Healthy Tipssheet 10to12

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Healthy Tips Sheet (Ages 10 to 12)

Name: ________________________________ Date of Birth: ________________________

Height: _______________________________ Weight: _____________________________

BMI: __________________________________ BMI %: _ ____________________________

Risk Level: ____________________________ Date of Assessment: _________________

Get your health on track by adding these tips to your daily routine.

e al should be ba
ym lan
r ce
E ve d.
Eat 5 servings 1/2 of plate =
of fruits and Vegetables, salads and fruit
veggies every 1 cup of raw leafy vegetables
single day. 1/2 cup of cooked vegetables
1 cup of fruit = 1 medium apple, orange or pear

1 cup = 1/2 cup =
Fruits Vegetables
• Apples, bananas, • Asparagus, broccoli
1/4 of plate = 1/4 of plate =
oranges • Beans, lentils, peas
Grains, rice or bread Meat, poultry or fish
• Berries, grapes • Carrots, celery
• Spinach, collard greens 1 fist = 1 serving A deck of cards =
• Pears, plums, melon
of cereal flakes a portion of meat,
• Canned fruit (packed • Tomatoes, peppers
poultry or fish
in 100% juice or water) • Canned veggies

Kn s.
ow e
yo u r s e r v i n g s i z
Limit screen
time to
2 hours Limit sweetened drinks to 0.
or less. Examples of sweetened
drinks to stay away from:
Screen time includes:
• Soft drinks, soda, pop
• Watching TV, videos or DVDs
• Juice drinks
• Playing or being on a computer
• Chocolate milk
• Playing regular and hand-held
• Sports drinks
video games
Get at least 1 hour Instead, drink:
• Going to the movies
• Instant messaging or online chatting
of physical activity. • Water with lemon,
Make sure an adult is there lime or orange
if necessary. to add flavor
• Shoot baskets • 1% or skim milk
Review provided by leading experts:
• Play volleyball • Unsweetened drinks
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Diabetes Association • Dance • Ask your physician about
• Skateboard other healthy drink options
Eat 5 servings of fruits and veggies every single day.

❒ Try
 to eat at least five or more fruits ❒ A
 void eating fried foods, and look for
or vegetables a day. Use this as an healthier options like baked or grilled
opportunity to try new foods. foods instead.
❒ L
 ook at the labels of food that claim to be ❒ C
 ook a meal with your parents for
fruit-based, like gummy candy, because your family.
they may have a lot of sugar. ❒ R
 emember your portion sizes: 3 oz. of
❒ Avoid eating at fast-food restaurants. meat is the size of a deck of playing cards,
❒ P
 ut food on small plates, like salad plates, a 4 oz. bagel is the size of a hockey puck,
instead of large dinner plates. Tell your one cup of pasta is the size of a tennis
family to do the same. ball, and 1 oz. of cheese is the size of
four dice.

Limit screen time to 2 hours or less.

❒ L
 ower your screen time by at least 30 ❒ S
 uggest activities to do after dinner
minutes a day, until you are getting less as a family, such as going for a walk
than two hours of screen time each day. or bike riding.
❒ Remove the TV from your bedroom. ❒ Avoid eating food in front of the TV.

Get at least 1 hour of physical activity.

❒ A
 dd 10 minutes of physicial activity ❒ S
 tart a basketball or soccer team with
to your routine each day until you get your friends, and check out local pick-up
at least an hour a day. games in your neighborhood park.
❒ Walk or ride your bike to and from school. ❒ J
 oin a school sports team, outdoor
❒ Go for a bike ride. club or dance class.

❒ Swim at your local pool. ❒ Take a walk and bring your family along.

❒ Go for a hike. ❒ H
 ave a contest with a friend to see who
is more active over a period of time
❒ Dance to your favorite music in your room.
(a few weeks, a month, two months, etc.).
❒ M
 ow the lawn, wash the car or vacuum.
❒ M
 ake a list of all your reasons for
You can be physically active when you
being healthier. Read it often.
are doing chores.
❒ Other activities: _______________________

Limit sweetened drinks to 0.

❒ D
 rink water or low-fat/nonfat milk instead ❒ T
 ell everyone in your family to avoid
of sweetened drinks like juice, sweet tea, drinks that have sugar.
sports drinks or soft drinks.
❒ R
 ead the labels on soda, juice and fruit-
based drinks to avoid those that have
a lot of sugar.

Sources: Adapted from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies by the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.


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