Technical Paper tentative
Technical Paper tentative
Technical Paper tentative
ABSTRACT: Courtyards are open, typically enclosed spaces located within the confines of a building or complex,
designed to serve various functional and aesthetic purposes. This research explores how courtyards – open,
central, side court spaces within residential buildings, affect natural ventilation patterns and indoor environmental
conditions. Through a combination of field measurements of case studies, interviews and literature reviews, the
study investigates the role of courtyards in facilitating cross-ventilation and reducing reliance on mechanical
cooling systems. In Trivandrum, a city with a hot and humid tropical climate, the need for courtyards in residences
is increasing due to their significant impact on enhancing indoor environmental quality and energy efficiency. This
research highlights the value of incorporating courtyards into residential architecture in Trivandrum as a strategy
to improve ventilation and daylighting. The questionnaire prepared focusses on gathering information about the
need and perspective of courtyard implementation by the architects’ and clients. Key design factors, such as
courtyard size, shape, orientation, and the configuration of surrounding structures, are examined to determine
their impact on ventilation efficacy.
Figure 1 Position of
courtyards according to Figure 2 Position
micro climate. Source: of evaporative spaces.
Author Source: Author
During day time, warm air becomes less dense 2.9.5 Orientation of Courtyard
and rises up. This in turn is replaced by the cold
Elongation of the courtyard is along the East -
air coming through the courtyard, which is
West axis, which is not an optimum elongation
more dense and replaces the warm air.
axis as it may lack shade. But since the courtyard
During night time, the concept is reversed.
is small, there won’t be an issue of lack of shade.
2.8 Parameter Analysis
2.9.6 Size of Openings
From the book, these parameters are identified
regarding the courtyard and the various other Since it is an internal court, there are windows
elements regarding light and heat associated with only on the facade and not opening to it.
it. These parameters are used to analyse Therefore, the courtyard does not act significantly
courtyard houses in Trivandrum, to understand in giving privacy. It provides privacy at the edge
how courtyards facilitate daylighting and facing the external boundary wall of the house.
ventilation. The parameters are tested on both The presence of louvers and jali creates a play of
literature and live case studies. light and wind inside the house w.r.t the
2.9 Literature Case Study – Brick House, courtyard.
2.9.7 Height to width ratio
The Brick House is a contemporary house that is
designed to be both a place of respite and exhilaration The width of the courtyard seems to be lesser
for the Clients – a young family both Doctors and their than the height, therefore height - width ration is
two kids, the lady of the house a trained dancer too. less than 1. SO the entry of wind into the house is
The plan addresses the diverse requirements - a blend limited through the courtyard.
of novelty and function, public presentation and
private expression. The courtyard present is an 2.9.8 Interiors and landscape
internal open one connecting and providing a visual
Burnt brick interiors with brick louvers and jali
access to all the spaces.
works contrasting the green landscape of the
space. The quiet reflective brick-edged lotus pool
2.9.1 Orientation of courtyards and their openings beside the informal stage gives a palpable and
depending upon the microclimate objective inviting vibe to this space.
of the designer
House is oriented towards the NE, with it 2.9.9 Vaasthu Shasthra
elongation along the N-S axis. Openings along the
Kitchen is placed in the kanni moola of the house,
SW-NE axis.
making the spot auspicious.
Since there are no water bodies, chances of that open to the courtyard, northern lights don’t
evaporative cooling in the courtyard is negligible. travel through the courtyard side of the room.
Proper drainage is also provided outwards,
therefore water will not get collected in the
Figure 19 Figure 20
Ground Floor First Floor Plan
Plan Source: Source: Author
Figure 15 Figure 16
Ground Floor First Floor Plan 2.10.4 Stack ventilation effect
Plan Source: Source: Author
Figure 23 Ground
2.10.3 Activity zoning in rooms based on heat and Figure 24
Floor Plan Source:
light zoning First Floor Plan
Source: Author
Fewer vegetative buffers near kitchen, as it is
oriented towards east. During morning, warm
light and heat enters through the kitchen, but it
will be relatively cooler throughout the day. Since Essentially, courtyards should be placed at an
it is a side courtyard, the spaces cannot be angle of 45 degrees to the wind. This enables
positioned around it completely. positive and negative pressures in rooms aiding to
heat accumulation.
Bedrooms positioned in the northern side
experience mild and cool northern light. Since In this case, courtyard is oriented at an angle
there are no windows for bedrooms in the north between 45 - 90 degrees.
Figure 29 Section
Source: Author Figure 30 Ground
Floor Plan Source:
Figure 25
Figure 26 Courtyards with a height to width ratio less than 1
Ground Floor Plan
Source: Author
First Floor Plan is preferred. Here, the height is 3.5 m and width
Source: Author of the courtyard is 4.46, therefore H/W = 0.78,
which satisfies the ratio.
Courtyard is oriented in the north-south axis. This 2.10.9 Interiors and Landscape
enables shade in the courtyard. But since it is a
side court, only the the portion which is near to Use of white paint on walls, with earthy tones to
the double height has more shade, whereas the complement it.
part oriented towards the jali wall has less shade. White paint reflects light, so it is a good technique
This causes discomfort for people sitting near the to reduce heat absorption.
jali wall. Filler slabs are used in the interiors that reduce
Further, the fact that the house is double storeyed the load of the slab as well as add aesthetic value
also provides more shade in one particular side of to the room.
the courtyard.
2.10.10 Vaasthu Shasthra
Since it is a side court, the courtyard is not
2.10.7 Size of Openings positioned at the center like the traditional
The size of openings in the facade are relatively Naalukettu.
larger compared to that of the openings towards Kitchen and Pooja space are posiitoned in the
the court. Kanni Moola towards the North-East axis.
Since the window size is smaller towards the
courtyard and most of it is fixed, the court does
not facilitate much cooling in the rooms adjacent
to it. Therefore, this courtyard mostly serves its
purpose for passive lighting rather than a cooling
strategy for the house in a subtropical climatic
More illumination towards dining, kitchen and
living areas of the house.
Figure 27
Ground Floor Plan Figure 28
Source: Author First Floor Plan
Source: Author
Guide Name:Jayaprakash V N
Date: 21-10-24