Part A Traffic Flow Prediction_168
Part A Traffic Flow Prediction_168
Part A Traffic Flow Prediction_168
Activation functions:
Activation functions:
ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) is Tanh Activation Functions: Not explicitly
used for the activation Sigmoid mentioned in the document.
functions in TCN. ReLU
Unique Features:
Feature Engineering: The model uses Feature Engineering: Dynamically Feature engineering: Extracts
the Spatial Linear Transformer to learns spatial and temporal features complex spatial-temporal
dynamically learn spatial features from from historical traffic data. correlations and dynamic spatial
traffic data by analyzing spatial dependencies.
correlations in real time.
Prediction Task: The overall task is Prediction: Performs time-series Prediction: Provides accurate traffic
traffic flow prediction, and the SLTTCN forecasting to predict future traffic flow inflow and outflow predictions.
model effectively combines spatial and conditions.
temporal feature learning to make
multi-step predictions.
Training procedures Optimization Algorithm: Adam Optimization Algorithm: Adam Optimization Algorithm: Adam
(e.g, training strategy, optimizer. optimizer. optimizer.
including optimization
algorithms, learning Learning Rate: Initial rate of 0.001. Learning Rate: 0.0001.
rates,batch sizes, and
regularization Batch Sizes: 30 Batch Size: 32. Batch Size: 16.
Regularization Techniques: Regularization Techniques:
The model uses dropout in Dropout: Dropout ratio of 0.3 to
multi-head attention prevent overfitting.
mechanisms and residual
blocks to prevent overfitting. Z-Score Normalization: Applied
to the input data for scaling.
Zero padding is used in the
temporal convolutional layers to
ensure the input size remains
consistent across layers.
The model was evaluated on two Datasets used are: Datasets used are:
publicly available datasets:
• METR-LA: Traffic speed data • TaxiNYC: Source: New York
Name of Dataset • PeMSD4: Traffic flow data from from 207 sensors in Los Angeles City taxi trip data
the California Department of over four months.
Transportation. • PEMS-BAY: Traffic speed data • BikeNYC: Source: New York
from 325 sensors in the San City bike trip data.
• PeMSD8: Another traffic Francisco Bay Area over six
dataset from the same source. months.
Dataset URL: Dataset URL:
MAPredRNN (Multi-Attention Predictive Recurrent Neural Network) focuses on dynamic spatial dependencies and
captures non-linear spatial-temporal correlations effectively, STADGCN (Spatial–Temporal Adaptive Dynamic Graph
Convolutional Network) captures both global (static) and local (dynamic) spatial dependencies and adapts to temporal
and spatial variations dynamically and it also outperforms baseline models on real-world datasets while SLTTCN (Spatial
Linear Transformer and Temporal Convolution Network) optimizes self-attention mechanisms for efficiency and introduces
Conclusion gate fusion to combine forward and backward temporal data. All three models can be concluded on the basis of use,
which are as following: -
• For High-Accuracy Needs: MAPredRNN
• For Dynamic and Adaptive Networks: STADGCN is highly adaptable.
• For Efficiency and Large-Scale Data: SLTTCN is optimized for efficiency with large datasets.