TOPIC- (2) -Essential Features of Pakistani Culture & Society

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Essential Features of Pakistani Culture &


S# Contents Outline of Contents

Q: Describe the essentials of Islam and its effects on the people of Paki
1 Islam Essentials of Islam:-
 Belief in God
 Belief in angels
 Belief in prophet and messengers
 Belief in sacred texts
 Belief in life after death
 Belief in Divine Decree.
Essentials of Islam create sense of harmony, tolerance and brotherhoodness
Q: Elucidate ideological mooring of Pakistani Culture?
Islam is the ideological mooring of Pakistani Cuture.
 stability and homogeneity
 common platform
 A separate nation
 Ideology make common culture and civilization
Q: Describe Islam as determining factor of Pakistani Culture?
Pakistani culture is based on Islamic way of life in
Religious uniformity , Education , Language , Literature and poetry , Rel
Dress and Diet, Art and Architecture, Male dominated society, Ulema, Mu
Q: Discuss the essentials of Sufism and its orders?
2 Sufism
Sufism is way of purifying the heart from bad manners. It is the path of spi
 Love for God
 Devotion to God
 Regular prayers
 Truth realization
 Divine knowledge
 Purity f mind
 Unconditional surrender
 Sufi never hear, think speak and see evils

Order of Sufism:-
 Chishtiyyah
 Suhurwardiyyah
 Naqshbandi
 Ahmadiya
 Nizami
 Ashrafi

Q: Dicuss theRole of Sufism in evolution of Pakistani Culture?

Ulema, Mushaikh and Sufi poets occupy an honoured place in our cultural
Sufis ideas has an effect on:
 Tolerance
 brotherhood
 Social justice
 Poetry
 Compassion
 And good relations with others
3 Minorities Q: Describe the role and rights of minorities given under the constituti
This constitution provides fundamental rights of minorities which are as un
 All citizens are equal
 No discrimination (religion,cast,creed and sex)
 Freedom of life,speech,expression,religious and cultural activities
Article 25 (1) of the Constitution of Pakistan describes as:
“All citizens are equal before law and are entitled to equal protection of law

Q: Write a comprehensive note on emergence of Urdu as lingua-franca

Following factors contributed to the establishment of urdu as lingua-franca
Urdu and other
4 language  It was language of educated Muslims.
 Urdu helped foster a linguistic identity among Muslim in the region
 Media (After the formation of Pakistan).

Q: Discuss the divergence and similarities b/w Urdu and other languag
Urdu is National language while other is Regional languages.
Sindhi and Urdu:-
 Both are Indo-Aryan.
 Sindhi is Devangari Arabic, Urdu is NastalliqArabic.
. Punjabi and Urdu:-
 Both are Indo-Aryan languages
Both are spoken in Asian Sub-Continent

Balochi and Urdu:-

 Both are inter-related.

Pashto and Urdu:-

 Both are written in Arabic script.

Both are Indo-European?

Q: Discuss the role of urdu as a national language in accordance with t

Urdu is the national and official language of Pakistan. So that a common m
provinces to unity and brotherhood. Every citizen of Pakistan is entitled to
Very important question
to think over it. need to be in Urdu. Pakistan is hoped that Urdu will soon be adopted as the
Why has it not become country as a whole.
educational language in To make a thing understandable to people of different provinces one must s
language of a particular region.
A debate will be
arranged in class.

Q: Describe the basic patterns of Pakistani Music and Arts?

The music of Pakistan includes diverse elements ranging from music from
Modern day.
With these multiple influences a distinictive Pakistani sound has been form
Music: Ghazal, Qawali, Hamad and Naat, Dafli, Classical music, Regional
Arts:-Visual Arts,Calligraphy, Landscape painting, Pop art , Performing ar

Q: What kind of Literature of Urdu is available in Pakistan?

Urdu literature has a history that is inextricably tied to the development of
in the form of :-
 Novel
 Poetry:- Hasrat Mohani , Amir Khusro
 Dastangoi (epics):-Dastan-i-Amir-Hamza
 Nazam
 Novel:- Mirat-ul-urus buy Diputy Nazeer Ahmad
 Drama
 Afsana


6 Q: Discuss any one of the regional/national literature available in one o

Punjabi literature holds an important place in Pakistani literature.The them
 Love
 Peace
 Spirtuality
 Patriotism
This literature presents a complete, effective and bold picture of Punjab.It d

Q: Discuss the main features of the Muslim architecture developed und

Following are the main features of Muslim architecture:
 Building material (red sandstone and white marble).
 Synthesis of Persian and Indian style (blend of Hindu and Muslim a
 Costly decorations(ornamentation etc)
 Specific characteristic(domes, slender turrets, the palace halls etc)

 Variety of buildings(magnificent gates,mausoleums, mosques etc)

Q: Discuss the Importance Of Architecture as a manifestation of Pakis

forging unity?
Ans:Architecture reflects the natural inclination and taste of people.Muslim
different regions and play the role of an instrumental unity
Q: Discuss various Art forms in Pakistan and elucidate their respective
Art forms include
 Painting
 Calligraphy
 Sculptuer
 Architecture (Badshahi Masjid, Jahangir Tomb, Lahore Tomb).

Q: In what respect all the areas and regions of Pakistan are having com
In all respects, dress, music, architecture, Indus Valley Civilization
 Pakistan is rich in culture.Indus Valley Civilization is the cream of
 Gandhara Civilization is the cream of civilization of Buddhist Worl
Art and
Architecture Islamic and Mughal art is also jewell of Pakistan.
Q: What is the difference b/w ethnicity, tribe, family, biradari, pancha
regions of Pakistan?
Ethnicity is a category of people who identify with each other based on co
Tribe is a group of distinct people, dependent on their land for their livelih
Familyis a group of people affiliated by birth, by marriage or co-residence
Biradariis defined as “brotherhood” and this word is derived from Persian
Panchayatis a kind of local government system through which social justic
managed.It consists of five wise and respected elders choosen by the villag
Nomadesare communities of people who live in different locations, movin

Q: Discuss the common features of Pakistani culture?

Common features of Pakistani cultures are as follow
 Religious Uniformity (Islam is only religion followed by people of
 Language (Despite regional languages,Urdu is national language,un
 Literature and Poetry (Topics of poetry include Love,Peace,Patrioti
 Dress (Men wearShalwar Kameez and pagries, Women wear Shalw
 Food (Simple, Bread of wheat, Rice with Meat, Lassi, tea and dairy
 Handicrafts (Emboridary, Leather work, pottery etc).
 Mixed culture.
Q: What are those aspects of Pakistani Culture which have continued
Following are the things which are same with a bit differences
 Food
Cultural Heritage  Dress
 Language
 Moral values

Q: Discuss multiple influences on Pakistani culture and how it sustaine

the years?
 Media play an important role (through dramas, short stories etc).
 Role of NGOs
 Foreign Cultural Attacks
 Terrorism
Family, Biradari,
 As base of Pakistani Culture is Islam so, it doesn’t suffer downfall.
Jirga, Panchayat,
Tribes, Nomad
and Major ethnic

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