Single Course Transcript (1)

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Official Transcript Phong Dang

Excel High School Student ID: EHS-C24-3A7F0

601 Carlson Parkway Suite 1250
Birth Date: 02-20-2009
Minnetonka , MN 55305 US
Date Printed: 08-17-2024

Enrollment Date: 06-17-2024 Withdrawal Date: N/A


Course Code Course Title % Grade Credit Attempted Credit Earned

EHS-MAGEO Geometry 97.00 A 1.00 1.00

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Notes: -

Credit & GPA Summary Transfer Credit School

Total Credits: 1 Transfer Credit School: -

Weighted GPA: 4.00 Years Attended: -

Unweighted GPA: 4.00

Dr. Mark Ulven, Ed.D., President

About Excel High School A-F 4.0 - Grading Scale
Excel High school is a DOE-recognized accredited non-public school organized under the laws of the Students ordinarily enroll in classes for which they will receive a letter grade of A, B, C, D, I, or F. How a
State of Minnesota. Our MN DOE assigned school code is # 0284-31-022. Excel High School is given instructor determines grades will ordinarily be described on the class syllabus. Grades may be
Regionally Accredited by Cognia the parent organization of the North Central Association CASI, the based on performance on examinations, quality of papers or projects, course participation, and/or group
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools CASI and the Northwest Accrediting Commission to contributions. Higher grades reflect greater achievement. A-F grading is considered to be "normal"
offer Middle School and the following diploma tracks: Standard, Adult, and Honors/AP ck high school grading and no special steps are needed to enroll in this way.
diploma. EHS is also a member institution of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.
Excel High School is a member of the College Board (#240707), A - 90.00-100.00% - Excellent
Excel High School is a State of Texas recognized, accredited middle and high school that serves B - 80.00-89.99% - Good
students in grades (6-8) and (9-12) accredited online high school diploma programs. Excel High C - 70.00-79.99% - Average
School's Texas TEPSAC assigned school ID# is 101-440-001. Excel is listed with the Texas Private D - 60.00-69.99% - Poor
School Accreditation Commission (TEPSAC), which is recognized by the Texas Commissioner of F - 0.00-59.99% - Failure
Education. I - Incomplete
Excel High School is recognized by the Virginia Department of Education (VCPE) as an accredited ENR - Enrolled
non-public school. Recorded GPA is equivalent to the CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) on our transcript.
Excel High School's accrediting agencies are recognized by the State and US Department of
Education as a legitimate accrediting agencies and qualifies students for admissions to colleges and Semester Length 16-weeks.
universities to receive Title IV Federal Financial Aid and military enlistment as a tier Residency: Excel High School serves student in every part of the world and imposes No Campus
school. Residency Requirements.
Excel High School's courses are approved by the California UC System a-g list as 5 (one semester)
or 10 credits (2 semesters). Transfer Grade
Many of Excels' courses are certified by the College Board for Advanced Placement.
All grades transferred to Excel High School will be recorded on the regular index grading scale. High
school classes taken in summer school for high school credit prior to entering the 9th grade will be
Standard Track High School Diploma 21.5 credits recorded on the regular index grading scale. The credit will be added to the first semester grades in
English 4.0 figuring GPA.

Math 3.0
Home School and Private School Credit
Science 3.0 Excel High School has established a policy regarding the acceptance of credits from homeschool and
other nonpublic school programs on a case-by-case basis.
Social Studies 3.5
For credit to be accepted - there must be verification that:
Health 0.5 Excel High School accepts transfer credits from other State recognized and regionally accredited high
schools at face value.
PE 0.5 EHS will consider home school credits if the course was taught by a certified instructor, coursework is
provided for review, and the student passes the comprehensive, proctored homeschool assessment for

Art 1.0
the course; and the course meets the requirements established by the Minnesota Department of
Electives 6.0 Education

Course content is comparable to EHS-established courses of study.
Total 21.5
Recognition of credits from a school/home school shall be granted when the abovestated criteria are met
and upon satisfactory completion of any achievement tests given by the administration. Although credits
Honors Track High School Diploma 24 credits

from schools/home schools may be granted and placed on a student's transcript, no grades will be
English 4.0
entered on the transcript or factored into the grade point average. Only grades awarded for courses taken
at EHS or from a school accredited by the State Department of Education or such departments or

Math 4.0
agencies in other states, will be entered on the transcript and averaged as part of the GPA.
Science 3.0

Social Studies




Art 1.0

Electives 5.5

Foriegn Language 2.0

Total 24

Contact Information:
Address: Excel High School, 601 Carlson Parkway, STE 1250
Minnetonka, MN 55305
Phone: (952) 465-3700 Fax: (952) 465-3701

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