417-AI-IX (1)

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The objective of this module/curriculum - which combines both Inspire and Acquire modules is to
develop a readiness for understanding and appreciating Artificial Intelligence and its application in our
lives. This module/curriculum focuses on:

1. Helping learners understand the world of Artificial Intelligence and its applications through
games, activities and multi-sensorial learning to become AI-Ready.
2. Introducing the learners to three domains of AI in an age-appropriate manner.
3. Allowing the learners to construct the meaning of AI through interactive participation and
engaging hands-on activities.
4. Revisiting AI domains, project cycle and Ethics
5. Introducing the learners to the importance of Math for AI, data literacy and generative AI
6. Introducing the learners to programming skills - Basic python coding language.


Learners will be able to

1. Identify and appreciate Artificial Intelligence and describe its applications in daily life.
2. Relate, apply and reflect on the Human-Machine Interactions to identify and interact with the
three domains of AI: Data, Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing and Undergo
assessment for analysing their progress towards acquired AI-Readiness skills.
3. Imagine, examine and reflect on the skills required for futuristic job opportunities.
4. Unleash their imagination towards smart homes and build an interactive story around it.
5. Understand the impact of Artificial Intelligence on Sustainable Development Goals to develop
responsible citizenship.
6. Research and develop awareness of skills required for jobs of the future.
7. Gain awareness about AI bias and AI access and describe the potential ethical considerations
of AI.
8. Develop effective communication and collaborative work skills.
9. Get familiar and motivated towards Artificial Intelligence and Identify the AI Project Cycle
10. Learn problem scoping and ways to set goals for an AI project and understand the iterative

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nature of problem scoping in the AI project cycle.
11. Brainstorm on the ethical issues involved around the problem selected.
12. Foresee the kind of data required and the kind of analysis to be done, identify data requirements
and find reliable sources to obtain relevant data.
13. Use various types of graphs to visualize acquired data.
14. Understand types of modeling.
15. Understand the importance of Math for AI.
16. Learn the concept of data literacy and generative AI
17. Acquire introductory Python programming skills in a very user-friendly format.



This course is a planned sequence of instructions consisting of units meant for developing employability
and vocational competencies of students of Class IX opting for skill subject along with other education

The unit-wise distribution of hours and marks for class IX & X is as follows:

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CLASS – IX (SESSION 2024-2025)
Total Marks: 100 (Theory-50 + Practical-50)
UNITS for Theory and for Theory and
Practical Practical
Employability Skills
Unit 1: Communication Skills-I 10 2

Unit 2: Self-Management Skills-I 10 2

Unit 3: ICT Skills-I 10 2
Unit 4: Entrepreneurial Skills-I 15 2
Unit 5: Green Skills-I 05 2
Total 50 10
Subject Specific Skills
Theory Practical
Unit 1: AI Reflection, Project Cycle and Ethics 30 25 10

Unit 2: Data Literacy 22 28 10

Unit 3: Math for AI (Statistics & Probability) 12 13 07
Unit 4: Introduction to Generative AI 08 12 05
Unit 5: Introduction to Python 01 09 08
Total 160 40
Practical Work
Unit 5: Introduction to Python
Practical File (minimum 15 programs)
Practical Examination
● Simple programs using input and output

● Variables, Arithmetic Operators,
Expressions, Data Types
● Flow of control and conditions
● Lists
* Any 3 programs based on the above topics
Viva Voce 5
Total 35

Project Work / Field Visit / Student Portfolio

* relate it to Sustainable Development Goals

Total 15



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S. No. Units Duration in Hours

1. Unit 1: Communication Skills-I 10
2. Unit 2: Self-management Skills-I 10
3. Unit 3: Information and Communication Technology Skills-I 10
4. Unit 4: Entrepreneurial Skills-I 15
5. Unit 5: Green Skills-I 05

NOTE: Detailed curriculum/ topics to be covered under Part A: Employability Skills can be
downloaded from CBSE website.

❖ Unit 1: AI Reflection, Project Cycle and Ethics

❖ Unit 2: Data Literacy
❖ Unit 3: Math for AI (Statistics & Probability)
❖ Unit 4: Introduction to Generative AI
❖ Unit 5: Introduction to Python



AI To identify and appreciate Session: Introduction to AI and setting up the
Reflection Artificial Intelligence and context of the curriculum
describe its applications in
daily life. ● Recommended Activity: Make a statement
about lighting and LUIS will interpret and
adjust the house accordingly

To recognize, engage and Recommended Activity: The AI Game

relate with the three realms of ● Learners to participate in three games based
AI: , Computer Vision, Data on different AI domains.
Statistics and Natural − Game 1: Rock, Paper and Scissors (based
Language Processing. on data) https://next.rockpaperscissors.ai/
− Game 2: Semantris (based on Natural
Language Processing - NLP)
− Game 3: Quick Draw (based on Computer
Vision - CV)

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AI Identify the AI Project Cycle Session: Introduction to AI Project Cycle
PROJECT framework. ● Problem Scoping
CYCLE ● Data Acquisition
● Data Exploration
● Modeling
● Evaluation
● Deployment
Learn problem scoping and Session: Problem Scoping
ways to set goals for an AI Activity: Brainstorm around the theme provided
project. and set a goal for the AI project.
● Discuss various topics within the given
theme and select one.
● Fill in the 4Ws problem canvas and a
problem statement to learn more about the
problem identified in the community/ society
● List down/ Draw a mind map of problems
related to the selected topic and choose one
problem to be the goal for the project.
Identify stakeholders involved ● Activity: To set actions around the goal.
in the problem scoped. ● List down the stakeholders involved in the
Brainstorm on the ethical problem.
issues involved around the ● Search on the current actions taken to solve
problem selected. this problem.
● Think around the ethics involved in the goal of
your project.
Understand the iterative nature Activity: Data and Analysis
of problem scoping for in the AI ● What are the data features needed?
project cycle. ● How will the features collected affect the
Foresee the kind of data problem?
required and the kind of ● Where can you get the data?
analysis to be done. ● How frequent do you have to collect the
● What happens if you don’t have enough
● What kind of analysis needs to be done?
● How will it be validated?
● How does the analysis inform the action?
Share what the students have Presentation: Presenting the goal, actions and
discussed so far. data.
Teamwork Activity:
● Brainstorming solutions for the problem
Identify data requirements and Session: Data Acquisition
find reliable sources to obtain Activity: Introduction to data and its types.
relevant data. ● Students work around the scenarios given to
them and think of ways to acquire data.
Activity: Data Features
● Identifying the possible data features
affecting the problem.
Activity: System Maps
● Creating system maps considering data
features identified.

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To understand the purpose of Session: Data Exploration/ Data Visualisation
Data Visualisation ● Need of visualising data
● Ways to visualise data using various
types of graphical tools.
Quiz Time

Use various types of graphs to Recommended Activities: Let’s use Graphical

visualise acquired data. Tools
● Selecting an appropriate graphical
format and presenting the graph
● Understanding graphs using
● Listing of newly learnt data visualization
● Top 10 Song Prediction: Identify the data
features, collect the data and convert into
graphical representation.
● Collect and store data in a spreadsheet
and create some graphical
representations to understand the data
Understand modeling (Rule- Session: Modeling
based & Learning-based) ● Introduction to modeling and types of
models (Rule-based & Learning-based)
Understand various evaluation Session: Evaluation
techniques. Learners will understand about new terms
● True Positive
● False Positive
● True Negative
● False Negative
Challenge students to think Session: Deployment
about how they can apply their Recommended Case Study: Preventable
knowledge of deployment in Blindness.
future AI projects and Activity: Implementation of AI project cycle to
encourage them to continue develop an AI Model for Personalized
exploring different deployment Education.
To understand and reflect on Session: Ethics
the ethical issues around AI. Video Session: Discussing about AI Ethics
Recommended Activity: Ethics Awareness
● Students play the role of major stakeholders,
and they have to decide what is ethical and
what is not for a given scenario.
● Students to explore Moral Machine
(https://www.moralmachine.net/ ) to
understand more about the impact of ethical
To gain awareness around AI Session: AI Bias and AI Access
bias and AI access. ● Discussing about the possible bias in data
● Discussing about the implications of AI

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To let the students analyse the Recommended Activity: Balloon Debate
advantages and disadvantages ● Students divide in teams of 3 and 2 teams are
of Artificial Intelligence. given same theme. One team goes in
affirmation to AI for their section while the
other one goes against it.
● They have to come up with their points as to
why AI is beneficial/ harmful for the society.



Basics of ● Define data literacy and Session: Basics of data literacy
data literacy recognize its importance ● Introduction to Data Literacy
Understand how data literacy ● Impact of data Literacy
enables informed decision- ● How to become Data Literate?
making and critical thinking ● What are data security and privacy?
● Apply the Data Literacy Process How are they related to AI?
Framework to analyze and ● Best Practices for Cyber Security
interpret data effectively Recommended Activity: Impact of News
● Differentiate between Data Articles
Privacy and Security Reference Videos:
● Identify potential risks associated ● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v
with data breaches and =yhO_t-c3yJY
unauthorized access. ● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v
● Learn measures to protect data =aO858HyFbKI
privacy and enhance data ● https://www.cbse.gov.in/cbsenew/
security documents/Cyber%20Safety.pdf

Acquiring ● Determine the best methods to Session: Acquiring Data, Processing, and
Data, acquire data. Interpreting Data
Processing, ● Classify different types of data and ● Types of data
and enlist different methodologies to ● Data Acquisition/Acquiring Data
Interpreting acquire it. ● Best Practices for Acquiring Data
Data ● Define and describe data ● Features of data and Data
interpretation. Preprocessing
● Enlist and explain the different ● Data Processing and Data
methods of data interpretation. Interpretation
● Recognize the types of data ● Types of Data Interpretation
interpretation. ● Importance of Data Interpretation
● Realize the importance of data Recommended Activities:
interpretation ● Trend analysis
● Visualize and Interpret Data
Project ● Recognize the importance of data Session: Project Interactive Data
Interactive visualization Dashboard & Presentation
Data ● Discover different methods of ● Data visualization Using Tableau
Dashboard & data visualization Reference Links
Presentation ● https://public.tableau.com/en-
● https://www.datawrapper.de/
Video Links:
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NL
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_M

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UNIT 3: MATH FOR AI (Statistics & Probability)


Importance Analyzing the data in the form Session: Importance of Math for AI
of Math for of numbers/images and find the ● Finding Patterns in Numbers and images.
AI relation/pattern between the ● Uses of Math -
them. ○ Statistics
Use of Math in AI. ○ Linear Algebra
○ Probability
○ Calculus
Number Patterns Activity:
Picture Analogy ● observe the number pattern and find the
missing number.
● To find connections between sets of images
and use that to solve problems,
Statistics Understand the concept of Session :
Statistics in real life. ● Definition of Statistics
● Applications
○ Disaster Management
○ Sports
○ Diseases Prediction
○ Weather Forecast
Application in various real life Activity: Uses of Statistics in daily life
scenarios ● Students will explore the applications of
statistics in real life .They collect data and
can apply various statistical measures to
analyze the data.
Activity:Car Spotting and Tabulating
Purpose:To implement the concept of data
collection , analysis and interpretation.
Activity Introduction:
● In this activity, Students will be engaged
in data collection and tabulation.
● Data collection plays a key role in
Artificial Intelligence as it forms the
basis of statistics and interpretation by
● This activity will also require students to
answer a set of questions based on the
recorded data.
Probability Understand the concept of Session: Introduction to Probability
Probability in real life and ● How to calculate the probability of an event
explore various types of events. ● Types of events
● understand the concept of Probability using
a relatable example.
Exercise: Identify the type of event.
Application in various real life Session : Applications of Probability
scenarios ● Sports
● Weather Forecast
● Traffic Estimation
Exercise: Revision time

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Recommended Activity:
Students will be able to define
Generative AI & classify ● Activity: Guess the Real Image vs. the AI-generated image
different kinds.

● Students will be able to ● Introduction to Generative AI
explain how Generative AI ● Generative AI vs Conventional AI
works and recognize how it Session:
learns. ● Types of Generative AI
● Examples of Generative AI

● Benefits of using Generative AI
● Limitations of using Generative AI
Recommended Activities:
● Hands-on Activity: GAN Paint
● Applying Generative AI
tools to create content. ● Generative AI tools
● Understanding the ethical
considerations of using Session:
Generative AI. ● Ethical considerations of using Generative AI



Learn basic programming skills Recommended Activity:
through gamified platforms. ● Introduction to programming using Online Gaming portals like
Code Combat.
Acquire introductory Python Session:
programming skills in a very ● Introduction to Python language
user-friendly format. ● Introducing python programming and its applications
Theory + Practical: Python Basics
● Students go through lessons on Python Basics
(Variables, Arithmetic Operators, Expressions, Comparison
Operators, logical operators, Assignment Operators, Data
Types - integer, float, strings, type conversion, using print()
and input() functions)
● Students will try some simple problem-solving exercises on
Python Compiler.
Practical: Flow of control and conditions
1. Students go through lessons on conditional and iterative
statements (if, for and while)
2. Students will try some basic problem-solving exercises using
conditional and iterative statements on Python Compiler.
Practical: Python Lists
3. Students go through lessons on Python Lists (Simple
operations using list)
4. Students will try some basic problem-solving exercises using
lists on Python Compiler.

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UNIT 5: INTRODUCTION TO PYTHON: Suggested Program List

PRINT ● To print personal information like Name, Father’s Name, Class, School Name.
● To print the following patterns using multiple print commands-

● To find square of number 7

● To find the sum of two numbers 15 and 20.
● To convert length given in kilometers into meters.
● To print the table of 5 up to five terms.
● To calculate Simple Interest if the principle_amount = 2000 rate_of_interest = 4.5
time = 10

INPUT ● To calculate Area and Perimeter of a rectangle

● To calculate Area of a triangle with Base and Height
● To calculating average marks of 3 subjects
● To calculate discounted amount with discount %
● To calculate Surface Area and Volume of a Cuboid

● Create a list in Python of children selected for science quiz with following names-
LIST Arjun, Sonakshi, Vikram, Sandhya, Sonal, Isha, Kartik
Perform the following tasks on the list in sequence-
○ Print the whole list
○ Delete the name “Vikram” from the list
○ Add the name “Jay” at the end
○ Remove the item which is at the second position.
● Create a list num=[23,12,5,9,65,44]
○ print the length of the list
○ print the elements from second to fourth position using positive indexing
○ print the elements from position third to fifth using negative indexing
● Create a list of first 10 even numbers, add 1 to each list item and print the final list.
● Create a list List_1=[10,20,30,40]. Add the elements [14,15,12] using extend
function. Now sort the final list in ascending order and print it.

● Program to check if a person can vote

IF, ● To check the grade of a student
FOR, ● Input a number and check if the number is positive, negative or zero and display an
WHILE appropriate message
● To print first 10 natural numbers
● To print first 10 even numbers
● To print odd numbers from 1 to n
● To print sum of first 10 natural numbers
● Program to find the sum of all numbers stored in a list

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● https://cbseacademic.nic.in/web_material/Curriculum21/publication/secondary/Pytho
Importa n_Content_Manual.pdf
nt ● https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qRAckDculA5i164OUFDlilxb8mT65MMb

PART-D: Project Work / Field Visit / Student Portfolio

* relate it to Sustainable Development Goals
Suggested Projects/ Field Visit / Portfolio (Any one has to be done)
Suggested 1. Create an AI Model using tools like-
Projects ○ Teachable Machine (https://teachablemachine.withgoogle.com/)
○ Machine Learning For Kids (https://machinelearningforkids.co.uk/)
2. Choose an issue that pertains to the objectives of sustainable development and
carry out the actions listed below.
○ To understand more about the problem identified, create a 4Ws problem
○ Identify the data features and create a system map to understand
relationship between them
○ Visualize the data collected graphically (Spreadsheet software to be used
store and visualize the data)
○ Suggest an AI enabled solution to it (Prototype/Research Work)

Suggested Visit to an industry or IT company or any other place that is creating or using AI
Field Visit applications and present the report for the same. Visit can be on physical or virtual

Suggested Maintaining a record of all AI activities and projects (For Example Letter to
Student Futureself, Smart Home Floor Plan, Future Job Advertisement, Research Work on
Portfolio AI for SDGs and AI in Different Sectors, 4Ws canvas, System Map). (Minimum 5


The equipment / materials listed below are required to conduct effective hands-on learning sessions
while delivering the AI curriculum to class 10 students. The list below consists of minimal configuration
required to execute the AI curriculum for class 10 and create social impact real time solutions/ projects.
The quantities mentioned here are recommended for a batch of 20 students keeping the human-
machine ratio as 2:1. An exhaustive list may be compiled by the teacher(s) teaching the subject.

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Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-7300U Processor or equivalent with minimum SYSmark®
2018 Rating of 750 or higher
2 Graphic Card: Integrated graphics
Form Factor: - USFF (Ultra Small Form factor) System chassis volume less than One
4 RAM: 8GB DDR4 – 2400MHz or above
5 Storage: 500 GB HDD – 7200 rpm
6 Display: 18.5” LED Monitor with HDMI, in-built-speaker,
7 Keyboard: Keyboard with numerical keypad (recommended)
8 Mouse: Optical Mouse
9 Webcam: Full HD Camera
10 Headphones with Mic
11 Dual Band Wireless Connectivity Min 800 Mbps
12 Bluetooth V4.2 or Higher
Ports: 4 USB 3.0 ports, dual high-definition display ports (HDMI 2.0/DP/thunderbolt 3.0
ports), High definition 8-channel audio through HDMI interface or through audio jack.
VPU: - Integrated or support for VPU - vision processing unit to accelerate AI machine
vision applications.
1 Operating System: Any
2 Anti-Virus Activated
3 Internet Browser: Google Chrome
4 Productivity Suite: Any (Google+ Suite recommended)
5 Anaconda Navigator Distribution (https://bit.ly/AI-installation-guide)
6 Conceptual installations (https://bit.ly/AI-installation-guide)
7 Intel Open VINO tools
8 Python

NOTE: In keeping with the spirit of Recycle, Upcycle and Reuse, it is recommended to make use of
any equipment/ devices/ accessories from the existing inventory in school.

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Qualification and other requirements for appointment of teachers/trainers for teaching this subject, on
contractual basis should be decided by the State/ UT. The suggestive qualifications and minimum
competencies for the teacher should be as follows:

Minimum Competencies
Qualification Age Limit
Diploma in Computer Science/ Information ● The candidate should
Technology have a minimum of 1 ● 18-37 years (as
OR year of work experience on Jan. 01
Bachelor’s Degree in Computer in the same job role. (year))
Applications/ Science/ Information
Technology (BCA, B. Sc. Computer ● S/He should be able to ● Age relaxation
Science/ Information Technology) communicate in English to be provided
OR and local language. as per Govt.
Graduate with PGDCA rules
OR ● S/He should have
DOEACC A Level Certificate. knowledge of equipment,
tools, material, Safety,
The suggested qualification is the minimum Health & Hygiene.
criteria. However higher qualifications will
also be acceptable.

Teachers/Trainers form the backbone of Skill (Vocational) Education being imparted as an integral
part of Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA). They are directly involved in teaching of Skill
(vocational) subjects and also serve as a link between the industry and the schools for arranging
industry visits, On-the-Job Training (OJT) and placement.
These guidelines have been prepared with an aim to help and guide the States in engaging quality
Teachers/Trainers in the schools. Various parameters that need to be looked into while engaging the
Vocational Teachers/Trainers are mode and procedure of selection of Teachers/ Trainers,
Educational Qualifications, Industry Experience, and Certification/ Accreditation.
The State may engage Teachers/Trainers in schools approved under the component of scheme of
Vocationalisation of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education under RMSA in following ways:
(i) Directly as per the prescribed qualifications and industry experience suggested by the PSS
Central Institute of Vocational Education (PSSCIVE), NCERT or the respective Sector Skill
Council (SSC).
(ii) Through accredited Vocational Training Providers accredited under the National Quality
Assurance Framework (NQAF*) approved by the National Skill Qualification Committee on
21.07.2016. If the State is engaging Vocational Teachers/Trainers through the Vocational
Training Provider (VTP), it should ensure that VTP should have been accredited at NQAF Level
2 or higher.

* The National Quality Assurance Framework (NQAF) provides the benchmarks or quality criteria
which the different organizations involved in education and training must meet in order to be
accredited by competent bodies to provide government- funded education and training/skills
activities. This is applicable to all organizations offering NSQF-compliant qualifications.

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The educational qualifications required for being a Teacher/Trainer for a particular job role are clearly
mentioned in the curriculum for the particular NSQF compliant job role. The State should ensure that
teachers/ trainers deployed in the schools have relevant technical competencies for the NSQF
qualification being delivered. Teachers/Trainers preferably should be certified by the concerned
Sector Skill Council for the particular Qualification Pack/Job role which he will be teaching. Copies of
relevant certificates and/or record of experience of the teacher/trainer in the industry should be kept
as record.
To ensure the quality of the Teachers/Trainers, the State should ensure that a standardized procedure
for selection of (Vocational) Teachers/Trainers is followed. The selection procedure should consist of
the following:
(i) Written test for the technical/domain specific knowledge related to the sector;
(ii) Interview for assessing the knowledge, interests and aptitude of trainer through a panel of
experts from the field and state representatives; and
(iii) Practical test/mock test in classroom/workshop/laboratory.
In case of appointment through VTPs, the selection may be done based on the above procedure by
a committee having representatives of both the State Government and the VTP.
The State should ensure that the Teachers/ Trainers who are recruited should undergo induction
training of 20 days for understanding the scheme, NSQF framework and Vocational Pedagogy before
being deployed in the schools.
The State should ensure that the existing trainers undergo in-service training of 5 days every year to
make them aware of the relevant and new techniques/approaches in their sector and understand the
latest trends and policy reforms in vocational education.
The Headmaster/Principal of the school where the scheme is being implemented should facilitate and
ensure that the (Vocational) Teachers/Trainers:
● Prepare session plans and deliver sessions which have a clear and relevant purpose, and which
engage the students;
● Deliver education and training activities to students, based on the curriculum to achieve the
learning outcomes;
● Make effective use of learning aids and ICT tools during the classroom sessions;
● Engage students in learning activities, which include a mix of different methodologies, such as
project-based work, teamwork, practical and simulation-based learning experiences;
● Work with the institution’s management to organise skill demonstrations, site visits, on-job
trainings, and presentations for students in cooperation with industry, enterprises and other
● Identify the weaknesses of students and assist them in up-gradation of competency;
● Cater to different learning styles and level of ability of students;
● Assess the learning needs and abilities, when working with students with different abilities
● Identify any additional support the student may need and help to make special arrangements for
that support;
● Provide placement assistance
Assessment and evaluation of (Vocational) Teachers/Trainers is very critical for making them aware
of their performance and for suggesting corrective actions. The States/UTs should ensure that the
performance of the (Vocational) Teachers/Trainers is appraised annually. Performance based
appraisal in relation to certain pre-established criteria and objectives should be done periodically to
ensure the quality of the (Vocational) Teachers/Trainers.

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Following parameters may be considered during the appraisal process:
● Participation in guidance and counseling activities conducted at Institutional, District and State
● Adoption of innovative teaching and training methods;
● Improvement in result of vocational students of Class X or Class XII;
● Continuous up-gradation of knowledge and skills related to the vocational pedagogy,
communication skills and vocational subject;
● Membership of professional society at District, State, Regional, National and International
● Development of teaching-learning materials in the subject area;
● Efforts made in developing linkages with the Industry/Establishments;
● Efforts made towards involving the local community in Vocational Education
● Publication of papers in National and International Journals;
● Organisation of activities for promotion of vocational subjects;
● Involvement in placement of students/student support services.

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