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Blendi Llapashtica ID#386008332
Professor Mihone Kerolli Mustafa
Contemporary Science: Biology 14 December 2024
The Role of Biodiversity in Ecosystem Stability and Human Well-Being
Biodiversity, in other words the variety that exists on the planet is the building block of any structure and stability. Among selected categories, genetic, species and ecosystem diversity may be considered as important factors attributing to sustainable functioning of the natural environment. This variety also brings to human cultures priceless benefits in addition to such basic life sustaining services such as pollination and the food chain. Self-generated challenges such as resource depletion, global warming, and environmental degradation are currently eradicating the species and, therefore, are threatening human welfare and the balance of ecosystems. For people to be able to build encouraging futures, one needs to preserve. This paper examines the importance of biotic diversity, its significance for stabilizing global environment and significant impact on economy and well-being. This point shows that for ecosystems to be stable then there must be diversity. It appears that ecosystems that are able to host many species are more likely to recover from disturbances, adapt to change and continue to perform essential functions. There is always a role that a certain species plays in the ecosystem whether big or dominant. For instance, herbivores have an impact on vegetation growth while animals of prey are controlled by the predators and decomposers ensure cycling of nutrients in ecosystems. In intraspecific level variation means are equally important for within a species, a variable gene pool is beneficial. Species can only bear ecological diversity because genetic variation makes it easier for species to cope with the changes in the external environment, be it a change in climatic conditions or invasions by diseases or pests. Variety in crop developing genetic characters for example crop varieties with more than one pheno type are less likely to be attacked by pests and diseases in the agricultural systems thereby reducing instances of food insecurity. In a similar manner, a high species density is associated with high stability and production comprising coral reefs and the tropical rainforest which are centers for climate change and carbon control. In this case, however, when the ‘diversity’ is lost, the ‘stability’ of ecosystems decreases and makes them easily vulnerable to disturbances. In monoculture or single type farming, soil becomes less productive, plants are also easily affected by pests thus have to be sprayed frequently with chemicals. They substitute natural bio-diversity with what they call single- themed plantations. Reduced population of predators in the natural systems negatively affects the prey and they become reckless; overgrazing plants and defying any favorable environmental conditions. This shows that changes in ecosystem health and / or the species composition affects the wildlife and the livelihood of the people. There are great benefits that are derived from bio-diversity, as they are key sources of socio-economic benefit in as far as human welfare is concerned. These include cultural and recreational values; food and medicines; pure water and clean air. Historically one of the most crucial elements of human nutrition and medical practices has been the existence of the variety of life forms on the planet. It is common practice to select genes from wild relatives, and plants, animals and fungi are primary food traits. Beneficial pollinators such as the bees, butterflies and birds are needed to replicate over 75% of the global essential crop plants. Extinction of pollinator species may lead to food shortage worldwide and an increased incidence of malnutrition. In addition, as observed earlier, the levels of diversity are more like a gold-mine in medical science. Many drugs derive from natural products that originate from microbes, plants and marine organisms. For example the rose periwinkle which grows in Madagascar has provided valuable assistance in the development of drugs that fight cancer. To a similar effect, the blue blood of horseshoe crabs has been used to detect bacterial presence in vaccines. Therefore, it is discovered that enumerable additional medicinal benefits can be enshrined in the conservation of biodiversities yet it goes unutilized. Biodiversity is the primary foundation of most traditional and customary systems of healing across the globe including modern medicine. Different indigenous tribes have been using several plant species for treatment purposes for quite some tome now. Such invaluable traditions are on the brink of extinction because of biodiversity loss, and humanity consequently would have fewer tools to address new diseases. Biodiversity sustains jobs that are vital in running human societies with basic ecosystem functions. Natural water purifiers for instance wetlands, remove pollutants, and replenish the sources of water including ground water. In improving the water cycle or preventing the process of soil erosion and carbon sequestration, the role of forests can help reduce climate change impacts. It reduces the risk of some disasters in that mangroves protect the coastal towns from the effects of tsunami and storm surge. Biodiversity is essential in climate change as the world faces global warming in the present generation. The weather is regulated by analytically absorbing and sequestering carbon dioxide which is a identified greenhouse gas by multiple ecosystems. Known as the lungs of the world the tropical forests are important in this process. However habitat destruction and deforestation prevent these ecosystems from balancing climate issues since they cannot absorb carbon. Moreover, biodiversity is of beauty and culture values. Wildlife and natural sceneries as sources of spiritual and artistic components and tourism contributors to economic success and better mental health. Reliant on healthy ecosystems, ecotourism currently is a major source of income for many countries, particularly those with a high level of bio-diversity including African and South-east Asia. Two examples of how the benefits of biodiversity underpin world economic growth are Australia with its great realism with tourists visiting the Great Barrier Reef and the Serengeti in Tanzania with millions of tourists as well. Nonetheless, human beings are destroying the diversity of species. Thus the clear, cut and past solution to species extinction is habitat degradation due to man’s activities such as; urbanization, intensive agriculture and deforestation. For instance, the breaking up of their habitats by conversion of forests into farmlands has threatened several species to the extent of near extinction. Making these concerns worse, climate change alters habitats and interferes with species’ interactions. This papers defines climate change as the process through which species migrate or fail to move due to increased temperatures, changes in precipitation, and other circumstances. Warming of oceans has led to coral bleaching which in turn affect marine life and put into risk existence of species that depend on coral for survival. Some animals found within regions characterized by ice like seals and polar bears are on the verge of extinction because of melting ice. More loss of species is caused by over use among resources such as selling of endangered species or animals killing them to use the materials from their bodies or over-fishing. These wild fisheries have a problem of over fishing especially for the Atlantic cod which used to be in plenty. Same way, rhinoceros and elephants are now on the verge of extinction mainly due to poaching of the horns and ivory respectively. More dangerous threats come from the species intrusion and pollution. In a similar respect to micro-plastics, plastic pollution harms marine creatures, while invasion species disrupt ecosystems replacing native flora and fauna. For example the introduction of the Nile perch in the Lake Victoria virtually eliminated several species of fish native to the lake. It is not only right for the environment to conserve differences, but it is also moral and makes perfect financial sense. Conservation measures must promote sustainable uses of natural resources apart from identifying factors that lead to degradation of habitats. The conservation of species and ecosystems standard involves measures to establish protected areas and assuring they can function as viable populations including national parks and marine reserves. Such places provide species an environment that lets them expand their population with little to no interference by humans. Wildlife corridors enhance the capacity of different ecosystems because they create avenues for organisms of different species to mix and breed in different ecological territories. This can be attributed to the simple premise that many natural ecosystems can be relieved through the application of sustainable methods on forestry and fishery sectors, agriculture and crops. Agroforestry, planting of crops with trees helps improve the quality of soils, while supporting and expanding, carbon stocks and species rich communities. Sustainability is the ability to maintain the productivity of fish stocks in the fishery; two sustainable fishing practices include putting limits on the amount of fish that can be caught in a season and using selected fishing equipment. Biodiversity decline can be prevented by rehabilitation of demolished areas including wetlands and any forested regions. Regarding the evaluations, which are a fundamental part of these initiatives since local people often possess traditional knowledge and a responsibility to protect their natural environment, their involvement is crucial. Through provision of monetary rewards to ensure that the ecosystem is preserved, such systems like, payment for ecosystem services (PES) fosters protection of biodiverse. This has called for thorough policy regarding the loss of biodiversity and vigorous inter country cooperation. Both, the Paris Agreement and the CBD are universal agreements that are aimed at conserving the biological diversity of the globe and ending climate change. However, these words have to be backed by action since it requires funding the conservation endeavors coupled with the implementation of the anti-poaching laws. Other key components include education and research spend as well. Conservation strategies can be usefully implemented based on the understanding of ecosystem complexities and ways in which they respond to alterations in the environment. Some recommendations can be made or printed in media, health clubs, and any other place where it can be seen by the public in order to encourage group action as well as assert responsibility. Environmental diversity is crucial to life on our planet and makes a significant contribution to existing systems and Humanity. And, its loss poses risks to the stability of global ecosystems, to human health and to the future of our planet. Conservation of the biological resources of the earth can only be underpinned by a combination of the principles of conservation, sustainable utilization and international cooperation. People should respect and promote the preservation of that which comprises the richness and variety of life because this way the generations to come will have a chance at leading happy prosperous lives. The call is therefore clear and very pressing that action needs to be taken. Even the slightest of all attempts aimed at the protection of the rich diversity of living organisms is an indication to an omnipresent strategy of ecological equilibrium and sustainability. Since we are the custodians of the earth it is our social destiny to protect this delicate fabric of life that supports all of us.