Software is a programme that runs on a computer, it consists of all the
electronic instructions that tell the hardware how to perform a task.
These instructions come from a software developer in the form that
will be accepted by the operating system that they are based on. For
example, a program that is designed for the Windows operating
system will only work for that operating system.
• Compilers
• Assemblers
• Interpreters
Operating System (OS)
Is an interface between the hardware and the user
and provides an easy and efficient use of the
system resources
Examples PC/Server OS: Unix, Linux, Microsoft
Examples of Embedded OS: Android, Palm OS
• File Management
• Memory Management
• Security
• Device Management
• I/O Management
• User Interface
• Process Management
• Power Management
Custom Application
Custom software is under the category of application software. The
word custom means that the software is specially made for the
individual and/or company needs.
Example: ATM, Space craft, Banking applications
• Real-time
• Online
• Time-sharing
Types of Interfaces
1. Software Interface
Examples: Command driven, graphical user interface (GUI) (menu
driven, pull-down and pop-up menus, icons).
2. Hardware interface
Example: touch screens, non-visual interface, sensors & Braille
Multitasking, Multiprocessing &
Multitasking A task is a program strand or section which has a clear
and distinct purpose and outcome.
Multi-tasking simply describes a situation where there are many tasks
which need to be performed, ideally simultaneously
o Task 1 Reads the temperature
o Task 2 Formats the temperature
o Task 3 Displays the temperature
In practice, each task takes a very brief amount of time, so it seems as
if all the tasks are executing in parallel and simultaneously.
• Retraining
The Roles of Various Personnel in Computer-related
• The functions of individuals in computer-
related fields:
• Programmers, Systems analysts and designers, Systems
programmers, Database Administrators, Network Administrators,
IT managers, File Librarians, Computer Technicians, Computer
Engineers, Telecoms Engineers, Computer Scientist, Software
Engineers, Software Testers, Webmaster, Web-developer, Software
trainer, Multi-media artists., Ethical Hackers
• A spreadsheet is a table consisting of cells (rows, column
locations) that hold data and simulates the traditional physical
spreadsheet; it captures, displays, manipulates and process data.
• It give you the calculations results in no time
• Calculation results can be presented as beautiful tables & graphs
• When excel cannot perform the tasks required, you can make
your own small program inside excel.
• The objective is to discover excel as a powerful tool at your
Basic Features of Excel 2007
• Ribbon replaces the traditional menu bars & toolbars contains.
• The Ribbon contains Tabs, and each Tab contains buttons for various
• The Ribbon is far more visual & task-oriented & adapts constantly to the
activity you are engaged in.
• Larger Workspace in MS excel: 1, 048, 576 rows & 16, 384 columns!
Compared to previous versions: 65,536 rows & 256 columns
• More Colours: 16 million different colours & create colour transitions inside
• New File Format: earlier version, file name ends in . Xls. In excel 2007 . Xlsx
First Look at Excel
Page Navigation
View buttons
Document pages
Formula & Calculation
• The primary objective of Excel is to count
• To make calculation you must write a formula. The formula
should be written into the cell showing the result
• A formula is a structured piece of text that tell Excel what it has to
• Excel always start formula by typing an equal sign = It is a sign
that tells Excel in a cell is formula & not text or a number
• Example: 2+5, will be written in excel as =2+5
Calculation Operators
• Formulae involving using addition +, subtraction -; multiplication
*; division /; powers ^; square roots , the use of brackets ( )
• BODMAS rule in excel calculations. Example 2+3*4=14 is not the
sane as (2+3)*4=20
• In case of multiple spreadsheets in same excel file, you can refer to
cell in another worksheet, the reference must contain both a sheet
reference and a cell refernce
• Example: if you type a formula in sheet2 that uses the value from
cell B2 in sheet1, the reference must be: SHEET1!B2
• Function enable us to add numbers in an instant. Written as
function name(arguments)
• Example =sum(B2,B3,B4) or =sum(B2:B1001) (region reference)
• Example =Average(B2:B4)
• A Series is a range of
values that are linked.
Example is weekdays,
months of the year
• You can also define
own series. Go to
Excel’s option & click
on Edit custom lists
Relative & Absolute Reference
• Relative References means that a cell references are changed
accordingly when you copy a cell with a formula to another
location. This applies only when you copy the cell, if you cut cell
& paste, the original cell references will be retained.
• Absolute reference is the use of dollar signs to lock row and
column respectively , so they now have become ABSOLUTE
REFERENCES. Example is the Multiplication table
CHARTS – Scatter chart
• Example of graphic representation of Mathematical Expression
Second quadratic polynomial, which gives us a nice parabola
F(x)=3x2+2x-3 -
X-values (-7 and +7)
Formula: =3*B4^2+2*B4-3
Common Errors
Common Errors...ctd