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IV. The basic organization of a computer system is shown below.


Match the following to the numbers shown in the diagram : Certificate Course Examination, December, 2014
(10x1=10) Certificate in Computer Application
Subject: Fundamentals of Computer (CCA-101)
A. Data F. Central processing Unit
B. Input Unit G. Control Unit Full Mark : 40 Time : 1 hours
C. Storage unit H. Arithmetic Logic Unit ALL QUESTION ARE COMPULSORY
D. Primary memory I. Output Unit I. Write the full form of the following acronyms: (10x1 = 10)
E. Secondary memory J. Information/Result 1) EDVAC - Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
2) UNIVAC - Universal Automatic Computer
3) GFLOP - Giga-Floating Point Operation
4) UVEPROM - Ultra Violet Erasable programmable Read
Only memory
5) DVD-R - Digital Versatile Disk recordable
6) OMR - Optical Mark Reader
7) FORTRAN - Formula Translation
8) SNOBOL - String Oriented Symbolic Language
9) MSDOS - Microsoft Disk Operating System
10) CASE - Computer Aided Software Engineering

II. Select the correct answer form the given choice: (10x1=10)

1) Fourth Generation of computer are characterized by

A. vacuum tube C. ICs with SSI and MSI
B. transistor D. ICs with VLSI Technology
Answer : ICs with VLSI Technology
2) Which of the following is not a property of a storage unit?
A. Access time C. Reliability
B. Volatility D. Random Access
Answer : Reliability
3) Which of the following is not a secondary storage unit?
A. ROM C. optical Disk
B. Magnetic tapes D. Magnetic Disk
Answer : ROM

MSCTE/CCA, Jan, 2014 MSCTE/CCA, Jan, 2014

4) The evolution of objective answer paper is done using III. State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE:
A. OCR C. OMR (10x1=10)
B. MICR D. Digitizer
Answer : OMR 1) The IBM701 was built in the year 1951. F
5) The language that generate output report resulting from 2) Cache memory is an extremely fast small memory between CPU
processing of common business application is and main memory. T
A. Java C. RPG 3) Offline storage is used for transfer data between two computers
B. LISP D. COBOL which are not physically connected. T
Answer : COBOL 4) Storage of a computer system has limited capacity and is volatile. T
6) corresponds to the exclusive right granted to creators of 5) Peripheral device provides the capacity to a computer system to
original works. communicate with its external environment. T
A. Intelligence property right 6) A compiler is a translator program that converts a high-level
B. Indian property Right language program into its equivalent machine language program
C. Indigenous property Rights and executes it immediately. T
D. Intellectual Property Rights 7) Minicomputer are less powerful and cheaper than personal
Answer : Intellectual property Rights computer. F
7) Which of the following is not a Super computer? 8) Programs designed to perform specific tasks is known as utility
A. PARAM Series C. Anupam Series program. F
B. Sony Series D. PACE Series 9) A computer program that instructs other programs to perform a
Answer : Sony Series particular type of operating is system software. F
8) Netiquettes are applicable 10) Information Technology Act in India was amended in the year
A. While Surfing Only B. While emailing only 2008. T
C. While working on social networking sites only
D. All of the above
Answer : All of the above
9) Free software available on the Internet
A. Always contain Spyware C. Never contain spyware
B. Sometime contain spyware D. Are spyware
Answer : Sometime contain spyware
10) A common use of computers in offices is for
A. Distributed processing C. Data Processing
B. Word Processing D. All of the above
Answer : Word processing

MSCTE/CCA, Jan, 2014 MSCTE/CCA, Jan, 2014

D. Match the given computer unit with the diagram of a basic
organization of a computer system. (10) MIZORAM STATE COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION
Eg. A. Program and Data – 4 Diploma Course Examination, December, 2015
Certificate in Computer Application
A. Program And Data Subject : Fundamentals of Computer (CCA-101)
B. Secondary Storage Full mark:40 Time : 1 hour
C. Output Unit
D. Arithmetic Logic Unit A. Write the full form for the following abbreviation: (10x1=10)
E. Primary Storage Unit 1. ENIAC : Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
F. Input Unit 2. EDVAC : Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
G. Information/Result 3. FORTRAN : Formula Translation
H. Control Unit 4. ALU : Arithmetic Logic Unit
I. Storage Unit 5. PROM : Programmable Read Only memory
J. Central Processing Unit 6. CPU : Central processing Unit
7. OCR : Optical Character Recognition
8. CASE : Computer aided Software Engineering
9. ANSI : American national Standard Institute
10. IPR : Intellectual Property Right

B. Choose the correct answer: (10x1=10)

1. Computers are classified into how many generation?
a) 3 c) 5
b) 4 d) 6
Answer : 5
2. Second Generation Computer are made of
a) transistor c) vacuum tube
b) integrated Circuit d) microprocessor
Answer : transistor
3. Which of the following in an input device
a) printer c) monitor
b) keyboard d) projector
Answer : keyboard
4. The other name of the primary memory of a computer is
a) hard disk c) Second Memory
b) Main Memory d) Flash memory
Answer : Main Memory

5. Which memory is non-volatile and maybe written only once? C. State TRUE or FALSE : (10x1=10)
a) RAM c) EEPROM 1. Privacy protection depend on judicial and consumer decisions. T
b) EPROM d) PROM 2. Pascal is used in business application. F
Answer : PROM 3. Low level language is easy to program than high level language. F
4. The most powerful and expensive computers are mainframe system. F
6. A personal computer is 5. Spread sheet software is a type of application software. T
a) micro computer c) super computer 6. ATM card issued by banks are an example of MICR. F
b) Mini computer d) main frame computer 7. Secondary Storage devices are volatile. F
Answer : micro computer 8. The ALU of a computer normally contain a number of high speed
storage element called registers. T
7. Architect, Engineers and city planer use 9. The CPU consists of the ALU and CU. T
a) plotter c) drum printer 10. The stored program was introduced by Dr. Jon Von Neumann. T
b) band printer d) dot-matrix printer
Answer : plotter

8. Some common type of system software are

a) Operating system c) utility program
b) communication software d) all of the above
Answer : Operating system

9. Computer language is not classified as

a) Machine language c) medium level language
b) Assembly language d) high level language
Answer : medium level language

10. A translator program that translate and assembly language program into
its equivalent machine language program is
a) Compiler c) Interpreter
b) linker d) Assembler
Answer : Assembler
31. When the control unit and arithmetic logic unit is contained on a single MIZORAM STATE COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION
tiny silicon chip it is called a Certificate Course Examination, December, 2016
a) Processor c) Defragment Certificate in Computer Application
b) Computer d) Microcomputer Subject : Fundamentals of Computer (DCA-101)
32. Which of the following is not a feature of Pre-written software?
a) It is usually general purpose software Full Mark : 40 Time : 1 hour
b) It can be modified by the user
c) It is usually cheaper A. Choose the correct answer (1X40=40)
d) None of the above 1. UNIVAC stand for
33. COBOL stand for a) Universal Advanced Computer
a) Computer Business Oriented Language b) Universal Automatic Calculator
b) Common Bus Oriented Language c) Universal Automobile Computer
c) Common Business Oriented Language d) Universal Automatic Computer
d) Common business Open language 2. RISC stand for
34. RAID stand for a) Reduced Instruction set computer
a) Raid Array of Independent Disk b) Reduced Information Set Computer
b) Random Access of Inexpensive Disk c) Reduced Information Set Calculator
c) Raid Access of Inexpensive Disk d) Reduced Information Set computing
d) Raid Array of Inexpensive disk 3. Which of the following is not an application software?
35. The computer does not have the following characteristic a) Spreadsheet software c) Operating System
a) Intelligent quotient c) Speed b) Graphic Software d) Database software
b) Automatic d) Accuracy 4. Which of the following peripherals cannot be attached to a personal
36. Compiler translate a language into equivalent machine language program. computer?
a) High level c) Assemble a) Network Interface Card b) Bus Card
b) Low level d) Intermediate b) Graphic Card d) Data Card
37. Which of the following is not a direct access device? 5. LSI stand for
a) Magnetic tape c) Optical Disk a) Large Scale integrator c) Large Scale Integration
b) Magnetic Disk d) Compact Disk b) Large Scale Integer d) Large Scale Information
38. Another name of Public Domain Software is 6. Which of the following is not a feature of a magnetic tape?
a) Freeware c) Open Source Software a) Magnetic tapes must be stored in dust-free environment
b) Shareware d) All of the above b) Magnetic tapes must be labelled properly and logically
39. PROM stand for c) Magnetic taped are suitable for random access
a) Program Read Only Memory d) None of the above
b) Programmable Read Only Memory 7. An example for non-impact printer is the
c) Programmable Read Only Memories a) Dot matrix c) Inkjet
d) Programming Read Only Memory b) Laser d) Plotter
40. A high speed buffer between the CPU and the Main memory is 8. Choose the odd one
a) Ram c) Cache Memory a) DVD-ROM c) DVD-RW
b) ROM d) Register b) DVD-R d) DVD-W
9. ENIAC stand for For Question 21 to 30 refer the given block diagram below:
a) Electrical Numerical Integrator and Calculator
b) Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator 1
c) Electronics Numerical Integrator and Calculator
d) Electronic Numeric Integrator and Calculator
10. Bank Cheques utilizes 2
a) Optical Character Reader c) Optical Mark Reader 8 10
b) Bar code reader d) Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
11. Disadvantages of machine language are 3
a) Machine dependent c) Difficult to translate
b) Difficult to program d) Difficult to modify
12. Third generation of computer falls between the period from
a) 1972-1975 c) 1963-1975 4
b) 1964-1975 d) 1965-1975
13. Supercomputer are not used in
a) Petroleum Industry c) Aerospace Industry 5
b) Garment Industry d) Automobile Industry
14. Which one has the longest life span? 6
a) Optical Disk c) Magnetic disk
b) Magnetic tape d) Magnetic drive 21. Storage unit is
15. The dot per inch of an inkjet printer are than a laser printer a) 8 b) 1 c) 3 d) 6
a) Lower c) Same 22. Control unit is
b) Higher d) None of the above a) 4 b) 2 c) 6 d) 9
16. A workstation differs from a personal computer in 23. Output unit is
a) Processing power c) Operating system a) 10 b) 5 c) 9 d) 7
b) Storage capacity d) All of the above 24. Input unit is
17. Memory which is volatile and in which data is stored temporarily is a) 8 b) 7 c) 5 d) 10
a) ROM c) Pen drive memory 25. Arithmetic logic Unit is
b) RAM d) Hard disk Memory a) 8 b) 6 c) 5 d) 10
18. Which of the following is not an output device? 26. Information unit is
a) Printer c) Monitor a) 3 b) 2 c) 9 d) 10
b) Digitizer d) Projector 27. Primary Storage unit is
19. FORTAN stand for a) 1 b) 3 c) 2 d) 4
a) Formula Translator c) Formula Translation 28. Secondary storage unit is
b) Formula Transition d) Formula Translate a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
20. CASE stand for 29. Data and input unit is
a) Computer Assisted Software Engineering a) 8 b) 7 c) 6 d) 1
b) Computer All-purpose Software Engineering 30. Central Processing unit is
c) Computer Aided Software Engine a) 8 b) 6 c) 1 d) 9
d) Computer Aided Software Engineering
34. Most popular from of hard copy is obtained from MIZORAM STATE COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION
a) Monitor c) Plotter Certificate Course Examination, December, 2017
b) Printer d) Projector Certificate in Computer Application
35. Which device is popularly used in shopping malls? Subject : Fundamentals of Computer (DCA-101)
a) Bar-code reader c) Optical mark reader
b) Magnetic ink character reader d) Electronic card reader
36. The operating system is a Full Mark : 40 Time : 1 hour
a) Database software c) System software
b) Entertainment software d) Spreadsheet software A. Choose the correct answer (1X40=40)
37. When the entire CPU is contained on a single ship, it is called 1. Firmware is
a) Processor c) Miniprocessor a) Software c) Software and Hardware
b) Microprocessor d) Superprocessor b) Hardware d) None of the above
38. Which of the processor is fastest? 2. Which type of software is most expensive?
a) Single core-processor c) Hexa core-processor a) Open source software c) Patented software
b) Dual core-processor d) Quad core-processor b) Shareware d) Freeware
39. The register that holds the data temporarily is 3. Utility software are not used for
a) Accumulator register c) Instruction register a) Formatting hard disk c) Removing virus program
b) Input/output register d) memory buffer register b) Backing up data d) All of the above
40. Which of the following is volatile and writable? 4. Assembler converts assembly language to
a) EPROM c) SRAM a) Machine Language Program c) low level program
b) PROM d) UVEPROM b) high level program d) medium level program
5. Which statement is not correct with respect to machine language?
a) Machine dependent c) Error prone
b) Easy to modify d) Difficult to program
6. FORTRAN stands for
a) Form Translation c) Formula Translation
b) Formula Translator d) Formula Translate
7. A language which is used for internet application is
a) BASIC b) COBOL c) Java d) RPG
8. PDA stands for
a) Person Digit Assist c) Personal Digital Assistant
b) Personal Digit Assistant d) Person Digital Assistant
9. Which computer has expansion slot?
a) Laptop Computers c) Tablet PCs
b) Smart phones d) Desktop Computers
10. Workstation are normally used for
a) Computer Aided Designed c) Multimedia Applications
b) Scientific simulations d) All of the above
For Question 11-15, refer to the given diagram below 20. Which company does not produce computer?
a) Dell c) Toshiba
1 b) Seagate d) HP
21. When did the IT Act come into effect?
7 a) October 17 2001 c) October 17 2000
8 9 10 b) October 17 2002 d) November 17 2000
3 22. Crime through internet includes
a) Identity theft c) Internet fraud
b) Credit card theft d) All of the above
4 23. Which of the following is best suitable for the term ‘software piracy’?
a) Counterfeiting of original product c) Both of the above
5 b) Illegal copying of genuine software d) None of the above
24. To be considered a cyber-crime, what needs to be involved in the crime?
6 a) Computer c) Data
11. Which unit reads instruction and data from the outside world? b) Network d) Technology
a) 8 b) 2 c) 5 d) 9 25. UNIVAC stands for
12. Which unit is known as main memory? a) Universe Auto Computer c) Universal Auto Computer
a) 3 b) 6 c) 7 d) 4 b) Universal Automatic Computer d) Universal Automatic Compiler
13. Arithmetic and logical operations are performed by 26. Which statement is true of flash drive?
a) 3 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7 a) Popular c) Compatible
14. This unit manages and coordinates the operations of all other components. b) Portable d) All of the above
a) 4 b) 7 c) 5 d) 3 27. When data is processed by a computer we get
15. Which unit supplies information to the outside world? a) Output c) Information
a) 8 b) 5 c) 6 d) 9 b) Result d) Signal
16. Which is a sequential access device? 28. This generation is characterized by bulky and unreliable computers
a) Flash drive c) CD-ROM a) 4th b) 2nd c) 3rd d) 1st
b) Magnetic Tape d) Floppy Disk 29. Which is not a characteristic of computer?
17. A memory card can be used in a a) Error prone c) Versatility
a) Camera c) Laptop b) Speed d) Signal
b) Mobile Phone d) all of the above 30. Unbundling of hardware and software took place in which generation?
18. Which statement is not true? a) 5th b) 4th c) 3rd d) 2nd
a) Floppy disks are not very popular now 31. IBM stands for
b) Magnetic disks can have large storage capacity a) International Big Machine c) International Business Model
c) DVD-R has limited storage capacity b) International Business Machine d) International Business Mode
d) Cache memory has the slowest access time 32. Which is not a pointing device?
19. In EPROM, ‘E’ stands for a) Joy stick c) Trackball
a) Electronic c) Erasable b) Digitizer d) Light pen
b) Electric d) Extra 33. Which is a character input printer device
a) Laser printer c) Dot-matrix printer
b) Inkjet printer d) Drum printer
a) Liquid Crystal Display c) Liquid Circuit Display Diploma Course Examination, December 2018
b) Logical Circuit Display d) None of these Semester-I, Diploma in Computer Application
33. A set of one or more programs, which controls the operation of a Subject : Fundamentals of Computer (DCA-101)
computer is known as
a) Operating System c) Application Software
b) System Software d) Middleware A. Choose the correct answer (1X40=40)
34. To simulate airflow in different speed and different altitude an Aerospace 1. 1 Megabyte (MB) equals
Industry use a) 1000000 bits c) 1048576 bytes
a) Client Server system PC c) Desktop PC b) 1000 kb d) 102400 bytes
b) Work Station PC d) Supercomputer 2. The process of entering data and instruction into a computer system is
35. Which of the following software is not among Application Software known as
a) Word Processing Software c) Personal Assistance Software a) Inputting c) Processing
b) Utility Program Software d) Spreadsheet Software b) Data Entry d) Instruction Fetch
36. Which types of mouse use photo detector 3. Which of the following is secondary memory
a) Optical Mouse c) Mechanical Mouse a) Hard Disk c) DRAM
b) Gaming Mouse d) Wireless Mouse b) PROM d) None of these
37. The ITA 2000 address four issue which includes 4. Full form of ALU is
a) Legal DVD Writes c) Offences and Contravention a) Arithmetic Legal Unit c) Arithmetic Logic Unit
b) Piracy of Software d) all of the above b) Arithmetic Local Unit d) Arithmetic Logic Unity
38. Which of the following provide us a screen with graphic icon or menus 5. Magnetic tapes Data transfer rate is typically in the order of
for user convenient a) 100 inches per second c) 1 feet per 15 minutes
a) OS c) Application b) 10Mbps d) 15kbps
b) GUI d) Monitor 6. In basic computer system CPU is formed by combination of
39. Which of the following is not application of Information Technology (IT) a) CPU & Memory Unit c) Input, Output & Control Unit
a) Resource Utilization management b) ALU & Control Unit d) None of these
b) Computer Aided manufacture 7. Which of the following is characteristic of a computer?
c) Data Analysis a) Integrity c) Strong Feeling
d) Project Management b) Diligence d) Strong IQ
40. Which of the following is an output device 8. A special memory integrated in CPU which hold information on
a) Plotter c) Joy Stick temporary basis is known as
b) Scanner d) Keyboard a) Main memory c) ROM
b) RAM d) Register
9. Blaise Pascal invented first mechanical adding machine in
a) 1642 c) 1990
b) 1822 d) 1942
10. Which of the following Register hold current instruction under
a) Program Counter Register c) Instruction Register
b) Accumulator Register d) Memory Buffer Register
11. Which of the following is among the characteristic of high level language 22. If a storage unit can retain data even in case of power failure it is called
a) Machine dependent c) Error free a) Non-Volatile storage c) Magnetic storage
b) Faster execution d) All of the above b) Volatile storage d) Main memory
12. To convert high level language to machine language we use 23. A new switching device was invented at Bells laboratory in 1947 which
a) Assembler c) Translator is known as
b) Compiler d) Code Converter a) Switch gear c) Transistor
13. In which year BASIC was developed b) Semiconductor d) None of these
a) 2000 c) 1942 24. If a memory has 1024 location the address rages from
b) 1864 d) 1964 a) – 512 to +512 c) 1 to 1024
14. Every Computer understand only one language without using any translator b) 0 to 1024 d) 0 to 1023
which is 25. Multiple processors are used through parallelism to upgrade performance
a) Machine language c) High Level Language of a computer. This technique is known as
b) Assembly Language d) Binary Language a) Combined Process c) Parallels computing
15. A portable computer used by people who need computing resources b) Threading d) Multithread
whenever they go are known as 26. Which of the following Unit of Computer system compare if two
a) Tower PC c) Ipad numbers are equal or not
b) Notebook Computer d) Tablet a) ALU c) Control Unit
16. Which of the following provides central storage facility to store files of b) CPU d) Output Unit
several user on a network 27. Magnetic Disk and Tapes has a tendency to magnetize and demagnetize
a) Database Server c) print server because they are coated by
b) File server d) Networked a) Magnetic Sulphur c) Magnetic Powder
17. A software package is b) Iron Dioxide d) None of these
a) Group of programs that solve specific Problem 28. Primary storage of a computer system is also known as
b) Group of application that form OS a) Hard Disk c) Main Memory
c) Operating System integrated into a system b) Read Only Memory d) Cache Memory
d) None of these 29. A rate at which a computer read/ write data from/ to a memory is known as
18. The information Technology Act 2000 (ITA-2000) amendment Bill 2006 a) Writing speed c) Transfer rate
has been passed by Indian parliament on b) Memory speed d) Download speed
a) 7th November 2000 c) 23rd December 2008 30. Full form of RAID
b) 3 October 2018 d) 7th October 2000 a) Random Array of Inexpensive Disks
19. Which of the following printer if the fastest? b) Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
a) Inkjet c) Dot-matrix c) Redundant Array of Improved Disks
b) Drum d) laser printer d) Redundant Array of Important Disks
20. The ITA 2000 consist of 94 section and 31. The main aim of Software engineering is to produce a system having
a) 14 schedules c) 14 Articles these properties
b) 4 Schedules d) 4 parts a) Correctness, Usability and Cost-effectiveness
21. During which generation of computer thousands of vacuum tubes was used b) Independency, Speed and Reusability
a) 1st Generation c) 3rd generation c) Applicability, Effective and re-programmability
b) 2 generation d) 5th generation d) None of these
IV. Write the full form for the following terms: (0.5x10=5) MIZORAM STATE COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION
Certificate Course Examination, June, 2014
Certificate in Computer Application
a) ARPANET : Advanced Research Projects Agency Network Subject: Fundamentals of Computer (CCA-101)

b) ASCII : American Standard Code for Information Interchange Full Mark : 40 Time : 1 hour

c) BASIC : Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code Answer all questions.

I. Tick ( √ ) the correct answer : (12x1=12)
d) COMPUTER : Common Operating Machine Particularly Used for 1. What difference does the 5th generation computer have from other
generation computers?
Trade, Education, and Research a) Technological advancement
b) Scientific code
e) NetBIOS : Network Basic Input/output System c) Object Oriented Programming
d) All of the above
f) WAP : Wireless Application Protocol Answer : Technological Advancement
2. The brain of any computer system is
g) VLSI : Very Large Scale Integrator a) ALU b) Memory
c) CPU d) Control unit
h) USB : Universal Serial Bus Answer : CPU
3. Which of the following computer language is used for artificial intelligence?
i) SVGA : Super Video Graphic Array a) FORTRAN b) PROLOG
c) C d) COBOL
j) OLED : Organic Light Emitting Diode Answer : PROLOG
4. Which of the following is still useful for adding numbers?
c) Abacus d) UNIVAC
Answer : Abacus
5. The section of the CPU that selects, interprets and sees to the execution
of program instructions
a) Memory b) Register unit
c) Control unit d) ALU
Answer : Control Unit
6. Which access method is used for obtaining a record from a cassette tape?
a) Direct b) Sequential
c) Random d) All of the above
Answer : Sequential

MSCTE/CCA/101/June 2014 MSCTE/CCA/101/June 2014

7. A language, which is close to, that used within the computer is g) An error in computer data is called a bug
a) High-level language b) Assembly language h) A program used to detect overall system malfunction is system
c) Low-level language d) All of the above diagnostic
Answer : Low-level language i) A new technology which provides the ability to create an artificial
8. Which of the following is the user programmed semiconductor memory? world and have people interact with it is called virtual reality
a) SRAM b) DRAM j) Number cruncher is the informal name for supercomputer
c) EPROM d) All of the above k) The device primarily used to provide hardcopy is the printer
Answer : EPROM l) The most frequently used instructions of a computer program are
9. Programs designed to perform specific tasks is called known as likely to be fetched from cache memory
a) System software b) Application software
c) Utility programs d) Operating system
Answer : Application Software
10. Which of the following is the fastest? III. State whether the following are TRUE or FALSE: (11X1=11)
a) CPU b) magnetic tapes and disks a) A medium for transferring data between two locations is called
c) video terminal d) sensors and mechanical controllers modem. F
Answer : CPU b) The process of writing computer instructions in a programming
11. Which of the following statement is wrong? language is known as coding. T
a) Photoshop is a graphical design tool by Adobe c) The ALU of a computer responds to the commands coming from
b) Linux is free and open source software control section. T
c) Linux is owned and sold by Microsoft d) First generation computers are characterized by the use of
d) Windows XP support was recently withdrawn by Microsoft transistors. F
Answer : Linux is owned and sold by Microsoft e) The term gigabyte refers to 1024 megabytes. T
12. Which memory is non-volatile and may be written only once? f) Personal computers use a number of chips mounted on a main
a) RAM b) EEPROM circuit board called motherboard. T
c) EPROM d) PROM g) A large number of computers in a wide geographical area can be
Answer : PROM efficiently connected using fiber optic cables. F
h) The output quality of a printer is measured by dots per inch. T
II. Fill in the blanks: (12x1=12) i) In digital computer, all the expressions are coded into decimal
a) The ALU of a computer normally contains a number of high-speed digits. F
storage elements called register j) Hard disks are formatted in the same manner as floppy disks.
b) The transistorized computer circuits were introduced in the second However, before a hard disk can be formatted, it must first be
generation. sectioned. F
c) In simplex transmission, data transmission is one way k) The MS-DOS operating system is a command-driven interface,
d) The process of writing computer instructions in a programming multi-tasking operating system. F
language is known as coding
e) A half byte is known is nibble
f) The range of frequencies available for data transmission is known
as bandwidth
MSCTE/CCA/101/June 2014 MSCTE/CCA/101/June 2014
D. Match the given computer components with the diagram of a basic
Eg. A. Program and Data – 4 Diploma Course Examination, June, 2015
Certificate in Computer Application
A. PROGRAM AND DATA Subject : Fundamentals of Computer (CCA-101)
B. SECONDARY STORAGE Full mark:40 Time : 1 hour
D. ARITHMETIC LOGIC UNIT A. Write the full form for the following abbreviation: (10x1=10)
E. PRIMRY STORAGE 1. ARPANET : Advance Research Project Agency Network
F. INPUT UNIT 2. BIOS : Basic Input/ Output System
G. INFORMATION.RESULT 3. EEPROM : Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only
I. STORAGE UNIT 4. DVD : Digital Versatile (Video) Disk
J. CENTRAL POCESSING UNIT 5. MICR : Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
6. EDSAC : Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator
7. COBOL : Common Business Oriented Language
8. EBCDIC : Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
9. UNIVAC : Universal Automatic Computer
10. SSI : Small Scale Integrator

B. Choose the correct answer: (10x1=10)

1. Computers in the present generation belong to the
a) fourth generation c) sixth generation
b) fifth generation d) seventh generation
Answer : Fifth Generation

2. A personal computer is a
a) micro computer c) super computer
b) mini computer d) mainframe computer
Answer : micro computer

3. The standard 8-bit code used by most computes is

Answer : ASCII
4. Which of the following is not an output device?
a) printer c) keyboard 10. Laser printer is a type of
b) monitor d) projector a) impact printer c) both of the above
Answer : keyboard b) non-impact printer d) none of the above
Answer : non-impact printer
5. A language which is close to that used within the computer is the
a) high level language c) low level language C. State TRUE or FALSE : (10x1=10)
b) assembly language d) medium level language 1. Artificial intelligence is the field of study that enables computers to
Answer : low level language think like human beings. T
2. The ALU of a computer normally contains a number of high-speed
6. Programs designed to perform specific tasks is known as storage elements called registers. T
a) operating system c) application 3. RAM is used as a short-term memory because it is volatile. T
b) system software d) utility program 4. An error in a computer data is called a worm. F
Answer : application 5. Number cruncher is the informal name for a mainframe computer. F
6. The access method used for obtaining a record from a CD-ROM is
7. A computer program that converts an entire program into machine sequential. F
language is called a/an 7. The ability of a computer to perform a variety of task is called diligence.
a) interpreter c) compiler F
b) assembler d) converter 8. A CPU uses more power when running at high speeds. T
Answer : compiler 9. All units in a computer other than CPU are called components. T
10. High-level languages are easy to program than low level language. T
8. How was the generation of computer classified?
a) by the device used in memory and processor
b) by the speed of computer
c) by the model of computer
d) by the accuracy of computer
Answer : by the device used in memory and processor

9. Where is the BIOS stored?

a) hard disk c) Flash memory chip
b) RAM d) None of the above
Answer : Flash memory chip
D. Match the given computer components with the diagram of a basic Diploma Course Examination, June, 2016
computer system. (10) Certificate in Computer Application
Eg. A. Program and Data - 4 Subject : Fundamentals of Computer (CCA-101)

1. Control Unit
Full mark:40 Group-B Time : 1 hour

2. Storage Unit
3. Central Processing Unit A. Write the full form for the following abbreviation: (10x1=10)
4. Arithmetic Logic Unit 1. DVD : Digital Versatile (Video) Disk
5. Primary Storage 2. LSI : Large Scale Integrator
6. Program and data Unit 3. BASIC : Beginner All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
7. Information/Result Unit 4. COBOL : Common Business Oriented Language
8. Secondary Storage Unit 5. IPR : Intellectual Property Right
9. Output Unit 6. EPROM : Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
10. Input Unit 7. PDA : Personal Digital Assistant
8. OMR : Optical Mark Reader
9. SDLC : Software Development Life Cycle
10. ALU : Arithmetic Logic Unit

B. Choose the correct answer: (10x1=10)

1. Which of the following device is not a direct access device
a) magnetic disk c) optical disk
b) magnetic tapes d) compact disk
Answer : magnetic tapes
2. A computer is often referred to as a processor because it can
store, process and retrieved data whenever desired
a) word c) mini
b) data d) micro
Answer : data
3. A compiler translates language into equivalent machine language
a) low level c) high level
b) machine d) intermediate
Answer : high level
4. Which of the following is not a characteristic of computer?
a) reliability c) versatility
b) accuracy d) automatic
Answer : reliability
5. are primary used for processing complex scientific application C. State TRUE or FALSE : (10x1=10)
that required enormous processing power 1. The dot per inch (dpi) of an inkjet printer is higher than the laser printer. F
a) mainframe computer c) mini computer 2. Utility program are a set of program that helps user in system
b) super computer d) micro computer maintenance task and in performing routine tasks. T
Answer : super computer 3. Secondary memory is much cheaper than primary memory. T
6. Graphical user Interface was introduces in generation of computer 4. A type of magnetic disk is the floppy disk. T
a) fifth c) fourth 5. The first high level language to be introduced in personal computer is
b) third d) second BASIC. T
Answer : fourth 6. The ALU also perform decision making operation. T
7. An example of non-impact printer is the 7. India has its own super computer. T
a) dot-matrix c) plotter 8. First generation computer were manufactured using transistors. F
b) laser d) drum 9. Machine language is not machine independent. F
Answer : laser 10. It is illegal to own and used pirate software in India. T
8. Units called interfaces transform input signal to binary form
a) input c) data
b) output d) system
Answer : input
9. Bank uses in cheques
a) OCR c) MICR
Answer : MICR
10. The of a computer system manages and coordinates the
operation of all other components of the computer
a) ALU c) output unit
b) input unit d) Control unit
Answer : Control Unit
Refer to the diagram below for answering questions 36 to 40: MIZORAM STATE COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION
Certificate Course Examination, June, 2017
Certificate in Computer Application
1 Subject : Fundamentals of Computer (DCA-101)

7 Full Mark : 40 Time : 1 hour
8 9 10
A. Choose the correct answer (1X40=40)
1. The full form of IBM is
a) Indian Business man c) International Business Model
b) International Business Machine d) International Business Man
4 2. The full form of ALU is
a) Arithmetic Logic Unit c) Arithmetic Look Unit
b) Arithmetic Logical Unit d) Arithmetic Long Unit
5 3. RAM Stand for
a) Random Access Machine c) Random Access Memory
b) Random Access Mode d) Random Access Model
6 4. OCR stands for
a) Optic Character Reader c) Optical Character Read
36. Which is the control unit? b) Optical Character Reader d) Optical Code Reader
a) 8 c) 4 5. FORTRAN is a short form for
b) 2 d) 6 a) Formula Translation c) Formula Transfer
37. Which is the ALU? b) Formula Translator d) Form Translator
a) 1 c) 4 6. A computer can
b) 3 d) 5 a) Store data c) Retrieve data
38. Which is the Primary Storage unit? b) Process data d) All of the above
a) 8 c) 3 7. There are generations of computers
b) 2 d) 9 a) 4 c) 6
39. Which is the output unit? b) 5 d) 7
a) 7 c) 10 8. Third generations computer were first associated with
b) 9 d) 2 a) Vacuum tubes c) Integrated circuit
40. Which is the CPU? b) Transistor d) Semi-conductor device
a) 6 c) 2 9. Software such as Windows were developed during
b) 1 d) 5 a) 2nd generation c) 3rd generation
b) 4 generation d) 5th generation
10. The execution of instructions during data processing operation in a
computer takes place in the
a) CU c) Registers
b) ALU d) Primary Memory
11. A common processor architecture is 24. Which one is not system software
a) CISC c) RISC a) MS Office 2010 c) Resource Monitor
b) EPIC d) All of the above b) Windows 10 d) Even Viewer
12. A small extreme fast memory between the CPU and the main memory is 25. Conversion of Assembly language program to machine language
a) RAM c) Register program is performed by
b) ROM d) Cache Memory a) Linker c) Interpreter
13. A memory in which information can be store and erased multiple time is b) Assembler d) Compiler
a) PROM c) EEPROM 26. Software used for internet application is
b) UVEPROM d) Both c) & b) a) LISP c) Java
14. Data backup is required to prevent data loss in the event of b) BASIC d) Pascal
a) Disk Crash c) Hardware Malfunction 27. Which software is commonly used for business application?
b) Virus attack d) All of the above a) BASIC c) RPG
15. Which is a sequential access storage device? b) COBOL d) Both b) & c)
a) Magnetic disk c) Optical disk 28. Which is not a classification of computers?
b) Magnetic tape d) Flash drive a) Mega computers c) Micro computers
16. The rate at which a computer reads/writes data from/to a disk into b) Mini computers d) Super computers
memory is 29. Which one is not a computer?
a) Transfer rate c) Run time a) Laptop c) Work station
b) Seek time d) Read/Write time b) Dumb Terminal d) Calculator
17. Optical disk compared to magnetic disk 30. Mainframe computer are used in
a) Better storage medium c) More portable a) Schools c) Aerospace industry
b) Slower data access speed d) all of the above b) Banks d) Library
18. For small backups we normally use 31. Which is not a portable computer?
a) Magnetic tapes c) Flash drives a) Laptop c) Pocket PC
b) Magnetic disks d) Optical disks b) Tablet d) Desktop
19. Which one is not an input device? 32. Intellectual Property Right does not deal with
a) Light pen c) Touch screen a) Process c) Trademark
b) Scanner d) Printer b) Patents d) Design rights
20. A mouse can be connected through 33. Copyrights grant exclusive rights to use the work for
a) Serial port c) Wireless a) Distributing c) Modifying
b) USB port d) All of the above b) Copying d) All of the above
21. Which is a page printer 34. Copyright laws provide a defense called
a) Inkjet printer c) Laser Printer a) Equal dealing c) Fair dealing
b) Dot matrix printer d) Drum Printer b) Same dealing d) None of the above
22. Another name of public domain software is 35. Information kiosks are generally found in
a) Freeware c) Open source software a) Mails c) Hotels
b) Shareware d) All of the above b) Airports d) All of the above
23. Which one is not a software company in India?
a) Infosys c) Reliance
b) Wipro d) TCS
32. Which of the following is not the characteristic of a Computer MIZORAM STATE COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION
a) Accuracy b) Versatility c) No Feeling d) Strong IQ Certificate Course Examination, June, 2018
33. During which generation of computer magnetic core memories was Certificate in Computer Application
replaced by semiconductor memories Subject : Fundamentals of Computer (DCA-101)
a) 4th Generation c) 3rd Generation
b) 2 Generation d) 5th Generation Full Mark : 40 Time : 1 hour
34. A firmware is
a) A software substitute for Hardware c) A Scanning Device A. Choose the correct answer (1X40=40)
b) A software used to develop OS d) None of the above 1. In which year C language was developed
35. A program written is 0’s and 1’s are known as a) 1990 b) 1882 c) 1942 d) 1972
a) Machine language c) High level language 2. Full form of NIC is
b) Assembly language d) Binary language a) Network Interface Card c) Network Internet Card
36. The advantage of High level language is b) Network Interface Category d) Net Internet Card
a) Machine independent c) Fewer Error 3. The main characteristic Workstation Computer is
b) Easier to learn and use d) All of the above a) processing power is more c) Suitable for Gaming
37. Different type of PC chips are neatly assembled on a main circuit board b) USB drive cannot be used d) usually owned by average user
called as 4. IPR stand for
a) CPU c) Laptop a) Industrial Property Right c) Intellectual Property Right
b) System Unit d) Motherboard b) Industrial Publication Right d) Intellectual publication Right
38. Which is most powerful and expensive among the following Computer 5. The ITA 2000 consist of
a) Gaming PC c) Work Station PC a) 94 sections c) 14 sections
b) MAC Desktop d) Supercomputer b) 104 sections d) 4 sections
39. The information Technology Act 2000 (ITA-2000) was notified on 6. Data processing using computer consist of these activities
a) 7th November 2000 c) 17th December 2000 a) Capturing input, manipulating and managing output
b) 17th October 2000 d) 7th October 2000 b) Calculation, post processing and managing output
40. Copy Right grants exclusive rights to use the work such as c) Capturing input, calculating data sequence and output processing
a) Copying c) Modifying d) None of the above
b) Distributing d) All of the above 7. Charles Babbage develop Differential Engine in the year
a) 1942 b) 1822 c) 1990 d) 1642
8. Who introduced Stored-program concept
a) Charles Babbage c) John von Neumann
b) Blaise Pascal d) baron Gottfried Willhelm
9. Full form of OCR is
a) Optical changing Recognition c) Optical Character Recorder
b) Optical Character Recognition d) Optical changing Recorder
10. Which of the device is commonly used by Banking industry to
process large volume of data
a) MICR Reader c) Dot-matrix Printer
b) Scanner d) Joystick
20. Access time means
For Question 11-15, refer to the given diagram below a) Time required to access Primary memory
b) Time required to locate and retrieved stored data
1 c) Time required to process program in storage unit
d) None of the above
2 21. Which of the following register hold the address of next instruction to be
m Input Output Result executed
Unit Unit
3 a) Program Control Register c) Instruction Register
b) Accumulator Register d) Memory Buffer Register
22. If a memory has 512 location the address ranges from
4 a) -256 to +256 b) 0 to 512 c) 1 to 512 d) 0 to 511
23. Which of the following is not Primary Memory
5 a) Hard Disk b) Cache Memory c) DRAM d) EPROM
24. Which of the following is the most popular direct access secondary
11. Which unit represent Primary6 Storage Unit storage device
a) 1 b) 2 c) 5 d) 3 a) Magnetic tape c) USB drive
12. Which unit is called ALU b) Magnetic Disk d) Pen drive
a) 5 b) 6 c) 1 d) 4 25. Full form of Fat is
13. Which unit represent CPU a) File Access Format c) File Attribute Table
a) 1 and 6 b) 4 and 5 c) 6 d) 1 to 6 b) File Attribute Technique d) File Allocation Table
14. The dotted line indicates 26. Which of the following statement is false in reference to RAM
a) The control exercised by control unit a) Full form is Random Access Memory
b) Flow of Input data into Storage unit b) RAM are of three types
c) Flow of Instruction c) Static RAM is faster than Dynamic RAM
d) None of the above d) Ram is volatile memory
15. Unit 4 in the Diagram represent 27. Which of the following is not Direct Access Storage Device
a) CPU b) Control Unit c) Storage Unit d) Process Unit a) Optical Disk c) Magnetic Tape
16. Which of the following software is used for creating computerized ledger b) Hard Disk d) Magnetic Disk
a) Word Processing Software c) Personal Assistance Software 28. Backup of Data is required because Data might be lost due to
b) Database Software d) Spreadsheet Software a) Disk Crash c) Natural Disaster
17. This type of software allows user to edit, modify and distribute modified b) Virus attack d) All of the above
source code 29. Which of the following is not input device
a) Operating System c) Application Software a) Plotter b) Scanner c) Joy Stick d) Keyboard
b) Open Source Software d) Middleware 30. Which among the following printing device prints one character at a time
18. To convert Assembly language to Machine language we use a) Plotter c) Dot-Matrix Printer
a) Assembler c) Translator b) Inkjet Printer d) Drum Printer
b) Compiler d) Code Converter 31. Sequence of instruction written in a language understood by Computer is
19. When entire CPU both CU and ALU is contained on a single chip called called
a) Processor c) Microcontroller a) Computer Program c) Operating System
b) Computer d) Microprocessor b) Software d) Machine Language
33. Which of the following is note input device? MIZORAM STATE COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION
a) mouse c) Scanner Diploma Course Examination, June 2019
b) Printer d) keyboard Semester-I, Diploma in Computer Application
34. Full form of FAT is Subject : Fundamentals of Computer (DCA-101)
a) File Access Format c) File Allocation table
b) File Attribute technique d) File Attribute Table
35. A kilobytes (KB) equals A. Choose the correct answer (1X40=40)
a) 1000 Bytes c) 1000 Bits 1. Which of the following statement is false?
b) 1024 Bytes d) 10 MB a) Computer is very fast device for calculation
36. The Register which hold the current instruction under execution is b) Computer has feeling
a) Program Counter register c) Accumulator Register c) Computer is free from lack of concentration
b) Instruction register d) Memory Buffer Register d) Computer IQ is zero
37. From Figure, unit 4 in the diagram represents 2. First Generation Computer falls in the year
a) Control unit c) Storage Unit a) 1931-1942 c) 1942-1955
b) CPU d) Process Unit b) 1955-1964 d) 1901-1913
38. A computer is referred to as Data processor because it can 3. Full form of RAID is
a) Store Data c) retrieve Data a) Redundant Array of Important Disks
b) Process Data d) All of the above b) Random Array of Inexpensive Disks
39. Who invented the first mechanical adding machine in 1642? c) Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
a) Von Neumann c) Charles Babbage d) Random Access of Independent Disks
b) Blaise pascal d) Adam Turing 4. From figure, which unit is called a s ALU?
40. From figure, both 2 and 3 represent a) 6 b) 5 c) 1 d) 2
a) Control Unit c) ALU 5. From figure, which unit represents Primary Storage?
b) Storage Unit d) None of the above a) 4 and 5 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5
6. From figure unit 6 represent
Diagram for references : a) ALU c) CPU
b) Flow of Data d) Storage Unit
7. ALU stands for
a) Arithmetic Logic Unit c) Arithmetic Local Unit
2 b) Arithmetic Legal Unit d) Arithmetic Logic Utility
Program Input
And Data Unit
Result 8. A clock speed of Computer is measured in
3 a) Bytes per Seconds (Bps) c) Mega Hertz (Mhz)
b) Execution per second (Eps) d) None of the above
9. Which of the following is brain of a computer?
4 a) RAM c) CPU
b) Cache d) Cabinet
5 10. Which of the following is secondary Memory?
a) Hard Disk c) RAM
6 b) ROM d) none of the above
11. Volatile Memory means 23. CAD stands for
a) Loss data in case of power off c) Memory made of magnetic disk a) Computer Application Design c) Computer Algorithm Design
b) RAM with limited size d) None of the above b) Computer Aided Design d) None of these
12. A rate at which a computer read/write data from/ to a memory is known as 24. The information Technology Act 200 (ITA-2000) is an act of Indian
a) Writing speed c) Memory speed Parliament
b) Transfer Rate d) Download speed a) Number 1 of 2000 c) Number 21 of 2000
13. The most popular secondary storage is b) Number 31 of 2000 d) number 201 of 2000
a) DVD c) Pen drive 25. The Information Technology Act 2000 (ITA-2000) was notified on
b) RAM d) Hard Disk a) 17th October 2000 c) 17th December 2000
14. A device used for converting pictures, maps and drawings into digital form b) 7 November 2000 d) 7th October 2000
is known as 26. The ITA 2000 consist of
a) Digitizer c) Character Recorder a) 94 Sections and 14 schedules
b) Digital Printer d) none of the above b) 94 Section and 4 schedules
15. Which among the following printing device prints one page at a time? c) 940 sections and 14 schedules
a) Inkjet Printer c) Drum Printer d) 4 sections and 94 schedules
b) Dot-matrix Printer d) Laser Printing 27. Copy Right grants exclusive rights to use the work such as
16. Group of Program that solve specific program is called a) Distributing c) Modifying
a) Middleware c) Linux b) Copying d) All of the above
b) Operating System d) Software package 28. Banks, Hospital and Railways usually used one type of the following
17. Which of the following software is not system software? computer system
a) Operating System c) Spreadsheet software a) Super Computer c) Tablet
b) Utility program d) Programming Language Translator b) PDA d) Mainframe Computer
18. A translator which is used to translate a high-level program into machine 29. A portable computer used by people who needs computing resources
language is known as whenever they go are known as
a) Assembler c) Language converter a) Laptop c) Ipad
b) Interpreter d) Code converter b) Tower PC d) Personal Computer
19. A Program written is 0’s and 1’s are known as 30. Full form of BASIC is
a) Assembly Language c) Binary Language a) Beginner’s All-purpose System Installation Code
b) High Level Language d) Machine Language b) Beginner All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Coding
20. A programming language which use English like alphabet is known as c) Beginner All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
a) Code language c) Assembly Language d) None of the above
b) High Level language d) Binary Language 31. A firmware refers to sequence of instruction substituted for
21. C language was developed in the year a) Hardware c) Application Software
a) 1990 c) 1972 b) Operating System d) None of the above
b) 1882 d) 1942 32. An ideal output device used by Architecture and Engineer for producing
22. The most commonly used configuration in Personal Computer include high precision is known as
a) Keyboard c) Mouse a) MICR Reader c) Digital Controller
b) monitor d) All of the above b) Plotter d) Joystick
Refer to the Diagram below for Question No 6 to 10 MIZORAM STATE COUNCIL FOR TECHNIAL EDUCATION
Diploma Course Examination, December, 2019
Semester-I: Diploma in Computer Application
Subject: Fundamentals of Computer (DCA-101)
Full Marks: 40 Time: 1 hour


Choose the correct answer from the following questions: (1X40=40)

1. Which of the following is known as brain of a computer system?

Fig: Basic Organisation of Computer System a) ALU c) CU b) CPU d) None of the above

36. The black arrow indicates flow of 2. The Register which holds the result of operation performed by a processor is
a) Instruction and data c) Control Bus a) Main memory Resister c) Instruction Register
b) Electrical supply d) None of the above b) Accumulator Register d) Memory Buffer Register

37. Which Unit is called as ALU 3. Full form of MAR is

a) 1 b) 3 c) 5 d) 6 a) Memory Address Register c) Mother Board Register
b) Main Address Register d) Memory Accumulator Register
38. Which Unit represent Storage Unit
a) 4 and 5 c) 1 and 2 b) 4 only d) 2 only (1 only OR 2 and 3) 4. Which of the following memory device has highest capacity of storage?
a) Optical Disk c) Magnetic Tape
39. Unit 4 in the Diagram represents b) Hard Disk d) Magnetic Disk
a) CPU c) Storage Unit b) Control Unit d) Process Unit
5. Which of the following storage device is magnetic disk type
40. Unit 6 Represent a) Floppy Disk c) Memory Card
a) ALU c) Storage Unit b) Flow of Data d) CPU b) Compact Disk d) Pen Drive

6. A rate at which a computer read/write data from/to a memory is known as

a) Writing speed c) Transfer Rate
b) Memory speed d) Download speed

7. Which of the following is an output device

a) Plotter c) joystick
b) Scanner d) Keyboard

8. Which is the most popular hard copy output device

a) Printer c) Monitor
b) Bar Code Reader d) Joystick

9. Group of Program that solve specific Program is called

a) Software package c) Operating System
b) Middleware d) Linux

10. To convert assembly language program into machine language we used

a) Assembler c) Interpreter
b) Code converter d) None of the above
11. The process of writing an instruction which is understandable and acceptable by a computer 24. Which of the following software is not among Application Software
system is known as a) Word Processing Software b) Programming Language Translator Software
a) Language writing c) Manual Guiding c) Personal Assistance Software d) Spreadsheet Software
b) Text Instruction d) Programming
25. The process of creating a copy of some data from the computer system to another storage
12. The limitation of writing instruction in Machine language includes device is known as
a) Machine dependent c) Error Prone a) Disk Backup c) Data Duplicating
b) Difficult to program d) All of the above b) Virtual Copying d) Data Backup

13. Full form of LCD is 26. Which of the following is not input device
a) Liquid Crystal Display c) Liquid Circuit Display a) Monitor c) Digitizer b) Scanner d) Keyboard
b) Logical Circuit Display d) None of the above
27. Full form of OCR is
14. Which of the following is most powerful computer system a) Optical Changing Recognition b) Optical Character Recognition
a) Mainframe Computer c) Windows 10 Computer c) Optical Character Recorder d) Optical Changing Recorder
b) Ipad d) Intel Computer
28. Which of the following is not types of processor architectures
15. ITA is an act of Indian parliament which stands for a) RIM c) CISC b) EPIC d) RISC
a) Information Treaty Act c) Intellectual Treaty Act CISC – Complex Instruction set Computer.
b) Information Technology Act d) Individual Technology Act RISC – Reduced Instruction set Computer
EPIC – Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing
16. The ITA-2000 was notified on
a) 7th November 2000 c) 17th December 2000 29. RAM stands for
b) 17th October 2000 d) 7th October 2000 a) Read Of Memory c) Read Only Memory
b) Recursive Online Memory d) Readable Only Memory
17. The full form of SCSI is
a) Small Computer System Interface b) Small Computer Small Interface 30. Which of the following is not secondary Memory
c) Simple Computer System Interface d) Small Computer Single Interface a) Magnetic Tapes c) ROM b) Hard Disk d) DVD
18. The ITA 2000 consist of 94 section and 31. The second Generation of Computer falls in the year
a) 14 Schedules c) 14 Articles b) 4 Schedules d) 4 Parts a) 1932-1942 c) 1955-1964 b) 1942-1955 d) 1950-1965
19. C language was developed in the year 1972 by 32. During which generation of computer ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration) technology was
a) Mark Zuckerberg b) Denise Ritchie and Brian Kernighan used
c) Bill Gates d) None of the above a) 1th Generation c) 3rd Generation b) 2nd Generation d) 5th Generation
20. Which of the following computer is suitable in an absence of external power source 33. A Computer which is also known as data processor converts data into
a) Tower PC c) Supercomputer a) Worksheet c) Datasheet b) Information d) None of the above
b) Laptop d) Workstation Computer
34. Which of the following statement is true
21. The most commonly used in Personal Computer include Monitor a) Computer can work only one single job at a time
a) configuration c) Mouse b) Keyboard d) All of the above b) Computer is a very fast device
c) Computer has very high IQ
22. A software is classified into System Software and_ d) Computer has feelings
a) Utility Software c) Programming Software
b) Application Software d) Spreadsheet Software 35. Who introduce stored program concept in 1940
a) John Von Neumann c) Blaise Pascal
23. Which of the following is System Software b) Charles Babbage d) Adam Turing
a) Microsoft Excel c) Operating System
b) Antivirus Software d) None of the above

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