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District Name: Carroll County Mercier, Cassandra Louise

Central High School Transcript Student Number: 81478 Grade: 12

School CEEB Code: 110604 Tel: (770)834-3386 Generated on 11/23/2024 09:43:05 AM Page 1 of 1
113 Central High Rd, Carrollton, GA 30116

Student Information #2052 Central High School Credit Summary

Course Mark Weight Credit HS Credits Attempted Earned
Student Number: 81478 Grade: 12 2022-2023 Grade 10 Term 2 English 4.000 4.000
Birthdate: 01/08/2007 Gender: F Credit: 3.500 GPA: 4.2857 U/W GPA: 4.0000 Math 4.000 4.000
State ID: 7671189413 Personal Fitness/Health 1.000 1.000
Diploma Type: 2022-2023 Grade 10 Term 4 Science 5.000 5.000
23.0510052 American Lit/Comp 93 0.5000 0.5 Social Studies 2.000 2.000
GPA Summary B Honors Total 24.000 24.000
*26.0620002 AP Environmental 97 0.5000 0.5
Cumulative GPA (Weighted) 4.3333 Science B Total Credits 24.000 24.000
Cumulative GPA (Unweighted) 4.0000 *45.0811002 AP World 94 0.5000 0.5
History:Modern B
#0177 Central Middle School 02.4710002 Basic AG Science/ 99 0.5000 0.5
Course Mark Weight Credit Technology B
40.0510052 Chemistry I B 98 0.5000 0.5
2020-2021 Grade 08 Term 4 Honors
23.2610000 9th Grade Lit/Comp 93 1.0000 1 27.0992052 GSE Algebra II B 99 0.5000 0.5
Honors Honors
27.2990011 GSE Algebra I 98 1.0000 1 60.0720002 Spanish II B 97 0.5000 0.5
Honors Credit: 3.500 GPA: 4.2857 U/W GPA: 4.0000
40.2110000 Physical Science 95 1.0000 1
2023-2024 Grade 11 Term 2
Credit: 3.000 GPA: 4.0000 U/W GPA: 4.0000 02.4210001 Animal Sci & 100 0.5000 0.5
Biotech A
*26.0140001 AP Biology A 99 0.5000 0.5
#2052 Central High School *23.0430001 AP Language/Comp 93 0.5000 0.5
Course Mark Weight Credit 11 A
*45.0820001 AP US History A 93 0.5000 0.5
2021-2022 Grade 09 Term 2 *27.0A88401 DE:Math 1111 99 1.0000 1
*45.0770001 AP Human 90 0.5000 0.5 60.0730051 Spanish III A 96 0.5000 0.5
Geography A Honors
26.0120051 Biology I A Honors 98 0.5000 0.5 Credit: 3.500 GPA: 4.7143 U/W GPA: 4.0000
27.0991051 GSE Geometry A 91 0.5000 0.5
Honors 2023-2024 Grade 11 Term 4
07.4413001 Intro to Business & 95 0.5000 0.5 02.4210002 Animal Sci & 98 0.5000 0.5
Tech A Biotech B
36.0510002 Personal Fitness 99 0.5000 0.5 *26.0140002 AP Biology B 95 0.5000 0.5
60.0710001 Spanish I A 96 0.5000 0.5 *23.0430002 AP Language/Comp 95 0.5000 0.5
23.0630051 World Lit/Comp A 95 0.5000 0.5 11 B
Honors *45.0820002 AP US History B 95 0.5000 0.5
Credit: 3.500 GPA: 4.1429 U/W GPA: 4.0000 *23.0420400 DE:Comm/Speech 99 1.0000 1
60.0730052 Spanish III B 95 0.5000 0.5
2021-2022 Grade 09 Term 4 Honors
*45.0770002 AP Human 91 0.5000 0.5 Credit: 3.500 GPA: 4.7143 U/W GPA: 4.0000
Geography B
26.0120052 Biology I B Honors 95 0.5000 0.5
27.0991052 GSE Geometry B 95 0.5000 0.5 Standard Tests
Honors EOC02:End of Course American Literature and
17.0110001 Health 100 0.5000 0.5 Comp
07.4413002 Intro to Business & 100 0.5000 0.5 Score:589 Result:91 Date:04/17/2023
Tech B EOC05:End of Course Biology
60.0710002 Spanish I B 98 0.5000 0.5 Score:600 Result:90 Date:04/18/2022
23.0630052 World Lit/Comp B 98 0.5000 0.5 EOC06:End of Course Physical Science
Honors Score:559 Result: Date:04/19/2021
Credit: 3.500 GPA: 4.1429 U/W GPA: 4.0000 EOC09:End of Course Algebra I
Score:600 Result:92 Date:04/19/2021
2022-2023 Grade 10 Term 2 Note: Standard Test scores within this transcript
23.0510051 American Lit/Comp 97 0.5000 0.5 represent the student's best scores only and may
A Honors consist of scores from multiple administrations of the
*26.0620001 AP Environmental 97 0.5000 0.5 assessment. Therefore, the composite score should
Science A not be interpreted to be comprised of the subtest
*45.0811001 AP World 90 0.5000 0.5 scores shown.
History:Modern A
02.4710001 Basic AG Science/ 97 0.5000 0.5 Credit Summary
Technology A
40.0510051 Chemistry I A 99 0.5000 0.5
Honors HS Credits Attempted Earned
27.0992051 GSE Algebra II A 98 0.5000 0.5 CTAE / Modern Languages / Fine 7.000 7.000
Honors Arts
60.0720001 Spanish II A 99 0.5000 0.5 Elective 1.000 1.000

* Courses with max GPA value > 4

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