Adobe Scan 01 Feb 2022
Adobe Scan 01 Feb 2022
Adobe Scan 01 Feb 2022
Printing Pages: 4
l 2]
A= [12 -1
( 1 ) [P.T.O.J
.-3 I ➔
A= 0
- 6
0 0 5
If .--I = [
:] •
B= [31 -25] and
X + \'
[ 0
X ~
8 ] and A + 8 = C, find the value or
x and, ..
.'( + \' T: = 6
3x-:! r ~: = :!
( 2)
, llm
If I',I ,,, I Y
., 1 ") ")
(a) (x- - yx- )dy + ( y - - xy- Jcb: = 0
(b) - = sec(x + l' )
dx .
8. Evaluate :
1r 12 f ,-r 12 .
sm (x + )'
)dy dx
f 0 0
(b) J: J; 2
(x + y )dydx
61028/2000 ( 3 ) [P.T.O.]
( 4 )
61030 Prin tin~ Pages : 2
Note : Cand idates are requ ired to give their ans,\·ers in the
own words as far as practicable.The questions are of
equal value. Answer any five Questions .
( 1) [P.T.O.]
\\ ''-!I d11} 1111 fl),.,,, t,y ,,,:,Ir ,,rr ,rr,1Jf11r,;JI ,.,, , ·, J ,~/:, r 1t t
111 1
• ' ii·, , 1, 1d dr ·111, •r it·~ r 1 f r, r.11 r.r;r rirr 11J1 ,,,,:i' ,.,,,
t , , ,1. ,,n fliet Pit)( I .·, •ii u,111rr11Jr11r,:,1,,Jrt n 1t1 P ,r, ~ r_ ·~., r,r
.,n 1 ·,. 1111pl11
' S ~V'1.1t cjo you meon t.Jy Ou~1nc-:~ Lr.Jtr,r 'I E1r/; ·r, n :_;
(b) PBX
( c} Source of inform;1t1on
(d) OAS
h I 01') ,., i11ri11~ Pai.:l·, : .2
B< '. \ (Sl 'lll l'S fl'l '-1 ) E,a111i11af ion, 202 J
( Sl"'Ssion : 2020-2J )
( ,( ) i\ 11 •l I' I' E ·~ '\ I) I) 141CI\ 'I ' I()1'\J
I Pa pl' f : BC ,. \ - 102 J
( ( 'ornputt•r Fundarucntals)
l'il lll' : n,n ·l' llo urs J f l\la \im um 1,lar ks : 80
te block diagram
_..J :- What is Co mp ute r ? Dra w its comple
and explain it in detail .
examples and
2. What is Operating Sy~tem ? Give its
operating system
explain the function s performed by the
in detail.
en tia le them wi ltl suitable examples
( I ) [P.T.O.J
~- What do you mean by Meniory of a Computer? Classify
it and differentiate between primary nnd secondary
memory in detail.
functionality in detail.
ort note on various Data Storage a Datn
61031 Printing Pa2c1: 4
Applications in detail.
( I I [P.T.O.]
s with suitable
(b) Library Functions in "C"
-- -x------
(a J Apphcattons of "C"
61 031/2000
61031 :uc,o