C Programming
C Programming
C Programming
Overview of C
Importance of C, Sample C programs, Basic structure of C Programs, Programming style, executing a C
User-Defined Functions
Need for user-defined functions, multi-function program, The form of C functions Return values and their
types, Calling a function Category of functions, Handling of non-integer functions, Nesting of functions,
Recursion, Functions with arrays, The scope and lifetime of variables in functions.
Structures and Unions
Structure definition, giving values to members, Structure initialization Comparison of structure variables,
Unions, Size of structures
Pointers and File Handling
Understanding pointers. Accessing the address of a variable, Declaring and initializing pointers, Accessing a
variable through its pointer.
File Handling– Definition and need of file. Defining, Opening, and Closing a file. Input and output
operations on files. Random access to files with example programs.
Reference Books:
1. Problem Solving with C, M.T. Somashekara, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2009
2. Programming in ANSI C 2nd Edition by E Balaguruswamy Published by Tata McGraw Hill.