experiences such as carnival games, face painting, or bal- elements of entertainment, such as a live orchestra, ball-
loon art to engage guests of all ages. Incorporate a sense room dancing, or a celebrity guest speaker. Enhance the
of purpose by highlighting the impact of the event on fundraising experience with exclusive auction items
the chosen cause and providing opportunities for guests like luxury vacations, fine art pieces, or VIP experiences.
to contribute and make a difference. Let the magic and Incorporate gourmet cuisine, premium beverages, and
spectacle of the circus inspire generosity, leaving attend- signature cocktails to add to the overall upscale atmo-
ees with memories of an extraordinary evening and a sphere.
shared commitment to creating positive change.
1. “Enchanted Evening: A Night of Mystique and Glam-
1. “Greatest Show on Earth: A Night of Wonder and our”
Giving” 2. “Masquerade Ball: Unmasking Elegance for a Cause”
2. “Circus Extravaganza: Unleashing Joy, Inspiring 3. “Black Tie Affair: A Celebration of Opulence and
Change” Philanthropy”
3. “Under the Big Top: Where Dreams Come to Life” 4. “Diamond Soirée: Sparkling Gems for a Brighter
4. “Cirque du Gala: A Spectacular Evening of Future”
Generosity” 5. “Garden of Elegance: A Floral Fantasy of Giving”
5. “Carnival of Stars: Sparkling Performances, 6. “A Night of Splendor: Celebrating Charitable
Empowering Causes” Brilliance”
6. “Circus Magic: Enchanting Hearts, Transforming 7. “Rendezvous in Paris: An Evening of French
Lives” Sophistication”
7. “Marvels and Wonders: An Extraordinary Night of 8. “Royal Gala: Where Philanthropy Meets Regal
Philanthropy” Grandeur”
8. “Twirling Tassels and Top Hats: Stepping into the 9. “Crystal Gala: Shimmering Crystals, Radiant
Circus Realm” Generosity”
9. “Clowning for a Cause: Laughter, Love, and Giving 10. “Gatsby’s Secret: Roaring Twenties Extravaganza”
Back” 11. “Couture Charity: Fashionably Changing Lives”
10. “Spectacular Stunts and Smiles: Supporting Our 12. “Venetian Masquerade: A Night of Mystery and
Community” Philanthropy”
11. “Aerial Delights: Soaring High on the Wings of 13. “Hollywood Glam: Lights, Camera, Philanthropy!”
Generosity” 14. “Elegant Symphony: Harmonizing Generosity and
12. “Ringmaster’s Ball: Leading the Way to Hope and Grace”
Compassion” 15. “Champagne Soirée: Toasting to Charitable
13. “Acrobats of Impact: Flipping the Script on Social Excellence”
14. “Magical Circus Moments: Creating Memories,
Changing Lives”
15. “Daring Feats of Philanthropy: Embracing the
Circus Spirit”

37 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

These formal black tie affairs embody the epitome of ele- These joyful and fun-themed galas will create unfor-
gance and sophistication. Create an atmosphere of luxury gettable experiences for your guests. From the colorful
with exquisite decorations, lavish floral arrangements, spectacles of a carnival and the whimsical enchantment
and refined table settings. Encourage guests to dress in of an enchanted garden to the vibrant celebrations of a
their finest black tie attire, showcasing timeless style and fiesta and the glamour of Hollywood, these themes offer
glamour. Incorporate live music or a symphony orchestra a range of options to suit different preferences. Transport
to set the mood for the evening. Provide opportunities your guests to a fantasy world with a fête of imagination
for guests to support charitable causes through silent or invite them to a masquerade ball filled with mystique
auctions or donation drives. Elevate the dining experi- and intrigue. Bring the laughter and thrills of a circus
ence with gourmet cuisine and fine wines. Ensure that extravaganza or the lively carnival atmosphere of Mardi
every detail exudes refinement and creates an enchanting Gras. For a more laid-back experience, host a beach party
ambiance that leaves guests feeling truly indulged. bash or take them back to the groovy days of retro roller
1. “Midnight Masquerade: A Timeless Affair of Ele-
gance” 1. “Carnival Celebration: A Colorful Spectacle of Joy
2. “Opulence Unleashed: A Night of Black Tie and Merriment”
Splendor” 2. “Enchanted Garden: A Whimsical Wonderland of
3. “Glamour and Grace: Celebrating in Classic Magic and Delight”
Elegance” 3. “Tropical Paradise: Escaping to a Sun-Kissed Oasis
4. “Majestic Soirée: A Grand Gala of Black Tie of Fun”
Magnificence” 4. “Fiesta Fiesta: A Festive Fiesta of Vibrant
5. “The Black Diamond Ball: Radiance and Celebrations”
Refinement” 5. “Hollywood Glam: An Evening of Glitz, Glamour,
6. “Starlit Serenade: Dancing under the Sparkling and Starry Delights”
Night Sky” 6. “Fantasy Fête: Unleashing Imagination and Fantasy
7. “Rhapsody in Black: A Symphony of Style and in a Magical Setting”
Sophistication” 7. “Masquerade Ball: A Mystical Affair of Masks and
8. “The Royal Gala: A Regal Night of Extravagance” Intrigue”
9. “Radiant Reverie: Basking in the Glamour of Black 8. “Circus Extravaganza: Where Big Top Thrills and
Tie Glamour” Laughter Abound”
10. “Enchanted Evening: Where Dreams and Luxury 9. “Mardi Gras Madness: A Lively Carnival of Color
Unite” and Revelry”
11. “Timeless Tuxedos and Tiaras: An Evening of Black 10. “Beach Party Bash: Riding the Waves of Fun and
Tie Opulence” Relaxation”
12. “Classic Couture: A Fashionable Affair of Black Tie 11. “Retro Roller Disco: Skating Back to the Groovy
Excellence” Days of Roller Rinks”
13. “Regal Resplendence: A Night of Black Tie Royalty” 12. “Whimsical Wonderland: A Delightful Journey
14. “Elegance Unveiled: Stepping into a World of through an Imaginary World”
Refined Beauty” 13. “Cosmic Carnival: An Interstellar Adventure of Fun
15. “Noir Affair: Embracing the Allure of Black Tie and Wonder”
Enchantment” 14. “Boardwalk Bonanza: Bringing the Beachfront Fun
to Your Event”
15. “Rock ‘n’ Roll Revival: Dancing and Singing to the
Hits of the Decades”

38 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

MARDI GRAS/CARNIVAL rience. Encourage guests to wear neon or white clothing
These Mardi Gras and carnival-inspired themes capture that glows under blacklight, ensuring a night filled with
the lively spirit and vibrant atmosphere of these fes- bright colors and unforgettable memories.
tive celebrations. Create an ambiance with bold colors,
masks, beads, and lively music that reflect the energetic 1. “Electric Neon Nights: A Radiant Dance Party”
traditions of New Orleans and other carnival destina- 2. “Neon Glow Extravaganza: Illuminating the Night”
tions. Encourage guests to dress in flamboyant costumes, 3. “Glow in the Dark Bash: A Luminous Celebration”
host a parade, offer Cajun-inspired cuisine, and provide 4. “Neon Dreams: Vibrant Colors, Endless Fun”
entertainment that immerses guests in the festive spirit 5. “Neon Beats: Grooving to the Pulse of the Party”
of Mardi Gras. 6. “Glow Party Paradise: Where the Night Shines
1. “Mardi Gras Madness: Reveling in the Magic of New 7. “Neon Fusion Fiesta: A Kaleidoscope of Colors”
Orleans” 8. “Electric Vibes: Igniting the Dance Floor with Neon
2. “Carnival Celebration: A Vibrant Fiesta of Colors Energy”
and Dance” 9. “Neon Wonderland: Stepping into a World of Fluo-
3. “Masquerade Ball: Unmasking the Mystery of rescent Delights”
Mardi Gras” 10. “Glow-tastic Gala: Glowing, Dancing, and Having a
4. “Krewe Carnival: Joining the Parade of Festive Fun” Blast”
5. “Jazz and Jambalaya: A Taste of New Orleans’ Rich 11. “Neon Nightscape: Creating a Lively and Dazzling
Culture” Atmosphere”
6. “Mardi Gras Masquerade: Where Fantasy Meets 12. “Glow Mania: Embracing the Glow from Head to
Tradition” Toe”
7. “Samba Spectacular: Dancing to the Rhythms of 13. “Neon Rave Rendezvous: A Night of High-Energy
Brazil” Revelry”
8. “Colorful Carnivale: Embracing the Spirit of 14. “Radiant Neon Revels: Where Fun Takes a Lumi-
Festivity” nous Turn”
9. “Flamboyant Fantasia: A Night of Flamboyant Fun” 15. “Neon Glow Spectacular: Lighting Up the Night
10. “Cajun Carnival: Celebrating Louisiana’s Spirited with Neon Magic”
11. “Mardi Gras Extravaganza: A Party Fit for a King”
12. “Glitter and Groove: Sparkling in the Spirit of Mardi Food
13. “Festive Feathers: Adorning in Bright Plumage and
These baked goods-inspired galas create a whimsical and
14. “Zydeco Fiesta: Dancing to the Soulful Sounds of
delicious atmosphere, celebrating the artistry and joy
of baking. Decorate the venue with colorful displays of
15. “Joyful Jesters: Laughter and Merriment All
cupcakes, cookies, and other sweet treats. Incorporate
playful elements like oversized dessert-themed decora-
tions and interactive baking stations. Serve a variety of
desserts and baked goods, allowing guests to indulge in a
delightful culinary experience. Consider hosting a baking
These neon glow party themes offer a vibrant and ener-
competition or a dessert auction as part of the fundrais-
getic atmosphere, perfect for guests who love to dance,
ing activities. Encourage guests to dress in attire inspired
socialize, and have a great time. Incorporate neon dec-
by their favorite baked goods, such as candy-colored out-
orations, blacklight effects, glow sticks, and UV body
fits or accessories resembling cupcakes and doughnuts.
paint to create a visually stunning and immersive expe-

39 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

Use the gala as an opportunity to raise funds for causes Hope”
related to hunger relief, culinary education, or support- 2. “Candyland Extravaganza: Turning Confections
ing local bakeries and food artisans. into Contributions”
3. “Sweet Escape: A Night of Sugary Delights and
1. “Sweet Indulgence: A Night of Delectable Delights” Giving Back”
2. “The Great Bake-Off: Unleashing the Flour Power” 4. “The Chocolate Factory: Unwrapping Generosity,
3. “Cake and Compassion: Mixing Generosity and One Treat at a Time”
Goodness” 5. “Gummy Gala: Chewy Goodness, Spreading
4. “Doughnut Dreams: Sprinkling Joy and Giving Back” Kindness”
5. “Cookie Carnival: Whisking Up Hope and 6. “Lollipop Carnival: Whirling Fun, Lifting Spirits”
Happiness” 7. “Cotton Candy Dreams: Spinning Generosity,
6. “Pie Paradise: Savoring Generosity, Slice by Slice” Creating Joy”
7. “Bread Basket Ball: Rising to the Occasion for a 8. “Jelly Bean Jubilee: Bursting with Colors,
Cause” Overflowing with Compassion”
8. “Cupcake Couture: Frosting the World with Kindness” 9. “Rock Candy Paradise: Crystalized Goodness,
9. “Taste of Heaven: Breaking Bread for a Better Nurturing Change”
Future” 10. “Candy-Coated Charity: Making Life Sweeter, One
10. “Muffins and Miracles: Baking Smiles, Changing Donation at a Time”
Lives” 11. “Bubblegum Ball: Popping Bubbles, Popping Hearts”
11. “Pastry Palooza: Flourishing Philanthropy, One Bite 12. “Sour Patch Soiree: Tasting the Tangy, Sharing the
at a Time” Love”
12. “Confectionery Carnival: Spreading Sweetness for a 13. “Licorice Lane: Twisting Generosity, Crafting
Purpose” Sweetness”
13. “Scone Soirée: Sipping Tea, Sharing Love, and 14. “Marshmallow Magic: Fluffy Wonders, Embracing
Giving Back” Community”
14. “Baking Brilliance: Whipping Up Generosity in the 15. “Peppermint Party: Minty Fresh Moments, Fueling
Kitchen” Impact”
15. “Tarts and Transformation: Flaky Pastry, Lasting
These chocolate-inspired galas immerse guests in the
CANDY enchanting world of cocoa and indulgence. Set the ambi-
These candy-inspired galas bring the vibrant and whim- ance with rich brown and gold decor, adorned with cocoa
sical world of confections to life. Set the stage with color- bean motifs, and scents of chocolate in the air. Incorpo-
ful decorations, oversized candy props, and vibrant light- rate chocolate tastings, chocolate-inspired cocktails, and
ing. Incorporate candy-themed activities like a candy interactive stations like a chocolate fountain or chocolate
bar, candy-making stations, or a Willy Wonka-inspired painting. Dress code can be sophisticated and elegant,
golden ticket raffle. Dress code could include vibrant and with hints of brown or gold. Fundraising activities can
playful attire or outfits inspired by favorite candy flavors. include a chocolate auction, dessert-themed auctions, or
Fundraising activities can include candy auctions, des- a live chocolate-making demonstration. Consider part-
sert tastings, or sweet-themed games. Consider partner- nering with local chocolatiers or chocolate brands to pro-
ing with local candy shops or confectioners to showcase vide gourmet treats and raise funds for charitable causes
their treats and raise funds for charitable causes, such such as healthcare, poverty alleviation, or education
as children’s charities or initiatives related to education
and youth empowerment. 1. “Decadent Chocolate Affair: Indulging in Generosity,
1. “Sugar Rush Gala: Satisfying Sweet Tooth, Sparking Savoring Impact”

40 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

2. “Chocolate Wonderland: Sweetening Lives, One Bite 3. “Bean to Cup Celebration: Uniting Coffee Lovers,
at a Time” Supporting Change”
3. “Chocolate Fantasy Gala: Unwrapping Dreams, 4. “Brewing Brilliance: Fueling Passion, Inspiring
Igniting Change” Creativity”
4. “Truffle Temptation: Dipping into Philanthropy, 5. “Coffee Connoisseurs Gala: Tasting Perfection,
Melting Hearts” Changing Lives”
5. “Cocoa Couture: Fashionably Fierce, Deliciously 6. “Cup of Compassion: Brewing Opportunities, Nur-
Charitable” turing Communities”
6. “Chocolate Masquerade Ball: Masked in Generosity, 7. “Roast and Revelry: Toasting to Good Causes, Craft-
Unmasking Hope” ing Impact”
7. “Chocoholic Soiree: A Night of Guilty Pleasures, 8. “Mocha Magic Soirée: Stirring Excitement, Brewing
Guilt-Free Giving” Transformation”
8. “Chocolate Jazz Night: Smooth Melodies, Rich 9. “Java Jive: Rhythms of Hope, Blend of Possibilities”
Donations” 10. “Caffeinated Couture: Fashion with a Latte Love for
9. “Ganache Gala: Infusing Generosity with Divine Change”
Chocolate Bliss” 11. “Perk Up Party: Energizing Communities, Embrac-
10. “Chocolate Wonderland: Creating Sweet Moments, ing Unity”
Building Bright Futures” 12. “Brewing Miracles: Coffee for a Cause, Brewing
11. “Chocolate Carnival: Whirling Delights, Making a Hope”
Difference” 13. “Coffee Culture Gala: Celebrating the Bean, Elevat-
12. “Cocoa and Cocktails: Mixing Chocolate, Mixing ing Lives”
Compassion” 14. “Java Joyride: Fueling Dreams, Inspiring Change”
13. “Chocolate Fairytale: Crafting Magic, Sharing 15. “Coffeehouse Connection: Warmth, Community,
Goodness” and Giving Back”
14. “The Chocolate Enigma: Unraveling Generosity,
Delighting All”
15. “Chocolate Elegance: Tempting Tastebuds, Trans- COOKIES
forming Lives” These cookie-themed galas celebrate the joy and delight
of these delectable treats. Decorate the venue with cook-
ie-inspired décor, vibrant colors, and whimsical elements
COFFEE that evoke the world of cookies. Encourage guests to
These coffee-inspired galas can embrace the rich and aro- dress in cookie-themed attire or costumes, host cookie
matic world of coffee. Create a cozy and inviting atmo- decorating stations or contests, and provide a variety of
sphere reminiscent of a coffeehouse, with rustic deco- cookie flavors and styles to taste. Celebrate the artistry
rations, warm colors, and coffee-inspired accents. Offer and deliciousness of cookies while creating an atmo-
various coffee blends and brews for guests to sample, sphere of sweetness and delight.
complemented by coffee-infused dishes and desserts.
Incorporate coffee-related activities such as latte art 1. “Sweet Treats Soirée: Indulging in Cookie Delights”
demonstrations, coffee tasting sessions, or interactive 2. “Cookie Wonderland: A Whimsical Journey of
brewing workshops. Fundraising efforts can include cof- Flavors”
fee-themed auctions, coffee bean sales, or collaborations 3. “Cookie Jar Jubilee: Celebrating the Art of Baking”
with local coffee roasters. 4. “Chocolate Chip Bliss: Embracing the Classic
Cookie Favorite”
1. “Aroma Affair: Brewing Hope, Savoring Community” 5. “Sugar Rush Fiesta: Exploring the World of Sweet
2. “Caffeine Chronicles: Energizing Lives, Confections”
Empowering Dreams” 6. “Sprinkle Spectacular: A Colorful Adventure of

41 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

Cookie Fun” 3. “Gourmet Soirée: Indulging in Generosity, Nourish-
7. “Decadent Delights: Savoring Gourmet Cookie ing Hope”
Creations” 4. “Taste of Success: Cooking Up Opportunities, Ignit-
8. “Cookie Monster Mania: Unleashing the Inner ing Dreams”
Cookie Lover” 5. “Flavors of Compassion: Spicing up Lives, Serving
9. “Cookie Couture: Where Fashion Meets with Love”
Deliciousness” 6. “Cuisine Couture: Fashionably Feeding the Future”
10. “Cookie Carnival: A Festive Celebration of Baked 7. “Sizzling Sensations: A Culinary Celebration of
Goodness” Community”
11. “Oatmeal Raisin Rendezvous: Honoring the Time- 8. “Foodie Fête: A Gastronomic Journey to
less Cookie Combination” Empowerment”
12. “Butter Cookie Ball: Dancing to the Melody of But- 9. “Epicurean Elegance: Raising Forks, Raising Funds”
tery Goodness” 10. “The Chef’s Table: A Banquet of Giving, A Plate of
13. “Cookie Creations Gala: Showcasing the Artistry of Change”
Cookie Design” 11. “Savor & Support: A Delicious Path to Making a
14. “Cookie Swap Soiree: Sharing and Sampling Cookie Difference”
Masterpieces” 12. “Art of the Palate: Painting Smiles, Inspiring Tastes”
15. “Sweet Dreams Gala: A Night of Blissful Cookie 13. “Cooking for a Cause: Stirring Hope, Simmering
Indulgence” Change”
14. “Flame & Fortune: Igniting Lives, Fueling Futures”
15. “Culinary Creativity: Unleashing the Power of
COOKING Flavor and Giving”
These cooking-themed fundraising events ignite the 16. “The Kitchen Chronicles: Sharing Stories, Changing
passion for culinary arts while making a meaningful Lives”
impact. Set the stage by transforming the venue into a 17. “Sustainable Sizzle: Nurturing Earth, Nourishing
gastronomic paradise, with chef-inspired decor, interac- Communities”
tive food stations, and vibrant displays of fresh produce. 18. “Culinary Crossroads: Where Good Food Meets
Create an engaging atmosphere by inviting renowned Good Deeds”
chefs to showcase their culinary prowess and offer cook- 19. “Food Fusion Fiesta: Blending Cultures, Creating
ing demonstrations. Encourage guests to participate in Impact”
hands-on activities like cooking competitions or inter- 20. “Gourmet Gala: A Feast of Philanthropy and
active workshops. Incorporate unique elements like Delight”
“mystery ingredient” challenges or personalized recipe 21. “Bountiful Harvest: Celebrating Abundance, Shar-
exchanges to add excitement. Delight guests’ palates ing Hope”
with a variety of delectable dishes and offer signature 22. “Spice of Life: Adding Flavor to Dreams, Filling
cocktails that complement the culinary experience. Plates with Love”
Make sure to highlight the cause and demonstrate how 23. “Farm-to-Table Affair: Fresh, Local, and Full of
the event’s proceeds will contribute to making a positive Generosity”
difference in the community. Let the aroma of generosity 24. “Savoring Success: A Celebration of Culinary
fill the air as guests savor flavors and come together to Achievement”
support a worthy cause. 25. “The Gastronomic Ball: Dancing Through Flavors,
Supporting Change”
1. “Culinary Symphony: Savoring the Flavors, Trans-
forming Lives”
2. “MasterChef Gala: A Feast of Giving, A Recipe for

42 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

FOOD Produce and Sustainable Farming.”
Indulge your taste buds and celebrate the culinary arts 17. “Chefs’ Showcase Gala: Witness the Masterful
with these food-themed fundraising events. Transform Craftsmanship of Culinary Experts.”
the venue into a gastronomic paradise, with mouthwater- 18. “Wine and Dine Charity Ball: A Night of Wine, Fine
ing displays, vibrant food stations, and enticing aromas. Dining, and Philanthropy.”
Showcase a variety of cuisines and flavors to delight 19. “Food Truck Fiesta: A Vibrant Celebration of Gour-
guests, from elegant gourmet creations to street food met Street Food and Fun Fare.”
favorites. Incorporate interactive experiences like cook- 20. “Mediterranean Mezze Affair: Revel in the Flavors
ing demonstrations, wine tastings, or mixology work- and Mediterranean Delights.”
shops to engage attendees. Encourage guests to savor 21. “Artisanal Flavors Soirée: Showcasing the Crafts-
the flavors by organizing food challenges or tastings with manship and Artistry of Gourmet Fare.”
expert judges. It’s a fundraising feast that brings people 22. “Cosmic Cuisine: An Exquisite Journey Inspired by
together through their shared love for food, while sup- the Celestial Wonders.”
porting charitable causes. 23. “Burger Bash Benefit: Relish in Gourmet Burgers
and Charitable Giving.”
1. “Gourmet Garden Gala: A Culinary Journey through 24. “Salsa and Spice Fiesta: A Festive Fiesta Celebrating
Nature’s Bounty.” Spicy Flavors and Latin Delights.”
2. “Culinary Delights Soirée: Indulge in Exquisite 25. “International Street Food Fest: A Gastronomic
Flavors and Culinary Creations.” Adventure with Flavors from Around the Globe.”
3. “Farm-to-Table Feast: Savor the Freshness and
Wholesomeness of Locally Sourced Delights.”
4. “Sweet and Savory Spectacular: A Fusion of Tempt- WATER
ing Tastes and Irresistible Delicacies.” These gala themes provide a platform to raise funds,
5. “Global Gastronomy Gala: Discover a World of Fla- increase awareness, and inspire action towards providing
vors and Culinary Traditions.” clean water access to communities worldwide. Choose
6. “Foodie Fest Charity Event: A Food Lover’s Paradise a theme that resonates with your organization’s mission
for a Worthy Cause.” and goals, and use the gala as an opportunity to educate
7. “Decadent Dessert Soirée: Delight in Divine Des- and engage attendees in the importance of clean water
serts and Sweet Sensations.” and its transformative power.
8. “Flavors of the World Gala: An Epicurean Adven-
ture Celebrating Global Cuisine.” 1. “Waves of Hope: Making Waves for Clean Water
9. “Spice and Everything Nice: Embark on a Flavorful Access”
Journey of Exotic Spices and Aromas.” 2. “H2O Heroes: Celebrating Champions of Clean
10. “Vineyard Vines Fundraiser: Toast to the Finest Water Equity”
Wines and Vineyard Delights.” 3. “Aqua Affair: Diving into the Essence of Clean
11. “Sip and Savor Celebration: Raise a Glass to Excep- Water Advocacy”
tional Tastes and Memorable Moments.” 4. “Pure Waters, Bright Futures: Illuminating Lives
12. “Chocolate Indulgence Affair: Immerse in a World through Clean Water”
of Rich, Velvety Chocolate Delights.” 5. “Wells of Change: Building Wells, Changing Lives”
13. “A Taste of Elegance: Experience Culinary Opu- 6. “Water for Life: Quenching the Thirst for a Sustain-
lence and Refined Flavors.” able Future”
14. “Feast for a Cause: Enjoy a Bountiful Feast and 7. “Crystal Clear Gala: Reflecting the Power of Clean
Make a Difference in the Community.” Water”
15. “Sushi and Sake Soirée: Delight in the Artistry and 8. “Drops of Hope: Small Actions, Big Impact for Clean
Refinement of Japanese Cuisine.” Water”
16. “Farmers’ Market Fête: Celebrating Locally Grown 9. “Thirst for Change: Uniting for a World with

43 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

Accessible Clean Water” 9. “Wine and Roses Gala: Revel in the Romance of
10. “Aqua Ball: Dancing for Clean Water Solutions” Wine and the Beauty of Giving.”
11. “Fountain of Life: Flowing with Clean Water, Nur- 10. “Wine Auction and Dinner: Bid, Dine, and Support a
turing Communities” Noble Cause.”
12. “Oasis of Opportunity: Transforming Lives with 11. “Toast to a Cause: Raise Your Glass for a Meaning-
Clean Water” ful Purpose.”
13. “Water Warriors: Inspiring Action, Saving Lives 12. “Vino Veritas: A Night of Truth and Giving: Unveil-
through Clean Water” ing the Power of Wine and Generosity.”
14. “Stream of Generosity: Flowing with Support for 13. “Wine and Art Soirée: A Fusion of Fine Wine and
Clean Water Initiatives” Artistic Expression.”
15. “Ripples of Change: Creating a Wave of Clean Water 14. “Wine Spectacular Benefit: Experience a Spectacle
Transformation” of Wine and Philanthropy.”
15. “Wine and Dine for a Purpose: Savory Delights,
Fine Wine, and Charitable Giving.”
WINE 16. “Vineyard Serenade Charity Ball: An Enchanting
Raise a glass to a charitable cause with these wine- Evening of Wine and Philanthropy.”
themed fundraising events. Transform the venue into 17. “Wine Enthusiasts Unite: Come Together for the
a wine lover’s paradise, with elegant displays of wine Love of Wine and Giving Back.”
bottles, vineyard-inspired decor, and cozy seating areas 18. “Red, White, and Rosé Affair: A Celebration of Wine
for guests to enjoy tastings. Host wine education sessions and the Spirit of Giving.”
or guided tastings led by sommeliers to engage attendees 19. “Wine and Wisdom Gala: Nurturing Minds, Inspir-
and enhance their appreciation for wine. Incorporate ing Giving.”
gourmet food pairings, live music, or silent auctions 20. “Wine Harvest Charity Celebration: Harvesting
featuring exclusive wine selections. Encourage guests Hope through Wine and Compassion.”
to dress in cocktail attire, embracing the elegance and 21. “Wine & Jazz Soirée: A Melodic Blend of Wine,
sophistication of the wine world. It’s a fundraising cele- Music, and Generosity.”
bration that combines the joy of wine with the spirit of 22. “Sommelier’s Selection Fundraiser: Discover Exqui-
giving, creating unforgettable moments while supporting site Wines and Support a Cause.”
worthy causes. 23. “Wine and Wellness Charity Event: Nourish Body
and Soul with Wine and Giving.”
1. “Vineyard Vines Charity Soirée: Uncork the Power 24. “Wine Cellar Soirée: A Refined Affair Amidst the
of Giving.” Finest Selection of Wines.”
2. “Vintage Wine Tasting Gala: Sip, Savor, and Support 25. “Gourmet Grapes Gala: Celebrate the Fusion of Gas-
a Worthy Cause.” tronomy and Generosity.”
3. “Grapes and Giving Affair: Raise a Glass to Philan-
thropy and Fine Wine.”
4. “Wine Country Elegance: A Night of Refined Tastes Health Care
and Gracious Giving.”
5. “Uncorked and Unforgettable: Toast to Extraordi-
nary Moments and Lasting Impact.” CANCER
6. “Bubbles and Bliss Charity Ball: Celebrate with These gala themes provide a platform to raise funds,
Sparkling Wine and Joyful Giving.” increase awareness, and foster a sense of community
7. “Wine Cellar Celebration: Journey into the Depths among cancer patients, survivors, caregivers, and sup-
of Wine and Generosity.” porters. Choose a theme that aligns with the mission of
8. “Sip & Support: A Wine Charity Event: Indulge in the nonprofit and creates an atmosphere of hope, inspi-
Wine and Make a Difference.” ration, and solidarity.

44 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

sionate Care”
1. “Shine a Light on Hope: Illuminating the Journey of 2. “Lifelines of Hope: Nurturing Health and
Cancer Survivors” Well-being”
2. “Journey of Courage: Celebrating Strength and 3. “Beyond Borders: Building Global Health Initiatives”
Resilience” 4. “Care for All: Promoting Accessible Healthcare
3. “Uniting Against Cancer: Together, We Can Make a Solutions”
Difference” 5. “Inspiring Resilience: Empowering Patients on their
4. “Embracing Life: Celebrating Triumphs, Cherishing Journey”
Moments” 6. “Champions of Health: Recognizing Excellence in
5. “Colors of Hope: Vibrant Hues of Optimism and Healthcare”
Transformation” 7. “Innovations in Wellness: Pioneering Break-
6. “Dancing for a Cure: A Lively Celebration in Support throughs for Better Lives”
of Cancer Research” 8. “Partners in Healing: Fostering Collaboration for
7. “Garden of Healing: Blooming with Renewal and Patient Care”
Resilience” 9. “Healthy Communities, Thriving Lives: Promoting
8. “Path to Recovery: Navigating the Cancer Journey Well-being Together”
with Support” 10. “Caring Beyond Cure: Enhancing Lives through
9. “Stars of Strength: Inspiring Stories of Triumph and Holistic Care”
Resilience” 11. “Transforming Healthcare: Embracing the Future
10. “Ribbon of Hope: Uniting for Awareness, Support, of Medicine”
and Empowerment” 12. “Empowering Patients, Empowering Lives: Advo-
11. “Healing Harmonies: Music for the Soul, Uplifting cating for Health Equity”
Spirits” 13. “Compassionate Connections: Strengthening the
12. “Circle of Love: Compassion, Support, and Unity in Patient-Provider Relationship”
the Face of Cancer” 14. “Celebrating Caregivers: Honoring Those Who
13. “Inspiring Futures: Advancements in Cancer Care Make a Difference”
and Research” 15. “Wellness Revolution: Inspiring a Culture of Health
14. “A Night of Remembrance: Honoring Lives, Inspir- and Well-being”
ing Hope” 16. “Lifesaving Innovations: Exploring Breakthroughs
15. “Beyond the Diagnosis: Comprehensive Care for in Medical Science”
Mind, Body, and Spirit” 17. “From Awareness to Action: Driving Health Educa-
tion Initiatives”
18. “Healthy Start: Nurturing Health from the
HEALTH CARE Beginning”
These gala themes celebrate the importance of health- 19. “Empowering Minds, Healing Bodies: Integrating
care and its impact on individuals and communities. They Mental and Physical Health”
highlight compassion, innovation, collaboration, and the 20. “Promoting Prevention: A Proactive Approach to
pursuit of equitable healthcare solutions. Incorporate Health and Wellness”
healthcare-themed decorations, engaging presentations, 21. “Care Beyond Conventional: Embracing Integrative
interactive experiences, and personal testimonials to Medicine”
showcase the organization’s mission and the transfor- 22. “Embracing Aging: Empowering Healthy and
mative power of healthcare. Encourage guests to support Active Senior Living”
the cause and make a positive impact on the health and 23. “Holistic Healing: Honoring Traditional and Alter-
well-being of others. native Medicine”
24. “Redefining Cancer Care: Empowering Patients,
1. “Healing Hearts: Celebrating the Power of Compas- Inspiring Hope”

45 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

25. “Health for All: Advocating for Universal Access to 15. “Wellness Warrior Soiree: Uniting Forces for a
Quality Care” Healthier Future”
16. “Fitness Fusion: Energizing Communities, Building
Stronger Lives”
HEALTH AND WELLNESS 17. “Wellness Innovators: Celebrating Breakthroughs,
These health and wellness-inspired galas focus on Igniting Change”
promoting physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing 18. “Serenity Serenade: Harmonizing Wellness, Elevat-
while supporting charitable causes related to healthcare, ing Lives”
mental health, or community wellness initiatives. Create 19. “Wellness in Bloom: Nurturing Growth, Blossoming
a serene and calming ambiance with natural elements, Together”
soothing colors, and wellness-inspired decorations. Offer 20. “Healthy Habits Masquerade: Unmasking the
interactive experiences such as fitness classes, wellness Power of Wellness”
workshops, and relaxation stations like meditation or 21. “Path to Wellness Gala: Inspiring Journeys, Trans-
massage areas. Serve nutritious and delicious cuisine, forming Lives”
featuring fresh and organic ingredients. Fundraising 22. “Balance and Bliss: Embracing Wellness, Cultivat-
activities can include wellness-themed auctions, well- ing Happiness”
ness product showcases, or guest speakers sharing inspir- 23. “Healthy Steps Gala: Moving Forward, Thriving
ing stories of personal health journeys. Together”
24. “Wholesome Wonders: Celebrating Health, Embrac-
1. “Wellness Oasis: Nurturing Body, Mind, and Spirit” ing Vitality”
2. “Healthy Harvest Gala: Cultivating Wellness, 25. “Wellness Illumination: Enlightening Minds, Ele-
Sowing Hope” vating Wellbeing”
3. “Mindful Movement: Dancing Towards Wellness
and Empowerment”
4. “Holistic Harmony: Balancing Lives, Embracing HOSPITALS
Wellness” These gala themes provide a platform to celebrate the
5. “Vibrant Living Soiree: Energizing Communities, hospital’s impact, raise funds for vital programs, and
Inspiring Health” engage the community in supporting healthcare ini-
6. “Zen Garden Gala: Finding Peace, Restoring tiatives. Choose a theme that aligns with the hospital’s
Wellness” mission and values, and create a memorable event that
7. “Wellness Wonderland: Exploring Paths to Health, honors the life-saving work of the medical professionals
Happiness, and Purpose” and inspires attendees to support the hospital’s ongoing
8. “Glowing Vitality: Igniting Wellness, Sparking efforts.
9. “Wellness Revolution: Unleashing the Power of 1. “Healing Hearts: Where Love and Compassion
Healthy Living” Merge”
10. “Renew and Recharge: Celebrating Wellness, 2. “Miracles in Motion: Celebrating Medical
Embracing Self-Care” Breakthroughs”
11. “The Wellness Experience: Empowering Lives, 3. “A Night of Heroes: Honoring the Everyday Super-
Transforming Communities” heroes of Healthcare”
12. “Healthy Hearts Ball: Strengthening Lives, Spread- 4. “Health and Harmony: Nurturing Wellness for a
ing Love” Vibrant Community”
13. “Radiant Wellness: Shining Light on Health and 5. “Lights of Life: Illuminating Stories of Healing and
Wellbeing” Hope”
14. “Holistic Healing Gala: Embracing Wholeness, 6. “Dream Big, Heal Strong: Empowering Lives
Inspiring Resilience” through Dreams and Healing”

46 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

7. “Care Beyond Borders: Extending Compassionate 4. “Drive-in Movie Night: A Tribute to Classic Car
Care to All” Culture”
8. “Lifeline Gala: Connecting the Community to Life- 5. “Muscle Car Mania: Revving Up the Night with
saving Healthcare” Power and Style”
9. “Building Bridges to Health: Ensuring Access to 6. “Cruisin’ Down Memory Lane: Remembering Time-
Quality Care for All” less Automobiles”
10. “Hope Blooms: Cultivating Growth and Renewal in 7. “Road Trip Rally: Embarking on a Journey through
Healthcare” Automotive History”
11. “Pulse of Compassion: Beating Hearts of Care and 8. “Automotive Elegance: Embracing the Sophistica-
Empathy” tion of Vintage Cars”
12. “Uniting for Wellness: Collaboration for a Healthier 9. “Vintage Speedway Soirée: Channeling the Thrills
Community” of Racing Legends”
13. “Beyond Medicine: Fostering Healing Through Art 10. “Motor City Gala: A Tribute to Detroit’s Automotive
and Music” Heritage”
14. “Circle of Care: Weaving Together Compassion and 11. “Classic Convertibles: Riding with the Top Down”
Community” 12. “Hot Rod Hootenanny: Rockin’ and Rollin’ with
15. “Starry Night of Healing: Guiding Stars of Hope and Retro Style”
Restoration” 13. “Art of Automotive Design: Showcasing Stunning
Vintage Beauties”
14. “Vintage Drive-In Diner: Reliving the Golden Age of
History American Roadside Culture”
15. “Car Show Extravaganza: Displaying Pristine Clas-
sic Automobiles”
CLASSIC CARS 16. “Tailfins & Poodle Skirts: A 1950s Sock Hop
These classic car-themed galas will transport attendees Celebration”
to a time of automotive elegance and nostalgia. Incorpo- 17. “Drive-In Theatre Experience: Movies, Music, and
rate vintage car displays, including iconic models from Classic Cars”
different eras, to create a captivating atmosphere. Deco- 18. “Racing Legends Gala: Honoring Iconic Speedsters”
rate the venue with classic car memorabilia, retro signage, 19. “Chrome Bumpers & Pin-Up Glamour: A Ret-
and automotive-themed props. Enhance the experience ro-Chic Affair”
with live music featuring hits from the chosen era or a 20. “Automotive Time Capsule: Stepping into a Bygone
live band playing vintage tunes. Serve classic dishes Era”
inspired by diners and drive-ins of the past, and offer spe- 21. “Motorcycle Mania: A Two-Wheeled Celebration of
cialty cocktails with automotive-themed names. Orga- Vintage Bikes”
nize interactive activities like a mini car show, a silent 22. “Classic Car Casino Night: Betting on Automotive
auction of automotive memorabilia, or a casino night Glamour”
with a car-themed twist. Encourage guests to dress in 23. “Vintage Caravan: Traveling in Style through Clas-
period-appropriate attire to fully immerse themselves in sic Eras”
the classic car ambiance. It’s an opportunity to celebrate 24. “Revved Up Rhythms: A Night of Music and Classic
the timeless beauty and allure of classic automobiles. Cars”
25. “Motorhead Masquerade: Unmasking the Allure of
1. “Vintage Wheels Gala: Celebrating the Golden Era Classic Cars”
of Automobiles”
2. “Retro Ride Revival: A Nostalgic Night of Classic
3. “Chrome & Fins: Honoring Automotive Icons”

47 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

FADS AND TRENDS: THE LAST 16. “Emo Night: Dark and Melancholic: Explore Emo
100 YEARS Subculture, Dive into Emotion.”
Step back in time and celebrate the fads and trends 17. “Rockabilly Rock ‘n’ Roll Revival: Pay Homage to
that have shaped the past century with these themed Rockabilly Era with Vintage Style.”
fundraising events. Transport guests to different eras by 18. “Mod Madness: Mod Style Celebration: Get Mod
capturing the essence of each time period in the venue’s and Groovy with 60s Fashion.”
decor. From Victorian steampunk to the neon glamour of 19. “Bohemian Beatnik Bash: Embrace Artistic Expres-
the 1980s, embrace the styles and aesthetics that define sion, Free Thinking.”
each era. Encourage attendees to dress in the fashion 20. “Space Age Soiree: Futuristic Glam: Step into a
of the chosen decade, immersing themselves fully in Futuristic World of Glittering Lights.”
the atmosphere. Incorporate era-specific activities and 21. “Regency Romance: Jane Austen Inspired: Trans-
entertainment, such as dance lessons, live performances, port to a World of Elegance, Romance.”
or interactive installations that reflect popular trends of 22. “Art Deco Decadence: Experience Opulence, Glam-
the time. It’s a fundraising journey through time, where our of Art Deco Era.”
nostalgia reigns and charitable causes take the spotlight. 23. “Gatsby Garden Party: Channel Roaring Twenties
in Lavish Garden Affair.”
1. “Victorian Steampunk Soiree: Unleash Imagination 24. “Disco Roller Derby: Combine Roller Derby Excite-
in a Neo-Victorian Adventure.” ment with Groovy Disco Vibes.”
2. “Roaring Twenties Speakeasy: Step Back, Revel in 25. “Rock ‘n’ Roll Jukebox Jamboree: Rock Out to Clas-
Prohibition Era Glamour.” sic Rock ‘n’ Roll Sounds.”
3. “Swinging Sixties Groovy Dance Party: Groove,
Dance, and Peace Out to Iconic 60s Sounds.”
4. “Disco Fever: Studio 54 Revival: Dance Away in a HISTORY
Glittering Disco Wonderland.” These history-themed fundraising events take guests on
5. “Neon Eighties Retro Extravaganza: Journey Back a captivating journey through time. Create an ambiance
to the Bold 80s.” reminiscent of different historical eras with period-in-
6. “Grunge Revolution: 90s Throwback: Embrace spired decorations, artifacts, and displays. Incorporate
Grunge Culture, Rock Out.” interactive exhibits, guest speakers, or historical reen-
7. “Y2K Millennium Bash: Celebrate the Turn of the actments to immerse attendees in the rich tapestry of
Century with Futuristic Flair.” our past. Highlight the importance of preserving and
8. “Flapper Fashion Frenzy: Step into the Roaring learning from history, showcasing initiatives that support
Twenties and Embrace Flapper Spirit.” historical preservation, archival efforts, or educational
9. “Hippie Love-In: Peace, Love, Flower Power: Spread programs. Offer opportunities for guests to contribute
Love and Harmony in a Hippie Gathering.” to historical organizations or projects dedicated to pre-
10. “New Wave New Year’s Eve: Ring in the New Year serving and sharing our collective heritage. Let the event
with Retro Coolness.” ignite a sense of curiosity and appreciation for the les-
11. “Disco Roller Disco: Get Your Groove On, Roller sons and legacies that history offers, fostering a deeper
Skate to Disco Beats.” connection to our shared human story.
12. “Punk Rock Rebellion: Embrace Raw Energy and
Spirit of Punk Rock.” 1. “Timeless Treasures: A Journey through History”
13. “Swing Dance Swing-a-Thon: Swing and Jive to 2. “Heritage Gala: Honoring the Legacy of the Past”
Classic Swing Music.” 3. “Echoes of Eternity: Celebrating History’s Enduring
14. “Hip Hop Hooray: Old School Vibes: Celebrate the Impact”
Golden Era of Hip Hop.” 4. “History Unveiled: Revealing the Stories of the Past”
15. “Rave Nation: Glow in the Dark Party: Immerse in 5. “Ancestral Soirée: Commemorating Our Historical
Energetic Rave Culture.” Roots”

48 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

6. “Memoirs in Motion: Bringing History to Life” Awaits”
7. “Legacy Ball: Embracing the Riches of Our Histori- 11. “Timeless Treasures: Preserving Heritage, Inspir-
cal Heritage” ing Wonder”
8. “Time Travelers’ Affair: An Evening of History and 12. “Heritage Gala: Embracing Diversity, Celebrating
Intrigue” Unity”
9. “History’s Tapestry: Weaving Stories of the Past” 13. “Decades Dance Party: Groove through History,
10. “Historic Splendor: A Night of Grandeur and Dance into the Eras”
Nostalgia” 14. “Historical Fashion Showcase: Fashion through
11. “Pages of History: Commemorating Milestones and Time, Threads of Elegance”
Turning Points” 15. “Night at the Museum: Where History Awakens,
12. “Living History: Celebrating the Living Legacy of Magic Transcends”
the Past”
13. “Reviving the Past: Resurrecting Forgotten Tales
and Traditions” NOSTALGIA / RETRO
14. “Past Forward: Embracing History’s Lessons for a These nostalgic or retro-themed events transport guests
Brighter Future” to a bygone era, evoking fond memories and celebrating
15. “Archives of Antiquity: Exploring the Depths of the timeless charm of the past. Set the ambiance with
Historical Knowledge” era-specific decorations, music, and visual elements that
capture the essence of the chosen period. Encourage
guests to dress in retro attire, embracing the fashion and
HISTORY MUSEUMS style of the era. Incorporate activities or games that were
These gala themes can create immersive experiences and popular during that time, such as a retro arcade or classic
captivate attendees, allowing them to explore and appre- board games. Display vintage memorabilia and artifacts
ciate the fascinating world of history museums. Remem- to create a sense of nostalgia and spark conversations.
ber to tailor the theme to your specific organization and Serve food and drinks inspired by the era, offering a taste
its unique historical collections or narratives. of the past. Let the event be a joyful celebration of cher-
ished memories and the enduring allure of retro culture.
1. “Time Travel Soiree: Step into the Past, Celebrate the
Future” 1. “Retro Rewind: A Journey Back in Time”
2. “An Evening of Elegance: Journey through Time, 2. “Vintage Vibes: Celebrating the Nostalgia of the
Embrace the Grandeur” Past”
3. “Historical Icons: Honoring Legends, Inspiring 3. “Groovy Gala: Embracing the Spirit of the 60s and
Generations” 70s”
4. “Through the Ages: Unveiling History, Igniting 4. “Throwback Soirée: Reliving the Magic of
Imagination” Yesteryears”
5. “Artifacts & Allure: Relics Reimagined, Stories 5. “Time Capsule Ball: Unveiling the Treasures of
Illuminated” Nostalgia”
6. “The Great Explorers: Charting New Frontiers, 6. “Disco Fever: Dancing to the Beats of the Retro Era”
Unearthing Discoveries” 7. “Neon Nights: An Electric Celebration of Nostalgic
7. “Enchanted History: Where Imagination Meets Fun”
Heritage” 8. “Retro Revolution: A Blast from the Past”
8. “Museum Masquerade Ball: Disguise the Present, 9. “Nostalgia Boulevard: Remembering the Good
Unveil the Past” Times”
9. “Legends and Lore: Myths Unraveled, Legends 10. “Rock ‘n’ Roll Rendezvous: A Musical Journey
Brought to Life” through Time”
10. “Revolutionary Revelry: Past Resonates, Future 11. “Vintage Glam: Channeling Old Hollywood Glamour”

49 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

12. “Childhood Chronicles: Rediscovering the Joys of 7. “Rock ‘n’ Roll Extravaganza: Where Music and
Youth” Magic Collide”
13. “Retro Arcade: Gaming and Fun in a Classic Way” 8. “Dancefloor Dynamite: Moving and Grooving to
14. “Retro Chic: Stylishly Embracing the Golden Years” Classic Hits”
15. “Old-School Soirée: An Evening of Retro Elegance” 9. “Rock ‘n’ Roll Fantasy: Living the Dream of Rock
16. “Memory Lane Gala: Celebrating Moments That Stardom”
Last” 10. “Electric Energy: Infusing the Night with Rock ‘n’
17. “Swinging Sixties: A Retro Affair of Peace and Love” Roll Spirit”
18. “Back to the 80s: A Rad Blast from the Past” 11. “Vinyl Vibes: Celebrating the Era of Records and
19. “Timeless Tunes: A Melodic Journey through Rock ‘n’ Roll”
Nostalgia” 12. “Rock Anthem Ball: Singing Along to Timeless Rock
20. “Retro Runway: Fashionably Reliving Iconic Styles” Hits”
21. “Vintage Vacation: Recreating the Charm of Old 13. “Rebel with a Cause: Embracing the Spirit of Rock
Holiday Destinations” Rebellion”
22. “Nostalgic Nightcap: Toasting to Memorable Times” 14. “Rock Legends Live: Honoring the Icons Who
23. “Retro Roadshow: Showcasing Iconic Artifacts and Shaped Music History”
Memorabilia” 15. “Jam Session Jamboree: A Night of Improvised
24. “Retro Revival: Bringing Back the Best of the Old Musical Brilliance”
25. “Nifty Fifties: An Era of Poodle Skirts and Classic
These steampunk-inspired themes immerse guests in
a world of Victorian elegance and futuristic innova-
ROCK ‘N’ ROLL PARTY tion. Create an ambiance with industrial-inspired décor,
These rock ‘n’ roll party themes capture the essence of vintage gadgets, and fashion elements that evoke the
the music genre’s rebellious and energetic spirit. Create aesthetic of steampunk. Encourage guests to dress in
a vibrant atmosphere with rock ‘n’ roll-themed decora- steampunk attire, host interactive workshops on steam-
tions, stage props, and music memorabilia. Encourage punk crafts or inventions, and provide entertainment that
guests to dress in their best rock-inspired outfits, host live transports guests to an alternative Victorian era filled
performances or karaoke sessions, and provide interac- with steam-powered wonders. Celebrate the artistry, cre-
tive experiences such as air guitar competitions or rock ativity, and unique charm of steampunk in a night filled
trivia challenges. Celebrate the timeless appeal of rock with mechanical marvels and retro-futuristic delights.
‘n’ roll and let the music ignite the night with its electri-
fying energy. 1. “Steampunk Soirée: A Fusion of Victorian Elegance
and Industrial Innovation”
1. “Rock ‘n’ Roll Riot: Letting the Music Take Control” 2. “Clockwork Carnival: Where Victorian Era Meets
2. “Rock Star Rendezvous: A Night of Musical Futuristic Fantasy”
Mayhem” 3. “Steam-powered Spectacle: Embracing the Gears
3. “Rock ‘n’ Roll Revolution: Celebrating the Legends and Gadgets of Steampunk”
of Music” 4. “Industrial Revolution Ball: Celebrating the Age of
4. “Guitar Gods Gala: Paying Tribute to Rock’s Great- Innovation”
est Icons” 5. “Victorian Visions: Journeying through a Steam-
5. “Rockin’ Retro Bash: Grooving to the Beats of the punk Wonderland”
Past” 6. “Airship Adventure: Exploring a World of Mechani-
6. “Amped Up Affair: Unleashing the Power of Rock ‘n’ cal Marvels”
Roll” 7. “Gears and Glamour Gala: Showcasing the Beauty of

50 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

Steampunk Fashion” 6. “Old World Wanderlust: A Tribute to Classic
8. “Brass and Leather Affair: Dressed to the Nines in Voyages”
Steampunk Style” 7. “Globetrotter’s Gala: Stepping Back in Time”
9. “Steam-engine Soiree: A Night of Whimsical 8. “Vintage Suitcases and Memories: Unforgettable
Contraptions” Travel Experiences”
10. “Clockwork Cabaret: Dancing to the Rhythms of 9. “Timeless Travelers: Celebrating the Spirit of
Steampunk” Exploration”
11. “Retro-futurist Revelry: Merging Past and Future in 10. “Retro Retreat: A Vintage Voyage through Cultures”
Steampunk Splendor” 11. “Expedition Elegance: Rediscovering the Art of
12. “Steampunk Showcase: Displaying the Artistry of Travel”
Steam-powered Creations” 12. “Stamps and Steamer Trunks: A Vintage Travel
13. “Victorian Tech Fair: Celebrating the Ingenuity of Affair”
Steampunk Inventions” 13. “Bon Voyage Bash: An Evening of Timeless
14. “Steampunk Salon: Engaging in Intellectual Con- Adventure”
versations and Curiosities” 14. “Journey to Yesterday: Embracing the Beauty of
15. “Mechanized Masquerade: Unveiling the Secrets of Vintage Exploration”
Steampunk Delights” 15. “Vintage Caravan: Roaming the World in Style”


These vintage travel-inspired gala themes evoke the These gala themes will take attendees back in time to
charm and allure of bygone eras. Transform the venue the vibrant era of the 1950s. Decorate the venue with
into a nostalgic travel setting with vintage suitcases, retro-inspired props, such as jukeboxes, vintage cars,
globes, old maps, and retro travel posters. Use a color record players, and checkered patterns. Use colors like
palette that reflects the elegance of the past, such as rich pastel pink, baby blue, and retro red in your decorations
earth tones, sepia hues, and pops of vintage-inspired and table settings. Offer a menu featuring classic dishes
colors. Incorporate vintage travel accessories like old from the 50s, like hamburgers, milkshakes, cherry pies,
suitcases, vintage cameras, and binoculars into the decor. and other nostalgic treats. Create a playlist with popular
Set up different areas inspired by famous destinations, songs from the 50s to set the mood and encourage guests
complete with themed decorations and artifacts. Serve to dress in 50s-inspired attire, such as poodle skirts,
a menu inspired by classic dishes from various countries. leather jackets, saddle shoes, and fedora hats. Incorpo-
Consider entertainment options like live music from dif- rate entertainment like live bands playing rock ‘n’ roll
ferent eras, a vintage photo booth, or even a mini exhibi- hits, dance performances, and interactive games that cap-
tion showcasing vintage travel memorabilia. Encourage ture the essence of the 50s. With these 50s-themed galas,
guests to dress in period attire to enhance the vintage you’ll create a memorable experience that celebrates the
travel atmosphere. iconic decade while supporting a meaningful cause.

1. “Around the World in a Night: A Vintage Travel 1. “Rock ‘n’ Roll Revival: A Night of 50s Hits”
Soiree” 2. “Sock Hop Soirée: Dancing Back to the Fabulous
2. “Passport to Elegance: Celebrating the Golden Age Fifties”
of Travel” 3. “Grease Lightning Gala: A Tribute to 50s High
3. “The Grand Tour: Journeying Through Time and School Romance”
Style” 4. “Retro Diner Delight: Nostalgic Eats and Beats”
4. “Wanderlust Ball: Reliving the Glamour of Vintage 5. “Vintage Hollywood Glam: Stars of the Silver
Travel” Screen”
5. “Vintage Jetsetter: A Night of Nostalgic Adventure” 6. “Tiki Tiki Time Machine: Journey to the Exotic 50s”

51 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

7. “Drive-In Movie Magic: Outdoor Cinema Under the 11. “The Age of Giving: Travel Back in Time to an Era
Stars” Defined by Generosity and Social Change.”
8. “Let’s Twist Again: A Night of 50s Dance and Fun” 12. “Peaceful Hearts Benefit Gala: Unite for Peace and
9. “The Soda Shoppe Shuffle: Sweet Treats and Juke- Support Causes Close to the Heart.”
box Beats” 13. “1960s Retro Charity Celebration: Take a Trip
10. “Pin-Up Paradise: Classic Beauty and Vintage Style” Down Memory Lane.”
11. “50s Fashion Frenzy: Poodle Skirts and Greaser Chic”
12. “Hop Onboard the Time Machine: A 50s Time
Travel Adventure” 1970S
13. “The Beat Generation: Celebrating 50s Literature These 70s-inspired gala themes capture the vibrant and
and Poetry” free-spirited essence of the era. Transform your venue
14. “Highway to Happy Days: A Road Trip Through the into a nostalgic time capsule with retro decorations,
50s” such as disco balls, psychedelic patterns, lava lamps, and
15. “Sock It to Cancer: Fighting Illness, 50s Style” vibrant colors. Encourage guests to dress in their best
70s-inspired attire, from bell-bottom pants and platform
shoes to flowy bohemian dresses and afro wigs. Set the
1960S mood with a playlist featuring iconic hits from the 70s,
Transport guests to the transformative era of the 1960s ranging from disco to rock and soul. Incorporate inter-
with these themed fundraising events. Embrace the spirit active elements like a dance floor, photo booths with
of peace, love, and compassion by incorporating elements themed props, or even a silent disco experience. Con-
of the counterculture movement. Decorate the venue sider including fundraising activities like live auctions
with psychedelic colors, flower motifs, and retro-inspired featuring vintage memorabilia or hosting a dance-off
designs. Encourage attendees to dress in ‘60s attire, such competition to engage attendees and raise funds.
as bell-bottoms, tie-dye shirts, and headbands. Infuse
the event with live music from the era or tribute acts to 1. “Groovy Disco Fever: Boogie Nights for a Cause”
iconic bands. Incorporate interactive experiences, like 2. “Hippie Haven: Peace, Love, and Philanthropy”
art workshops or discussions on social movements of 3. “Funky Town Flashback: Dancing Through the
the time. It’s a fundraising celebration that captures the Decades”
essence of the 1960s while promoting positive change 4. “Saturday Night Fever: Stayin’ Alive with
and supporting charitable causes. Generosity”
5. “Soul Train Soirée: Get Down and Give Back”
1. “Groovy Giveback Gala: Get Your Groove On.” 6. “70s Glam Gala: Sparkling in Sequins and Platform
2. “Peace, Love, and Philanthropy: Spread Love.” Shoes”
3. “Swinging ‘60s Soirée: Dance the Night Away.” 7. “Woodstock Revival: Peace, Music, and Charity”
4. “Hippie Chic Charity Ball: Embrace the Spirit of 8. “Studio 54 Extravaganza: A Night of Glitz and Glam”
Peace, Love, and Generosity in a Night of Fashion 9. “Bohemian Rhapsody: Expressing Artistry for a
and Philanthropy.” Cause”
5. “Mod for a Mission: Be Fab and Make an Impact.” 10. “Disco Inferno: Lighting up the Night with
6. “Tie-Dye and Generosity: Tie-Dye Your Way to Philanthropy”
Making a Difference.” 11. “Funky Fashion Fête: Embracing Bold Styles for
7. “Revolution of Compassion: Join the Revolution.” Good”
8. “Summer of Love Fundraiser: Celebrate the 12. “Peaceful Protest: Advocating for Change Through
Summer of Love.” Generosity”
9. “Flower Power Philanthropy: The Power Generosity 13. “Glam Rock Revival: Rocking Out for a Worthy Cause”
and Kindness.” 14. “Soulful Celebration: Raising Funds with Rhythm
10. “Rock ‘n’ Roll and Raise: Rock Out for a Good Cause.” and Soul”

52 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

15. “Vintage Vinyl Vibes: Spinning Records for Charity” 15. “Electric Dreams Charity Gala: Fulfill Electric
Dreams of a Better Future.”

Take a trip down memory lane with these ‘80s-themed Magic & Fantasy
fundraising events. Transport guests back to the iconic
era of big hair, neon colors, and leg warmers with vibrant
decorations and retro-inspired ambiance. Encourage ASTROLOGY
attendees to dress in their best ‘80s attire, embracing the Unlock the mysteries of the cosmos with these capti-
fashion trends of the decade. Incorporate ‘80s-inspired vating astrology gala themes. Create an atmosphere that
activities, such as a dance-off to classic hits, arcade games, evokes the magic of the stars by incorporating celestial
or trivia contests. Set the stage with live performances decorations, such as twinkling lights, cosmic backdrops,
of popular ‘80s music or tribute acts to legendary artists. and celestial motifs. Invite guests to dress according to
It’s a fundraising extravaganza that celebrates the spirit their zodiac signs or in attire that reflects the theme, like
of the ‘80s while supporting charitable causes, creating celestial-inspired gowns or cosmic accessories. Provide
a nostalgic and unforgettable experience for all. astrology-themed activities, such as personalized birth
chart readings, tarot card readings, or astrology-inspired
1. “Totally ‘80s Bash for a Cause: Take It Back to the art installations. Incorporate astrological elements into
‘80s” the event program, such as presentations by astrologers,
2. “Back to the ‘80s Dance Party: Dance the Night panel discussions on astrology’s influence, or interactive
Away.” workshops on harnessing the power of the planets. Serve
3. “Radical Retro Charity Celebration: Embrace the celestial-inspired cuisine, such as “Stellar Sips” cocktails
Spirit of the ‘80s.” or “Zodiac Delights” desserts. Enhance the ambiance
4. “Neon Nights Fundraiser: Illuminate the Night with with celestial music or live performances that align with
Neon Colors.” the astrological theme. This astrology gala will ignite
5. “Flashback to the ‘80s Gala: Step into the Time curiosity and self-reflection while celebrating the cosmic
Machine” connections that shape our lives, all in support of a mean-
6. “Legwarmers and Luminaries: Get Your ‘80s Fash- ingful cause.
ion On”
7. “Totally Awesome Charity Ball: Celebrate the Best 1. “Zodiac Gala: Embracing the Mysteries of the Stars”
of the ‘80s.” 2. “Celestial Soirée: Dancing Under the Starry Sky”
8. “1980s Icon Tribute Soirée: Pay Tribute to Iconic 3. “Cosmic Connections: Exploring the Influence of
Figures of the ‘80s” Astrology in Our Lives”
9. “Vibrant Visions of the ‘80s: Colorful and Vibrant 4. “Planetary Promenade: Journeying through the
Spirit of the ‘80s.” Planets and their Energies”
10. “Rewind and Give: An ‘80s-Inspired Event: Rewind 5. “Astrology Unveiled: Decoding the Language of the
the Clock & Have Fun” Stars”
11. “Rock the Night Away: Rock out to ‘80s Hits” 6. “Stellar Serendipity: Celebrating the Alignment of
12. “Decade of Generosity: ‘80s Edition: Travel Back to Fate and Destiny”
the ‘80s” 7. “Astrological Elements: Embracing the Energies of
13. “I Love the ‘80s Fundraising Extravaganza: Express Fire, Earth, Air, and Water”
Your Love for the ‘80s and Support Meaningful 8. “Lunar Luminary: Honoring the Phases and Power
Causes.” of the Moon”
14. “Journey to the Eighties: Take a Journey Back 9. “Rising Signs Revelry: Discovering the Significance
in Time to the ‘80s and Make an Impact on the of Ascendants”
Present.” 10. “Astro-Artistry: Expressing Astrological

53 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

Archetypes through Art” 17. “Crystal Luminosity: Illuminating Hope and Healing”
11. “Starry Insight: Exploring Astrological Charts and 18. “Crystal Mirage: A Night of Mystical Opulence”
Interpretation” 19. “Crystalline Wonder: Unveiling the Magic Within”
12. “Astrology and Relationships: Navigating the 20. “Gala Under the Stars: A Celestial Crystal Affair”
Cosmic Dance of Love” 21. “Crystal Prism Charity Ball: A Spectrum of Giving”
13. “Astrological Healing: Harnessing the Energies of 22. “Jewels of Compassion: Honoring Philanthropic
the Zodiac for Well-being” Gems”
14. “Celestial Symposium: Gathering Wisdom from 23. “Crystal Visions: A Journey into Sublime Beauty”
Astrological Experts” 24. “Crystal Elegance: Unveiling the Sparkle Within”
15. “Astrological Rendezvous: Celebrating Personal 25. “Crystal Couture: Fashionably Philanthropic”
Growth and Self-Discovery”

CRYSTALS These enchanted forest themes transport guests into a
These crystal-inspired gala themes celebrate the allure whimsical world filled with mystery and enchantment.
and enchantment of crystals. Decorate the venue with Decorate with lush greenery, twinkling lights, and
cascading crystal curtains, shimmering chandeliers, and ethereal elements that evoke the magic of the forest.
centerpieces featuring crystals of various shapes and Encourage guests to embrace the theme by wearing
sizes. Use lighting effects to create a magical ambiance, fairy tale-inspired attire or costumes, and provide inter-
casting reflections and shadows that mimic the sparkle of active experiences such as interactive storytelling, for-
crystals. Encourage guests to dress in attire that reflects est-inspired crafts, and mystical entertainment. Create
the theme, such as silver, white, or outfits adorned with an atmosphere where guests can escape into a realm of
crystal embellishments. Incorporate crystal-inspired ele- fantasy and make-believe, celebrating the beauty and
ments in the event program, such as crystal healing sta- magic of the enchanted forest.
tions, fortune-telling with crystal balls, or crystal-themed
entertainment. 1. “Enchanted Forest Fête: A Magical Journey into the
1. “Crystal Dreams: An Evening of Elegance” 2. “Fairy Tale Ball: Where Dreams and Reality Entwine”
2. “Sparkling Splendor: A Crystal Gala Affair” 3. “Mystical Grove Gala: Embracing the Wonder of
3. “Diamond Delight: Shining Bright for a Cause” Nature”
4. “Crystal Ball Masquerade: Unveiling the Magic” 4. “Whimsical Woodland Soirée: Dancing with the
5. “Glamour in Quartz: Celebrating Crystal Beauty” Fairies”
6. “Crystal Reflections: A Night of Inner Radiance” 5. “Secret Garden Revelry: Unveiling Nature’s Hidden
7. “Enchanted Crystal Garden: Where Dreams Come Treasures”
True” 6. “Enchanted Twilight: Captivated by the Charms of
8. “Crystal Clear Charity Soirée” the Forest”
9. “Iridescent Illusions: A Gala of Mesmerizing Crystals” 7. “Forest Fantasy: Where Reality Meets Imagination”
10. “Crystal Kaleidoscope: A Dazzling Affair” 8. “Enchanted Evergreens: Celebrating the Wisdom of
11. “Crystal Cascades: A Night of Glittering Grace” the Trees”
12. “Crystal Gala Extravaganza: A Vision in 9. “Woodland Wonders: Discovering the Magic
Transparency” Within Nature”
13. “Glistening Gems: Honoring Philanthropic Brilliance” 10. “Fairy Forest Feast: A Feast Fit for Magical Beings”
14. “Crystal Symphony: Harmonizing Hearts and 11. “Ethereal Elegance: Draped in the Beauty of the
Crystals” Enchanted Forest”
15. “Radiant Resonance: Celebrating Crystal Energy” 12. “Enchanted Pathways: Journeying through Nature’s
16. “Crystal Caviar & Champagne: Indulgence for a Cause” Enigma”

54 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

13. “Enchanted Moonlight: Dancing under the Stars in FANTASY AND FAIRY TALES:
the Forest’s Embrace” Step into a world of enchantment with these fantasy
14. “Whispers of the Woods: Unveiling the Mysteries of and fairy tale gala themes. Create an immersive expe-
the Enchanted Forest” rience by transforming the venue into an enchanted
15. “Enchanted Escape: Where Reality Fades into forest with twinkling lights, lush foliage, and whimsical
Enchantment” decorations. Set the mood with ethereal music and fairy
tale soundtracks. Encourage guests to dress up as their
favorite fairy tale characters or in elegant attire fit for
FAIRIES royalty. Incorporate interactive elements such as a fairy
These gala themes invite guests to immerse themselves in godmother granting wishes, mythical creatures roaming
the magical world of fairies. Create an ethereal ambiance the event, or a storybook corner for storytelling. Serve
with twinkling lights, flower arrangements, and whim- whimsical and themed cuisine, such as “Magic Potion”
sical decorations. Incorporate fairy-inspired activities, cocktails or “Fairy Godmother’s Delight” desserts.
such as face painting, costume contests, and interactive Enhance the atmosphere with enchanting entertain-
storytelling. Support charitable causes related to nature ment like magicians, acrobats, or fairytale-inspired per-
conservation, environmental education, and children’s formances. Capture the spirit of beloved fairy tales with
arts programs to capture the essence of fairy folklore and inspirational speeches and fundraising activities that
inspire wonder in attendees of all ages. focus on the power of imagination and making dreams
come true. This magical gala will transport guests to a
1. “Enchanted Garden Gala: Where Fairies Come to Life” world of wonder and bring the magic of fairy tales to life
2. “Fairy Fantasy Ball: A Magical Evening of Whimsy” while supporting a meaningful cause.
3. “Wings of Wonder: Celebrating the Ethereal Beauty
of Fairies” 1. “Enchanted Forest: A Magical Journey into Fairy
4. “Fairyland Soiree: A Night of Enchantment and Tales”
Delight” 2. “Once Upon a Time: A Night of Fantasy and Wonder”
5. “Fairy Tales Unfold: Immersing in the Realm of 3. “Fairy Tale Ball: Where Dreams Come True”
Fairytale Creatures” 4. “Mystical Kingdoms: Celebrating the Magic of Fairy
6. “Pixie Dust and Moonbeams: Embracing the Magic Tales”
of Fairies” 5. “Wonderland Wonders: A Whimsical Adventure
7. “Mystical Meadows: An Evening Among Fairies and Awaits”
Fluttering Wings” 6. “Fairy Godmother’s Fête: Granting Wishes and
8. “Twilight Enchantment: Captivating Moments with Creating Magic”
Fairy Folk” 7. “Mythical Masquerade: Unveiling Legends and
9. “Fantasy Forest Fête: Where Fairies Reign Supreme” Lore”
10. “Fairy Godmother’s Ball: Granting Wishes and 8. “Enchanting Elegance: Embracing the Beauty of
Spreading Joy” Fantasy”
11. “Secret Garden Gala: Where Fairies Dance and 9. “Fairytale Fantasy: Bringing Storybooks to Life”
Dreams Take Flight” 10. “Legends and Lullabies: Celebrating Beloved Fairy
12. “Enchanted Woodland Whimsy: A Journey into the Tales”
Fairy Realm” 11. “Castle of Dreams: A Majestic Evening of
13. “Fairy Tale Masquerade: Unveiling the Mysteries of Imagination”
Fairyland” 12. “Magical Masquerade: Where Reality Blends with
14. “Sparkling Sprites: Celebrating the Delicate Beauty Fantasy”
of Fairies” 13. “Happily Ever After Gala: A Fairy Tale Ending”
15. “Wings and Wonders: A Gala Inspired by the Grace 14. “Pixie Hollow: A World of Adventure and
of Fairies” Friendship”

55 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

15. “Tales and Tiaras: Honoring the Heroines of Fairy MAGIC
Tales” These magical-themed fundraising events harness the
captivating allure of magic to inspire generosity and
create lasting impact. Set the stage with enchanting
LIGHTS decorations, incorporating elements like floating can-
These light-themed fundraising events celebrate the dles, twinkling lights, and mystical illusions. Feature
captivating beauty and transformative power of illu- mesmerizing performances from magicians, illusion-
mination. Set the stage with dazzling light installations, ists, and mentalists, captivating the audience with their
radiant centerpieces, and atmospheric lighting to create skill and wonder. Create interactive experiences such as
a mesmerizing ambiance. Incorporate elements like magic workshops or mind-bending challenges to engage
LED dance floors, light projections, or interactive light guests and ignite their own sense of wonder. Emphasize
displays to engage guests and create memorable experi- the power of giving by showcasing the transformative
ences. Emphasize the significance of the event’s cause effects of philanthropy and providing opportunities for
by highlighting how the collective generosity can bring attendees to contribute. Let the magic-themed event
light to those in need. Encourage guests to dress in attire leave guests spellbound, reminding them of the extraor-
that embraces the theme, such as shimmering fabrics or dinary change that can be created when generosity and
accessories that reflect and amplify light. Let the event enchantment come together.
be a shining beacon of hope and empowerment, uniting
attendees in the pursuit of positive change. 1. “Enchanted Evening: A Night of Mystique and
1. “Glow Gala: Illuminating the Night for a Cause” 2. “Magical Wonders: Unleashing the Power of Giving”
2. “Shimmer and Shine: A Sparkling Evening of Charity” 3. “Spellbinding Soirée: Where Dreams and Generos-
3. “Radiant Reflections: Celebrating the Beauty of ity Intersect”
Light” 4. “The Magic of Giving: A Night of Illusion and
4. “Luminosity Ball: Embracing the Power of Impact”
Illumination” 5. “Mystic Gala: Unveiling Secrets, Creating Miracles”
5. “Lights of Hope: Igniting Change in the Darkness” 6. “Abracadabra Affair: Igniting Hope, Making Magic
6. “Twinkle and Twirl: A Night of Dazzling Delights” Happen”
7. “Starstruck Soirée: A Celestial Celebration” 7. “Wizardry and Wishes: Transforming Lives
8. “Enchanted Glow: Where Magic Meets through Philanthropy”
Luminescence” 8. “Charm and Charitable Acts: Casting Spells of
9. “Ethereal Elegance: Bathed in the Glow of Compassion”
Inspiration” 9. “The Sorcerer’s Ball: Where Philanthropy Takes
10. “Beacon of Brilliance: Guiding the Way to a Brighter Center Stage”
Future” 10. “Presto Change-O: Turning Generosity into Lasting
11. “Gleaming Gala: Illuminating Lives with Change”
Generosity” 11. “Mesmerizing Moments: Unveiling the Power of
12. “Shine On: A Glittering Evening of Support” Giving”
13. “Lightscapes: Unveiling the Artistry of Illumination” 12. “Magical Masquerade: Concealing Wonders,
14. “Glowing Hearts: Lighting the Path to Revealing Impact”
Empowerment” 13. “Beyond the Veil: Unleashing the Magic of
15. “The Luminary Ball: Illuminating Dreams, Igniting Compassion”
Change” 14. “Illusionists of Philanthropy: Crafting Extraordi-
nary Change”
15. “Wands and Wishes: Making Dreams Come True
through Giving”

56 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

MYSTICAL CREATURES props, hangar-inspired decor, and aviation signage. Use
These mystical creature-inspired gala themes offer a a color scheme reminiscent of the sky, such as shades
sense of wonder and imagination, transporting guests to of blue, white, and silver. Incorporate airplane-related
magical realms. Create an immersive environment with elements like propellers, pilot hats, and vintage travel
enchanting decorations such as fairy lights, lush greenery, posters into the decor. Set up interactive displays or flight
and shimmering fabrics. Incorporate mythical creature simulators for guests to experience the thrill of flying.
motifs into the event design, such as dragon sculptures, Serve a menu inspired by in-flight dining or international
mermaid-inspired centerpieces, or unicorn-themed cuisine from different destinations. Consider adding
accents. Encourage guests to dress up as their favorite airplane-themed activities like a photo booth with pilot
mystical creatures or in ethereal attire. Consider enter- props or a paper airplane competition for entertainment.
tainment options like aerial performances, stilt walkers, Enhance the fundraising aspect with auction items
or fortune tellers to enhance the otherworldly atmo- related to travel, airline tickets, or aviation experiences.
sphere. Use fundraising activities like silent auctions or
raffles featuring unique mystical-themed experiences 1. “Flight to the Future: Soaring for a Cause”
or artwork. 2. “Wings of Compassion: Elevating Philanthropy”
3. “Sky High Soirée: Taking Charity to New Heights”
1. “Enchanted Forest: A Journey Through Mythical 4. “Aviation Elegance: Jetsetting for a Purpose”
Realms” 5. “Airborne Affair: Celebrating the Spirit of Flight”
2. “Dragon’s Lair: Unleashing the Magic Within” 6. “First-Class Philanthropy: A Journey in Giving”
3. “Unicorn Dreams: A Whimsical Evening of Wonders” 7. “Glide and Give: A Night of Charitable Soaring”
4. “Mermaid Mystique: Diving into an Underwater 8. “Aerial Extravaganza: Where Dreams Take Flight”
Wonderland” 9. “Runway to Generosity: Fashion and Fundraising in
5. “Phoenix Rising: Celebrating Resilience and Rebirth” the Air”
6. “Centaur Carnival: Half-Horse, Half-Human 10. “Cloud Nine Charity Gala: Where Hope Takes
Extravaganza” Wing”
7. “Fairyland Fantasy: Where Dreams Take Flight” 11. “Infinite Horizons: Navigating the Path of Giving”
8. “Kraken’s Den: Taming the Seas of Philanthropy” 12. “Airshow Spectacular: Aerial Feats for a Greater
9. “Griffin’s Roost: A Majestic Gathering of Legends” Cause”
10. “Sphinx Secrets: Riddles, Puzzles, and Philanthropy” 13. “Jetsetter’s Journey: Adventures in Philanthropy”
11. “Werewolf Whirlwind: Howling for a Cause” 14. “Up, Up, and Away: Raising Funds for a Brighter
12. “Nymph’s Garden: An Ethereal Evening of Tomorrow”
Enchantment” 15. “Flight of Compassion: Traveling Together for Good”
13. “Basilisk Ball: Dancing in the Gaze of Mythical
14. “Goblin Gala: Mischievous Merriment for a NIGHT SKY / STARS
Purpose” These gala themes capture the captivating allure of stars
15. “Chimera Carnival: Embracing the Extraordinary” and the night sky. Create a magical atmosphere with
celestial-inspired decor, shimmering lights, and cosmic
elements. Incorporate celestial-themed activities, star-
Outer Space & Sci-Fi gazing opportunities, and performances that celebrate
the celestial wonders. Encourage guests to embrace the
enchantment by dressing in attire that reflects the beauty
AIRPLANE/FLIGHT of the stars and the celestial realm.
These flight/airplane-inspired gala themes offer a unique
and adventurous atmosphere. Transform the venue into 1. “Stellar Soirée: A Celestial Journey through the Night
an aviation-themed space with elements like airplane Sky”

57 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

2. “Galaxy Gala: Where Stars Align and Dreams Take 5. “Interstellar Ball: Dancing among the Planets”
Flight” 6. “Astral Adventure: A Cosmic Celebration of
3. “Celestial Serenade: Dancing under the Starlit Exploration”
Canopy” 7. “Sci-Fi Frenzy: A Tribute to Imagination and
4. “Moonlit Magic: A Night of Enchantment in the Innovation”
Celestial Realm” 8. “Nebula Nightfall: Immersed in the Mysteries of the
5. “Cosmic Constellations: Exploring the Mysteries of Universe”
the Night Sky” 9. “Starship Soiree: Embarking on an Extraterrestrial
6. “Nebula Noir: Unveiling the Intrigues of the Celes- Adventure”
tial Canvas” 10. “Alien Encounter: A Close Encounter of the Party
7. “Starstruck Symphony: Harmonizing the Melodies Kind”
of the Cosmos” 11. “Cosmic Carnival: An Out-of-This-World
8. “Twilight Reverie: Embracing the Tranquility of the Extravaganza”
Night Sky” 12. “Futuristic Fantasy: Unveiling the Wonders of
9. “Astral Aura: Radiant Beauty in the Celestial Tomorrow”
Tapestry” 13. “Galaxy Gala: Where Space and Glamour Converge”
10. “Stellar Dreamscape: Where Wishes Sparkle under 14. “Lunar Luminary: Illuminating the Night with
Starlight” Astral Delights”
11. “Nightfall Fantasy: A Whimsical Adventure in the 15. “Space Odyssey: Celebrating the Cosmos in Style”
Nocturnal Realm”
12. “Celestial Elegance: Grace and Glamour in the
Celestial Sphere” SPACE
13. “Lunar Luminescence: Bathed in Moonlit Splendor” These space-themed galas will transport guests to a realm
14. “Stargazer Soirée: Glimpsing the Majesty of the of wonder and exploration. Create a celestial atmosphere
Cosmos” with cosmic decorations, including starry backdrops,
15. “Stardust Symphony: Dancing amid the Twinkling hanging planets, and shimmering lights. Incorporate
Stars” futuristic elements into the event design, such as metal-
lic accents, LED displays, and holographic projections.
Encourage guests to embrace their inner astronauts
OUTER SPACE/SCI-FI with space-inspired attire or costumes. Offer interactive
These outer space and sci-fi-inspired themes take guests exhibits or displays showcasing fascinating astronomi-
on a journey through the vast universe. Create an oth- cal phenomena. Engage attendees with space-themed
erworldly ambiance with cosmic decorations, futuristic activities, such as stargazing sessions, virtual reality
lighting, and props inspired by space travel. Encourage experiences, or space-themed trivia games. Consider
guests to dress in sci-fi or futuristic attire, and provide inviting guest speakers from the field of astrophysics or
interactive experiences such as virtual reality simula- astronomy to share their knowledge and insights. It’s an
tions or stargazing activities. Incorporate elements of opportunity to celebrate the mysteries and beauty of the
popular sci-fi franchises and celebrate the wonders of universe in an unforgettable gala experience.
the universe with a touch of imagination and wonder.
1. “Stellar Odyssey: Exploring the Depths of Outer 1. “Stellar Soirée: A Celestial Journey to the Stars”
Space” 2. “Galactic Gala: Exploring the Wonders of the
2. “Galactic Gala: Journeying into the Cosmos” Universe”
3. “Celestial Soirée: Where Stars Align and Dreams 3. “Cosmic Odyssey: Embarking on an Interstellar
Take Flight” Adventure”
4. “Space Age Spectacular: Embracing the Futuristic 4. “Nebula Night: Immersed in the Colors and Myster-
Frontier” ies of the Cosmos”

58 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

5. “Astronaut’s Ball: Dancing among the Planets and 5. “Fire & Flavors Gala: Ignite the Flames of Giving.”
Moons” 6. “Pitmaster’s Paradise Party: Savor the Taste of
6. “Star Wars Spectacular: Embracing the Force and Giving.”
Jedi Spirit” 7. “Ribbons & Ribs Fundraiser: Wrap Ribbons of Hope
7. “Out of This World: Where Fantasy Meets Science” Around Those in Need.”
8. “Rocket Launch Party: Igniting the Spirit of 8. “BBQ & Brews Bash: Brewing Hope.”
Exploration” 9. “Saucy & Spicy Charity Cookout: Spice Up the
9. “Lunar Luminescence: Bathed in Moonlight and Evening.”
Magic” 10. “Grill Masters for a Cause: Grill for a Purpose.”
10. “Intergalactic Masquerade: Disguised as Extrater- 11. “Smoke & Sizzle Celebration: Supporting a Great
restrial Beings” Cause.”
11. “Astrological Affair: Unveiling the Secrets of the 12. “Flame-Kissed Fiesta: Heat up the Night and Sup-
Zodiac” port of Meaningful Initiatives.”
12. “Alien Encounter: Bridging the Gap Between 13. “BBQ Bonanza Charity Gala: Contribute to a Good
Worlds” Cause.”
13. “Space Oddity: A Tribute to David Bowie’s Cosmic 14. “Grill & Give Back: Give Back to the Community.”
Legacy” 15. “BBQ Blues & Brews Benefit: Revel in Supporting a
14. “Supernova Celebration: Igniting Sparks of Charitable Cause.”
15. “Saturn’s Rings: Where Elegance and Science
These beach-inspired gala themes capture the laid-back
and refreshing atmosphere of coastal living. Create a
Seasonal beach paradise within your venue using elements like
seashells, driftwood, palm leaves, and tropical flowers.
Incorporate vibrant colors such as turquoise, coral, and
BBQ sandy neutrals to mimic the beach ambiance. Encourage
Ignite your taste buds and support a great cause with guests to wear resort or beach attire, such as sundresses,
these BBQ-themed fundraising events. Set the stage for a linen shirts, and sandals. Set the mood with beach-
mouthwatering experience by creating a festive outdoor themed music, from reggae and calypso to beach-inspired
ambiance with rustic decorations, picnic-style seating, pop hits. Consider incorporating interactive elements
and string lights. Feature a variety of BBQ dishes, from like a sandcastle-building competition, beach-themed
tender ribs to juicy burgers, complemented by an array photo booths, or even a live performance by a steel drum
of delicious sides and refreshing beverages. Incorporate band. Include fundraising activities like a silent auction
live music, BBQ competitions, or cooking demonstrations featuring beach getaways or water sports experiences to
to entertain guests. Encourage attendees to embrace the engage attendees and raise funds.
casual and relaxed atmosphere by dressing in their favor-
ite BBQ attire. It’s a fundraising feast that brings people 1. “Tropical Paradise: A Night in the Hawaiian Islands”
together to enjoy fantastic food, good company, and the 2. “Seaside Soirée: Celebrating Coastal Charities”
spirit of giving. 3. “Beach Bonanza: Sand, Surf, and Philanthropy”
4. “Nautical Elegance: Sailing towards a Better
1. “Smokin’ Hot Charity Bash: Ignite the Flame of Gen- Tomorrow”
erosity and Spice up the Night.” 5. “Sunset Serenade: Embracing the Colors of the
2. “Sizzlin’ Summer BBQ Soirée: Cooking for a Cause.” Coast”
3. “Grillin’ for Good: Fire for a Purpose.” 6. “Under the Sea: Diving into Charitable Waters”
4. “Backyard BBQ Benefit: Make a Difference in Style.” 7. “Surf’s Up, Give Back: Riding the Waves of

59 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

Generosity” magic of Giving.”
8. “Island Escape: A Caribbean Celebration for a 12. “Glowing Christmas Lights Celebration: Radiate
Cause” the Joy of Giving.”
9. “Seashell Splendor: Unveiling the Beauty of Giving” 13. “Winter Elegance Benefit: Elevate Lives through
10. “Beach Ball Bash: Bouncing into Philanthropy” Generosity.”
11. “Coastal Chic: Stylish Sands and Charitable Vibes” 14. “Holiday Movie Marathon Gala: Donate to Brighten
12. “Seaside Gala: A Night of Oceanic Opulence” Lives.”
13. “Sun, Sand, and Support: Beachside Benefaction” 15. “Candlelit Christmas Dinner: Gather around the
14. “Ocean Breeze Affair: Braving the Waves for a Glow and Share the Gift of Giving.”
15. “Shoreline Shindig: Dancing in the Moonlight for
Good” FALL
These fall-inspired gala themes capture the essence of
the season, from the vibrant colors of changing leaves to
CHRISTMAS the cozy ambiance of harvest celebrations. Whether you
These Christmas-themed gala ideas capture the enchant- choose to embrace the rustic charm of the countryside,
ment and joy of the holiday season. From the whimsy of infuse your event with autumnal flavors and scents, or
Santa’s workshop to the elegance of winter wonderlands, create an enchanting atmosphere inspired by Hallow-
these themes create a festive and magical atmosphere een and the supernatural, these themes will make your
for your nonprofit gala. Incorporate elements like twin- nonprofit gala truly unforgettable. Celebrate the season
kling lights, festive decor, and seasonal treats to immerse of giving with warmth, style, and a touch of fall magic.
guests in the spirit of Christmas. Whether you opt for a
classic approach or a unique twist, these themes will help 1. “Harvest Moon Gala: Illuminate Lives with Giving.”
you create a memorable and heartwarming event that 2. “Autumn Splendor Soirée: Elevate Lives through
captures the true meaning of the holiday season. Generosity.”
3. “Falling Leaves Charity Ball: Create Lasting
1. “Winter Wonderland Charity Ball: Make Spirits Change.”
Bright.” 4. “Enchanted Forest Fundraiser: Step into a Whimsi-
2. “Frosty’s Magical Gala: Enchantment and Giving.” cal Forest and Unleash the Magic of Giving.”
3. “Jingle Bell Jubilee: Ring in the Holiday Season 5. “Pumpkin Patch Party: Delight in the Charms of
with Joy, Laughter, and Generosity.” Fall and Support Meaningful Causes.”
4. “Enchanted Christmas Soirée: Enter a World of Hol- 6. “Golden Harvest Celebration: Celebrate the Abun-
iday Magic and Illuminate Lives with Love.” dance and Share the Gift of Giving.”
5. “Candy Cane Fantasy Fundraiser: Delight in a Sweet 7. “Masquerade in Mysterious Woods: Unveil the Mys-
Celebration of Giving and Joy.” teries and Make a Difference with Giving.”
6. “Deck the Halls Gala Extravaganza: Wrap the Eve- 8. “Rustic Chic Benefit: Make an Impact through
ning in the Gift of Giving.” Generosity.”
7. “Santa’s Workshop Charity Auction: Help Santa 9. “Harvest Feast Charity Dinner: Nourishing Lives.”
Spread Cheer.” 10. “Cider and Spice Gala: Savor the Flavors by Cultivat-
8. “Gingerbread Delight Ball: Create Sweet Memories ing Change.”
for a Cause.” 11. “Glowing Embers Soirée: Illuminate a Worthy
9. “Sparkling Snowflake Soirée: Illuminate Hearts Cause.”
with Generosity.” 12. “Cornucopia of Generosity: Enrich Lives with
10. “Twelve Days of Giving: Make Each Day of Giving Abundance.”
Count.” 13. “Witching Hour Fundraiser: Cast a Spell of
11. “Christmas in the Enchanted Forest: Share the Generosity.”

60 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

14. “Gilded Gourds Charity Ball: Adorn the Evening Cause”
with Generosity and Harvest Hope.” 13. “Hocus Pocus Charity Focus: Magic and Miracles
15. “Sweater Weather Soirée: Cozy up to Giving and for All”
Warm Hearts with Compassion.” 14. “Wicked Wonderland: A Bewitching Night of
16. “Autumn Serenade Benefit: Create a Symphony of Giving”
Change.” 15. “Fright Fest Fundraiser: Embracing Fear, Empower-
17. “Fireside Elegance Gala: Bask in Fireside Elegance ing Change”
and Ignite Lives with Generosity.”
18. “Falling for Philanthropy: Make a Lasting Impact.”
19. “Vibrant Foliage Fiesta: Revel in the Vibrant HOLIDAYS (excluding Christmas and
Change.” Halloween)
20. “Masquerade of Shadows: Unveil the Magic of These holiday-themed fundraising events embrace the
Giving.” spirit and significance of each special occasion while fos-
tering generosity and making a difference. For each holi-
day, tailor the event decorations and activities to reflect
HALLOWEEN its unique essence. From vibrant fireworks for Indepen-
These Halloween-themed galas can create a spooky and dence Day to shamrocks and green attire for St. Patrick’s
thrilling atmosphere for a charitable cause. Decorate the Day, let the venue come alive with the colors and symbols
venue with cobwebs, jack-o’-lanterns, and eerie lighting. associated with each holiday. Incorporate themed games,
Encourage guests to come in costume and host a costume performances, or workshops that engage and entertain
contest for added fun. Incorporate Halloween-themed guests while highlighting the holiday’s values. Make sure
activities like a haunted house, fortune-telling booths, or to connect the festivities to the cause at hand, such as
tarot card readings. Serve themed food and drinks, such providing Thanksgiving meals to those in need or sup-
as “Witch’s Brew” cocktails or “Batwing” appetizers. porting veterans on Memorial Day. Encourage attendees
Offer unique fundraising elements like a silent auction to embrace the holiday’s spirit of giving by incorporating
for Halloween-inspired items or a “trick or treat” dona- opportunities for them to donate, volunteer, or partici-
tion station. pate in fundraising activities during the event. Let these
holiday-themed fundraisers be a celebration of both tra-
1. “Nightmare Masquerade: Unmasking Hope and dition and philanthropy, uniting people in joyous support
Charity” of important causes.
2. “Haunted Gala: Where Fear Meets Philanthropy”
3. “Spooky Soirée: Frightful Fun for a Worthy Cause” 1. “New Year’s Extravaganza: Toasting to Hope and
4. “Witching Hour Ball: Casting Spells of Generosity” Resolutions”
5. “Ghouls and Goblins Gathering: A Halloween Affair 2. “Thanksgiving Harvest: Giving Gratitude, Feeding
for Good” the Community”
6. “Mystic Mansion: A Haunted Journey of Giving” 3. “Easter Celebration: A Joyous Gathering of Renewal
7. “Creepy Carnival: Thrills, Chills, and Philanthropic and Giving”
Feats” 4. “Valentine’s Affair: Love in the Air, Generosity in
8. “Enchanted Shadows: Dancing with Darkness, the Heart”
Shining with Compassion” 5. “Independence Soirée: Honoring Freedom, Empow-
9. “Ghostly Gala: Haunting Hearts, Changing Lives” ering Change”
10. “Pumpkin Patch Bash: Harvesting Hope, Scaring 6. “St. Patrick’s Day Shamrock Shuffle: Green with
Away Challenges” Goodwill”
11. “Trick or Treat for Charity: Spreading Sweetness, 7. “Fourth of July Fireworks Gala: Sparking Patriotism,
Sharing Kindness” Igniting Impact”
12. “Zombie Ball: Rising from the Dead to Support a 8. “Labor of Love Gala: Recognizing Hard Work and

61 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

Philanthropy” garden or outdoor venue to fully immerse guests in the
9. “Memorial Day Tribute: Remembering Heroes, Sup- wonders of the season. It’s a time to celebrate new begin-
porting Veterans” nings and the generosity of the season while making a
10. “Cinco de Mayo Fiesta: Mariachi Music, Margaritas, positive impact on the community.
and Making a Difference”
11. “Mother’s Day Brunch: Celebrating Mothers, Nur- 1. “Blooming Blossoms Benefit: Bloom with Generosity.”
turing Communities” 2. “Enchanted Garden Gala: and Let Generosity
12. “Father’s Day BBQ Bash: Grilling for Good Causes” Blossom.”
13. “Earth Day Conservation Gala: Preserving Nature, 3. “Springtime Soirée: Renew Lives with Giving.”
Sustaining Hope” 4. “Elegant Equinox Evening: Illuminate Lives
14. “Women’s Day Empowerment Soirée: Honoring through Generosity.”
Strength, Advancing Equality” 5. “Meadow Magic Fundraiser: Cultivate Change
15. “Veterans Day Salute: Honoring Service, Assisting through Giving.”
Veterans” 6. “Spring Fling Fiesta: Dance with Joyful Giving.”
16. “St. Valentine’s Charity Ball: Love, Compassion, and 7. “Butterfly Ball: Transforming Lives.”
Giving” 8. “Cherry Blossom Celebration: Inspire Change
17. “President’s Day Legacy Gala: Honoring Leaders, through Generosity.”
Inspiring Change” 9. “Renewal and Rebirth Charity Gala: Make a Lasting
18. “International Women’s Day Gala: Celebrating Impact.”
Achievements, Empowering Women” 10. “Rainbow Revival: Paint Lives with the Colors of
19. “Labor Day Labor of Love: Commemorating Work- Generosity.”
ers, Supporting Causes” 11. “Whimsical Woodland Wonderland: Create Magic
20. “Mardi Gras Masquerade: Unmasking Generosity, through Giving.”
Reveling in Giving” 12. “Spring Awakening Affair: Awaken the Spirit of
21. “Columbus Day Discovery Gala: Exploring New Giving and Ignite Lives with Compassion.”
Horizons, Supporting Education” 13. “Garden of Hope Soiree: Illuminate Lives through
22. “Mother’s Day Garden Tea: Blooming with Love Generosity.”
and Philanthropy” 14. “April Showers Charity Event: Rain Generosity and
23. “Father’s Day Sports Spectacular: Athletes for a Shower Lives with Compassion.”
Cause” 15. “Floral Fantasy Ball: Dance into a Floral Fantasy
24. “Valentine’s Charity Run: Racing Hearts, Fundrais- and Create a Symphony of Change.”
ing Feet” 16. “Springtime Serenade: Blossom Lives with
25. “Thanksgiving Feast of Giving: Feeding the Hungry, Compassion.”
Filling Hearts” 17. “Sunshine and Daisies Gala: Lives Bloom with
18. “Nature’s Palette Fundraiser: Paint a Vibrant Pal-
SPRING ette of Change.”
Embrace the vibrant beauty of spring and support worthy 19. “Art in Bloom Benefit: The Art of Giving.”
causes with these themed fundraising events. Create an 20. “Spring Carnival for a Cause: Carnival of Giving to
enchanting atmosphere by incorporating blooming flow- Create Lasting Impact.”
ers, pastel colors, and nature-inspired decor. Emphasize 21. “Fresh Start Spring Gala: Elevate Lives through
the sense of renewal and rejuvenation that spring brings Generosity.”
by incorporating elements such as live music, outdoor 22. “Blossoming Beauty Ball: Celebrating the Beauty of
activities, or interactive art installations. Encourage a Blossoming lives.”
guests to dress in their spring best, with floral patterns 23. “Harmony in Bloom: Create a Symphony of Hope.”
and light attire. Consider hosting the event in a botanical 24. “Botanical Bliss Fundraiser: Illuminate Lives

62 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

through Generosity.” 18. “Bonfire & Barbecue Bash: Ignite Change and Savor
25. “Springtime Symphony: Play a Melody of Giving and the Flavor of Impact.”
Inspire Lives with Compassion.” 19. “Palm Paradise Gala: Cultivate Change beneath
Palm Trees.”
20. “Citrus Splash Fundraiser: Create a Splash of
SUMMER Change.”
Celebrate the vibrant spirit of summer while making
a difference with these themed fundraising events.
Embrace the warmth and joy of the season by incor- WINTER
porating elements that capture the essence of summer. These winter-inspired gala themes embrace the enchant-
Whether it’s a beachside bash, a tropical paradise gala, or ment and beauty of the season. From the glistening snow-
a garden gala, create an atmosphere that immerses guests flakes to the warmth of holiday celebrations, winter
in the beauty of the season. Include activities like outdoor offers a magical atmosphere for your nonprofit’s fund-
games, water-themed entertainment, or live music to raising event. Whether you choose to create a winter
enhance the summer vibes. Encourage attendees to dress wonderland, incorporate festive elements, or capture
in their summer best, with light and breezy attire. It’s a the allure of icy landscapes, these themes will captivate
time to come together, enjoy the outdoors, and support your guests and help them embrace the spirit of giving
worthy causes in the spirit of summer fun and generosity. during the winter months.
Let the charm of winter spark generosity and create a
1. “Sunny Soirée: Illuminate Lives with Generosity.” memorable event for your organization’s cause.
2. “Summer Breeze Benefit: Ride the Waves of Giving.”
3. “Beachside Bash: Make Waves of Change.” 1. “Winter Wonderland Gala: Sparkle with Generosity.”
4. “Tropical Paradise Gala: Escape to a Tropical Haven 2. “Frost and Fire Fundraiser: Ignite Change through
of Generosity.” Giving.”
5. “Island Escape Fundraiser: Transform Lives 3. “Arctic Adventure Benefit: Make Waves of Change
through Generosity.” through Giving.”
6. “Seaside Soiree: Spark Waves of Generosity.” 4. “Enchanting Ice Gala: Enveloped by the Magic of
7. “Sun-kissed Summer Celebration: Illuminate Lives Ice and Generosity.”
through Giving.” 5. “Holiday Magic Charity Event: Illuminate Lives
8. “Garden Gala: Cultivate a Garden of Change.” through Giving.”
9. “Picnic in the Park: Enjoy a Picnic of Giving.” 6. “Frozen Fantasy Ball: Step into a Frozen World and
10. “Poolside Party for a Purpose: Make a Splash with Transform Lives with Generosity.”
Generosity and Dive into Change.” 7. “Glittering Snowfall Soiree: Sparkle with the Spirit
11. “Luau for a Cause: Embrace the Spirit of Aloha and of Giving.”
Foster Change through Giving.” 8. “Glowing Ice Sculptures Benefit: Sculpt Change
12. “Summer Solstice Spectacular: Create a Spectacular through Giving.”
Impact.” 9. “Northern Lights Charity Gala: Illuminate Lives
13. “Surf’s Up Charity Bash: Catch the Wave of Giving with Generosity.”
and Ride the Tides of Change.” 10. “Crystal Clear Winter Ball: Transform Lives with
14. “Under the Stars Fundraiser: Shine Bright and Illu- Winter’s Magic.”
minate Lives through Generosity.” 11. “Silver Bells Soiree: Ring the Silver Bells of Giving
15. “Nautical Night of Giving: Navigate the Seas of and Create a Melody of Change.”
Change.” 12. “Sleigh Ride Spectacular: Embark on a Spectacular
16. “Summer Safari Adventure: Explore the Wilderness Journey of Giving.”
of Impact.” 13. “Polar Express Fundraiser: Journey towards Impact.”
17. “Sunflower Soirée: Bloom with Generosity.” 14. “Glamorous Ice Queen Gala: Reignite Lives with

63 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

Generosity.” 6. “Cultivating Compassion: Growing Together as a
15. “Snowy Serenade Charity Event: Serenade Change Community”
through Giving.” 7. “Community Kaleidoscope: Reflecting the Vibrancy
16. “Winter Solstice Celebration: Illuminate Lives with of Our Neighborhoods”
the Light of Giving.” 8. “Harmony in Diversity: Embracing the Tapestry of
17. “Fire and Ice Soiree: Spark Change through Giving.” Cultures”
18. “Champagne and Snowflakes Benefit: Toast to 9. “Community Champions: Celebrating Acts of Ser-
Generosity.” vice and Kindness”
19. “Cozy Cabin Charity Gala: Warm Hearts with Gen- 10. “Empowered Together: Igniting Change in Our
erosity and Giving.” Community”
20. “Frosty Masquerade Ball: Dance with and Trans- 11. “Threads of Hope: Weaving a Stronger Community”
form Lives with Generosity.” 12. “Community Resilience: Nurturing Strength and
13. “The Power of We: Celebrating Collective Impact”
Social Services 14. “Stories of Us: Sharing the Voices of Our
15. “Community Renaissance: Revitalizing Our Shared
For these community-themed galas, focus on creating
an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere. Decorate the
event space with symbols of unity, such as a commu- ELECTIONS
nity mural, interactive art installations, or a centerpiece These election-themed fundraising events celebrate the
representing diverse cultures. Highlight the stories and power and significance of democratic processes. Create
achievements of individuals and organizations making an atmosphere that reflects the spirit of elections with
a positive impact in the community through awards and patriotic decorations, symbols of democracy, and edu-
recognition. Incorporate interactive activities and oppor- cational exhibits. Emphasize the importance of civic
tunities for guests to engage with local nonprofits and engagement, voter participation, and political aware-
community initiatives. Consider hosting a community ness through informative discussions, guest speakers, or
showcase where organizations can present their projects interactive activities. Highlight initiatives that support
and attendees can learn more about their work. Provide fair and inclusive elections, voter education, or politi-
networking opportunities for guests to connect, collab- cal advocacy. Provide opportunities for guests to sup-
orate, and build new relationships. These galas serve as port organizations that promote democratic principles,
a platform to celebrate the strength and resilience of the encourage voter registration, or work to ensure electoral
community while fostering a sense of belonging and col- integrity. Let the event inspire a deeper understanding
lective responsibility. and appreciation for the democratic process, fostering
an informed and engaged citizenry dedicated to positive
1. “Unity Celebration: Honoring the Strength of Our change.
2. “Building Bridges: Connecting Communities 1. “Democracy Gala: Celebrating the Power of Civic
Together” Engagement”
3. “Community Mosaic: Celebrating Diversity and 2. “Voting Voices: Honoring the Importance of
Inclusion” Elections”
4. “Neighbors Unite: Embracing the Power of 3. “Election Extravaganza: A Night of Political
Togetherness” Prowess”
5. “Heart of the Community: Recognizing Local 4. “Ballots and Bravery: Recognizing the Courage of
Heroes” Public Service”

64 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

5. “Power to the People: Inspiring Active Citizenship” Time”
6. “Campaign Trail Celebration: Embracing the Spirit 11. “Hunger Heroes: Honoring those Fighting Food
of Elections” Insecurity”
7. “Democracy in Action: Amplifying the Voices of the 12. “Food for Thought: Conversations for Change”
Electorate” 13. “The Power of Sharing: Uniting for a Hunger-Free
8. “Electrify the Vote: Igniting Change through Civic World”
Participation” 14. “Savor the Difference: Celebrating Culinary Diver-
9. “Civic Celebration: Commemorating the Demo- sity, Combating Hunger”
cratic Process” 15. “Full Plates, Full Hearts: Embracing Food, Empow-
10. “Path to the Polls: Empowering Voters, Empower- ering Lives”
ing Change”
11. “Victory Celebration: Recognizing the Triumphs of
Democracy” HOPE
12. “Voice of the People: Honoring the Power of Collec- These hope-themed fundraising events celebrate the
tive Decision-Making” power of optimism and inspire positive change. Set a
13. “Electoral Elegance: A Sophisticated Affair of Politi- warm and inviting atmosphere with uplifting decora-
cal Significance” tions, soft lighting, and inspiring quotes. Showcase sto-
14. “Campaign for Progress: Fostering Hope and Posi- ries of resilience and triumph to remind attendees of the
tive Change” transformative power of hope. Offer engaging activities
15. “Democracy’s Legacy: Preserving the Principles of that promote community connections and encourage
Fair Elections” guests to share their own messages of hope. Incorporate
elements of giving and support, emphasizing how collec-
tive efforts can create a brighter future. Foster a sense of
FEED THE HUNGRY unity and purpose, reminding attendees that together,
These gala themes provide an opportunity to raise funds, they can make a meaningful impact. Let the event serve
raise awareness about food insecurity, and rally support as a beacon of hope, igniting hearts and minds with the
for organizations dedicated to feeding the hungry. Select belief that a better world is possible.
a theme that aligns with the mission of the nonprofit and
resonates with the values of your community, creating 1. “Beacon of Hope: Illuminating a Brighter Future”
an impactful and memorable event. 2. “Wings of Hope: Soaring Above Adversity”
3. “Shining Stars: Inspiring Hope in Every Heart”
1. “Harvest of Hope: Cultivating Abundance, Inspiring 4. “Path of Possibilities: Journey Towards Hope”
Change” 5. “Rays of Hope: Embracing a Brighter Tomorrow”
2. “Nourishing Lives: Sustaining Communities 6. “Hope Springs Eternal: Celebrating Resilience”
through Good Food” 7. “Seeds of Hope: Cultivating a Better World”
3. “A Taste of Compassion: Delighting Palates, Fight- 8. “Hope in Bloom: Nurturing Dreams and Growth”
ing Hunger” 9. “Unbreakable Spirit: Harnessing the Power of Hope”
4. “Breaking Bread Together: Unite to Feed the Hungry” 10. “Guiding Light: Empowering Hopeful Futures”
5. “From Farm to Fork: Savoring Sustainable Solutions” 11. “A New Dawn: Embracing Hope and Renewal”
6. “Share the Bounty: Giving Back One Meal at a Time” 12. “Hope Anchors the Soul: Sailing Towards a Better
7. “Feeding the Future: Nurturing Young Minds and World”
Bodies” 13. “Radiant Hope: Illuminating Hearts and Minds”
8. “A World Without Hunger: Joining Forces to End 14. “Hope’s Symphony: Harmonizing Hearts for Posi-
Global Food Insecurity” tive Change”
9. “Fill Their Plates: Taking Action Against Hunger” 15. “Bridge of Hope: Connecting Communities for a
10. “Serving Up Hope: Inspiring Change, One Meal at a Brighter Tomorrow”

65 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

These home-themed fundraising events celebrate the These gala themes celebrate the vital work of human
importance and significance of a place to call home. services organizations, which focus on supporting and
Create a warm and inviting atmosphere reminiscent of empowering individuals and communities. They empha-
a cozy home, with comfortable seating areas, soft lighting, size compassion, unity, and the transformative power of
and home-inspired decorations. Emphasize the role of human connection. Create an atmosphere of hope and
homes in providing shelter, safety, and a sense of belong- inspiration through meaningful storytelling, testimoni-
ing to individuals and families in need. Showcase stories als from those impacted by the organization’s work, and
of resilience and hope, highlighting the transformative interactive experiences that highlight the organization’s
power of stable housing. Provide opportunities for guests mission. Encourage guests to actively engage with the
to support affordable housing initiatives, community cause and support the organization’s efforts in creating
development projects, or programs that assist homeless positive change.
individuals and families. Let the event inspire a deeper
understanding and appreciation for the value of home, 1. “Caring Community: Empowering Lives, Building
fostering compassion, and encouraging action to address Connections”
housing-related challenges within our communities. 2. “Hope in Action: Transforming Lives through
1. “Hearth and Home Gala: Celebrating the Heart of 3. “Nurturing Hearts: Inspiring Strength and Resilience”
Community” 4. “Changing Lives Together: Embracing the Power of
2. “A Place to Call Home: Honoring the Power of Community”
Shelter” 5. “Pathways to Prosperity: Unlocking Potential,
3. “Welcome Home Soirée: Embracing Belonging and Creating Opportunities”
Connection” 6. “Building Bridges of Hope: Empowering Individuals
4. “House of Hope: Building Stronger Communities and Families”
Together” 7. “A Beacon of Light: Guiding and Supporting Those
5. “Home Sweet Homecoming: Reuniting Hearts and in Need”
Homes” 8. “Empowering Tomorrow: Inspiring Change, Build-
6. “Foundation of Family: Celebrating the Essence of ing Brighter Futures”
Home” 9. “United in Compassion: Serving Those Who Need
7. “Keys to Happiness: Unlocking the Power of Home” It Most”
8. “Homestead Heroes: Recognizing Those Who Make 10. “Lifeline of Support: Extending a Helping Hand to All”
a House a Home” 11. “Restoring Dignity: Fostering Empowerment and
9. “Embrace the Abode: Creating Safe and Nurturing Independence”
Spaces” 12. “Empathy in Action: Touching Lives with Love and
10. “Roof and Refuge: Providing Shelter and Support” Care”
11. “Nestled in Love: Fostering a Sense of Belonging” 13. “Seeds of Change: Cultivating Growth and Empow-
12. “Cozy Comforts: Celebrating the Joys of Home Life” ering Communities”
13. “Place of Possibilities: Inspiring Dreams within 14. “Strengthening Families, Transforming Communities”
Four Walls” 15. “Embracing Diversity, Building Unity: One Commu-
14. “Building Bridges: Strengthening Communities nity, One Vision”
through Homes” 16. “Breaking Barriers, Creating Opportunities: A
15. “Harmony at Home: Promoting Peace, Love, and Unity” Future of Inclusion”
17. “Empowerment for All: Providing Tools for Per-
sonal Growth”
18. “A Circle of Support: Embracing and Uplifting Each

66 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

19. “Compassionate Care, Endless Possibilities” 13. “Empowering Communities: Education, Support,
20. “Resilience Rising: Overcoming Challenges, Build- and Justice for All”
ing Strength” 14. “Voices of Justice: Empowering Stories of Legal Aid
21. “Wings of Hope: Guiding Dreams, Inspiring Success”
Change” 15. “Legal Aid Legacy: Building a Just Society for
22. “Empowering Voices: Advocating for Justice and Generations”
23. “Lifting Spirits, Changing Lives: Supporting Mental
24. “Strengthening Foundations: Building Sustainable These gala themes celebrate the efforts and impact of
Communities” organizations dedicated to public and social benefit.
25. “Champions of Change: Making a Difference, One They highlight social justice, community empower-
Life at a Time” ment, inclusion, and collaboration. Incorporate sym-
bols of unity, interactive exhibits, powerful testimonials,
and calls to action to inspire guests to become agents of
LEGAL AID change. Encourage guests to support and engage with
These gala themes provide an opportunity to raise funds, organizations working towards social progress and the
celebrate achievements, and raise awareness about the betterment of communities.
importance of legal aid in ensuring access to justice for
all. Select a theme that aligns with the mission of the non- 1. “Bridges of Hope: Connecting Communities for
profit and resonates with the values of your community, Social Change”
creating an impactful and memorable event. 2. “Empowering Voices: Amplifying Advocacy and
1. “Justice for All: Equality, Access, and Empowerment” 3. “Catalyst for Change: Inspiring Transformation in
2. “A Night of Advocacy: Amplifying Voices, Trans- Society”
forming Lives” 4. “Building Stronger Communities: Promoting Social
3. “Legal Lifelines: Guiding, Supporting, and Chang- Impact”
ing Futures” 5. “Change Makers Unite: Collaborating for a Better
4. “Empowering Equality: Breaking Barriers, Creating World”
Change” 6. “Empathy in Action: Cultivating Compassion and
5. “Defending Rights, Changing Lives: Stories of Legal Understanding”
Aid Impact” 7. “Pathways to Progress: Creating Opportunities for
6. “Access to Justice: Bridging Gaps, Transforming All”
Communities” 8. “Inclusion Revolution: Celebrating Diversity and
7. “Champions of Justice: Honoring Advocates for a Equality”
Fair Society” 9. “Impactful Initiatives: Driving Social Innovation”
8. “Breaking Barriers: Advocating for Justice, Empow- 10. “Community Champions: Recognizing Local
ering Lives” Heroes”
9. “Legal Heroes: Honoring Dedication, Impacting 11. “Empowering the Vulnerable: Providing Support
Lives” and Resources”
10. “Bridging the Justice Gap: Closing Inequalities, 12. “Bridging the Opportunity Gap: Advancing Social
Restoring Justice” Mobility”
11. “Law and Liberty: Protecting Rights, Preserving 13. “Advocating for Justice: Promoting Equality and
Values” Fairness”
12. “Beyond the Bench: Holistic Approaches to Legal 14. “Rebuilding Lives: Empowering Individuals and
Aid” Families”

67 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

15. “Strengthening Social Fabric: Fostering Connected- of Seniors”
ness and Belonging” 7. “Age of Elegance: Rejoicing in a Lifetime of Style
16. “Collective Impact: Collaborating for Lasting Change” and Grace”
17. “Resilient Communities: Nurturing Strength and 8. “Lifelong Connections: Building Bridges Across
Resilience” Generations”
18. “Social Harmony: Building Bridges Across 9. “Legacy of Love: Celebrating the Impact of Senior
Differences” Role Models”
19. “Empowering Youth: Investing in the Next Generation” 10. “Aging with Joy: Promoting Happiness and Well-be-
20. “Promoting Civic Engagement: Inspiring Active ing in Seniors”
Citizenship” 11. “Renewed Purpose: Inspiring Seniors to Embrace
21. “Community Wellness: Enhancing the Quality of New Adventures”
Life for All” 12. “Reflections of Resilience: Celebrating Strength in
22. “Sustainable Solutions: Addressing Environmental the Face of Challenges”
and Social Challenges” 13. “Encore Moments: Recognizing Seniors’ Continued
23. “Empowering Women: Breaking Barriers, Creating Contributions to Society”
Equality” 14. “Aging in Harmony: Cultivating a Supportive Com-
24. “Amplifying Voices: Advocating for Marginalized munity for Seniors”
Communities” 15. “Serenade of Stories: Sharing the Wisdom and Life
25. “Mobilizing for Impact: Driving Social Experiences of Seniors”
Transformation” 16. “Golden Gala: Celebrating the Golden Age with
Elegance and Joy”
17. “Ageless Creativity: Showcasing Artistic Talents of
These gala themes celebrate the vitality, wisdom, and 18. “Treasured Connections: Fostering Meaningful
contributions of senior citizens. They focus on promot- Relationships Among Seniors”
ing a positive image of aging, fostering intergenerational 19. “Second Wind: Embracing New Beginnings in the
connections, and highlighting the unique experiences Senior Years”
and talents of seniors. Incorporate elements such as 20. “Sparkle and Wisdom: Shining a Spotlight on Senior
senior art exhibits, storytelling sessions, live perfor- Achievements”
mances, and opportunities for meaningful interactions 21. “Journey of Generations: Celebrating the Intercon-
to create a memorable and inclusive event. Encourage nectedness of Seniors and Youth”
guests to appreciate the richness of senior lives and sup- 22. “Vitality and Grace: Honoring Seniors’ Active and
port programs and initiatives that enhance the well-being Healthy Lifestyles”
and quality of life for older adults. 23. “Ageless Heroes: Recognizing Seniors’ Extraordi-
nary Contributions to Society”
1. “Golden Years Celebration: Honoring the Wisdom 24. “Forever Family: Embracing the Bond of Love
and Contributions of Seniors” Among Senior Loved Ones”
2. “Ageless Adventures: Embracing Life’s Journey at 25. “Inspiring Legacies: Celebrating the Lasting Impact
Every Stage” of Senior Leadership”
3. “Forever Young: Celebrating Vibrant Lives and End-
less Possibilities”
4. “Timeless Treasures: Recognizing the Richness of VETERANS
Senior Experiences” These gala themes provide a platform to raise funds,
5. “Silver Linings: Embracing the Beauty of Aging increase awareness, and demonstrate support for vet-
Gracefully” erans and their unique needs. Select a theme that aligns
6. “Wisdom in Bloom: Nurturing the Blooming Spirit with the mission of the nonprofit and resonates with the

68 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

values of your community, creating a memorable and my friend Noah’s playbook and consider inviting former
impactful event. players or coaches as special guests or speakers to share
their insights and stories. Capture the spirit of camara-
1. “Honoring Our Heroes: Saluting Courage, Celebrat- derie and team spirit that baseball embodies, bringing
ing Service” together fans, players, and philanthropists for an unfor-
2. “Salute to Service: Honoring Veterans, Inspiring gettable evening in support of the sport and its impact
Unity” on communities.
3. “A Night of Valor: Stories of Bravery, Resilience, and
Triumph” 1. “Grand Slam Gala: Celebrating the Allure of Baseball
4. “Serving Those Who Served: Supporting Veterans, Legends”
Changing Lives” 2. “Diamond Dreams: Honoring the Rich History of
5. “Veterans’ Voices: Amplifying Stories, Sharing America’s Pastime”
Perspectives” 3. “Batter Up Ball: Swinging for Success in Support of
6. “Journey to Healing: Empowering Veterans on the Youth Baseball”
Path to Recovery” 4. “Home Run Heroes: Recognizing Outstanding
7. “Veterans United: Strength, Unity, and Brotherhood” Achievements in the Sport”
8. “From Battlefield to Homefront: Bridging the Gap, 5. “Field of Dreams: Embracing the Magic and Inspi-
Building Support” ration of Baseball”
9. “Building Bridges: Collaboration for Veterans’ 6. “Baseball Classics: Nostalgia and Admiration for
Well-being” Iconic Moments”
10. “Mission Success: Celebrating Triumphs, Empower- 7. “Pitch Perfect: Celebrating the Art of Pitching and
ing Transitions” Precision”
11. “Standing Strong Together: Community Support for 8. “Glove and Gratitude: Appreciating the Impact of
Veterans” Coaches and Mentors”
12. “Veterans’ Wellness: Holistic Health for Thriving 9. “Baseball, Brews, and Barbecue: A Winning Combi-
Lives” nation for Fun and Fundraising”
13. “Celebrating Valor: Honoring Acts of Bravery, 10. “Team Spirit Spectacular: Uniting Fans and Sup-
Inspiring Generations” porters for a Common Goal”
14. “The Path Home: Integration, Support, and 11. “Ballpark Bash: A Night of Excitement, Entertain-
Community” ment, and Home Runs”
15. “Veterans’ Empowerment: Opportunities for Educa- 12. “Stealing the Show: Showcasing the Speed and Agil-
tion, Employment, and Entrepreneurship” ity of Base Stealers”
13. “Big League Bash: Bringing the Majors to the Gala
Sports 14. “All-Star Affair: Celebrating the Best in Baseball
Talent and Passion”
15. “Field of Hope: Raising Funds for Baseball Pro-
BASEBALL grams in Underserved Communities”
Step up to the plate and swing for success with these
baseball-themed fundraising events. Set the stage with
baseball-inspired decor, including stadium-style seat- BOATING
ing, banners featuring iconic teams, and centerpieces These boating-themed galas capture the spirit of adven-
made from baseballs and gloves. Incorporate elements ture, elegance, and the open sea. Create a nautical ambi-
of the game, such as batting cages, pitching challenges, ance with maritime-inspired decor, such as anchors, ship
or virtual reality baseball experiences, to engage guests wheels, and sailboat motifs. Set up a photo booth with
in a fun and interactive way. You might take a page from sailor hats, life jackets, and other boating props for guests

69 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

to capture memorable moments. Serve seafood delicacies the values of teamwork, determination, and sportsman-
and refreshing cocktails to enhance the maritime experi- ship that football represents. And don’t forget to include
ence. Consider hosting the event near a waterfront venue game day favorites in your menu, from nachos and hot
or on a boat itself for a unique twist. Incorporate boat- dogs to themed desserts. Get in the game and score a
ing-related activities or entertainment, such as a regatta fundraising touchdown with your football-themed event!
display, boat rides, or maritime-themed performances.
Emphasize the importance of preserving oceans and 1. “Gridiron Glory: Celebrating the Spirit of Football”
waterways by supporting environmental causes related 2. “End Zone Extravaganza: Touchdowns, Tailgates,
to marine conservation. These galas provide an oppor- and Team Spirit”
tunity to celebrate the beauty of boating while making a 3. “Game Day Gala: Uniting Fans in the Love of
positive impact on the community. Football”
4. “Legends of the Field: Honoring Football’s Greatest
1. “Sailing into Philanthropy: Anchoring Communities” Icons”
2. “Nautical Nights: A Voyage of Giving and Glamour” 5. “Super Bowl Spectacular: A Championship
3. “Shipshape Soiree: Charting a Course for Change” Celebration”
4. “Maritime Magic: Waves of Generosity” 6. “Friday Night Lights: Embracing the Energy of
5. “Ahoy for a Cause: Cruising Towards a Better High School Football”
Future” 7. “Quarterback Club: Celebrating the Heartbeat of the
6. “Yacht Club Elegance: Setting Sail for Charity” Team”
7. “Harbor of Hope: Navigating Together for Good” 8. “Huddle and Hustle: Fostering Teamwork and
8. “Cruise to Make a Difference: A Gala on the High Determination”
Seas” 9. “Fanatics United: Bringing Fan Fervor to the
9. “Seaside Splendor: Celebrating with Wind in Our Forefront”
Sails” 10. “Tailgate Tailwind: Good Food, Great Company,
10. “Boat Bash Benefitting Communities in Need” and Gridiron Fun”
11. “Sailors for Change: Supporting Causes from Port to 11. “Helmet Heroes: Honoring the Heroes on the Field”
Port” 12. “Spirit of the Game: Paying Tribute to Football’s
12. “Captain’s Ball: A Night of Adventure and Unique Culture”
Compassion” 13. “Winning Strategies: Exploring the Mindset and
13. “Bon Voyage Benefit: Embarking on a Journey of Tactics of Champions”
Giving” 14. “Marching Band Madness: Celebrating the Musical
14. “Sea of Support: Riding the Waves of Philanthropy” Talents of Football Season”
15. “Boating for a Better World: Tides of 15. “Champion’s Ball: Recognizing the Victors of the
Transformation” Gridiron”

Get ready to kick off your fundraising event with a foot- These golf-inspired galas bring together the elegance of
ball-themed extravaganza! Create an atmosphere that the sport and the spirit of giving. Decorate the venue with
captures the excitement and camaraderie of game day, golf-themed elements like mini golf holes, golf club cen-
with decorations featuring team colors, football-shaped terpieces, and green fairway accents. Incorporate golf-re-
centerpieces, and life-size player cutouts. Incorporate lated activities and games, such as mini golf challenges or
interactive elements like a mini football toss or a foot- a putting competition. Offer golf-inspired cocktails and
ball-themed photo booth to engage guests in the fun. Con- gourmet dishes with a touch of sophistication. Consider
sider inviting football legends or local players as special hosting the event at a golf course or a venue with an
guests to share inspiring stories and insights. Emphasize outdoor space to create an authentic golfing atmosphere.

70 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

Highlight the impact of the event on community initia- 1. “Puck Drop Party: Celebrating the Excitement of
tives and programs. Encourage attendees to dress in golf Hockey”
attire or formalwear for added flair. These galas provide 2. “Hat Trick Heroes: Honoring the Triumphs and
an opportunity for golf enthusiasts and philanthropists Achievements on the Ice”
to come together, enjoy a shared passion, and make a 3. “Rinkside Revelry: An Evening of Ice, Cheers, and
positive difference in the community. Goals”
4. “Stick Together: Fostering Teamwork and
1. “Swinging for a Cause: Tees and Tuxedos” Sportsmanship”
2. “Fairway to Philanthropy: Putting for a Purpose” 5. “Power Play Gala: Supporting Youth Hockey
3. “Golfing with Generosity: A Hole-in-One Development”
Fundraiser” 6. “Blades and Glory: Celebrating the Grace and Skill
4. “Greens and Giving: Driving Change in the of Figure Skating”
Community” 7. “Faceoff Fundraiser: Helping Players Reach Their
5. “Tee Off for Charity: Par Excellence Gala” Full Potential”
6. “Links of Love: Supporting Causes on the Fairway” 8. “Frozen Champions: Recognizing the Dedication
7. “Birdies and Beneficiaries: Fore a Better Future” and Passion of Hockey Players”
8. “Golf Gala Extravaganza: A Day on the Green for 9. “Hockey for Hope: Making a Difference One Goal at
Good” a Time”
9. “Putting for Progress: A Night of Swinging Support” 10. “Ice Queen Crown: Celebrating the Achievements of
10. “Golf Classic Charity Ball: Elevating Lives, One Female Hockey Players”
Swing at a Time” 11. “The Great One’s Legacy: Honoring the Impact of
11. “Hole-in-One Celebration: Teeing Up Success” Wayne Gretzky”
12. “Fairway Fête: A Swingin’ Soiree for a Worthy 12. “Hockey Heroes Hall of Fame: Preserving the Leg-
Cause” ends of the Game”
13. “Chipping Away at Challenges: Clubbing Together 13. “Shootout Showdown: Embracing the Thrills and
for Change” Challenges of Shootouts”
14. “Golfing Gems: A Gala of Green Fairways and 14. “Slapshot Spectacular: Celebrating the Power and
Giving Hearts” Precision of the Slapshot”
15. “Golf Fore Good: A Hole Lot of Philanthropy” 15. “Goalie Glory: Recognizing the Backbone of the

Get ready to hit the ice and score big with these hock- SOCCER
ey-themed fundraising events. Create an atmosphere that Get ready to kick off your soccer-themed fundraising
reflects the spirit of the game, with icy blue and white event and score a goal for your cause! Transform the
decor, hockey stick centerpieces, and table hockey games venue into a soccer paradise with decorations featuring
for guests to enjoy. Incorporate interactive elements, soccer balls, team colors, and banners of famous clubs.
such as a mini hockey rink or a shooting accuracy chal- Create an immersive experience by setting up mini
lenge, to engage attendees in friendly competition. Con- soccer fields or interactive soccer challenges for guests
sider inviting hockey legends or local players as special to enjoy. Invite soccer legends or local players to share
guests to share their experiences and inspire the audi- inspiring stories and showcase their skills. Organize a
ence. Emphasize the values of teamwork, sportsmanship, friendly tournament or penalty shootout competition to
and perseverance that hockey embodies, and highlight engage guests and create a lively atmosphere. Emphasize
the impact the sport can have on youth development and the values of teamwork, dedication, and sportsmanship
community building. Lace up your skates and bring the that soccer embodies. And don’t forget to serve soccer-in-
thrill of the ice to your fundraising event! spired snacks and drinks, from stadium favorites like hot

71 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

dogs and popcorn to themed desserts. Lace up your boots memorable. Encourage guests to dress in their favorite
and make a difference with your soccer-themed fund- team’s attire and host friendly competitions or challenges
raising event! throughout the evening.

1. “Goal Getter Gala: Celebrating the Passion and Spirit 1. “Champions for Change: A Night of Athletic Philan-
of Soccer” thropy”
2. “Kickoff Celebration: Unleashing the Excitement of 2. “Sports Legends Gala: Celebrating Heroes on and
the Beautiful Game” off the Field”
3. “World Cup Fever: Embracing the Global Unity of 3. “Olympic Dreams Charity Ball”
Soccer” 4. “Game Changer Extravaganza”
4. “Goal Scorer Soirée: Honoring the Skills and Talent 5. “Home Run for Hope: A Baseball-Themed Soirée”
on the Field” 6. “Gridiron Glamour: A Night of Football Finesse”
5. “Penalty Kick Party: Unleashing the Thrill of 7. “Court Side Celebration: Honoring Basketball
Shootouts” Excellence”
6. “Soccer Stars Showcase: Recognizing the Achieve- 8. “Goal for Good: A Soccer-Inspired Fundraising
ments of Legends” Gala”
7. “The Soccer Pitch: Transforming the Venue into a 9. “Tee It Up for Charity: Golfing for a Cause”
Field of Dreams” 10. “Racing Hearts Charity Event”
8. “Championship Glory: Celebrating Victories and 11. “Tennis Ball and Racquet Gala”
Teamwork” 12. “Hockey Night in [City]: A Frozen Fundraiser”
9. “Soccer Skills Academy: Inspiring the Next Genera- 13. “Riding for a Cause: Equestrian-Inspired Soirée”
tion of Players” 14. “Boxing for Hope: A Night of Fighting for a Better
10. “Soccer Fanatic Fête: Uniting Passionate Supporters Future”
from Around the World” 15. “Surf and Sand Charity Beach Bash”
11. “Half-time Heroes: Recognizing the Unsung Contri- 16. “Climb to New Heights: Mountain Adventure Gala”
butions to the Game” 17. “Runners’ Delight: A Marathon-Inspired
12. “Striker’s Paradise: A Night of Skill, Speed, and Fundraiser”
Goal-Scoring Brilliance” 18. “Team Spirit Celebration: Uniting for a Cause”
13. “Golden Boot Gala: Honoring the Top Scorers and 19. “Gymnastics Spectacular: Flipping for Philanthropy”
Offensive Prowess” 20. “Tackle Hunger Gala: A Football-Themed
14. “Tiki-Taka Tango: Celebrating the Artistry of Pos- Fundraiser”
session Football” 21. “Basketball Hoopla: Slam Dunking for a Purpose”
15. “Soccer Aid: Supporting Charitable Initiatives 22. “Swimming with Purpose: Dive into Philanthropy”
Through the Power of Soccer” 23. “Skating for Success: Ice-Skating Charity Event”
24. “Cycling for Change: Pedaling to Make a Difference”
25. “Climbing the Peaks: Adventure Sports Fundraiser”
These sports-inspired gala themes celebrate the spirit
of athleticism and the power of teamwork. Whether you TENNIS
focus on a specific sport or create a multisport theme, These tennis-inspired galas offer an opportunity to cel-
these themes offer a chance to engage sports enthusiasts ebrate the excitement, elegance, and competitive spirit
while raising funds for a cause. Decorate the venue with of the sport. Incorporate tennis-themed decorations,
sports memorabilia, jerseys, and equipment to create an interactive tennis games, and memorabilia displays. Host
immersive sporting atmosphere. Incorporate interac- exhibitions, charity tournaments, and engaging activities
tive elements like mini-games, silent auctions featuring that bring together tennis enthusiasts and supporters.
sports items, and athlete appearances to make the event Create an atmosphere of camaraderie, sportsmanship,

72 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

and fundraising success as you come together to cele- customs. It’s a fundraising journey that celebrates the
brate the impact of tennis and raise funds for a worthy beauty of our diverse world, fostering cross-cultural
cause. understanding while supporting charitable causes.

1. Grand Slam Gala: Celebrating the Majesty of Tennis 1. “Parisian Soirée: A Night in the City of Love”
2. Serve and Volley Soirée: A Night of Elegant Rallies 2. “Venetian Masquerade: An Evening on the Canals”
3. Championship Celebration: Honoring Tennis 3. “Mystical Marrakesh: A Moroccan Affair”
Legends 4. “Tropical Paradise: Celebrating the Islands”
4. Love-15 Fundraiser: Scoring for a Cause 5. “Enchanted Garden: Inspired by the Secret Gardens
5. Court Couture: Where Style Meets Sport of Kyoto”
6. Ace of Hearts: A Gala of Passionate Tennis Fans 6. “Samba Nights: Dancing to the Rhythms of Rio”
7. Tennis Stars Shine: Recognizing Excellence on the 7. “Greek Odyssey: Journey to the Land of Gods”
Court 8. “Arabian Nights: A Magical Evening in the Middle
8. Doubles Delight: Celebrating the Power of East”
Teamwork 9. “New York State of Mind: Celebrating the Big Apple”
9. Match Point Magic: Serving Hope for a Better 10. “Havana Nights: Salsa and Cigars in Cuba”
Tomorrow 11. “African Safari: Roaming the Serengeti”
10. Game, Set, Philanthropy: Rallying for Community 12. “Icelandic Aurora: A Night Under the Northern
Impact Lights”
11. Tennis Through Time: A Journey of Tennis History 13. “Tropical Fiesta: Embracing the Spirit of the
and Evolution Caribbean”
12. Tennis Tales and Triumphs: Inspiring Stories of 14. “Dubai Dreams: Glamour and Luxury in the Desert”
Perseverance 15. “London Calling: A British Extravaganza”
13. Tennis, Tournaments, and Toasts: A Night of 16. “Aloha Hawaii: Celebrating the Aloha Spirit”
Cheers and Competition 17. “Indian Palace: Royalty and Opulence of the
14. Racquets for Change: Serving for Social Good Maharajas”
15. Ace the Fundraising Challenge: Smashing Goals 18. “Asian Fusion: Honoring the Rich Cultural Heritage”
with Tennis-inspired Fun 19. “Riviera Retreat: Inspired by the Mediterranean
20. “Carnival in Rio: Samba, Color, and Celebration”

World Religions & 21. “A Night in the Outback: Embracing Australian

22. “Mayan Mysteries: Unveiling Ancient Secrets”
23. “Canadian Wilderness: Celebrating Nature’s
AROUND THE WORLD 24. “Eastern Promises: Discovering the Charms of the
Embark on a global adventure with these captivating Far East”
“Around the World” fundraising events. Immerse guests 25. “Venetian Grandeur: Elegance along the Canals”
in the rich tapestry of cultures by transforming the venue
into a fusion of international wonders. Incorporate
diverse decorations like iconic landmarks, traditional BUDDHISM
textiles, and vibrant flags to represent different coun- These Buddhism-inspired galas offer an opportunity to
tries. Create a culinary experience with international cui- celebrate and honor the teachings, practices, and prin-
sine stations featuring delicacies from around the globe. ciples of Buddhism. Incorporate elements of Zen aes-
Engage attendees with cultural activities such as dance thetics, meditation spaces, and mindfulness activities
performances, live music showcasing different traditions, in the event design. Host guided meditation sessions,
or interactive workshops that offer insights into various

73 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

guest speakers, and cultural performances that reflect 2. “Grace-filled Gala: Embracing the Gift of God’s
the essence of Buddhism. Create an atmosphere of peace, Love”
compassion, and introspection as you come together to 3. “Holy Communion: A Sacred Gathering of Believers”
honor the wisdom and teachings of Buddhism. 4. “Resurrection Revelry: Honoring the Miracle of
1. “Lotus Blossom Gala: Embracing the Beauty of Bud- 5. “Divine Inspiration: Illuminating the Power of
dhism” Faith”
2. “Zen Serenity: Finding Inner Peace and Tranquility” 6. “Joyous Praise: Uplifting Hearts through Worship
3. “Dharma Dialogue: Exploring the Teachings of and Music”
Buddhism” 7. “Crossroads of Faith: Navigating Life’s Spiritual
4. “Enlightenment Soirée: Celebrating the Journey to Journey”
Awakening” 8. “Gospel Glory: Proclaiming the Good News in Song
5. “Mindful Moments: Cultivating Present-Moment and Word”
Awareness” 9. “Heavenly Harvest: Blessing Others through Acts of
6. “Bodhi Tree Banquet: Nurturing Growth and Kindness”
Wisdom” 10. “Sacred Sanctuary: Creating a Place of Spiritual
7. “Compassionate Community: Spreading Kindness Reflection”
and Loving-Kindness” 11. “Footsteps of Christ: Following the Path of Jesus’
8. “Peaceful Path: Walking the Noble Eightfold Path” Teachings”
9. “Meditative Melodies: Harmonizing through Bud- 12. “Sermon on the Mount: Sharing Words of Wisdom
dhist Chanting” and Inspiration”
10. “Karma Carnival: Embracing the Law of Cause and 13. “Miracles Unveiled: Celebrating the Miraculous
Effect” Works of God”
11. “Temple Tales: Sharing Stories of Buddhist Wisdom” 14. “Kingdom Come: Anticipating the Reign of God’s
12. “Retreat to Serenity: Connecting with Nature and Love and Justice”
Self-Reflection” 15. “Faith in Action: Inspiring Change through Chris-
13. “Bodhisattva Ball: Honoring the Spirit of Compas- tian Values”
sionate Service”
14. “Lotus Lantern Festival: Illuminating the Path of
Enlightenment” HINDUISM
15. “Mindfulness in Motion: Integrating Buddhist Prac- These Hinduism-inspired galas provide an opportunity
tices into Daily Life” to celebrate and honor the rich traditions, rituals, and
philosophy of Hinduism. Incorporate Hindu symbols,
vibrant colors, and traditional decorations in the event
CHRISTIANITY design. Host cultural performances, religious rituals, and
These Christian-inspired galas provide an opportunity engaging discussions on Hindu mythology and spiritual-
to celebrate and honor the teachings, values, and tradi- ity. Create an atmosphere of devotion, joy, and spiritual
tions of Christianity. Incorporate religious symbols, bib- connection as you come together to celebrate the beauty
lical references, and elements of worship in the event and wisdom of Hindu traditions.
decor and activities. Host inspiring speakers, gospel
performances, and prayerful moments that uplift and 1. “Diwali Celebration: Festival of Lights and Joy”
strengthen faith. Create an atmosphere of reverence and 2. “Navaratri Night: Honoring the Divine Feminine
joy as you gather to celebrate the spiritual journey and Energy”
embrace the message of love, hope, and compassion. 3. “Holi Colors Gala: Celebrating the Vibrancy of Life”
4. “Ganesha’s Blessings: Invoking the Remover of
1. “Faithful Journey: Celebrating the Path of Christianity” Obstacles”

74 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

5. “Sacred Sanskrit: Exploring the Ancient Language 9. “Global Resilience: Building Stronger Communities
of Hindu Scriptures” Together”
6. “Karma Yoga: Inspiring Selfless Service and 10. “Wings of Hope: Bringing Relief to Distressed
Volunteering” Regions”
7. “Vedantic Wisdom: Unveiling the Teachings of the 11. “Rebuilding Futures: Restoring Lives Through
Upanishads” International Aid”
8. “Temples of Devotion: Showcasing the Architec- 12. “Bridging the Gap: Connecting Resources to Those
tural Marvels of Hinduism” in Need”
9. “Dharma Dance: Expressing Devotion through 13. “Rising Together: Empowering Communities
Classical Indian Dance” Around the World”
10. “Krishna’s Love: Reveling in the Divine Leelas” 14. “Empathy Without Borders: Extending a Helping
11. “Sacred Thread: Honoring the Rituals of Hinduism” Hand Globally”
12. “Vedic Visions: Exploring the Wisdom of the Vedas” 15. “Changing Lives, One Nation at a Time: Supporting
13. “Ayurveda Retreat: Nurturing Holistic Health and International Aid Initiatives”
Well-being” 16. “Global Vision, Local Impact: Creating Lasting
14. “Divine Cuisine: Savor the Flavors of Hindu Culture” Change”
15. “Moksha Mela: Celebrating Spiritual Liberation and 17. “Partners for Progress: Collaborating for Global
Self-Realization” Development”
18. “Empowering the Marginalized: Providing Aid to
Vulnerable Communities”
INTERNATIONAL AID 19. “Reshaping Destinies: Empowering Individuals
These gala themes celebrate the importance of interna- Through International Aid”
tional aid and support for communities worldwide. They 20. “Hope for Humanity: Extending Compassion to
emphasize compassion, resilience, collaboration, and Global Citizens”
sustainable development. Incorporate global-inspired 21. “Lifelines of Support: Delivering Essential Services
decor, cultural performances, international cuisine, and Across Borders”
stories of impact to highlight the transformative power 22. “Transforming Trajectories: Breaking the Cycle of
of international aid. Encourage guests to contribute to Poverty Through International Aid”
global initiatives and make a positive difference in the 23. “United for Good: Mobilizing Resources for Global
lives of individuals and communities around the world. Impact”
24. “Empowering Health and Education: Improving
1. “Global Solidarity: Uniting for International Aid” Lives Through International Aid”
2. “Hope Across Borders: Supporting Communities 25. “Global Philanthropy: Inspiring Generosity, Chang-
Worldwide” ing the World”
3. “Building Bridges of Compassion: Providing Inter-
national Aid”
4. “Healing Hands: Delivering Relief to Global ISLAM
Communities” These Islamic-inspired galas provide a platform to cel-
5. “Empowering Nations: Fostering Sustainable ebrate and honor the principles, values, and traditions
Development” of Islam. Incorporate Islamic art, calligraphy, and sym-
6. “Aiding the World: Making a Difference, One Coun- bols in the event decor, as well as cultural performances,
try at a Time” lectures, and discussions that promote understanding
7. “Seeds of Change: Transforming Lives Through and appreciation of Islam. Create an atmosphere of
International Aid” unity, compassion, and spiritual reflection as you come
8. “Pathways to Prosperity: Creating Opportunities together to celebrate the richness and diversity of the
Globally” Muslim community.

75 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

1. “Crescent Moon Gala: Celebrating the Beauty of 4. “Festival of Lights: Illuminating the Beauty of
Islam” Hanukkah”
2. “Ramadan Reflections: Embracing the Spirit of 5. “Passover Praise: Remembering the Journey to
Fasting and Prayer” Freedom”
3. “Hajj Journey: Honoring the Pilgrimage to Mecca” 6. “Simcha Soirée: Rejoicing in Milestones and Festive
4. “Iftar Illumination: Breaking Fast in Unity and Occasions”
Gratitude” 7. “Kosher Cuisine Carnival: Tasting the Delights of
5. “Islamic Heritage Soirée: Preserving and Promoting Jewish Food”
Muslim Culture” 8. “Sacred Scrolls: Commemorating the Significance
6. “Quranic Wisdom: Enlightening Hearts with Sacred of Torah”
Teachings” 9. “Joyful Mitzvah: Giving Back and Making a
7. “Sufi Serenade: Expressing Spirituality through Difference”
Music and Dance” 10. “Songs of David: Celebrating Jewish Music and
8. “Peaceful Pillars: Embodying the Five Pillars of Melodies”
Islam” 11. “Purim Parade: Unleashing Creativity and Revelry”
9. “Muslim Women Empowered: Recognizing 12. “Shabbat Serenade: Honoring the Rest and Renewal
Strength and Leadership” of the Sabbath”
10. “Community of Compassion: Serving Humanity 13. “The Wailing Wall: Reflections of Faith and Prayer”
with Love and Kindness” 14. “Chai Connections: Nurturing Strong Jewish Com-
11. “Eid Euphoria: Celebrating the Festive Joy of munity Bonds”
Eid-al-Fitr” 15. “Tzedakah Triumph: Supporting Causes of Justice
12. “Islamic Artistry Showcase: Celebrating Islamic Art and Charity”
and Calligraphy”
13. “Prophetic Path: Following the Footsteps of the
14. “Muslim Philanthropy: Giving Generously in the These Native American spirituality-inspired galas offer
Spirit of Zakat” an opportunity to honor and celebrate the deep spiri-
15. “Bridge of Brotherhood: Fostering Interfaith Dia- tual connection with the land, ancestors, and indigenous
logue and Understanding” traditions. Incorporate elements of Native American art,
music, and traditional crafts in the event decor. Host cul-
tural performances, storytelling sessions, and discussions
JUDAISM on indigenous spirituality and wisdom. Create an atmo-
These Jewish-inspired galas provide an opportunity to sphere of reverence, respect, and appreciation for the
celebrate and honor the rich traditions, values, and cul- rich heritage and spiritual teachings of Native American
tural heritage of Judaism. Incorporate Jewish symbols, cultures.
rituals, and elements of Jewish life in the event decor
and programming. Host traditional Jewish music, dance 1. “Sacred Circle Gathering: Honoring Native American
performances, and engaging discussions on Jewish his- Traditions”
tory and faith. Create an atmosphere of joy, unity, and 2. “Medicine Wheel Gala: Embracing the Harmony of
connection as you come together to celebrate the beauty Earth and Spirit”
and wisdom of Judaism. 3. “Communal Celebration: Dancing to the Rhythm of
Native Heritage”
1. “Shalom Celebration: Embracing the Jewish Spirit” 4. “Ancestral Wisdom: Nurturing Connection with the
2. “L’Chaim Gala: Toasting to Life’s Joyous Moments” Land and Ancestors”
3. “Torah Treasures: Honoring the Wisdom of Jewish 5. “Sacred Fire Ceremony: Igniting the Spirit of Unity
Teachings” and Healing”

76 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

6. “Talking Stick Talk: Sharing Stories of Native Consciousness”
Wisdom and Resilience” 8. “Sacred Geometry Soiree: Discovering the Myster-
7. “Spirit Animal Soirée: Discovering Animal Guides ies of Sacred Symbols”
and Symbolism” 9. “Higher Self Retreat: Connecting with Divine
8. “Dreamcatcher Dreams: Weaving Dreams and Wisdom and Guidance”
Manifesting Desires” 10. “The Art of Divination: Exploring Tarot, Astrology,
9. “Earth Songs: Harmonizing with Nature’s Melodies” and Oracle Cards”
10. “Sacred Smudging: Purifying and Cleansing Energy” 11. “Soulful Serenity: Nurturing Inner Peace and
11. “Native Arts Showcase: Celebrating Indigenous Art Serenity”
and Craftsmanship” 12. “Shamanic Journeys: Connecting with Ancient
12. “Vision Quest: Embarking on a Spiritual Journey of Wisdom and Healing Practices”
Self-Discovery” 13. “Sacred Earth Gathering: Honoring the Sacredness
13. “Indigenous Voices: Amplifying Native Stories and of Nature and Gaia”
Perspectives” 14. “Ascension Celebration: Embracing the Shift in
14. “Sweat Lodge Ceremony: Purification and Renewal Consciousness”
of Body and Spirit” 15. “Mind, Body, Spirit Symposium: Expanding Hori-
15. “Sacred Drumbeat: Connecting with the Rhythm of zons in Holistic Wellness”
Native Spirituality”


NEW AGE SPIRITUALITY These gala themes celebrate the richness and diversity of
These New Age spirituality-inspired galas offer an oppor- religious and spiritual traditions. They emphasize unity,
tunity to explore and celebrate the diverse practices, compassion, gratitude, and the transformative power of
philosophies, and teachings of the New Age movement. faith. Create an atmosphere of reverence and reflection
Incorporate elements of energy healing, metaphys- through symbolic decorations, sacred music or perfor-
ics, meditation, and alternative therapies in the event mances, spiritual teachings, and opportunities for per-
design. Host workshops, guided meditation sessions, and sonal contemplation. Encourage guests to embrace the
experiential activities that promote personal growth, spiritual aspect of the event, fostering a sense of con-
self-awareness, and spiritual expansion. Create an atmo- nectedness and inspiration among attendees. Through
sphere of openness, exploration, and transformation as these galas, guests can deepen their understanding of
you come together to celebrate the interconnectedness different faith traditions, promote harmony, and support
of mind, body, and spirit. organizations working towards religious freedom and
social cohesion.
1. “Cosmic Connections: Exploring the Unity of Body,
Mind, and Spirit” 1. “Divine Harmony: A Celebration of Interfaith Unity”
2. “Crystal Visions: Harnessing the Power of Crystals 2. “Heavenly Serenade: Honoring the Sacred Sounds
and Gemstones” of Faith”
3. “Energy Awakening: Awakening the Inner Energy 3. “Sacred Journey: Exploring the Spiritual Pathways”
and Chakras” 4. “Eternal Blessings: Embodying the Divine Grace”
4. “Sacred Sound Symphony: Harmonizing with Heal- 5. “Path of Enlightenment: Celebrating Spiritual
ing Frequencies” Awakening”
5. “Spiritual Alchemy: Transforming Self and Mani- 6. “Divine Creation: Nurturing the Beauty of Life”
festing Desires” 7. “Soulful Soiree: Cultivating Love and Compassion”
6. “Mindful Manifestation: Creating Your Reality with 8. “Ancient Wisdom: Honoring Timeless Teachings”
Intention” 9. “Unity in Diversity: Embracing the Oneness of All”
7. “Quantum Leap: Exploring the Boundaries of 10. “Sacred Rituals: Weaving Stories of Faith”

77 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

11. “Benevolent Spirits: Guardians of Peace and Hope” 41. “Soulful Connections: Building Bridges of
12. “Enlightened Legacy: Embracing the Wisdom of the Understanding”
Ages” 42. “Divine Inspiration: Igniting Creativity and Divine
13. “Blessings of Gratitude: Celebrating Abundance and Guidance”
Generosity” 43. “Celestial Conversations: Dialogues with the Divine”
14. “Serenity Sanctum: Finding Tranquility in the Divine” 44. “Mystic Visions: Journeying Through Spiritual
15. “Spirited Transformation: Renewal of Mind, Body, Realms”
and Soul” 45. “Cherished Beliefs: Honoring Faith and Tradition”
16. “Miracles Unveiled: Witnessing Divine Intervention” 46. “Soul Symphony: Harmonizing Faith and Existence”
17. “Faithful Footsteps: Honoring Spiritual Leaders” 47. “Luminous Passage: Guiding Lights of Spiritual
18. “The Tapestry of Faith: Weaving Stories of Belief” Evolution”
19. “Glorious Revelations: Awakenings of the Heart” 48. “Harmony in Diversity: Celebrating Global Spiritual
20. “Enchanted Prayers: Weaving Dreams into Reality” Traditions”
21. “Divine Communion: Nurturing Connection with 49. “Echoes of Eternity: Exploring the Timelessness of
the Divine” Faith”
22. “Sacred Light: Illuminating the Path of Faith”
23. “Healing Grace: Honoring the Power of Restoration”
24. “Sacred Serenity: Nurturing the Spirit within Us”
25. “Faith in Action: Inspiring Compassion and Service”
26. “Blessings Abound: Honoring the Divine Gifts in
Our Lives”
27. 2”Spirit of Gratitude: Cultivating Thankfulness in
Everyday Life”
28. “Sacred Traditions: Preserving Heritage and
29. “Soulful Reflections: Contemplating Life’s Purpose
and Meaning”
30. “Embracing Harmony: Bridging Faith and
31. “Radiant Devotion: Illuminating the Power of Faith”
32. “Spiritual Awakening: Rediscovering Inner Peace
and Joy”
33. “Faithful Journeys: Inspiring Hope and Resilience”
34. “Celebrating Divine Love: Uniting Hearts and
35. “Transcendent Rhythms: Embracing the Sacred
through Music and Worship”
36. “Healing Hearts: Finding Comfort in Spiritual
37. “Illuminated Paths: Guided by the Light of Faith”
38. 39 “Sacred Spaces: Creating Sanctuaries of Peace
and Serenity”
39. 40 “Inner Awakening: Discovering the Depths of
Spiritual Wisdom”
40. “Faith in the Future: Empowering the Next

78 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

6 The Magic of Storytelling:
Picking the Perfect Stories
for Your Event
CHOOSING THE RIGHT STORIES to share at your non- whose lives have been transformed thanks to your group’s
profit event might seem tricky, but it’s extremely important. efforts. Or, they could be about how your organization’s
The stories you pick can help your audience truly work has made a positive impact on an entire community.
understand and connect with your group’s mission. So These kinds of stories demonstrate the real-world effects
how do you pick the best ones? The secret is knowing of your work and can inspire your audience.
your audience and finding stories that will touch their Innovative projects your group is working on also
hearts. make for great stories. Sharing these can highlight how
The first step is getting to know your audience. This your group is pushing boundaries and inspires your audi-
isn’t just about basic stuff like their age or job. It’s about ence to be part of something cutting-edge.
diving deeper into their thoughts, feelings, and what they Remember, the perfect stories for your event will res-
care about. What societal issues are they interested in? onate with your audience’s values and demonstrate the
How do they feel about your group and its mission? Get- importance of your cause. So take the time to understand
ting answers to these questions will help you understand your audience, find those powerful stories, and weave
what kind of stories would strike a chord with them. them into your event.
Once you understand your audience and know what If you’d like help choosing a story, download the free
they care about, you’re ready to look for stories they book “Story Prompts for Nonprofits.” It has over 900 story
would connect with. These could be about individuals prompts to help you pick the right stories.

Download the book here:

79 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

7 Board Member Gala Toolkit:
Unleashing Your Board’s
Fundraising Potential
BOARD MEMBERS PLAY A CRUCIAL ROLE in the suc- communicate the mission and goals of the gala, provides
cess of any nonprofit gala. Their expertise, connections, ready-to-use social media templates for seamless promo-
and dedication can make a significant impact on fundrais- tion, and even offers a memory jogger sheet to ensure no
ing efforts. However, sometimes getting board members potential donor is overlooked.
fully engaged and equipped with the right tools can be By arming your board members with the tools they
a challenge. need, you’ll maximize their impact, elevate your gala’s
That’s where the Board Member Gala Toolkit comes success, and ultimately further your organization’s mis-
in. sion.
This free downloadable resource is designed to sup- Don’t miss out on this opportunity to empower your
port your board members and help them thrive in their board members and take your gala to new heights. Down-
gala-related responsibilities. Packed with practical work- load the Board Member Gala Toolkit today and unlock
sheets, training materials, and valuable resources, this the full potential of your board!
toolkit provides the guidance they need to excel.
The Board Member Gala Toolkit offers a range of ben- It’s FREE. Download it right now.
efits for your board members. It helps them effectively

Get the Board Member Gala Toolkit!

It’s FREE. Download it right now.

80 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

8 Sponsorship Storytelling:
7 Tips for Engaging Sponsors for Your
Themed Gala or Event
STORYTELLING IS A POWERFUL STRATEGY to engage Tip 4: Customize Your Storytelling to Each Sponsor
potential sponsors effectively. Below are seven proven Every sponsor is unique. Tailor your storytelling approach
tips to master the art of sponsorship storytelling for your to each sponsor’s brand values, target audience, and spe-
themed gala or event. cific interests. Show them how their support can enhance
To go deeper into each tip, download the “Sponsor- your event’s narrative, forging a meaningful connection
ship Success Toolkit” at the link below. between their brand and your story.
Tip 1: Create a Unique Story for Your Sponsorship Tip 5: Involve Sponsors in the Storytelling Process
Your story is your most potent tool. Formulate an engag- Encourage sponsors to be active participants in the story-
ing, clear narrative that outlines the purpose, impact, and telling process. This involvement could range from con-
unique characteristics of your event. This story should tributing ideas or insights to sharing personal stories that
also highlight the alignment between your event’s theme, augment your event’s narrative. Illustrate how being part
your target audience’s interests, and your prospective of your event’s story adds value to their brand.
sponsors’ goals. Tip 6: Emphasize the Impact of Sponsorship Be
Tip 2: Highlight Opportunities for Sponsor Involve- sure sponsors understand the benefits they’ll derive from
ment Point out areas where sponsors can significantly being part of your event’s narrative. This could include
contribute to your event. These sponsorship touchpoints creating lasting impressions, increasing brand visibility,
could be product integrations, branded experiences, fostering customer loyalty, and aligning with their cor-
speaking engagements, or customized activations that porate social responsibility targets.
strengthen your event’s narrative. Tip 7: Sustain Storytelling Momentum Keep the
Tip 3: Transform Your Sponsorship Proposal into narrative going from beginning to the end of the sponsor-
a Narrative Your sponsorship proposal shouldn’t just ship journey. Regularly update sponsors about the event’s
be a document; it should tell a story. Detail the journey, progress, achieved milestones, and opportunities for con-
impact, and purpose of your event, using compelling sto- tinued involvement. Post-event reports should emphasize
rytelling elements like an engaging introduction, a clear the impact of their support, using success stories and tes-
plotline, compelling visuals, and a powerful conclusion. timonials to underscore the value of their sponsorship.

Sponsorship Success Toolkit

Get sponsors and engage them in your event.
Download your free toolkit now!

81 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

9 Dynamic Toolkits and
Helpful Resources


Useful worksheets and checklists for organizing NONPROFITS
unforgettable events 900+ story prompts to help you pick the right
stories to tell your donors
It’s FREE. Download it now.
It’s FREE. Download it now.


Helps get your board involved in your event VIRAL CAMPAIGN BUILDER
Attract new donors and become the talk of the town
It’s FREE. Download it now.
Check it out today!


Helps you get and engage sponsors for your event NONPROFIT STORYTELLING
It’s FREE. Download it now.
Raise more money through better storytelling
Check it out today!

82 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

Author, entrepreneur, and nonprofit communication strategist, Chris
Davenport has written several influential books for nonprofit profes-
sionals: the bestselling, “Nonprofit Storytelling for Board Members,”
“Interviewing for Impact,” and “Nonprofit Storytelling Field Guide
and Journal.” Chris also co-authored “The Golden Appeal” with
Steven Screen and Josh Alcorn. These books have become essential
guides for those looking to better communicate their organization’s
story and elevate their fundraising.
Christopher’s journey began in the vibrant world of feature films
where he spent five transformative years at the onset of his career. It
was in this highly creative and narrative-driven environment that he
honed his innate storytelling abilities.
Drawing on his unique background in filmmaking, Christopher
founded the Nonprofit Storytelling Conference. Chris and his ded-
icated team have created an annual gathering that draws hundreds
of nonprofit professionals together to enhance their fundraising and
donor communication skills. The conference has rapidly gained rec-
ognition for its invaluable content, practical strategies, networking
opportunities and creative play while learning.
His hands-on approach and storytelling expertise have allowed
countless nonprofits to revolutionize their fundraising strategies,
boost donor engagement, and increase their financial support.

83 Gala Theme Goldmine — A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

Gala Themes for Nonprofits
Transform your nonprofit events with “Gala Theme Goldmine”
– your ultimate guide to more than 2,400 vibrant, story-rich themes! This
treasure-trove of themes will make your fundraising events and galas
Imagine, engaging themes for every kind of event and cause, be it Ani-
mals, Arts, Education, Health Care, Social Services, or Sports. This isn’t just
about themes, though. It’s about creating an atmosphere, stirring emotions,
and making a lasting impact.
Delve into chapters like “50 Viral Themes” for trendsetting ideas or
explore the “Quick List: 100 Unforgettable Themes for Galas and Events”
when time is ticking. Looking for something more specific? Navigate
through thematic categories ranging from “Art” to “World Religions and
Spirituality” – we have you covered.

But that’s not all!

This book’s final chapters provide invaluable tools for you. Learn how
to get your board members and sponsors actively involved with the “Board
Member Gala Toolkit” and “Sponsorship Storytelling Toolkit.” Also, explore
the magic of story-rich galas with “The Magic of Storytelling” chapter.
Are you ready to host events that not only raise funds and create aware-
ness but also spark joy, fascination, and a strong connection among your
attendees? Welcome to “Gala Theme Goldmine” – your key to hosting
standout, engaging, and successful nonprofit events.
Go choose a theme right now!

ISBN 978-1-7350374-2-4

9 781735 037424

A Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Publication

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