417-AI-IX (1)
417-AI-IX (1)
417-AI-IX (1)
The objective of this module/curriculum - which combines both Inspire and Acquire modules is to
develop a readiness for understanding and appreciating Artificial Intelligence and its application in our
lives. This module/curriculum focuses on:
1. Helping learners understand the world of Artificial Intelligence and its applications through
games, activities and multi-sensorial learning to become AI-Ready.
2. Introducing the learners to three domains of AI in an age-appropriate manner.
3. Allowing the learners to construct the meaning of AI through interactive participation and
engaging hands-on activities.
4. Revisiting AI domains, project cycle and Ethics
5. Introducing the learners to the importance of Math for AI, data literacy and generative AI
6. Introducing the learners to programming skills - Basic python coding language.
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nature of problem scoping in the AI project cycle.
11. Brainstorm on the ethical issues involved around the problem selected.
12. Foresee the kind of data required and the kind of analysis to be done, identify data requirements
and find reliable sources to obtain relevant data.
13. Use various types of graphs to visualize acquired data.
14. Understand types of modeling.
15. Understand the importance of Math for AI.
16. Learn the concept of data literacy and generative AI
17. Acquire introductory Python programming skills in a very user-friendly format.
This course is a planned sequence of instructions consisting of units meant for developing employability
and vocational competencies of students of Class IX opting for skill subject along with other education
The unit-wise distribution of hours and marks for class IX & X is as follows:
● Variables, Arithmetic Operators,
Expressions, Data Types
● Flow of control and conditions
● Lists
* Any 3 programs based on the above topics
Viva Voce 5
Total 35
Total 15
NOTE: Detailed curriculum/ topics to be covered under Part A: Employability Skills can be
downloaded from CBSE website.
Acquiring ● Determine the best methods to Session: Acquiring Data, Processing, and
Data, acquire data. Interpreting Data
Processing, ● Classify different types of data and ● Types of data
and enlist different methodologies to ● Data Acquisition/Acquiring Data
Interpreting acquire it. ● Best Practices for Acquiring Data
Data ● Define and describe data ● Features of data and Data
interpretation. Preprocessing
● Enlist and explain the different ● Data Processing and Data
methods of data interpretation. Interpretation
● Recognize the types of data ● Types of Data Interpretation
interpretation. ● Importance of Data Interpretation
● Realize the importance of data Recommended Activities:
interpretation ● Trend analysis
● Visualize and Interpret Data
Project ● Recognize the importance of data Session: Project Interactive Data
Interactive visualization Dashboard & Presentation
Data ● Discover different methods of ● Data visualization Using Tableau
Dashboard & data visualization Reference Links
Presentation ● https://public.tableau.com/en-
● https://www.datawrapper.de/
Video Links:
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NL
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_M
● Students will be able to ● Introduction to Generative AI
explain how Generative AI ● Generative AI vs Conventional AI
works and recognize how it Session:
learns. ● Types of Generative AI
● Examples of Generative AI
● Benefits of using Generative AI
● Limitations of using Generative AI
Recommended Activities:
● Hands-on Activity: GAN Paint
● Applying Generative AI
tools to create content. ● Generative AI tools
● Understanding the ethical
considerations of using Session:
Generative AI. ● Ethical considerations of using Generative AI
PRINT ● To print personal information like Name, Father’s Name, Class, School Name.
● To print the following patterns using multiple print commands-
● Create a list in Python of children selected for science quiz with following names-
LIST Arjun, Sonakshi, Vikram, Sandhya, Sonal, Isha, Kartik
Perform the following tasks on the list in sequence-
○ Print the whole list
○ Delete the name “Vikram” from the list
○ Add the name “Jay” at the end
○ Remove the item which is at the second position.
● Create a list num=[23,12,5,9,65,44]
○ print the length of the list
○ print the elements from second to fourth position using positive indexing
○ print the elements from position third to fifth using negative indexing
● Create a list of first 10 even numbers, add 1 to each list item and print the final list.
● Create a list List_1=[10,20,30,40]. Add the elements [14,15,12] using extend
function. Now sort the final list in ascending order and print it.
Suggested Visit to an industry or IT company or any other place that is creating or using AI
Field Visit applications and present the report for the same. Visit can be on physical or virtual
Suggested Maintaining a record of all AI activities and projects (For Example Letter to
Student Futureself, Smart Home Floor Plan, Future Job Advertisement, Research Work on
Portfolio AI for SDGs and AI in Different Sectors, 4Ws canvas, System Map). (Minimum 5
The equipment / materials listed below are required to conduct effective hands-on learning sessions
while delivering the AI curriculum to class 10 students. The list below consists of minimal configuration
required to execute the AI curriculum for class 10 and create social impact real time solutions/ projects.
The quantities mentioned here are recommended for a batch of 20 students keeping the human-
machine ratio as 2:1. An exhaustive list may be compiled by the teacher(s) teaching the subject.
NOTE: In keeping with the spirit of Recycle, Upcycle and Reuse, it is recommended to make use of
any equipment/ devices/ accessories from the existing inventory in school.
Qualification and other requirements for appointment of teachers/trainers for teaching this subject, on
contractual basis should be decided by the State/ UT. The suggestive qualifications and minimum
competencies for the teacher should be as follows:
Minimum Competencies
Qualification Age Limit
Diploma in Computer Science/ Information ● The candidate should
Technology have a minimum of 1 ● 18-37 years (as
OR year of work experience on Jan. 01
Bachelor’s Degree in Computer in the same job role. (year))
Applications/ Science/ Information
Technology (BCA, B. Sc. Computer ● S/He should be able to ● Age relaxation
Science/ Information Technology) communicate in English to be provided
OR and local language. as per Govt.
Graduate with PGDCA rules
OR ● S/He should have
DOEACC A Level Certificate. knowledge of equipment,
tools, material, Safety,
The suggested qualification is the minimum Health & Hygiene.
criteria. However higher qualifications will
also be acceptable.
Teachers/Trainers form the backbone of Skill (Vocational) Education being imparted as an integral
part of Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA). They are directly involved in teaching of Skill
(vocational) subjects and also serve as a link between the industry and the schools for arranging
industry visits, On-the-Job Training (OJT) and placement.
These guidelines have been prepared with an aim to help and guide the States in engaging quality
Teachers/Trainers in the schools. Various parameters that need to be looked into while engaging the
Vocational Teachers/Trainers are mode and procedure of selection of Teachers/ Trainers,
Educational Qualifications, Industry Experience, and Certification/ Accreditation.
The State may engage Teachers/Trainers in schools approved under the component of scheme of
Vocationalisation of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education under RMSA in following ways:
(i) Directly as per the prescribed qualifications and industry experience suggested by the PSS
Central Institute of Vocational Education (PSSCIVE), NCERT or the respective Sector Skill
Council (SSC).
(ii) Through accredited Vocational Training Providers accredited under the National Quality
Assurance Framework (NQAF*) approved by the National Skill Qualification Committee on
21.07.2016. If the State is engaging Vocational Teachers/Trainers through the Vocational
Training Provider (VTP), it should ensure that VTP should have been accredited at NQAF Level
2 or higher.
* The National Quality Assurance Framework (NQAF) provides the benchmarks or quality criteria
which the different organizations involved in education and training must meet in order to be
accredited by competent bodies to provide government- funded education and training/skills
activities. This is applicable to all organizations offering NSQF-compliant qualifications.