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BCA(Semester-1) Examination, 2021

{ Session : 2020-23 )
I Paper: BCA-101 )
( Mathematical Foundation)
Time: Three Hours) I;\laximum !\larks: 80

Note : Candidates are required to give their answers in their

our words as far as practicable. The figures in the
margin indicate full marks.

The questions are of equal value. Answer any five

questions .

.. 1. Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the following


l 2]
A= [12 -1

( 1 ) [P.T.O.J
.-3 I ➔
A= 0
- 6
0 0 5

If .--I = [
:] •
B= [31 -25] and
X + \'
[ 0
X ~
8 ] and A + 8 = C, find the value or

x and, ..

3. Using n1atrix rneth oJ. soln: the following systc1n of


.'( + \' T: = 6

3x-:! r ~: = :!

• 4. If Y = (tan-I x) 1 pro\'e that

( 2)
, llm
If I',I ,,, I Y

., <l th· inaxand min o f tfu.: Jum.ti, ,n :

h. l·m l: ·
J 'l J -, \. - J \' ·+ J )~
Fl r ,J') - ·' ♦ -1 - - - •

7. Soh~ the following:

., 1 ") ")
(a) (x- - yx- )dy + ( y - - xy- Jcb: = 0

(b) - = sec(x + l' )
dx .

8. Evaluate :

1r 12 f ,-r 12 .
sm (x + )'
)dy dx
f 0 0

(b) J: J; 2
(x + y )dydx

9. Solve the following differential equation:

(a) xJt - y 2 dx + y JI - x '!. £~\' = 0

(b) ydx - xdy = xy dx

61028/2000 ( 3 ) [P.T.O.]

JO. s,,1, l' th~ r,llluwing :

----- ' -----

( 4 )

61030 Prin tin~ Pages : 2

BC A (Sen1ester-l) Exan1ination, 2021

( Session : 2020-23 )
l Pap er: BCA-103 I
( Business Comn1unication and
Information System)
Tin1e: Three Hours} [~laximum :\larks : SO

Note : Cand idates are requ ired to give their ans,\·ers in the
own words as far as practicable.The questions are of
equal value. Answer any five Questions .

1. What are the methods of collection of Data ?

2. What do you mean by Information System ? Discuss

the importance of Information.

'vVhat is data ? Explain thP. Components of Management

Information System.

me Decision making concept. Explain the Herbert

( 1) [P.T.O.]
\\ ''-!I d11} 1111 fl),.,,, t,y ,,,:,Ir ,,rr ,rr,1Jf11r,;JI ,.,, , ·, J ,~/:, r 1t t

111 1
• ' ii·, , 1, 1d dr ·111, •r it·~ r 1 f r, r.11 r.r;r rirr 11J1 ,,,,:i' ,.,,,
t , , ,1. ,,n fliet Pit)( I .·, •ii u,111rr11Jr11r,:,1,,Jrt n 1t1 P ,r, ~ r_ ·~., r,r
.,n 1 ·,. 1111pl11

Dt~liniJ Group 01--,r,w,.., 10ri /,1·,rJ rj,_·,r,r , ~.,,..: :.,~_,r., ... ,

f1', llurc:;

' S ~V'1.1t cjo you meon t.Jy Ou~1nc-:~ Lr.Jtr,r 'I E1r/; ·r, n :_;

v.1r,ous merit~ of Bu~rr,c~c:. Lr.:ttr;r.

• 9. \ Vh3t do you mean by B::lrricr to cornmuni,:.~.,• .~n? E1r.. ·~ ,

,ts VJ1 iuu::, tyµe':> .

10. Write short notes on any two of th~ follcr1✓1 n1]

{a) Tender Notice

(b) PBX

( c} Source of inform;1t1on

(d) OAS


h I 01') ,., i11ri11~ Pai.:l·, : .2

B< '. \ (Sl 'lll l'S fl'l '-1 ) E,a111i11af ion, 202 J
( Sl"'Ssion : 2020-2J )
( ,( ) i\ 11 •l I' I' E ·~ '\ I) I) 141CI\ 'I ' I()1'\J
I Pa pl' f : BC ,. \ - 102 J

( ( 'ornputt•r Fundarucntals)
l'il lll' : n,n ·l' llo urs J f l\la \im um 1,lar ks : 80

No tP : C:-1ndid:1 t£'ls 3re rP.q ~1ired

to giv e the ir :Jnswers in their
Th e que stio ns are of
ow n wo rds as far as pra ctic abl e.
eq ua l w1/ue . Answer an y five que
stions .

te block diagram
_..J :- What is Co mp ute r ? Dra w its comple
and explain it in detail .

examples and
2. What is Operating Sy~tem ? Give its
operating system
explain the function s performed by the
in detail.

me an by Hardware and Software


en tia le them wi ltl suitable examples

( I ) [P.T.O.J
~- What do you mean by Meniory of a Computer? Classify
it and differentiate between primary nnd secondary
memory in detail.

5. \'Vhat do you mean by coniputer Programming ? Give

few examples of Prog ranirning Lnnguages.

What do you mean by Printer ? Classify it. Differentiate

Printer and Scanner.

Differentiate between RAM and ROM and give its

functionality in detail.

Differentiate between System Software and Application

ftware in detail aiso give five examples of System

are and Applic8Uon Software.

ort note on various Data Storage a Datn

ation of C0•~1puters. Explain about Super

61031 Printing Pa2c1: 4

BCA (Semester-I) Examination, 2021

( Session : 2020-23 )
J Paper: BCA-104 I
( C-Programming)
Time: Three Hours) I\l~nimum !\larks: 80

Note : Candidates are required to give their answer in their own

words as far as practicable The questions are of equal

value. Answer any five questions.

1. What is "C" programming ? Explain its Features and

Applications in detail.

2. What is Operator in "C" ? Discuss various types of

Operators used in "C" programming in detail.

Distinguish between "For Loop" and "While Loop". Give

suitable examples of them.

( I I [P.T.O.]
s with suitable
(b) Library Functions in "C"

(c) Flow Charts

(d) File Handling

-- -x------

7 What 1s Data Type ?


8 What ,s Recursive Function ?tliit•.., to

print fractional value of a ..... J Ul lng
Recursion .

9. What are the elements of "C" programming ? Gtve and

explain real hfe example using Flow chart.

10 Write 1ohort notes on any two of the following .

(a J Apphcattons of "C"

61 031/2000
61031 :uc,o


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