Crier Issue 16

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Contest- $300 Value Prize!

Free Swordtag
The Scroll
Gtectin11, Fellow Adftnturc ul
commm.ta from Guildma1tcc Bt<tt Herc's how you rcncw or become a
me mbet: Anyone who sends and ukJ for a
rvc got a lot to tell everybody this iuuc, Crier becomes a ) issue member.
10 without f11tthet ado, let'J get to itl 11urcaftcr, you can renew t.he usual way
(i.e. 6, 12 or U iuuc memberships).
Dill ADYBNWRBIS' ™ IS ~ Wi Additionally, any order will get you a J
t. WJISL. m XQl.!.B. l::lQJlW issue catension. Either way, or both,. you
can easily stay a member and keep
It'• ttucl Guildmutct Btctt and his rcceivina your Criers for as long as you
usi1unu 6.n costume cvcnl) will deliver like.
the goods to you pctsonally if you win this
iuuc'• contcstl Check out the detail• on IF YOU FINO AH BRROlt IN n1B
our 1rcatcn ever contcstl AMOUNT 01' ISSUBS

Switching over to this system may throw

NOTB 10 OUR NBW CUSJ'OMBRS in a {cw kinkJ that need to be wotkcd out
(especially with out crazy computer!), so if
!£ you ate tcading 1hL Mi ~ fot the you think your ezpiruion iuuc is wroog,
£int time, then a.n introduction ia in t hen just let me know and I'll take catc
otdct: We arc The Mnntureu' Guild and of it. You can give me a call or drop a
we serve the customctl We focus on note.
quick service and euy 01dering. A• long
as you live in the US, mOst ordcu arc 1frnNBRS OP CHARACTER
guauntecd fot 2 week delivery. And you CONTllsn
pay only the pticc of the itc ml There arc
no mialcading "shipping and handling" On the cover of this issue we ha ve th.c
charges, which often cause you to pay up winners of the "How Much Characte r Dou
to twice the given cost of the item. So Your Character Have?'' contest. From
give Swordtag a try, give our innovative left to right we see the wizard Borric
fRP aids tty; You will like the (Quenton R. Dodd), the druid KJazhu11t
difference I Coldwood (Brian D. Smith), the cantorian
scout QuickJilver (Jotdan Peacock), and
OVER 100 NBW lTBMS 1HIS ISSUBlll the elven wood1man Sharek Quickbhdc
(Jon McDonald). Aa these four inuepid'
That's cightl Over 1001 We 1ca1ch high advcnturcu wend their way through the
and low , and we listen to everyone's ideas, shadowy realms of Hades (doo't uk me
to find and etcatc new, useful, and unique what brouaht them her el), the owncu are
Swordtag items. All of the new tclcuu each receiving a Cull-color, full-1izc .
arc marked throughout. Herc'• aomc ... portrait o{ their character!
High Wintd'1 Robe, Vampitc's Co1tumc,
New Low Priced Economy Robes, Studded FltBB SWORDTAG GAMBl!OOJ:S ro nm
Leather Armor, three new HaubrrkJ, new FIRST UO JlBSPONOBRS 10 11ilS ISSUBI
typo of Plastic Pl.ate Armor, Helmets, 18
new Swordtag Weapon• including the Bow 1hat'a right, a J4.,0 value, the AG
and Crossbow, ~O new Sword tag Swordua Gamcboolt, which hu been
acccuorics including Beards. Wigs, Wanda. declared... "lliB fantuy game for the
Mysterious New Magic, Showy jewelry, 90'1" ••• is yo11t1 FRBB when you place u
Priest'• Accessories... a.n d much much little u a Jl0.00 order! Don't wait too
morel long... these ge ma will not lutl

You'll gladly notice that many 0£ ow

regular items' prices have been lowered ...
some up to 50"· This i• due in part to ALWAYS R BMBMBBRll
our locatina fa.bric manufauureu willing
work with 111 in supplying lower priced Quickoeu Guaranteed! 2 Weck Oelivcty
costumu with the ume AG quality u from Postdate for molt ocdeul ... Even
alway•. quicker rc1ponic through Phone Ordcul
Ca ll The Adventureu' Guild at
NBW MBMBBRSHIP SYSTBM '1'·7$2-087 ••. We arc always looking to
form new AG Chapter& (see the back of
We will be 1witching over to new the Order l'o rm for info) ••• We are always
membcuhip 1y1tcm. Herc's how it work.a: looking for new AG Membcu (just look at
You will alway• know where you stand. the bcnc£iul) ••. And, aa always it has
Notice the "ME" followed by a number on been and it always will be, don't forget
your mailing label. 1his is the last iuuc ow Sati.daction or Money Back Guara.otccl
of the Criet you will receive without
renewing. "ME" stands for mcmbeuhjp
Swordtaggers : ADVBNTIJl 6RS' GUlLD ...
This Gentleman
which O DC it m sbt hcf


Actuallr, Gl lPFON ian't a magazine u Doesn't Look
moat follu think of maaa&inca. Each iuuc
ia a complete reference work for plareu
of a ll FRP ga mca (Juch u ADaO -reg ~,; Too Happy...
tudemult of TSR, Inc.) and capccially for
the dedicated Swordtanetl There ue very Apparentlr, someon e bu taken hia
(VBR YI) fc w adveuiae menu, no filler Ad;ycnturc ra' iil&ild 7sua.£....
material, and no SF mat erial (not that
there ia anything wrong with SF, but we It's easy to understand his
concentrate on only one t hing- Fanuayl). frusrrations, conaidering what the AG
Tome has 10 offer, You get a
Every iuue of GRIPFON ia chock full of veritable treaaurc of JOO NPC bust
adventure, new monatcu and magic, and po11uiu, 1000 fantuy namca, 100
aupple ment material for the thinking GMI
And, atutina with iuuc 16, GRfFFON
dedicatca over '40" of each iaaue to the
Join Us! weapon diagraau, armor, shields, and
helms! Plua the poP"lar Weapons:
Minimum St renathsl
SWORQTAG! Section! 'The Advcnturc u' Guild is not for everyone,
but it is for t hose csploreu, ma~. roaucs
'There i1 valuable Swotdtaa infotmation in and ahining kniahu who wish to be
every iu uc aa well •• an AD&D counted among the boldut of their kindl
compatible adventure in moat iaauu. If you're not a member, why not become
GRIFFON ia a biaMual journal of fantaar, one? You mar have aenr for The Crict;
which may be aoina to quarterly publiahina if ao, you arc now a J tuuc Mc mbcrl Tht
In the future, You ma r n ut your "ME" on the mailing lable teUa you what
aubscdp«ion with a nr iuuc rou would )'Our laat issue of The Crier will be, You Orde r The
like. If you don't indicate an iuuc can indefinitely extend your membershi p AG ~
number we'll atart you with iuuc IJ. br pla cing orders (each ordct geu you a J And Get Yoars
iuue cxtcnsionl).aod/or you can take: 1'hc Safe Wa r l
advantage of our 6, 12, or 18 luuc
U l.aa••···
JC 1058 oaly 125.00 Me mbe rships! The Crier comca out about
IC 101 $5.50
6 Juuca._ JC 105" oalr 1n.oo J-'4 times per year, ao your membership
will lutl Either way, or both, you
become an important pare of lbe
Adventurers' Guild!
AG Membeu always get 10" off moat all
their purchuea •Great Contcau, Bis
Prize a • Spcciah with every iuuc
• Membeubip card •Become an AG author
• Form a
Chapter • Get involved in
The AG Bounty
AG Mcmbcuhip 6 Crier luuca ... 20'4 ,2.50
AG Me mbcubip lZ Crier luuca ... ZOS $-4.75
Hunters' Handbook
AG Mcmbcuhip 18 Crier luuca ... 206 ,6,50

ll lllilQ11Jj AI CHV!I l.AJNS!

GI JPFON MAGAZINB Sin~ luuca Phone Usl ll .EXQlli: ADVBNDJBBS1
~ lU.wlu.I Um,I
11...Mar 'U ... Bluialee, Tclltcn Race, 1'be Magical Eleven Touches._
Swordua , More .. ,105Sl $J.OO Ellll StW
l-51S-7SZ-'4l17 .2ub.d l .u u
Powerful il
12... july 'U ... Abru Adve nture,
new demona ... 10,S2 $J.OO

IJ ... Nov 'U ... Mondark Adve nture Feature, Arc all it rake s to put you in touch with
Swordug, Gnomu, More ... 105SJ ,2.,0 IC lOJ Ji,75
The Adventurers' Guild and get your order
placed light ning fast, This allowa ultra
1'4,.,Feb '89 ...Zorian Challenge Adventure, faat service , usually gcrtina your order to
Swordtaa, More .. ,105S4 J2.5 0 rou in under two

15... Aug '89 ... Ancient Secret Below We will ship Fiur Clau COO for phone
Adventure, Swordtag, Magic, Morc ... 105S5 orders. You simply pay the postman when
JZ.50 rout ord" ia delivered, That's it... Fast
and Euyl
16 ... Jan '90,.,New Huge SWOROTAG!
Sc ct ion incl....iina the fiut adventure for Call today. We're waiting 10 hear from
Swordtaa, Cutlu, journey To lbe Oeptba you I
Of 1n11nitr Adventure, Much More ... 105S6

A. Maae .. Robe Hooded, tie-belt, "phoenir' NOT PICTURBD

fcathcn, aoldcn Of 1ilvcr trim, indicat e
Material/Color ... JOl JJ7.95 •• J:iB1U. Pull Circle Cloak With hood,
S. Trianplar Talc AA abo.c ••• J65 JZZ.95 indicate W.aterial/Color and Height (or
•• actual Length duircd) ••• 107 J59.'5
C. Cowl 1ndicate Matetial/ Color •.• J49 Warriorpaeat.. Robe a Inner robe, outer
JlZ.75 •• tunic, sash, golden or illvcr trill\, inclicate:
D. Saebuian../Piahtcr .. Gi<dlc Wide belt in Material/Color !or both inner and outer
iimulated brown or black leather ..• 1510 paru, wing whichever material price ia
JZJ.00 •• higher if they differ, auo Symbol and Size
B. Pm T a c Syn. lamb1wool ... J16 J25.95 ... JOJ $69.9, ••
•• Wide Herald Tcmic Indicate Material/ Color )
F. llfccchu Matcrid/Color and Length/ for base maccrial and for band•, Symbol
WaiJC ••• J24 J22.95 •• choice, and Size . Price u per b11<
G. Hooded Cloak Half-circle
indicate Material/ Color and Heiaht (or
cloak, matecial, no Plush Velvet for banda •.. H7
J22.95 • •
actual Len1th dcaircd) ••• J71 JJ7.95 •• Priut.. Robe Hooded, enclosed front,
H. ICDiaJ>t.. Tabb&rd Indicate two Material/ tic-belt, holy item, indicate Material/
Color choicc1, wing whichc vet price U Color , Symbol, and Size ••• J02 JJ7.9, • •
higher if t hey differ, aho Symbol and Siic Suh Indicate Material/Color •.• 1511 J5.50
.•• 35J J2J.9 5 •• ••
J:iB1U. Cbcn Sub Indicate Matecial/ Color
L Par Lined Hooded Cloak Synthetic
lambawool, half-circle cloak, warm, and Size ..• 1526 Ja.,o
indicate Material/Color and Height (or
actual Length dcaired) ••• J7Z J65.00 •• Lou& Pur Tm>ic Syn. lambawool ••• JU
J. Warr:ior.. Cape Material/Color and JJl.95 ••
Height (or actual Length dcaired) ••• J06
J16.95 • •
L )crlr:in Size and Material/ Color ••• Ha
Jl9.95 ••
L. ez..aclc1'a Tu!lic Comca with trim that
matchca Symbol color, indicate Material/
Color and Size •••105 J16.95 •• SPBCIALS SfBC!.ALS SPBC!ALS
M.JillJll. Hia:b Wiurd'a Robe Complete u 11Ua luuc Oaly/ No [)Ucomiu Hcrel
ahowo, with golden or silver trim, indicate
Material/Color for both paru, uaina SPBCIAL Maae 'a Robe Special pwcbue of
whichner material price ii higher ii they Lt broadcloth, Red, Black, or White 1Uow1
differ •••172 J69.00 •• thia pticct No trim, indicate Color and
NJU!]ll A.1.....S'a Ar-r/Cloak Indicate Height •.• lOOJ ONLY $29.951
.black, brown or au y for limulatcd leather BXTRA SPBCIAL OFFBR Purple Naae'a
armor, Material/Color, and Symbol ••• J7J Robea Lt cloth, no trim, indicate Height
J99.00 •• . .. 1004 LOW LOW PRICH J24.95111
O. ICDiP,t'a Reaal Talc Jn plu.ah vel.. t, llAGB'S OR EAMll Midnight B1ac Ofe ulr
with aolden or ailvcr aymbola (do not add Black) Velvet-Like Robe a Special
e xtra for thia coatumc) ... 351 J55.00 pu.rchascl Awesome with golden uim,
P. Maaelr:ina'a Robe t.Dd Cape Complete u tic-belt, and feathers. Indicate Hciaht.
ahown in fancy red or black velvet (do not Nounal price $68.00 ••• 1005 NO W OHLY
acid extra for thi1 coatume/ pattem may JJ9.9511
vary from that abown, call for up to date G6NUJMB VELVBT SPBCIAU Bla ck
deuili) •. •161 J2JO.OO :;boulder Capea About J' long, in black
QJU!]ll Ckac'a CoDar/libouldcr Dupe only, and a price you1J never beat for rtal
Indicate Material/ Color (uauaUy black) Velvetl ••. 1006 ONLY J19.95111
•.. 1512 Jll.95
R.IUilll. Wiu.rd'a Cooc Hat We need actual AG Miafit Robea t.Dd Armor We always
mcatutc cncnt aro\.l\d head, above can, have misfiu and endruna for ulc at
indicate Material/Color (heavier typca ridiculous pricca. At printing time, the
recommended) ••• 1525 JH.95 lilt included a auit of chainmail. a pair of
5.lillllJ. Prince .. Jerkin lndi ca te Material/ mi1muched elf eau, a couple of
Color for both paru, uaing whichever price blemished magc's robes, a grab bag of
ia higher if they differ, aho Symbol and blemished component pouchca, a tube of .:>
Size ••. J50 JZ4.95 partly used Cingcttip 1moke, a auit of
T. WiDaed Cleac.. Robe Similar to Prieat'a
Robe, but with "wing" alccvca ••• )57 JH.50
Tclken Quilted Armor, and more . Call
H5·752-4387 !or a current listing and prices • )
U. Pc licoa A teardrop ahaped cape/cloak, ADVBNDJRBRS' .GlllLQ .<J.1.Sm.M .GAJUl
indicate Mat erial/Color and Size .. . 358 If you can describe it, we can very likely
J29.95 •• make itl We arc able to do special
V.Jililll Northern Maae.. Robe Comu in colon, variuions, special symbols, coau of
Veltu wit h •ynthctic £ur and Satin belt, aims, fw linings, t wo-coloc re: vcrsablcs
indicate Black (comu with black fur and (commonly used on capes and such), and
red belt), Red (comu with red fur and just about anything elae you might dream
violet belt), or White (comca with white upl Juat send us the ducription with your
fur aod It blue belt). Do not add material phone number, or call u.s £or a price..
colt extra; it ia a lready Hawed in .•• J99
J 79.00
r----1. §rtrior LOOI'. FOR nm .... FOR MANY NB'lf LOWBR PRICBSlll LOOI'. FOR nm .... FOR MANY NB'lf LOWBa PRICBSlll

~ ~· ttTh
tr1.., ~ ~ ~
~ D
l l''' G



J», ~
0 6 Q


Lightweight, flexible, yet touaJi, aimulatcd s

plate type armor. Very rcaliuic colors
and completely authentic styles, All
plastic pieces come in these colou (plcuc
indicate): ••The following arc a liahrcr gage plastic and
Silver come ortly in ai•cn colon•• •
Gold lG
A&cd Si.Iver ZS (Add U") O. ao aao lllreutplate, Fr a lll1t ll10 132.00
Aaed Gold 2G (Add U") Silver with aold trim, aymbol
Aged Bronu P. Medina! lllruatplate , F a Ill 1319 Jll..,00
2B (Add l>"l
Black Si.Iver with gold trim, aymbol
Two Col/Detailed Q. Conquiatidor Helm, Sbcr 1H6 119.)0
10 (Add ZO")
Painted limblem/Symbol (Call fot pricu) R. Roman Helmet, Sil or 101.d 13 17 J20.)0
S. Ro..,d Ro mao g,jel.d, 16• ll61 127 .9 )
All Plate Armor is complete, ready 10
B. Rina Armot Golden cing1 on brown, wear, and adju11ablc, Perfect for the
bltck, or gold simulated leather, your moat tcrious of Swordtag wauiou. Please
Su.its of armor to fit every Swordta g choice! ... 1703 1179.00 ••
give Height when ordering. nm SWORDTAG WARRIOR S' SHOPP!i
wauiorl Indica tc shirt size Sm, Med, or Wll'il Rine Hauberk Head and shoulder 0

Lg. All of the follo ..·ing suits (ucluding A. ltniaht's Plate Armor Visored helm Barbariao'sjFigbrer'a Girdle In brown and
protection of armor 11 above ... 1712 gra.y simulated leather with metallic studs,
Hauberks) come with matching braccrs, Jn.oo really works, breastplate front and back,
czccpt Chain mail auiu which come with aivu 7 Ip in Swotdtag rules! ...603 if you'd like a different design, pleue
F. Tcl.b:o Quilted Armor Complete u sketch and detail it ... lHO ,ZJ.00 ••
Simulated Leather braccu, ,210.00
shown i.o wh.ite quilting , •kr blue utin, Plain Scabb.rd Indicate length or type o(
and fake fut ... 170 4 149,9> •• II. Warrior's Plate Armor Brcutplate !ront
A. <l>aiD• Ar•or Strong polyester mesh, and back, give• 6 Ip in Swordua rulu sword to be uac:d with, in black or brown
G. Quilted Armor Double backed ... 170) ... 604 1221.00 aim leather ... UU Jl9.10 ••
in silver or gold, heavy backina ...1706 1)3.00 ••
147.9> •• C. Rof6ao's Plate Ar-• You can act it O•erbadt Scab. Al above ... UH J22.00 ••
.tiJiM Quilted Hauberk Good head and black in color 10 be perfect for • Panc1 Swordtaa Scabbard Al above, but
J1IUll Chainmail, S>orulccftd Al above, shoulder protection ... 1711 119,91 c • Swordtag warrior of the night ...601 with design and "gem•" ... Ull Jll.00
with short sleeves ... 1718 142.10 H,J:ilUYl Studded Leather Armor Studs on
WIJil Cbainmail, t-1 Coat Aa above, but 1221.00 Poormao'a Scab, Basically a sword
our simulated black, brown, gray , or gold "holster", in black or brown ... 1H6 12.9)
to lcnecs, give Height ... 1707 1H.)0 Hauberk Head and shoulder
leather ... 1708 196,00
Wll'il Studded Leather llauhcrk Head and
B •.liliJU
Breastplate Fr a Bir.
Drud ltnl gbr '• Hcl m
614 Jn.oo
609 JH .00
.ttJlll1 Loos Qui•er, Oftrba<k Hold• up 10
protection ... 1709 1Z7.91 •• •houldcr protection of armor as above •' F .J11Ull Bullet Hcl m 610 1H.OO 10 Swordtag arrowa, iA black, brown, or
B. Leather Ar •or Simulated brown, black, ... 1717 142. 2) G.HJUtl Ballet/Noae guud 611 1n.oo add J1.00 for green, aim leather ... 1)23
gray or gold leather ... 1702 J79.00 •• BRACBRS Each type comes in the samt H.HJUU Vuor Helmet 612 149 .00 123.00
JilllU Leather Hauberk Simulated, head colors as the corresponding armor. The LH.Bli'.l Studded Vuor 61} 149.00 HlillJ Shon Quiftr, lllclt Holds light
and shoulder protection, colors as above leather is simulated, J. Small g,jcld zr 602 JJZ.00 crossbow bolts, colou as above ... U24
... 1710 1ll.91 Leather Buiceu ... 1713 113.00/pr K. Ro....S Buclt1cr 19• 118.9)
606 132.00
C.ttJiJU Leather Ven Armor Sim. Leather, WIJil Ring Armor !Incera ... 1714 129.00/pr M. L& ~sht's g,jcld 40" 607 140.00 l:f.IUll Pconaot/Sondard Sketch design,
colou u above ... 1720 139.91 .liliJll Quilted lllraccu ... 1711 J8.2)/pr N. La Squared lhield 4J" 601 J0 .00 indicat< color(a), Symbol, and Symbol
tlJUil Saple Leather Tunic Simulated
lea ther protection at a low price, col.on
.lili.JU Studded Lcathcc lllraccu ... 1716 .ttllll1 g,;e1.s eo... r. Sm:a. UZl Jl6.9) Color; rout choice or material~ pciccs as
119.00/pr liBJl1 SIUcld Co"er• La g,, uzo 119.9) per coscumtt, up to 2'sJ', if your design is
u above ... 1719 129.91 lilllU Sim. La•bswool lllraccu ... 1721 1nclicatc symbol, 1tr.ipc and ba1c colou, complic.a tcd or you'd like Jomcthina bigger,
O. Padded Armor Really absorbs blowal $),)0/pr and ahicld ro be fitted call us ... U22 116.U
... 1701 1H.OO ••
~ . . Wi?arb~ <lCorner /~·/~ _ LOOK FOR 11111 " . ." FOR MANY NBW LOWBR PllCBSlll


A B c '

A Muhitude
things, tool
of Myuuiow Magicks for
Mages... and a few other

.tiliJU Finsenip Smoke

.ttJ!)ll Coodcnscd Smoke
.lillJl.I Gncn Flamu
Fingertip Flaahpot
Wud of Fitcbunta
lillJll Oclun Swor dtag Sp<Ubook With
leatbcr like cover, 12S pagu, ink, quill,
0'lagic" incense, temple style incense
burner. 1601A IH.00 ... or Spellbook Only
16018 $18.00

Swordtaa llaae'I Spellbook Parchment look

and feel, "min.i-counc" on calliguphy. 16
pages for Swordtag spcU cha nu, New
Lower P<ice ... 207 12.7' or J for 17.00
v w x y z AA

Flaabpapcr for above items

tUU1J. Wud, Plastic
14.2' ••
.tiJIJl1 W&Dd, 5 nick 910 IS.9S
.tiliJU Wud, Fine Wood, Ouo•e 909 12s.oo All Swordta 8 wcapon<y is padded and
constructed with vinyl covering in the
L- Aldra (2.5' + 10')
M, Plain Staff (5')
708 JJ0.50 ••
.tiJIJl1 Mptical Lis;bt Creator 1101 IJ.9S Goldca Li- Pendant 124 11'.00 109 IJS.oo
coucct colors for a vcr1 impre ssive lookl
or 12 for IJZ (12.67 each) ~Yer Swami Pendant 826 J1 5,00 •• Moat weapons arc available with or
N.wiJU Crooked Staff (S') 120 11a.oo

tlJ!lll S.Ordua "Acid" Rios 1405 IJ.SO Goldco Unicom Pendant ao llJ.50 O.wiJU Quutcrataff (5') 121 IJ9.5o
.ti.EJl.I J9 Mini Seal Scrolls 160S 111.00 Flrios Roe Pendant J"I 154 116.00 without eorc uccpt for 707, 720, 722, P. Triple aod 0') 716 1 n.oo
.ti.EJl.I Mini Wood Houzslau 1606 $7 .00 V10kt Gems/Crou Pendant a o J1'.00 718, 719, 72J, 728, 729, and 7Jl which Q. Baadolier w / J ltl>iwa 722 126.00
°""" come onlr without core . We will assume

.. ••
fine quality/ J Min. Geo, lliog Sz )-9 868 122.00 R. Dauer (1.s') 717 119.9'
lil!1il Fon.- Ca rd. 1611 19.00 U- Rias, Red Gem Bru S• 9-lJ 86S 121.00 you want core, unless specified. S.WUU 1lacr Oawa, Pr(2') 711 152,00
.ti.EJl.I Tarot Cardo 1612 120.00 Geo. l'iger 6,.e Rina Ss 9-U 861 122.00 Weapon• without cores arc lighter and T Ji.llJU Bow, J Arrow& 719 JJ9,95
.ti.EJl.I ~opard Slooe/Lucbtone 161J 16.00 lillJll Spider Brooch w/Ge ma 8H JZ5,00 1lightlr more flniblc, Batra Artowt, s 726 118.00
.lililll Tarot Cord Case 1614 112.00 HU.I Battle-An Peodant 891 12S.OO U-tllll!l Ra pier (J ') 72) IH.9S
fine carven shamwood .cusJ:'Wl A.till MAGICAL WBAPONS V..tlJU!J Sciaitar 0.5') 724 IJ9.oo
MlUU Brau Alladdi.D Lamp s• 1616 112.00 JililU Coatu me Giant Ge m Ring IHI l9.9S 1fJi.llJU la>opuh (J. )') 72S IJ9.oo
lt.l!l'U s• Shrunken Head 1)42 121.95 We can make the wcapoo1 with just about X •.tillJU Oul> (2.S') 727 117.)0
.ti.EJl.I Big Plastic Skull BO l6.2S any color duired O.ight blue for ao Y Ji.llJU Boomcr•oa (2')
.tiJIJl1 Metal s:.,. OD Rios 1406 llS.9S ice blade or red foe a fla meaword, or gold,
arc a few examples). We can also we
Z..tlJU!J Lt Croubow, J blu
Bnra Bolta, 5
7JO 116,00
liQIJ! AJ1mu: ~ POU CHES The AG cu1tom colon for the hilta, pommela, and
Mages' Pouches that we 1cU arc much like
AA.Wifil HY Croubow,J blu 731 $65.00
gripa. lf you would like a custom 01 Batra 8olu, s 7J9 118.00
our free giveawa y ones BXCllPT that they magical weapon. please describe it in BB.tlJll\'.l H&ndflhrowiog A.le 7JZ 122.00
ha vc an upper hem and a very nice detail, using a sketch if needed, and add
For SWordtag Pcicau a.od Crwadcu CC •.tillJU 11uowia1 Hammer 7) 7 122.00
drawstring which maku them ideal for 15.00, 00.lillJU Guiurme (1.5') 7H l4Z.OO
••Talismans and Pendants come with ncckehains •• BB..tlJU!J Broad.word (J,)') 7H 145.00
Need.lea of Locuat/Poud> lSOl IJ.2S lilll!J Ankh Talia man 1615 112.00 l'F .Jill:fil Sc ytbe (4') 7JS 115.00
Magical Lampblad:tpouch A. Battle-Ase (J.S') 705 142.00 GG.lillJU Milltarr Fork (S') 7)6 11).00
lSOZ IJ.SO .WUU Cro11 Taliama.o 1617 112.00
Saod of •steepios"/Pouch B. Flail (J'+) 706 141,00 •• HH..tlJU!J Mornio11tar 0.S') 7J8
lSOJ IJ.ZS J:ilill1 Celtic Crou Taliaman 1611 112.00 112.00
Magical lluenseatpoucb C. War Hammet (J.5') 710 142.00
1504 IJ.9S Violet Gem Crosa Peoda.ot 841 l!S.00 ••
ttllll1 "Dia mood" Dust/Poud> 0. Loagaword 0.S') 101 IJ7.)0 Il.lillJU MAGICAL FLAMBTONGUB SWORD
lSOS l4.2S HJil'U Occic'a Golden/Red Ring 881 IZJ.00
.tiJilU Lodeatonutpai.rtpouch B. 2-Ha.od S.Ord (1.S') 111 l•s.oo Hu twirling licb of "flame" (really
1610 l1 .9S wfmsct uou, SZ 9- lJ
F. ~cc ()') 112 IJ6.oo cri mson red u tin) when wielded. Has
Mase'I Component Pouches/Pair 1'06 11.n •• ttJ!1l1 J" Pewter Aokb Peoda.or 1607 I IJ .00
Larae r-cb for Swordtaa Balla G. Holr Water ~er (J'+) 711 112.00 •• "masi ca l" qualitiu of lightneu, and is 6"
1 S07 ll.9S • • .liliWl EDsrand Brau BeU 1608 1 20.00
.liBJll 10 Component Pouchu 1soa 11'.00 H. lhrowioa spear 0') 101 1u.oo •• lonacr than a lon11word. Beautiful hilt
Bia Golden Plu. Cro11ftk ckeord 1H7 11.9) ••
in aU differe nt coloul lilUU Onie'& Collar/ Drape 151i llJ.9)
L N..,d>ab (J') 7U 129.00 •• duipl and ntra effort put into th~
J. Hal berd (S') 714 10.00 tword'a balanc.. Dou 2 Ip of damage in
L S.Orta... rd (2.5') 70Z 129 .9' Swordu 11 ... 710 I H,00
....---Monstrous Emporium- - - - - .

A c D E p


ii w

.lillE MON STER MAllS .. IC'1 1801-181' It 1863 availablt May 15••
M. Doable Demon 1863 122.00
Out monster maslu: arc made o( l•tcs N. Red Dtagoo 1801 Jl4.95
rubber and are h1un1inalr realistic in the 0. Greco Dra goo 1802 $14.95
bc:•t moosuow coloul P. Ancient Va mpi,te blue 1804 $14.95
Q. Vampire J 1805 JH.95
SPSCIAU Each of maslu 18H-lS62 is R. Ore l 1806 J14.95
normally p,,O, but you can otdcr them in S. J-Sycd Devil 1807 J14.95
scu of J for Jl9.9" Mix or match! Jw t T. Mutilated Corp.. 1808 JH .9'
indicate IC 1899 and tell us what you U. Wolf/WcrewoU 1810 JH.9'
want. V. Ore 2 1811 $14,95
W. Lion/Sphinx 1812 $14.95
SXTltA SPECIAU Get 6 of mulu X. Gargorle grctn lllJ 129.95
18'1-1862 of OUR choice for J3'.9'1 Y. OUtiopmcd Mu 1814 J29.95
Great for outfitting your club's monucu, Z. Undead p<midl 1815 $29,95
u each mask i1 under J6.00I Jndicat< IC M. Werewolf 1830 $24.95
1898. NO Discounu llcrell

A. Va mpire l white 18SI J7.50 9.lpplica fo r Swordtaa Monoten

8. Ghoul l rluh 1852 $7.50
C. Doil l red 1851 J7.50 M1nr Swordtag aroups pool funds to get
D. Troll putrid ytllow 1854 J7.SO mONtcr supplies and costumes, 1incc they
S. WercwoU brown un 11.50 will likely bt Wtd by many mt mbt u of
F. Va mpire Z white 1856 $7.50 tht gtoup.
G. Ghoul Z gray 1857 17 .50
H. Flub Gole m blue 1858 $7.50
L Qian green/yellow 1859 $7 .so WUl1 Fang• 1821 $1.85
J. [)nil lord r ed/white 1860 $7 . 50 WUl1 9>acldes, Plutic IJ26 $6.00
L Mummy white/green 1861 $7.50 WUl1 Ball aod Ouio, Plastic 1152 J6.7'
I... Lyc:b white 1162 J7.50 1t.BJU ~der Webs io a second IJ5J IJ.25
AG CHAPTER INFORMATION AND Bcocfita of Being <luptc.cmaat cr ..•

ORDER FORM you int etc stcd in sea rting a cha pt c r of
the Advcntutcn 1 Guild in your area 7 We
You me Ch a ptc:tma ucr (u.nking close
to Assistant Guildmasterl). You get a
monthly 5~ com mission of all r our
For AG u1<: arc always excited about 1-dding a chapter ch aptcrmcmbccs ' purch11cs . You a lw1y.s
of cnthusii.stic role-playcu to oor get a 11~ disco Wlt inste ad of the notm~I
Scod J'O"' order ... or Phooc for Ultra-Quick COD Scr'l'iccl l15-ZS2-1JIZ Check _ MO _ COO _
membership. tu a chapter, you get great mcmbet's lO'J>, There arc no "o Hicial"
AG bencfiu and the comradarie in knowing duties to pc r form· you can put as rnuch or
RBMBMBBRI -OUR QUICKNESS GUARANTl!EI PO Rec tba t y<>u'te apart of l.hL guild lor real &$ liulc time into it as you wiJh .
· SATISfACTION or MONEY BACKI Ent Com adventure rs I
-You act Swordtag FREE with JlO ordcrl Ent Chap
Later on, you 11\ l y wiJh t o become
-Chapter Info on Reverse Sidcl Ent Gri
YoUI' Chapter's 8coc6ts.... Guild mutcr of a Realm. Thia if you get
- NO Pollage and Ha ndlina cbaracs for U.S.I PO Sent
ZO or U'IOtc me mbers in your cha pter. TilC
Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Your rnccnbcu &cc hill mcrnbeu of the Guild ma ttcr o f a Re alm gcu 1 .l.2..1.
Chapter No . (if any)1_ _ __
Adventurers' Guild a nd receive all due JD.2n.J.hU co mmission ol hi s/he r me mbers'
benefits. Also. unlike other members, yout pur c ha.scs. As yo u can sec 1 t h ac could .1dd
Addrc••--------------------------~ chapterm.embeu can b a nd together u up fot you very quic kly , and all you did
City_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ State_ _ _ _ _ _ __ anytime and get 209' off (in1tcad of 109') was get enc mb crsl
of a $100 purchase ot mote. We, of
ZIP_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Phone _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ course. must be able to ship the ocder to How Do Yoo Get Suned?
one location.
It's easyl As soon as you get jwt t h re e
Yow chapter will get recognition in the 01cmbcrs, send in the application a nd you 11
Pkasc llUSH me:
AG Coe< and/or GRIFFON Magn:ine and have a chaptcrl Anytime you have ne w
Unit Prie< Qwintit y Price Spc cial lruuuction1 nc ws of you.I chapter's doings will be members, jwt send their names. addrc.sscs 1
Ile m Code Description
rcpottcd whenevtt you submit it. and aic aibcuhip dues, and wc-11 sign t hem
up. After applying, you'll get a ch apter
We form chapteu moat of all to have number. Be sure you and a U your
fwl In tht future, when thete ace enough me mbcrs indicate this nuoibu whenever
chapters, we arc going to conduct a sott sending anything (orders, etc.) to us, as
of Play-by-Mail game between chapteu . this helps w keep track.
It will be free and there will be pri:te•I

SUBTOTAL ••........•..•...•......•.•...•.••.•••..••••••.••..••.•.•••••••.••.•..••• AG Chapter Membership Application
Guild me mbcr'• Oi1couot ........ ....... ..... ..... ....... ............ .........
CaMdian Orders, •dd 81' pollage •...•. ... .. •...•.••. •.•.•..••••.••••..•.
Overseas Airmail, •dd 101' for order JZO or leu Name
add J01' for order over JZO •••••••••• •••••••••• Addreu
0Yctac•• Sutfacc. add 20S

TOTAL •••••...••.....•...•.•....•••.••.....•••••••••••••••.•.•••...•.•..•.••.•.••.•... Phone

Chapter Na me
Enclose chock or money order· we can't be r capoo1ible for cu b
Sailifaction Guaranteed or Yow Money Back Cha pier Motto
Moir Orders Guaranteed for Two Week Shipment
Foreign orders in U.S. funds, please
Foreign- pleue inquire before orderina Iara• bulky item• Chapter Symbol/Coat of Arms


We thank you for letting us in on what you clunk!

Membeu' Names and Addresses:
(we more paper if you need)

THAN!t YOUI "lbe A.dft12turera' Guild, 401 New Castle Rd, Marshalltown, IA >01'8

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