Possible Responses
Possible Responses
Possible Responses
Possible Responses
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
1.1 Pre-Unit Writing: Explaining Mixtures CM
1.2 Investigating Properties 3
1.2 Chapter 1 Home Investigation: Food Mixtures CM
1.3 Daily Written Reflection 4
1.3 Getting Ready to Read: Made of Matter 5
1.3 Thinking at the Nanoscale 6
1.3 Reading Reflection: Made of Matter 7
1.4 Daily Written Reflection 8
1.4 Writing About Molecules 10
1.5 Daily Written Reflection 11
1.5 Fan Model 12
1.6 Daily Written Reflection 13
1.6 Nanovision Model of Chromatography 14
1.6 Activity 4: Chromatography Model MT
1.6 Chapter 1: Check Your Understanding 15
1.7 Daily Written Reflection 16
1.7 Getting Ready to Read: Break It Down:
How Scientists Separate Mixtures 17
1.7 Making Inferences in Break It Down:
How Scientists Separate Mixtures 18
1.7 Reading Reflection: Break It Down:
How Scientists Separate Mixtures 19
Key: Code Communicator Tool - CCT, Copymaster - CM, Data Tool - DAT, Diagramming Tool - DGT,
Science Practice Tool - SPT, Simulation - SIM, Modeling Tool - MT
Table of Contents (continued)
Chapter 2
2.1 Daily Written Reflection 37
2.1 Flavor Ingredients Test 38
2.2 Daily Written Reflection 39
2.2 Exploring the Modeling Matter Simulation 40
2.2 Activity 4: Modeling Matter Simulation: Solubility mode SIM
2.3 Daily Written Reflection 41
2.3 Getting Ready to Read: Solving Dissolving 42
2.3 Observations and Inferences in Solving Dissolving 43
2.3 Reading Reflection: Solving Dissolving 44
2.4 Daily Written Reflection 45
2.4 Activity 2: Dissolving Model MT
2.4 Scientific Explanation of Dissolving 46
2.4 Scientific Explanation of Dissolving (Version B) CM
2.4 Chapter 2: Check Your Understanding 47
Key: Code Communicator Tool - CCT, Copymaster - CM, Data Tool - DAT, Diagramming Tool - DGT,
Science Practice Tool - SPT, Simulation - SIM, Modeling Tool - MT
Table of Contents (continued)
Chapter 3
3.1 Daily Written Reflection 58
3.1 Attraction Test 59
3.2 Daily Written Reflection 60
3.2 Getting Ready to Read: Science You Can't See 61
3.2 Reading Reflection: Science You Can't See 64
3.2 Evidence and Inferences in Science You Can't See 62–63
3.3 Daily Written Reflection 65
3.3 Liquid Mixtures 66
3.3 Investigating Molecular Interactions in the Simulation 68–69
3.3 Activity 2: Modeling Matter Simulation: Solubility mode SIM
3.4 Daily Written Reflection 70
3.4 Stability Test 72–73
3.4 Word Relationships 74
3.4 Chapter 3: Check Your Understanding 75
3.5 Daily Written Reflection 76
3.5 Nanovision Model of an Emulsifier 77
3.5 Emulsifier Missions in the Simulation 78–79
3.5 Activity 4: Modeling Matter Simulation: Emulsifier mode SIM
3.6 Daily Written Reflection 80
Key: Code Communicator Tool - CCT, Copymaster - CM, Data Tool - DAT, Diagramming Tool - DGT,
Science Practice Tool - SPT, Simulation - SIM, Modeling Tool - MT
Table of Contents (continued)
Key: Code Communicator Tool - CCT, Copymaster - CM, Data Tool - DAT, Diagramming Tool - DGT,
Science Practice Tool - SPT, Simulation - SIM, Modeling Tool - MT
Modeling Matter:
Chapter 1
Possible Responses
Possible Responses
Why did something different happen with Substance A than with Substance
B when mixed with Substance C? Be sure to explain what happened to both
Make a drawing if it helps you explain your thinking. Label your drawing.
Possible Responses
WARNING—This activity requires chemicals that may be The chemical used in
harmful if misused. Read caution on containers carefully. Not
to be used by children except under direct adult supervision. this activity is vinegar.
Investigating Properties
1. With your partner, choose one cup from the tray and observe the
properties of that food mixture, but do not taste anything. Record your
observations in the “Observations of properties” column of the table.
2. With that same food mixture, use the spoon to carefully do the Pour Test.
Record your observations in the “Pour Test observations” column.
3. With that same food mixture, use the paper towel to do the Dip Test.
Record your observations in the “Dip Test observations” column.
4. When your teacher signals, place the cup back on the tray and choose
another cup. Repeat Steps 1–3 for the second and third cups.
Possible Responses
What were some of the properties of the ingredients before you mixed
them? Did the mixture have the same or different properties?
Some of the ingredients were wet, like oil and eggs. Some of the ingredients were dry and powdery, like flour
and sugar. Other ingredients were hard and solid, like chocolate chips. When I mixed the ingredients together,
the wet and dry ingredients combined to make a sticky dough, but the chocolate chips stayed the same.
Person 2: ___________________________________________________
Describe a mixture you’ve made out of different ingredients.
made playdough by mixing flour and water and salt.
What were some of the properties of the ingredients before you mixed
them? Did the mixture have the same or different properties?
The flour was soft and powdery, the salt was hard and grainy, and the
water was wet. When I mixed it all together, the flour got sticky and the salt
dissappeared. I got one big ball of sticky, stretchy dough.
Modeling Matter—Lesson 1.2
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Answers will vary.
The following is an example:
Possible Responses
Make a drawing if it helps you explain your thinking. Label your drawing.
________ Air is made of matter.
________ A group of molecules joined together is called an atom.
________ You can see a water molecule with your eyes.
________ People are made of molecules.
________ Everything is made of atoms.
Possible Responses
1 atom
1 water molecule
1 drop of water
1 glass of water
Possible Responses
Draw two or more examples of molecules from the book that show some of
the ways molecules are different from one another. Label your drawing.
Possible Responses
Make a drawing if it helps you explain your thinking. Label your drawing.
Possible Responses
Possible Responses
Make a drawing if it helps you explain your thinking. Label your drawing.
Possible Responses
Fan Model
Draw and label where the molecules of the test mixture ended up after the
fan was turned off.
pieces of
foam peanuts
felt fan
Possible Responses
Make a drawing if it helps you explain your thinking. Label your drawing.
Possible Responses
= water
= Dye 1
= Dye 2
= Dye 3
pencil line
Possible Responses
Possible Responses
Make a drawing if it helps you explain your thinking. Label your drawing.
1. Before reading the book Break It Down, read the sentences below.
2. If you agree with the sentence, write an “A” on the line before the
3. If you disagree with the sentence, write a “D” on the line before the
4. After you read the book, see if your ideas have changed. Be ready to
explain your thinking.
________ Most things are mixtures.
________ Chromatography is the only way to separate a mixture of
different kinds of molecules.
________ One way that scientists separate some mixtures is to spin
the mixtures very fast.
________ Air is a mixture.
________ Scientists use the properties of molecules to separate mixtures.
Possible Responses
Making Inferences in
Break It Down: How Scientists Separate Mixtures
Record in the table below as you read Break It Down. Use the images,
captions, and text in the book to help you make inferences
Section Make an inference to What helped you make the
in book answer a question inference?
• what you already know
• which image, caption, or
text? (Include page.)
Possible Responses
Reading Reflection:
Break It Down: How Scientists Separate Mixtures
If you were a scientist trying to separate pollution molecules from the air,
how might you do it? (This question appears on page 23 of Break It Down.)
Air molecules are much smaller than pollution molecules. Because of this,
air molecules are also probably lighter than pollution molecules. If I was a
scientist, I would separate these molecules by blowing a little bit of air at
them in a tank. The lighter molecules would blow farther away than the
heavy molecules, leaving them behind. This would separate the air from
the smog.
Possible Responses
Make a drawing if it helps you explain your thinking. Label your drawing.
Color-Changing Model
1. Read the explanation for this model below and review the diagram
of the model on the next page.
2. Turn to pages 28–29, Evaluating Chromatography Models, and discuss
each question with your partner.
• On page 28, circle Yes or No for each question to indicate if it does
or does not explain what you observed in chromatography and
what you know about molecules.
pencil line
Growing Model
1. Read the explanation for this model below and review the diagram
of the model on the next page.
2. Turn to pages 28–29, Evaluating Chromatography Models, and discuss
each question with your partner.
• On page 29, circle Yes or No for each question to indicate if it does
or does not explain what you observed in chromatography and
what you know about molecules.
pencil line
Attraction Model
1. Read the explanation for this model below and review the diagram
of the model on the next page.
2. Turn to pages 28–29, Evaluating Chromatography Models, and discuss
each question with your partner.
• On page 29, circle Yes or No for each question to indicate if it does
or does not explain what you observed in chromatography and
what you know about molecules.
pencil line
Possible Responses
Color-Changing Model
2. Does the model explain how the colors moved up the paper? Yes No
3. Does the model explain why some colors went higher? Yes No
4. D
oes the model fit with everything we know about
molecules? If not, with which statement(s) does it conflict? Yes No
A, B
Statement _____
Possible Responses
2. Does the model explain how the colors moved up the paper? Yes No
3. Does the model explain why some colors went higher? Yes No
4. D
oes the model fit with everything we know about
molecules? If not, with which statement(s) does it conflict? Yes No
A, B
Statement _____
Attraction Model
2. Does the model explain how the colors moved up the paper? Yes No
3. Does the model explain why some colors went higher? Yes No
4. D
oes the model fit with everything we know about
molecules? If not, with which statement(s) does it conflict? Yes No
Statement _____
Possible Responses
Make a drawing if it helps you explain your thinking. Label your drawing.
Possible Responses
Word Relationships
1. Work with your group to create sentences that use at least two of the
word cards in each sentence.
2. Create some sentences that explain what you have been learning about
molecules and separating mixtures.
3. Record a few of the sentences you created.
atom molecule property mixture
substance model attract inference
3. You can separate mixtures if you know about the properties of the
Possible Responses
Dye 1 molecule
water molecule
Possible Responses
Make a drawing if it helps you explain your thinking. Label your drawing.
Possible Responses
Question: Why did the food coloring separate into different dyes?
The food coloring separated into different dyes because the molecules in the
dyes have different properties. To separate the dyes, we took a strip of the
chromatography paper with the food-coloring mixture on it, and we hung the paper
so the bottom of it dipped in the water. The water and dyes moved up the paper,
separating into different colors. We observed the blue dye farthest up the paper, the
yellow in the middle, and the red toward the bottom.
The dyes moved up the paper because they were attracted to the water molecules.
The dyes separated because their molecules were different sizes and weights. The
molecules of the red dye were the largest, so they had the hardest time moving up
the paper, and they didn’t go very far. The molecules of the yellow dye were medium
size, and it was somewhat easy for them to move with the water, so they went
farther up the paper. The molecules of the blue dye were small, so it was easiest for
them to move with the water, and they went the farthest up the paper. So, the dyes
separated because the different properties of dye molecules interacted with the
water and paper molecules in different ways.
Possible Responses
Possible Responses
Answers will vary.
The following is an example:
Possible Responses
Make a drawing if it helps you explain your thinking. Label your drawing.
Possible Responses
Possible Responses
Possible Responses
3. Challenge
What combination of molecules could be a model of a solid dissolving
in a liquid?
Molecule 1 and Molecule 6
Activity 4
Modeling Matter Simulation
Solubility mode
Investigation Notebook: Exploring the Modeling Matter Simulation (page 40)
What students should do and notice in the Sim: Students explore the Modeling
Matter Simulation. They figure out that they can drag one or two kinds of
molecules to the petri dish and switch to a nanoscale view by pressing the
ZOOM IN button. Students note that molecules have different shapes and
that the molecules may interlock. When the molecules interlock, a black outline
appears that indicates a high level of attraction between those molecules. That
high level of attraction, which results in the mixing of the molecules, is what
occurs when a solid dissolves in a liquid. Students can stir the molecules to try and
maximize the molecules’ interactions, just as they stirred the sugar-and-water
solution to maximize the dissolving of the sugar.
Activity 4 (continued)
Modeling Matter Simulation
Possible Responses Modeling Matter, 2.2
Solubility mode
Investigation Notebook: Exploring the 4
Modeling Matter Simulation (page 40)
The table
table below
below summarizes
summarizes thethe degree
degree of mixing
of mixing thatthat
will will
different combinations
combinations of moleculesofare
molecules are investigated
investigated in the Sim. in the Sim.
Possible Responses
Make a drawing if it helps you explain your thinking. Label your drawing.
________ When a solid “disappears” into a liquid, it has actually
________ All solids will dissolve when mixed with a liquid.
________ Once a solid has dissolved into a liquid, the solid can’t ever
be removed.
________ Models can help explain why some solids dissolve, and
others don’t dissolve.
________ Stirring a mixture of a solid and a liquid helps the solid
Possible Responses
Possible Responses
Small Dye 1 molecules
Dye 1 molecule
move up the farthest.
Dye 2 molecule
Dye 3 molecule
water molecule
Possible Responses
Make a drawing if it helps you explain your thinking. Label your drawing.
Activity 2 (continued)
Possible Responses Modeling Matter, 2.4
Modeling Matter Modeling Tool
2.4 Dissolving Model Activity 2 (continued)
Insoluble model: A proficient response will show:
A proficient response will show:
• •that students
that studentsshould have represented
represented the flavor-ingredient
the flavor-ingredient molecules
molecules in clusters that
in clusters that do
do not contain not contain
water moleculeswater molecules
to represent theto represent
lack the lack
of attraction of
of the
attraction of the flavor-ingredient
flavor-ingredient molecules to themolecules to the water molecules.
water molecules.
Possible Responses
Question: Which flavor ingredients will not leave sediments in the salad
dressing? Why?
Sugar and citric acid will not leave sediments in the salad dressing because
both of these ingredients will dissolve in vinegar. We observed that sugar
and citric acid dissolved and did not leave any sediment when we mixed
them with water (which has very similar properties to vinegar). This
happened because both the sugar molecules and the citric acid molecules
were highly attracted to the water molecules. If you looked at a mixture
of sugar and vinegar or citric acid and vinegar on the nanoscale, you
would see that the molecules of the solids connect to vinegar molecules.
The molecules of the solids spread out through the vinegar until they are
completely mixed. This is why you can observe that sugar and citric acid
dissolve in vinegar.
Possible Responses
Question: Which flavor ingredients will not leave sediments in the salad
dressing? Why?
Sugar and citric acid will not leave sediments in the salad dressing because
both of these ingredients will dissolve in vinegar
sugar and citric acid dissolved and did not leave
We observed that __________________________________________________
any sediment when we mixed them with water (which has very similar
properties to vinegar)
both the sugar molecules and the citric acid molecules were
This happened because _____________________________________________
highly attracted to the water molecules. If you looked at a mixture of sugar and vinegar or
citric acid and vinegar on the nanoscale, you would see that the molecules of the solids connect
to vinegar molecules. The molecules of the solids spread out through the vinegar until they are
completely mixed. This is why you can observe that sugar and citric acid dissolve in vinegar
Possible Responses
What are you still wondering about mixing and non-mixing substances or
about molecules?
Why don’t some liquids mix together, like oil and water?
Possible Responses
_ garlic powder
water molecule
Possible Responses
water molecule
Possible Responses
Possible Responses
Possible Responses
completely mixed
Molecules 2 and Molecules
mostly mixed 4 connect to one another,
2 high 4 slightly mixed forming clusters made up of
both kinds of molecules.
not mixed
Activity 2
Modeling Matter Simulation
Solubility mode
Investigation Notebook: Making Mixtures in the Simulation (pages 50–51)
What students should do and notice in the Sim: For each of the specified pairs
of molecules, students will drag the molecules into the petri dish and first note
the level of attraction between the two kinds of molecules. Then, students press
ZOOM IN to view the molecules at the nanoscale, observe the interactions
between the different kinds of molecules, and make an inference about how
mixed the substances would look at the observable scale: completely mixed,
mostly mixed, slightly mixed, or not mixed. When asked for their evidence,
students should attend to the interactions between the different kinds of
molecules, noting whether their shapes interlock and form outlined clusters
containing both kinds of molecules.
The teacher demonstrates the first pair of molecules (Molecules 2 and Molecules
3) for the class. Molecules 2 and Molecules 3 have a high level of attraction,
and interlock, forming clusters with black outlines that are made up of both
kinds of molecules (see clusters circled in white in the image below). The teacher
concludes that this combination would look mostly mixed at the observable scale.
Note that within some clusters, Molecules 3 attract Molecules 3, but attraction
among molecules of the same kind is not the focus of this lesson.
Activity 2 (continued)
Possible Responses
Modeling Matter Simulation Modeling Matter, 2.5
Solubility mode
Activity 2 (continued)
Investigation Notebook: Making Mixtures in the Simulation (pages 50–51)
Molecules 2 and Molecules 3 connect and form outlined clusters made up of both
kinds of molecules. At the observable scale, this mixture would look mostly mixed.
Studentsthen work
then in pairs
work to investigate
in pairs to investigatethree more
three molecule
more combinations,
one of which theyone
combinations, choose on their
of which theyown. The on
choose results
theirfor Molecules
own. 1 and
The results for5 and
Molecules2 and
1 and4 are shown
5 and below. For
Molecules a summary
2 and 4 are shownof the outcomes
below. For afor other
molecule combinations,
of the outcomes please
for other refer tocombinations,
molecule Table 2: Summary of Level
please refer of
to Mixing
Table 2:by
Kind of Molecule
Summary in Overview
of Level of Mixing ofbytheKind
Appsof in This Unitin(in
Molecule Unit Overview).
Overview of the Apps in
This Unit (in Unit Overview).
Activity 2 (continued)
Modeling Matter Simulation
Solubility mode
Possible Responses Modeling Matter, 2.5
Investigation Notebook:
Possible Responses Making Mixtures in the Simulation
Modeling(pages 50–51)
Matter, 2.5
Activity 2 (continued)
Activity 2 (continued)
Molecules 1 and Molecules 5 do not connect or form outlined clusters made
up of both kinds of molecules. At the observable scale, this mixture would look
not mixed.
Possible Responses
Possible Responses
What advice would you give the writer of Explanation A to help improve it?
Think about how accurate the science ideas in the explanation are, as well
as about how well the explanation is written.
think that Explanation A could be better if it describes what happens
to the molecules of water, sugar, and pepper to explain why they mix
differently. I think that a drawing could be added to the explanation to show
what is being described.
What advice would you give the writer of Explanation B to help improve it?
Think about how accurate the science ideas in the explanation are, as well
as about how well the explanation is written.
think that Explanation B did a good job of explaining what happens to
molecules to make something dissolve or not. I think that a drawing could
be added to the explanation to show what is being described.
sugar molecule
water molecule
Possible Responses
3. Describe what you would change about this model. Make a drawing (in
the box below) if it helps you explain your thinking. Label your drawing.
would change this model by showing that the sugar molecules are
bigger than the water molecules. Because of this, several water
molecules can be attracted to and surround a single sugar molecule to
form clusters.
sugar molecule
water molecule
Possible Responses
Answers will vary.
The following is an example:
Possible Responses
Possible Responses
Attraction Test
1. Place your penny on the tray and record predictions in the second column.
2. Draw up some of the liquid into the dropper. Gently squeeze the dropper
to let out one drop of liquid onto the penny. Don’t let the end of the
dropper touch the liquid on the penny!
3. After 10 drops, stop. In the third column, draw your observations.
4. Continue adding one drop at a time until the liquid spills over the penny.
5. In the last column, record the total number of drops you added before the
liquid spilled over the penny.
Possible Responses
________ Scientists study fossils to learn about dinosaurs.
________ It is easy to observe all parts of the ocean.
________ The bottom of the ocean is flat.
________ Microscopes can make pictures of atoms.
________ Scientists did not know about atoms and molecules until
they saw them.
Possible Responses
Edward Saade is investigating the question How deep is the ocean floor in
different places?
What evidence did he use to help answer his question?
His evidence came from the echo sounder and measuring the temperature
of the ocean.
Possible Responses
Choose one section to reread. Record an inference you made while reading.
What did you read in the text?
On page ________, I read that
Saade doesn’t work alone, but he is part of a scientific community.
Possible Responses
Possible Responses
Possible Responses
Liquid Mixtures
1. Write a proposed answer to the question below.
2. In your answer, include what is happening with the molecules.
Question: What happens to the molecules of two liquids when you mix them
Proposed answer:
When two liquids are mixed, the molecules in each liquid get jumbled up together.
If the molecules of the two liquids are attracted to each other, they will mix and
form even clusters of mixed molecules. If the molecules of the two liquids are not
attracted to each other, they will separate from each other and won’t mix.
Possible Responses
completely mixed
2 high 4 Molecules 2 and Molecules
mostly mixed 4 are connecting to one
low low slightly mixed another, forming clusters
that have black outlines.
2 4 not mixed
Possible Responses
Activity 2 (continued)
Modeling Matter Simulation
Possible mode
Solubility Responses Modeling Matter, 3.3
Activity 2 (continued)
Modeling Matter Simulation
Solubility mode
Possible Responses Modeling Matter, 3.3
Investigation Notebook: Investigating Molecular Interactions in the
Simulation (pages 68–69)
Activity 2 (continued)
After the demonstration by the teacher, students choose different combinations
After the demonstration by the teacher, students choose different combinations
of molecules
of molecules toto investigate.
investigate. For
For each
each combination,
combination, students
students observe
observe the
the levels
of attraction in the mixture. Students try different combinations of molecules
of attraction in the mixture. Students try different combinations of molecules to to
discover substances
discover substances that
that are
are completely
completely mixed,
mixed, slightly
slightly mixed,
mixed, and
and not
not mixed.
The table below summarizes the degree of mixing that will occur occur when
when different
combinations of molecules are investigated in the Simulation.
Simulation. (See
(See Overview:
Apps inin This
This Unit
Unit for
for more
more detailed
detailed information.)
Possible Responses
Possible Responses
Stability Test
1. Three group members go to one of the Materials Stations. Measure one
level scoop of one of the texture ingredients into your vial of oil and water.
2. Snap on the cap tightly. Return to your seat.
3. Shake your vial for 30 seconds.
4. Wait for three minutes. Then, record your prediction below.
5. Shake your vial for one minute. While waiting, record your starting
observations in the table on the next page.
• Be sure to draw any layers you see.
• Record notes about what the mixture looks like, the number of layers
you see, if you see any sediments, and anything else you observe.
6. Take a break. While you are waiting, groups will work with the Word
Relationships Cards.
7. Record your final observations.
• Be sure to draw any layers you see.
• Record notes about what the mixture looks like, the number of layers
you see, if you see any sediments, and anything else you observe.
Which ingredient (cornstarch, flour, or lecithin) do you think will create the
most stable salad dressing? Why?
think that cornstarch will make the most stable salad dressing. I think this
because cornstarch is a little bit sticky when it gets wet, so maybe it will
make the molecules in the oil and water stick together when they mix.
Possible Responses
• 4 layers
• bubbles • sediment
on top on top and
• yellow in the bottom
middle • top layer is
• white on the yellow
bottom • bottom layer
is white
• 2 layers
• some bubbles
on top layer • top layer is
• top layer is cloudy, yellow
brownish- • bottom layer
white is almost clear
• bottom layer
is white
lecithin • 3 layers
• light yellow for
top layer • bubbles on
• middle layer is
bigger • no layers
• middle layer is • yellowish,
yellow, thick thick
• bottom layer • not clear
is small and
Possible Responses
Word Relationships
1. Work with your group to create sentences that use at least two of the
word cards in each sentence.
2. Create some sentences that explain what you have been learning about
why some mixtures separate and others stay mixed.
3. Record a few of the sentences you created.
attract molecule substance liquid
solid dissolve emulsifier soluble
Possible Responses
What are you still wondering about mixing and non-mixing substances or
about molecules?
What are some other examples of liquids mixing or not mixing in real life?
Possible Responses
Possible Responses
oil molecule
vinegar molecule
lecithin molecule
Possible Responses
Trial 1 (Pair A)
Find two substances that do 4 low 5
not mix on their own.
low low
4 5
Trial 2 (Pair B)
Use the two substances that 4 low 5
Pair A found. Mix them with
the help of an emulsifier. low low
4 5
Trial 3 (Pair A)
Find two substances that are 1 high 2
mostly mixed or completely
mixed without an emulsifier. high low
1 2
Possible Responses
Compare what you see at the nanoscale between substances that mix with
the help of an emulsifier (Trial 2) and substances that mix without the help of
an emulsifier (Trial 3). What do you notice?
In both trials, there were clusters of the two different kinds of molecules
added. In Trial 3, the molecules connected to one another. In Trial 2, the
molecules always had an emulsifier between them.
Activity 4
Possible Responses Modeling Matter, 3.5
Modeling Matter Simulation
Emulsifier mode Activity 4
Simulation: Notebook: Before and After Adding Lecithin (page 81)
Emulsifier mode
Purpose: The purpose of this activity is for students to apply their
Purpose: The purpose of this activity is for students to apply their understanding
understanding of emulsifiers in order to complete missions in the Emulsifier
of emulsifiers in order to complete missions in the Emulsifier mode of the
mode of the Simulation.
What students
students should dodo
should andandnotice in the
notice Sim,
in the Trial
Sim, 1: Pair
Trial A completes
1: Pair a a
A completes
missionto to
find two
find substances
two substances that dodo
that notnot
on on
their own.
their AnyAny
own. molecule
combinations in which thethe
in which different kinds
different of molecules
kinds of moleculeshave lowlow
have attraction to one
to onewill allow will
another students
allow to successfully
students complete this
to successfully mission.
complete Students
this mission.should
notice should notice
that molecules that molecules
of different kinds areofnot
different kinds or
connecting areforming
not connecting
or forming
made clusters
up of both kindsmade up of both
of molecules. Ankinds of molecules.
example An example
of Trial 1, using of Trial
Molecules 1 and
1, using Molecules
Molecules 5, is shown1below.
and Molecules 5, is shown below.
Activity 4 (continued)
Modeling Matter Simulation
Possible Responses Modeling Matter, 3.5
Emulsifier mode
Activity 4 (continued)
Investigation Notebook: Before and After Adding Lecithin (page 81)
What students should do and notice in the Sim, Trial 2: Pair B completes
What students
a mission to mixshould do and
the two notice in from
substances the Sim,
TrialTrial 2: Pair
1 that do notB completes
mix on theira
own bytoadding
mix thean two substances
emulsifier. from Trial
Students 1 that
should do not
notice thatmix onemulsifier
the their own by
adding an emulsifier.
molecules connect Students should
to both kinds of notice that often
molecules, the emulsifier molecules
at the same time, connect
both kinds of molecules,
clusters to form often at the
that are madesame time,
of all allowing
three kinds clusters to form
of molecules. Anthat
are made ofofallTrial 2, using
three kinds ofMolecules 1 and
molecules. Molecules
An example of 5 from
Trial Trial 1,
2, using plus an 1
and Moleculesis shown
5 frombelow.
Trial 1, plus an emulsifier, is shown below.
Activity 4 (continued)
Possible Matter Simulation
Responses Modeling Matter, 3.5
Emulsifier mode
Activity 4 (continued)
Investigation Notebook: Before and After Adding Lecithin (page 81)
What students should do and notice in the Sim, Trial 3: Pair A completes
What students
a mission should
to find twodo and noticethat
substances in the
mostlyTrial 3: Pair
mixed orAcompletely
completes a
find two thesubstances
addition ofthat
an are mostly Any
emulsifier. mixedofor
thecompletely mixed without
following molecule
addition of anwillemulsifier.
produceAny of the
mostly following molecule
or completely combinations
mixed results: will 1
and 2,mostly
Moleculesor completely mixed results:
1 and 4, Molecules 2 andMolecules 1 and22,and
3, Molecules Molecules 1
4, Molecules
and 4, Molecules
2 and 2 and
6, Molecules 3 3,
andMolecules 2 and 4, Molecules
4, and Molecules 2 and 6, should
4 and 6. Students Molecules 3
andthat the different
4, and Molecules kinds of 6.
4 and molecules
Studentsconnect and form
should notice thatclusters madekinds
the different of
of both kinds connect
molecules of molecules. An example
and form of Trialof3,both
clusters made using Molecules
kinds 2 and An
of molecules.
example 4, is3,shown
of Trial below.
using Molecules 2 and Molecules 4, is shown below.
Possible Responses
Possible Responses
Sauce A
1. To make a sample of Sauce A, add together Molecules 2 and
Molecules 6.
2. Stir the molecules to spread them around and then watch what they do.
3. Describe what you see the molecules doing.
Molecules 6 are combining with other Molecules 6 to form a black
border around big clusters of them. Some Molecules 2 have become
part of those clusters, but most Molecules 2 are staying the same and
not mixing.
4. For each statement, circle the option that best describes what you
Molecules 2 do / do not connect to other Molecules 2.
Molecules 6 do / do not connect to other Molecules 6.
Molecules 2 do / do not connect to Molecules 6.
Possible Responses
2. Stir the molecules to spread them around and then watch what they do.
3. Describe what you see the molecules doing.
There are big clusters formed by groups of Molecules 3. There are other
big clusters formed by groups of Molecules 6. There are no clusters that
are formed between Molecules 3 and Molecules 6.
4. For each statement, circle the option that best describes what you
Molecules 3 do / do not connect to other Molecules 3.
Possible Responses
You are thinking about making a third sauce, Sauce C, by adding together
Molecules 1 and Molecules 3. Try combining them in the Simulation. Based
on what you see, would you predict that the sauce will make an even mixture
or separate into layers? Why do you think that?
I think Sauce C will separate into layers because Molecules 1 are highly attracted to each other, and Molecules
3 are highly attracted to each other, but there is no attraction between Molecules 1 and Molecules 3. This
means that Molecules 1 will form clusters with each other and Molecules 3 will form clusters with each other,
but they will stay separated because no clusters of Molecules 1 and Molecules 3 will form.
Possible Responses
oil molecule
Activity 1
Possible Responses Modeling Matter, 3.6
PossibleMatter Modeling Tool
Responses Modeling Matter, 3.6
3.6 Emulsifier Model Activity 1
Activity 1
Investigation Notebook:
Diagramming BeforeModel
Tool: Emulsifier and After Adding Lecithin (page 81)
Diagramming Tool: Emulsifier
A proficient response will showModel
lecithin molecules attached to both oil
A proficient
proficientand will
response show:
vinegarwill show lecithin
molecules, molecules
allowing attached
clusters made uptoofboth oil
all three
• lecithin
kinds of and vinegar
to form. to both
The allowing
shapes thatclusters
molecules and made
students upmolecules,
choose of
to all threeallowing
kinds ofmade
the three
clusters molecules
up of to
molecules form.
three The
allshould shapes
kinds thatthat students
of molecules choose
to form. toattracted
are representto
• The three
shapes molecules
oil molecules should
that students indicate
choose that but
molecules, lecithin
to represent the molecules
that areand
oil molecules
three moleculesattracted to
both oil molecules
molecules and waterto molecules, but that oil molecules and water
that lecithin are not attracted
molecules one to
are attracted another.
both oil molecules and water molecules,
molecules are not attracted to one another.
but that oil molecules and water molecules are not attracted to one another.
Possible Responses
oil Oil and vinegar (or Oil does not mix with
water) do not stay mixed water (which is like
together (page 38). vinegar).
Oil molecules are more
attracted to themselves
than they are to molecules
in vinegar (page 38).
Possible Responses
Possible Responses
End-of-Unit Writing:
Explaining Emulsifiers in Salad Dressing
1. Write a scientific explanation that answers the question below.
2. Your explanation should include:
• a topic sentence that answers the question.
• supporting sentences that tell what happens and why.
3. Your audience is the president of Good Food Production, Inc.
Question: Why do the oil and vinegar separate into layers when they are
stirred together, but completely mix when lecithin is stirred in?
Oil and vinegar separate into layers when they are stirred together, but
they completely mix when lecithin is stirred in because the oil molecules and
the vinegar molecules are attracted to the lecithin molecules. When we
stirred just the oil and vinegar together, we observed that they separated
back into layers. This happened because the vinegar molecules were not
highly attracted to the oil molecules, but they were highly attracted to
other vinegar molecules. So vinegar molecules did not form clusters with
oil molecules, but they did form clusters with other vinegar molecules.
When we stirred in the lecithin, we observed that the oil and vinegar
mixed together and stayed completely mixed. This happened because the
lecithin molecules were attracted to both the vinegar molecules and the oil
molecules. So the vinegar molecules and the oil molecules formed clusters
with the lecithin molecules.
Possible Responses
End-of-Unit Writing:
Explaining Emulsifiers in Salad Dressing (continued)
End-of-Unit Writing:
Explaining Emulsifiers in Salad Dressing (continued)
Make a diagram if it helps you explain your thinking. Label your diagram.
Possible Responses
End-of-Unit Writing:
Scientific Explanation of Emulsifiers in Salad Dressing
1. Write a scientific explanation that answers the question below.
2. Your explanation should include:
• a topic sentence that answers the question.
• supporting sentences that tell what happens and why.
3. Your audience is the president of Good Food Production, Inc.
Question: Why do the oil and vinegar separate into layers when they are
stirred together, but completely mix when lecithin is stirred in?
Oil and vinegar separate into layers when they are stirred together, but
the oil molecules and the
completely mix when lecithin is stirred in because _______________________
vinegar molecules are attracted to the lecithin molecules
When we stirred just the oil and vinegar together, we observed that _______
they separated back into layers
the vinegar molecules were not highly attracted
This happened because _____________________________________________
to the oil molecules, but they were highly attracted to other vinegar
molecules. So vinegar molecules did not form clusters with oil molecules, but
they did form clusters with other vinegar molecules
Modeling Matter—Lesson 3.7 (Version B) 1
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Answers will vary.
The following is an example:
Possible Responses
End-of-Unit Writing:
Scientific Explanation of Emulsifiers in Salad Dressing (continued)
the oil and vinegar mixed
When we stirred in the lecithin, we observed that _______________________
together and stayed completely mixed
the lecithin molecules were attracted to both the
This happened because ______________________________________________
vinegar molecules and the oil molecules. So the vinegar molecules and the
oil molecules formed clusters with the lecithin molecules
End-of-Unit Writing:
Scientific Explanation of Emulsifiers in Salad Dressing (continued)
Make a diagram if it helps you explain your thinking. Label your diagram.
Possible Responses